Latest game is the worst installment of the series

>latest game is the worst installment of the series

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>latest game is the worst installment of the series
Welcome to the world of gaming zoomer.

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>Trish gets one fight and then she's fucking useless
>Narancia is a useless piece of shit who only ever fucked everything up and the best thing he did was die
>Giorno is so bland and seems to always know exactly how to beat the enemy, making fights with him so boring to watch
Part 5 was so fucking bad holy shit. Diavolo and Squadra Esecuzioni were the only good moments of part 5

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>best game in the series doesn't get any recognition until the HD rerelease

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The C-Moon fight is gonna be cool to see animated

Imagine the copyright hell that'll be the Bohemian Rhapsody fight

I bet you never played the original, man those shadows were a bitch.

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>game after latest game is somehow even worse
>next game is the best

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>Latest installment is the best in the series

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dont forget the whole gang turning into literal retards in some episodes like that shark one
p5 was dogshit, even king crimson is an inconsistent pile of shit

that shit ain't mokey

do people really watch/read this garbage?

>Narancia starts acting weird and not talking
>Gang have literally fought their way through 10 non-direct Stand battles by this point plus everything they did before the part started

Yeah jojolion isn’t great, but I still wouldn’t say it’s the worst

No no-one ever read your posts.

T nobody.

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remember fugo?


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but OP
part 6 isnt been animated yet

I'd move 2 down some but pretty based anyway

Why are there no stands based off vidya? How would you adapt a game into a stand ability?

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1=7 > 3=4 > 2=5
Bask in my objectively correct taste. None of them are bad.

You really need to go back

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user did you miss the part where everything in fucking jojo is a music reference, why change to vidya when there are plenty of songs and artist

soooo... how does this head doctor guy's stand work exactly

Name 17 (seventeen) (zeventien) games

user Part 3 was animated like 5 years ago

What about 6?

You read the new chapter, right?
>chase head doctor
>things start knocking into you
>those things can also knock into other people
pretty much a magnet

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Back? Totse hasn't existed for a decade or more newfag.

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Dead Rising 4
Battlefield V

Giorno should've been the one to fight Metallica
then there could've been a callback to Dio where Giorno has drink blood to survive afterwards

>Le DIO reference XD
you people are the jojofags of jojofags

iirc, koalas accidentally kill themselves trying to climb down in order to eat human shit
retarded animals

we're getting polnareffland jobros
>that shit ain't iggy

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>even the wildlife in australia is suicidal

Reminds me of the episode with the baby stand user from part 3.


But Part 8 is great

Part 5 is actually just part 3 and that's why Japan love it almost as much as part 3

>watching reddit anime

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Series should've never been animated past Part 3 because now we got you anime only dipshits going around like you know everything and spamming the same shit, making everyone else hate JoJo.

Haven't read 7 yet so can't say, but its
3 > 1 = 2 > 4 = 5 > 6

His dad is a fucking vampire how the fuck does that not come up at all in part 5?
Not even some throwaway line

>anime girl reaction image
i don't know man...
seems pretty discord to me...

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yea but narancia IS a retard

Part 5 is Part 3 but good

based, part 3 is dope

Legitimately forgot about it. I'd tier it alongside 3 and 4.

>tumblr filename
oh ah tranny, you're welcome on safespace-chan. Let me spoonfeed you on the dunkey meme where he made a video telling his wife to keep saying "thank you" while tyrone pounds her ass. Or the backpack cuck or maybe even the npc meme that originated on another website but got popularized here :^)


Haven’t read 8.

Metal Gear Solid

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But metal gear survive doesn't have the word solid in it

You should try the first season

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I hate this meme being pushed by animeonlys that Bruno is somehow less bland than Gio, or a "great character" or something. I guess his stand is less esoteric and bullshit, but he has even less of a personality.

Part 2 was the best.
Part 1 was fun.
Part 3 was all right (OVA was better).
Part 4 was okay.
Part 5 is shit.

>2 that low
>6 anywhere near the top 4
Other than that pretty good.

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>OVA was better
I agree on the DIO fight and some of the animation

>(OVA was better)
Based. The D'Arby and DIO fight are pure kino in the OVA.

the DIO fight is directed by Satoshi Kon iirc

A quick google search give me what o wanted, Tumblr or whatever makes no difference, I barely know what Tumblr is I have to use auto correct to spell it right, suck my wrinkled old fag dick you newfag.

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>OVA was better
based and 7uppilled

There are still good people in this shithole.

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Why do twitter fags always put part 6 in the first place? Aside from pucci, the fights and characters are some of the least interesting in the series.

Part 3 is god awful for the vast majority of the part, but it's amazing starting at D'Arby the Gambler. It's still the worst part and Jotaro is still the worst Jojo though.

Dude the part 3 adaptation happened like 5 years ago

>Jotaro is still the worst Jojo though
he is at least alright. Part 6 kinda redeemed him for me, having him be an eternal manchild who still acts like a 17 year old thats 2kewl was both kind of ballsy and interesting


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but part 3 is objectively the worst


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don't even try to argue otherwise

I dont get why people hate Giorno but love Jotaro. Jotaro was the exact same except somehow even worse. He always conveniently has a way to beat the enemy and is randomly gifted abilities that give him the upper hand. Also he was somehow able to beat the shit out of an adult when he had the body and mind of a 7 year old despite the fact that it is stated that he was a sweet kid growing up.

I didn't mind Part 5 but the opening and ending were so blah compared 1-4, guess they were running out of Speedwagon bux.

La squadra was the only good part of part 5. It would have been better if we would have gotten a 3 way fight with Risotto, boss, and the gang with requiem for control of the gang

>We're being constantly attacked by magic reality warpers with powers that make silly changes to the environment around us
>Something inexplicable and out of the ordinary is happening right now
>Better just ignore it
Every part does this at some point, and it's never not retarded.

Jotaro is actually fun when he's a side character, like in part 4.

Part 2 is outdated and borin shit, please stop deluding yourselves, even part 6 better

>not knowing user boards have been reading jojo for more than a decade
literally how new

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>we missed out on Old Joseph getting reverted into Part 2 Joseph and kicking the absolute fucking shit out of Alessi with the clackers that he still carries around for no reason
>all so Araki could jerk off Jotaro yet again
What a fucking waste.

part 2 is mostly carried by Joseph and his dumb strategies, but otherwise it's pretty mediocre. it's still better than 3 since it doesn't drag for an eternity with enemies that do nothing for the story

FUCK Yo-yo Ma. Also did part 7 and 8 ever do that, I forgot.

Current 4channel readers are very young, it is to be expected even random isn't the same and hasn't been in years, man I feel old.

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How could anything be worse than part 4?

>People actually hating Jotaro in this thread
Y'all mad because he's the poster child. Jotaro is based

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Just wait until Steel Ball Run you fucking brainlet.

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why do part 3 and 4 go out of their way to not have people get killed but part 1, 2 and 5 have people getting killed like you would expect from the situations people are in

Part 4 was the best part though you triple nigger

>so Araki could jerk off Jotaro yet again
What? All he does is nerf him and make him forget how he to use his powers so he can job.



>Part 3
>Not killing anyone
The only characters that survived Part 3 were Jotaro, Joseph, and Polnareff you dumbass.

Kira is the worst jojo villain

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You're very new if you think Jojo belongs to those cretins. The series is older than you.

the people they are fighting

7 > 8 = 4 > 2 = 6 > 3 > 1 > 5

That's because he's not a villain he's just a redpilled dude who wanted to live a quiet life.

Not when diavolo exists

Nah, Valentine is the actual protagonist


He's a pretentious pervert who deserved to die miserably

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why do people hate part 6? I'm on part 5.

Part 3 tried to kill off Avdol but the readers liked him enough to make Akari retcon his death. I'm guessing Akari saw that as a reason to hold off on killing people until the climax where most of the cast dies. I can get behind it because it gave part 3 a pretty grim ending compared to other parts

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Worst of the trilogy but not the worst in the series. Nothing will ever be as bad as DDD or CoM

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My name is Yoshikage Kira. I'm 33 years old. My house is in the northeast section of Morioh, where all the villas are, and I am not married. I work as an employee for the Kame Yu department stores, and I get home every day by 8 PM at the latest. I don't smoke, but I occasionally drink. I'm in bed by 11 PM, and make sure I get eight hours of sleep, no matter what. After having a glass of warm milk and doing about twenty minutes of stretches before going to bed, I usually have no problems sleeping until morning. Just like a baby, I wake up without any fatigue or stress in the morning. I was told there were no issues at my last check-up. I'm trying to explain that I'm a person who wishes to live a very quiet life. I take care not to trouble myself with any enemies, like winning and losing, that would cause me to lose sleep at night. That is how I deal with society, and I know that is what brings me happiness. Although, if I were to fight I wouldn't lose to anyone.

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This guy fucks.

Incels can't stand a female MC. Also, the first half of the part takes place in one area.

Probably some faggot anime Youtubers or something. Part 6 hate has never been as bad as it has in the past few months.

You're all niggers.
1, 2, 3, 4, and 7 are fukkin' sweet.
6 is alright.
5 and 8 are faggot shit. The protags and antags are skinny fuckers who would die the second their asses took a hit to their stand. Which brings up another point, what happened to stand damage also effecting the user? Point part deux, why do fags shit on part 3 when it introduced stands?

>latest game is the worst installment of the series

>love medieval shit along with knights in armor and wizards and blah blah blah
>dont like feudal japan setting
>still hyped for sekiro anyway
>as with every demon souls game, dont watch trailer or any gameplay
>want to experience it all firsthand
>day finally comes and its shit
now skeptical about elden ring


Nah that's Pucci when he devolves into just another Dio fanatic. Also I liked how Kira didn't beg when he was cornered unlike Diavolo who's supposed to be a mafia leader
>Giorno becomes chosen