What do you think of Stacraft 2 now that the trilogy has concluded?
What do you think of Stacraft 2 now that the trilogy has concluded?
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I liked it overall. Not much else to say.
I'd rather have it not exist at all.
I still have the box on a shelf to remind me how dumb I was to preorder it and rush the store to get it.
why did it died?
Had a lot of fun with the WoL campaign and also the multiplayer ranked games back in 2014. Though it was stressful and I got really fucking angry when I lost. My mouse and keyboard were literal shit and it prevented me from making it past the diamond league.
Heart of the Swarm campaign was pretty bad and I never even tried Legacy of the void, I doubt my notebook can run it (I used to have a desktop pc)
They ruined the story with disney retardation.
First was kinda ok in the campaign. 2 and 3 were shit both in gameplay and story.
but the campaigns are pretty good for rts games.
Solid campaign maps, terrible story in the typical blizzard way
Story was retarded, but campaign missions were great.
Multiplayer is okay as well.
Overall pretty good, nothing could match Brood War for me anyway.
LotV was a disappointing end.
WoL had dumb campy story but was still solid, the other 2 completely sucked.
Multiplayer/esports scene officially died when IdrA moved on.
Nova is cute and has a nice tummy.
Focusing on gookclicks instead of what made its success worldwide: custom maps.
Esportfaggots won't buy your game, they watch people play it instead.
I wish the writers from the first game were involved at all.
Starcraft 1 was a nice space western, but it was mainly serious.
Starcraft 2 felt like they largely discarded the seriousness.
The plotline with that doctor and her infected colony was stupid, especially the endings.
They finally cured Kerrigan, which I guess was nice.
And they they completely undo that in HOTS.
Mengsk's handling in HOTS was so comically bad. He went from cool bad guy rebellion leader to comical supervillain. The best part about HOTS was Zagara.
The ending to LOTV was stupid, as was the retcon that "the zerg were good guys all along, they just got controlled by the bad guys!" was the shittiest writing Blizzard has come up with outside of WoW
I can't wait to see it again when it turns out Diablo and friends were good guys all along trying to protect everyone from a BIGGER evil
It can't be emphasised enough how much blizzard fucked the "fun" component of this game. Booting up Stacraft 2 in 2010 was such an oppressive, empty, hollow feeling, iirc the game didn't even have chat lobbies until a year after release.
If I wanted to just chill out and do dumb shit then I would pick literally any other game to play over this once. The only people I could find to play 2v2s, 3v3s etc with were friends from other RTS games because there was almost no way to make friends in this game because 90% of ladder players were anti-social. It was way too focused on competitive 1v1s which was incredibly offputting.
>trilogy is over
Wait really? When did that happen? I remember being hyped for SC2 when I saw it was announced but when I saw each campaign was being sold in its own $50-something package I quickly lost interest.
I loved SC1 and Brood Wars but I never played SC2.
the campaigns of the three are free now iirc
Kerrigan is partly cured, then becomes Zerg Mommy again, then the Xel Naga ghosts or whatever give her literal godhood to beat up the villain, a Mean Xel Naga.
All the campaigns are fun enough to play through for pure RTS gameplay but that story jesus fucking christ.
>Any skill based game thread on Yea Forums
>RTS, Fighting games etc
>Expecting them to know what they're talking about
Poor OP. Anyway this thread is already filled with "le gookclicks" BWfags and storyfags
The only good post ITT is the one about how he wants to fuck Nova
I'm glad the competitive scene is still alive at least, GSL vs The World had some batshit builds in finals last night.
Killed custom lobbies forever. Literally the only reason I bought it. Then dota 2 had custom lobbies as a fan mod, then valve stuck their fucking finger in it and ruined custom lobbies in dota 2 as well.
I can only hope War3 reforged will have them properly. It's not fucking fair.
WoL 9/10
HotS 2/10
LotV 7/10
For anyone who hasn't played them, the WoL campaign is super fun and worth playing. On Brutal, it's very tough. HotS is fucking terrible. I one-shotted the campaign on Brutal. Just a joke. LotV fares somewhat better.
The plot tracks straight downward though. It's very clear that Metzen stopped being involved after WoL.
I liked the gameplay very much but the story was such a stupid clusterfuck I stopped paying attention midway. Why did they change Raynor so much anyway? He used to be some long-headed bald spic and became some random wide american.
Not as neat. What the fuck happened to the plot?
>I can only hope War3 reforged will have them properly.
They've been there all this time, though now that they finally fixed the hosting issues so you don't need a hosting bot, there's been a bit of an upsurge.
the fact that raynor dissapear left me a void inside i dont know why. I mean, the entire ending left me empty
fuck neo blizzard
The overall story is just terrible. Mean Xel Naga hates all life and wants to redo the universe and he forcefully merges Zerg/Protoss lifeforms to do it(remember the secret brood war mission?) The entire three campaign big story is an excuse to help Kerrigan achieve her destiny. The actual nitty gritty of each campaign is cool, though Heart of the Swarm is VERY sparse due to the nature of the Zerg. There's basically two characters that Kerrigan bounces bitchy snarky off of, Abathur(geneforge autist) and Zagara(big queen) and some interactions with other factions.
Terran and Protoss campaigns are downright comfy. Terran campaign has interesting characters, some space opera drama, only one or two retarded twists(and hell you might like them, they aren't that bad.) Void gives the Protoss some interesting dynamics(you team up with the Mean Protoss leader who is probably the most entertaining asshole in the entire series) though it's mostly Muh Corruption plots.
You can try the Terran campaign free and it's strong as fuck so I recommend it, just a single player clear. Higher difficulties are spicy and really expect you to have good micro/macro and battle plans(or know the map/enemy forces well enough to counter them!)
I liked the multiplayer for fierce 1v1s but I lost interest quickly because you can't relax for a second. It's not that I couldn't do it, it's that I wanted to unwind and clear stress.
>It's not that I couldn't do it
It's exactly that you couldn't do it, don't lie
If i can go from high silver, to low plat, while not touching any RTS games in the span of the end of WOL, to last year, then something went pretty wrong in the design, somewhere.
>I can't wait to see it again when it turns out Diablo and friends were good guys all along trying to protect everyone from a BIGGER evil
D4 is about angels being bad
Tychus was amusing, Zeratul missions and In Utter Darkness were pure kino in terms of fun. Story overall was unremarkable, deus ex machina ending and all.
Easily the worst of the three campaigns, very short it felt like, Kerrigan getting re-Zergified for no reason, primal zerg retconning the regular zerg we know. Ending was cliche. However I would've been okay if HotS was the last campaign, as it had the best ending.
Best campaign, best characters (mainly Alarak), best missions. Ending was a tragedy with super sayain Kerrigan but whatever. Again, story should've ended with Mengsk dying and Kerrigan fucking off to be the Queen of Blades and keeping the Zerg at bay.
tl;dr Starcraft is dead, Jimmy.
the WoL campaign was boring so i never played the rest
I knew that was coming but I'm serious. It wasn't a game you could sit down and chill in and that made it very offputting for extended play. Scouting the enemy while bouncing 2-3 fingers off my macro control groups and being ready to react at a split second to a sneak attack? It's intense but intense demands a pretty specific mindset.
>That spacing
>Thinking you should be allowed to "relax" in a 1v1
Yeah League of Legends is more your speed
>"the zerg were good guys all along, they just got controlled by the bad guys!"
are you kidding?
are we so far into post-modernism and moral relativism that fucking Hydralisks are secretly better than white males with southern accents?
This post is bait right?
I mean relax as in the hobby of playing video games, chief. Or do you put competitive multiplayer in the same tier as every other game?
Story-wise, the only really good one was SC1. Brood War had problems (Kerrigan and Duran manipulate literally everyone else but not in a way that feels clever or earned.)
However, SC2 makes Brood War look excellent by comparison. That shit was one of the biggest let down in video game. I can't say I ever cared about the multiplayer either.
Relaxing to me is using a wild strategy for fun and not playing to learn, that's relaxing
hots happened. now that the zerg campaign had to comprise an entire expansion on its own and now that i cant RELATE to a story unless the protagonists are all heroic and likable, blizz made the kerrigan squad a ragtag duo of sassy monsters spearheaded by the ultimately good yet misunderstood zerg (mostly human) queen with high heels. and then at some point i think they forgot kerrigan and sylvanas are separate characters and turned her into the chosen one for a while. essentially it is hollywood-seeming tripe. wol was pretty cool tho
Zerg were "feral" who dindu nuffin. They were "corrupted" and became evil.
The overmind dindu nuffin
tassadar is space jesus and his SC1 sacrifice meant nothing because we a ghost now
SC2 was shit.
Oh it was a shitpost, thanks for letting me know
I dig that. There's just something about the enemy being a thinking human that puts my mind in a high energy mode to begin with and SC2 demands you be pretty good at multi-tasking.
I hate how they couldn't decide if the Xel naga was evil or not. They went back and forth and then made Amon evil, but even then Amon wasn't evil he was just corrupted or some shit.
Memory's hazy but didn't the Confeds mindfuck prisoners to serve as foot soldiers and scouts in SC1?
Not that any other faction was better by default but that thing always stood out as weird and sketchy.
4v4 was fun.
They're doing it again with Sylvanas kek
It's actually not. In HotS you learn that the Zerg were taken from a planet and corrupted by the evil xel'naga and that the overmind was a brave hero who infested Kerrigan in order to free the Zerg and save the universe. It's really stupid shit.
Also Kerrigan turns into a goddess and has an anime laser battle with the xel'nega.
Yeah they used resocialization to take criminals and political prisoners into soldiers. Ghosts were trained for a long to be assassins.
>Kerrigan getting re-Zergified for no reason
The plot justification is that on one hand, she had some corrupting influence from Amon before so she had to be de-zergified in the first place, and on the other hand she could only stop Amon with Zerg powers.
Of course they didn't exactly "need" to write it that way, either.
>best missions
Care to elaborate? I think that still goes to WoL. LotV had way, way too many of these "you're on a timer and you need to destroy four (4) of these power generators/pylons/void crystals/MacGuffins, completely derivative shit every time.
>That spacing
>Calling a western video game anime
God can you election tourists fuck off already
>tassadar is space jesus and his SC1 sacrifice meant nothing because we a ghost now
The Tassadar Ghost was revealed to just be a ruse by the last surviving Xel'Naga to fool Zeratul. Kinda saved it, but then kinda not because they shouldn't have done that shit to begin with.
>upset about spacing
How's the autism going, champ? Get your tendies today, heh heh?
>Dumbfuck Terran virgin turtles up
>Macro hard as ChadZerg
>Launch an assault through his door
>While he's distracted send in the banelings through the back
>Laugh as he types angry messages and leaves
The story went to shit pretty fast after WoL. Alarak is the only thing I like from the story now.
>are we so far into post-modernism and moral relativism that fucking Hydralisks are secretly better than white males with southern accents?
No, because after Amon is destroyed and the Zerg are left to a new leader they go back to murdering people for the sake of it. The Zerg are animals no matter who they're controlled by
I hate how they just pretend Broodwar never happened and decided to make Kerrigan one of the good guys instead of the main villain of the series.
The writting in Starcraft 2 is seriously some of the worst ive ever seen in vidya
Serral is based and redpilled
Criminals would be bad enough. Understandable but pretty bad. Political prisoners too? Ooph.
>Broodwar never happened
Broodwar was never canon
Why is Stukov and the remnant UED even there then?
when the pros don't cheese, yea, 4v4 was fun
Liked Wings of Liberty. Didn't care to buy the other two, just watched it on youtube. Overall, meh.
Story got progressively worse
>I hate how they just pretend Broodwar never happened and decided to make Kerrigan one of the good guys instead of the main villain of the series.
Even worse how they let Raynor have a moment of hesitation when re-infested Kerrigan rescues him, only to go through with this anyway.
It means they totally acknowledge it but say "fuck that" anyway.
Lmao why does Yea Forums know nothing about competitive games? Then again this is the fucking board that had a 1000+ reply thread about some party game
It was already shit in WoL, but at least the missions were fun to play.
Kerrigan should've been the main villain and Raynor should feel nothing but hatred for her after Broodwar. Their whole romance thing felt forced as fuck.
Wings of Liberty was the best campaign, it had choices that actually mattered, a ton of varied missions, and an actual secret mission that foreshadowed what was going to happen in the next games.
HotS was alright, but it was easy as fuck since you always had some OP hero unit and a ton of broken techs. It also officially marked the point where the story did a 5 point dive off the shark into a pile of bullshit. But the actual missions themselves were alright for the most part.
Legacy of the Void kept the story as stupid as HotS, but I found it a lot more challenging so thats a plus. A lot of the missions turned into go to the place and shoot the big thing sticking out of the ground which got kinda old though. Also Id like to note the gradual change from actually having to build an army with finite resources in WoL to pretty much every decision in LotV being changeable immediately after you unlock it. Even HotS had some permanent decisions you had to consider.
Over all I really enjoyed the trilogy, and Iv played through it several times.
I play it daily. I'm really disappointed that it's not more popular. It's better than 90% of the indie trash in the Steam store.
That's like, your opinion man.
cheese is toxic, and you know it
No. Thats how the first game ended.
>Cheese is toxic
This is literally the most reddit thing I've seen in my life
Story sucks but gameplay is better than SC1, fuck the koreatime nostalgiafaggots that think microing bad AI pathing is a the greatest thing in human history
I said the battle with two people shooting lasers at each other is anime, i.e. belongs in an anime you dense retard.
I used to play it daily and I've been thinking about getting back into it recently but I can't justify getting into a dead game, especially one that takes as much effort as this.
I'm seriously sad this game declined so much, it was a lot of fun (especially 2v2s /w semi-competitive friends).
>Western video game belongs in anime
Fuck off tourist, I guarantee you also call any female character "waifu"
I unironically thought they'd fix a lot of the shit from SC1 like the 12 unit limit or the pathing but NOPE. Just a prettier version of the same old shit
What? The pathing is fixed and theres no 12 unit limit
cheese is literally toxic milk, you dum dum
Holy shit you got me good
I'm sorry it tainted my memory of Starcraft and Broodwar. Blizzard really changed over that 12-16 years
>counting the unit evolution missions for the total mission count in heart of the swarm
I can't stomach War3 graphics anymore. I'm too used to LoL graphics, which isn't much but at least it's not hurtful on the eyes. Are there mods that improve War3 graphics?
>Best campaign
underrated post
Just finished installing SC2.
And I immediately find a fun looking custom puzzle map to play instead of diving into the campaign.
It's not a dead game you absolute fucking retard
Why do you zoomies think any game that isn't the number 1 in the world is dead?
Because they have shit attention spans that only last for something rated as number 1?
oh yah, that was sneaky
this shit right here, probably HotS greatest sin from a gameplay perspective. How does 2 glorified unit demos that could be done with your eyes closed count as a mission unless you need to pad out your mission count so WoL doesnt blow you the fuck out even harder
As if splitting the campaign wasn't bad enough, they even couldn't keep their word on the campaigns being equally long.
I guess they did it to save face, in a way, but they must have known nobody would be stupid enough to fall for that shit.
I never finished legacy of the void because of the final bit that counts as its own thing. They take away all of the upgrades/powers/units that you picked and forcibly give you the ones they want. I played for a few minutes and just said fuck it and uninstalled.
9/10 campaign. Story was pretty good and the maps were great. An obvious climb in difficulty as the game progressed, assuming your playing on hard/brutal. Only real problem was that there were too many turtle missions but, I guess thats just the nature of playing Terran. The multiplayer was also a 9/10. Solid as well. Most fun I had in SC2
4/10 campaign. Kind of a shitshow overall. It almost feels like it doesn't even know what it wants to be. Kerrigan getting her revenge at long last only to be saved last minute by deus ex Raynor. Not to mention the best villain in the series is killed before the trilogy ended. Multiplayer was okay I guess, 5/10.
7/10 Campaign. It was pretty good. But the final three missions just kill it for me. It was stupid as fuck that the Xel'Naga were suddenly manta-ray/squid people too. Whereas before they more resembled the actual hybrid, at least in how they were depicted in lore. (See the prophecy Zera was reading in the cinematic of WoL). Not too mention the Kerrigan turning into a giant angel thing was dumb as shit too. I play Lotv up to those missions and stop every time. Multiplayer took a step up from Hots imo, though I don't play nearly as much as I did in WoL. 6/10.
Fun campaign, but the story really is a step down from SC1.
The gameplay of the game is great. But they should have harmonized the ability buttons.
Coop is great.
A colossal train wreck that not only ruin its own success but its predecessor's
>dumb story that shit on established story and characters
>terrible balancing
>terrible custom game support (remember when they originally said you would have to pay for custom games? lmao)
>forced kespa to abandon broodwar, fucking over the pro scene for years
>completely botches their handling of WCS
>David Kim is an incompetent fucktard
Are you me?
How do you like your Zerg?
What? He didn't appear in LotV?
he's talking about the end of LOTV. Raynor chooses to go with Kerrigan to who knows where and is never seen again.
They should have just removed the Amon mission at the end of LotV desu.
i could never beat the legacy of the void mission where you have to defend thing while getting attacked from 4 directions on brutal because my framerate would always go to 1-2fps when it got near the end and there were a billion zerg and hybrids
Lorewise? The worst thing since Diablo 3.
bl infestor killed sc2
SOME very fun levels but it had modern blizzard levels of writing, which means it's bellow fanfiction levels and it actually ruins the whole campaign.
that trailer animation of the marine getting welded into his suit was some hot shit. the game was just shit.
>The writting in Starcraft 2 is seriously some of the worst ive ever seen in vidya
Have you ever played D3? Or modern WoW? Blizzard always tries to one up itself when it comes to retardation.
The story is shit, but the games are great.
Woman Diablo was probably the worst writing in a Blizzard game after BFA, should've known everything would go to shit after that
I thought I liked heart of the swarm, but then I played it again. The other two are fun though and I have played them multiple times through.
They did that?
>Make no mistake.
>War is coming.
>With all its glory.
>And all its horror.
>on Brutal, it's very tough
They're pretty doable even in brutal if you're a experienced/skilled player. Except for that mission where you have to defend a protoss base from zerg and xel naga attacks on 3 fronts. I simply couldn't complete that mission on Brutal (or get the achievements, or both things,I cant remember)
I hate how every mission has a gimmick. Could never just get one mission like good old starcraft.
I think the only way to do that mission on brutal is to just wall the fuck out of everything with forges, then spam Colossus and Immortals plus a mix of Phoenix and Void Rays
is this thread from fucking 2015?
the game is in the best spot it will ever be, with casual and competitive modes, the numbers for the game are higher than hots.
However, all of this should have been done very early on in 2012-2014.
>loud metal rock playing
vaguely remember cheesing that mission on brutal by filling everything with Nexuses and shield batteries the last 10 mins kek
why didn't mengsk build another psi distruptor
If they ever let everyone practice against AlphaStar SC2 will reach new heights.
>shield battery
>wings of liberty
oh :(
thought you were talking about The Last Stand in LotV
To give Terran's a tech boost since UED shit is a century more advanced. From what I'm told of the books, field medics prior to the UED invasion were on par with the regenerators from Star Trek instead of the bring a man back from the brink of death in seconds level they're at now.
Only got it to play mass recall
You know what I hate? That the aesthetic of starcraft will never be relevant other than RTS starcraft because of Asians sucking blizzard's esports cock.
Seriously, everything was like 1960s southern American themed. Trucking, the defunct confederates in space, smoking, drinking, and retards being conscripted into front lines while being drugged into insanity. It felt like goddamn space vietnam.
What do we get? Same bullshit about "all uniting to defeat big monster" instead of starcraft 1 humor of "BLOW SHIT UP YEE HAW"
I gotta admit though, wings of liberty had some kino moments. Pic related.
It's like Metzen had such a writers block he subconciously got desperate and picked this twist just to have a twist.
>The old WoL menus
They were garbage and yet I still feel nostalgic for them
>zeratul forgetting/forgiving kerrigan focing him to kill raszagal and then letting him live because she thought it was funny to let him live with the guilt
Did someone said mech?
macro mechanics were a mistake. spawn larvae was one of the biggest devtard decisions ever.
desu, I was ok with giantess fire elemental kerrigan. By that point I didn't give a shit about the plot anymore anyway.
Alarak was pretty cool though
Spawn larva makes zerg finally play like the swarming race unlike BW.
>Have you ever played D3? Or modern WoW?
I haven't, what happened in D3?
I almost enjoy the meta story of WOW because it's so bad some parts of it become good. If Jaina stayed a bloodthirsty harpy instead of being talked down by her mother BFA could actually be good.
>finally play like the swarming race unlike BW.
2 food hydras. 2 food roaches. try harder.
Was never a big starcraft fan. But it struck me how similar the story was to warcraft's. Did Metzan write it? I get the feeling he wanted to fuck off and be a family man a lot sooner than he did with how crappy blizzard game writing has gotten.
I fell off and never played the third one, and eventually got spoiled by this.
Honestly I think listening to that was more enjoyable than playing it would've been.
Story was absolute shit, but the missions were alright.
there was some promotion to get heart of the swarm for free for players who had bought wings of liberty before it became free, but i didn't redeem it in time and they told me to fuck off. so i guess i'm never finishing that trilogy
Its called supply you casual, and go play ranked for once.
don't open blizzard launcher while you're playing this or it will get fucked up and you will have to reinstall
Story became stupid once Raynor renegged his promise to kill Kerrigan at the end of WoL. HotS at least tried to make it seem like Raynor had second thoughts about sparing Sarah, but I really wish this game was last, if only to draw that out and to see Mengsk last longer. He was the sole really good thing about SC2's story. LotV was typical modern Blizzard schlock with one god awful twist that was ME3 ending tier in how it almost ruined the entire series. (Tassadar was secretly Xel'Naga the whole time.)
campaigns were good but still not as competitively viable as Brood War
It's only called supply for Terrans, scrub.
>Just loaded it
>Need to do 5 matches to get ranked
>Know a single zerg build
>Australian so either American or asian server
Bronze or wood here I come
Weird question now that Zagara has full control of the swarm what happens?
I hated the story in WOL. Didnt even bother with HOTS or LOTV. Blizzard sabotaged their shot at making it a huge Esport and were absolute dogshit at balancing. Also Arcade was the worst thing ever fuck them for life for fucking that up so hard.
Blizzard is not the company it once was and its sad people are STILL falling for their shit
>wanted to just play the protoss campaign when SC2 first came out
>Protoss was the last campaign, lost interest in SC2 before HotS even came out and still don't have interest in going back to it
Kind of a bummer, but at least I had fun times with friends with WoL.
>Tassadar was secretly Xel'Naga the whole time.
Fake news. No one on the internet agrees with this
Whats the first unit quote that comes to your mind right now.
Mine is CEREBRATE from infested Duran
it started going downhill after hots desu
Blizzard mismanaged that game so hard. I also didn't play any of the campaign I just mean from a multiplayer standpoint.
I still find BW more satisfying to play/watch.
>played my first game in 6 years
>lost to a plat
I lost 10 pounds playing starcraft 2 one year because of the ladder. After taking a year off and coming back to play Terran instead of protoss I was having more fun. The GSL matches continue to be fun to watch and I'm glad arcade is still relevant.
Though the stories weren't as good as WoL. And aside from that the balance could use a lot of work. I don't like widow mines being as they are, Protoss lost it's weaknesses and Ravagers are a bit too good as a unit. Still, its a very fun game, just wish more people played it.
It was downhill way before hots
What's the best way to get into SC2?
>fell for the "don't touch ladder until you can consistently beat the hardest AI" meme
>get to that point then lose interest in the game for a year
>go back intending to finally ladder
>can't even beat the AI as a warmup anymore
I'm going to lose all the placement matches and end up in wood league, aren't I?
ai is a meme
>Doesn't wall
>Doesn't battleship rush
>Doesn't DT rush
t. guy who has no play time
>butchered the story
>killed off tychus
>nova turned into a coal burner
nu blizz kills everything it touches, at least the cinematics were pretty I guess
>I wish the writers from the first game were involved at all.
SC1 and SC2 were both written by Chris Metzen
you get the terran campaign free with the multiplayer and as much as people shit on the plot it's actually a blast to play through
co-op is a safe bet too. they're up to 17 characters now, some are basically just a stripped down version of the multiplayer race with campaign bonuses while others play completely differently
shoutout to godzilla and his chadzerg
I think SC2's story would have been done better if flipped around. The Not-OldGod guy, Almond or whatever should have been ruining the system after the events of SC:BW. The first part of the trilogy ends with Kerrigan being de-powered but kind of upset she lost her power so she goes on the warpath in heart of the storm, regaining her power. However, she can't beat Mengsk because he still has some old-god magic item or whatever. This leads into Wings of Liberty where Kerrigan tricks Jimmy into starting a new rebellion and the humans start researching the strange post-Almond zerg as they start invading everywhere. Kerrigan, using a proxy, feeds Jimmy information he needs to steal the old-god item to "restore" Kerrigan and also defeat Mengsk. We defeat Mengsk and Kerrigan shows her true colors where the humans and some protoss go to finally defeat Kerrigan once and for all. The final mission or two revolves around a player selection of killing her or using the old-god item to turn her back into a human, again.
You really just have to like the gameplay but overall it's still a waste of time, you'll still meet smurfs with 350 APM who only plays the game to beat noobs
Go ahead TAC-COM
If there was anything I always felt was what was missing between both games, it would really be that. Terrans in the new game are much cleaner and crisper in what they do over what they were.
Still mad they canceled another Starcraft FPS
It wasn't Tassadar, it was someone mimicking him to guide the Protoss to their destiny
You know... Why didn't they, during the Narud fight with Kerrigan, have Narud turn into Duran's cuban jackass face? Just as a callback and how he was behind everything. Heck, I don't think they ever bring up how he manipulated them all before?
they didn't want to remind players of duran when he was cool and memorable
Why the hell does Valerian Mengsk, Arthas and Anduin all have the exact same hair? In some(not all) depictions they almost look identical to each other.
>I'd rather have it not exist at all.
>WoL 9/10
>HotS 2/10
>LotV 7/10
Reasonable, actually. I had a lot of fun with LotV, particularly customizing the Spear of Adun's abilities and choosing units.
People forget about that third of the game because of the shittiness of HotS, though.
Blizzard's attempts to recreate Arthas, the only good and memorable one.
>What if he's Arthas, but never turned evil?
>What if he's Arthas, but starts off sketchy and daddy was a bad guy?
WC3 reforged this year bro
Overall great. Fun campaigns, scenarios and challenges that teach you mechanics thoroughly, standard multiplayer vfor those who want it, Arcade and CoOp as well as Archon mode are fucking awesome multiplayer
just play ladder its full of new players like you and you will be matched with them
will someone PLEASE post the kelly milkies nudes
See I figured it was probably the same writers, but I was trying to make a joke about how shit the writers/writing had become at Blizzard
It turned into shit when it became about godly and superhero characters. Same with WoW
Campaigns were pretty great with nice production values. Story was a letdown overall. Gameplay was serviceable but I can’t help but feel that something is off about it. Maybe it’s the hyper-optimized way that units move when in a giant ball. I mean it makes sense for Zerg to move like that I guess but not a bunch of damn tanks. Also macro mechanics seemed kinda heavy handed.
Overall pretty decent but not exactly up to Brood War’s legacy. Make for surprisingly good single player games though.
Campaign gameplay was consistently good to great across the trilogy, multiplayer gameplay was a mistake that diverged from every single fucking thing that made Brood War great, writing is easily Blizzard's worst even after a decade and a half of World of Warcraft asspulls. I'd still recommend it for the campaigns alone, they were a blast on Brutal.
It was okay. Raynor doing a heelturn to decided to not avenge Fenix really curdled my goddamn blood, and considering Tychus wasn't double-crossing Jim, he was just going to kill her like Jim should have? Dumb fucking writing. I enjoyed the writing for Wings of Liberty otherwise. HotS was fucking pants-on-head retarded, and LotV was straight-out on the lawn buck-ass naked. Gameplay for multiplayer kept changing too radically for me to want to stay invested in the ranked scene and the overall feel for multiplayer is almost counter to how Broodwar felt. I enjoyed the first StarCraft infinitely more and am happy Remastered and Carbots have breathed some life back into it, but I can respect SC2 for being what it was. It's a damn fucking shame the SC franchise down the shitter for the rest of time.
It's a shame that Husky sold out.
>pulpy faction politics with constant outmanoeuvering, backstabbing and rising stakes replaced with THE PROPHECY HAS FORETOLD shit
Oh, but things outside of the game were atrocious. The new BNet was a joke and blizz went full ultra greed with their eeeeports approach. It’s like you had a bunch of old nerds making the game and soulless suits controlling everything else about it.
Makes me feel good about not buying the expansions
Campaign is fun mechanically-wise, but story went to shit after the 2/3rd of WoL (some characters at least redeem it to some point, but killing off Tychus was a mistake). Traditional multiplayer is not good and co-op Commanders seem the only good thing apart of custom maps.
>launch sc2 after long hiatus, hoping it was improved
>oh look, we are adding cute cartoonish skins and soooooo funny commentary
Jesus fuck, just when you think nu-blizzard reached an absolute bottom and cant submerge itself deeper into shit, you are presented to a team of dedicated diggers with a huge shovels...
That's SC1, not SC2.
t. bronze player
I guess Starcraft 2 had a story. I have no clue what the point of this story was and where it was going, but it had one.
t. gook-clicker
Face it, none of you are man enough to play RTS.
Imaginary stories about "ladder anxiety" in 3 ... 2 ... 1 ....
was going to reply to him but I got poster anxiety
>playing video games
Friendly reminder that Geoff wasted his life
Also he's burning in hell
I never played legacy of the void because I quit vidya long ago, but I got some questions
1 is kerrigan good now? Jimmy gets to bang her hybrid pussy now?
2 is the changeling Duran (best character that Duran boy)
3 the fuck happened to that zerg queen you sent on the protoss ship?
What are the big sc2 pros up to nowadays? Ppl like IdrA, MC, MVP etc?
he deleted his starcraft channel so nobody can ever watch any of it again
at least the comments are insulting him
MC just got out of the Military at the start of the year and has started playing in GSL qualifiers again. MVP is retired.
Husky sucked dick as a caster desu the best entertainment caster was day9 and the best analytical was artosis and they still have all their stuff up
I never won a single game online and always got ranked silver at worst
he said it was because of his voice but it's probably because he wasn't getting hired since there were so many more superior casters available
It was probably bc he doesn't want someone digging up some dumb pseudo racist comment he made in bronze leave heros #417 or some dumb shit like that
Starcraft was a copycat shit game for all the new gamers that came in the late 90s who missed C&C/WC1 and determined like the rest of us did that the fucking RTS genre is all the same boring garbage. Unfortunately your generation was brainwashed by game companies hyping up garbage so you felt obligated to play this same fucking boring game ad infinitum along with WC3 which was the same goddamn shit except lol one's in space and one's fantasy. You could absolutely swap out one for the other and barely tell a fucking difference in fundamental play. Even fucking FPS games have fundamental differences in most of the games back then anyway.
I'll give you a D+ for effort.
How do I complete the last LotV mission. The one with the key defence. I tried to play it on veteran dificulty and I get stomped after like 50%.
The singleplayer campaigns are irredeemable gatbage
Multiplayer is okay, nowhere near as good as SC1 tho
The Christmas lights were a nice touch. Yup, sometimes you just can't go back :/
Jepakah Zohl!
you really should be able to beat brutal A.I. before 7 mins
why do all the casters call this guy a she
Because modern society forbid you from noticing certain things or correlations.
AI is a meme if you want to get to plat 1 just play zerg
if you want to get to diam 1 make roaches
Chris metzen. 20 years apart, corruption fetish metzen took over.
Scarlett was ahead of the current tranny trend and just wants to play SC2, >she gets a pass
That thing legit looks like that autistic rider from mass effect holy shit