Monster Hunter Thread
Monster Hunter Thread
hammer a best
What Frontier monster do you want in mainline?
>tfw 4 months
I'll start the cuteposting
Also, bring back Hypnocatrice.
More leaks before gamescom please!
Aw, look, he's smiling :)
Is it bad not using the radial wheel and only the item bar?
Also will they let you remove shit like BBQ and net from the item bar in iceborne?
You just posted it.
No Zin
No Steve
No Gore
Six new dragons
Just sleep now and when you wake up it'll be time
Just another day Bros. Very exciting.
Never, the net is very important.
Best idea I have heard all day, but I am hungry so I cant sleep.
I only use the Radial when when I’m gunning so I can craft ammo quicker. But I rarely do that so most of the time I have the fucker turned off. I’m too used to doing things the old fashioned way and I regularly play the old games anyway so why mess with what I know.
How long till the Gamescom preshow?
GU Hammer question.
I routinely see people suggest that Alchemy is a pretty good option for Hammer (because it doesn’t lose good attacks?), but how does it stack up against alternative Hammer styles?
16 hours, 15 minutes.
17 hours
Piscine wyvern here, I saw a cart of eggplants being shipped to Gamescom. Really makes you ponder...
please user...please stop hurting me
Wait I meant 17.
can you stop biting text leaks for one day?
>30th attack deco
I may play too much.
Remember DLC will have more. Not all launch monsters will get trailers too.
Can you stop posting good mosnters that never make it in please? What is the point?
All we get is shit rehashed from the base game and crap brutes
item bar is so fucking bad I HAD to start using radial menu. Being able to directly get to stuff like mantle/boosters and rations for after hitting the cart is way too valuable and I keep emergency items like max potions and farcasters active on the item bar. It sucks that the radial menu is still awkward to use too but it's something.
The point is that I like them.
So I just hunted something called a Glabenis for the first time. Its range is ouch with its sword tail but I really like the theme.
Eh, I’ve seen better.
I find the radial unpleasantly unwieldy. Item bar is no better so I use keyboard shortcuts for most things and keep the item bar on something I'll use at some point.
What? Maybe I'm just not lucky but I sit on 9 after 600
With how much shit I carry around in every hunt now that I don't need to save inventory space for carves, I welcome the radial menu
As soon as Iceborne is out though I'm gonna spend like 5 hours clearing out all my gear and item sets and wheel setups though.
I'm way above 600hrs. Didn't have 9 at that same timeframe though.
What an ugly frog
Share me your pleb stories. I'll start
I didn't even realize the difference between shock and pitfall traps until I wanted a certain tail. This is after 250 hours into 4U. I always wondered the differences until now
I tried to capture an elder dragon.
I timed out vs Duramboros in 3U because I played too safe and didn't know I could level up the long sword.
what will the AT MR EDs be like
My friend (that kid) was hyping up Nergigante to me for a week before I got to him, and said he was so strong that he only managed to capture him and had never killed him before. The first time I tried to capture it, my palico was using a para weapon and I thought it was the shock trap going off, so I thought it was actually true that he caught it, and wasted probably a dozen more traps trying, wondering why none of them were working any more.
I keep running out of time, I think the key is to get there fast enough to use the Dragonator twice, but this is a massive pain in the ass.
dododosjagras is a Zorah reskin
Why is the Cong angry at Pukei?
handler's fart was quite pungent indeed
The popular power/armor charm shit. I fucking didn't know till world, and I played 3U and 4U prior
Just killed Xeno, how do I progress gear wise from here?
How do you get those gamma sets or whatever?
My I triple carted twice in a row to Gypceros the first time I fought it, once because I was bad and the second time because I didn't remember to pack antidotes again and ran out of potions.
Get your dick kicked in by arch tempereds.
Akura Vashimu/Jebia, Pariapuria, and Hyjukiki or however its spelt
Grind to HR50 but don't actually do that
Get to HR29 and kill Tempered Bazel x2
Get to HR49 and kill Tempered Kirin
Farm Tempered Elders or event shit for streamstones/decorations
When you have 400+ def you can probably take on AT Vaal, Kush, or Teo easily enough as long as you specialize your set a little.
And I guess fight Behemoth at some point cause Drachen armor is busted.
>I didn't even realize the difference between shock and pitfall traps until I wanted a certain tail. This is after 250 hours into 4U. I always wondered the differences until now
T-There's a difference?
gunner: 3 piece xeno into 3 piece xeno gamma
blade master: drachen forever
In the interview where they confirmed Tempered is coming back, they said they don't currently have plans to bring back Arch Tempered, but will instead listen to player feedback and try to meet our needs with the post-launch updates.
Of course, doing that is what resulted in Arch Tempered in the first place, so it's entirely possible they still just end up giving us Arch Tempered versions of the new elders and flagships.
So you were just bad twice.
Do the special assignments for Deviljho, Lunastra and Behemoth, then try and just get decorations until you've got a good enough build to take on arch-tempered monsters
First time I was bad and died to flashes and charges
Second time I was just retarded
Ive only got the 3 from the witcher, and 2 gifts, o o p s i e s
i didn't know you could charge the greatsword for the first 50+ hunts with it
is it just that they get stuck in the pit instead of being shocked? because i realize that, is there more i don't know
pls no bully i'm still new to the franchise
My son...
What the fuck is Vaal supposed to be? Does it have two layers of skin?
You can inflict status on monsters in pitfall traps for extended cc duration like sleep, paralysis, ko etc. Also pitfall will trap monsters for longer duration if they're exhausted.
there's some faggot on reddit pretending be a leaker and they're calling his ass out kek
I thought that bong was part of his body initially.
not him but what are you doing on reddit?
A decaying dead dragon that decided that it didn't want to be dead anymore
Black pikachu
>going there
Gypceros wannabe stole his gimmick
He's the neet dragon living in his own filth within the basement that is the rotten vale. He likes to wear the skin of other monsters cause he's an edgelord.
Oh shit, I had no idea about that first part
Thanks user
It's a giant fish wearing a corpse
Oh we know, because tards kept dragging “leaks” from there over here the last few days.
which monster would you fug?
also, they're on mode
it's the quickest way to find leaks since they're always voted to the top
A man just needs his info, one way or another
>being a redditard
It's a Stoplight Loosejaw wearing a bunch of rotted shit on its back
The spines coming out of Vaal's back are basically meathooks
It sleeps under decaying corpses. He wears the skin of other monsters just because it can.
NFSW warning
it really annoys me how stupid as shit palamou is as a monster, he'd be better as a pseudo wyvern because that's how bats actually walk, and is face seems way too damn small for is body and his neck too long, it's just so awkward to look at. if his neck was shorter and his whole body puffed up instead he'd be better or they should of just kept his og concept as platypus bird wyvern, i have no idea why they changed it, they even kept the damn beaver tail from the concept. i feel like they wanted to make a cute monster with him but failed horribly, he's legit the worst looking, worst fight, and most forgettable monster in world
I can't wait for Great Jagras and Girros variants!
I also heard we're gonna get a Klu-Klux-Kuyaku!
He's just a generic throwaway wyvern user, don't waste your time on it
I wish they would make some non-wyvern monsters
Wyverns of all types are so fucking boring
because leaks are coming out, even if theyre from capcom and kinda boring, it's a lot easier to just go look at reddit rather than scrolling through 500 replies in the archive. it's a slightly less shit facebook
>get Glutton HBG
>decide to make the meta pierce set, never used HBG
>walk up to kulve and shoot it in the face
>it dies in under 60 seconds
what the fuck is this garbage? this makes the game ridiculously easy. Is this what playing Longsword is like?
do you actually believe that reddit leaker fag? everyone downvotes him for a reason.
why are 4Ubabs so retarded?
he looks so much better without shit all over him, i want a variant where he's naked
Once they have mastered the flying wyvern and similar skeleton types on World and IB they'll move on to others like the monkeys and crabs. I felt like they went a similar route with Gen 2 and 3 moving to 4, where they introduced a whole bunch of new animals
I just hope they will use the MHGU model. Just copy every monster from the last games and add some new ones.
Of course that's what they're gonna do. We're gonna be seeing World monster assets for the next 10 years.
Was this post automatically generated or some shit? How can everything in one post be so completely wrong?
That's kind of difficult outside of skeletons and some animations. They can't reuse the same models anymore
god no, the leaks coming out are real, but the dipshit saying he's the one leaking them is lying out his to get MUH KARMA
>15 hours left
That feel when no monster wife
When I was getting Vaal crowns just a few days ago, on two separate tempered vaal hunts I saw people drop shock traps.
Be patient, user. We’ll be rewarded handsomely.
Paolumu is good
Everyone better learn the difference between traps since Narga is getting added.
I just hope these pendants are not cosmetic only like some people speculate, I want it to be something more something crazier
Sometimes I like to drop traps on ED hunts just to see if anyone else doubt themselves enough to follow suit.
I don’t know about you, but I’m not retarded.
>Shock Traps don't work on Shagaru because he's an ED
>but they work on Gore
>Haha man I should go play some 3U again while I wait for IB
Holy shit fuck old SA, feels horrible to play. If I didn't already have the Brachy set I'd switch to a new weapon.
What items can you use when your weapon is out? I feel like I've been able to equip flash pods when my weapon is out before, so I'm not sure. Does CB get to use items like SnS?
>creepy as fuck dragon
>lives under carcasses
>wears rotting flesh as cover
>manipulates deadly gas
>drains gas from infected monsters
>also uses gas to give life to undead
>is actually a giant sandbag with shitty moveset and slow as fuck because he doesn't go outdoors
I hope he gets G. Baggi buffs in IB
Well yeah, Gore Magala is an ???.
What are you fucking stupid?
Literally not even related to Shagaru, why would you think that for a single second.
shut up paolumu, puki is a better low tier monster than you, cuter, better fight, coolest sub coming in iceborne, bigger dick, and it hands out quest and cooks at the camp
This but with Lance. Forward hopping became so second nature I forgot it wasn't always a thing.
babies a stupid and easier to kill
>the flagship and finale boss both use the Magala skeleton
>neither Gore nor Shaggy got in
It's surreal. You'd think they would re-use this skeleton considering what they've brought back in Iceborne
At this rate, monkeys have a better chance since the beta had endemic monkeys
>they'll move on to others like the monkeys
Can't wait for Congalala's new high-quality farting SFX and HD shit texture.
Imagine being the elder dragon where your special power is obesity
I thought both traps worked normally in the IB beta, regardless of Narga's status?
All bm weapons - whetstone
SnS - every item
Now that's priorities
>All bm weapons - whetstone
>but only if you access it from the radial menu
Getting real tired of your bullshit ryozo.
Never forget this happened on the day AT Vaal releassd on consoles
>Not using the radial menu for everything
Get with the times gramps, join the future
He’s like my spirit animal.
Was AT Vaal even considered hard? I got him first try when he came out and i'm the kind of shitter that can't beat Behemoth or AT Nerg at all.
it's basically a checklist
got immunity mantle?
got effluvium decos?
got enough potions?
got enough defense?
if so, whack him till he dies
I still think Gore will be in with Shaggy as dlc, it would just be too good to not do
old news we all played the beta. We want new leaks
You're forced to use Health augment AND Health booster.
I use the item bar exclusively because I still instinctively use the d-pad to move the camera sometimes.
watashi cool and anata stupid
I think that introducing both as Post Launch DLC would be the ideal outcome, that way they can have their little questline dedicated to them
i didnt realize the sprint button was a thing for a sizeable portion of the game
pukei is very forgettable. paolumu has SOUL
Only for people too retarded to bring a Health Augment and maybe toss on some Medicine Jewels
>no ninja sidehop to avoid the trap like the plague
Noooo they ruined it
Paolumu is literally just a small rathian that spits wind instead of fire, a true lack of SOUL
Paolumu gave us Nightshade though so its forgiven
Then why not on Xeno Jiva you double nigger?
xeno jiva is not a baby
You cheeky cunt
Paolumu really isn't that similar to rathian beyond a few shared moves and being a flying wyvern
xeno is a baby, he was just born but he is an adult
but it literally hatches in the cutscene?
>tfw no artillery jewels
>They don't know what a cocoon is
is a butterfly a baby?
Do you consider moths and butterflies to be babies? Because it emerged from a cocoon, not an egg.
The Japanese monster hunter guide called it a cocoon.
Would be pretty neat if they worked, considering his size
>steps in a trap with one leg
>that leg is stuck for a few seconds but xeno still attacks
I haven't done melding in a while so I probably have excess jewels in all the categories that got more points required, hopefully
>8 artillery decos
>had to grind for 20 hours on Lavasioth for my third guard deco
Being a lancechad is suffering
I look at this and dread having to farm a second verison of all the single level rarity 8 gems like spread, mighty bow and pierce since they're apparently getting additional levels as well.
>Looking for a music mod for World that replaces some of the soundtrack with older songs.
>All of them do stupid shit like give Nerg Valstraxs theme.
I just want the zones, hub and returning monsters changed leave Vaal, Nerg and Bazel the fuck alone.
ohh never seen this before
i guess 50% crit from weakness exploit is still a thing because you can get it to lvl 5
To the Piscine Camps you go
butterfly is an adult, but he is also a baby or a newborn to be exact since he was just born.
Maybe it's because they both have those dumb charge attacks and are generally pretty boring fights where they don't have much mobility and tend to stay out of the air compared to a lot of other flying wyverns
Doesn't distinguish itself as something like legiana which is much more aggressive and speedy, making the fight more memorable
So its a newborn mind in a adult body?
Please no I don't want to go back.
It is a neonate.
I have plenty of Guard decos but I end up using the Ironwall charm all the time anyways.
its a newly metamorphosed dragon that still hasn't gotten used to its body
Why would you do that? Surely you have a million garbage decos to piss off instead.
Mechanically paolumu isn't a great fight. I love his design though.
I'm pretty sure there are lv4 decorations you can obtain in G rank that gives 2 points to a skill or maybe more
If mighty bow gets another level but other set bonuses like punish draw don't even get a deco I'll be pissed
I rather have Blindsider jewels
Reminder crit elem deco never
>elements are uncapped
>elemental skills get a buff
>crit element gets a deco
Not sure how I feel about this future
I don't really get how they decided which set bonuses get decos and which don't. Especially for ones that used to be regular skills like razor sharp or crit element.
>Would you hunt me? I'd hunt me...
I never really understood what is "increased effectiveness of flash"
>needing guard at all
you're no lancechad
Vaal seems to get some of the best art among World's newcomers.
Someone told me you get an extra flash on tempered monsters before they lose effectiveness but I never bothered to try it out.
Tell me user, Are you pre-ordering Iceborne to get playing as soon as possible or are you waiting until the general consensus is out?
Preorder the digital deluxe. Been playing these games for over a decade and I wont be stopping any time soon
Being World's single most pathetic addition to the franchise doesn't stop him from being fucking cool.
Preordering, 3 other bros are jumping in with me and the others all preordered so it'd be shitty to make them wait.
>Just get staggered every counter and deal less dps bro
Preordered, I'm a cocksucker for anything MH related.
Preordered deluxe physical. Paying more that way but hey I’m a collectorfag.
Good man.
>forced to take off mantle which fucks up flashing a monster that's limping away
You're basically forced to use the Impact mantle with how fucking gimped KO is in Multiplayer
I'm double dipping
Childhood is blocking with the lance
Adulthood is dodging with the lance
Can't even preorder cause my ps4 bricked. A-at least I won't be double dipping this time.
Or just don’t use KO online unless someone else is as well.
Man i want SUCC boi in the pic so bad, too bad he's a leviathan so they probably ditch him for the flying wyverns in the next game
where can i buy monster hunter plushies? are the bundles you find on ebay good enough?
>Have to gimp yourself while using hammer online because you can't KO monsters
Literally the only reason I don't use that shit online, how does it make any sense that getting one KO takes the entire hunt, literally no other status ailments have this problem
mostly from Capcom, but right its just World plushies while the previous are all bloated prices. The cheap ones you find that are under 20 bucks are the chink replicas which are sometimes crap
Dodging = zero damage
Counter = a lot of damage
Only brainlets dodge Lance
use sticky ammo
They’re fixing it in Iceborne, thankfully.
>Sitting still while waiting for a monster to attack you = a lot of damage
Sure thing kid, meanwhile I'm over here hitting the head constantly having a great time getting tripped by LS users every 2 seconds
>he mix his counter thrust into his triple poke
what a shitter
You do realize that you can go instantly into the counter stance after your first or second poke? Just poke the monster and replace the dodge with a counter.
>not powerguarding
kys lancelet
>Run Zorah HBG
>Get 3-4 KOs, 2 paras and 2 sleeps per hunt even in 4 player lobbies
How about you ditch the caveman stick and modernize your arsenal
Or maybe all ailments should be the same instead of one taking like 5x the damage of all the others
>friend paras the monster with his SA 4 times in the fight
>30 hits in the head with hammer gets me a single KO
Have fun taking a metric shit ton of chip damage if you try to power guard with no guard skill.
>using the heavy boregun
I want to knock the monster out, not fall asleep myself
but for the most part theyre spot on right? cause honestly im fine with replicas
yeah that's exactly what i've been doing so far and i'm perfectly fine
Dont worry he doesnt bite
I preordered the steelbook edition on Amazon because autism, even though I already have the base game
I'm a slut for MonHun so that shit been pre-ordered for months now.
Good fucking Lord, two AT Zorah clears. Mission sucks was but thaf was the key, going fast enough to get two Dragonator uses.
Now to my great joy I need to beat yhe quest two more times to get both the Origin layered and a Gamma Magdaros set. Fun.
>tfw no leaks
>Constantly moving and aiming your shots
>Grug run around waiting for bonk openings
Keep doing your stupid caveman bash on the monster after -I- cripple it. God knows it's the only contribution you're making to the entire hunt.
>use Lance or HH
>do double the damage of everyone else
why are randos so bad at this game
cant stand pubbing AT zorah
its always some shitter not focusing on the cores and we end up wasting time
im so glad my 4th run gave me 3 tickets for some reason
dont need to do anymore of that shit
Lance doing double the DPs is unsurprising, but with HH it's something. Who are you playing with?
The next trailer and the actual release are so close now that i don't give a shit about leaks
>shoot monsty with grug gun
>monsty looks at me
>I dodge
>me shoot monsty with grug gun
>sucks was but thaf
Sucks ass but that was the key*
Beat the quest*
It's embarrassing to have so many typos.
I'm not even bothering to do it with randoms, it's bound to be a shitshow and more than once I've had connection drop halfway through a hunt, leaving me to deal with the extra HP on my own.
Wouldn't be as painful if I wasn't severely undergeared, but I don't feel like grinding a set just for Zorah.
No. I started the series before World so I'm used to going through the item bar. Radial wheel was one of the first things I turned off among other things.
>me do slide jump
>me do slide jump again
>me do spin attack?
>no me do more slide jump huh huh huh
I’ve been out of the loop a couple days, what’s with the supposed ‘six new dragons’ leak?
i dont relay on others to form an opinion on things
it's another text leak. Nothing solid so forget about it. The fucking trailer's tomorrow so what's the point
just preorder the physical version because buying vanilla is a scam
never played world tho
Actually don't know, how does the physical deluxe version work if I already own World?
What are we expecting them to show in the trailer other than Brachy and Zinogre(whether as a tease or not)?
Garuga? The water elder and/or siege? Bazel Variant?
There will be a lot of non-fans watching, so they need to make a good impression, and they're off to a bad start with Brachy since his horn and fists look "weird".
I assume you can just use your World save with a physical Iceborne copy. It’s essentially a GOTY edition due to how they’re doing it as a DLC this time instead of a complete rerelease, so the save file from base World should be 100% compatible.
What skills should I be keeping an eye for gunner in general? got like 900 charms from charm farming and I sold off everything except the rare 9-11 but now I have to sell some of these. So far I'm only keeping an eye on blademaster stuff, but I want to keep a few gunner charms in case I ever go HBG
MHGU btw
>tfw zinogre doesn’t get in
Puki is the mascot and helped your dumbass in the Witcher. He’s a based bro and will be a main stay in the franchise. Paloma is a REEEEEAAAATTT
it had the most legitimate leak in the entire span of leaks. No fucking way he doesn't get in. His icon got leaked before it was even shown in the cookies
If he isn’t in thats just a sign of Capcoms incompetence.
Literally just use Tobi’s skeleton and animations. He’s pretty much a diet Zinogre anyway.
Either the physical edition is just going to include a code to redeem the DLC or the content on the disc will be treated as an add-on as far as the game is concerned. The data will just werk.
The game would be seriously fucking hurting for thunder monsters without him. Not as much as it is for water monsters, but still.
I would be pretty sad
the fag leaker on reddit says zinogre is not in iceborne.
>actually thinking they'd not include the most popular monster of all time
>trusting someone from plebbit
That fag leaker gets all his leaks from here, don't believe his lies
he also posted the icons leak and that shit turned out to be false. Stop going to reddit, nigger.
What the fuck was her problem?
I think this pic encapsulates perfectly the panic I felt when I first saw this fucker in Tri
I am thirsty for leaks man I want iceborne, I will go where ever the leaks take me
Monster equivalent of a tomboy
Brachy is obvious
Probably a look at variants like Savage Jho and whatever Bazel gets since that's one aspect that hasn't really gotten any coverage up to now, maybe a few brief glances of pendants, and end with a tease for the new Elder Dragon, possibly an announcement for the Velkhana beta
You Reddit niggers need to fuck off back there and stay there. Stop bringing every shitty thing a “leaker” said here.
He's right. Seeing the Zinogre icon on the Iceborne promotional merchandise might have confused some of you.
I'm throwing money at the screen the second PC version goes up for purchase.
Hammer is a very unga weapon, but I can't believe you're actually arguing HBG takes more skill.
It would be very confusing since that was a brand new icon, and one of the few actual leaks since it was dumped alongside Tigrex and Velkhana's icons which hadn't been shown yet, on top of being present in the cookies later alongside Velkhana's icon and Glav's new icon.
you never know these days. he made a lot of bold claims and if its true then we got a public leaker and not some hidden Yea Forums faggot.
I wouldn't argue that much of anything in World takes skill. The argument was that HBG was boring, I'm just saying Hammer isn't any better.
What if he was in the base game all along but we just didn't see him?
he posted leaks way after they were posted on Yea Forums. Hell, look at the filenames of the images he posts, its the usual Yea Forums filename and not the the original
He was off somewhere else stealing Ancient Potions or sucking a dick or whatever
There we go. 3rd AT Zorah clear in 22 minutes, which gave me two ticket drops of 2 each and three Shining Streamstones (Sword, Hammer and Shaft).
Thank God I don't have to bother with this quest again.
Go do some SOS's and you'll find a common trend.
Also probably it's referencing the slow fall he does to apply his DOT. He keeps fucking doing it sometimes.
>now I have to sell some of these
Are you that strapped for space?
Speaking of, will the item box get expanded to make room for Iceborne's items? Or are we getting screwed?
Frankly they could be entirely real and without a screenshot they are worthless. Text leaks take zero effort. At least that one German furry colored a few icons in paint, or maybe they were all ripped off from the Fanon. People need to stop giving traction to things that are hearsay or easily debunked. People are still freaking out about those icons despite at least three people immediately pointing out they are fanmade in the comments.
I honestly believe he’s in. That poison weapon isn’t garuga. Fey wyvern gems have always been yellow, and there is no beak icons or anything like some retards post. His weapon shoots off from the iron tree right near Nerg’s weapon
of course, we will see if he a troll or real leaker. Have you read some of his replies? He talks mad shit, like fatalis elder dragon variants detailed ruiner nergigante fight explaination
Again, he posted the icons leak that had bloodbath diablos and this turned out to be fake because of the icons is from a fanon article. If you actually check this faggot's account, you'll see the mass amounts of downdoots he's getting so even reddit caught him. Don't get caught yourself
>I wouldn't argue that much of anything in World takes skill.
That's why you use Charge Blade.
Yeah man I was there with him in his room while he found all of this out with his early copy. It’s crazy man Goku shows up and has a beam battle with Fatalis, I couldn’t believe my mind. Collab right in the main story.
I know dude, I gave him like 200 negative karma. The fucker deserves it, but I still want to believe. Falatalis? I want it now
To be honest revealing Chameleos would fuck up a good intro. Just like how they didn't show Bazel because they wanted you to experience IT AINT ME unspoiled.
Shit, people didn't even believe Bazel was real even after the initial pre-launch streams.
I want a comfy forest to run around in, like the one in F&H, not the shitshow that Ancient Forest is.
They said the inventory will be expanded,
Cham doesn't drop a cortex nor does it have a white material. The gem would also need to be purple which is along with the fact that we absolutely know the gem used is not a Wyvern Gem by comparing it to the Barioth tree. It is either Garuga or a completely new Purple Poison Wyvern that has a beak
>actually unironically having a reddit account
Do you have a source for this? Because I was planning on cleaning my box
>people actually believe Garuga is in
>when it is obviously Garuru-Ya-Ku
You better be ready. FF Kulu was merely a beta test.
Guys, how do I HH? Weapon looks fun but too clunky.
Desperately wants to get laid
>tfw the new meta will be Noctis armor with Engine Blade SnS
you watch the griffted guide on jewtube
>Learn notes
>Learn flourishes for quicker songs
>Get in the monster's face, you're unga bunga's smarter younger brother.
>If I find you corner-horning I will hunt you down
Fellas, I finally got two of my friends to help me with the Behemoth fight. I've been using the dinky ass headphones that came with the PS4 to voice chat with them and I noticed that their audio got cut out a lot on my end. They were hearing eachother and me just fine but their audio kept cutting out and sounding like small burps whenever I heard them. Anyone else experienced this?
No one gives a shit about 15. You'd be getting FFVIIR, except they already said they're not doing collabs.
>using a weapon that can only do cluster damage
>in multi
Faggots like that make me miss gore-posting
randoms are horrible
They didn’t say they weren’t doing collabs they just said there were none in the works and no current plans for any. That was the same deal with the base game too, the FFXIV collab didn’t even begin planning and licensing with SE let alone development until well after the game was already out.
Might just be that dinky headset desu. I’ve had very, very short cutouts with headphones attached to the controller while using it wirelessly, but I’m talking like literally half a second at most and extremely intermittently.
I still need a guard up deco and I only have one guard. Either they are super rare or I just have bad luck because I have almost a full set of everything else except maybe artillery.
Cant wait to make the hidden blade from their skin and bones
>spin attack
shitter detected
My autism forbids me from not capturing Nargacuga
I really feel bad for hunting monsters when I see these cute pics
>haha but just capt-
THIS FUCKING APPLIES TO ELDERS. I legit just do no hunting for hours whenever I see these kinds of pics and I just imagine their families being broken because of hunters. I'm fucking tearing up already fuck yhou
I tried to capture the great jaggi in tri with a flash bomb. I couldn't read anything on that tv with mh3's tiny words.
I swear to god that some times even if I have stopped moving for a full second the game still does the retard spin instead of the slam.
in a game thats strictly pve who cares, stop being a whiny bitch
Will preorder as soon as the option is available on Steam. MHFU sold me on the franchise so I've been preordering every new MH game since MH3U.
After you get your parts they get up and go live on a farm. It's fine.
Honestly, jumping attacks verticality etc whatever I can live with it. But slopes and sliding attacks can fuck right off.
Howdy partner.
What does Latent Power do? When is it triggered? Is it any good?
After a set amount of time or damage taken. It's shit, don't bother.
>Don't corner horn
But what if its kush and i need to apply wind negated before we cam even hit him?
Why does Rotten Vale have to be so gross? I was just in an expedition there, and the middle layer is bleh.
Do other people see your layered or do they get to see your horrible clown suit?
>Get Empress Shell Styx
>with 4 pc Drachen
Unga Bunga is pretty fun, not gonna lie
It's eclosion
He comes out of a coccoon a soggy mess but throughout the fight he gets pretty dry and even flies a bit
Guard is on par with attack aka lowest rates in game. Guard up isn't that bad. Artillery is one of the more common r8s
Corner Horning is not a single act, it is a series of behaviors accumulating in you being useless besides some buffs.
Get in there and assert dominance you coward
>black diablos is a tomboy
>pic related is a dark skin countryside tomboy
I want to rip the heads off some of these faggots that try Kulve when they're absolute fucking ass at this game.
Is Giggi confirmed yet?
>poking the head
Um sweetie the head belongs to hammer.
never even tried kulve and probably never will. what a weird fucking timewaster to put into the game
It's such a godsend in Behemoth. So much damage potential for hammer.
Death to shitposters
Post killscreens
I genuinely enjoy the fight. Probably my favorite fight from a World original monster aside from Nergigante.
>cluster bombs in multiplayer
Precisely, you may think you're being helpful but losing an entire hunter's worth in DPS is not worth it.
well I really hate the nergigante fight so if your taste is anything to go by I think I'll still avoid kulve
not knocking your preferences at all, I just can't stand nergi and his gigantic hitboxes and unbreakable spikes
Teo deserves to die.
I feel terrible about Kushy though. Kushy is just chilling and watching you as you run adound it and laying fucktons of bombs right next to it.
I'm actually glad we can't kill Kulve, for more degenerate reasons.
We all gotta start somewhere, don't get so salty user. Carrying newbs still ups your pursuit level.
Good fight, horrendous reward system. The latter is why so many people hate her.
Not when hammer is fucking shit. Go home.
>That red liquid
I thought there was no blood in World?
Nah, Lunastra can suck a fat one.
>So much as be in the same locale as her
The other elders are alright I guess, though I hear Kushala was a cunt in prior games.
Only on the player I suppose.
There always was.
All Kushy's in World are old Kushys that migrated to the New World, which is why theyre so chill and like to watch the sunset at Elder's Recess, Younger Kushalas are destructive dicks.
Wouldn’t look so bad if it weren’t covered up in dust clouds so often.
All Kushalas are good lads that just want to chill, the ones in the New World are just looking for death.
quick question from a GU player, why would you want to use a Frenzy weapon? I get why you’d inflict the status on yourself but why on monsters???
L’Apothéose looks nice
The only good Daora is a dead Daora.
I'm pretty sure they said that all World's elders except for Nerg are older elders that went there due to all the bioenergy that Xeno emanated, but i couldnt source you on that so it might as well be bullshit
>Lost World save so i had to start over
>just reached HR yesterday
>Every fucking fight Bazel shows up and carts my unprepared ass
I wish i could kick his ass like i used to but my gear isn't up to par yet.
>believing shitposts
It’s always had blood, the sprays are just fucking tiny. Pretty sure they use the exacts same sprays on monsters as on the hunters, so you barely see them due to the size discrepancy between the two.
>tell them to stop or be more careful
>either ignores you or tell shit like
>I do more damage than you ;)
Sure, considering how broken cluster bombs are, but why even play with other people if you're going to do this shit
I’ve got to ask because I’ve seen posts like this for a couple weeks now, how are you losing your save? With the availability of cloud backups it just seems so unlikely to happen.
Elders gotta die, it's for the greater good.
Lunastra and Teo literally can't stop lighting things on fire and would literally destroy all life if left unchecked.
Kushala is a highly aggressive tornado factory, not as dangerous to all life as Teostra is but definitely a threat to human life.
Vaal Hazak is literally a walking disease.
Nergigante eats Elder Dragons, would probably be useful if domesticating it were possible but since it isn't he's gotta go.
Zorah Magdaros deserves to die because his very existence is a fucking mistake.
Xeno is a weirdo alien baby so who cares.
Behemoth and Leshen are dimensional anomalies who need to be destroyed to keep the fabric of spacetime from falling apart.
I couldn't use PS+ backups because i'm freebooting of my friends PS+ and i forgot to use the USB backup feature, I've havent lost any saves at all ever since the PS2 era so i wasnt used to backing saves up, i've learned my lesson now i suppose.
so how exactly did you lose your save, what did you do wrong or different?
>no way to transfer save from PC to PS4
>can't even double dip if I wanted to
Town-wide power blackout while i played World and the game was saving, when i turned my PS4 back on the save was gone
>someone posts Megaman quest
>Cool, that's a quick clear. I'll join and work towards the 100 co-op hunts cleared achievement
>After a few minutes in the lobby, host kicks me out
Why are people so mean? My gear isn't even bad.
You're a silly user, you have to backup your saves with an USB lest this happens again. I lost a 100% save for TPP back on PS3 and that made me make sure I don't lose any saves ever again.
At least this lesson will keep you from making the mistake in the future.
Man, who's genius idea was it to create beings that bring absolutely nothing but blight and destruction wherever they go.
Only posting GU cause I like when I get the big crazy blood effects.
>Town-wide power blackout
Maybe it was an act of God. Drop World and play XX with the cool kids
Xeno if it had been allowed to fully mature probably would've been Fatalis tier bad, those energy beams are no joke
Aww, that’s rough. I’ve become kind of paranoid because I have quite a few meaty saves on my PS4 so I back my stuff up constantly despite not losing any saves since the PS1 era. I had a tragic experience with three separate incidents where I tried beating Breath of Fire 3 and at the ass end of the game each time my memory cards spontaneously quit working. It changed me.
But user...
i'm already playing both.
Too many of them.
Maybe back on release, I can't even recall if Drachen was out by then, but the same deal just kind of happens on release. Even AT Zorah.
>would probably be useful if domesticating it were possible
Don't be a fool, Nergigante is constantly growing and regrowing his body. Think of all the food this thing would need to keep such a thing up. It would do more harm than good to keep one of these things around.
Dont stay in the lobby for too long as quest turns ro multiplayer level before you get in
>Shelling Type: Normal
Into the trash.
>caring about shelling
>be Hammer
>hunting with a bowfag
>monster is tripped
>'good, time to go ham on the head'
>bowfag starts spamming rock rain and doesn't allow me to get any hits in because of constant tripping
Why does this always happen? Why do bowfags have zero regards for their teammates?
>Using "lance but worse: the weapon"
They're robots. They just spam the same shit over and over regardless of if it's needed or not.
Would it be considered reasonable to immediately cart on purpose in this situation?
ranged users are literally not human
Tier 4 gem slots, eh?
I'm not looking forward to more decoration grinding.
Also give me >pic related as a weapon already, you hacks.
Pls help
No, the correct choice is to cart them
>Cluster faggot in a tempered Toaster investigation
>Get knocked away twice, which is my limit
>Run next to him just as he's reloading stickies
>Teo aggros me but hits the other idiot
>Targets shitter on the next move and carts him
Based kitty
Is Aerial SA supposed to be decent? Feels pretty damn unga.
Gunhammer in World when? It was my baby.
Imagine a hairless nargacuga
i thought it was his stomach and that the blue part was a planet pressing through it or something
It's not their fault you grugs cannot outdps them, they are simply doing their job. Blademasters are such liabilities in a hunt.
No fun allowed in World, fun scares the gaijins
Play dauntless for gunhammer.
Do we really want to.
>using "lance but actually fun: the weapon"
Damn, that's pretty rough too
>charm farm in GU for hours
>nothing good
>farm some monster and get 1-2 charm out of it
>its the one I want
every fucking time
>what is Wyvern Impact
That doesn't count, it was a contest winner. You know full well Capcom wouldn't have designed that themselves.
Fuck that, give me this bad boy. I need a spinning lance that's not Jho's toy-looking garbage.
That is literally what I named my Black Diablos in Stories
>what is Teo HBG
>what is Karma
I can keep going, but this isn't what you want.
>thinking thats cursed
like watchworks
I'll never understand why do people like these hairless cat breeds. They're ugly as shit.
A musket and a cannon aren't that impressive, mate.
to you
allergics don't have a choice
>HD model
>animated firing pin
>hear a satisfying BLAM every time you land a hit
>cylinder revolves every time you land a hit
They're not bad designs, but they're not even that out here when compared to what we had before. Truth is 80% of weapon designs in World are trash and I don't think this will change that much in Iceborne.
Getting carted 2 time takes alot off of bows dps though
>World doesn't have fun weapons
>there are
>those doesn't count!
goalposting at its finest
The new generic iron model for lances spins when you charge and wind up counters
What I need is this
Even if we got the Gunhammer, World's Chainsaw duel blades don't animate and don't make chainsaw noises, so I don't think we can expect anything other then just the skin.
People who use lance, bow and LS are bad players.
This is undisputed logic after 1200+ Hours of play.
>The new generic iron model for lances spins when you charge and wind up counters
Wait, really?
Well heck you too.
what time is the capcom on tomorrow at gamescom?
There's nothing wrong with playing Lance, you're just bad
11 AM PT. Just over 12 hours from now.
Would you?
Is that Rath milk
it's coffee, IIRC
>SA that low
You hurt me.
Speaking of, what items does one get for beating the three Beta quests? I downloaded it and all but I got lazy and forgot to clear them.
what does it taste like?
If it makes you feel any better I came right off of replaying P3rd almost entirely with it before World came out.
>tfw you channel the energy of a local Kushala
Pure anger
How does one get into DB? I've tried but I just find them unengaging, juggling your stamina and Demon bar as you run along the monster to paper cut it while avoiding tripping.
What even is this quest?
It's a modded quest most likely
The demon bar is pretty negligible. Just stay in demon mode and slap ass until your stamina dries up, then spin around until your stamina is back for more demon mode. Most of my usage was using Greatest Jagras as a punching bag though, I don’t use it for much of anything. Except AT Vaal, I like using them on him because he’s a giant weak point.
>fight AT Vaal
>going very well, Vaal Hazaak is piss easy
>at some point get hit by a tail swipe from full health
>entire bar is black but it takes until I get up for me to die
Probably were at 1 health but got killed by effluvium
>Action packed trip to Detroit.webm
Good stuff.
Will Iceborne introduce all the normies to Rajang? Or is that too good to be true?
Any mods to substitute all the nigger NPCs?
Also I just "completed" the story and I am looking for special Rathian trails. How close to the end am I?
We'll have to wait for World 2 for hot monkey dick sadly.
>special Rathian trails
You still have quite a ways to go, user.
>That constant panic-run
My sides. I never even thought about how it changed in World. Less exaggerated for sure.
Part of the charm of MH was how over the top it was right down to the hunter's animations. I honestly miss the flexing.
>"completed" the story
>looking for the special Rathian trails
You only really completed the tutorial, user.
Depending on how grind-happy you are, you've got like 30-60 hours left before the story's done, and a good 300-500 before you really "run out" of content.
Maybe he'll be patched into the game a month after Iceborne releases like Jho was for vanilla
In all fairness to user, how many staff rolls does the story have in World? 3? It gets silly at a certain point.
One after LR, one after HR and the
>see you in Iceborne
after you defeat AT Nerg, anything else?
But Rathalos doesn't produce milk
I wouldn't call it as much as over the top as more of it was pulling the strings of Japanese humor here and there. MHW sadly did actually lose a fair deal of that. And to be honest the flex-healing potions would've made SnS's itemization more relevant.
>Rathian trails
You only just got out of low rank.
Oh he produces “milk” alright.
>Fighting AT Nerg in full transcended and upgraded Drachen set with maxed out HP
>Nerg decides to give me an instant backhand slap like I'm some sort of gly
How bullshit is a monster that can OHKO you instantly with absolutely no tell?
Get some defense decos, the only insta kill he gets that way is the divebomb.
World only allows realistic designs, no anime or fun allowed.
They’re good for people with allergies, but people who get them just because they like them are some kinda mentally retarded.
Not him but I’m learning SA at the moment. It’s pretty fun and I hope to use it a bunch in Iceborne.
I used SA, until I realized only the sword mode was worth a damn so I went with GS instead.
I just can't get into SA. It feels like all of the worst parts of GS and LS in one with none of the good parts.
I specifically said "Rath" instead of "Rathalos" to avoid that exact reply.
But you already knew that, didn't you.
I felt that way too at first, but eventually it just clicked and it’s actually quite fun. Far from the most optimal weapon but enjoyable enough. I highly recommend getting Evade Extender Evade Window Boost for it though, the added mobility really opens up a ton of opportunities for getting in hits and combos.
I can swear to god he oneshotted me with a backhand swat.
I can't remember if he applies a weakness status or if that's Jho, but maybe it's because of that. Still bullshit when the only challenge in a monster comes from absurd damage inflated to bullshit levels.
World is clearly not the first MH to do this.
No weakness status, just pure power, his ground headbut with follow up spikes tend sto be a one shot too.
That said, if you are lucky enough to be using rock mantle at that moment, he gets no one shots.
The package clearly shows a Rathalos. Rathalos milk is concerning at best.
Rathian doesn't produce milk either.
I assume you knew that too
>fighting Tempered Kirin on the daytime version of Coral Highlands
>bloom so out the ass on the ground that I can't even see where the lightning is going to strike
Fucking Capcom just let me turn off the bloom you hacks
You're aware egg laying creatures don't breastfeed, right?
>I can't remember if he applies a weakness status or if that's Jho
That's definitely a Jho trait, the corrosive saliva inflicts Def Down.
Ryozo's arms are ridiculously short for his body. He literally has deviljho arms.
>wyvern milk
Kirin is supposedly asexual, yet produces milk. I clearly remember seeing a meal with Kirin butter in a previous game.
Elder Dragons work in mysterious ways.
Then they are mammals.
Deviljho despite his underdeveloped arms is one the most dangerous monster is all of monster hunter mythos, likewise Ryozo despite his underdeveloped arms is one of the most dangerous men is all of japan
>You're aware egg laying creatures don't breastfeed, right?
Well, the platypus lays eggs and sort of secretes milk, I think. But it'd be a bit farfetched to call that breastfeeding, so you're right. Besides, the platypus is a silly creature.
Platypus monster when
Monotremes lay eggs and breastfeed, but I doubt there are a lot of monotremes in Monster Hunter.
Yeah, Kirin cheese, wasn't it?
At least Kirin would be a mammal given its biology, so it's closer to producing milk than a wyvern, but still.
>Kirin looks like a horse, moves like a horse, sounds like a horse
>No, dear hunter, it's an Elder Dragon!
Wyverians are retards.
It's a smug cunt that can summon thunder and ha elder dragon blood.
It just happens to be the weakest 99% of the time.
Platypluses are some weird as hell beings, there's a reason biologists thought it was fake when they were first shown one.
Fair point, there's always these strange exceptions in nature, aren't there?
To be fair Elder Dragon essentially means
>we don't really know what the fuck it is, but it's force of nature-level strong, so we'll call it an ED
It just so happens to be composed mostly of dragons.
There are three types of mammal. Placentals mammals like humans and most other mammals give birth to live young that still need to grow into adulthood and be fed milk by the parent, but are physically separated from the parent at birth. Marsupials like kangaroos and koalas crawl out of the coochie far earlier and less developed than placental mammals into a specialised pouch where they get milk and keep growing until they are developed enough to leave the pouch. So even after birth they still remain essentially attached to and a part of the mother for a while. Then there are monotremes, even less common than marsupials they just lay fucking eggs and feed milk to their young after hatching. Platypuses and echidnas are the only known monotremes, but there are a great variety of species of the two.
Elder Dragons don't actually have to be some form of Wyvern, if they did they'd be called Elder Wyverns and Kirin would be called an Elder Beast or something.
Elder Dragons are monsters that defy classification, they're so insanely powerful that they barely even count as wild animals and are closer to living, breathing gods.
Kirin can summon lightning at will and the weather changes in its presence, so it's an Elder Dragon.
Most mammals adapted separate fuck and poop holes and started giving birth to live young, but the ancestors of platypuses and echidnas just decided ‘nah fuck it’ and kept their cloaca and egg laying unlike every other mammal. They’re both weird as fuck too, platypuses look like a mix between a duck and a beaver and have venomous claws, while echidnas have four tipped penises for god knows what reason.
>and ha elder dragon blood
Speaking of which, how does Elder Dragon blood even work? You can get it from all of them as the same item despite it coming from vastly different creatures. What kind of blood cocktail is the hunter brewing?
>are closer to living, breathing gods.
>We are seasoned god killers
They're not manufactured
>and are closer to living, breathing gods.
That brings me back to this thing. It's such a weird creature it really made me feel like I was hunting something completely different from everything I saw before, something that truly defied classification.
Hopefully it will make another appearance.
Massacre Demon is male so he's just so starved for sex that even the black diablos fears to fuck with him
>God I need some dick in my life
We are genetically engineered god slayers, user.
This is what hunters were created to do.
Not really, they're just animals with incredible powers but they're still animals
Agreed, I like when the team goes really out there and designs something that feels truly otherworldly and beyond anything you could possibly expect. I hope Iceborne gets something like that, whether it's a returning monster or something new.
>They're not manufactured
First monsters were, they were meant to be weapons.
It's fucking extinct
I don't know, I'd say a few of the Elder Dragons definitely reach "god-like" status at the very least. Shit like Yama Tsumaki, Amatsu, Fatalis, Miralis and especially Dalamadur. Maybe even Alatreon if you wanted to stretch it a bit.
Definitely not true divines, but powerful and unique enough that there's probably more to it than "just some wild creature"
They can always just pull a
>we thought they were extinct, but it turns out there's a few more living in this remote land
The months will fly by.
Sea God
What do you mean? It comes out in 2 weeks bro.
They're all incredibly powerful but they're always doing animal things for the most part, for example Amatsu was just expanding its territory to the mountains below in portable third, it didin't care about the village even
The only monster that truly feels like he's malicious by nature is Fatalis
I hate you
I hope you enjoy Iceborne, but I hate you
At that point it's a matter of intelligence. The reason Fatalis is a massive ass is because the son of a bitch is really smart.
In the end it's going to be about what would you consider a god.
I'm so sorry, PC friend.
>Valstrax will never actually be in an Ace Combat game
Living in this universe hurts
>also uses gas to give life to undead
That literally never happens.
Consumables to my knowledge.
Never say never. I could see a MH/Ace Combat crossover in IB with all that interdimensional shit happening lately.
I can totally see something like "Fucking Belka used a mysterious superweapon and expedited Mobius One's squadron in an alternate world" or something like that.
>Fighting Valstrax while standing on Mobius One's plane, with the rest of the squadron fighting other Valstrax in the background