3x3 bread

3x3 bread

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Other urls found in this thread:


great taste


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Good list.

can i please have a template user?

I should update this and replace og CTR with Nitro-Fueled.

Literally the most "am I fitting in yet guise" list that I can think of. Probably ironic.
1/1, I've only played Emerald out of these

Attached: Vidya 3x3.jpg (920x920, 389K)

2/2 (GH, DMC3)
2/2 (BamHam, Smash)
3/3 (Bayo, HGSS, Spyro); I've honestly only played the R&C Future games and not the originals which is probably a disservice. I did really like Crack in Time though.

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>I've honestly only played the R&C Future games and not the originals
Do yourself a favor and go play the PS2 games right now. All of them, including Gladiator/Deadlocked.

8/9, I hate Kingdom Hearts
7/9, - Spiderman and Black Ops
5/6, - Transformers, I worked out making that 6x6 since that one thread a month ago.

Attached: 6x6 Vidya.jpg (3264x3264, 2.37M)

that is the template

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Spider Man was a game I heavily enjoyed when I played, then forgot about a week after.
Go to bighugelabs.com/mosaic.php
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Always good to see you, friend
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Too much, trim.

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Nice bait. Subtle

I feel like I've seen this chart before...








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thanks user
sorry i should have worded it better, i meant where to make it easily.

anywho, thoughts?

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1/1 for MM, kinda seems tryhard.
3/3 for BOTW, Smash, and Portal. Need to play Castlevania, DOOM, and Resident Evil soon.
2/3, plus for Emerald and DOOM 2016. Minus for Borderlands. Played through quite a bit of Wind Waker, Galaxy 2, and LFD2, but I never finished them and can't form an opinion on them, really, probably would be plusses in the end.
1/1, any HG/SS lover is a friend of mine.
1/1 for Shovel Knight, need to get to W101
2/2 for Metroid and Hotline Miami, read above for Windwaker. Gotta get to God Hand, too.
Not gonna do an out of score, but NMH, Mario64, Shovel Knight, Pokemon B/W, HG/SS, OOT, MM, Earthbound, Ace Attourney, 999, and Ghost Trick are all great. Need to play some more SMT and MGS. I'm saving Mother3 for when I really need a kino in my life.
0/0, I'll play Umineko eventually, hopefully after I get all the spoilers I've accidentally read out of my mind.
1/1 for Deus Ex, barely played it but I already know it's good.
0/0, played some TF2 but not enough to know whether or not I thought it was good.

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>FFX and XIV
based as fuck

Boring plain faggots

I don't have time to quickly make a 3x3 for my games so Ill just List them
Final Fantasy
No More Heroes
Dark Souls
Mario 64
Team Fortress 2
Megaman X
Specter of Torment
Pokemon White
Persona 3

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Sweet 3x3/Sweet 3x3

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tf2 is one of those games thats like a weird euphoric feaver dream. its fun at times but you gotta put up with alot of bullshit
thanks user

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5/7 borderlands and Terraria were snoozes

3/4 I never really cared for Spyro

4/4 I really want to play 101



2/3 I don't think I ever gave PT enough of a chance to impress me

3/3 I need to get around to playing AOS

6.5/6 I never played the story of TLOU, but multiplayer was a blast, underrated imo

3/4 the 3D GTAs never really grabbed me

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Thank you.
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Don't mention it!
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Did you play KH3? What'd you think?
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VLR was absolutely top.
Thank you!
1? -
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Check out Kingdom Come: Deliverance, and Drakengard.
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6/6 I prefer 999 a lot more over VLR though

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This is pretty good, 6/7. Majora's Mask is based.

Also pretty good, although not a KH fan or Castlevania fan myself. 5/8.

6/6. I've never played Terraria, I feel like I should.

5/7. Personal favorite Spyro was #2 for me. CTR is fun too.

MAAAHVEL. 3/4. I've never heard of After Burner, but I like me some fighter planes so I'll need to look that up.

5/6, pretty standard but good games.

Follow the rules user, I ain't got time for all that

2/5, I don't even know what Deadly Premonition is, I'll have to look that up

4/4, got some old man taste in here. Still good taste though.

First advance wars sighting, noice. And House of the Dead, also nice arcade bonus. 4/7.

I forgot some of these games existed! Ghost Trick was great, I should play it again. 4/4.

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7/7 +KH, Portal, BB, Smash, RE4, AoS, Doom
5/5 +WW, BL2, Terraria, Emerald, L4D2
4/4 +BB, SotN, DaS, RE4
4/4 +SK, NGS, DMC5, MvC3.
4/4 +FFX, DMC5, Kotor2, P4G.
5/5 +DE, NV, PST, Arx. -vtmb
8/8 Fan of cream soda?
3/3 +EB, K7, SM64
6/6 +MGS3, Tenchu3, SH3, DMC3, Payne, VC
3/4 +ME, NGB, JE


Two Millennia ago there was a war, between the human world and the other- the underworld. But then someone woke up to justice and stood up against this legion alone. His name, was Sparda. Later, he quietly reigned the human world and continued to preserve harmony until his death. He became a legend, the legendary dark knight. batman

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2/2 pretty based
5/5i like borderlands 2 and wind waker but idk about top 10

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Replies while posting the 5x5

2/2 (SM, GH); I played and liked Thief Gold but it's just not the kind of game that clicks with me. I'm sure Thief II is great.
I've got a hell of a backlog but I will someday.
Very nice.
12/13 (+NMH +SM64 +MMX +Specter +Skullgirls +HGSS +3S +W101 +GH +Galaxy +DMC1 +MM6 -Bioshock)
2/2 (HotD2, Sly 3); huge respect for those with light gun games in their 3x3s. Plenty of those I've loved like HotD2&4, Time Crisis 2&3, Deadstorm Pirates, Ghost Squad, Point Blank, Police 911, Silent Scope. Silent Scope is one of those games that NEEDS the cabinet to be fully appreciated, so glad I've gotten to play on one.
3/3 (Killer7, HGSS, SM64); I'm definitely a Suda novice but Killer7 is yet another great rail shooter like the ones above but with way cooler characters and story than average. Mask De Smith is the coolest.
>need to get to W101
Please do. It's such a unique and interesting game and despite appearances I think it has one of the best stories in the genre.. That's before you get to how good the gameplay is and the stellar look/music.
See above for why you should play W101 ASAP. 2/2 for Kirby & Ninja Gaiden; always nice to see somebody willing to like those two series on near opposite ends of the spectrum of vidya.
>I've never heard of After Burner, but I like me some fighter planes so I'll need to look that up.
It's a classic SEGA arcade series. It's one of those ship-based rail shooters like Star Fox but less about routes and more about high speed and efficiency. Climax was a late-00s revival for arcades that evolves ABII; the console port was awesome with a bunch of variables to unlock but it's not available anymore. You can get a version with all the console port's features on mobile now though. If you have a 3DS then get 3D Afterburner II instead; just as good featuring both ABII and an Extra mode that's just a brand new game with the same assets.

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If W101 was on anything other than WiiU I would have played it already.

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3/4, couldn't really understand the appeal of borderlands 2 over 1.

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You seem like my type of guy. That tarot game seems great.
Get into Suda's older stuff for a real trip. Even if you don't like it, there's nothing else like it. I'll see if I can get W101 soon.
Hotline Miami and Mario World are pretty good. Goemon, Paper Mario, Persona, Final Fantasy, Resident Evil, will the backlog ever end?

Hope for that port, user. I know I am. Platinum (I think Inaba specifically but I'm not sure) got really weird and specific in recent interviews mentioning it and its fan support. I'm getting Astral Chain not just because it looks good but because supporting a Platinum Switch exclusive might give Nintendo more reason to give it another chance. By word of mouth and install base alone I feel like it will easily triple its original sales.

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i did beat kh3 recently on proud mode and recently 100% completed it. honestly thought it was ok.
advance wars got me hooked on one of the best video game soundtracks, and i grew up playing og house of the dead 1, but appreciated 2 when i played it more, 3/3 btw
imean its alright. 3/3
yeah, ironically, it was my parents where i discovered the magic of those old shcool arcade games. i was damn near tempted to put gunblade ny instead, but i liked 2 more overall with its design and such.

>Dissidia, TWEWY, and NMH
Good shit dude, excellent fucking video games.
>No More Heroes
>Mario 64
>Team Fortress 2
>Megaman X
>Specter of Torment
>Pokemon White
My absolute fucking guy holy shit.
>will the backlog ever end?
The ride never ends my friend. The best you can do is beat everything you own.

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Been replaying XIII. Blown away again by its art direction.

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Is there anything better than losing an hour's worth of progress after dying while grinding in a jrpg. Sorry for the blogpost but i want to die

what is bottom left?

god, so based
whats aztez? also ab climax always intimidated me in the arcades so i never played it ;-;
loooove sly cooper omg, i would watch my sister play it all the time
whats guardians crusade? also jak 2 = based
kirby super star shouldve been on my list oooomfg
ut and ds on the same list, fuck yeah

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+Hitman 2


>whats aztez?
It's the best 2D action game I've ever played but also it's a 4X strategy game where you have to unite the Aztec people under one banner to change their fate and fight off the Spanish. It's fucking incredible; you have DMC3 on your chart so I'm sure you'll love the combat once you learn it (the tutorial is quite good).
>ab climax always intimidated me in the arcades so i never played it ;-;
Honestly your loss. I only ever played the console & mobile ports with more features but I've seen the cabs for Climax and the rumble/tilting it can do and DAMN does it sound like a fun time.

I've had the fortune of being able to play one of the original Afterburner's sit-in cockpit cabs on multiple occasions. II & Climax are obviously better games but NOTHING is better than feeling that whole cockpit move with your jet on the screen (which itself tilts with you).

7/7, haven't played God hand or Zelda.
1/1 Spiderman is GOAT


Absolutely Based tier taste, I love Hitman and Yakuza

based. Anyone who puts hitman is my nigga

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Probably one of the most underrated FPSes of the 2000s.

yeah sly was always my favorite platformer of the big 3( for the ps2). althoug started in ass backwards and went from 3 back to 1 and . also hey look at that cave story. i love it. 5/5

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So it is written.
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Big fat grimace.
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I felt the same way. Everything before the final world was pretty meh, but I really heavily enjoyed that last act of the game.
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Going through XIII right now.
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How garbo am I?

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u wot m8? Also FFXII and FFXV were both far better.

I'd guess they made a typo.

"XIII" is an FPS, "Final Fantasy XIII" is perhaps not. He got a little confused.

Pretty solid m8.

Typo is more likely.

Isn't this just the one from the comic?

+DMC5, Max Payne, MGS3, Dark Souls, Vanquish, Doom
+ZoE, Dishonored, F:NV, Hollow Knight, KOTOR 2
+FSR, 25th Ward, Ghost Trick, Killer7, VLR
+Bayo, BB, SotN, Dark Souls, RE4

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>thug 1
Cmon user I expect better from you
Whats middle?

>Whats middle?

Attached: ghost trick.jpg (1277x720, 121K)

Sorry mang, just really got engrossed into Arcadia bay and wanted to a college freshman with time powers.


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This might actually be the worst taste in jrpgs I've ever seen.

>he thinks any of those are bad
The irony of your post

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Because you rated so much
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How will I ever recover

>tfw no one can figure out:
>1. Black/White
>2. Black 2/White 2
>3. Persona 3
>4. Persona 4
>5. Persona 5
>6. Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth
>7. Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth 2
>8. Mega Man Battle Network (3)
>9. Mega Man Star Force (3)
Have a more different chart though.

Attached: Shit tastes v3.jpg (920x920, 375K)


They're either bad, or at the very least some of the worst in their series.

Shit taste in terminal, so I'm sure you'll just continue playing bad games.

FFX is the best FF, though.

Attached: mosaic1854ecbb80cc4177f797e84225ef145d4bc81381.jpg (900x900, 389K)

The only one it's better than is XIII, and that's not an accomplishment.

But XIII is better than XV. So by transitive property of better it must be better than XV and XIII.


X is tied with XV above XIII and below everything else.

To be fair is any final fantasy before VI worth a shit?

V is worth a look and I'd say I to see how it all started.

When does Q2 get good

III is still my favorite though I'm not a fan of FF in general

V and IV are fantastic. IV also has an amazing PSP release. I and II are still good games, but the PSP rereleases updated the art, sound and added extra dungeons that really elevated the games. III on DS isn't an amazing game, but it's a solid rpg with a kind of proto-job system that V took to the next level.

It's not for everyone, if you already started it and got decently far into it and you don't like it you may never like it. For me, it got good in the second dungeon when the IT joined so I could see their interactions and make a mixed team of Phantom Thieves and the IT. It's mainly so good for me because I really like seeing the different characters hang out together and all their little interactions. Sub-personas make it very fun too since essentially every character becomes viable when you attach the right sub persona, and every character basically becomes an SMT demon + their initial persona for their moveset when you equip a sub persona to them.

Underage still solid taste
Still the best person in these threads lately
very based
play yakuza
I like your taste a lot and watched a review of pathologica 2 today and seemed like a pain in the ass to play. I know you have a high pain tolerance, but my love of Lynch and Twin Peaks is the only reason I got through DP (and loved it), so I'm curious if I could stomach pathologic. Need to start Lisa soon...
>ZoE1 over 2
>TP over any other 3D Zelda besides SS
refer to what I said about pathologic 2 above
this selection is so fucking odd that I still can't figure out if this is bait or you're truly just a fucking weirdo
Unleashed is based but definitely not the best Sonic

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2/2 Emerald, WW
4/4 BB, HG, R&C2, Spyro 3
0/1 MVC3 Galactus makes me suck at fighting games
2/2 God Hand, WW
2/2 P4G, FFX
1/1 VtMB
2/3 +BB, Sly 3 -KH
1/2 +SS -M64
2/2 Zeldas
0/1 What the fuck are you doing with Jak II on the list. I liked some parts of it but god is the game overall ass.
2/3 +KSS, VtmB -Mirror's Edge
1/1 DMC
4/5 +Celeste, SMW, FFX, P4 -S3&K. PS2 port is ass.
1/2 +God Hand -MvC3. Fuck Galactus
1/2 +Undertale -DreadOut. too huge a coward.
2/2 gta IV, TES V
1/1 FFX?
1/2 +Wii Sports -XIII. Wasn't a fan of the combat when I first tried it, I'll get back to it eventually.
2/2 WW and BB
2/2 FF7 and BB
1/1 God Hand

Q1 is like top 5 most hated games because of how they ruined the characters and the gameplay bored me, I'm barely into the second dungeon, and its like a 6/10 so far, music is amazing, really like the art but the 240p isn't doing it justice. The writing and gameplay is serviceable at best so far. Persona is one of my favorite franchises so I really want to give it a fair chance.

Also swap DBFZ for Siege or Three Houses

respect for MGS2, God Hand, Strange Journey
oh shit Jade Empire
You seem like an interesting person. 2/5
Mata Nui Online and Final Hallway, I am conflicted

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How's the rating scale work in these threads? For example when someone replies 4/4, what does that mean?

Games I like / Games I've played

Q2 is significantly better than Q1. The music is also amazing in Q2. They made a lot of gameplay improvements and other quality of life improvements to the game, and the dungeons aren't as bad. I suggest picking it up when it's on sale or used, the price should already be pretty low.

>For example when someone replies 4/4, what does that mean?
[# of games liked] / [# of games played], out of the games in the chart.

Thank you

I meant I'm barely into the second dungeon of Q2.

Q1 is definitely not a 6/10 for me lol, waaaaay lower

Oh okay, yeah I would say try to go until the end of the second dungeon and if you're not feeling it maybe put it on hold and get back to it another time when you're in the mood for 1st person dungeon crawling and Persona shenanigans. The boss fights are kind of annoying, one of the only downsides of the game to me.

Pathologic 2 is definitely punishing but not the tedious way that something like a game good despite its flaws is. It's a plague simulator with it weighing down on you as resources run low and the clock ticks down. One aspect that kind of gives a good picture of how it is is the death system. Everytime you die you get a permanent penalty like reduced max stat and it is across all saves so no reloading to before you died. The game expects you to die though and has some very interesting conversations at the death scene. You can eventually make a deal to get rid of the penalties but don't take it, the price for getting rid of the penalties isn't worth it.

"Isn't worth it" how?

Yeah I figured I'd give it till the end of the second dungeon because now the P3 cast is in the mix.

Nothing about that sounds fun at all

The guy doesn't tell you what the price is when you make the deal. It's be a spoiler to know but if you want taking the deal locks you into a bad ending lose state.

Bottom left is an XBLA indie game called Protect Me Knight! Was rebranded as Gotta Protectors for its 3DS sequel. It's an arcade style party game.
>going through XIII
Nice. Enjoy m8
Genuinely just weird m8. Cheers.

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Cheers user, gotta respect it no matter how weird and bad I think your taste is. Hope by chance we have a game of Halo 3 together when it comes out on PC.

It's real comfy hours on Yea Forums innit.

>No Shadow Warrior

This shit ain't 3x3, so I'm guessing it's:
B/W, B/W2, P3,
P4, P5, Cyber sleuth,
Hacker's memory, Battle network, Star force.
Nice games, but jesus christ either format it better or use different game box art so i can tell which one you are referring to
Big SMT/Persona fan. I like it

Attached: 3x3 games.jpg (920x920, 447K)

tried using only fanart







based and REDpilled






based and REDpilled



if you chose that pic of komaeda because you like him then 0/2




f 2nd is better though

see the other posts




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>final fantasy great choice user although it would be nice if you clarified on which one

>Unleashed is based but definitely not the best Sonic
It's not but of the few that I've played and finished, I like the way it looked, music was top tier and the day time levels were kind of fun.
>f 2nd is better though
Haven't gone through it yet, will after I plat F on Miku's bday.

Post bucci

fight me

Attached: the 3x3.png (912x912, 171K)

>Ratchet and Clank Going Commando
*xX Based and Red Pilled Xx*

Do you not like RPGs?

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But I can't user yoshi's island is based. Although that portal picture looks rough and you don't have the superior sequel.

Doom and WarCraft III. What is Project Zero II? Looks spooky.

Yoshis Island, Mario 64, Portal 1, Shadow Colossus, Kirby

All I can recognize is Animal Crossing.

Attached: 3x3.jpg (920x920, 380K)

Yukari / 10
Terraria rules, Undertale was good even if I personally don't find it that special, and I like AC even though I've never played the original.

Attached: 61537194_p0.png (1280x768, 731K)

I considered the fact some might not recognize the games from the art, so I wrote down the names at the bottom of the image

C-come again?

Ah I didn't even see that list. Regardless I stay at 1/1, just haven't played any of those other games besides really old Minecraft.

>Undertale was good even if I personally don't find it that special
I know what you mean. I replayed it a while back and it honestly didn't hold up that much. It was still good, just not as much as I had thought. When I first played it however many years ago, it was sorta life-changing to me. So, even if I don't like it as much now, it still holds a special place in my heart due to how attached to it I had once been.

>I like AC even though I've never played the original
Me neither. I was specifically referring to New Leaf when I put Animal Crossing, but I didn't include it at the bottom for the sake of brevity. I did similar things for the others; when I wrote "Danganronpa" I had Danganronpa V3 in mind, and when I wrote "Zero Escape" I had Virtue's Last Reward in mind (both of those being my favorites out of the series).

Nah that's fair, if you still enjoy it and had that special fondness for it it's definitely worth putting on there.
>but I didn't include it at the bottom for the sake of brevity.
Ah fair enough, don't wanna make the text much smaller do you. New Leaf was fun, I didn't play too much of either it or Wild World but I had fun with both of them and I'm probably going to get the new one. Outside furniture will probably be pretty neat.
Btw, do you have that Yukari/Minecraft pic handy actually?

Project Zero 2 is Fatal Frame 2

I got all of the pics except the Animal Crossing one from danbooru

Thanks man.

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Where are the Wii Sports bros and Cupchads?

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How can someone have kino like Deus Ex and trash like XC2 in the same chart?

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is Sea of Thieves actually good? looks comfy but I kinda wish it was just singleplayer from the start

Am I the only one seeing people talk about ratchet and clank more often nowadays?

Everyone's just longing for the old Naught Dog back.

Attached: 3X3(1).jpg (3264x3264, 3.79M)

I've singled out all the good 3x3s in this thread. The rest either has too much pleb shit, or is too westaboo or weaboo.


Those are shit though

What wesker gets his own game

No need to be mad because you're a pleb.

3/4 I couldn't really get into Ratchet & Clank

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cool games but why dark souls "remastered"?

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Texas Tech > OSU

I just like that art, and it was the only one I could find that had the title in it to crop into a square

Remastered was decent

Late reply but no, not really. One of my few games for the PS1 was FFVII and I legit didn't even make it out of Midgar. Story-driven games, turn-based combat without a good hook to it, and games that are just very long (50+ hours for one playthrough) don't appeal to me. I've tried with a few different RPGs and the only one I've ever really loved is Dragon's Dogma which is really more of an Action game that fails as an RPG in many ways. The main exception was that since I was a kid I played Pokemon, but today I wouldn't go back to most of the mainline series over some of the spinoffs; only really Emerald/HGSS/B2W2 and I haven't had the urge at all to go back. Maybe Mystery Dungeon Red though.

My backlog has a few RPGs on it I want to try. Summon Night seems my speed.

Except you're the one who outted themself as the pleb. Can't even bring up a grid of your own and living vicariously through theirs lol

Case in point.
You have to go back.

dumb frogposter.

Attached: 3x38.jpg (3248x3264, 1.5M)

>saying I'm a frogposter when I didn't even post any pepe images
Not only a ledditor but a literal retard. Nice.
I already said - go back.

At least I know it was autism and you just like repeating yourself.


>hurr durr I was just le pretending to be retarded

All around me are familiar faces....

Attached: my empire of dirt.jpg (904x904, 865K)

Call your mom, tell her you want to meet up for a cup of coffee this morning and give her a hug ok. Maybe then your words won't remain empty.

>spewing so much nonsense
What an idiot.


So you really weren't hugged enough user? See, we're already making real progress here you and I.

>this level of strawmanning or projection, whichever one it is
Seek help.

8/9 Never got the appeal of TF2, and I much prefer TTYD, but impeccable taste nonetheless
3/3 Nice to see WW getting appreciated

The truth is out there.

I like you a lot.

>Dark Souls 1
>SIlent Hill 2
>New Vegas
>God Hand
all in my top ten

7/9 i always get ultra panicked at dead rising time limit

1/2 respect for mata nui online

5/5. portal 2's a great game

Attached: 3x3.png (460x460, 478K)

I should have made my chart in Photoshop because bighugelabs.com is a terrible site which doesn't tell you which images won't show up until you make your chart.

So here's my list of 7 games that are barely seen on these threads, plus two popular ones which I love.

- Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain (Action Adventure)
- Hollywood Monsters (Graphic Adventure)
- Koudelka (Role-playing)
- Gran Turismo 4 (Console Racing Simulator)
- Gothic (Action Role-playing)
- Final Fantasy VII: Dirge of Cerberus (Action Role-playing)
- Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee (Cinematic Platformer)
- Fallout: New Vegas (Action Role-playing)
- Vagrant Story (Role-playing)

I don't know why anons still recommending that garbage mosaic maker. Use befunky, can make your grid now, crop and edit all that shit, then come back later and it'll still be saved.


8/8 nice job being Yea Forums-core
3/7 nice zoomer taste

Attached: mosaic21912c255118d516f450bcf6dff9793811878ab3.jpg (920x920, 308K)

Impressive, user. Thank you very much.

Attached: Games collage.jpg (3264x3264, 1.83M)

Pretty based but is daggerfall honestly your favorite elder scrolls?

5/5, Good shit with FO1, which smt is middle?

Take your meds

SMT 1. I really enjoy the atmosphere and how it really feels like a ruined world post-timeskip. Everything about the game fits together, and if you can handle older games, I'd recommend it.

>New Vegas
>Vagrant Story
>rarely seen
Seriously now?
In any case, even though the other games you named are rarely seen, they are relatively well-known with the exception of Hollywood Monsters and Koudelka.

You're the one to talk of Yea Forumscore?

Wake and bake.

I've played a little bit of it, stopped shortly after doing the translation patch>load jap to buy guns move. No real reason, some stupid shit ate up my time then.

>Seriously now?
>plus two popular ones which I love.
Yes, it says so in my comment.
>they are relatively well-known with the exception of Hollywood Monsters and Koudelka.
That they are well known doesn't change the fact they are rarely mentioned in these threads.

Yeah, I am. Being Yea Forums-core isn't a bad thing, but it mostly means you don't really have much identity to your 3x3. That's all.

>talking about identity
>when you have such a generic 3x3 yourself

Koudelka isn't good sempai. Resident Evil style adventure with absurd encounter rates and with grid and turn based combat that moves at a snails pace? You anons just like the idea of the games sometimes, not the actual act of playing it. A lot of RPGs specifically fall into this category for these grids.

>Muramasa, SMT1, ZOE2, and Zero 4
>anywhere near other anons' 3x3's
Granted, having MGS2, FO1, and Zelda is definitely generic. Either way, 4/9 are unique, and it's really telling how asshurt you are that you're fixated on the other 5.

It's an unusual pick from a very famous series so it doesn't count.
It's a lesser known Kojima game but still nothing special.
>Zero 4
Literally Megaman, that's one of the most Yea Forumscore franchises ever.
I can only give you Muramasa and even that is arguable since it's a well-known game and Yea Forums talks about it (or at least did before, today's Yea Forums is different from before, but if we looked at modern Yea Forums then stuff like God Hand, Morrowind etc wouldn't be considered Yea Forumscore either - today's Yea Forumscore would be bullshit like The Witcher 3 etc).
Before shitting on someone for not having an identity, get one yourself. If you played more games your mosaic would be way more unique. Just by looking at a mosaic you can partially judge how many games he has played, and almost no one in this thread has played over 100 games (if we count multiple games from the same franchise as one game). Not that there is anything bad with that (it takes time to beat a lot of video games), but you have to face the facts.


Attached: 3x3.jpg (1200x1200, 1.66M)

>almost no one in this thread has played over 100 games (if we count multiple games from the same franchise as one game).
Different user, but I actually started to make a list of every video game I've ever played just to see how many there were. I got burnt out on doing it after going through 5th gen but I think I still got over 100 even with that restriction. Granted that includes cabinets I've played in arcades that I played but didn't want to spend enough to finish and a few games I've only played at a friend's place as a kid.

Congratulations, but even then, variety is important which is why it sucks to see so many people who obviously played mostly Nintendo games or mostly console games.

My nigga

I'm an autist and keep track of all that. I've beaten 487, with a retire rate of almost 46%.

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Attached: JA2 JUST.jpg (312x118, 28K)

Your reasoning for discounting any point I made is completely bunk. SMT being popular is completely irrelevant when most of the western fanbase is concerned with post-PS1 era games. Its reverence for a game in a series that I've put many hours into and completed most games, and after all this, it still is my favorite. ZOE2 is a kojima game, but labeling it as nothing special is a bad argument and you know it, especially when it's one of the best controlling fast paced action mech games around. I could just put project nimbus, but then I'd be lying because I think ZOE2 is better as a game. I'll give you that megaman is popular, but not many anons would put a game from the series on a 3x3. In all, I could put shit like Shogo: MAD, Blood, Oddworld, Trails of Cold Steel, and other games I enjoy on a 3x3, but that's disingenuous to the games I actually think are my favorites. Saying that people have not completed 100 games is also a retarded statement. If you're past the age of 10, you have almost certainly completed over 100 games. If you'd have said 1000 or even 500, though, then many people could not argue with that. Either way, stupid statement.

1.13 Spooky is my dude, but they're all pretty damn great.

>when most of the western fanbase is concerned with post-PS1 era games
We're talking about Yea Forums, even though nowadays more people play the Shitsona spinoffs than the mainline games.
>is a bad argument and you know it
I didn't mean "nothing special" in a sense that it's a mediocre game, it's one of my favorites. What I meant to say is that it's not some hidden gem or something.
>not many anons would put a game from the series on a 3x3
Wrong, there's a decent amount of mosaics with a Megaman game on it. It's a really popular franchise.
>Blood, Oddworld, Trails of Cold Steel
All are pretty well-known stuff.
>If you're past the age of 10, you have almost certainly completed over 100 games
Wrong, I said that we're counting multiple games from the same franchise as one entry, so even if you beat, for example, 6 Ys games, it would still count as 1.
Also, I wasn't precise enough but it's not the same when you beat a long game (some lengthy RPG, for example) and a short game (some NES game), although I do agree that the bar could be raised, but certainly not to 1000.

- Fallout
- Planescape: Torment
- Vagrant Story
- Deus Ex
- Gothic
- Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne
- Fallout: New Vegas
- Dark Souls
- Cuphead

There, feel better now?

Don't make the grid for anyone but you're self

I made a list of games I've played and while I was above 100, many of those were games I have never beaten.

These threads would be good if they were used as "these are the games I like, see anything you haven't played? Give it a try", but instead they turn to "if you post these set of games, then you have no identity". They are videogames, not a pride parade.

>these are the games I like, see anything you haven't played? Give it a try
Everyone should be honest when it comes to their taste, but it's always the same 40 games appearing in these threads.
>They are videogames, not a pride parade.
Of course, but as I said, these threads are useless for the reason I already mentioned.
We should give recs to eachother at least, but not many people can recommend something that you haven't heard of already.

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You're like the 541,214th person to post this bait, becoming as predictable as the people you complain about.

It’s pretty funny how OP is pretty much this exact image

>Everyone should be honest when it comes to their taste, but it's always the same 40 games appearing in these threads.
Why do you think people are being dishonest? We don't go around here by our real names, why would someone make a fake list of their "favorites" only to get replies from anonymous people?
>We should give recs to eachother at least, but not many people can recommend something that you haven't heard of already.
Exactly. I certainly haven't played any obscure game which I would recommend to anyone. Koudelka is as "obscure" as I have played, and I went in knowing I wasn't getting a good game out of it, but an interesting and unique experience. And Koudelka is only obscure if you live in a JRPG bubble, just like how many "RPG fans" know only about Skyrim, The Witcher III and Mass Effect; say "Ultima" or "Wizardry" and they have no idea what you are talking about.

At the end of the day this is still Yea Forums. I could say "Metal Max for the NES is really good for the console it was released", and 20 people would claim they have played it and thus it is not obscure at all.

I make my grid purdy so that's the focus and I don't have to interact. don't want to why would I want to. it's all very predictable what'll be seen. Anons complacent with static grids. I can repeat that I like such and such for the thousanth time if it makes you feel better, there's a reason we resort to morse code and numbers.

except its not bait you fucking retard

Attached: mosaic8b9f49490bcf22f2aa06a93260f659b9b536899b.jpg (920x920, 357K)

I try to discuss in these threads, reply to my ratings, recommend some things. Sometimes it goes well (like parts of this thread) and sometimes it doesn't. If you want to ask me about why anything on my 5x5 is there, ask away: The OP image is actually cropped from the original Yea Forums edit of that image before somebody actually drew games in MSPaint like the Yea Forums image it ripped off. I guess the fact that some people didn't realize it wasn't legitimate means there's a bit of truth to it.

Attached: 1538368907786.png (395x363, 195K)

>Why do you think people are being dishonest
I never implied that. What I meant is that "it's good to be honest, but it doesn't change the fact that the same 40 games are being posted".
>and 20 people would claim they have played it and thus it is not obscure at all
Yeah, but you can get a picture outside of Yea Forums as well. We can have people in this thread claiming how everyone has played Skullmonkeys, but if you check out the situation on other sites, you'd see it isn't a well-known game.

Why this word out of all the possible ones?
And I understand where you're coming from, since if what will get posted is the same stuff, then you might as well try to focus on the aesthetics of your mosaic. Most people don't think like that and just post covers.

You're one of the more active people in these threads and appear in most of them, that's pretty cool.

I can't ask about your chart because some games there I like and others I would never play. I appreciate your non conflictiveness though.

Rondo of Blood is one game I wanted to play, same with the Castlevania series, until I realized it was more along the lines of "I NEED to play these games because I want to play Symphony of the Night", and really only RoB is a genuine prequel. I like the exploration aspect of Metroidvanias but most importantly the upgrades you get (which is completely missing in non-Metroidvania Catlevanias), which is why I also love Hollow Knight even if it is not an RPG.

Do you think I should play Rondo of Blood, though?

>It's a Yea Forums steals other board's memes episode.

I've accumulated my own aesthetic. Only a singular game on my grid is regular here so the worst I have to worry about is being called a contrarian.

The base game itself it very solid, even though I don't see myself playing Vanilla anymore the things that make people love this game so much are still there. It's really a mystery how this game could be made and 20 years later I can't envision someone putting as much work creating something similar as they did back then.

Attached: I'm not fucking around.jpg (583x439, 35K)

6/8 - didn't like Shadow or MGS4, didn't play MP2

1/1 - TF2 is one of my favorites
Also what the fuck is Scooby Doc and why do you like it so much? Never heard of it.

Attached: mosaic92d0bb6e8ebe9a1605635ec314b66a94429ec4b1.jpg (920x920, 337K)

It makes me very sad that JA2's systems for race, gender and class bigotry among crazy mercenaries would be a fucking political shitshow in a game made now. Having characters refuse to work together because they hate each other's nationalities alone would be pushing it.

>Do you think I should play Rondo of Blood, though?
Sorry for the late reply. It's definitely more of a Classicvania, but I can see things in its design that definitely tell me that the team making it wanted to make something grander which became SotN. There are branching paths in most levels which can lead you to completely new, alternate levels, and you sometimes really have to look for them. Richter's backflip and super moves with the sub-weapons also feel like prototypes for the movement and various abilities that Symphony introduced as well. Then there's the side objective of saving all the maidens trapped in different levels which requires searching for keys and then finding their cells. The first and easiest one to get is Maria who you unlock as a playable character, and she feels completely unlike any Belmont which is cool for replays.

I'd recommend it but I'm one to prefer Classicvania over Metroidvania. Music is fucking rad though.

>"Metal Max for the NES is really good for the console it was released"
I'm more of a Metal Storm guy.

Did Bloodrayne Betrayal ever look interesting to you? I think you'd likely appreciate it with your love for classicvania style platformers and heavy combat focus elsewhere. You get the general ranks at the end of each mission for health and time. Can feel some MMX influence in there as well with the dash and wall grapplin. One of my favorite mechanics in the game is when you don't fully drain someone after feeding, it turns them into a living bomb. So you can short hop kick them into another group of enemies and chain explode the entire screen. feels pretty damn gud

Never looked at it, might take a look now. Thanks for the heads up.

What is the point of these threads if you aren't discussing/ giving recs? Woah a stranger likes the same game as you thats so cool!


I'm always fishing for recomendations.

what if the games in the images are the reccs

woah deep

Attached: 499f134545839f1cc0df215bb67ea704.jpg (720x900, 225K)

>Then there's the side objective of saving all the maidens trapped in different levels which requires searching for keys and then finding their cells.
Really interesting user, thanks!

hence why he's bitching apparently. His grid didn't draw the endorphin rush he wanted, shame. You can make this about yourself but at the end of the day it's just the vidyas being out in the visual wild that matters.

nice but cringe
cringe but nice
nice and cringe
cringe cringe
cringe but nice
nice but cringe
cringe cringe cringe but nice
worst in this thread
nice but cringe
nice but cringe
never mind this is the worst
cringe but nice
nice but nice
nice but cringe

Attached: Untitled.png (1243x1247, 3.09M)


Attached: oy vey.jpg (2880x2880, 2.9M)

>shovelware fag calling people cringe
Really makes you think


fucking mega based

genuinely cringed at this post

um, i think you accidentally put the same game twice
middle left and down left

I thought I was the only who misses this game to death

>Zoo Tycoon 1 over 2
You failed
Go back

Yea Forums has the shittiest 3x3 threads in comparison to every other board that has them

how'd i do
+ - -
/ / /
+ ? -

Attached: 3x3.png (720x720, 826K)

>t. hasn't been to Yea Forums

Yea Forums is pretty shit to be fair


Attached: 3x3Games.jpg (3264x3264, 1.4M)

better than Yea Forums