So awhile ago dataminers found that there was 16 slots in world of light's data. After Plant was added that went down to 15 then joker was added and it went down to 13 since his alt took up two spots. After Hero came out the same thing happened and it went down to nine. With Banjo it could go down to 8 or 7 depending on if he gets dragon kazooie. So with that in mind what other two characters could satisfy that many slots with their costumes? especially if it's only two of them?
World of Light slot Speculation
Monster Hunter
Monster Hunter could fill as many slots as necessary with different armor sets.
How many slots are there in total? Do the Koopalings have their own slot too? What about costumes with different models like the Inklings and Mario's builder and wedding suits?
The amount of slots total was the amount of characters in the game at launch plus 16 empty ones
Why do the DLC costumes get their own slot then?
Monster Hunter, certain attacks change the moveset with new weapons
Fighter Pass 2
I'm retarded hold on, I meant to say that the amount of slots was the characters and their costumes that change models at launch alternate colors didn't change
Let Sakurai rest, user.
All dynamic costumes do. It’s not just DLC. Each of the Koopalings count. Alpha counts. Hero’s Tunic Link counts. Builder Mario. Meta Ridley. You name it.
Let's assume Banjo & Kazooie only take up one of those slots. That leaves 8 left. If we get two more characters like Hero, that's four alts each.
Or they could have just left empty slots in there just in case. If there's no more than one alt then that leaves 5 more slots for another fighters pass. If none of them have alts that's even room for another freebie.
Doomguy would likely have 2 (Eternal/2016 and Classic) but could have 4 at most
Reimu would have a PC-98 costume
>could have 4 at most
Doom 3 and 64?
Also I'm hesitant that they might give him 4 because that's essentially 4/8 of the costumes being just green
OP here, Let me see if I can try to brainstorm some ideas with my most wanted and other most wanteds
Potentially Leon and Jill as a the same character and each of them gets an alternate similar to Joker and Shujin Joker? that could take up four spots right there. alternatively RE2 and RE4 Leon like herePhoenix
Maybe Phoenix/old Phoenix and Apollo possibly?
Coco could be an obvious alternate skin
Doom and Reimu were talked about already
I can't see these two having any sort of dynamic skin
I saw people bring up them using Roxas and Xion as skins
Wouldn't Dragon Kazooie be a thing highlighted in Banjo's trailer?
Jokers shujin costume wasn't shown until his direct.
Joker's gameplay in general wasn't shown until the direct
I don't think we'll get a second fighters pass
Smash doesn't have a dedicated team like with other fighters
People just come and go and Sakurai even stated that as time passes, the team shrinks
At best I can see some bonus characters (no stage, no new music, no fancy CG trailer) that come out sporadically but even that's pushing it