Ready or Not Alpha Chad Force


Who playan

Attached: ready-or-not_ab002bd7.jpg (997x1200, 103K)

Other urls found in this thread:!xg4iHA7A!5quAMxiGzk3gEyxWTDUXAyuGlgapcU9eF8mwzY46VhA

>200 kangaroo bucks
Whoa there partner, who do you think I am the pope? I cant splash that amount on a no-name developer.

>release date is Q4 2020
Isn't that way too early for an alpha? A year and a half? What's the point?

Anyone posting new footage?

I heard they sold out to epic, is it true?

its not on the epic store

>tfw want to be excited for RoN
>remember Takedown Red Sabre
Granted this looks miles better but still, I need to see more before getting my hopes up at all for another indie tac shooter

movement looks like ass. not too impressed by gameplay trailers either. I hope I'm wrong though

any stream ? (i know there is a nda)

Are you playing it? How is it?

Lemme guess, it's trash

>no one has bought it
I guess people were not ready

I'm under NDA so there are warnings all over, your name is all over the screen so you cant screen cap or you wont see much

Very smooth in terms of optimization, I have a 2015 rig and its steady 60FPS

It looks very nice on max dont want to say too much but I'll answer questions best I can if you guys have any

It's very limited so far but its very SWAT 4

how many maps are playable ?
is multi in ?

worse or better than SWAT 4?

Just 1 map right now and there are servers up but it came out like 2 days early

I dont even think supporter people know its out

What the fuck is the point even. Shut it down.

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If I like Arma, Squad, Rainbow Six, SWAT 4, will I like it or think it's casual crap?

That's all I need to knwo.

It has wanding, stacking, breaches, wedges, kicking doors, shooting locks,, seems like the menu was modeled almost exactly on the SWAT 4 menu from what I remember (its been like 6 years since I last played)

I hope it s nothing like rainbow six siege

1. how smooth is movement/interacting
2. how satisfying is gunplay?
3. how intelligent is the AI?
4. how challenging is it?

This is all we need to know

Can you describe the movement/shooting mechanics and draw parallels to other existing shooters so we may have a basis for comparison.

After you've fired say 15 times rapidly, does your crosshair/view return to where you were already looking or are you now fixed looking at the ceiling like in quake 2?

Is recoil so difficult to control that rapid fire is essentially meaningless and not worthwhile?

Can I remain leaning while moving or not?

wrong. if you buy the supporter edition its a steam key and they have said they're not going exclusive. they're going alpha outside of steam because they don't want to do early access shit on steam and create the appearance of the game rotting away for over a year, that's why its delisted by thier own request.

I think my character is wearing heavy armor because my entire AI squad is

The suspects react fast and shot me pretty quick as I peeked around a corner the first time

I'm hopeful about it

He probably meant more like the original R6 trilogy.

The point is to iron out bugs and refine the game into a beta state, where it can then be further refined for launch.

Movement is slow but you use the mousewheel to control walk speed

When you aim the gun moves freely (not a floating camera) and recoil is heavy. Been messing with the Super90 for a bit and it feels just right, sights hop up a bit when you spray more than 2 shots and the gun moves around a bit.

friendly AI is a little clunky so far, enemy AI straight up hides and runs around a bit, havent tried suppression tactics yet

Lean and move works

Seems pretty challenging but this first scenario only has 3 gunmen so far

Not that bullshit. Rainbow. Six.

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>pay 200 bucks to play a unfinished game and be placed under a cuck NDA

what kind of jewish bullshit is this? holy shit

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Do you think it's good at this stage? Is it fun?

>When you aim the gun moves freely (not a floating camera)
What do you mean? You mean like a float zone similar to the arma games?

If you think SWAT4 is fun I’d say yeah it’s fun, just very limited since it just dropped alpha. I’m having fun with it but I have to play multiplayer once people start getting on to really tell
Like the gun sways if you’re looking around and it takes a second to catch up so you can’t snapshot accurately, there’s less delay when aiming down the sights but you can’t look around as fast

IIRC, the devs said the $120 USD is just to support them and the Alpha access is basically just a bonus

what a pack of assholes

Pretty much this, we got an exclusive skin and a nice mousepad with a cool print that fits a keyboard and mouse

It’s basically paying extra to support development if you have the cash

I would actually consider doing it if I could see a regular person playing it and not a trailer.

How long is the alpha going to last? All the way from now until release or is it a timed thing

Yeah, my advice is honestly wait for beta. Alphas are always a shitfest anyway, since an alpha is usually a largely incomplete game.

just post a video fag, blur the ID

That’s more than fair, I was blown away by the tone and idea of the first trailer so I took the leap.

graphical fidelity is there for what parts of the environment have non placeholder textures, so far it really feels like a SWAT5 in terms of how it plays

Until the Beta in 2020, which I think is like Q2

The ID moves around every 2 seconds in random places and has my name on it

I would if I could

To tack on to this, the devs have made it non searchable on steam. This REALLY is an alpha; the giant paywall and general lack of hype push around it is because, according to the devs, the game won’t be ready until Q4 2020. They really want to get it good and ready before release; they’ve been really clear about wanting to avoid even LOOKING like an early access money pit.

I’m just in this thread wanting to hear about how the gameplay is at this point.

and....? Get it done.

Can you change your field of view?

How heavily customisable are the weapons? In comparison to a game such as ground branch of maybe rainbow six siege if you haven't played GB.

yeah, I'm gonna wait
>it really feels like a SWAT5 in terms of how it plays
pretty excited though, hard to wait.
still, I will wait.

How do grenades control, how much influence do you have over the force and arc of the throw?

Do screen caps and blur the name, loser

I'll just play some more SWAT 4 EF while I wait for this game to go into beta

FoV slider is in there

Can’t customize weapons yet it has “under construction” on that

All weapons have weight on them, assuming that will come into play for movement speed

Posting pic of mousepad for some proof

Testing some shit now so keep asking

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yelling at suspects with voice recognition never gets old

Keep checking back in, more alpha info will leak out over the next year. Beta is Q2 2020.

They gave out mouse pads for people who spent the big bucks? That's pretty cool I guess.

Game has free look like ARMA and free lean

You can see your feet confirmed

confirming there are 2 communication buttons for enemies/civs

one is to talk an order, the other is to yell an order

so you can tell a civilian to get down quietly with one button and yell at a perp loudly with another button

So how do you attempt to get suspects to comply, is it a key press? Do they have voice recognition? I know some of the modders that worked on Elite Force are on the team so I thought they might have it.

Used a UMP45, magdump climbed the camera about 10-15 degrees I would say so nothing crazy

multiple reload animations based on if a round is chambered (kind of par for the course at this point but confirming it anyway)

Can’t wait for my roommates to wonder what game I’m screaming at suspects in

Grenades pls

Nice feet

Also a perp said the line

"10 years, 20 years, how bout I'm doing none of em" which I'm pretty sure is a reference to MDE in that prison sketch

They also had "Ride The Tiger" on the side of a helo in a promo screenshot

Okay just threw some flashes, seems a little floaty and its a mostly direct throw, I didnt have to aim up at all to throw the grenade I would estimate 30 feet

Is there a way to underarm it or anything of that sort

any screenshots or video footage out yet?

Looks like theres no underarm throw, but they way its thrown Im not sure if its necessary

I'll ask someone in the discord about it when I get a chance

Also just fired the SCAR L fully auto and went from 0 to 180 degrees when hipfiring

When aiming down the sights It was 0 degres to 45 degrees

You can reload while aiming down the sights

>from 0 to 180 degrees
You went all the way to upside down? When you stopped firing did your view revert to its original starting position? Close to start?

>trying to look through cabinets/lockers for the kid
>doors won't open
I mean I get it's an alpha, but fuck.

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0 to 90***

sorry I am a retard

view did not revert

Just tried the M4 and recoil was about 40% less I would say in both hip and aim firing

So the SCAR L is a recoil monster

Its under NDA like most closed alphas.

Also OP is there co-op or multiplayer? Any comp plays?

Gunplay feels good?

>MDE references
Absolutely based

>view did not revert

Thanks for the info

Devs are watching this thread, and it's extremely hard to hide your steam ID in screenshots.

So, Void’s making the game’s story out to be pretty neat, you guys have any guesses on if they’ll pull off a good story, or will the game mostly be carried by gameplay?

is the gore only set pieces?

holy shit, big if true

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draw it in paint

am I about to get an hero'd here?

are you in the disc?

I'll stop

what, does it paste your steam id all over the screen or something?

>Devs are watching this thread
Highly unlikely, and no indie dev would actually ban a player because the backlash would be huge

Doesn't really need story for this sort of a game. As long as the level design/AI/gunplay/movement/gadgets are good it could literally be about obstructing a teletubbie vie for world domination and it wouldn't matter


yeah, an it keeps moving around so you cant stream the alpha

It's also in multiple colors

maybe you can screencap it but it wouldnt surprise me if there is borderline invisible text they can see in photoshop or something

not worth the risk

they could just do something like hitman contracts or blood money, overarching story but it's really just various scenarios put into some context.

Wow I just googled that MDE shit and it's awful, fitting.

>pretending you've never seen it before

It's fucking Escape from Tarkov but it's SWAT. I'll stick to Tarkov

Im not a fag that watches the cartoon channel

where do I pirate this

Suspect straight up namedropped the Jews

VOID confirmed /pol/

tarkov is shit, casul

>wouldnt surprise me if there is borderline invisible text they can see in photoshop or something

hahaha what a bullshit excuse, fucking kill yourself retard rofl

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Waiting for beta, if it’s /pol/ shit i’m dropping it

stupid nigger

>want tactical shooters
>but planning phases, complex squad tactics and something like ARMA's wide open sandbox battlefields intimidate me
fuck i am shit

>what's NDA

And yes, it's a full fledged agreement, not a single sentence from a discord post.

>mfw even the republicans want to drone strike the /pol/tards

you sound like you belong on /pol/ desu

Can related. I'm a follower, not a leader. I don't fucking want to plan every footstep and breath of each of my 7 squadmates, just give me orders and let me be part of the team

>want [thing]
>but don't want [thing]

Attached: milhouse.png (500x375, 189K)

Perps can be knocked unconscious confirmed


milhouse is how i'm feeling right about now

from the clip i saw it looks like a worse version of that one black guys show, everything is lol so randum!
Hes lifting weights and got stabbed and doesnt care! hhahaha
that line is pretty cool though but the skit sucked

SWAT games take place in tight environments. There’s plenty of room for creativity but the restricted space makes them more comfy to learn.

But I play DCS, and you can’t get much more wide open than the sky, so take my opinion with some salt.

OP here, that’s a really heady sketch and it’s more of a read between the lines one

I would say watch a few more, MDE was solid

guy doesnt want to lose 200 dollar alpha just because of 1 screenshot give him a break

>just give me orders

CoD does this shit for every campaign and it's dumb and retarded

nope, eat shit faggot

Cod single player isn't shit because of a lack of freedom, it's shit because the enemies will spawn without limit in basically every encounter and the only way to progress through a level is to physically move forward, and friendly AI play basically zero role at all in anything. Like reading a book with one character.

It is so removed from anything close to a tactical shooter in theory or practice I don't understand why you'd even bring it up.

how good is the gore?

Sorry, I just don't find it fun to draw a line from one side of the map to the other, tell my squadmates "go", and hope they're still alive and we got all the bad guys by the time they make it to the end, IF they make it.

you're a dumbass, your excuses are shit and you're probably lying about the whole thing you faggot

fuck off retard

not him but tarkov is legitimately a great game

Does a pistol still take up 1/4th of the screen like in the screenshots?


I need to know how the gore is, Hope you can blow literal holes into enemies and all the detail inside

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>discovering MDE in 2019

im not a cartoon frog meming faggot. mde is trash

No, arms stretched mostly out at least at 100 FoV, aiming down the sights looks very realistic if you’ve ever held a handgun
I’ll test this, maybe I’ll do a part 2 thread tomorrow night or tack on to someone else’s if it exists

You might like insurgency sandstorm but its a thoroughly mediocre game

seems you didn't just find out about MDE then, pathetic cunt

Sounds like Red Orchestra’s style of (relative) freedom of firearms movement

ya its a conspiracy, i new all along

why do you act like this

It’s not that extreme, though I always thought that was an interesting feature in RO

No gore in the alpha

A legally irrelevant document, all video games are licenses and without exception any license can cancel a license for any reason. Going out to get a NDA is a scam corporate lawyers like using since you dont need one.

t. lawyer

>I'm under NDA
>Is on an anonymous image board posting anonymously
It's not like you're the only person playing the alpha.

>exception any license

Not him but I think its more like using an awp in CSGO where the sights become misaligned while moving, but going further and applying the same affect while turning. Red orchestra (2 at least, I never played #1) had a small float zone when sighted which was annoying as fuck and as far as I can tell this game doesn't have a float zone, but I've only watched trailers so I may be wrong

dude says his username is on the screen at all times so they could just look up his username

Well that fucking sucks

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I'm sure they could crop it, use something like paint to censor out the username, but why get busted for NDA when you shelled out $160 for an alpha?

I was more so suggesting the fact that he said he can't really talk about much as he's under NDA.
Not showing screenshots etc because your steam ID is visible I understand. But, coming to Yea Forums and saying I can't tell you what's happening because I'm under NDA anonymously while there are others playing the alpha too is retarded.

If I get the $119 edition now will I still get the mousepad?

Also is there ultrawide 21:9 support?

>that "tactical" positioning
0/10 and clearly done by people with no knowledge on tactics or formations

pls respond

Or maybe by people who wanted to make an interesting looking mousepad

Try hard noguns faggot

Can you at least vocaroo the game so we can hear the sound design / voice acting?
If not then we know you're full of shit

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I think the mousepads are all gone, I don't know about resolution settings

Only cowards own guns

I think he wants something closer to a simple terrorist hunt from Rainbow Six, spawn in, clear rooms and thats it, with all the weighty shit common with tactical shooters, like very dynamic AI, injuries, intense moments with heavy sound design, etc...
for that I think Insurgency and Day of Infamy are good options.

How's the movement?

yeah, how good is the body damage?
just decals, or is there more physical damage, like gibbing and body deformation?

They used a website called castingcall to get voice actors. I bet one of them got cheeky and improved a MDE line that the devs liked without knowing what MDE is.

ok ok but can you shoot protestors and twitch streamers?

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When I played Insurgency Sandstorm closed Alpha, they also had the name moving around all over the screen. I posted screenshots here and realized that there is also a very, very hard to see QR code type thing that moves around as well. Ready or Not could have something similar.

How is the AI? how in depth is breaching ie c4 + flashbang, smoke, sting. in swat 4 the ai is braindead and leaves themselves exposed during breaches

how intimidating are the swat guys' voices? in the trailer it was pretty weak.

>Or maybe by people who wanted to make an interesting looking mousepad
Making something unrealistic which is attempting to simulate realism is only interesting to idiots

That explains you


Its a mousepad you retard, not the actual game


Guns feel really nice to shoot have a good amount of *oomph" to them though some sights feel off and some clip the peq 15 over rail but I'm sure they'll fix its literally the first day

Is the gore in tact or will they be toning it down so it they can get it released to a wider range of people?

I remember seeing some screens and the gore was on point for a game like this.

How's the audio? Is there reverb when you shoot guns inside buildings?
Yeah, that one screencap of the dude with the blown out skullcase was pretty gnarly. I hope they don't self censor just to reach some gay yuros.

please reply to these posts anons.

saw gameplay, looks like shit

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braindead ai, they stand still, flash and stingers suck
swat guy sounds like hes making his voice deeper, sounds retarded

Not that noticed but I wasnt paying attention I was more focused on how similar the features are to swat 4 which they're practically the same

Overall if you really like SWAT 4 you won't be disappointed with this however early alpha is early and it's 120 monies (for alpha access) so its pretty damn expensive but as far as being a spiritual successor to swat it definitely going to accomplish that perfectly, now they just have to finish the game and polish it but it's there alright and I'm hopeful and excited to see more

>noooo don't mock my cuckold porn!!!

This is some strong shill bullshit.
>Just pay 120 dollars for a buggy alpha

Just stop eating a bucket of hotpockers every day and you'll be able to afford it.

Sorry I spent all my money on Star Citizen

or just wait a few months for the base game beta? unless you have adhd

came here hoping for leaks and there's nothing.

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If it's true that the name is displayed on the screen and changes location every so often, I'd go out of my way to make some webms after editing them accordingly, but I'm not spending 110€ to get access to an early alpha.

Wouldn't it be enough to record your monitor from a camera some distance away to fuzzy out the identifiers?
That way we'd get something even if we can't judge graphics or fine details.

People comparing it to SWAT 4 but SWAT 3 was the smarter and more authentic game

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hell just vocaroo the game so we can at least hear the voice acting and sound design

>Isn't that way too early for an alpha? A year and a half? What's the point?

It's actually an alpha. Unfinished textures, missing UI elements, missing sounds, bugs galore (I filled out 8 reports in 61 minutes of play). Right now it plays like a very unfinished but modernized SWAT 4. It runs fine, movement and shooting are good but half the stuff that makes guns feel weighty (Sound, sparks, impact, ect.) are either half implemented, poorly implemented, or missing. AI is dogshit at the moment. It's missing the gore, but for some reason the voice acting is really good. The textures that are in are pretty good though.

Is the VA anything like the intro of the gameplay trailer? Cause that was extremely cheesy and awful.

It's pretty good. I don't remember that trailer so I can't say for sure, but the orders and call outs sound exactly like SWAT 4. The biggest difference is that the civilian and criminal voice actors are better than the civilian and criminal voice actors were in SWAT 4. They also have more to say. It's still a little cheesy, but better than goofy. I think only one shooter has a voice now, but I may be wrong.

SWAT 3 fucking stinks and you are a fool

>NDA watermarks
hack that shit out, my brainlet dude

You think you could record some of the audio while playing and upload it somewhere?

Or just take blury phone vids

can't be that hard.

I'm an idiot but I'll try

How obtrusive are the teleporting watermarks? If you record even just a minute or two of gameplay I can painstakingly blur all of that out for you lad.

>10 years, 20 years, how bout I'm doing none of em
No fucking way.

And if so - then hell yeah.

Attached: Yeah right.gif (320x180, 3.28M)

imagine spending 120 bucks to test the game for the devs

>Gun right next to your buddies fucking ear drum
>Just a couple inches from flagging your buddy.
w e w

There's that dude with his head blown off from promo images, in game there is displacement mapping on areas that have been shot so you can see under clothing


While the gore system isn't present you can see where it could come into play, like I shot this nog in the face and the face-mask he was wearing actually ripped apart dynamically, and the bullet wounds aren't just static overlays or anything they're actually part of the body.

bumping in the hopes someone actually posts some gameplay

I gotchu senpai

Unlike what they tell you in E3 presentations these days, a game releasing a year and a half from now is actually in alpha

What about the gun sounds? Does it still sound loud and realistic like that old trailer? Or is it neutered like in the new one?

someone host a server

The main theme is Amazing.

yeah I love the neo-noir aesthetic they're going for

You can customize weapons its the icon itself that's under

I saw BlueDrake post a pic of his receipt so I guess we'll have to wait a little bit.

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user, Siege is not a Rainbow Six game, just like Wildlands and Breakpoint aren't Ghost Recon games.

One of the devs came on 8/v/ a year ago, he sounded like a cool guy so I'm not surprised if they've added a lot of references like that.

>dev bullshot
We want real gameplay by real players showing all the shit going wrong in the game not a perfectly managed bullshot

Just remembered that the dev of Elite force mod is now working on this so thats nice he at least knows what makes swat 4 good

they'll probably hire a proper VA closer to release

is there any PvP in the alpha currently? Or is it all players vs AI type stuff rn?

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>player vs AI stuff
You mean pve?
Also yes but pvp is broken rn

there's both.

There's one coop/singleplayer map, two tdm, one gun game I think multi is playable and you can host your own server, but good luck getting a bunch of your friends to spend 120 lmao

>complains about the positioning
>makes no mention of the diverse range of weaponry and no discernible role or organization that would denote a need for said difference in weaponry.
>not mad that your tac unit, if engaged in a long firefight, could not share magazines
you're fake news faggot, kick rocks

There's plenty of folks on the invite only discord to play with, right now you need to invite from your friends list though

I've fucking hunted that kid for an hour after clearing the gas station. it's some bullshit. I even tried wiggling my camera into the cabinets but I never see her in the ones I can get into

Been playing the alpha. Suspect just started yelling "FUCKING NIGGER GLOW IN THE DARK NIGGERS" through the wall. Pretty immersive so far

Using poor positioning leads to friendly fire, a far more serious issue than running out of ammo which barely ever happens in urban conflicts.

For example, the guy on the right far is going to get shot in the neck the moment he moves by the guy behind him, and that guy is going to get shot in the shoulder by the man behind him. Literally no SWAT force in the world would ever stand like that anymore because of the endless friendly fire which is caused.

If you want to watch something which is both kino and educational feel free to use what we use

t. actual cop

Multiplayer is in, just go to the discord I guess to get people to play

Yeah she isn't spawning at all,shes supposed to be in cabinet's that you were trying to get in

how is pvp broken? It was working alright for me and one other guy earlier for 1v1

Any LAN possibilities?

That dumb bitch shot his bro in the back of the head, wasnt even that fast of a movement either, was a fucking cunt

they're literally forming a close stack, the only thing missing is the shield up front.

also, why the fuck is that one motherfucker in the back wearing that Chinese (Taiwanese, Indonesia, one of those countries) ballistic mask?

I want someone to leak something just to spite these boot-licking cum guzzlers.

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>Sitting in the comfort of his bedroom making judgements on life and death situations

Yes, a formation which is no longer used anywhere in the world because of its endless FF. Watch the video.

>directly linking reddit
fuck off

Here's ur screen bro

Attached: yuk.png (203x245, 62K)

>reddit or not
this wont be anything like SWAT or R6, more like takedown red sabre

>linking shittid
Fuck off newfag


Looks like hollywood garbage.

>a formation which is no longer used anywhere

this is actually an in game cap

>goes into a shithole
>surprised he finds shit
You're a fucking moron. Lurk more newfag.

>supposed to be a hardcore tactial videogame
>gun game

I'm glad and sad at the same time by calling it many years ago.

>has literally trained special forces all over the world, including actual SWAT
You're retarded

>game can't be tactical and have TDM or party modes
>game can't have realistic skins like the FBI
Glad I'm not playing with retards like you, TDM is elimination based in case anyone is wondering.

Attached: 1557882626501.png (230x232, 117K)

if your command staff is using youtube videos during training, for instruction not just bodycam footage or review, then your department is a fucking joke.

the skin is an FBI HRT uniform
and tdm is the easiest mode to implement so why not add it

They already have DLC roadmapped so for about two years they have had plans to nickel and dime us. Fuck these greedy devs.

Military closed stacks were so ineffective when US troops got to the middle east they literally had to get SWAT guys to come over and teach them real CQC tactics which didnt involve pointing a gun at the back of the head of your friend. Educate yourself.

We have our own stuff but its private and obviously I cant show you, the point is that video proves why closed stacks are utter dogshit and the leading cause of FF in urban environments.

>200 dollary doos to be under NDA for a game in alpha state
Watch this bomb just like escape from tarkov

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literally every single dev that wants to add post-launch content does this

I'm sure he's skilled an what not, I just don't like how the footage is edited to look like an epic film with lens flare and what not.

One of the key reasons to use a closed stack is if you're untrained, it means the leader can keep his team close and not running off doing stupid things.

Properly trained groups never use close stacks.

So is one of you fags gonna give at the least some actual screens or am I gonna have to wait a year to see, if these jews deserve my hard earned money

>literally not a single leak so far
you fucks are useless

Gotta make a living somehow, im only jelly I didnt get there first. Or are trained enough to justify anyone listening to me like him.

>Game is far, far from finished
>Already got plenty of DLC planned to Jew the players

Give me meaningful post-launch content after you have finished the fucking game, otherwise why not just include it anyway? This is nothing new and in a way at least they are being upfront with their greediness and not pretending they'll develop that stuff after.

Reddit is better than 4channel

I guess you're right, gotta attract viewers somehow.

Have the devs said anything about modding tools?

This is make or break for me because SWAT 4 had a semi decent modding scene.

It's not, they already made their money back from pre orders alone. stay mad poorfag.

There is fucking people explaining the game and a screenshot posted in this thread ur blind

>game comes out a month later

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>We have our own stuff
I left my department years ago after I hit the first tier of retirement and decided to go private, so I don't know what you guys are doing these days, but the only videos I recall watching were footage from actual incidents. Then we'd talk about it for hours and fucking rewind a thousand times before doing a run through of the scenario ourselves.

The bulk of the training was run throughs in our killhouse with our tac officers and some gold bar watching over us. We'd go over powerpoints all fucking day, but I never sat in our office and watched videos. Are you motherfuckers watching videos all day now?

In the 8min gameplay trailer they said they want full modding support. One dev made the SFF mod for swat4

how come Sam used to be fairly handsome like 5 years ago. what the fuck happened to him

they said there'd be a full sdk on launch

i see your cope, and i raise you dilate

Why have those things in the beginning? Programming, UI, skin modelling texturing, map changes all take up development time.
Example: Children of a dead earth is a hardcore space warfare sim, which claims to have "Every technology, from the Nuclear Thermal Rockets, to the Railguns, to the Magnetoplasmadynamic Thrusters, was implemented using actual equations from Engineering and Physics textbooks and white papers. Every aspect of these systems, efficiency, size, mass, power usage, heat dissipation, are all derived from valid equations."

Guess what they spent development time on? Making extensive documentation on different materials and their properties, building a great module/ship editor, and making this super complex game to be as user friendly as possible. They didn't spend a second on dumb skins and multiplayer deathmatch modes. It's a game for people who want to simulate space combat, not show off their skins. RoN is pandering to the kids who play the games to grind and show off, not to those who want a simulator of X or Y. This is very sad.

Attached: 20180705110838_1.jpg (1920x1080, 227K)

Hmmm. I take your dilate and cast it aside for my trap card "Have Sex"

Wheres the fucking leaks

grade-A autism

Sorry for wanting to play a game made with love, and not to attract braindead kids. Did you know that CSGO was dying, and introducing skins revitalized the game? Is this a good thing? A game was shit and people didn't want to play it. The only people who came after that are the ones who cared about their shiny weapons. CS1.6 and other old games somehow managed to be popular without those mechanics. People played them because they were fun.

can someone that got into the alpha take a video with your phone or something? just crop out the usernames in the kill feed

Attached: SSSSKKKIIIINNNNSSSS.jpg (1047x445, 220K)

No, but there is no reason to ignore good advice from other sources. Inhouse training isolated from other teams is the reason why 9/10 tactical response teams are dogshit.

We're not so arrogant to assume we know everything, and use the results of other teams to inform ourselves. For the purposes of some dumb fuck Yea Forums tards learning what spacing is that video is fine, and its concepts are what properly trained people use, but its nothing in comparison to actual training.

Why dont you guys just wear giant metal suits?

>game falls off in popularity after launch
>steadily gains popularity with some peaks during content updates


It's fucking terrible, there's no way the game is finished in 2020.

Attached: OgDEhL8.png (373x175, 116K)

>even the republicans are controlled by j*ws

>Inhouse training isolated from other teams is the reason why 9/10 tactical response teams are dogshit.
We got sent to Jordan twice to train over there, I don't understand why they didn't just crosstrain with another agency, even an out-of-state one if they wanted to send us away. Buddy of mine who is a chevron now says they fly in consultants now rather than travel a whole lot, their most recent trip was to Israel like two or three years back.

The reason 9/10 tac teams are dogshit is they're not always active and take an hour to fucking deploy, meanwhile patrol officers are on scene an engaging. It's elitist, I know, but my agency was a rather large one and we had the luxury of being always active. Smaller agencies, or ones that give their tac team members 'SWAT' pins and put them out on patrol, are crippling their tac team At that point just use the local SO, give them a stipend so they can be active 24/7.

>We're not so arrogant to assume we know everything
Calm down you big gay.

But who trains you to flashbang cribs of weed dealers?


what's wrong with it

he paid 120$ for a borderline broken product shit? it's a fucking closed alpha

when I wore camo instead of blue (neither of which I wear anymore) I saw a flashbang light an entire hovel on fire. The motherfuckers inside started shooting when it went off too, so we hunkered down and didn't force entry, no real reason to.

None of them came out, they just kept shooting and the shit just burned down.

Did you find the wmds in the ash?

was the hovel covered in petrol? i didnt think flashbangs would burn long enough to cause a fire without an accelerant


hgh + fat

who is this martyr?

this champion of men

Absolute madman, tenno heika banzai!

well for now it looks like a joke, seems that nda is for a reason.
let's hope it improves drastically on beta or atleast release

his name is all over the screen nigga

is it some elaborate meme tho? like hes a clever dude even if he is a bit autistic. he must realise what he's doing to himself

those sight effects look dope

Watched the video before it got taken down. Looks pretty good solid fundamentals. Looks lile swat 4 but modern. Im hype.

my mistake.

it literally just looks like an alpha, ground branch looks like this now

you know how those geniuses from like a hundred years ago were fucking weirdos, same thing here


>shoots the first guy before entering
>"entry team to talk, suspect DOA"

anyone got a mirror? it's down

>this video is unavailable


This thread is full of paid shills, so it got reported asap

Jesus, upload it to anywhere but youtube...

>game trying to capitalise on SWAT and r6 nostalgia is shilling their shit game
no shit


Attached: JHDe2Ag_d.jpg (640x360, 11K)

At least it has neat scopes. I'll give it that. Almost no games do scopes properly, not even muh realism games like arma and squad. RO:Ost had some neat scopes.


Attached: OD05.png (640x480, 481K)


>there's no way the game is finished in 2020.
user, i...

yeah but does it have true first person?

here goes your $120

Attached: 1564260713294.jpg (512x512, 70K)

SFF? Sheriff's special forces?
God I spent days doing every possible map with my lads back in like 2014.
Best one is the cali small bank. Fuck yeah, now I have trust in RoN again

Doubt it, they arent man enough for that.
Too bad the scope is super fancy but it still does that zoom in everything shit

>announced then nothing for a few years
>gets an actual trailer and shows basic as fuck gameplay
>too them half a decade to make a game thats only in ALPHA and they still plan ahead for DLC
>having DLC skins in your pre-alpha game in the first place

At this point it's not even an alpha it's a 2 weeks prototype jesus christ.

Attached: yga7x6i5rR.png (363x376, 170K)


wtf this is dolphin porn

AAA marketing has poisoned your brain, it looks really good for an actual alpha, most alphas can't even go above 15fps

>it looks realy good for an alpha
this is your brain on judaism

>I don't have an argument, so you're a jew

Attached: 1556720485331.jpg (500x660, 73K)

Looks alright, just a modern copy of SWAT4

You have no idea about game developing

I developped notorious games on gamemaker so I know what I'm talking about

>the baddie AI sucks
>the movement is good
>grenades suck
>breaching is not very fleshed out yet
>the good guy AI sucks
confirm or deny these points?

Attached: 7F71D068-C6EC-4FB1-AC0D-E024926F6FAC.jpg (765x837, 73K)

Apart from the AI, which needs a lot of work, it looks pretty great for an alpha, honestly, no matter what 4braincells say.

it's a small team dipshit

I thought the grenades were too powerful
Overall yeah the biggest issue is the AI, and the pacing looks a bit too fast, everything else looks okay.

>i-its a small team
thats not an excuse faggot, if your team was so small why would you purposefully make the game with features/graphics that would take years to make because your team is so small?
this game is just a downgraded SWAT4 with added bloatware

What games? If you don't prove it I can say I'm queen Elizabeth

BUT HEY LETS MAKE SKINS)))))))))))))))))

I knew this game is going to be flashy shit like R6 from the moment I saw how they flail the guns during reloading in an old development video.

>your team
You need to take some of these

Attached: Zyprexa.png (908x681, 1.45M)

thanks man

AIs are the mega trend in IT right now. Why video game AI still suck?

what do you mean "flashy shit"?

I can feel buyer remorse trough the screen

>ONE skin for the player, just like they had in swat 4
wanna know how I can tell you never played swat 4, bitch ?

>people getting disappointed in a build of a game over a year away
really just hold your expectations for the beta

>nigger cant into reading
did you take that pic yourself lol?

Nice, well since it’s an alpha at least the devs will know what to work on the most.

Also, if any of them are reading this, it’s a ton of extra work and I’m sure you know of it already, but look at how the FEAR devs handled the AI in that game, specifically their audio callouts. They have a TON of specific voice lines that call out “behind the table” or “by the vending machine” or “under the desk”

It’s hard to implement in really huge games but if you’re focused on tight indoor areas it can be really effective.

>tfw own a retail copy of SWAT 4 but new computer has no ODD

Is anybody gonna "share" the game files?

>tfw still playing swat 4 pvp in 2019

a scenario similar to the Bataclan Theatre attack would be kino

I'm glad the developers are working on making the core game work way way way before the game even releases. Sandstorm's alpha and beta were both mere months from release and they not only had to delay that shit but it was still shit on launch.

I still remember playing the demo disc that came with a gaming magazine on my grandparents' computer on low settings and still had fun.

user the goal of swat 4 is to NOT kill all the hostages

>that walking speed
just because you move slow as a snail your game wont become more tactical

>sees a dude through a window
>puts him down without shouting that he's police
fucking Japs, coldblooded as af

it was already mentioned earlier that you can adjust the walk speed with your scroll wheel.

Gotta love the pilpul Yea Forums has to do every time a promising game is on the horizon to hide their interest and avoid saying it looks good.

Attached: 1543998835939.jpg (330x319, 48K)


put some filters in it

Jap Justice

what the fuck the walking speed was way too fast, do you have adhd

If this ever even comes out I bet the online will be barebones as fuck when it could be god tier.
Fuck rainbow shit shitiege I'm done with it.

so why no gameplay webm?


The game looks exactly the same as SWAT4, with maybe a bit better shooting mechanics.

Attached: 1557628244449.png (600x620, 212K)

Because theres an NDA and the alpha has that user ID flashing all over the screen, no one wants to lose the game access after paying $100+


>entry team to TOC
Fucks sake, this is the most basic of radio etiquette. You say the name of who you're calling first to get their attention THEN you say your own name so they're already paying attention when you do so. I know swat 4 also got it wrong but that doesn't make it okay.


Attached: 14581568.jpg (1100x720, 147K)


>Anti gaming brigade

uh oh

this site needs an age test before posting


go back to Twitch

stop sucking cocks and deliver more gameplay

Attached: 43412185612.png (2518x1206, 973K)

>hyped for MORE american SWAT shit


>impyling they're not watching this thread right now



Oh, I'm not implying that this is bad in any way. I'd definitely fucking buy this.

Its fucking stupid to expect people to keep NDAs. if they're embarrassed at the state of the game but want feedback then dont sell your game.

This is what you get when you keep fucking sheep.

SOMEONE REUPLOAD THE GAMEPLAY. I know some of you fuckers saved that shit.

Well, we've yet to see Western European SWAT shit. There was Takedown Red Saber but

read the fucking thread

>that jap footage
Holy FUCK thank god I didnt pay for this. The game looks like a god damn tech demo.

Its not even alpha yet. Get your god damn textures done.

I'm not downloading dolphin porn

Search "mega" in the thread

dont worry, its coming soon

Yeah because overloading your servers by having open fucking season alpha is so smart. Torch and crash the game for all in 1 day.

Half the retards who pay nothing won't even report bugs or submit feedback.

Also who the fuck do you think is funding this shit? This isn't some EA game where 'alpha' is meaningless marketing shit, this is an actual alpha made by a small team who's probably earning next to fuck all in money and you expect them to give a fuck about making a game for another YEAR without revenue?

Give me a fucking spell.

can someone post a webm?

You're so stupid even a dolphin is smarter than you

Attached: 435345345345.png (1918x1079, 2.43M)

Why are they pretending to be mad at this when, if anything, they're getting more feedback which they can use to improve the game

Nigger what is this?

read the leddit comments and you'll find out

The companion AI looks fucking braindead. I've played 20 year old games with better AI than this. Why has AI stagnated in video games?

are you pretending to be retarded

Firstly, the game is not in an alpha state so this is false advertising, its absolutely a tech demo. Second, they never should have released it in this state, they've ruined their first impressions of real gameplay. Third, lol get fucking bent, no one owes you shit dev. If you cant handle the success you wont get it. If you cant afford to make it then do something less, you dont magically get the right to be a cunt just because you want something.

The game needs a shitton more work before trying to sell it and thats that.

Thats breach and clear "alpha"

>getting more feedback
>cunts looking at the gameplay and going "hurr dis look lik shite m8"
yeah I'm sure they needed just that kind of feedback

It's almost as if the game is a year and a half away from release

>put together a bunch of extremely well done fancy videos "showing" your game off
>it looks down right fucking amazing and extremely high quality
>actual gameplay is literally unrelated to what you showed, you might as well show off the SWAT movie and say its your game
Yeah, they had this coming, and it was stupid thinking an NDA means anything, there is a reason why game testing is done by employees or hired contractors (game testers) and not the general public.

You can literally find gameplay on YouTube

>user states flaw with game
>another user defends by saying "its not done yet"
>rinse and repeat forever
Welp we're entered star citizen territory already

Man, you guys sure are picky with how in-game Alphas turn out, as well as how to advertise your games with vertical, well-presented slices of gameplay.

>as well as how to advertise your games with vertical, well-presented slices of gameplay.
Bullshots are bullshots no matter how you cut it.

>ignore feedback from retards
>take into consideration the thought out feedback talking about things who are already in a finished state like movement, aiming, gun sounds, maybe AI
What's even the point of the alpha other than an excuse to charge 120 bucks for a game
If they're scared of feedback they should stop milking supporters and do like AAA companies and release a """beta""" 2 weeks prior to release when everything's polished

How many missions are available? Are they to the level of SWAT 4 in terms of complexity at least?

>release game for play testing
>surprised when you get criticism
Everyone is aware the game isnt done. Its still not worth even looking at, let alone playing. Already it looks like the devs bit off more than they could chew, should have stuck to something simpler like Due Process did.

They have the framework of the game and the mechanics. We still have a year for them to improve and polish the game. It's not going down the shitter because of some alpha gameplay.

>literally asked why is the AI bad
>perhaps it's not complete

Attached: 1566146767478.gif (320x287, 996K)

Yeah see you in 3 years when you say the game is good now and no one cares

Dont expect these dumbasses to contextualize that, they think money falls from the sky and alphas are supposed to be gods gift to coming on day 1 as if it was final.

A year is plenty of time to finish it.

>Double-taps body after visibly falling like a sack of potatoes
To Protect and Serve

>instant deflection

You are absolutely retarded if you think this is what a tech demo looks like just because there are a couple of missing textures and the AI is yet far from polished.

>They have the framework of the game and the mechanics
You can tell even from this alpha they dont have the technical skill or resources to finish this. SWAT4 was a big project for its time, they wont be able to beat it.

Its a shame, but its DoA.

>wont be able to beat a game from 2004

yeah sure, so impossible.


It literally has no AI so it is a tech demo.

t. game designer

He's right you are retarded.

Why are leak anons too fucking lazy to just hide their name?
>b-b-b-b-b-b-but it moves!!!!!!!!!
so take a screenshot you retard faggots. I got away with breaking Sandstorm NDA and that had moving names and a moving near invisible QR code.

Instead of trying to save face by shitposting here dev maybe you should just actually do your job and fix your game.

You fucked up releasing this early with a barely functional product. All you can do now is try to finish it and then use it on your resume when you apply for a minimum wage job at Ubisoft.

>trying to samefag to save face
You're like the AI in Ready or Not. No intelligence.

Barry, is that you? Are you trying to shitpost another game into becoming the next Tortanic?

swing and a miss retard.

Attached: 1534930043298.jpg (1220x319, 46K)

"Literally no AI" says the "game designer" ayyyy, you probably can't even make your own bed.

snitched you to the mods in NDA server

Attached: file.png (530x109, 21K)

stay pleb

I don't even know what all these kids are talking about, AI aside the game looks pretty good and super smooth already, and it's a goddamn closed alpha like a year and half away from release.

But oh well, if you don't act like a braindead 4fag incel you must be a dev saving face, right, sorry.

You just discovered MDE. You're an underaged or nonwhite faggot from a shithole country

oh wow, its LITERALLY a shitty swat ripoff, too lazy to come up with their own HUD and UI?

three hours in rpgmaker, unity or renpy does not make you a game designer you mollusk

The HUD works, and players will be familiar with it. Why bother changing what isn't broke?

lol whats stopping them from completely overhauling the UI like every other game does

its blatant plagiarism

>whats stopping them from completely overhauling the UI like every other game does
its a modern game made by a small team thats in pre-pre alpha THEY WONT CHANGE SHIT

Fucking reee this is a shit show.
I know the devs are watching so ill put it like this for you all
Theres plenty of game play on the one sight no one ever thinks to look.
Hope it makes you cum when you see it

Attached: received_724957204621113.jpg (720x1280, 47K)

There's legitimate reasons for why they have NDA's for internal builds of the game. Internal builds are usually unpolished, buggy, broken, ugly, and have all kinds of different problems that make that game look unappealing. First impressions are very important.

With that said, they're trying to have the cake and eat it too. The people who sign NDA's and play an unfinished game explicitly to help the developers identify and fix bugs and polish their game are called QA testers. A QA tester is a JOB, a JOB that in normal circumstances is one that you get PAID for. In this case they are asking people to PAY THEM 120 DOLLARS for the PRIVILEGE of QA testing their game.

This isn't consumer entitlement, quite the contrary, it's DEVELOPER entitlement for expecting you to PAY for the privilege to do THEIR work.

but its a french commando, retard can t even read

>Hands it now..
Where is the ENTHUSIASM, STRESS AND POWER in the voice? This better be improved.

You're right user, SWAT DID steal the idea from max payne! We should SUE.

reddit or not has mutt SWAT niggers only you goon

I wouldn't mind a literal HD or whatever cash crab copy if it meant people started playing SWAT 3/4 again.

Wonder if they will do something controversial like a AI companion turning off his bodycam before/after shooting a civilian or perp surrendering unarmed?

welcome to 2014
QA testers are a joke job now especially when half the community will do it for free like bootlickers.
QA jobs also get dropped immediately after game release, are only useful in the later parts of the game dev cycle, and generally just nepotism hires anyways.

>that line is pretty cool though
Jesus christ user

>told epic to go fuck themselves
Buying the fuck out of this

sweet, wish i had money. nice deathadder too, still use my 2013 edition

so any idea when the nda lifts? winter?

it's planned

so how many of you fucks actually bought it?
should we make a general?

probably placeholder, it goes against their whole style for the game

The people that posted gameplay don't seem to have English as their first language, how likely is it that they simply didn't know they weren't supposed to do that? Is there some sort of fullscreen message when you boot up the game about the NDA? Is it likely they'll still get banned if they claim innocence this way?

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>Firstly, the game is not in an alpha state
You're wrong.
The idea for an Alpha that is perpetuated by modern Triple A Game studios is a fake definition for the word "Alpha". It's literally just a way for them to show off the game when it's near completion and try to excuse the shittiness of the game by saying "B-but it'll be changed" despite the fact the game is near completion.
What Ready or Not is showing off is an actual Alpha from a Game Development Process, unfinished textures, models, etc.
I think the game will probably be shit because it's a SWAT clone and therefore inferior to games like Quake. But this false idea of what an Alpha is supposed to be seriously ruins the game industry, and I'll give the devs credit for at least making an actual alpha, but that won't convince me to buy their game. They'd need to make a true spiritual successor to Quake first off.

there's always the chance that he just mashed though the screen or didn't read if it was by email
devs could still be unreasonably irate though

>I think the game will probably be shit because it's a SWAT clone and therefore inferior to games like Quake. But this false idea of what an Alpha is supposed to be seriously ruins the gam
I see, I too can shitpost hardcore style.

Can you shoot hostages and still continue playing or does it kick you to a game over screen?

Attached: s_ak5_polis2.jpg (494x766, 67K)

Presumably hostages can be shot and the operation will still continue, but result in a fail screen. Like SWAT 4.

SWAT 4 feels like an unfinished mess compared to 3.

kill yourself Steve

>I think the game will probably be shit because it's a SWAT clone and therefore inferior to games like Quake.
Why do arenafags actually think they have any sort of credibility or authority? A bunch of bitter retards whining about "muh better days" and circlejerking over dead and surpassed genres.

One of the few reasonable comments has to end with "...but it will be shit because I want Quake", never change 4tards.

go back to "exposing" leakers redditor

speed toggle is the mouse wheel if I remember right.

And of course if you don't prove yourself retarded yo must be be from X forum, or a dev, or a shill... Heh, gotta say this cesspit is rather funny but my IQ suffers from each post.

Wish they’d give the player more emotional voice line reactions to the situation, feels too monotonous and bi polar not gonna lie.

you're atleast 2 out of 3 of those descriptions.
keep it up you'll surely get that reddit gold for exposing the alt-right cesspit known as 4channel

Attached: 1565977616452.png (843x479, 811K)

My interrest for this game went from 8 to 2 in a few minutes of playing. It doesn't even make me want to participate in the development process as the basic core gameplay (movement,shooting) is below average in my opinion.

Attached: 1500004751165.png (298x260, 62K)

cool i found a video on porn hub

Hah, cute, such a dumb child take. I guess your tiny brain can't comprehend calling the retarded stuff for what it is doesn't mean you have to be from another site, or be into your shameful fights, or even take sides or...

Anyway, I can see how you feel at home here with the rest of the brainlets, but take care if you ever go out on the streets mate, you might not like reality.

They still haven't even taken down the youtube video, give the fucking link geez.

Examples of games with good movement/shooting so we know if your opinion is worth shit?

How's the AI and the command interface?

On one hand, they weren't lying when they said it was still in Alpha, and despite all their bitching about the bitching, they seem to be taking down notes. On the other, this is rather dark. 2020 is fast approaching and they're still in alpha. Taking down criticism won't do jack shit when you can't apply all your notes in time.

Not him, but there aren't many realistic shooters with good movement mechanics. Though, one that does come to mind is RO2.

Watched the gameplay, graphics are meh, but tactics are pretty similar to swat 4

Attached: Screenshot (7).png (1920x1080, 743K)

>it's nothing near that webm

Attached: ron.webm (700x392, 2.92M)

Attached: Screenshot (2).png (1920x1080, 1.27M)

this should be a reminder that all companies big and small can produce and be guilty of bullshots

>you use the mousewheel to control walk speed
this is a suprisingly good method, only game i've ever seen use it is the PC version of chaos theory. interesting

Can someone put this on stremable or bitchute or something

Escape from Tarkov also does it


Here's a 10min upload of the 12min mega if you don't want to download it.

but the disclaimer does talk about graphics being subject to change, so they are probably going to improve them

They've confirmed a School scenario, and the story's supposed to be about trauma and shit from the job if the "Carcosa" thing is anything to go by


Ty user!

The only people FOOLED by that are you. It's obvious the game is not in the implied state of their official videos. It's not even labeled as current playable gameplay videos. It's setting the atmosphere and "universe", how they want it to feel and look close to.

>meme retro PC and other retro equpment

>it's showing fake gameplay to sell the idea of what the game might look like

Attached: 68586808_10219994941367092_5540345139953664000_n.png (720x555, 390K)

yes but fuck russonybros

>those models
>those animations

That's a focking nice scope, have to give them that

yeah right, that's why it's under NDA for an open alpha, sell more $130 editions from those fake "gameplay" trailers and we all know xsolla never gives refund. Jeez I wonder why devblogs aren't up anymore. Absolutely disgusting.

Attached: 98743454.png (722x678, 1.06M)

Wat? Shooting sure but movement is absolute ass in RO2 imo. :c

>Jeez I wonder why devblogs aren't up anymore
They probably want to go full Bannerlord or something.

>early alpha for a game not releasing for a year and a half looks unfinished

Tactical games require less skill than games like Quake by default. They are no different from Counter-Strike. Just aim slowly and shoot. Whereas Quake requires far fasterr mobility and reaction time.

here's your $120 supporter edition bro

Attached: some kind of alien.png (1920x1080, 1.46M)

i'm guessing you're the same retard who made that copypasta about how CS killed FPS games

did they make her out of clay?

you're the type of person who would complain about wrinkles in a dollar bill you found.

>those shoulders

Attached: chrome_fxxETW1ufZ.png (417x472, 395K)


>can't even make basic surrendering animations

how's the sunk cost fallacy bud

Really? It felt way better to move in RO2 than it did in ARMA or RS2 or any other game. There was a lot of momentum involved in running. The animations when proned were mind blowing to me as well, there was just so much care put into the animations. Well, scratch the fact that your head doesn't follow where you point your LMG when laying on the ground.

Why nobody's giving orders to their AI teammates? This is what sets SWAT and the classic tactical shooters from the modern "realistic" shooters

the friendly AI constantly glitches out in the alpha and sometimes won't listen to orders like arresting suspects so there's really no point

>seething about an early access game
Y I K E S dawg

>they'll fix it it's only a beta/alpha/early access/demo etc etc etc etc

stay a drooling brainlet it suits ya bud

How do I switch between orders and responses, I don't know what key I pressed to change it

Good work, Takamahawk.

Epic screenshots, The Word-Mule

Attached: Le Smug Spaniard Youtuber Face.png (626x670, 545K)

better than raging about a video game

Attached: anime.gif (262x264, 2.31M)

wtf bro you can read? How did you do that??

I hate it when games don't blur the housing on optics. Makes them really annoying to use in close quarters since they obstruct your vision like you were closing one eye when aiming.

Attached: Special Eyes.jpg (1280x720, 61K)