How did boomers pretend to like games that old?

How did boomers pretend to like games that old?

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you weren't there man

I swear to god, you fucking zoomer...

I keep thinking that's Anjanath

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Now make him play an illegal non-licensed porn game.


A better example would be JAV covers looking better than the actual video. pic unrelated.

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depression-fags and zoomers absolutely btfo

They had proper imagination and thus didn't need good graphics to have fun with vidya of eld

Based OP poster
Boomer that somehow knows how to edit images

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Someone should do a version where the cover looks lame but the game looks good

I mean, Anjanath is literally my mom's T-Rex with wings...

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I'd be pissed too if the box art promised dinosaur jets and ninja car races and I got space invader pong instead

>game cover is clearly supposed to be from the 80s
>game on the screen is clearly supposed to be an Atari 2600 game
Whoever made this is actually retarded, but the artstyle alone could tell you that.


ask the entire board thats dedicated to this that question

Wait a minute... that card

the cake is a lie

Whoever made this shit is a fucking retard who clearly had never interacted with their elders who specialises in tech:

Older games like this were loved because no one had ever been able to play games like this. Everyone read fucking books EVRYWHERE and magazines to stimulate their imagination.
When it came to making these pixel games, all of their imagination they practiced using with their minds and such went into overdrive to fill in the world they could perceive it wanted to be through its cover art.
That's why the gaming scene kept evolving because as the tech evolved, so too did their desire to express the power of their own imagination.

Jungle Hunt on Atari 2600 is a good time though

>NES-style cover
>atari game

Half Life and Counter Strike were the pinnacle of realism. People thought it was impossible to get more realism than these two.
But then you had games like Might and Magic, where you had to draw your own maps in order to not get lost.
Your zoomies are so used to hand-holding, you are bloody pampered. This is why we don't have any deep games anymore. They may actually fry your brain.

is that loss?


My mother used to tell me that the Toad at the end of the castle in SMB was Strawberry Shortcake...and I believed her.

Goddammit I lossed

>graphics is all that matter

Unironically if you where a kid back then just having any grafics in a display you could control was pretty amazing.

lmao! is this, dare I say it, the epic "loss"?? XD

It was nothing more than a novelty back in the day

Just like your grandparentsused to play with balls, sticks and hula hoops - they had imagination and were more easily entertained thanks to it

Modern kids have no need for imagination and this will surely negatively affect the development of their minds

No, good gameplay = good, something modern games can't compare to

boomers invented the computer and photo editing you fucking retard

Not to sound old, but most kids are going to be kind of fucked by this current culture. It's impossible to find kids anymore that have ever read a book outside of necessity.

Really going to be interesting having a bunch of meme spouting social media tards that need constant validation as a generation.

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Were you spawned out of a literal boomer comic or what

My younger brother is a Zoomer and he reads books more than anything, he's an artist though, weird as fuck dude.

>rarely, if ever, use a smart phone
>going to be the only human being alive in 20 years with a fully functional neck
Feels good man

delicious and moist

all you need is exercise and you won't fuck up your neck / posture

But do you exercise user? Otherwise it doesn't matter.

From the thumbnail I thought the same thing

Honestly, games were much better when they were simpler. The Press X to win combat of Assassins Creed that got popularized and shoved into everything (including witcher 3) gets trounced by Sword Of The Samurai which literally just had one button for attacking.

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That game ran so well and looked so good it blew my mind. Especially for an RTS game.

Loss is a reddit meme now, didn't you get the memo?

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I like to watch them circle the drain. Just wish they wernt so fucking stupid. Its like making fun of retards.

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Well back in the war we had to accept the glitches and the bugs because the Russians, oh the Russians they was gonna nuke us you see, but they didn't and the war profiteers made bank and screwed us all... Wait what were we talking about little zoomy?

All memes are for retards user, it was stated back in early 2006

I don't get it

>JAV cover has some sexy pantyhose stuff going on
>Literally none in the video

>looks good
Literally impossible.

Boomer here.
I dont play anything before NES unless it's an arcade.

Nobody likes atari.

>Don't take my phone when I leave the house
>People act surprised when I tell them "I left it at home"
>Literally every single person using the elevator for 6 or so floors already takes their phone out for not even 2 minutes.
>99% of the subway is people with phones all the time.
What do people do in these phones? I tried many mobile games and they were just automated bullshit that actively has nothing for you to do.

>That spacing
Fuck off

Man the entire point of a cellphone is that you can bring it anywhere to contact people

Fuck it, I've been in this shithole for a decade now and Loss has been one of a few constant sources of smiles.

>What do people do in these phones?
It's a choice between:
>Have nothing to do and be bored
>Have something to do and not be bored
It's not Quantitative Genetics user

>What do people do in these phones?
Look at Facebook memes mostly.

Its a sex thing, you wouldn't get it old man.

>invite friend over
>hell yeah bro let’s hang out
>comes over
>immidetely pulls out phone and starts snapchatting sluts and flipping through tinder for the entire time we hangout
>”we gonna play black ops bro?”
>literally texts and snapchats for 5 minutes during the game
>man we always fucking lose!

Why do I keep inviting this guy over? Oh because he’s my only friend I have left.

>Go to the laundrymat because im a poor wage slave
>Nigger on her phone loud as hell
>it rings mid conversation

Evidently niggers seem to think pretending to be a phone makes them appear more... I dont even know? Important?

>It's impossible to find kids anymore that have ever read a book outside of necessity.

Yes, because millennials loved books, and every other generation before that just bought and read books as their main form of media consumption instead of pursuing easier ways to pull themselves into a story (Radio, TV, Movies)

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Just exercise, fix your posture, get big and put your phone in front of you. Personally I use my phone to study japanese and french.

The few friends I had left were very similiar to that, so I just cut them out of my life.

One of them turned in to a 200% normie faggot
One of them turned in to a workaholic greedy faggot who refuses to associate with "poor people"
One is just a fucking drunk dudebro fatso who can't imagine any kind of entertainment that isn't a marvel movie or partying

>he’s my only friend I have left.
Just fuck already, then he wouldn't need the tinder sluts.

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... That's cute but also depressing.

I love the normalfag too much to cut him out honestly. I just wish he would get off his phone and want to play ANYTHING other than First Person Shooters that “have good graphics bro”

>Half Life and Counter Strike were the pinnacle of realism
What the fuck do you even mean by this?

better than wojak.

Why is it depressing? She's probably only ever known touch screen devices her entire life.

I get you, but sooner or later he will probably hook up with some tinder thot and become even more distant towards you.
Maybe I'm just bitter and jaded but I honestly fee llike nobody is able to enjoy the old good things anymore, everyone is chasing highs, pussy, or money while I just want to keep my personality and enjoy the same things I always have

What's depressing about it?

Why? She looks no older than 4, and probably has only ever dealt with touchscreen devices.

Because you know parenting today is just handing a toddler a touchscreen and letting them go wild on youtube. Which accounts for all those mewling cabbages getting tens of millions of views.

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Imagination, something zoomers don't have.

I read academic papers on a pdf reader and talk to my friends. It’s a device for both work and play, grandpa - your lack of use for interesting technology speaks less to the generation today and more your inability to adapt around it, even if it means using technology less than your peers

>this meme is nearing 12 years old

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>What's depressing about it?
how about the fact she only handled touchscreen shit?

go back there

>don't have smart phone
>can't play Diablo 4 or F/GO
feels bad man

>reading comprehension
based retard

they didn't. the purpose of old games wasn't to be played. when the boys started caring more about the game is how things went wrong for america.

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sample for newfags

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>not even transparent

you did this in mspaint, didn't you?

You sound really fucking old just letting you know

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On modern Yea Forums, I can only take that as a compliment

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over 9000 hours

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did i does it right?

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I thought it was some kinda newfag bait like the grifter this whole time.
it's an actual thing?

for some reason this page doesnt let me post the transparent version, so just use photoshop to clear the white parts, you nigs

>read academic papers
You are just messaging your friends you faggot, nobody pulls out a kindle for 30 seconds at a time to read a single paragraph.

Home consoles didnt really take off till the 90's. Before then video games were primarily an arcade thing, and arcade machines provided more power than any home console at the time.

Why is that depressing

because that means they didn't post pictures of their toddlers being forced to play old video games for internet points on r/gaming

Thats what is depressing about it. That the child cant comprehend a digital screen in which she cant touch.

>She can't immediately comprehend technology she hasn't been previously exposed to
Whoa holy fuck NOW I get it user. Man can you imagine how SAD it'll be when she gets in a real car and she doesn't KNOW how to drive it the second she's behind the wheel? lmfao what a idiot

you want real depressing, I was a TA in university teaching a programming class. Had a student that came up to me complaining that he downloaded the software he needed and couldn't find it. I asked him if he installed it and looked at me like I had 3 heads, and asked "what do you mean 'installed' it? I downloaded it like I do anything on my phone"

we've hit a point where the concept of installing anything is foreign to most

those were the days

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We actually have something technology inundated 5 second attention span zoomers who get raised by phones and tablets will never have. An imagination which filled in the gaps and an appreciation for what games were. Those curious and creative children have been replaced by legions of thirsty drooling children who need someone else to tell them what to think and feel because they are more like ants than human beings at this point.

Calm down, zoomer.

>It's impossible to find kids anymore that have ever read a book outside of necessity.
literally every generation fucking says something like this, im sure that 90 years ago the elders complained that people didnt know how to farm any more, or ride horses anymore

have you tried not saving it as .pds?


this would be better if the kid were actually jerking off in the last panel

>y-yeah whatever z-zoomer

I teach high school and had a kid who legit had no idea what a dial tone was. That was the one thing that blew me away. Also the realization that my generation will be the most tech savvy (along with a small subsection of the previous generation) when it comes to desktops. Kids lack basic computer skills now. It's like everyone is a grandma. Basic things like saving files to a flashdrive is beyond them

it goes white when i try that, but maybe im just a nigger

>do it yourself

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Is it? I mean Steam still has to install shit.

I'm not going to bother reading your shit thread. Ever since Atari 2600, I have played games as they have developed. I have had the chance to see them come so far, only to choke and lose the magic.

png allows transparency while jpeg doesn't

>It's like everyone is a grandma
I just like to tell this story of the time i had a subsititute teacher who was old as fuck but was one of the first computer programers and she jailbroke an ipad.
It was like meeting a cat who could work the can opener, she dont need us.

It loses transparency when you save it as a PSD file?

I hope you said something like install this as you headbutted him back to his chair

post more memes to avoid this stupid boomer vs zoomer debate

12 years older than the kid will ever be

name of that game?

Kids don't read because adults try to force them to read Hamlet when they're 9 year olds, telling them that it's the greatest masterpiece of literature, so they find shit that they don't understand, so of course they lose interest in reading.
I bet your ass that, if you give a kid something like "Guinness World Records", they'll read the shit out of it

>but most kids are going to be kind of fucked by this current culture

You have no idea how right you are.

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>"10 year old trans boy is starting a dating website for trans children"
>implying it was his idea, or that he is doing any of the work
Man, I can easily visualize some atrocious tranny "caretaker" who was feeding these plans as if they were that kid's idea

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You still install apps, even when you download them it literally pops up and says 'Installing', literally nobody doesn't know this except old people. Not that it matters, because your story didn't happen.

Drag isn't the same as Transgenderism.

What's wrong with kids dressing up user? Would you rather they wore cargo shorts and sandals with socks like you?

Its all mental illness and down right evil

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Drag is literally dressing up for the sake of performance. Was Kabuki mental illness too?

>comparing drag with kabuki

holy shit kys

Dont know what that is, sounds like weeb shit. But if it was tryign to sexualize little kids then yes it was also evil

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not him but yes
if it isn't done ironically as a joke, it's a fucked up fetish/hobby/lifestyle

Is that a demon?

definitely reminds me of that satan character in the power puff girls

Drag and Kabuki are the same. Both are dressing up as women and performing as women, neither are fetishes. Drag is not inherently sexual at all.


>But if it was tryign to sexualize little kids
Just because you're attracted to a man with a beard dressed as a woman doesn't mean that it's sexualized. The fact that you're literally projecting your fetish onto this speaks volumes about you.

fun fact. Kabuki used to feature females, but now it's all male. That was only a more relatively recent thing. ergo, your logic blows discord tranny

Kabuki never had females playing female roles. Do you think Pantomime is also mental illness?

> hover over transparent image
> thought it was actually a comic

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>good gameplay
>get hit twice by literally anything
>top kek start over :^)
Great game.
At least try to be objective instead of being a hipster retard

>a jokey fetish show

>Im not the pedophile for putting little boys in a skirt. YOU'RE the pedophile for calling me out on it

You will answer for your crimes user.

The problem is not that he puts on those clothes. The problems are when he takes them off.

Hoooooooooooly strawman, Batman!

I don't know why you think drag is a jokey fetish show when it literally isn't at all. Drag is just any entertainment where a man is dressed as a woman. There's nothing fetishistic about it. You're thinking of some kind of crossdressing fetish club.

>A drag show is an entertainment which is performed by drag artists, both men and women.

>Many drag shows feature performers singing or lip-synching to songs while performing a pre-planned pantomime, or dancing. The performers often don elaborate costumes and makeup, and sometimes dress to imitate various famous opposite sex singers or personalities.

This image legitimately scares me. I don't even care about the text. That, I want to say man, is staring right into my soul.

>be 6 years old, in eastern yuro shithole at the time
>have tons of fun playing on my ps1
>go visit family friend
>they live in the poorfag part of town, and only own a sega genesis
>try playing some shitty cyborg sidescroller for 10 minutes
>gameplay is repetitive, all levels look the same, no way to save
>turn it off, turn 360 degrees and walk away
Vidya truly didn't become good till 5th gen.

You mean in the changing room? Why are you thinking about a child getting undressed? You do realize that drag != stripping right?

You can only really go backwards one (1) generation behind the generation that you played as a kid before the games become completely unplayable. And a lot of people can't even manage that. It's a bit sad that videogames are so temporary like this, unlike other mediums that stay gold forever.

>I'm so sexually frustrated that I think a child wearing an item of clothing is inherently sexual.
Literal pedophile logic.

>You mean in the changing room?
No, and that's the problem.

>You do realize that drag != stripping right?
Yes, and Desmond does both.

I don't know, maybe it's the deep ties with the gay community and the fact that drag shows are not the fare of "Higher theatre", instead being deliberately trashy.

haha what if i dressed as a woman
no dude just as a joke it's not a fetish lol haha
but what if i did it and then a bunch of guys looked at me and they were really into it haha

Child pageantry is often criticized for sexual undertones.

>making underage boys wear tutu's and whore makeup on the fucking street
>somehow faggots think this is not a problem

you did an awful job on this exploitable m8
in keeping with the spirit of this thread i have to say... newfags just cannot into editing

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>electioniggers /pol/lute another thread

>drag shows are not the fare of "Higher theatre"
Neither is pantomime, your point? Just because something is tied to the gay community does not make it inherently sexual. One day you're gonna have to grow up and stop believing this incel logic that people only exist for sex. Straight people have strip clubs, fetish clubs, swinger clubs and all kinds of sexually decadent gatherings, but you understand the concept that straight people fall in love and look for more than just sex right? So why would you think that doesn't exist for gay people? Surely your cognitive dissonance isn't THAT extreme?

>V is proudly and unironically defending grannies ducking children
Can't wait for the day we brothers can curb stomp all you evil benders

>guys looked at me and were really into it
You mean straight guys, right? Gay people aren't attracted to men in drag, you do realize that don't you? I'm assuming you actually know something about this seeing as you have such strong opinions here.

Not today mohammed, tell it to your goat.

Are you comparing drag clubs to strip clubs and saying it's not sexual because straight people don't (usually) fall in love with their strippers?

I certainly do find games older than NES (The console I started on) don't really hold my attention the same way NES games can, but that's more to do with me not liking competitive or arcade style games as much as single player beatable games.

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Everything is relative. It was more exciting than Monopoly.

Drag shows are usually held in venues of sexually decadent gatherings.

You're speaking to either a freak who partakes in this debauchery, a fag enabler ideologue obsessed with owning conservatards to the degree of permitting child abuse, or a troll
There is no reason to even bother engaging.
Let it die from AIDS or get killed by minorities once the west collapses in 15 or so years.

Strip clubs are inherently sexual, drag shows are not. You might not like a man dressed up as a woman singing 50s cabaret songs and that's fine, but it doesn't make it sexual.

Not even trying to 'gotcha' here, the fact that you think a man dressing up as a woman is inherently sexual implies that you have some kind of sexual feelings towards it. Imagine you saw a woman walking barefoot and someone said "Wow, that's pretty sexual don't you think?". You'd obviously assume that person has a foot fetish because most people don't look at bare feet and think there's anything sexual about it, they're just feet. Women's clothing are just women's clothing and just because some people are aroused by men crossdressing doesn't mean that the act itself is inherently sexual.

can someone edit it so he's playing the Custer porn game?

It is flat ignorance to deny sexuality in drag shows. This isn't just a silly gathering of zany dudes putting on crazy makeup for a laugh.

>the fact that you think a man dressing up as a woman is inherently sexual implies that you have some kind of sexual feelings towards it.
To be fair, the average user does see anything even vaguely female as sexual.

>Not even trying to 'gotcha' here, the fact that you think a man dressing up as a woman is inherently sexual implies that you have some kind of sexual feelings towards it.
You're an exceptionally stupid faggot.

having dealt with nothing but touchscreens or not it's pretty sad they didn't realize there was no feedback to touching the screen and never even thought "there's this buttons below the screen, maybe i should press those and see what happens".

Granted it's a 12 second clip but i doubt they figured it out without help, which is sad for a child, which have the most curious and malleable brains, which should within reasonable timeframes figure to try something different rather than keep doing the same thing that isn't working.

Gay bars are degenerate central user, I know because I used to go to one every Wednesday, different ones, of different categories, all full of degeneracy. Drag shows start at 12 pm, followed by strippers.

It does depend on the upbringing though. My old school friend's kids were playing KOTOR and didn't know how to progress to another area and they were saying that the game hasn't told them where to go. He told them that these games aren't going to tell you everything and you have to read and pay attention to what people tell you in the game. They like wrote down notes and stuff and actually progressed through so it's not all doom and gloom my friend.

Would your parents cry about you because you don't know how to write to a floppy disk and operate a computer using punch cards? I think they've got more substantial things to be upset about you over.

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I have a smart phone but I don't have any social media accounts so i don't have to look at my phone constantly either.

I don’t give a fuck. Keep those crossdressing faggots away from schools or kids. They can do whatever at their clubs and events.

>Your Parents
>floppy discs
How young?

Shit man this game may as well be PROTOTYPE SHOGUN TOTAL WAR+WAY OF THE SAMURAI.

Kill yourself faggot. Stop trying to teach kids this faggot shit.

It never gets old

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You got it backwards user, back in the day the games had shitty covers (well for the most part) also

we used our imaginations.

You should tell that to the LGBT community, then

Anyone born after 1990, which includes people who are now entering their 30s.

user, I tell students to hit the escape key on the keyboard and less than half know where it is.

>what do people do in these phones
Shitpost. 4g and a VPN keeps the butthurt flowing.

>y-you werent there
why is this the only defense i ever see? i see it a lot in wow classic threads too. yeah no shit, now answer the question, boomer

I'm 25 and I've only read books out of necessity (usually just googling the things that I'd need to write about) or when I had literally nothing better to do. Books simply aren't as fun as playing video games and you're not going to die if you don't read one.

It makes more sense in this case in particular, because there was literally nothing else/ That doesn't mean they didn't age, but it does mean they were relevant at the time. Like Classic, it was revolutionary at the time, now it's just kind of bad and everyone's moved on.

because its like pic related. in our time THAT WAS IT, but things continued advancing and getting better.

just like you might like X game now, but give it time and new kids will tell you in the future that you X sucked ass, how could you play such shit. etc.

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This isn't true. I play lots of games and even since I was a kid, I've liked reading as well. School just had a way of making it boring.

>people that were born in a different time experienced different things to me

>He's old enough to have parents who were too old to know what floppy disks were
Are you like 45?

think of it as portable irc

they teach you how to think user, how to express yourself and other things.

Just goes to show there have been retards and lazy instant gratification seekers in every generation for a long time now.

>Everything you ever experienced has aged perfectly

Instead of asking the same stupid ass question and getting the same answer, why don't you try using the barely functioning brain you have.

Do you also ask yourself why people bothered using dial-up back when it was the only thing available?

you never get inner monologues and stuff in video games and tv so you're missing out on learning something pretty fundamental that you can't really find in any other medium

So do Youtube videos, podcasts, articles, Sparknotes and online discussions with people smarter than you. The internet lets you exploit people who read books so you don't need to.

I honestly feel nothing but pity for you. Maybe you'll change some day user, i hope for your sake you stop being a retard one day.

and instagram lets you exploit people who actually do things and have fun so you don't have to do that either

It might have been the radiation. Crackbabies don't know how good they have it today.

There's too many fencesitters and not enough people going full Hitler yet. If you don't get a group of parents to strawman the fuck out of the (((trannys))) pushing this shit, your school district will have inclusivity eventually. We couldn't stop it, but we're trying in the next district over by getting support.

Actually it's been proven that reading books and handwriting notes help retain information long term better than listening to someone talk or typing something out digitally on a keyboard/tablet. Visual and muscle memory tend to be stronger and longer lasting for information retention than auditory memory.

>meme is now older than the average Yea Forums poster.

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How much of what you're saying is a genuine belief that people are hugely missing out by not reading books and how much of it is just virtue signalling?

People who want to look smart will have huge shelves of books they've never read. People who want to actually digest the ideas in those books, without wasting time reading, will look them up and talk about them with people.

HIM had a few terrifying scenes.

You can write notes on every single thing I've mentioned.

I like to read books cos they developed the ideas that you are starting to see now in the other media and also cos is much faster to consume a book of 200 or 300 pages than watching a fucking season.

I'm sure you can but that doesn't change my point about reading books being better at information retention than listening to a podcast or watching youtube videos and everything else you listed. You can read digital books and that's fine too for the same result.

>People who want to actually digest the ideas in those books, without wasting time reading, will look them up and talk about them with people.

people who read book also do that, but they read books way faster then a regular person cause they are used to it.

also, not all people have huge bookshelves, as many people now have them digitally and read them on e-readers/ instead of having them taking up space. I myself occasionally buy physical but most digitally or download them digitally and then put them on an ereader for convenience sake.

when those games came out having something on your screen you could control was considered amazing

>I like to read books cos
It ain't showin

because back then, games were a hobby for higher IQ people interested in gameplay. It is not the casualized, waifu shit or cinematic crap we have today

It was about challenge, gameplay and hi score, nothing else.

He's not wrong, books aren't automatically a higher form of art or anything. Most are just the same sort of disposable entertainment as any other media.
The biggest advantage they have is they've been around forever so you get an absolutely massive backlog of free books to read and can pick the best ones. You can learn a lot from reading books but it's not magic or anything

based and houseki no cunny pilled

>23 years old
>phone is 12 years old

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>hobby for higher IQ people
>Arcades designed to swallow coins
>home games designed to be hard to artificially expand their length
Gaming has always been for the masses.

For a child that's only used iPads and other touchscreen devices, she probably thinks the buttons are for volume, home button, lock screen, etc.

Attached: mspainttimesmile.jpg (768x767, 127K)

this game is a masterpiece

every encounter type is so simple yet so satisfying, I played that game a lot

>People who want to look smart will have huge shelves of books they've never read.
No? Which person told you this information? The only exception is maybe someone who's a bibliophile who collects books and even then they'll know actually more about books themselves than all the contents in the books like type of glue used in the time period and quality of ink and other seemingly innoccuous details that most people won't know. Many people also have digital book libraries as well so they can catalogue what they are reading and/or want to read.
>People who want to actually digest the ideas in those books, without wasting time reading, will look them up and talk about them with people.
You realise what you just wrote is basically a roundabout way of saying "I don't want to read a book but I'd rather have someone explain it to me." The fact that you consider reading a waste of time and just want to look it up and talk to someone to discuss it kind of proves the point here or maybe you just phrased your intent of point incorrectly.

>You realise what you just wrote is basically a roundabout way of saying "I don't want to read a book but I'd rather have someone explain it to me."
A book is already the book explaining itself though.

There was no real expectation of extremely long games back then. If it were as long as a movie you'd be well happy.

Not him but he's right, I know plenty of people that claim they read just to appear smarter.

Chill man this is a weaboo board.
The point is that i like to read COS actually is a faster mean reach to information.

Yeah but games were never for the elite or anything, they were mas produced to be sold to kids.

You don't write like someone who reads, the complete opposite actually.

Fuck you if you're reading this check my 1

I don't doubt there are people who do that, people lie for all reasons, but many people do read lots of books, I consider myself an extremely casual reader and I've read about 5 or 6 books in this year and out of those, only 1 is physical

1990 was 50 years ago

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>games where you use one button for attacking are so much better than games where you use one button for attacking

You almost had a fucking point there buddy

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>books simply aren't as fun as playing video games
Well, if all you wanna play is cawadoody tooty shooty but I have yet to find a single horror game that gets me as much as any Lovecraft novels. Cosmic horrors is something you can't produce in movie, games or any visual medium whatsoever anyway.

Yes but the book has a multitude of purposes. First the scripture of what you read and can allow you to explore a vivid image based on your perception of how someone might describe things in the book. Second is that because you're actively engaging and focusing on the words and details going on you can remember all the details much clearer and better since that part of the brain that's actively engaging in visual memory helps retain such details and information better in the long term. Thirdly is that when you read the book you experience it YOUR way, not the way someone else does by their own explanations, but it's YOUR experience and understanding of it and that is a unique point to you. By dismissively stating you consider reading a waste of time and would rather just talk to someone and have them explain it to you just completely cheapens and misses the point of what is great about reading a book. I'm not saying you have to read a real physical book if you only have digital available but that's fine. There's also many books that aren't available digitally or some are obscure enough it's like finding your own personal treasure of information.

I rarely read literature books, I mostly read Science papers, sometimes Science books, last literature book I read was about Hermeticism.

all atari games are shit
most older arcade games are shit
80% of NES games are shit, and that's being generous
SNES and onward games have no excuse for being shit outside of bad developers

Not saying those people don't exist but to think that is the default norm of people who do own shelves of books is misleading. For instance i'm sure there's people who own shelves of video games they don't play but to assume that is the default and the norm of people who own video games is very misleading. Yeah yeah I know we're on Yea Forums nobody plays games blah blah.

Why do drag queens always dress like this? Why can't they dress themselves in a cute way like traps, or at least try to like MTF's? They always look like scary clowns or the buff girls from Maggot Baits, who finds this shit attractive?

At least you're still reading and that's the important part!

>keeps his beard
What self respecting drag queen would keep a beard like that?

shut up you bigot. You're literally worse than hitler if you wouldn't fuck/be fucked by her

They don't. It's the drag equivalent of someone who only plays mobile games and considers themselves an avid video gamer.

user, men dressing up as woman has been considered comedy since the ancient fucking Greeks. Its only recently that its been considered anything other than a source of cheap laughs

try facebook, literal 13 year olds post loss memes on there

My little brother doesn't read books but he reads a lot of fan fiction.
should I be concerned?

fan-fiction (especially western) is for women and gays, dude.

If he's from 12 to 16, no.

At least he's reading but I wouldn't be concerned about it.

most nes games are shit but snes and beyond the graphics look good enough that unless you're a zoomer demanding 3d photorealism the game is fun to play

Depends on what he has read apart from it and if he is reading degenerate stuff.

I had a group of a friends who would do that. They made a big fucking deal of me coming to play Cards Against Humanity with them. I show up, we deal cards then not even 5 minutes in they just start looking at their phones and showing each other dumb Facebook memes. After like 10 minutes of that shit I just left, and nothing of value was lost.

you're laughing now, but I remember saving a pic in 2011 that said something like "1990 was 30 years ago"

This is true for all kid's toys, really. I remember when I was 10 or 12 there was a commercial for this awesome remote control car. It was like $80 which was alot 30 years ago. They showed it on TV jumping over dunes and tearing across streams and all the scenery was just crazy. ... Then you put it down on an asphalt street it was nowhere near as fun as it looked on TV.

Advertising never changes.

> They made a big fucking deal of me coming to play Cards Against Humanity with them.
I can't fucking stand that game and it's barely a game in itself. Pretty sure it's just surviving on its meme value at this point. Joking Hazard does what Cards Against Humanity does but with better humour that isn't forced and can reward clever humour rather than forced rude humour..

>literal 13 year olds post loss memes on there
How do you know?

Well maybe because you put in on asphalt when you should have made your own dirt track user. Do not worry user for we now have VIDEO GAMES that can replicate that experience for you.

My group plays the shit outta board games and DnD smash what not etc. We have a rule in place where we have to put all the phones on a table far away from where we are playing. Granted, one of us will go get our phones if we want to play music for ambiance for an up coming move they are doing, for example like playing the 501st Theme song when they are cashing in all their cards in risk to get more troops. Yes I sound autistic but its fun and it works.

You want to make more friends? Ask him to go to a bar with you. Converse with people there. There is always that one fucking faggot wearing some sort of anime and super hero shirt. Guaranteed friend right there.

>Thirdly is that when you read the book you experience it YOUR way
No, you experience it the way that the author wants you to. The same with consuming any piece of knowledge that comes from a person other than yourself. However, if you're having a heated conversation with someone then you're going to be actively engaging with their ideas just like you would with a book, but even moreso because you're forced to play both the giver and the receiver.

A good conversation is like reading a book that lets you kick its ass and discusses what you want, but also does its own thing and adapts for its own purposes and forces you to adapt with it. Rather than ranting about the same thing in the same way over and over. No fluff, no boring build up, you can get straight to the point and you can move onto different sub-points as they show up.

Do you think Socrates was just shoving novels in people's faces or his own? He was talking to dudes all the time.

>implying the gaming industry will ever get better.
>implying zoomers who defend corporate greed will ever care enough.

Legos were even better than advertised. Not much could capture the joy of building something or the pain of seeing somebody crash into it. You had to have a lot for it to be worth it though

found the boomer

>mfw living as a millenial in an eternal war between boomers and zoomers
Never thought the heat would be off us. Thanks, Gen Z.

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You're welcome

>illiterate zoomer can't understand context
u tried lil buddy.

I know for a fact he isn't gay.

He is in that range thankfully.

Only checked once and it was Undertale stuff but it wasn't sexual.

The sad thing is kids will never know the potential of a personal computer unless their parents were also PC users and realize it's important to teach them to use one. I mean, the things you can do with a PC just make phones and tablets a laughing stock. I can't imagine growing up in my teens without a computer and the limitless entertainment and knowledge I gained from it. With a phone, you will always be walled in. There will always be a limit to what you can do (and how efficiently you can do it). PCs don't have that.

I'm the complete opposite. My phone battery dies and I'm always missing messages and shit because everything that most people do on their phone 'these days', I've been doing on my PC for 2+ decades and it's comfier that way for me. Then people get pissy at me for not replying to their texts within 5 minutes. Fuck these people.

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my nephew is a "memelord" and runs a page or something. every time I see him he's always telling me to check it out and see how he has over 10k followers

Go play your Fortnite, faggot.

If you are not lying, then that's quite awful.

I'd expect Legos to have been abandoned by kids nowadays in favor of Minecraft, probably to the relief of the parents who'd rather spend the $27 on Minecraft one time and have a game that has infinite pieces than spend at least $50 on multiple Lego sets so that you have enough pieces to build something interesting

Of course they’re surprised. They’re wondering what kind of retard leaves his phone at home when the whole point of getting one is that so people have an easy way of communicating with you.

im not. look up "abstract memes for depressed teens 4" or whatever the fuck they're called and you'll see im telling the truth

this sort of iteration always was a reddut meme. the original joke was to edit the comic itself etc. its the newfag oversimplification meme where they reduce a joke to its primal form and in this case its the character positions. just like piccolo dick became just green and purple color.

>not gay
>undertale fanfiction
Undertale (like western fanficiton) is for girls and sissies.
Get him into genre fiction (LotR, Wheel of Time, video game extended lore books like Halo, etc.) or lore-heavy entry-level video games (Oblivion and NV come to mind) if he's too young to start actual literature. You could recommend decent manga too if you're a weaboo, but I won't push that if you're not into it.
If he's a big brain honors nigga just start giving him real books. Anything Bildungsroman (Joyce's Portait) or action-oriented (Blood Meridian, entry level scifi like Dune) will do the trick.

Anyone telling you that a young male reading Undertale Fanfiction is acceptable is either an onions gargling faggot or the western equivalent of a Fujo getting excited thinking about how much a sissy your little brother is (and how they could groom him to be a gay).

You haven't been around kids in quite a while, right? Kids love their tech, but they also like physical toys, I just bought 3 Paw Patrol cars, not everything is as bad as you think.

Play 8 Ball Pool

Not carrying your phone is irresponsible.

Oh shit, a Lambo AND a Ferrari! this game totally looks legit!

seriously, though, video games were an absolutely unique experience. just being able to control your little avatar on a screen, and interact with the game world was fucking mind blowing. Even the most primitive arcade games were incredible hits, because they were utterly unique. there was no where else you could go to do what games did.

so, yeah, you used your imagination to pretend those little blips and blobs were cars and aliens and whatever. And whenever graphics improved, people lost their fucking minds. the Playstation sold like there was crack cocaine dusting the box, because the graphics were such a leap over the SNES and Genesis.

but, there is also the fact that games were a lot "gamier". gameplay was limited, so experiences were polished as much as possible. The experiences were tightly focused on a specific mechanic, so they were much more like kinetic puzzles than the sprawling reality simulators today's games have become. In a way, it didn't matter what the game's premise was. it was a fun thing to play with. graphics were secondary

I'm gonna be real with you chief, most of that sounds way gayer than undertale fan fiction to me. Maybe I'll try to find some books he likes though. Tried to give him a Tom Clancy novel before and he got bored 5 pages in. He likes grand strategy games though so maybe if you know any good old war books I could get some and see what he thinks of them.

he's probably fine for now, but you might want to get him away from it as soon as possible, undertale is probably the biggest slippery slope into degeneracy I've ever seen.

Also I can't believe that game came out 4, almost 5 years ago now, time's going too fast these days.

I love Undertale and have read Undertale fan fiction and literally nothing on his lists is gayer.

i'll give you another (You)

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I totally agree with your poorly worded rant, except for that last statement. Dark Souls beat the shit out of today's gamers, and they have discovered the joy of a good, punishing game. It is having an impact on the industry, and gameplay is making a comeback. Also, don't discount Indie games for keeping the flame of good gameplay alive.

Miss old school gaming? try Hollow Knight. Beautiful, serene, well designed, and will totally put its foot in your ass.

If you think 2600 graphics were bad, try playing chess.

I'm 30 and I agree with the op comic

you can't say the new generation is getting worse, because the last generation always said that. No no, its not possible that human society is getting worse overall an we're nearing the peak, no no things are getting better because I, personally, feel good surrounded by entertainment.

you don't use steam on your mobile

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A fine gameplay is not about punishing.
It's always discovering something new everytime you play it.
For me, punishing is skilling Social in Vampires, just to find out it is completely useless in the final levels.
HoMM is one of the games where you learn something after playing it 300 times. Like turning yourself into a ballistic nuclear missile Dimension Door and Armageddon. Completely changed the way I played it.

only ataria games did that gay shit

this. the atari was awful and the only reason we ate it up is because it was new and weird and an interesting way to engage our starved imaginations.

Shit, after I got into paper/pencil games I didn't touch vidya again until Playstation came around.

early vidya sucks.

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If you think literature (even genre fiction) is gayer than Undertale fanfiction then you're either being disingenuous or you are low class and low IQ.

Literature from actual gays (e.g. Yukio Mishima) is straighter and more masculine than soppy femoid trash like Undertale fan fiction.
Perhaps gay was the wrong word, and effeminate is the more apt descriptor.

On a constructive note: tabletop war books (i'm assuming that is what you're referring to) are a great way to get someone into reading and worldbuilding. Push that angle if you're familiar with it.
GSG is good, too. Play enough EU4 and he'll eventually want to learn the actual history.

At the risk of sounding pretentious, Hollow Knight is not difficult outside of the Godhome content and perhaps NMK and Radiance depending on the skill level of the player.
That being said, the Godhome content is far too difficult to the point of the fifth pantheon (without bindings, even moreso with) feeling extremely out of place.

Are OoTbabies the worst fanbase alive?

They're pretending to be busy with something so that other people don't think they're weird.

It takes some level of understanding to be able to enjoy "primitive" things. In today's society, people are driven to keep up with whats new. Not only are these old games ugly or hard, they're also old as shit. Even if you showed them a wonderful game that had amazing graphics, the fact that it was made in some ancient year like 1995 is enough to make people not want to play it. They want to play new games because that way they feel more included in current times.

Old games aren't even bad looking anyways. 2D games have gotten extremely good looking by the time Pa1 was out, and JRPGs on that which still used sprites were beautiful. The fact that the game is 2D is enough to be called ugly though.

>The fact that the game is 2D is enough to be called ugly though
Yoshi's Island is universally praised as beautiful.

Is it really that bad?

I dunno why but thinking about someone being into Halo or Elder Scrolls lore just puts faggot in my brain. I also tried LotR kinda stuff but he's disinterested in higher fantasy.

Mmmm I just feel like being deep into any game lore stuff is pretty faggy in its own way. The book stuff was fine though but I don't think he would be interested in those suggestions.

And I was thinking more like real war based literature like Red Badge of Courage or something. He also already plays Europa and is pretty into world history.

>in today's society
whoops you posted cringe

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by people who would never get past the first level before being bored. You do realize that certain games are just "talk about" games by people trying to get points right? Like earthbound and FF7.

Kill yourself you underaged faggot.

My absolute favorite is when they don't understand how the shift key works

>Is it really that bad?
yeah. though like I said, he's probably fine for now, but one wrong turn, and he's gonna see some real weird shit.


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Why must you derail a perfectly good thread

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This is unfortunately the case, but I've had luck getting zoomers to actually play SotN, SM, and DKC2.

In the context of a literal teenager, video game lore isn't that faggoty. I read the warcraft war of the ancients supplemental novels around that age, despite how awful I now realize they are.

I think you're really underestimating how concerning caring about undertale beyond playing/enjoying it 5 years after its release is. I've got a (female) cousin who is into that trash and it's like listening to a different language. And that's coming from a literal weaboo KV 2007 chantard that mostly speaks/thinks in outsider-internet neologisms.

The only thing Most of new games have better than old games are graphics, nothing more.

Lootboxes, microtransactions, game butchering and selling parts of main game as DLC, preorder abuse, forced early release(and have to wait few weeks anyway to fix that bug what ruins game experience), pay 2 win, any other cashgrab tactics. Limited posibilities. Casualizing shit to brainlet level. Why zoomers pretend this is okay?

gameplay is the least important thing now in the opinion of publishers and playerbase. If you care about gameplay it means you're a loser. What's important is the social experience and not being bored.

Name one(1) example of this.

May Allah cast this abomination into the pits

yes, all fan fiction is faggotry

Holy shit. This is the most retarded post I ever seen. I'm not sure if it is a bait or real retard.

Gameplay is the most important thing in game. And calling someone loser because he cares about gameplay instead of being toilet slave for EA, Bethesda or any other cashgrab loving publisher.

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Well by the time NES rolls around, you have games legitimately better than many of those released today. None of your recent retarded indie platformers scratch something like Ninja Gaiden 1-3.

This is what I'm mostly worried about. It just kinda scares me to think about him suddenly falling off the deep end. If he's not over it in another year I might try to do something about it.

He only played it like a year ago and he never really talks about it at all outside of Sans jokes but even then I think it's because he knows I think they're funny. Also,
>kissless virgin
That's practically the same as being gay honestly. Even my little brother has kissed a girl already.

It's not the same as being gay, I just don't really care to invest in women at the moment.
I fully intend to have a family at some point.
Enough blogshit from me, though.
Your brother doesn't seem like a degen so all is well.

um excuse me sir but lo*s is a r*dd*t meme now
please replace it with a true meme, liking WHIRRRRR, sojak or something similar

Almost everything but playing videogames, that you do on your pc

Don't bother. Nobody here wants this kind of deeper discussion. Despite what they say, they love the shit posting and come here exclusively for it.

>There is always that one fucking faggot wearing some sort of anime and super hero shirt. Guaranteed friend right there.
why do you think if someone has nerdy interests that's a guaranteed friend
most nerds are insufferable
but then again you're a DnD player

it's for attention. everything these people do is for attention. attention that they so desperately crave because their parents did not give it to them

Sonic won lol

>No, you experience it the way that the author wants you to.
No you don't. How the author visualizes something is not the way you visualize something, especially not the way a character would speak in their tone of voice or how you would perceive their more detailed features. You know if someone might have curly blonde hair but you don't know their entire face or the particular way their lips curl when they smile. It is up to you as the reader to interpret the author's messages in your own way.
> However, if you're having a heated conversation with someone then you're going to be actively engaging with their ideas just like you would with a book, but even moreso because you're forced to play both the giver and the receiver.
You would have a point if it wasn't for the fact that you yourself pointed out that you consider reading a waste of time so therefore you would actually have no point of reference to discuss the subject. So basically you want to actually discuss a subject of point where you have no knowledge of to basically learn from someone else about the subject in question of a book.
>A good conversation is like reading a book that lets you kick its ass and discusses what you want, but also does its own thing and adapts for its own purposes and forces you to adapt with it. Rather than ranting about the same thing in the same way over and over. No fluff, no boring build up, you can get straight to the point and you can move onto different sub-points as they show up.
Sure there are merits to a conversation but that's not the point here. The point was you considered reading anything waste a time but then still want to discuss said subjects without actually learning anything prior to the subject in question. Imagine trying to talk about rocket science with someone when you yourself don't learn the fundamental principles and theories of rocket science and physics in question. You'll just come across as a facetious fool.

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I honestly cant play anything with shittier graphics than a SNES title, I literally don't know how the fuxk does classic mini consoles sold.
Or how anyone can play shit like the original Doom, it looks so bad and to start only being able to move in four directions.

I had an interesting conversation with a work colleague's 14 year old nephew about video games. His favourite video game is Hitman: Blood Money so there's definitely hope in the world.

>Guinness World Records"
That doesn't count as reading

I read manga

>It's impossible to find kids anymore that have ever read a book outside of necessity.

I'm going to out myself as the zoomer I am, Your'e right I don't read. though I can assure you my imagination is very intact. I do a lot of level design and story concept work, I play pen and paper games. Creating worlds and using my imagination is something I'm very good at I think and I think video games have only kindled that imagination further.

>I play pen and paper games
Pretty sure you gotta read stuff in sourcebooks for these games user.

All those things are filtered through other people with their own opinion and sometimes own agenda. They’ll tell you what they think is important about the source, but that may be different when you read it yourself.

You’ll just be regurgitating others’ talking points. That’s not critical thinking or education, that’s just lazy parroting.


reading the source books is basically textbook reading, I don't really think this is on the same level as reading books with stories in them where you have to mentally bring yourself there and immerse yourself in a world.

Plus I never read the books directly, so I don't think that really counts.

I predict that comedy movies in the future are just going to be 2 hour meme compilations

>reddit steals Yea Forums memes
>dude you can't use it now
Fuck off, with the internet so centralized now memes are stolen and spread from everywhere. There's no avoiding it.

Reading is reading user, the point is that by actively reading those sourcebooks even for a short time you're engaging in the visual memory part of the brain to the point that there will come to a point where you will actually start to retain information of those books that you can reference spells and abilities without needing to open the book up, you don't have to read from start to finish but when you read stuff in those books you're engaging parts of your brain with active memory. Why do you think those really old D&D dudes know like literally almost every single rule and interaction within those games? They've done this countless multittudes of times.

Face it user, you've been learning this entire time and you don't even know it.


Because occasionally there would be a game that delivered on the hype, like Castlevania or Ninja Gaiden or Contra etc, and since this was before the age of Let's Plays and reviews you just bought a game based on the cover art hoping to hit that sweet Faxanadu blackjack, but most of the time it was exactly like OP.

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It's too late user, this all your own fault for trying to engage in neural activity with your own brain. That's your own fault for playing VIDEO GAMES.


But the image is more about the overpromising lies from the box rather than the game itself.

Give the last panel the "_ ____ __ ____ ____ ____" face.

No, whatever game you like is.

>I can't believe that game came out 4, almost 5 years ago
Holy fuck, has it really been that long?

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>I'm an OoTbaby mad that my game is overrated and that my taste is complete garbage
OoT isn't even top 3 for Zelda games.

Fucking zoomers...

And it comes down to two things. One those were new graphics at one time. Next, just like how people have fun with all kinds of retro graphics today in games like VVVVVVV or Shovel Knight, the game matters far more than graphics .

Also all box art from that era in the USA was crazy bad. The artists knew nothing about the game at all which is how you got the difference between bthe Rock Man boxart in Japan vs the MegaMan box art for NA/US release.

>And then one day, for no reason at all, people voted Hitler into power

Pong literally blew my mind.

I feel you man. All of my old friends turned into hedonistic, sex obsessed normalgroids who I can no longer relate to in any capacity. Feels like I’m the only one who just stayed as myself all this time and didn’t submit to normalgroid faggotry to fit in.

I lost

Was Halo 3 the last game where you almost cried on release in history? Can't think of a single other one.

It's called imagination. You fill in the gaps.
You know like kids used to play pretend with no supporting media

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I don't care for the Zelda series as a whole but I'm 1000% sure that OoT is infinitely better than whatever game you like.

>I don't care for the Zelda series as a whole
You doing really think you're fooling anyone, do you?

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>Pantyhose or kneesocks get taken off 3 minutes into the video
for fuks sake

>peoplel defend this
ResetEra really is here, isn't it?

it's good for kids to be raised on older-gen tech.

If a game hasn't aged well it hasn't aged well
I don't care about your "but you had to BE THERE" bullshit

This was the most accurate and right thing to do.

If a game is good it's good forever, stop parroting this "games age" meme.

Back then people had a healthy imagination.


>See that mountain?
>No actually, you have to pay extra for the content on the cover
>"This isn't the final product, gameplay or graphics may change"
Things sure have changed.
Also, when that was the pinnacle of graphics, the cover could portray what the spirit of the game was.

they were the best games around, retard.

What makes it so you're not just parroting the author's slant he put in his book? What he wanted you to get from it?

Yeah man why even play video games when you can just watch somebody else do it.

It's from Ctrl Alt Del.


How do I start my own dating website? If a 10 year old can do it then I can do it too.

I ell everyone the fastest way to reach me is to call me or email me. I am always on my computer if I'm not at work or out. My phone sits on my bed and I never ever look at it if I', not checking the time or at work. People still text me and then get pissed off when I don't reply. I've had my boss trying to tell me time sensitive information over text and when I told her she should have just called me she looked at me like I just slapped her.

My phone is neat and its useful but literally only in situations where I am not at home. Its basically just a toy to me. Its so limited and locked down I almost returned it because I felt like I couldn't do anything with it. I only kept it so I had the option of texts if I wanted to use it.

But I do know how to write to a floppy disk and operate a computer using punch cards. I've never had to but I know how to.

at age 4?

Just play Blood Dragon, goddamn.

I WANA BE HER :( and wear that cute outfit

They already are

Full pic?

That's essentially anything for the Sega Master System

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All the dragfags made this akward and about them as if they are some kinda victim when being called out as mentally ill pedo predatory freak

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Just sing the imagination song OP and you'll get it

I do my Japanese reps, even if it's just a minute waiting for food to be made I can still review several kanji.

The Super Nintendo was out by the time you could talk.

Unless you're using a phone from the stone ages both Android and Apple have web/browser clients for their respective texting apps. Not really sure why the fuck people like you take pride in being ignorant and obtuse but here we are. YOU are the one being seen by your colleagues as the retard here since like 90% of people with actual jobs have iMessage and the other 10% with nicer Android phones probably already know about the multiple ways to send and receive texts without even touching their phone.

Get with the times you retard.

Why are millennials so obsessed with zoomers?

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I have never used a touchscreen device that did not also have buttons alongside it, it would take all of three seconds to realise that interacting with the buttons is the next logical step. Defending this kid is like defending Dean Takahashi.

Because you faggots are taking over the internet.

This and this literally everything about this is please praise me and give me antention for just existing that’s all they care about and anyone who thinks otherwise is a fucking retard

time to grow up and move on boomie

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Kys fag also hitler did nothing wrong after see all these mentally ill dragfags innhere defending their freakshow he had the right idea

Because they are our wife's sons and they are dangerously retarded.

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Because you along with the Reddit commies are storming Yea Forums in such numbers that it's the fastest board on 4ch, there used to be etiquette about browsing before posting so you knew the site's culture. But you fuckers just destroy everything instead.

>Zoomers don't have any imagination
No surprises there

Because muhh S O U L

Either way they have no reason to be at schools teaching and brainwashing kids fuck outta here faggot

>comic books
>online books
>vidya related lore short stories usually 15-25min reads
>RPG games that are like 90% reading ala Pathfinder or UPDATED MY JOURNAL

but lemme guess. these dont count cuz its not a physical hardback or something? holding a physical hardback increases the knowledge gain by 20%.

yeah whatever man

No wonder you're so fucking useless

because gameplay > graphics

Nobody voted Hitler into power because of the supposed degeneracy of the Weimar Republic, user. That's a myth tards spread. It was for loads of different, combined reasons, like frustration with the economy, fear of communism, patriotic butthurt, and a misunderstanding of just how serious Hitler really was about all that genocide and conquest business.

Oh my god dude tell me you're not actually this stupid. Noticing that you're a sick demented pervert doing pedo shit doesn't make the people calling you out pedos. You're both deranged AND fucking stupid.

Because old games were fun and had good controls. How does dumbest generation pretend to like modern shit controls storyshit fuckery?

You went from clicking buttons to change channels that would play something pre-recorded to clicking buttons to make a character do what you told it on a screen. Suddenly you wrote your own story instead of watching someone else's.
The pixels were worth the trade off.

> the bull is the taller one

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yes. i'm a super genius and totally not a liar on the internet.

there were a lot of games back then that were only fun when you played co-op with a friend

Because it's literally basic psychology 101. If something is urgent or important you ring someone, don't send a message to be read at a later date whenever at the recipient's whim. A text message sound is short and abrupt that someone could miss hearing it. You ring someone and that's a prolonged ring that's a signal for attention that the receiver is likely to answer since a ringing tone goes on far longer than a text message beep.

>NCR cucked once again

Not him but I know the artist is Aogami and it's probably on Inkbunny or Exhentai. He accepts every commission even if the guy request weird stuff, I'm warning you.

I can't wait until we finally figure out that privacy-stealing tracking device garbage shouldn't be part of our society and that we are absolutely making society a bunch of hateful, spiteful fucks with them because of their impersonal, indirect, bad communication methods and we ban fucking cellphones for good.

>says email is one of the better ways to reach him
>single email beep is somehow different from text message beep
>he doesn't keep a tab/window open with either iMessage or Google Messages client open for quick and easy replies yet somehow can reply to emails efficiently

0/10 would never hire for any sort of job

I've been here for over 10 years but somehow zoomers just became a problem recently. Uh huh sure boomboom now let's get you back to the nursing home.

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Someone needs to satisfy all the wimminz and short onions boys just are not up to the task.

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I don't even use banking apps on my phone. It's just way too much of a security risk if I lose the phone. I compartmentalise as many personal details as possible from my phone.

How could you be a zoomer if you came here a decade ago, retard?

>How could you be a zoomer if you came here a decade ago, retard?
>He wasn't lurking Yea Forums in the womb

Fucking casual get the fuck out of here

oldest zoomers are 22 zoomer isn't a word for child retard

>says email is one of the better ways to reach him
Yes he talks about email being one of the better ways because if you weren't such a selective cherry picking reader he said he's literally at his computer more often than not which means he's more likely to see email prompts on his computer screen more than his phone.
>single email beep is somehow different from text message beep
Emails don't even have to beep at the computer, you literally can get a pop up message on your screen that will visually tell you that you have an email, so if he's not at his phone he's going to see the prompt on his computer instead.
>he doesn't keep a tab/window open with either iMessage or Google Messages client open for quick and easy replies yet somehow can reply to emails efficiently
Because why would he when he's clearly said time and time again when he's not at his phone
>0/10 would never hire for any sort of job
Yeah i'll only have to worry about in 20 years when you're actually competent enough to be in a position to do any sort of hiring and personnel management.

Do you even know what iMessage or the Google Messages web clients are?


At the time we understood the limitations of the technology, since it's all we had nobody expected anything else. Nobody bought an atari vcs game, turned it on and wondered why the graphics weren't photo realistic.

The most profitable games in the world all have shitty graphics, mobile games.

I know what the fuck they are you daft muppet but if he doesn't want to fucking use those programs on his computer then he doesn't have to. All phones have a in-built ring function and have SINCE THEY WERE FIRST INVENTED you god damn neutron star. Maybe he doesn't want to be inundated with pointless shit and be forced to answer every single text unless it's important, that's his perogative.

>I know what the fuck they are you daft muppet but if he doesn't want to fucking use those programs on his computer then he doesn't have to
>Original argument was about how PC's are so much better than phones because of the "limitless entertainment and knowledge" yet doesn't even use it to its fullest potential

I dunno man sounds like prebuilt poorfags to me.


I wasn't even part of that discussion. I only pointed out the psychological impact and importance of sending a text compared to a ringing phone call that people behave and react to in

I was just going off of this specific line and how he could fix it with simple computer knowledge even the most normie of normies would know:

>I tell everyone the fastest way to reach me is to call me or email me. I am always on my computer if I'm not at work or out. My phone sits on my bed and I never ever look at it if I', not checking the time or at work. People still text me and then get pissed off when I don't reply.
>email me

He complains about people getting pissed at him for not replying to text messages when there is a really quick and easy way to solve this using the PC he supposedly spends so much time on. Yes phone calls are much more urgent but when someone is trying to manage multiple employees it makes things 100% easier to simply sent a quick and easy text so he/she can move on to the next important task instead of spending multiple minutes calling and talking on the phone. He sounds like he is being intentionally difficult because of his unwillingness to adapt to the times because "phonez r bad PC gud"

I'm sure he could but it's not up to him to adjust if people want his attention, they have to seek him using only the methods available that he's availed himself to. To put it into perspective if you were trying to find or get in touch with someone for instance who is like for instance some sort of master sculptor and the only for you to do that was to either send a written letter to their house or to physically visit the house because for some reason cut all use of telephones and internet in their house then that's not on their end to accomodate to you, you then must opt to use those other methods to get into contact with them if you wish. The same fundamental right you have to be contacted by a multitude of different ways is the same fundamental right someone else has to limit contact by only a few select ways. If it's too much of a bother then just stop trying to contact the person, but apparently in said user's case people still keep trying to contact him.

No the employee's job is to accommodate the work communication stipulations of his employer. There's no need for him to take some sort of supposed moral high ground just because he sees phones as a "toy" and beneath his almighty ego.

You either adapt to the current communication methods or don't fucking complain when people get pissed at you for using carrier pigeon like some sort of retarded hipster when they're simply looking for a quick and easy response.

>in said user's case people still keep trying to contact him

Clearly not for much longer at this rate.

>only messaging friends
>single paragraph
Nah, I have something to read on my morning commute. It’s a smooth transition from home into my office since it sets up the problems I’ll be working on for the day.
I really think you’re just salty about technology and how today’s youth have changed with the times. Children were never very smart - compare playing with dirt vs watching dirt on YouTube. I’m my experience, most kids will still naturally gravitate to spending time outside with friends alongside using their phones. This boomer meme of “nobody just plays ball anymore” is self aggrandizing bullshit that isn’t even true. Most teens will just mix Netflix and video games after a swim in the summer heat these days

My brother is a young zoomer and installed a Linux distro. This generation is fine, you’re just salty

Yes but if you read what he said he's not at work, they're all contacting him outside of work. He doesn't have a problem using his phone at work but when he's not at work he's not using his phone. Lines of communication at work are important sure but personal life is not required to adhere to the same procedures and standards.

>Children were never very smart - compare playing with dirt vs watching dirt on YouTube
Not a very good analogy since someone playing in dirt will build up an immune system and can use the dirt to make various sculptors of objects and shapes. The one watching someone play dirt learns nothing and becomes weaker as a result.

That really depends on work and company policy. If he's salary then work hours don't really have an end unless it's a scheduled day off. Salaried employees don't have the freedom to clock out and leave everything at work with many companies. If he's hourly then he obviously has no obligation to respond and if he is harassed then that's something to take up with HR since that would be being forced to work off the clock.

Either way sounds like someone is breaking policy and one of the parties is too chicken shit to do anything about it.

>my wife's boyfriend
What the fuck?! I seriously don't get it, why would you let your wife have multiple partners? Are you clingy to the point of letting your "wife" fuck strangers for fear of losing her if you don't?

>That really depends on work and company policy. If he's salary then work hours don't really have an end unless it's a scheduled day off. Salaried employees don't have the freedom to clock out and leave everything at work with many companies. If he's hourly then he obviously has no obligation to respond and if he is harassed then that's something to take up with HR since that would be being forced to work off the clock.
Sure thing but that's entirely irrelevant to said user's situation described. By the description and the way given explained it's a fair reasoned assumption that they're clearly not a salaried employee and thus an irrelevant point to his situation.
>Either way sounds like someone is breaking policy and one of the parties is too chicken shit to do anything about it.
Also still entirely irrelevant to the issue at hand. He's stated the ways he can be contacted, those are the ways they have to contact him. At not point has it been brought up that he's been in breach of some policy given, it's illogical to assume that he has as the default when neither party has expressed grievances towards each other for it.

fake caption

I got a feeling it's not real and an edit.

Fun story time:
I was at my local independent gamestore last week - they also do tcg events in the evenings and occasionally vidya/gunpla events too - and was sat at one of the tables working on some stuff.
A guy came in who was friendly with the staff and sat next to me, eventually the staff member had to go help someone so it was just me and him, we chatted a bit about our hobbies.
I mentioned that I was finding it a bit challenging juggling living with my girlfriend with enjoying my hobbies (time dedication, innit), when he agreed that co-habitation was sometimes quite difficult, "with [his] girlfriend's partner involved too".
I made sure not to react, but later on the conversation he hinted that her partner was also their landlord.
His girlfriend actually showed up a few minutes later, with her partner in tow. She was alright looking, while both of them were... less than attractive (full beards, long hair, definitely on the spectrum, wearing metal band t-shirts).
Then she sat down next to me, looking at what I was doing and complimenting my work, and told me she hoped to see me later, giving me a hug before leaving.

It was the most bizarre experience in my life and I feel vaguely insulted that someone with such an obvious type (beta orbiters?) possibly showed so much interest in me.

I think it's definitely a case of the girl being "too good" for the guy, so he's determined to stay with her despite her thottery. At the same time, she may be getting a reduced rate on rent, so props to her I suppose.

Hannibal by Theodore Ayrault Dodge
Can get it as an audiobook too.

Recently read a study that, in the past five years or so, smartphone usage has increased more in older people than younger people. So there's that, retard.

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So glad my parents could only afford an old PS1 so I could play actual games.

Zoomers don't take anything seriously unless it's a joke.
And yet everything is a joke to them.
Zoomers don't have an ounce of sincerity in their bodies.
Irony for Millennials was a toy. Irony for zoomers is an identity.

Their culture is founded on conformity to normalfaggotry; even Gen Y hipsterdom was the cult of uniqueness in spirit.
Everything zoomers bring to the table is tainted with the world Yea Forums was built up to escape from.

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I have an only friend to play games with too, and I don't know if I should continue caring either. He hates anything classic, and he is definitely up there with the normies, interest wise. But he is a fat slob NEET whose room is a big dump. Literally. He sits in his fat chair, with his new 800 dollar PC (his actually autistic friend for some reason bought it for him) and just plays The Isle. I hate Jurassic Park just as much as Star Wars. There is something about those 2 things that makes my interest plummet. I love dinosaurs. They were fascinating creatures I wish we could see today, but Jurassic Faggots is fucking stupid, fake, and retarded. I am sick of him talking about it as if it interests me, even though I tell him often I don't like it, but he goes on and on. The Isle is fucking trash garbage, and I don't know how he likes it. He is greedy, extremely fat and smelly. (I worked with him at a store, and every other associate would always tell me how bad he smells, but i could never tell him). The only thing I like about him is how persistent he is to try and beat me in fighting games, like Smash, Fighter Z, Naruto 4. It's genuinely fun, but he is everything I don't want to be. Obsessed with games and only games. Locked up, fat, doesn't care about anything. Disgusting.

My friend keeps pulling out their phone every 30 seconds, I can't even fathom what they're doing on it because they only ever have it out for like 5 seconds at a time

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>muh sincerity
unironically make like pic related

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This is actually pretty fucking accurate. I will bet my bottom dollar that Gen Z grows up to even more cynical than Gen X and Millennials, because all the shows they're watching feature subversion and satire as the main themes

have sex
with your friend

>youth of today
if you think like this you're just a salty fat nigger.
Every generation says that shit about the following gen.
People went "Noones going to talk to each other anymore" when Newspapers were introduced.
Sure there are retards, but they were in every generation, that's why the two of us are here.

>being a contratrion to your own detriment


>implying the gaming industry will ever get better
it will not, but we already ahve retards kids that praise Fortnite while spitting shit on any big game of the past because "they look bad and old". It's already appening.

>perfectly good

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Here's a (you) cause I like your post

>metal band t-shirts
I never understood that meme. As long as it isn't power or nu-metal trash, it doesn't attract fat loosers. And metal chicks like metal shirts, obviously.

You are my brother. Always and forever.

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there's a difference between liking a metal band and wearing an abhorrent t-shirt in public

And it’s always been memed by 12 year olds

I had dozens of these back in 2007 and I'm kinda sad I don't have them anymore. I really did find them funny as fuck.

>And metal chicks like metal shirts, obviously.
Dressing for the occasion is the key here user, you can wear a metal shirt in a metal context or when you just need a random shirt, if metal shirts is what composes your wardrobe then you have problems.

And no, having videogame shirts on top of that doesn't fix it. You shouldn't dress based on qwertee.

We don't pretend. We still enjoy them.

The remake will look better than even that cover so uhhh

>People act surprised when I tell them "I left it at home"
I know that feel. I love when they ask something like "what if someone needs to get in contact with you?". They are so used to the instant contact/gratification that they can't see the world without it.

>immidetely pulls out phone
Reminds me of a friend who I used to visit (invited by) to talk, coffee, watch some warcraft 3 games and pass time. Until he got whatsapp and... apparently he has to check his "groups" every 5 minutes, check voice message every 10 and see if X read his message.

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Classic, your brother is an imbecile. Just check his friends.

Are you alright, you projecting faggot?


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basically anything before 8Bit is worthless trash.

>this discussion

Hitler was never elected.

that game is fun as fuck, reinstalling

>all those roaring millions of people showing their support were just a coincidence

This is the worst post i've seen today.

>It's like everyone is a grandma.
>We've come full circle

Stuff like this tickles the conspiracy theorist part of my brain. It's like some dark lord of consumer technology got wind of the computer literacy of children in the 2000's and said "We need to tone that down, focus on creating ergonomic UI's so non-specialists won't know how to do shit."

FACT: Hitler was an incel

He's probably addicted, so he feels a need to take it out of his pocket every few mins

One thing I can say in favor of consumer technology before touchscreens is that it taught me to search for functionality. Everything was a puzzle box.

>Don't question anything goy,
>Accept social media integration and the expectation that you have one or else you're an oddity
>Don't worry about the fact that your phone which records you and tracks your location never actually turns off even when you tell it to shut down
>There's no way that we could have reached a point where technological advancements have negative effects on people and culture, advancement can only be GOOD for the goyim, now check your dating apps or go on blacked dot com

They didn't vote for him though.


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Based zoomer retard. Basically its like reading a book vs watching the adaptation. the latter is for zoomers who have no creativity or imagination due to being environmentally doctored by the many cliches in such media.

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You can use something as example without necessarily liking it or defending it. Stop deflecting so much.

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I am quite sure I don't understand.

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This. I remember being blown away by graphics several times, thinking that games could never look better. The briefings and cinematics from Dune 2 looked real to me back then.

Atari was never good, anyone who pretends its any good today is joking. NES was good for its time but only a couple games are worth playing today. Super Nintendo and Sega Genesis were a gift from god though.


You see, both generations have advantages and disadvantages.
Older games looked like shit, so you used your imagination.
Newer games have the benefit of actually looking like the box.

Zoomers and boomers btfo
T. Grew up with 3d dos games in the 90s

Doom was mind blowing because up until that point everything was 2d scrollshit
Same when quake and unreal came out and really changed the landscape
We went from dogshit bleep bleep bloop pixel shit to actual decent 2d/3d (arcade) visuals literally overnight in the mid 90s

Sadly all we have now is what dxr/rtx memes with deminishing returns since we are butting our heads on the ceiling of what real time graphics and silicone can actually do VS 10-20+ years ago when it was a new and innovative limitless era for computing power especially for graphics
Even the last 5-9 years has been painfully slow with most tards still sticking to 20+ years old 1080p 60hz for vidya