This is Mordred from Fate/Grand Order, pronouns he/him.
This is Mordred from Fate/Grand Order, pronouns he/him
Other urls found in this thread:
What was MHXA looking at?
>Tfw no Mordred bf
Mordred(alter) when?
All gacha threads belong on /vg/
This is jizzbrain from Yea Forums
>pronouns he/him
I think you mean Future King.
This is specifically a Mo-boy thread.
How would you go about banging mordred?
>command seals
you'd die instantly after
We need to be subtle and precise gentlemen
>F/Apo would had way better if Mordred and Kairi were the main protagonists.
Well, at least Kairi is whopping arses in Waver's anime.
Tell her that if I could pull my sword out of her stone that I’d become king. She’d do everything in her power to keep me inside her.
The video I took of us fucking
why are the characters from this franchise so hot?
even a couple of dudes are fuckable, like that pink one
I want to fuck the king and her son at the same time. I want Arturia to use me to teach her son how to please a man. I want my dick between the king’s breasts as she and her son practice performing oral on me. I want the king to kiss feed her son semen and teach her to swallow. I want the king to ride my dick like a horse and I want her son’s vagina on my mouth. I want to cum inside the king as I eat out the king’s son. I want the king to part her son's legs and show me her vagina. I want Mordred to scream for her daddy as I pound her. I want to fill her with just as much cum as I filled her father. I want enjoy Arthurian-style oyakodon.
It's literally a porn game.
I've never played FGO and I will never play FGO I just wanted come in here to say that his art makes my cock rock fucking solid
Based Mobro thread
>Apoc could have been Jannu and Mordred beating the shit out of each other before teaming up to beat even more shit out of the rest of the cast
>instead it's Apoc
Two of the games had a few sex scenes.
My prince...
>super mega cute tomboy knight wasted on fucking FATE GARBAGE
Low t.
It has NEVER been good
She's a fatass
Everyone in this thread should roll for Mordred
Stop bullying Mordred
I spent 120 SQ for Summer Mo and she didn't come home
Mordred is my husband and Astolfo is my wife.
She has 1:1 clones in shit like Seikon no Qwaser if you hate Fate that much
After 2 years of "playing" FGO and saving for Mo, I finally summoned her. I love Mordred so much
I'll just praise her instead
Mordred is perfect.
I got both a long time ago.
i love arthur's retarded son
My wallet
Congrats, user!
The sad thing of that pic is that Titartoria Alter is still a better mom than Seibah.
Oh fuck, time to start saving
Mordred and Arthur should resolve their issues and hug
What's even sadder is he's calling everyone retarded
I'm not sure what these games are supposed to be but damn me if the doujins aren't awesome.
that bitch was fun. but I like hana and katja more.
Summer Meltlillith?
>Apoc could have been the wild adventures of motorcycle dad and adopted son(female) with daddy issues fighting vampires, zombies, a jew and his rock men, Frankenstein, serial killers, sluts, and a Japanese Catholic
>instead it's a fucking worse version of FS/N with a retarded french whore, a fag that's literally the meme version of Emiya "I don't get it" Shirou made into a main character, and a gay trap
>Siegfried dies right away to be the new avalon and excalibur
I started it for tits. I continued watching it for Mordred.
I spent 60 and got both versions and I wasn't trying for her.
It's amazing how much potential has been squandered by Fate.
Mordred armpits are for licking!
Congrats to you too! Everyone deserves a cute Mordred! the servant I'm gunning for is MHX, hope I get her eventually so I can pair her with my MHXA
That one picture I have of her pissing.
this is also Mordred from the Fate series
Who is ready for Nerofest!
Remember that Mordred needs 10 out of 10 for skills 1 and 3!
good luck
It's not even Fate. Hell, it isn't even Nasu. It's literally Yuuichirou Higashide.
He's done absolutely nothing good for Fate and has been carried entirely by having good artists attached to his work. Even his FGO shit is only good when Nasu edits it.
And Okita
but why would she do that?
I'm not ready but I still need like 60 box clears. Send help.
Fate/Stay Night is a Visual Novel (choose your own adventure type) with NSFW and SFW versions.
Fate/Hollow Ataraxia is a VN sequel of sorts, only has a NSFW version
Fate/ Zero is a prequel Light Novel written by the guy behind Madoka.
Fate/Extra is a lamer version of Persona 3 gameplay, but many like the plot. Followed by a expasion (CCC) and a pair of mosous (read Dynasty Warriors)
Fate/Apoc is a Light Novel, it sucks.
Fate/Prima Illya Kaleid is magical girls smacking evil cards and loli yuri.
Fate/Grand Order is mobile gacha.
Based Tittoria
thanks for the rundown.
What does this Nerofest have that I need to get those skills to ten?
I quit F/GO when I didn't roll her.
Reminder that Rin canonically squirted her 'muddy water' all over Shirou's shed.
Should i even get into FGO? I heard the rates were absolute Jew
run while you can user
The rates are godawful, but it's the only game where I can play with Mordred so I tolerate it.
the rates are absolute shit. if you like the girls, you can enjoy them via fanart and doujins without having to play. the writing's pretty fun, though.
they are and you shouldn't
just booru the girls you find cute.
>Spent bought 180 quartz
>Got spooked by Jeanne and nursery rhyme
They are, but the story is fun and you can complete it with free shit. My suggestion is to reroll until you start with a 5 star you really want and then go from there. That, or hop on ebay and buy one of the starter accounts for like 10 bucks. I've never had any issue with them myself and it's sure as fuck cheaper than buying saints quartz.
Stop posting pictures of my son
Father in law? Are you coming to the family bbq?
RIP user
Why is Gudako so based?
Who's ready for Strange Fake to introduce Ruler Gilgamesh?
Yeah their pretty fucking jew but not insanely more then other Gatcha's the pool is technically smaller so it gets away with lower rates.
But the game is easy enough that a group of 1 stars can clear content with the effort.
Why are there so many Blonde bitches in this universe. So many that I thought they were all the same character, or maybe sisters, but there's none of that. What the fuck.
Jalter's arms got tired, so I'll take her place!
oof, guess im sticking with the anime/manga then. i'll just watch the endgame and story on youtube
Then it belongs in
>Who is ready for Nerofest!
I'm ready to 6-turn it.
It's like how Pokemon has like 10 electric rats. Saber is the mascot so we need a new Saberface in every new story.
Lion King doesn't fuck around.
It's a shame that passionlip is more popular. Damn near every ero franchise has a titcow, who the fuck has needle legged lolis with crotch plates?
Do you all think there will ever be a Prototype Mordred? We've been seeing more and more of Proto Arthur so it's got me thinking.
I pissed away all my sq on her and I didn't even get her titty sister. I hate this game, why do I play it if all it makes me feel is disappointment?
She is a daemon that just wants to fuck historical figures and impregnate the female version, she just uses Chadela as an excuse to accomplish that end goal
>awesome armor designs
>almost never used
2nd hottest Fate dude, loses only to Astolfo, but he has a vagina which is an advantage.
That's probably for the best since the story is actually pretty good for something from a mobile game although you probably won't develop a connection to the characters you normally would through playing
So which saber is your saber-fu?
d-delete this..
>like Mo-san
>not retarded enough to be able to summon her
The worst thing is I had my friend who has NP2 Mordred press a ticket summon for me, and bam, instant Summer Mordred.
The vanilla one.
Question: Would Shirou be a decent dad for Mordred?
Artoria along with her Lancer form
It's honestly quite amazing what they managed to do with her.
It would be hard to be worse than her original dad.
No, theyre nothing alike.
Mordreds only true dad is Sisigou.
If Mordred gets so mad when you call her a grill, then why does she dress like a turboslut?
Better question yet, why is this damn priest so sexy?
>i will never have this
>this is a japanese king arthur
Pretty much.
>Here you go, Mordred. One Caliburn in a stone
>HELL YEAH! Alright, today I'll get it!
>Lunch is in two hours, don't forget to wash your hands after you're done playing around
>Daaaad, I'm not plaaying around, this is serious! I'll never beat father like this!
Shirou goes autistic about girls not behaving like girls. Mo-san is autistic about acting like a girl. It wouldn't be a very good match.
Spartacus would be his true soulmate.
Mordred got mogged hard there.
Don't worry, if they're 4 star or under they're safe.
>draw a girl
>call it a boy
nice meme
fuck off trnny
It is a boy
haha lol :)
Buts Mordred is a girl, she just has autism and daddy (female) issues
>Dealing with Mordred is a simple. Do not badmouth King Arthur. Do not praise King Arthur. Do no treat her as a woman. Additionally, do not bluntly treat her as a man. Do not behave in a stiff manner. Do not be infatuated with other Servants. Properly listen to her opinions. Simple, no?
>Additionally, do not bluntly treat her as a man
Treating her like a man would piss her off too.
I need a full length version of MPATHG that's the original audio dubbed over fateshit.
I'm serious
For me, it's the Shinsengumi.
This is Mordred's father.
Fuck that, remake the movie with Fate characters with the actors refining the scenes. I want to see Jeanne shouting insults at Artoria.
>You can see him cut sequentially
That's no Tsubame Gaeshi.
reminder that gacha has a containment general in /vg/ and should not be posted outside of it and if your response to this is "This is specifically a Mo-boy thread" then it's still offtopic and should be posted on /cm/ instead
"I HAVE NO SON" - Ed Bighead (Rockos Modern Life)
>she didn't even need to shoot a beam
Poor Sasaki.
>and should be posted on /cm/ instead
Thank you for respecting my husband's pronouns.
Why is saber so cool and strong?
Anime makes your brain retarded
I know some of you are just memeing but most people here are for real and that's so sad and scary
The King
Summer Mordred's third ascension jacket is a goddamn crime against humanity.
you can express your gratitude by deleting this thread
>post a female with tits and a vagina
>on /cm/
based retard.
Weed makes me retarded
Its why I smoke it
>You can express your gratitude by posting MORE Mordred
Well, ok, if you're absolutely sure
>not male(female)
How are you fellows f2p? Got anything good this hot summer?
she's just a regular tomboy autismo
Where, behind that usurper?
I love Mordred!
That's nowhere near as impressive as it should be.
based, cumming while high is the greatest brain melting experience ever
I wonder if there's a Lostbelt where Mordred becomes king and runs the country into the ground, destroying humanity's future.
I'm gonna fuck his pussy
she literally blew away half that mountain.
Seeing it in the theater was a trip.
He literally and figuratively ate Rins shit.....I wouldn't wish that were me because enema or not thats gross.
I think you're misquoting me, I actually said quite the opposite
>Not liking Mordred wearing your jacket.
Mordred meets Gray, what would happen?
Yeah but in Fate/hollow ataraxia, the beam is so huge that it completely covers entire skyscrapers.
>has no dick
I wonder what type of magical pr to hide a city blowing up every other sixty years
Artoria Pendragon. The ORIGINAL Saber.
>fags on Yea Forums fantasizing about a female being male
I wish she did that to me
but if she did, how would you two make love gently later?
I don't think you're grasping the scale of those beams, man.
I won't mind not being able to.
How rude
Mordred only has feelings for her chichiue
Fuck forgot the gif
aceman please
Mordred would obviously kick snobs testicle to the point they are turned into ovaries quickly making user a girl, King Arthur's son obviously needs a wife (formerly male)
they explain that one away with the shipwreck. You see it in stay night when Shirou and Saber have their date.
Is she not your popular in your gachas or whatever? Why doesn't she have more doujins?
they wouldn't because she's a fictional character from a mobage scam
>No Carnival Phantasm version of FGO
I know about the adaptation of Riyo's manga, but it is not the same.
her anime adaptation was not well received because of Sieg and Jeanne. If she appears in another anime and it's good, the amount of doujins she will be in will skyrocket
This. Morded is too stupid to be King
i wish that were me
Well, she'll be in the F:GO Camelot movie, though I don't think that will generate many doujins given how everything turns out.
>He thinks Mordred comes from FGO
Squirting sunblock on Mo-san!
She and her master were the only real good parts of the anime. Why they weren't the MC who knows, Sieg had no personality, Jeanne was a moeblob.
Squirting my sunblock in Mo-san!
I prefer
It was probably the shittiest bait and switch I've seen in a while considering Sieg doesn't even get introduced until like half way through the first season.