Hope you had a good summer user

Hope you had a good summer user

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>It's a "Let's disguise a lewd thread" thread

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What's the point of drawing BotW Zelda if she's not sticking out her bum?


And farting

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Summer is still more than a month away from ending user

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No, I spent it in my room instead of going fishing with my old man because I have heart issues.

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>tfw had shit weather for over half of the summer
At least september is a summer month too.

I actually had a great summer. Made a ton of money and spent most of it outside. I love summer. Hope its a warm year

I really like this guy's art, there's a kind of radiance to it that you don't see anywhere else.

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>first day of fall semester starts tomorrow
>hour and a half commute

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I still have one more week left of my break, but I do have to spend most of it working.
Also post more cute Zeldas.

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As a matter of fact, I did. Migrated to here from /pol/ after the wind ups in Dayton and El Paso. Defenitly more comfy and significantly less rabbit holes.

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Your pic isn't even cute, it's just straight up sexy!

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it would be better if a cute user would help me get off to zelda!

faggotass discordcuck

Another summer, another E3.
Hopefully BoTW 2 shown next summer

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you need to go back we dont care about you faggots.

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I flunked out of my university because I chose my major poorly and ended up hating it and just wanted out these past couple of semesters, so I've been putting off what to do now this summer while I work and play vidya. Maybe I'll go back to community college and do some classes I like instead of more soul-devouring biochemistry that I'm both bad at and hate.

I'm just kind of dreading it

royal guard outfit looks so good I wish it was his his canon outfit pre-apocalypse.

It's awful, it's way too hot and I want it to be fall already.

Can’t stop won’t stop mate. I’m here to stay.

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S'been an alright summer, yeah.

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