
How does Yea Forums rank the DS games?

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All 3 are some of my favorite post-SotN Castlevanias and IMO all beat out SotN

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Harmony over Ecclesia?

Damn, so I've already played the best two? Are the others even worth playing or are they all very similar?

SotN was shit. I sat and beat that game in it's entirety and it is awful. The best Castlevanias are where you walk left to right, completing the level. Fuck Metroid and fuck anything after SotN.

How do you rank the classics then?

>Castlevania IV top of the list for the nostalgic factors it never fails to give
>Castlevania Rondo & Dracula X
>Castlevania III

SotN is so fantastic aesthetically, and I love what it set up with the Metroid-style gameplay, but personally it isn't all that fun to playthrough. Alucard feels clunky, as does Richter, and in games that are all about moving around, that just can't be compromised.
AoS > DoS > PoR > SotN > CotM > HoD > OoE

Ecclesia is nice and all, but it's mostly generic hallways before you get to the super stripped down castle.

Why is Order of Ecclesia so expensive bros?

It sold the least but is also the highest regarded DSvania.

How much does it go for? I have copy sitting in my room.

$85 average on ebay

Collectors are retarded. No rational reason to own the physical copy over just using a rom.

I never got the love for OoE. I thought both the levels and the art looked ugly. Wasn't too crazy with how it played either.

People like to waifu Shanoa because of her back. I also think people were burned by the anime art style of DoS and PoR.

Mah nigga

Ecclesia > Johnathan! > AoS

I kind of like Portrait of Ruin over Dawn of Sorrow and Order of Ecclesia.

Though Ecclesia has better characters.

Portrait > Ecclesia > Dawn
I recommend the patch for Dawn that does away with the seal-drawing, but do as you want.

Ecclesia brought back the challenge factor that Shitfony of the Night had destroyed

Aren't OoE levels really linear and straight hallways?

Bosses were great and I liked that the game wasn’t just the castle this time.

I would put PoR higher and CotM lower but based for putting OoE at the bottom.

They are, but you usually can’t explore the whole area until later. Dracula’s castle was nonlinear like the other games.

Not only that, some of the levels are copypasted and most of the world is segmented.

And that’s a good thing.

Super Metroid is the shittiest, most overrated piece of garbage ever made and anything that plays remotely like it belongs in the trash.

I'm not sure why you bother.

Getting to lick and smell Shanoa pits ain't cheap, bud.

I haven't played AoS or DoS in a while, but what about DoS that made it inferior to AoS? I remember a lot of complaints about the gimmick touch controls, anime and being grindy.

Not even the first person to say it in this thread

The levels are pretty boring up until the end. The gameplay wasn’t bad, but didn’t add anything over AoS. The new art-style and touch gimmicks were unnecessary.

Can anyone explain to me with actual valid points why having anime character portraits completely ruined DoS and PoR as people like to claim? The entire rest of the game is just straight-up Castlevania, why is the picture of someone's face that only shows up for a few minutes per playthrough such a gamebreaker?

That game's level design is truly bottom of the barrel garbage, especially early on. Visually the game is just fucking gorgeous though, you're tripping.

What the game really brought to the table was the difficulty, great bosses and great optional content with challenges. To me the game's structure and certain design choices felt like a refinement of Castlevania tradition in many ways.

But man, that fucking level design.

I'm kind of torn because I played the shit out of and loved all 3 of them. I think Portrait is probably my favorite.

couldn't agree more

>AoS is a good game
No its enjoyable in a way mcdonalds is enjoyable. Cheap fun from mindless grinding until you get sick of it and steam roll your way through the game.
Its not a good game.n

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Charlotte was a qt

how do you people even manage to tolerate such boring games
even sotn was a fucking drag compared to super metroid and all of these games are nowhere near as tightly designed as the classicvanias

Nothing compared to Shanoa.

This but unironically.
Metroid is actually really fucking good though.
But for castlevania to just become a metroid-like is depressing as fuck. All the bossfights are dogshit easy too it's boring as fuck. SotN and AoS I mean.

You're right, Charlotte is way better

Ludo: PoR
What the fuck happened?: DoS
Fuck this shit: OoE

>No rational reason to own the physical copy over just using a rom.
Specially with scalpers selling at those prices. Emulate or bust.

All three are great games tho

It's goes deeper than that, but yeah; it's was a mess.

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PoR, OoE, DoS with the fixed Luck patch, DoS.

Its because igavanias are just 2d action rpgs.
Its not a metriod like game where you have fun exploring with the tools given.
Igavanias """puzzles""" are so brain deadly easy that you feel no satisfaction exploring.
You unlock new abilities/stats from simply grinding away. Most people who enjoy igavanias are just people who enjoy grindy action rpgs.

It's a "comfort food" game. People don't play them for any sort of challenge(and look at how they treat the only one that has some semblance of difficulty) but because they're easy to just turn the brain off for a while and relax.

PoR > OoE >>> DoS

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Don't lewd Charlotte.

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She does it herself.

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That's what all of these games are, to an extent. SotN in particular is just an absolute fucking joke, equally as mundane as AoS, yet infinitely more bloated and poorly designed.

>best ds castlevania
Come on anons. You know what the answer is.
the one that allows you to creampie your enemies.

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>Metroid is actually really fucking good though
It really fucking isn’t

shit tier taste man, turn that list upside down and you're onto something

Both SoTN and Super Metroid are the most unbalanced pieces of shit of their respective franchises, and some of the worst games ever made.

Find a slightly better equipment and all monsters to 1 damage to you on SoTN. Find a few energy tanks and you are pretty much invincible. The only people who praise these objectively terribly designed games are casual scum who think easier = better.

Both games can be rebalance and re release by their respective companies rather easily, but they refuse to do it.

It's actually one of the most linear castles of the IGAvanias. It's literally straight routes to all the major locations with almost no deviations or reasons to explore anywhere.

Shanoa's game > Sorrow 2 > The one with the guy that's the son of the Bloodlines' guy.

I can give SotN a pass due to its superb aesthetics: top notch soundtrack and pixel art.
AoS was an awkward mix of not having as great of an feel than SotN and feeling equally bloated.
I feel like its inferior than the ds games since the DS games fully embraces the grind aspect by allowing your powers to level up. Doesnt make the games better but a little more enjoyable.


Order of Ecclesia took the collecting enemy powers gimmick and honed it to a perfect sheen. The challenge is high, especially on hard where it's ball-busting and probably the single most difficult 2D action adventure on the DS. The levels are bite-sized to encourage short sessions, the backtracking is minimal, and you still get the giant castle to explore at the end. Plus the art moves away from the modern anime trope style bullshit from the previous DS entries.

Dawn of Sorrow is simply Aria but better. Sorry Ariafags, remove your goggles. The touchscreen gimmick is only for finishing off bosses, and is literally no big deal whatsoever. Grow up. Favorite extra character mode in the entire series.

Portrait of Ruin had some interesting environments, but the dual character gimmick was underutilized, the bonus characters are insanely overpowered and not fun to play with at all, and it kinda just feels like more of the same as Dawn of Sorrow, but without the fun characters. Still a great entry, but the other DS entries had more going for them.

Best game in the series is still OoE for me. The challenge is what keeps me coming back. It's hard to underestimate just how much the challenging bosses keep me coming back.

rereleases of the Igavanias on modern consoles to capitalize on the success of Bloodstained when?

The games are only like 6 hours long, except OoE which took me around 10 but had a lot of challenge in it.

konami is retarded so never

but Konami loves low effort ports, just look at the arcade, contra, and classicvania collections released in the past few months.

>Have to find ways to make touchscreen functions work on consoles
It would be the opposite of "low-effort", and Konami won't have that.

Has anyone tried the DSvania editor?

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>tfw Dracula's most intimidating 2nd form in the whole series isn't a transformation but when he starts WALKING

Literally about to kick your ass to oblivion.

There's a reason nothing released after the year 2000 has been ported, too much effort. I'm surprised the even gave enough of a shit to port rondo and symphony.

>walking Dracula
>An Empty Tome
>dat jewelery shop keeper

Ecclesia is the most kino Castlevania game since Rondo of Blood

This persephone hack for AoS is dope!

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Only because 1) they're the old PSP ports Konami made back when they were willing to show effort, and 2) Sony themselves paid to re-release them on PS4 while Konami literally did nothing.

I like the Alter hack. It has an arena similar to Circle of the Moon. Finish it and you'll get an Excalibur minus the stone. Hits three times and doesn't have an element so even holy enemies can be destroyed easily. Finish it 3 more times and you'll get a crazy version of Valmanway, where ALL elements are on it, no damage penalties so each hit goes for hundreds of damage.

Forgot the pic.
I still don't know whats the deal with the Hint Card #2. Stuck at 99.9% of map.

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Each did a particular thing well;
Touch screen antics aside, DoS had some really great boss ideas. The scale behind Gergoth, and Menace felt grand and impressive.
PoR, to me had the most satisfying combat. All the actions felt tight and had weight. It recycled a ton (both with enemies and bosses from previous titles, but also repeating the beginning area dungeons again too) Overall, it's pacing felt a lot more cohesive than DoS.
Like Dawn, it had that chintzy saturday morning anime art style, but since the series doesn't do well in Japan, it makes sense they were trying to pander to he lowest denominator.
OoE had the best amount of balance between the three. There was always a healthy amount of difficulty so you always didn't feel like you could cheese through everything.

*cast nitesco union* nuthin personnel

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You only get that in the last 30% or so of the game. It really is busted though, use Nitesco Union + Dominus Agony + Death Ring and you'll never see Dracula walking.

>Maid mode
>Have to clean the entire castle.

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why do people complain about ooe level design again? in other castlevanias you have a linear path and progression anyways the only difference is that you are free to run into random dead ends and have to do a bunch of backtracking once you get a new ability. ooe just turns it into pure gameplay

Stage select doesn't make it feel like a cohesive whole.

I liked Portrait of Ruin a lot. Three things that would have made it better though are
1: Proper co-op. The game was begging for it, it was a shame it only existed in the time attack mode
2:Don't make the sisters campaign end right when you meet Brauner, there were some good levels to go after that. I know it was a prequel to the main game, but none of the other modes tried to have any pretense of being canon
3:Why the fuck did they make so many random weapons unique. I was so pissed off when I spent time grinding for that mushroom for the poison sword only to learn that some generic sword I picked up and sold was actually one of a kind and I was screwed out of getting the poison sword that run. I was not happy.

I mean yes I shouldn't have sold the damn thing, but why did it have to be THAT particular generic sword? Why not another generic sword from the shop?

Metroid shiteaters have this weird fetish for backtracking

i accidentally sold one of the nuns set items on my first playthrough. i was pissed when i saw the quest from wind for it

hallway simulator

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Inferior (though not quite shit) taste,

Konami? Games? Never ever

And apparently didn't pay off.

Post THAT box art

I liked the standard anime style better. Fight me.


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Hey lads, I've only played Symphony and liked it a lot, although it got pretty tedious to the end and I despised the upside down castle.
Where do I go from here?

Dawn of Sorrow and Portrait of Ruin are both good options, though DoS has mandatory stylus usage if you are emulating it, so be aware.

people like ranking them, but the igavanias are all really similar in quality. The main differences between games are usually just what your shops are, how you grind enemies, bosses and castle layout.

But she hasn't shaved in a month

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I respect your opinion, but I want you to know that it will be buried with you.

There's a patch for that, just google Dawn of Sorrow no required touch screen and you'll find the patch

This. I remember a thread from a while ago and pretty much every Igavania was someone's favorite
Except for Harmony of Dissonance

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