BTFOs preorder fags with disgustingly bad launch

>BTFOs preorder fags with disgustingly bad launch
>Proceeds to rapidly become an expansive and fun game with the release of numerous free updates
>Now arguably the best VR game, period
Who would've thought that No Man's Sky is the game of the decade?

Attached: beyond.jpg (1920x1080, 287K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Beyond is a broken, buggy fucking MESS. It adds fuck all in terms of actual content if you aren't doing VR or multiplayer and everybody's hyping it up as if it's an entirely different game now for god knows what reason. FUCK hello games

>He isn't playing VR

Good observation user, I'm proud of you.

What are you talking about? The game is fine without the VR meme shit.


i've poured 12 hours into the game in psvr, good times, comfy as fuck to just leave my ship floating in space

Fuck off, Sean. You're a piece of shit.

Hows the redstone/logic stuff so far? Can you create anything cool with it

People have already made some basic calculators and such. I imagine that we'll be seeing some more complex creations soon.

>le bad le good le redemption please buy our g--i mean THEIR GAME oy gevalt oy gevalt
Subanautica and Minecraft can easily grant better experience than this shit

The VR isn't even roomscale

Have you guys managed to find any cool planets? All of mine so far is just garbage?

did they make it good for people who don't have VR?

I've found some lush planets with weird creatures, an hexagonal floor planet and plenty of biomes, I still haven't found a black and white planet.
The weirdest animal I saw was one who was buried camouflaged as plant and when I started shooting y laser at the plants it got up and ran away

I love some of the ice planets. They're so goddamn comfy.


is pretty much spot on.

Are there any new shit that's been datamined recently?

There were some tweaks that made it better, namely they relaxed inventory stack limits. But nothing major.

decide to clean up my base
pick up a one of my portable techs
door to room deletes itself and everything in the room

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>everybody's hyping it up as if it's an entirely different game now for god knows what reason
The VR implementation makes it feel like an entirely new game, I finally have the comfy space exploration game I've been waiting, flying in the middle of a fleet of giant fucking ships is surreal

Even Fallout 4's settlement building was better than this.

Not super interesting but I found a planet that is completely dead in every way, and has very little gravity. It's pretty much like the moon, but it has one creature and it's these fucking hellspawn monsters. Their eggs are everywhere and their eggs give you 50 Nanites each.

So I've just been flying around in zero gravity, getting tons of eggs. I have like 20,000 Nanites now.

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found a mushroom kinda planet
a scale planet
a bubble planet
all in the first 3 solar systems, got a decorative item from each planet

oh shit, I've run into this fuckers but didn't know they gave away nanites. do you get it for destroying the egg before it hatches or by killing the monsters?

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>make base in beautiful green planet next to a lake
>everything tries to kill me the minute I step out the door
>sentinels up the wazoo so I get shot at if I hurt the poor animals
fucking nature

Not him, but you get the nanites by refining the larval cores. The game suggests this is a terrible idea, but its free money.

When you mine the egg, a giant green egg will pop out. You collect that green egg and then use the refiner to turn it to nanites. The only issue is once you mine the egg, the monsters pop up and they spawn infinitely.

On regular planets when you find them, the strategy is just dig a small hole beneath the eggs and just mine them from below so the monsters can't reach you and you can collect them safely. On my zero gravity planet, I just grab the eggs and jet dash away.

Can we all agree that sentinels were a shit mechanic?

ok, thanks

Its still a boring pos Sean.

Just gotta find a nice planet without sentinels my man. I managed to find once and its quite nice.

they look cool but their cop-like behavior is shit, the small floating ones should have only been there for decoration uness shot at and the bigger rarer ones should have been the cops

I like the sentinels. I actually think they do very little and are wasted for the most part. I wish they had the giant mech ones patrolling some dangerous planets that will attack you on the spot. But its always the small shitty ones that will leave you alone unless you shoot at it.

nah it sucks. this is a case of it being a turd at its core, putting sprinkles on it and then some people being fooled and claiming it's a donut now. i took a bite and it's not a fucking donut.

>runs like shit even normally
>wants me to put on vomit goggles

Your dude looks like a stormtrooper.

i don't know why they keep ignoring the actual issues of the game

>Great game if you like watching paint dry
What an amazing recommendation user.

I didn't say that was the only good thing, retard.

>wants me to put on vomit goggles
t. has never tried vr

No, you didn't say much at all except for the fact that if you're entertained watching something float in a vacuum it's "comfy".


yes, and? what exactly are you arguing against?

Found a planet called Nutsfor Gamma. I'm OK with this update so far.

Are you actually so retarded that you need me to explain this to you buddy? Come now, stop pretending.

I think you're just mad people are enjoying the little things of a game you hate, which makes me believe you are some sort of autistic sperg

>Not selling the eggs for 200,000 units each

Well I have 30 million units and a S Class ship and multitool, so I'm not in any particular need of money. I have infinite eggs essentially so I can do that if I really need to. I needed to get all my upgrades and shit first.

>a paltry 200k compared to CHADITES

VR is blurry, sure, but I can't go back to 2D, the sense of scale and being in your ship feels fucking great

Oh, so now you've stopped conversing in order to debate your own imagination. How magical.

A crummy pail of units? why, you should have been collecting nanites.

Even a demon is capable of redemption. There is good in this world. Welcome home Sean.

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I don't know, m8, you are the one who replied to me because I dared to say that being in space in a game about space exploration felt good

>hear No Mans Sky is good now
>Fuck it lets give it a go
>Six hours deep and its literally just a meter filling simulator
>Fill a meter to use your gun
>Fill a metter to jump a system
>Fill a meter to find the things.

Does this ever get fun?

Which race is the most based and why is it Kovak?

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Vex seem like bigger bros

>still the same boring af gameplay loop of just fill bar then leave another boring planet
Yea whatever ya say buddy

No user, I was laughing at you because you were talking about this game as if it was something special, yet your only comment on it was that it's basically like watching paint dry.

How out of touch are you to not even get that?

Third pillar patch when


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Sean got you bad haha he got you

This game has so much unrealized potential.

>bounty hunting
>flying as a mercenary
>intergalactic treasure hunting
>running a space station

But none of the updates ever do anything cool.

>Shoot a laser at a rock
>Build a house that has literally no use.
>Explore under water for the exact same mateerials you're already using
>Tame animals that go slower than your ship

What the fuck were they thinking?

VR is REALLY cool user. I really recommend getting a windows mixed reality headset on ebay for like $150. It's totally worth it, for this game and for others.

Anyone found the planet with the massive snake featured in the reveal?

I wish

all I ever wanted from no mans sky was to be able to grind a planet down into a tiny nub or carve a dirty word that would be visible from space using the terrain manipulator. Yet I cant do that so fuck this game.

I found a floating pillar world it looks fucking badass and the animals are floating orange crystals

So, uh, what do you DO in this game

VR is a meme gimmick fad that is already over.

Bullshit. Post pictures.

Do you guys sit or stand, when playing in VR?

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Does the game just keep generating new planets? I thought every planet had been discovered by now.

Standing while walking
Sitting in ship
What else would you do?

depends what position Im fucking my waifu

>but you build all this stuff for no purpose! They dont do anything!
It was always advertised as a chill exploration game not a hardcore survival. If you want that experience you have subnautica and Dont Starve? Now buy my game.

Every planet is unique **supposedly**

>Hardbass plays in the background

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Every person on earth (total pop., not player count) would need to discover 2.5 billion--with a 'B'--planets to see every possible planet.

Or, every player(!!) needs to see 8 planets to view every possible permutation.


I found this place which had dick all for resources but had these weird orbs there, I took a dead one for resources and wandered around a bit before figureing out the orbs are some kind of technological and biological fusion that are just constantly draining the planet to survive, needless to say I got the fuck out of there pretty quick.

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Ancient bones! My nigga! Finding a planet like this is key to early-game fortune-building.

Not the dude you're replying to, but what an entitled little fuckshit you are.

Nobody gives a fuck, nobody owes you a response to your slackjawed hot take on their throwaway comment on a Mongolian Spearfishing Forum. Go fuck yourself.

>install game
>should have 60fps
>get 30-40 instead
>drop the game due to awful performance and wait for the update since everyone says "they'll improve performance on the update"
>update comes out
>get steady 20fps and sometimes it just falls down to 1-5fps permanently
epic videogame there mates

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>post shitty greentext
>don't post specs
>i made up this story to shitpost or just don't understand PCs

>shitty greentext
it's the same thing that is happening to a lot of players, my dear bootlicker
even people with 2080 are getting framerate issues

>still hasn't posted specs

I pirated this game, I'm a bootlicker because I pointed out you're mental deficiencies? Neck yourself.

>that post
are you 18yo holy shit lmao

I want weather and more weird landscapes with large structures.

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>There are contrarians that are so contrarian they're now defending NMS

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NMS is a piece of fucking shit. You stupid ass shills aren't fooling anybody. It's the same exact piece of shit it was before, you do absolutely NOTHING in the game.

Congrats I've seen dead planets like that and those egg sacs repeated fucking times already

I am a bigger contrarian. I hate the game because of those contrarians.

>Could run this game on ultra with 100+ FPS
>now i can't even turn a corner without stuttering down to 20 fps
>UI is still this 11 million layer of sub options in the z,x,c,g,and tab buttons
what the fuck is this garbage ass patch

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Why would you support a developer who blatantly lied about the game’s features? I wouldn’t give that person a second chance even if they tried to make it up to me.

Dumb faggot we’ve been here from the get go. Your smug anime license has been revoked.

That's the core of the game. If you don't like grinding or collecting materials this isn't really for you. It's like space minecraft and I like it


Despite running like ass and fucking up the basics, NMS is actually really good in VR.

I'm just starting out, what are some good ways to start increasing my income and storage capabilities?

>land in planet
>walk around for 5 minutes
>get hit with that realization that the whole surface of that planet is going to look exactly the same even tho it's massive
>move to another planet
woah so this is the power of procedural generationâ„¢

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At the exosuit merchant in space stations, you can buy a storage upgrade once per system. Don't talk to the salesman, just walk up to the hologram behind him.

As for income, you can search around for salvaged data, which will sell for 50k credits each. The real money is in trading, though. Buying a system's unique goods for cheap then warping to a system where they're in demand. Here's a good steam guide for it

Thanks man

Work on your base to get a farm up and running.
Max out your multi-tool’s scanner modules to get a lot of money for each scan.
Farm the eggs that spawn outside of corrupted buildings, killing or avoiding the monsters that spawn.
Find the buried ruins and excavate them. Usually got expensive shit buried in there.

>not being a trader chad

Game is pretty fun for exploring but fuck the space combat. I thought it would be neat but it's poorly implemented. Any tips for dealing with that shit?

Because he redeemed himself

Im actually going to dissagree with you, but in some cases, yes your right

>playing in VR
>get to anomaly for the first time
>stand in the middle of the high traffic hallway to the tech booths
>waving like an idiot to everyone who passes by, wondering if they can see my hands
>after a few minutes and a dozen or so people run by, finally someone stops and waves back
feels so fucking cool

Can you mine Vodka?

Are there cave systems?

>tfw first VR game to give me a headache and nausea

I don't think it's motion sickness since I've never had that problem before but something about it really hurts my head.

This. It's the same fucking game with the same exact problems.

>not standing on top of the nexus like a chad

the game doesn't require you to do much so I just sit down

Yeeeh but most are boring

>can't green text


if it was really as bad as people say, no one would be here doing damage control for the hatejerk around the game
>n-noo it is still bad! reddit reddit!!!!!

What difficulty should I play on? Does survival even matter whenever I get enough tech like every other survival game ever made?

Needs a faction like the Covenant or one of the Destiny enemy factions with their own fleets and ground forces, I mean whats a Trekkie-style game doing without Klingons?

Thats just Yea Forums regulars

is this game fun offline?

It will make no difference really

>start mission in the nexus
>nobody joins
go fuck yourselves

Yay I can play with other people in this game where I hold R2 to mine resources and use those to hold R2 to mine more.

That's the other huge issue with the game besides this The moment you get on a planet the max you'll stay there for is 10-15 minutes walking around. Then maybe you'll get in your ship to check out the rest of the planet and you realize it's the same exact shit. They needed to add civilizations or something. Fuck multiplayer, the game needs life in it not retards to play with that add nothing.

Get some friends loser

>new patch
>a week later
what a rollercoaster ride this game is

Do you want to be my friend?

>Who would've thought that No Man's Sky is the game of the decade?
I'm actually surprised this game released at all after they lost most of their shit in a basement flood.

VR is fun

To be fair, the VR for Beyond is currently shit.

>it’s the same fuckin game
Holy shit are you serious?

Man, it's almost like there are people getting payed to shit talk and spread misinformation about this game on Yea Forums

>Now arguably the best VR game, period

No, it isn't. The performance for VR is horrible. It also is the only VR game to make my retinas feel like they're on fire after 20-30 minutes of playtime.

I wanted to enjoy this update, but is a buggy íece of shit, nothing works now, my 50 hour character lost a 2 S tier spaceships, S tier cruiser, and my motherfucking base

Fuck Hello Games

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Your offices are public info and I got a lot of fertilizer, faggot

>it's like space minecraft
>extremely barebones base building
>no redstone equivalent
>no way to automate resource collection outside of farms which are only really good for money
>no real mod support

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So like, what is the gameplay loop?
Have they improved that since launch?

>mission gets started in the nexus
>run over to join
>by the time I get there it's canceled

>no way to automate resource collection outside of farms which are only really good for money

this is wrong, they updated it. it's similar to astroneer with wiring/power. You can automate mines now as well.
Still not minecraft, but you're misinformed.

I found something called a pillar planet and the only thing on it were a bunch of monoliths of varying sizes all over the fucking place.

Ancient bones EVERYWHERE
I just wish I knew how to turn off the markers for a less obfuscated view

Whoops, forgot pic

Attached: download.jpg (1920x1080, 344K)

>update: base building :)
>update: more base building :)
>update: submarines :)
>update: base building... in vr


Also, let me customize my ship like you can in literally every other space game.

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>intergalactic treasure hunting
You can do that now though. Look for planets with "Salvageable Scrap" or "Ancient Burial Sites".
Harvest the scrap (watch out for corrupted sentinels), or the ancient bones and prepare to be richer than fucking Bezos.

Two hours of farming scrap sites netted me over 20mil units.

He's not lying. I found one of those too

is that horizontal line stuff at the top of the picture always on?

>he bought into the meme
sorry you wasted like 400 dollars, sweaty

I found a spooky pillar world and a bubble world. Pretty cool. All I want is a pretty planet with no sentinels though.

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Yeah, but I'm more concerned about all the freakin' waypoints that I can't hide

You can turn it off.

Post the craziest animals you've found, I wanna see some cool shit to get me back into this game

Fuck off Sean Murray I'm not buying your shitty game

It certainly has become more fun, but it's still by far not the "game of the decade". The game for instance is still a buggy mess that will send you falling through the floor, trapping you in the void of a space station, throwing you through the ground and smashing you to death with fall damage when it tries to fix itself. If you have it on survival you lose all your shit to a glitch. Not to mention crashing, so even if you're not on survival, congratulations, you get to lose shit too, though not always as bad. Not to mention the painfully slow star and the pitifully small inventory space, etc. etc. I definitely consider it a fun game with friends, but calling it the game of the decade seems like a stretch

poorfag detected.

Jesus Christ this planet has thousands of Gravitino Balls.

Attached: 275850_20190819024818_1.jpg (1920x1080, 441K)

Gravitino Balls are the easiest way to get yourself a 5-star wanted rating.

In other words, F U N

>extremely barebones base building
>No redstone equivalent
Electrical wiring. People have been able to build "logic gates" and calculators so far, among other things.
>No way to automate resource collecting
There are a variety of machines and things to build that will automatically harvest resources for you.

Please stop spreading misinformation.

Attached: f4c.jpg (223x255, 10K)

Yikes, by far the worst experience you can get in vr. No one should play this as their "killer app".

The game itself, even after the updates, is still shallow and pathetic like Spore. VR isn't saving it on any of my HMDs. 2080ti shouldn't have jumpy frametime skipping shit to it. Less to do than a 5 year old minecraft mod. Slower paced than candycrush. Like wtf people.

Hellogames should not be able to make a thread that people keep alive this long.

>and the pitifully small inventory space

if you call what they give you now at the start small, then you probably should have seen the game when it launched.

Even with how shit it is, I think you can call out morons that have never used VR by their idiotic comments.

I ALMOST feel bad for them. Not being able to afford it or just hating something because they know nothing else. People missing out on actual good experiences in gaming just to be a whiny bitch because uncle-4channel the non-gamer said so.

What game are you talking about? Minecraft?

NMS has none of that and is a total shit game. Sean is that you?

nigger stop being redundant, it added that shit in an update, so it exists now. you saying
doesn't mean the game has less features. What the fuck do you even get out of doing this.

Spread your misinformation somewhere else.

it's still a bad game. it's tedious grinding shit since day 1 and the core gameplay is still the same.

You'd be surprised at what a google search can do for ya.

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Reminder that Sean lied about multiplayer a second time and that time GoG paid for refunds out of pocket because he's a fraudulent piece of shit.

Excuse me young man, but you got blown the fuck out!

>implying that wasn't the plan all along
You must be really new to opinion manipulation.

is there any point doing any of the mission like going towards the galactic centre or should I just focus on grinding shit out? I'm still using the same mining laser and starship that you get from the tutorial. Also I don't have a freighter yet but I had seen the game say that the first freighter fleet that you save from a pirate attack is free so I want to try and get an A class or higher.

Just chill out in the starting galaxy. Its where everyone is anyways.

I'm halfway across the galaxy right now because I thought it was a good idea to see where a black hole goes. For an update that prides itself on multiplayer I haven't seen anybody yet my recent players has said that I've encountered some 40 other players during my time. Think I've been memed on with this.

>Buggy Mess with Nothing to Do with Nobody
>Game of the Generation!
>3 years later and still $59.99

It's $30 though and $20 on CDKeys.

Why do sentinels hate when you grab grav balls?

Game is worth no more than $20

nice argument

Beyond is buggy as fuck but has decent features to be a decent game, they just need to fix literally everything to not be buggy shit
And we need a new biome mod because vanilla worlds are all 1 biome even if it has life. It makes sense for environmentally fucked worlds to be the same all around, but a planet full of vegetation and wildlife shouldn't be the same everywhere.

Never forget.

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its broken and buggy but its max comfy minecraft in space except its minecraft that's good, exploration has a meaning beyond finding new sites for bases, resource mining and farming has a meaning beyond just having them so you got something to do.
Found a monolit, massive cave network, factory and storage facility all within 100 units of eachother and now am ready to make my first big bux

peak comf.

But you can do minecraft!

I saw this same exact world twice. Wtf

I really hate new powergrid mechanic. Bases are fucking ugly now thanks to disgusting webs of wires.

So I was not only a day one buyer of NMS, but I fucking pre-ordered. That said, what has changed? I "beat"the game in sub 11 hours on day one. I had even taken off 3 vacation days to play and ended up doing nothing. Is it worth giving it another try? I'm on PC btw. Does the game run proper now? I remember is ran like dog shit on launch. I'm working with pic related as far as specs.

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The updates are nice and I get that hello games is small so they pretty much have to use their players as QA testers so updates are always buggy as shit but that doesnt change the fact that no man's sky still isn't really a fully fleshed out cohesive experience. We need an actual gameplay loop with actual goals.

Idk mane give it a shot and tell us calmly how it went

My favourite quote:
>GI: "Could you potentially fly to new solar systems?"
>SM:"Yes, but nobody's actually done it yet"

The obscure feature that not even the developers tried yet ...

>best VR game
>not elite dangerous
miss me with that shit

ED is fucking dead mate.

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you can manage them and make them look nice or hide them if you use half a brain.
But power draw is insane for some shti that's the only broken thing. But I guess that's because the devs and retarded fanbase love tedium seeing how I got 50 replies telling me i'm a casual because I complained about how fucking tedius the tutorial was by dropping me on hostile world at every single fucking stage.

ED is better space game NMS is better minecraft.


Performance isn't great but better than launch. A setup like that would plow through VR at max settings. Expect occasional bugs, glitches, and stutters.

But honestly there's way more to do with the game now. I pirated it on launch and it was like a tech demo of the game we have today.

I'm 11 hours in and I've been to 4 planets, spent like 7 hours on ice planet exploring, mining and selling shit and i just found a better base site so I'm not leaving anytime soon

No man's sky was not marketed as a chill walking sim. We all know about the lies now but at the time, we all thought we were gonna be able to do some crazy shit in this game.

Don't forgive Sean Murray for being a lying piece of shit. He's scum. That said, the game is now quite enjoyable if you're into casual and relaxing exploration (and it's not hollow IMO)

I get motion sickness. Thankfully I borrowed my buddy's HTC Vive to try out VR before dropping $1000+ for a setup of my own. I'll be playing old school. Ugh I guess I'll give it a try. Got nothing to lose and nothing to do. Home on medical leave right now with a fucked up knee and really need something comfy.

>not living on a Mega Exotic planet

>medical leave
Rock on milbro. Comfy is what the game does best desu. Don't forgo the story entirely though since it will give you some important stuff from early to mid game. But I've been sinking 5-6 hours into the game every day since the update and have no intentions on stopping any time soon.

Space Engineers is the better sandbox.

I love ED but it has fucking nothing once you've landed on a planet or two

So is the game worth buying?
I pirated it and put some hours into it, it's pretty enjoyable. I see that there's random multiplayer, does it make it a better game to be worth buying?

insanely laggy and clunky ive had it since launch

>Hello iam OP, this game is GOOD, even GOAT
>Not a SINGLE webm or video posted
>Just a handful of screenshots
>VR is good though! It's just a coincidence it's impossible to convey how good the VR portion is without trying it yourself
This is always how you know it's never even close to what's being praised.

fpbp. i literally just finished booting it up after updating to the beyond build, went to the nexus hub, fully explored it, talked to nada/polo, saw some other players, noticed some gfx and texture improvements, ship hud and controls are updated, my freighter no longer has holes falling out into space, get coords from polo for atlas interface, go there, in between pressing E on the pillars of light, pressed it too soon and cut off the animation - game crashed. then i came to Yea Forums to see if theres a thread on NMS, and here i am. after just playing 45mins into the beyond update, my game has already crashed with a fatal error. so yeah, fpbp and the game is still the same, its just the hello games literal kikes trying to get more ppl into giving them shekels. DONT FUCKING DO IT, the game is boring as hell, repetitive, same models and environmental elements are used over and over again, NMS IS A FUCKING INDIE SCAM

You still fly from planet to planet picking up whatever specific element you need except now you can just grind money/nanites by finding salvaged tech. Space fights are shit. The Language mechanic is tedious and boring. The only real progression you have is adding additional inventory spaces to hold more things so you can better gather shit to make more money. It's basically one of those trading flash games from the early 2000's like drug wars, except it has a flashy skin on top.

Combat on the ground feels so shit that basically everyone cheeses it either with building or by just using their ship. A majority of the playerbase plays on normal where there is absolutely 0 threat or challenge. Permadeath feels unrewarding since you could just as easily die to a glitch as you could to any actual hazard.

Vehicles make no sense since they're all slower than just jetpacking. Animal farms serve no purpose other than to grind for cash in a new and exciting way. It just feels so fucking hollow. Like they had no idea what the fuck they wanted as their gameplay loop so they just went full skinnerbox.

lol poorfag, that's like one cup of supreme coffee.

still lightyears ahead of minecraft.

honestly lad I think there is some high tier autistic piece by piece space ship building/planet exploring mods that I wouldn't be surprised if it had more content then no mans sky

I don't even know if you could say that since at least minecraft has actual building mechanics and a workable UI.

.... and years later and several updates later, NMS is still fucking trash and the biggest pre-release scam job in vidya history.

yeah minecraft has better building but thats it theres nothing to do with any of the shit you find but build. At least in NMS you can use resources to get riche.
if NMS kept pushing minecraft in space it'd be pretty damn good eventually

You can trade with villagers and become emerald rich.

and do what with those emeralds?
Fucking nothing.

lmao its funny bc its fucking true

I've tried and NMS is a disgrace. Runs like shit and looks even worse.

>Proceeds to rapidly become an expansive and fun game with the release of numerous free updates
It is just as expansive as before, infinite planets, infinitesimal diversity among them.
>fun game
If you did not like it before, it has not gotten any more fun.
>numerous free updates
People paid for those updates with the overcharge they paid for an unfinished, broken, and empty game.

Buy magic books?

it just seems so pointless. the inventory system is gay. i play for 10 mins and then just want to leave

first time i booted up NMS in probably a year and it couldnt keep my attention for more than 1hr at best and since i already maxed out in terms of fleet, upgrades, base, etc... im left with nothing to really do except fuck off with other players and do missions for units that i dont even need bc i have so much fucking money already. you just reach a point where youve explored enough of the game to know that theres really not a reason to continue playing. theres still so many bugs in the game, some game breaking, (might have been fixed by now idk) that its just one of those games you just gotta let collect some dust before its been updated enough to where its a polished product ready to be played without the annoyance of bugs and shit like that. i give it another 3 years and i'll do another playthru from the beginning and then finally call it quits. until then, im definitely not playing it because it isnt anywhere close to being fully finished. sure, the game has made a ton of improvements from the literally broken piece of shit that was released, but that doesnt mean its out of early access yet.

But it's still shit. All you do is walk around shooting rocks so you can walk around shooting rocks some more.

Attached: 1559971242323.gif (244x275, 1.24M)

>Who would've thunk

I have a medium specs rig and I can run the game fine at 60fps with the occasional random drop at 40-50
what are you people even on about? is it a non-amd issue?

>Start up NMS because new update
>Freighter and my base are gone
Thanks Sean

>one year ago
>find a comfy red planet
>build base
>finally find a big freighter
>a couple of exotic ships
>BEYOND update
>my planet now is yellow and shitty, my freighter is fucked up

here's to better, simpler times

Attached: g9eck197ftj11.png (1920x1080, 1.94M)

>Best VR game

No, Superhot will be that for the forseeable future.

>Not the dude you're replying to

Sure buddy, go watch some more paint lmao

I honestly cannot believe that people unironically shill this game. Not just on Yea Forums but in general.

The terrible launch and lies about it should be enough to make people dismiss it forever. And updates ore not, its still just an empty walking sim.

But I guess people get attached to literally any shit because its a new toy.

its more well rounded minecraft in space with something to do

but minecraft has mods for space exploration with more things to do than this.

what's the point of building bases? it's way more convenient to keep stuff in your freighter. Also my built bases have been deleted 3 times already even though I've always had it set so that other people can't delete them. It seems as if the world resets and restores any resources I took and removes my bases but I'm not sure.

>crash once ever 2 hours
>sub 60 fps performance on 1060 on min settings
>game randomly trips out with everyone t posing

game is still somewhat fun though.

Attached: download.jpg (256x256, 51K)

>tfw patch wiped my base and frigate
Quickly loosing interest if they keep doing that.

idunnmo i dont got freighters so im making a base and claiming a planet. I have like 4 bases on a planet, once I mine out an area and do all buildings, caves etc I move onto a new site.
Planets have zones that have knowledge stones, caves, buildings, crashed spacecraft or buried tech

>>BTFOs preorder fags with disgustingly bad launch
Wrong. They should've made a rerelease with 1$ price tag unless you own the original then it's 60. Then pernamently ban anyone who tries to circumvent that from multiplayer.
That would BTFO preorderfags

what's the fastest way to get nanites? farm a shitload of gold and buy all the platinum from stations?