What's the best strategy for capping this point?
What's the best strategy for capping this point?
Other urls found in this thread:
charge uber until someone successfully pushes
Playing Steel instead.
uninstall and play pugg, apex or csgo
stealth cap as sphee
Pray for that last-second-magic where your team pulls their head out of their asses and makes a mega retard-strength push.
>Be faggot spy
>sap engi turrets that are holed up on ledges and left staircase before bridge
>ez push with charge
Only way this goes wrong is if there's a Pybro.
An ubered black scottish cyclops
You turn 360 degrees and play a better map
It's beginning to look a lot like dustbowl!
push with ubered demo for sentries and follow it with ubered heavy to clean up everyone else, can't even fail
yeah this answers the question 95% of the time
>engineer removes sapper
>can't kill engineer safely because his entire team is around the point alongside 2 other engis in case you do manage to successfully sap and stab
Have an engineer set up a base and teleporter around the corner, have Snipers harassing by peaking the corner, have a Medic building Uber behind the Engineer's base, when the Medic has Uber, have it launch a frontal assault with one Soldier while another Soldier rocket jumps up from the bottom sewer and a Demoman harasses from the ledge on the right side building and the rest of the team rushes in behind the uber
It's one of the worst points to stealth cap considering that the defenders have a clear look of it when going out of spawn
This is the only real way overwhelming force with an uber that pushs them back into start
uncloak with the C&D as soon as the first point is capped.
>gets pinned to the skybox by 3+ sentries
Nothing personal boy
If RED overextended too far and trying to spawncamp then a back cap will make them wake up.
Just rub your big black Scottish balls all over their sentry nests.
Cap it with Spy immediately after your team caps the first point.
>Not stealth capping as Bonk! Scout using sentry fire to catapult you past the starting choke point and escape in the chaos of round start
I only pulled this off once but it was glorious
As an Engineer I always leave my sentry at the last point, on the ledge of the building on the right when leaving RED spawn that overlooks the point, just in range for covering the point, to stop this from ever happening. Also managed to catch a number of stupid, unaware spies that uncloaked on last without looking there for my sentry
Have a two pronged front, one in the tunnels with an engine nest and medic heavy combo, while the rest form a more combative front on the cat walk, acting almost as a decoy while the tunnel team attempts to cap.
How do you cap this?
ninjaneer behind spawn and setup a tele
Either in 1 minute or 1 hour.
spam and scouts
>put another sapper on
Engi has to figure out who the fuck is sapping his shit still, and that distraction is all it takes, because his team might be too pants-on-head retarded to recognize that.
Again, unless there's a pybro, because they stick close to the engi nest like stink on shit.
Basically, if you kill enough sons of bitches and make sure they have no sentries, your team will push and you'll win.
bind all explode
>tfw the only time i tried to backcap as a cloaked spy i got kicked for idling
guess those cunts don't like winning, huh?
kill enemy team and stand on control point.
whats so hard about that?
invisible spy back cap as soon as the point is unlocked
synchronized double uber pushes while demomen and snipers harass from the windows on the left.
spies sap the sentry guns right as the ubers push in.
Disconnect and look for a server that doesn't play this shitpile of a map
literally how do people have any issues at all taking down sentry gun nests when the direct hit exists and will fuck their shit up
1 Engineer for teleporters and defense.
7 Medic Ubering
4 Heavies
3 Demomen
>capping while cloaked
well, i was going to decloak once 1st point was captured but got kicked before then
Too bad no one plays on this map, it's really fun if it goes on for an hour.
* presses 2 *
God I miss those hilarious killshots