OP is always a faggot. This being accepted as historically factual, let's get past it and discuss game anxiety. Who here deals with this and how? I know any time I try to choose a game to dig into I freak the fuck out about having to learn it, play it, decide if I enjoy it, and stick with it. Then my brain pisses itself and I decide not to do anything at all.
Game Anxiety
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Play hentai games and edge while playing to trick your brain, there's also typically very little to learn if at all.
Try playing games with larger hurdles like dwarf fort. If you can pick up dwarf fort you can play anything.
that sounds like the exact opposite of what would help me.
Dort is free and fun. Its worth a try. If you get so-far-as building and training and equiping a military youre adept at dort and past the learning curve.
yeah, sounds like I'd have a blast.
Whenever you decide on a game to play, stop thinking about it immediately. Say to yourself "No planning ahead, just launch the game and go from there."
deciding is part of the problem. My brain just shits itself and I panic and don't play anything at the decision making stage.
That's so fucking weird. How does this happen to someone? Do they get dropped as a baby?
Load times are my biggest hurdle.
By the time the game loads I am tired of it and don’t play.
came here to post this.
This is Yea Forums not a disabled benefits board
I had a rough childhood maybe? Divorced family at 6, physically abuse father, under achieving lazy mother, slept out of a suitcase being moved back and forth for 12 years... and was beaten with game controllers. Or I'm just a brainlet.
play games with me OP, I will help you
Yea Forums is a board for the mentally disabled
I have a different type of anxiety
I feel like I'm only finished with a game when I manage to post all my screenshots of it on social media
I only play one game at a time
= so I have a bunch of "unfinished" games (really, just screenshots) that prevent me from starting new games
well, there can only be two explanations for anything in life
either you were beaten too hard as a child, like OP
either you weren't beaten hard enough as a child, like you
pic related
I only think about playing games, I never actually play any. I get anxious I won't enjoy the game and end up shitposting here instead. Been in this loop for years now.
I can't even bring myself to launch a game unless I am 100% convinced it will be worth my time - which is close to never.
>tfw no anxious bf
Are you brain damaged son?
Just don't play if you it is too much for you, shit is supposed to be fun yo.
Nothing wrong if complex games turn you off.
I sometimes get turned off by extremely detailed character creators or long ass tutorials as well.
What are you trying to play?
you don't want one. I'm a mess.
Same, I always end up doubting that it's worth my time, which is ironic because I'm a neet that spends all day every day on the computer. Somehow my brain thinks shitposting is a better use of my time.
Make a list of possible games and then generate a random number to determine which game you'll play.
Post your face and maybe maybe i'll be your bf
You're over thinking shit way too hard. You don't need to analyze a game to determine if it's worth diving into. A game just draws you in if you find it interesting.
For me I see [new game] and then weigh having to fuck around learning something new vs. having fun playing games I'm familiar with and then don't bother playing the new games. Reason I've never touched a Souls game or Cuphead or any other artificial difficulty game.
Happened to me for a while because I was a poorfag who couldn't afford a controller and to use kb+mouse to play everything
That's okay.
Do you live near me?
For me it's the fear of not liking the game that gets me. I always feel like shit after I played something I didn't like and uninstalled. I'm disappointed that I couldn't enjoy it.
>San Francisco
Man how it feels to live in India?
Okay that's enough.
You don't want one. You won't get one. You spend all day creating this fake persona of being a fictional character, who is unpopular by writing, not by choice, and associated with all the filthy fujo shit everyone hates. Noone wants to be around that shit and you forcing it will never work out. Stop advertising. Just do shit you enjoy, and you'll eventually run into someone who enjoys doing that shit with you, and it will happen from there. Spending every. goddamn. day. posting this shit on a russian potato farming forum obviously hasn't, and will not, get you anywhere. Stop. It's time to stop. Really. It's been literal -years-. Years I've seen you posting this shit, years you could've done something productive with, years you could have found someone interesting if you didn't keep fucking looking in all the wrong places.
Either meet your soul faggot in games you enjoy playing like I did, let it grow naturally over time and I now live with him for the 4th year in a row, or sign up for goddamn matchmaker or match dot com or AFF or some shit. Stop wasting your time and our board space with these soulless advertisements.
>That's so fucking weird.
Hello, newfriend.
Cant help you (op), my only issue is that my backlock is so full of games that deciding becomes a chore and i end up playing wc3 custommaps again.
What about you try playing easier games like jrpgs, harvest moon and similiar games? they usually dont require mechanics
You have Half-Life 2, set it on easy if you have to. It's a decent adventure. From all the "bf" talk you're probably unable to do anything because you are a broken down faggot. Especially if you can't even enjoy a simple game. Pathetic
you're replying to a meme that's being spammed in every threads all the time
the worst type of anxiety at least for me when playing is when i try to talk in English something to my teammates in the voice chat, every time i sperg out even tho i repeat myself the thing i'm about to say like 10 times.
Have you never seen one of these threads before?
Somtimes you have to take a chance of trying something new that you don't know if you'll enjoy. If you don't, you'll always be playing the same type of game. Not every game requires a lot of learning or research; if this is a barrier, limit yourself to simple games until you get over it.
>game is heavy on story
>don't want to play when I'm tired because I'm afraid I'll be too tired to take it in properly
>don't want to play it during the day in case I have to go outside and interrupt it
>this goes on for like two months until I get sick of postponing and binge most of the game tired or not
>at that point already spoiled most of the plot from seeing it on Yea Forums
>do this every time
>"uh, not this one, not now anyway"
>roll again
>exhausted the entire list
Reminds me that my last game was interrupted by undead badgers, should really go back and put my dorfs corpses in some enclosed room while I'm still thinking about it or I'm up for a nice surprise next time I'll think about playing it.
what do you even expect posting your steam here?
Play it anyway.
This unironically
Bonus points if you do it high off your retarded ass