usually I always wait to promote until 20, but after hitting her speed cap i'm considering doing it early. is there a system in place for redistributing growths after a cap has been hit, or would the remaining four levels be shitty
Promotion tings
Other urls found in this thread:
It's dumb to have been promoting at level 20 anyway. Promoting early gives you a stronger unit faster, there's no downside.
Promote at 10, retard. If you need the full 20 levels after a lv 10 promote, then you have fucked up somewhere along the line.
i just like to promote at 20. do you have an answer for my growths question
No, that doesn't exist in SS.
You also like to play a game that doesn't punish you for your mistakes.
You suck at vidya. Fuck off and don't let the door hit you on the way out.
>promote at level 10 and miss out on 10 levels worth of growth
You may as well use prepromote units
>there's no downside.
The downside is that you're losing lv17,18,19 exp calculation. You would not be gaining levels as efficiently. But yes, in TC's case, there's not much loss in promoting early. Especially with that god awful HP.
>Promote at 10, retard. If you need the full 20 levels after a lv 10 promote, then you have fucked up somewhere along the line.
And here, we have a faggot that doesn't understand exp calculation
The main reason for delaying promoting is for efficient EXP gain. You COULD promote in chapter 8, but what's the point if you're gaining 3 exp per kill after that? When you delay promotion, those same kills turn into +30exp level ups instead of worthless +3 exp wastes. AND you still have the option of promoting whenever you want.
Dude you ok? Take a breather there the man asked a simple question. Don't shoot up a walmart please
Calm down, man. OP just asked a simple question
Skip to 6:26 for a non non brainlet explanation as to why you should often promote as soon as possible.
You can promote early. She's already pretty strong as it is. Sacred stones in general you won't come anywhere close to 20/20 by the end of the game unless you grind, so promote away if you're 15+.
the game is so easy you don't even need to promote
just go all the way to 20 to get big dick stats on your waifu, seth can take care of the rest
Yes, use your prepromotes if they have good stats
This is retarded nonsense and you don't know how EXP works. A level 17 peg is only gaining 57 EXP from slaying a level 5 enemy Hero, while a level 17/1 Falcoknight is gaining 42 EXP from killing that same enemy.
What fucking game were you playing that caused you to come up with that kind of bullshit
>not using pre promotes outside of ironman
There is no shame in using perfectly good units - especially if they're in classes that require far more investment to promote units that are obtained earlier in the game.
Do you think you are smart for noticing that promoted units get less exp you fucking retard?
Meanwhile, literally every decent level FE player will tell you that, surprise, having a bunch of +2 and +3s now is better than holding off for x levels hoping to roll some +1s. Just watch literally any ranked or LTC run. Mekkkah even made a youtube series over explaining the fucking obvious to mouthbreathers like you
Why are you so upset?
Because there is some faggot who just found out about growth rates who has the audacity to gloat over understanding exP cAlCuLaTiOnS when he actually fell for the oldest and most debunked meme of the series
He's upset because you're too inept to understand that the advantages of promoting early far outweigh that of promoting later.
Quit being a little bitch like and git fuckin gud.
Tell me your thoughts on Phoenix Mode.
>git fuckin gud
user, the guy is playing fucking sacred stones, he doesn't need to git gud
Yo this nigga mad as hell. You right but you still mad.
Sorry I can't compete with your smug reaction pic along with the total non sequitur, I admit defeat
Completely irrelevant because it allows people to rightfully bully anyone who is bad enough to choose it.
Your passionate anger is charming, I want to see how far we can stretch this rage out for.
So this is the IQ of someone who promotes at 20
Bros is there a greater feeling than playing FE7 and landing the killing blow on Sonia with Nino you've raised to sage? I'd even dare say that you're playing the game wrong if you don't do it.
yes, letting sonia kill nino.
>wasting all that time raising a useless pup
Bro she gets like +2 SKL and +3 LCK over Pent it was totally worth it
>is there a system in place for redistributing growths after a cap has been hit, or would the remaining four levels be shitty
No you actually have a higher chance of a blank level up once you have a stat capped. Not sure how it works in the later games but in the GBA games the game will re-roll your level up RNG up to 3 times to try and get you at least a single stat. Capped stats still count as you hitting a stat for this so if you were to get a speed level up now with it being capped and nothing else it would result in a blank level up.
or something like that. Overall it seems very cool, but I dont think thats healthy for her psyche
I could've given those levels to Karel or Hector instead and continued to steamroll the late game.
>needs a YT video to explain it instead of articulating it himself
15 is like, the perfect level to promote. So it's not too bad doing it one after. Especially if they capped stats. Only really promote at 20 if their stats are trash at 15 or you're a min max autist.
Refute the points presented and not the poster. I already mentioned some of the points in an earlier post.
Leave it to the underageb& child with ADD to not read the thread and only look for images and links.
not him but I can articulate it in one sentence:
getting your unit to 20 requires way more effort than it would take to clear the game missing a few stats on your unit by the end
>11 aid
>locked to 1range or else you risk crashing game
>Bros is there a greater feeling than playing FE7 and landing the killing blow on Sonia with Nino you've raised to sage?
Leveling up Tine so she can kill Hilda.
Why do you need someone else to explain it? Are you too low IQ? Use your words, kiddo.
i can understand early promoting in 7 but not in 6 or 8
6 is long enough and has generous exp gains even in hard mode, also endgame mobs gets really bulky where you want those extra stats
8 is easy even in hard mode and early promoting doesn't really do much for you, also you kinda want more levels to grow for the creature campaign
in 7 is justified because you have less time to play with your units, maps usually end in less than 10 turns also exp gains are a bitch
You'll learn that these things called visual aids exist when you get to high school.
>still needs someone else to articulate it
Good luck at McDonald's, champ. I'm sure you'll go real far.
Always promote early
You will never reach 20/20 through regular gameplay
Usually promote at around level 15, or a bit earlier or later depending on how the unit is performing and if you need a specific stat boost
Promotion bonuses are much more substantial than 4-6 levels
Promote at level 10 for healers and units that really want something from their promotion, examples being Rutger really wanting that +30% crit and Shanna really wanting +2 strength
The problem with 6 is that it has a stupid difficulty curve near the start so you're gonna want some more promoted dudes to deal with shit right after you get them to 10.
You can beat the base game on hard without even promoting while promoting at 10 is more than enough for the creature campaign. Promoting at 10 is absolutely better than waiting for even 1-2 levels.
Let's use Gerik for an example. Sure, you can wait a few levels for his great growth to give you more stats, but there is much to gain from promoting him the instant you get him. Promoting Gerik to Bow Knight will lead to him absolutely destroying both levels he joins in, and the level on Ephraim's route is more of a slog. From there, you get a head start on building his very useful bow proficiency. Meanwhile, you have everyone's favorite axe juggernaut, Ross, who always benefits from promoting both times as soon as possible.
You must not only consider the stats, but also the perks that the promoted class brings - be it movement, weapons, CON/AID, or even skills in the later games.
>6 mobs are tough, that's why I will delay promoting my units in a game with crazy good promotion gains, so I can stick with mediocre assets for longer in order to get a couple of +1s that won't matter
>it's a "Yea Forums is so entrenched in its ((board culture)) they won't seek knowledge in order to fit in a basket weaving bulletin board" episode
Yea Forums is so scared of being "casual", but it also pisses his pants at the thought of achieving legitimate competency for some reason, so it calls that "autism" and shuts down any approach to a three digits IQ discussion. I will never understand why you are so happy being mediocre fucks, especially considering you probably don't do shit the whole day other than play videogames
>You may as well use prepromote units
Every prepromote in FE7 is good
Marcus stays good for the entire game and the other cavs only catch up around Battle Before Dawn
Hawkeye is a Berserker with high crit and you don't need to train up Dart and use an incredibly expensive item to get him
Pent is a top-5 unit easily, just a fucking slayer from the moment you get him to the end of the game
Louise is the only good archer
Harken has absurd strength and good speed and starts with a Brave Sword
Jaffar has an insta-kill move and high crit/avo, generally very high stats
Then, let's take a look at FE6 where prepromotes fare worse
Marcus is still extremely good. He actually starts sucking in this game, but ya know what part he's good in? The early game, aka the hardest part. You would be retarded not to use him
Zealot/Jerrot is basically a second Marcus with better stats. He's still incredibly useful for some of the hardest chapters in the game.
Echidna and Bartre are both decent
Perceval is Pent-tier
Basically, there's no reason not to use prepromotes even if they fall off eventually. The whole game isn't the end-game.
Forgot to mention Niime with her high staff rank and magic but whatever you get the point
marcus can babysit you really well in the early game until chapter 7, the only retarded dificulty spikes are the game are the hero and berserker in chapter 8x and 9
fair point, but that is more of mounts being really broken rather than early promoting for raw stats
> in order to get a couple of +1s that won't matter
it can really matter is some games, for example in FE6 if you go sacae all the nomads and myrmidons are capped or almost capped in speed
getting a extra +1 or +2 can be the diference between doubling and getting doubled
>The whole game isn't the end-game.
This single statement needs to be plastered all over every discussion for every last game that has been discussed in the last decade. It applies to everything.
>there are still people out there who are falling for the "promote late and don't use prepromotes" meme
I genuinely don't even know who is still propagating this joke playstyle. Enjoy your shitty tactics rating, losers.
>b-b-b-b-but then my units won't reach their max potential! I can't play this game without grinding to the point where there is no challenge anymore! I don't want to actually have to THINK while playing these games! I just want to put my swordmaster in range of all the enemies and watch them all die!"
>I just want to put my swordmaster in range of all the enemies and watch them all die!
that's normal fe6 though
>early promote
>get 1 star in exp rank
whoa this is BASED now my brain is bigger
Are you from Toronto as well, OP?
What’s worse Sacae or Ilia in FE6
Don't tell me you fell for the "ranks" meme.
*angry trooper ambush sounds*
FE7's EXP rank isn't as annoying to get as FE4's EXP rank
Counterpoint: Hero Gerik is an equally powerful killing machine that benefits greatly from promoting instantly. You also forget that Ross doesn't have a mount, nor does any Bishop that either cleric/priest strives to promote at 10.
Let's talk about myrmidons like Rutger, Guy, Joshua, Marisa, and Mia. Myrmidons and promotion can be summed up in one word - strength. The sooner you get it, the better. The same also goes for pegasus knights and their low str early on. Shanna and Florina benefit greatly from promoting as soon as they hit 10 for the extra strength.
fuck sacae
luckily the nomads are kinda shit so you'll never get it naturally
Fucking Gaiden mans, they’re some fucking Rev tier maps
just bait out the handaxe with astore then wo dao his ass with rutger, rescue dropping him away if he doesn't kill
Both of their Gaidens are horrid. They’re both terrible
It can happen by accident if you bench Tate cause Shin and Sue are both pretty good
atleast you can warp skip illia gaiden
>promote at 10
>game glitches by some fuckery from God himself to prove a point and you get 0 extra points to all stats
>suddenly you realize you have a mount
>you have extra weapons
>your CON and AID have changed to your benefit
>you look up at your name tag
oh and this of course assumes you early promoted rutger :>)
thank god no one trains the nomads over the fliers right Yea Forums?
>Becoming the singular lord in the series that is a father and doesn’t die
Nice. It’s honestly impressive how literally Roy is the only lord in the entire series without a dad father.
>without a dad father
not to mention eliweed manages to get much stronger in his old age, even despite his "sickness"
His point was that Eliwood's stats are kinda shit, but he benefits far more than Hector when promoting earlier because of the extra perks he gains.
Hector’s got pretty solid stats but getting NO MOVE on promotion just kills him
But FE13’s MU doesn’t have a dead dad. Until you kill him yourself
Who needs extra movement when you're the best unit in the game?
Est types are trash. Btw ADD ATHOS TO FEH
>exP cAlCuLaTiOnS
Thanks for giving an easy tell for retardation/shitposting.
Yea I know I'm just fucking with you.
>who cares about lagging behind your army for the entirety of the game?
>who needs movement when you can't reach any enemies and can't be carried by anyone due to that your too swole so you still can't get to enemies.
i mean Hector is pretty strong, but unless you have a slower playstyle, he won't be seeing much use.
Proof on why Robin is actually a lord
Sigurd is the best lord in the series even while set on fire. Hopefully we get that version of him as a legendary hero.
Of course, Marcus is a cav, he doesn't need any more. But meming with boots on him is still fun sometimes.
>best unit in the game
>not Marcus
Being the best unit in the game implies that you have movement, since movement is the best stat in the game. Only possible exception might be Rutger in FE6 but I think Perceval and Milady are better still.
>go to all the TH threads
>waifushit and storyshit everywhere
>go to GBA thread
>promote at 10 vs 20
>mounted bonuses
>map discussion that isn't the same meme map over and over
Why are GBA players fucking scholars compared fans of the newer games?
3H just has the story. The gameplay is a fucking joke. Honestly it used to be that conquest got some good gameplay discussion but people grew hateboners for anything fates so that went down the toilet a while ago. 9 and 10 get some of both because they've got good gameplay and story. 4 only gets story, 5 is never talked about, and 1-3 aren't played much less talked about.
the only solid character you mentioned is gerrik becaue he gains acess to 1-2 range with hand axes which is a big deal
moulder gaining iight tomes after promotion is not a big deal because you should be spending your turns healing and not attacking, early promoting natasha is more justifiable because she gets a lot more mobility
early promoting mirmidons only gives them horse power which they really dont need because they are fast enough to double everything
they will still be a sitting duck for mages, javelins, hand axes, archers etc.. and not fixing their mobility issues
you are like little baby
watch this
Promoting Times is a very trivial manner and early promoting is literally he best option for fucking every game. Even Awakening and Fates
of course for awakening since you get fucking infinite levels
3h is only a joke because hard mode is locked behind a dlc
it feels like im playing lyn mode over and over again just to get the last fragments of the story
>early promoting mirmidons only gives them horse power which they really dont need because they are fast enough to double everything
Ask me how I know you've never used a myrmidon before.
*although waiting to Promote Corrin is actually suggested because of how integral Corrin is to beating the actually threatening Endgame Takumi
This. It's one of the few games where stat caps actually matter. Which is fucking retarded when you think about it.
You mean Lunatic. You faggots would be singing the same tune if Echoes actually got Lunatic as DLC. More stats will not make the game harder. The maps are just too simple.
pre-skip feels like suffering through Lyn but post feels like Eli normal, which is just barely enough for me to not be bored to tears
Ehh they don’t for beating the game but if you’re talking Apotheosis defintely
>early promoting mirmidons only gives them horse power which they really dont need because they are fast enough to double everything
>they will still be a sitting duck for mages, javelins, hand axes, archers etc.. and not fixing their mobility issues
ask me how I know how you've never played FE6 once in your life
That's still more than can be said about any of the other games.
user, 2 x 0 is 0
absolutely not. stat caps matter a ton in new mystery because mounted classes trade movement for lower caps which affects things like enemies who have 25 speed only being doubled by horsemen and swordmasters or warriors having the highest str cap
in 6 for example by the time you get the hero crest you are already in the western isles which is filled with steel axe fighters
>use 10/1 swordmaster rutger
>kill all the fighters
>use lvl 1 fir
>kill all the fighters
Lyon did nothing wrong
Shit I guess I forgot about that because the higher difficulties kicked my ass hard.
But that does make sense.
>first GBA story post starts off on a high note
Don't fuck this up, Yea Forums.
Lyon did a nothing wrong intentionally but is honestly a very tragic character for not really being saved.
>Fir one rounding anything pre promote
Not even the guy that said you never played 6, but goddamn you're full of shit.
Fir doesn't even ORKO shit on normal
Fir is much better in HM isn’t she?
he never said one rounding, theres tons of pirate reinforcements she can grind on who will basically never hit her.
So she is indeed shit pre promotion and does need the extra strength.
What have we learned here, folks
she joins you with a wo dao and hard mode bonuses, she only needs to roll a 40% crit in 2 hits
you don't need to kill pre promotes in the mid game becaue there are only 2-3 per map counting the boss
>Blocks all of your magic users
>laughs in every good unit in my army at the time
but that wo dao would be much better on rutger
Yes it is, it's a thousand times more annoying than FE4. In FE4 you practically max the exp rank with just the arena and staffspam. In FE7 you need to feed almost every shit unit in the game 10+ levels while on a very strict turn limit with very limited deployment slots. It's a nightmare.
Is the optimal strategy to reclass Corrin into something else? i recall him getting constantly screwed over by the weapon triangle in the later chapters.
Lmao, only on Yea Forums something like promotion times could be considered quality discussion
What was his fucking problem?
What specifically are you referring to? I think mozu can ORKO takumi without any skill procs, can corrin do the same and if so how?
There is no harm in educating the less informed on old FE mechanics.
7 and 8 remain the go-to games for new players for this reason.
that is kinda overkill bro....
7's tutorial is shit.
9 and 8 are better.
9 has a few units suddenly leave on you and that can completely screw over unprepared players. PoR is NOT a beginner's game.
>Just watch literally any
please provide a link to a recording of a good LTC or ranked run with reliable tactics, not mekah-tier garbage.
The whole point of these games are using your favorite units
There's 2 and you get one back like 3 chapters later.
It's really not a big deal. Fuck, you have Titania you don't need to worry at all.
i would recommend 9 as a first FE game to anyone if it weren't for the fact that you cant skip 7's slog of a tutorial
fuck lyn, shit character too
>reliable tactics
thats all 0% growths
most ltcs are made to grow the units to shave off as many turns as possible and as such do light crit rigging and very very heavy dodge/level up rigging.
I mean it really depends on the game.
For Sacred Stones if you hold off on promoting then you'll finish the game with most of your characters being at 20/5. The game does not have a long level curve. So for this game promoting earlier can give you a big boost in stats, movement, and flexibility.
There's no such thing as overkill. Why make something weak tbecome decent when the strong can become the best in the game.
t. seething Ameliafag
bruh why would you recomend the slowest game with the most siege tome bullshit with the least amount of promo items with the most broken cavs in the game bar fe4 and i could go on and on about how bad fe9 is but i feel no need to.
>What fucking game were you playing that caused you to come up with that kind of bullshit
FE5. A level 10 swordfighter gets 42 exp for killing a level 15 lance armor but a level 1 swordmaster gets 6 exp. So if you want mareeta to cap her skill you might want to delay her promotion.
I'm glad no cares enough about FE1 to shit on it.
>Refute the points presented and not the poster.
but they didn't present any points, they posted a video with no summary and pretended it was their argument.
Why are zoomers incapable of independent thought?
i don't get the hate for 7 tutorial, it does a good work introducing the mechanics to brainlets
it only becomes a chore in multiple playtroughs which you can start with eliwood or hector mode directly
This, Lyn is nu-FE tier garbage. If you like this character kill yourself. Fuck secondaries, Fuck waifufags, and Fuck ISIS
No you retard, 0% growths tactics that require your unit to lack a low % hit and get a low % crit are not reliable.
>most ltcs are shit and are not even remotely similar to good fire emblem play
Yeah that's why I'm asking for something better.
It's so tedious it made me skip 7 multiple times.
If you post a transcript of your video I'll refute the points. I'm not giving you a view and certainly not listening to something I could read much faster.
>it does a good work introducing the mechanics to brainlets
I disagree
Sup samefag. The three houses thread is next door.
>sets you up in a situration where you can get rng killed instead of just waiting for counter attacks
this tutorial fails in its first damn step
It's been hours since the vid was posted, you have no reason to not have watched it by now besides pure shitposting.
mekkah only looks good because other fire emblem youtubers like mangs or blazingknight are fucking shit
Not really most 0% growths are just using prepromores and giving them the stat boosters. 0% LTC is more like what you're talking about.
Yes. Nohr Noble and Hoshian Noble are bad classes.
Corrin is a monster in other classes, like Ninja/Wyvern Rider/Paladin/Dark Knight
>double down
Just admit you're a retard incapable of an independent thought, that must be told what to think and when.
Yes. Now, could you please provide a link to a recording of a good 0% LTC or ranked run with reliable tactics?
Just watch the vid retard, it's 6 mins long.
If you want a summary that bad just say please btw.
>literally every decent level FE player
Nohr noble's debuff skill is great though. Do you reclass to cav then reclass back to nohr noble at level 5, then go to your final class? Or stay as nohr noble until level 5 before going paladin?
Listen, nigger, there's at least a half dozen posts in this thread addressing why you promote early with one person posting a video to explain it to dumb apes like yourself. If you don't want to read the fucking thread, then that's your fault entirely.
However, you obviously don't care. You don't want a response. You only wish to shitpost after you see the red icon on your tab and the (you) on your screen. You want to be spoonfed? Go find it elsewhere.
what are the chances mangs fails his FE4 ranked run
i'd say a good 50%, he's doing better than expected at the moment, but he already has one death under his belt.
Don't spoonfeed the retard. He's just derailing the thread because it's deviating from the waifuposting status quo.
Like it matters in Sacred Stones, its one of the easiest FEs in the franchise.
Counterpoint, FE5 gives ridiculous promotion bonuses to the point that anyone who promotes to Sage wants to do it ASAP.
roy vs micaiah, who is worse
FE4 ranked runs are easy but if he's doing an ironman run it's not uncommon to misclick wait in the wrong place and get fucked over as a result
roy is worse
Corrin’s base classes has good skills but that’s it.
Dragonstones are dumb
E rank staffs/Tomes don’t matter
Sword lock giving only the Kodachi for range
Levin Sword with Felicia pair is probably the best mileage you’ll get out of Nohr Noble. Pocket Dragonstone+ helps at times too for tanking if you get it but being reclassed into other classes makes life easier for Corndog
What are some good romhacks for GBA Emblem?
Roy's actually vital for the true ending chapters.
Lucina doesn't have a dead father (anymore)
I'm pairing Erinys and Lewyn for Cpeed, the man, the myth, the Flash.
Miccy Sue specifically because people pretend she's good.
She's an OK staffbot at best. At the very least Roy is ok post promotion.
Roy is more dead weight, 1-2 chip with healing does more.
Binding Blade is really stronk but that’s not a trait of Roy
>Staff Users
Level 10
>Combat Units
If they cap their key offensive stats earlier or get ridiculous promotion gains then do it as soon as you can. Otherwise its just a matter of whenever you have promotion items available.
>Unit that spends almost the entire game being ferried vs an armor/horse deleter than transitions into an excellent staff user
How is this even a question?
Binding Blade's triple MT from effective bonuses ensures that even a barely/untrained Roy can defeat Idun effortlessly.
I fucking hate how every weapon in Fates has varying degrees of fucking you over just for using the weapon. Weapon weight was a fine mechanic before. Why feel the need for everything to suck except for iron, steel, and brave?
I mean her father will always be dead but she saved a different Chrom. That’s why her support with her Dad in the A and her solo ending are a bit sad, she feels like she has no place in the world that she saved
Dragonstone(+) is nice for attack stance as well. But my question was about when to reclass if you want to be efficient with resources.
Also the levin sword is good and horse spirit is amazing, though other people benefit from it as well.
Get Dragon Fang and reclass into Ninja/Wyvern/Cavalier. There's no real reason to bother changing back after that.
Eh they penalize 1-2 kinda well overall which is a problem with FE sometimes where units can just eat speed penalties too well.
Bolt weapons are finely balanced imo
But I understand what you mean about silvers
Oh and killing weapons are cool in this game doing 4x damage for a crit
What's the most fun way to break Echoes? Magic is just so fun to use, holy shit.
I disagree. You need to promote sara asap if you're doing a super ultra SSS run because you need her to rewarp around and help out in chapter 18. But if you're not in such a rush it's preferable to continue getting 40 exp from merely entering combat (e.g. dodging a javelin). As for homer, even in a super fast run he shouldn't promote before ch14 turn 9 because the enemies give pitiful exp to promoted units. And although linoan can't promote before ch21 I wouldn't use a knight proof on her even if I could because she needs to grow as much as possible to become a god-tier unit in the endgame.
The Dragonstone+ is a weapon that’s fine in how it is as in battle but it’s not worth it when it comes to grinding up the Dragonstone rank and getting the damn thing in Fuga’s map iirc.
It deserves the attack/skill nerf that silvers have
The debuff skill is not a real reason? Is it a fake reason?
What about a game like CQ where even though I held my MU off from promoting until 20 and she still hit the level cap of a promoted unit by endgame.
But then there were other units like Niles or Mozu or even the rally lance guy you capture in Azura's recruitment chapter, who just tapered off so hard, should I have promoted them earlier? Is it a "go with your gut" thing?
But silvers suck in Fates.
Sage bonuses are so high that they'll cap almost all of the relevant stats effortlessly. I never once had a problem with Asvel and Sara capping stats even when I promoted them at 10.
dread fighters
Silvers are Attack Stance fodder if you're still using it by the end for whatever reason that may arise.
Hunter's Volley is the single most broken thing in Echoes. Everything else pales in comparison.
They do, but DS+ deserves the stupid debuff penalty they get
>get unit to 20
>"You suck at vidya"
I'm sorry that Joshua is just really good at gaming the fuck out of the Arena?
Fuck Wyvern Knights, Cavaliers and Knights though. Unpredictable fucks.
Mozu is terrible don’t bother
Niles is a real interesting unit, honestly one of the coolest in the series who can be a 9 mov Bow Knight with capture and good pair ups makes him more of a utility guy with bows. He’s pretty meh as a straightforward combat unit though and his daughter outclasses him at that.
inb4 cool assumes I think he has a good personality
>says he likes magic
>recommends physical
Yea Forums pls, you're better than this.
I think Ferry x Claude sucks!
Every point of HP is precious to sara, an untrained linoan will be very far from capping magic or skill which she needs to kill dark mages, and homer needs every point of every stat he can get because he's the #1 bosskiller for much of the game.
it depends. If you're going to use a unit as a combat unit all the way through the endgame you should promote at 20 but if you're going to use nyx you should promote her early then bench her or turn her into a pair up bot later on.
He asked for something that breaks the game. That goes to 10 mov 5 range archers and dread fighters.
Could you please explain this meme to me?
I can explain the value of this pairing if that's what you're looking for.
IIRC I don't think I even spent the money for a seal on Nyx, I had her benched until Leon came along and slapped her on him for a backpack.
Magic isn't that good.
>Playing with Swordmaster Joshua in arenas
Fighting other Swordmasters is fucking stressful.
>Anything in Sacred Stones
So I'm learning a lot in this thread but how do you handle deployment limits? I remember when I played 7 back when I was like 13, I would just pick 5 or so units I liked and use nothing but them because keeping everyone leveled seemed impractical
>savescummed half my army to 20 in RnK/7
>never doing that shit again because I watched Guy get pwned over 20 times
If you want to beat the game easily it's best to stick to a small team. Ranked runs force you to give lots of exp to shit-tier units so deployment considerations are more nuanced there.
I know the value of it, its to free up Levin to pair with Tiltyu for Horsety. I just think it makes for a mediocre Fee by making her a staffbot instead of Sonic with Wings
Deployment doesn't mean much in anything but 5.
>homer needs every point of every stat he can get because he's the #1 bosskiller for much of the game.
Since when is Homer a better boss killer than Asvel, who actually tends to get early promoted to help people deal with the boss in the Dadga gaiden.
Also a 10/1 Linoan averages 16 Mag/13 Skill/18 Speed. The only stat that an early promoted Linoan will miss out cap wise on average is Luck. She's too far from the others to do so without scroll abuse. As for Sara, early promotion gives her a decent HP bonus for staffing even if she'll be behind at the end. Either way her terrible HP base ensures that you'll need scrolls and a life ring for her to not get fatigued easily.
>Play game for first time
>Have no idea who's going to be good
>Have no idea who will pair well with someone else
>Have no clue if you're wasting your time or not
This is why I can't play games with RPG mechanics like this. I know the game is probably easy enough for it not to really matter but if I ever realize I'm doing something suboptimally down the road my autism kicks and and I lose all motivation to keep playing
>stonewalled at Conquest endgame because I went in completely blind, pretty sure it's mathematically not possible for me to beat it
>try again on a new file, remember the rescue staff, but forget the pass
>see if I can try and makeshift a route anyways, even if I lose some units I want to beat this fucking level
>Corrin is not strong enough to kill Takumi, will have to try and get Camilla down there to see if she can even do anything without dying because lol archer > flier. Effie won't be able to double.
>this is on hard, not even on lunatic
Why does this game do everything it can to deny me satisfaction?
Fury's children cap speed fairly easily actually. What Claude vs Levin is for is whether you value staff utility and a character who can laugh at sleep staves or giving Fee access to Critical for combat. (But she's still going to be reliant on the Brave Lance either way)
you can grind your way to 20 in the towers anyway, i do that all the time
>want to play thracia
>none of the roms i downloaded work with the new translation patch
fuck, i miss emuparadise so much,i guess il just play on japanese then
>he doesn't know
Claude vs Levin is ultimately about who gets Sety, what happens to Fee is secondary.
>autistically baby your units with levels and experience, promoting them all at 20
>the game takes three times longer to complete and all the fun gets sucked out without even making the game easier
google emuparadise workaround script
Don't worry user. I also gave up on hard Conquest. I quit at the Ryoma mission so I could probably try and push through just using Camilla and Xander.
I feel bad that I lost Leo and Azura while cleaning up the extra units after defeating Takumi.
The solution is to just play Advance Wars
My personal wall was the chapter before that with the dozen berserkers and generals.
In 6 you just gotta wait until Perceval and Melady arrive, in which case promoting earlier makes that section of the game easier. Melady can promote the moment she joins and will have the statline required to nearly solo the game, and Percival is of course already promoted.
The only one I'd see an argument for not promoting early is Rutger because he'll be able to killing edge the early bosses whether or not he's promoted. Saul, Lugh, Shanna, and maybe Dieck are the other good early game units and they all greatly appreciate promoting earlier rather than later.
The discussion was about Fee user. Sety is strong but if memory serves me correctly the main boss killers in Gen 2 ltc are Seliph, Ares and Shanan.
bless you user
That's not all. Fee's speed isn't such a big deal and claude still gives her plenty of magic to use magic swords so she mostly just benefits from the staff rank. The extra res helps her avoid getting put to sleep. Sety's stats are incredible so he does fine without holsety and the pairing gives him the valkyrie staff which is really nice to have. It also lets you pass down the rescue staff if you paired adean with azel.
>Optimizing the fun out of a game
Just play through blind on your first run, then focus on min maxing your way through on later playthroughs.
Throw Xander paired up with his wife at them and watch out for Counter. Wipe up the rest at 2 range.
Mages or anyone with a hammer.
Bad writing.
i'd say promote the rally lance guy from c9 around the time you get to leo's chapter where you capture the oni guy
You want asvel to promote early to handle the chapter 10 boss (and the ch8x boss if you don't skip it), but as a result he ends up being too fragile to tank master weapons and his skill and luck may be underwhelming. That's where homer comes in.
Linoan does not need to be level 10 to promote and every stat point counts.
FE5 units do not gain HP on promotion. HP also helps units survive attacks.
Overkill is how you play optimally. You are much better off training 5 or less juggernauts that can quickly sweep through the maps than juggling 10-15 "okay" units and taking forever on every map.
Claude!Fee is the worst Fee, what he brings to the table doesn't benefit Fee. Like I was saying, FuryxClaude isn't about Fee its making Horsety
Early promo is important for Rutger because he gets a 30% crit boost for being a Swordmaster in addition to his normal promo gains. Your KE crit rates are now 60+ and you can get over 30 with an Armorslayer, which is helpful for the Chapter 8 boss, or even Chapter 7 if he's ready to promote by then.
Every stat except hp caps at 20, why would you give a shit about capping Mareeta's skill when scroll abuse pretty much guarantees any unit can cap any stat you want, and skill is not even an important stat to cap?
Skill is a very important stat for mareeta and she's a mediocre unit that you need to go out of your way to train so it makes sense to minimize the training required. Especially if you don't plan to waste turns on grinding.
At the timeskip he's over halfway done the required levelups needed, and his turn count is well under control too. As long as he doesn't fuck up too too badly and get another two deaths, he should be good. And since gen 2 throws most of the holy weapons at you earlier, it should be easier to perform reliable strategies.
Micaiah both drags her team down more, and provides more than Roy.
So I'd say Micaiah is both better and worse than Roy.
So hes vital for a single optional chapter at the very tail end of the game after being force deployed for 25+ chapters? That sounds pretty underwhelming desu
Skill and Speed are the two stats that Asvel are likely to cap early on even when promoted early. Asvel a very low defense growth of 10%, early promotion does significantly more for his defense stat than you'd get from promoting him later. Late promotion in general wrt to the Sages is more for giving them extra HP to avoid fatigue problems than for Mag/Skill/Speed as they all get significant bonuses that causes them to cap or reach close to cap effortlessly even without scroll abuse. Homer's only real advantage against Asvel is that he has marginally better defense but Graphcalibur is a significantly better weapon offensively against bosses.
Everything Fee gets from Claude, Ced is even better at it except flying and the dubious use of magic swords
>Drags her team down more
What? She's one of the better units in the Dawn Brigade by far.
Counterpoint: Ghost Ship
>Best unit
>Uses worst weapons
Why did they wait until Fates to make Knives useful?
This, you're just taking far longer for no benefit in the end. The endgame will either be easy or hard, and in most of the games it has nothing to do with what level you promoted anyone at.
When you guys do FE4 ranked runs do you reset to ensure you clear the arena or for any other reason?
What do you think the best pairs are in a ranked run?
>Dubious use of magic swords
Magic swords are actually good in 4.
Those are good points, thanks for the correction.
Both times I played FE6 I didn't use Rutger, but one of them was a randomiser so that's more forgiveable.
Compared to:
>shitty archer #20
>mediocre myrm with goodish str
>fast as fuck fighter
>thief that falls off as soon as you get control of the downs brigade again
>mediocre soldier
>healer with good offenses that you can't use
>a fucking dog
>a pegasus knight in armor
that's not saying much.
Okay and? Saying that Micaiah drags down her team is still wrong.
sorry, wrong pic, meant to post this
Well I'm not that guy but I wouldn't say she drags it down, but she ain't propping it up either.
I clearly posted PoR Volke, tier whore.
in what
do you live in where axes are the worst weapon in either Tellius game?
she dies in every single enemy phase with no exception, if a enemy gets to touch her she evaporates, keeping her alive gets harder in maniac mode
>Ghost Ship
I hated doing SS blind purely because of this map.
It's a very simple map, yes.
But god fucking damn, trying to keep everyone alive on a clean run without any savescumming with Emus, this shit was a fucking nightmare
>flying units literally all over the goddamn place
>enemy boat is infested with fuckton of enemies
>L'arachel and Dozla are fodder on harder difficulties
>Have to get to them with Ephraim in order to recruit them before they fucking die
>simultaneously have to make sure Ephraim doesn't bite the dust as well
>FoW hides fliers like gargs and eyes, making counter-play against them impossible until they're practically on top of you
>Lord Ike can't use axes
fucking why.
There is no maniac in fe10
>Lord Ike can't use axes
>he's never played Radiant Dawn
>"It's easy bro, just use Duessel"
-said everyone who let La'rachel die ever
They're better than most other FEs but they're not better than actual swords or tomes
That's what hard is called in nip iirc
>that map
>the map with the berserk stabes where you fight vigarde
>keeping erika and her archer husband alive in the desert chapter
Ephraim had the worst route prove me wrong
>hammering the BK duel
>Radiant Dawn
Well when I play FE5 homer is better. He's more accurate, ORKOs just as well, and doesn't die to a counterattack.
better music
the real casual filter in SS is catching Rennac
Pallaemblem? Dondon? Fucking retard.
It appears my superiority has led to some controversy
Rude of you to call palla emblem and dondon fucking retards. They don't use reliable tactics but their good at what they do.
Keeping Micaiah alive is only a problem if you're trying to use her against type for some reason. Even in the infamous black knight stage in Part 1, you can go through the entire map without her getting attacked once and still clear it in a reasonable timeframe.
Actually magic swords in FE4 work differently because they act as Elfire/Elthunder/Elwind/Lightning at 2 range. When compared to "real" swords, they also have 12 Mt which is tied with Brave Swords.
Try using him on HM, it's an absolute joy and you owe it to yourself.
I was going to say that despite being in the top half, that's still an incredibly low bar to clear, but upon reflecting she's not even there.
In order:
Volug and Sothe's rankings are iffy since they drop off so hard after Part1.
Thanibomb and staves sounds nice on paper but it's not nearly as useful in practice. The optimal way to play through DB is to just juggernaut through every map with Nolan/Sothe until Jill joins, at which point you dump everything into her and she cleans up the rest of the game for them. The very earliest chapters where Edward has to contribute and Nolan isn't ahead of the level curve is when Micaiah is going to do most of her healing. Once Jill joins and becomes a god, her defense and avoid annul the need for healing. Micaiah might use Physic once or twice on the FOW map in the river, but by the end of the map the laguz should be no threat to your main unit.
If you're playing with a more balanced, slower playstyle and using the handful of useable DB untis at once, they are all contributing more than Micaiah per-turn, especially the later you get into the game. Please remember that this is not FE 1-8 where being a staffbot makes you instantly good because off warpskipping and other powerful utility staves.
As for thani, you'll get to do that on a couple of units and maybe 2 or 3 bosses in the first half of Part 1, and then you'll find her falling short in damage by a couple of points. You COULD offset this by actually levelling up and training her, but I hope I don't need to go into why you shouldn't.
>Be me
>innocent of berserk staves
>have no cure staves at fucking all
>send in Gerik to clean things up
>gets berserk'd
>turns on me and gimps the fuck out of Artur
It took me days and a whole lot of fucking luck just to get past the door just so I can block off Rennac's escape. Then one of the reinforcement mages came up and killed the fuck out of L'Arachel with a crit.
Then I found out I could just cheese the system by taking off the weapons of the afflicted and opening the southern door full of chests after opening one of the doors and baiting the fuck out of Rennac with the unopened chests.
Suffice to say: fuck that map.
SS is quite literally the easiest fire emblem to date. Absolutely no part of this game is difficult, not even early game which is where most of the difficulty is concentrated in most FE games.
Wait is the BK stage regarded as hard or something?
It's just that it's hard to keep micaiah safe from anyone ranged.
I'm tempted to say TH is even easier
i disagree, three houses is easier
I didn't think Phantom Ship was too bad as a kid. This is what I used to do
>Bring Cormag and one or both of Vanessa/Tana
>Rescue Ephraim with the pegasus knight and have her and Cormag fly around the back of the map with pure waters/javelins
>For the middle portion, just barrel down my most durable units and if I remembered, then use a Torch staff to give more vision
>Keep a tank in the back for the boss
Works every time. I hated 14 more to be honest.
>Micaiah below fucking Edward and Leonardo
In what world? Those two are only good for the first couple stages. Even in LTC/efficiency tier lists, they're below Micaiah as well.
It Absolutely isn't. Maybe in the late game after everybody is decked out.
Three houses at the very least has a somewhat challenging early game, especially when you go in blind and even more so on a first playthrough (No extra exp growth from the statues)
And any of the units that temporarily join the DB in Part 1 and then leave for any amount of time get rated somewhere above Micaiah. Maybe not Tormod's Furry Squad, because although they perform well in combat I'm willing to say that Micaiah contributes to the run more than them over the course of the game, and aside from combat all they do is facilitate the saving of all NPCs in the swamp map.
I have a real tough time registering Shigure as a male.
>Leonardo that high.
What the fuck. Best thing the dude does is give you a dracoshield.
Now that you mention it, hard did remove features like most games lunatic/maniac mode does
>catching the pirate in the first erika map that doesnt attack units in his range and targets the village
Separates the men from the boys
Birthright echoes and 3h
Leo's underrated. Give him the crossbow and he can oneshot all hawks in Part 3. Give him beastfoe and he oneshots any tiger you point him at. Unfortunately you need to promote him to fit the skill on him IIRC, but you have master seals to spare and with Part 1 chip exp he won't need much bexp to reach that, and your main units in Part 3 won't miss the small amounts he eats up to get to unpromoted level 10.
The reason I find beastfoe to be best on him is that Nolan/Edward/Zihark put themselves in great danger if they're ORKOing tigers on enemy phase, since they all die in 2, maybe 3 hits. If you're juggernauting with Jill she's better off just keeping Paragon and won't even need Beastfoe to ORKO.
In a slower playstyle Leo actually contributes more than Edward and everyone I ranked below him because he can delete every laguz you see for very little investment. In a faster playstyle nobody but Jill/Sothe/Nolan matters anyway, in that order.
As for Edward above Micaiah I find that if you actually use him he contributes far more than her. In LTC obviously Micaiah's higher than him, since she's forced and staves contribute more than a benched unit. I'd be maybe willing to move him below her but ehhh, only maybe.
Even outside of LTC, Micaiah is a better unit than Edward. He's just a worse Zihark who isn't even all that good and is quite overrated.
>He's just a worse Zihark who isn't even all that good and is quite overrated.
I agree, I still see him as better than Micaiah.
He struggles to reliably one round, his evasion is shoddy for a myrm and on hard mode he can't even use WTA help his shaky evasion. He's lower than Micaiah in like literally every modern FE10 tier list.
>but birthright
No, even Birthright manages to be harder, you don't get Ryoma until halfway through the game, meanwhile Seth is easy-mode from the start of the game.
SoV still has tedious bullshit that SS lacks, such as 10 mov 5 range bow knights you have to deal with or cantors endlessly spawning.
Can't say, I haven't played it yet, but I truly find it hard to believe that it can be easier than SS.
Not in my mordern FE10 tier list.
You can even go back to tierlists from like 08 and she's still better than Edward. Your logic is flawed user.
I don't know shit about FE10 but that means virtually nothing. FE tier lists have historically been a complete joke (and still are).
Repeatedly saying that other people have a different opinion to mine is not an argument, you know. I'm going to bed, so you missed your chance to even attempt to change my mind.
Instead of wasting time talking about how Edward is a terrible unit (which I agree with), you could have be trying to explain what makes Micaiah good enough to be better than him, since I think I did a good job with my initial post deconstructing the two things originally contributed to her (staves and thanibombs).
The issue with most FE tierlists is usually people trying to apply them without looking at the criteria. But it is telling that the opinion on Micaiah vs Edward hasn't changed in over 10 years even when they made changes like dragging Jill up, from mid tier when they realized that she was better than they initially gave her credit for.
Firstly, I wasn't interested in changing your mind.
Secondly, saying that Jill or whoever fighting a lot of combat has no influence on Micaiah's utiltiy as a staff user because staves do not require combat to do what they do best. Likewise them fighting a lot of enemies suddenly does not magically make Thani any less effective at killing armors/horses. Micaiah was never going to be an enemy phase juggernaut in the first place with that trashy durability of hers, but she can still reliably one shot armors or whatever in rout maps if needs be which is a lot more than Edward/Leonardo can offer over the entirety of Part 1.
Is it worth giving a unit credit for staffbotting if the unit they're healing would survive and clear the map without any healing anyways?
Healing with staves can save that other unit from using their turn up via self healing to do something else. If you somehow decide to make that not count anymore, then all staff users would go to the bottom of the tierlist instantly. Mind you Jill and Nolan in this case are not perfect and even with favoritism like giving Jill Angelic Robe/Dracoshield/Energy Drop, she still needs some help to start doing things.
with this god awful str, you shouldn't. especially considering that sacred stones lets you max out your levels and because the tower post game has fucking undead dragons with a lot of hp and defense.
Is there anything i should change around?
>Effie not in A
>Peri that high
Corrin up to S.
Elise, Effie, Peri all down.
Gunter, Leo, Nyx, Odin all up. They're all a lot better than people give them credit for.
If its Female Corrin in particular then Jakob up, Felicia down.
Selena and Keaton are both decent characters. Benny is trash, Laslow is mediocre.
>Shanna finally got a strength level-up after 13 levels
oohoohoo we eatin tonight boys
still way fucking better than tate, holy fuck those stats are bad. at least i don't have to worry about missing that elysian whip
Wait, Mozu is bad?
Conquest doesn't have paralogue maps to grind her up with.
Probably lots, but I can't tell you what to change before you xxplain the ranking criteria that you are using.
Tate is pretty good on hard mode
yeah so is est, nino, amelia, ewan, donnell, and cyril
growth units are fun but in terms of how actually good they are they're a meme
too much work for a unit that ends up slightly better than everyone else
I'm pretty sure you can get him fairly early and shitty bases are less of a problem in 3H due to stat corrections from promotion.
After reading the autism in this thread I'm kinda glad I've never got into Fire emblem's fandom.
I love the games and like to play them my ways, but min maxers like some autists in this thread really sours the mood.
>mfw leveling every characters evenly in FE7 and reaching the final map with 20/5 units as my strongest units..
You guys seem to hate fun
i find it more fun to not play like a fucking turtle
Add the kids.
I like trying out different ways to play FE. What's fun about the way you play?
using two healers is pretty fucking good in fe6
i usually don't do that in other fe games but both saul and clarine are pretty firmly unbenchable as of right now
You need atleast 2 staffers for midgame and 3 by illia route because of all the bullshit status you need to restore and all the barrier you need to use for nosferatu druids. I remember one gaiden had a sleep, berserk, and silence all on the same map
Everyone's free to play however they want. Its just that most people just don't like spending 20 turns on every map.
I think you're talking about the one where you get Maltet, it has a sleep and a berserk druid right in the middle of the map behind breakable walls, with ranges that cover effectively the whole map, on a stage where your army is split into several chunks.
I have no experience using children units besides Nina, Seigbert and Midori.
>no Velouria
Opinion discarded. She is one of the best units in the game.
The only ones worth talking about are Percy, Ophelia and Nina and even then Ophelia is more for her paralogue because it continues a bunch of powerful spells that you can't get otherwise, even if she can be a decent unit if you get her early enough. All of the other children are either unused or filler units.
i've always thought FE was a series in which you shouldn't let anyone behind. Breaking the game with swordmasters and berzerkers is easier than keeping the puppies alive and training them.
The only units I don't use are the prepromotes..
FE is the only T RPG fun to play that way because of the time limit, in every single other tactical series grind is part of the game and you usually 2-3 Op characters breaking the game.
Don't feel too bad user, I got stonewalled on Hard/Classic at the ice village, and had to drop to normal.
By the Sakura chapter, I was burnt out to the point that I considered dropping to casual, but instead I just gave up.
never played fates, is she that good?
she gives your best unit another turn
Is there a single instance of a refresh unit NOT being damn near mandatory except for select circumstances?
Holy fuck same
This was way back though and I'm probably better at Fire Emblem, I'll have to check out my old save and see if I can maybe beat it now or if all my units are too shit
(i did beat conquest like twice before, just on normal)
Unless you're grinding, the units you use will almost never all reach level 20/20 by the end of the game. If you promote at level 10 you might lose a few levels, at level 15 probably none.
in practice specifically waiting until level 20 instead of promoting the unit when the promoted class would be best for a chapter isn't a good strategy.
After like 170 hours across 2.5 playthoughs of Three houses on Hard/Classic, I would hope my retarded ass has gotten skilled enough to beat conquest on normal by now.
should I keep using Shin or use Klain instead
also, when should i stop using marcus? he's still pretty decent at chapter 12. desu just kinda want to free up a slot for echidna since she's cool
Her place is being Robin's cumdrag to spawn the cutest Morgan.
FE6 naming is stupid
When the fuck are we getting a remake so we can finally set this stupid shit in stone
>Alan, Alen, Allen
>Thany, Shanna
>Dieck, Deke
>Thea, Tate, Thite
>Klein, Klain
>Melady, Miledy, Milady
>Zealot, Zelot, Zelots, Jerrot
>Astol, Astore, Astolfo, fucking Gorlois somehow
>Thany, Shanna
Phonetically in Japanese it's Shani with an elongated i so Shani is more than good enough for me, I don't know how drunk those translators were when they came up with those two mangled interpretations
>tfw still no geneolagy style, eugenics simulator FE6+7 remake
Feels bad man
unless it's a very soft sort of generational thing, like very light transfer bonuses between games basically, it'd be a fucking mess 2bh