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Other urls found in this thread:

>playing F2P games

Attached: 562.jpg (600x600, 67K)

Days since I laughed at a wojak since boomer on a lawn mower


Remember when people didn't post Wojak in every thread?

Is OP that 1 autist that picks a new flavor of the month game to shitpost for weeks on end to fuel his autism? Remember when we had those unholy fucktons of REMake2 threads? I think OP might be that same guy

>Remember when people didn't post Wojak in every thread?

Attached: 1562360025850.png (632x756, 24K)

>>Remember when people didn't post Wojak in every thread?

Attached: wojak 1.png (785x1000, 254K)

>$200 for a cosmetic melee weapon
>bro that's fucking gay

Attached: Dissapointed_pepe.jpg (251x242, 14K)


Attached: 2f7.jpg (601x508, 94K)

Who even cares about this piece of shit game that they had pay streamers to shill? Fuck off.

That guy, every basedjak OP, the one that has the numbered basedjak files and replies to everything with a quote and a basedjak, the one that posts the Monster Hunter pasta, the Epic/Factorio/Denuvo pasta/threads, and the "slow burn" Yea Forums pasta, are all the same poster and there is absolutely nothing anyone can do to change my mind about this.

Everyone in this thread, especially me, needs to have sex.

This thread perfectly summarizes why this board is so fucking shit now. And now especially more than ever before, the wojakposting has ramped up to 11.

Oof, big yikes

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Attached: Ampharos 6.png (270x301, 102K)

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Days that I laughed at a wojak


Dumb wojakbrain

Reminder to never read wall of texts that are larping as memes.

But why though? Was the forced boomer shit really what sparked it off? Also, why in the fuck haven't the mods actually implemented a filter or ban of some kind for this shit? They cracked down on comebrain the day in came out and have been shown to be able to stop spamniggers with the "Fuck jannies" suit Pepe. So why in the fuck aren't cancerous Wojaks being given the same treatment when at least 75% of the entire website wants them gone?


Attached: Ampharos.png (830x963, 57K)

lmao @that damage control
Get fucked EA shills.

I'm more flattered that you made this for me.

Attached: Karsten_Ampharos.png (1174x881, 1.75M)

>So why in the fuck aren't cancerous Wojaks being given the same treatment when at least 75% of the entire website wants them gone?
>Why won’t the mods listen, we have enough upvotes to ban Wojak forever! I’m tired of the toxicity on this site!

Attached: 4FF2188D-F28F-4D2E-8F51-98CF4F679A6D.png (280x305, 31K)

I miss MS Paint comics.

I mean it was enough to get that cummind meme banned as well as rise up posting. Seems that banning memes by committee is acceptable when it hurts that wojakfags feelings

Me too

Bowsette got shitcanned in less than a week and jizzskull got the boot in like 4 hours.
It is odd that Wojack has been allowed to proliferate like this, given other things are cut off as soon as they crop up.

If you like shooting games there's not many alternatives nowadays. CoD, BF or f2p.
GO and RB6 are effectively F2P games now.

They were equally garbage

It's because the mods decide what memes can stay and it's clear one of the mods finds things like jizzskull, rise, etc to be offensive but thinks epic wojaks and /pol/ memes are fine, so you gotta deal with them and are not allowed to come up with any way to mess with them.

the slow burn a24 meme is funny and i will be forcing it on Yea Forums with bloodborne threads in the coming weeks, so you can be assured that there are at least two people posting basedjaks

The mods themselves are doing this. I myself doubted it at first as gamer sounded very much like /pol/posting, just like basedjak, both being attempts to steer public opinion into being far-right corporate bootlickers (notice how soijak ALWAYS has a leftist bent) by associating them with an inherently loathsome figure, same as NPCjak or the Polar Express kid, they're all the same thing, but gamer was instantly ousted as if it was an outsider's work while wojack and pepe seem to enjoy protection.
It might be because gamer doesn't attack any racial or political persuasion while soijak seems to be specifically aimed at leftist "nu-males"?

I'm more upset about Titanfall 3 being never ever or being really bad.

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Why are wojak-fags so fucking obnoxious and autistic?
Why do they have to hide behind strawmen that make no fucking sense? I don't understand, what the fuck are you doing?

I legitimately wish this was the shiny for it
I used an Ampharos for about half of Black 2

>game is f2p
>here is some skins so we can make a profit out our product
>WHAT? WHY DOES IT COST SO MUCH?????>well not everyone will buy skins, most people play it without spending anything, aka freeloaders

Attached: 1547702325348.png (540x270, 52K)

You sounded like a faggot the entire time. Leftist trash.

>make a free to play game
>complain about people not spending money on it and playing it for free
This logic is stupid, how about not making the game free to play to begin with?

>both being attempts to steer public opinion into being far-right corporate bootlickers
>far-right corporate bootlickers
user. This better be bait.

see how the /pol/ user squirms when the veil is close to being lifted

Have sex

Where did they complain about people not paying? Post actual quotes, not headlines.

>2 cents has been deposited into your EA account

In what world do you live in that calling someone a freeloader isn't the same as complaining that they're playing the game and not giving you any money?

Why are there ears on this one? It looks really weird and not right...

Not him but it is entirely true. Far right are boot lickers. I am sorry if you fell into some /pol/ meme about literal fascists being about freedom.

Post the actual quotes, not the headlines.

>He says, Twisting an antisemitic quote
It's time to go back.

No, fuck you. Sell your game for a single fucking price or don't do it at all.

in the world where they literally say "and that's fine, we love it" right after?
if you didn't have onions running through your veins you wouldn't get offended at every single fucking word like a pussy bitch

>we won't forget this
Narrator: They forgot it.

Based Ampharos poster.

>Valve sells 1000$ knives for years
Reddit: sleeps
>Ea sells 200$ knife
Reddit: WTF

Yes, it is time for you to go back to your containment board, /pol/tard. Kill yourself.

Ok rabbi, Name me 3 corporations the "far right" likes, And why. You can't, You will reply back with a straw man or ad hom, Typical. Being an antisemite is bad for business, You should know.

Hello fellow Yea Forums user, I also dislike these rude entitled gamers! Please keep giving them money so they can add lots of meaningful content!

not defending plebbit here but

>mongoloids unbox knives and fuck the economy and pricing up


>hook nosed merchants working for EA decide to deliberately peddle their wares at ludicrous prices

>Wojak poster actually got mad enough to make this

Reminder that the devs are farming your outrage for exposure and this type of thread facilitates it.

>play fortnite
>can get battle pass without paying any money, even if it takes a while
>can also get cosmetics that way
>play apex
>can't get anything for free
>get told to fuck off and eat a dick if you point out the differences

Reminder that these threads are unironic advertising. This, all borderlands 3 "controversy" threads, any threads that include a link or screenshot of another site (especially a "news" site) in the OP. They're all advertising.

Blessed post

Oh look you can't prove me wrong, Dumb kike

>>>Remember when people didn't post Wojak in every thread?

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Valve doesn’t set the price on any skins, they just take a cut of all the transactions.