What are the general thoughts on these games?
I'm liking the first one, but don't think I've heard much about them.
Shin Megami Tensei - Digital Devil Saga
Other urls found in this thread:
My favorite games
>Great story
>Great art
>Addictive gameplay
It's pretty much your OG Megaten experience with a Hindu and "Enter The Matrix" scent, really worth playing
Finished them both recently, The second one is fantastic and maybe up there on my favorites games list.
Make sure you don't get the second spoiled if you hang around this thread, OP
It's amazing but don't get your hopes up too much, some characters are underdeveloped and the story just barely makes sense.
And the ending is shit
DDS1 has a great aesthetic and setting, but the sequel sort of throws that out the window. DDS1 is still one of the top tier SMT games ever made.
Amazing music as well.
>Make sure you don't get the second spoiled if you hang around this thread
Yeah, I've been avoiding most spoilers, except in how apparently I fucked up some dialogue choices on my first complete playthrough for extra content in 2 so I'm doing a new game plus. Still enjoying playing, though.
Alive's a banger and the second opening has me a bit hype to get to it once I'm done.
I wish more MegaTen games had monster designs as cool as the atma demons.
Yes, it's easily Meguro's best work as a composer. It probably has my favorite collection of battle themes across any RPG. The games are really good, but I can't express how much I fucking love the soundtrack.
The first one is best treated as a pure dungeon crawler.
They drop you into a really interesting setting, but everything is explained until the endgame, and the game finishes on a big cliffhanger.
The second game is a great payoff, and its combat evolves for the better; but 30% of the game is cramped into the last dungeon, since the series underperformed and the author fell ill and couldn't finish the story.
The music and designs are 10/10.
And the writer of the game actually wrote seven books to deal with the story the way she intended, they're bretty good, but we only have two translated ones so far.
Gale is the best, that is all.
He was the best party member across both games for sure. But I loved Cielo going from a worthless bitch in the first game to an absolute alpha and the cornerstone of the party in the second.
They're pretty good games. They handled immunities the best of any SMT game (I've played) by making them moves instead of passives. Kinda strange how DDS doesn't receive a lot of the criticisms that Persona gets though since it's closer to a Persona game than an SMT game.
>tfw cant beat DDS1 final boss
Fuck me and my shitty mantras
I really dont feel like starting the whole thing over either
How on fucking earth is it closer to Persona? And in what way do they deserve the same criticisms?
because of the dedicated party members or the characterization? cuz i disagree on both fronts
If it's the second phase you're stuck on just use attacks that hit multiple enemies and it'll break every orb but one. So just make sure you have multi hit moves of different elements, and from there it's ridiculously easy. And the first phase is not too tough compared to other bosses.
Second game is way better than the first, enjoy yourself.
You only need to invest in like, one element to really fuck them over. Destroy one orb and then spam that orb's element and you pretty much win.
Huang Long was way more of a bitch to fight.
They are pretty shit
>can't recruit demons
>indian philosophy and gay themes
>is two games
>feels like a gayer evangelion