Metal Gear Solid 3 Remaster

With all this talk about some fan service MGSV edition which is pretty much BS. Here something you might like tho I heard back from some insider Discord server.

>PlayStation 4 exclusive (Konami baka)
>4K HDR and 60 FPS
>New Textures and Characters model
>Remaster not a remake using previous HD versions of the game. (Dont expect RE2 but ZOE2 instead)

Attached: MGS3.png (4764x3249, 1.14M)

Other urls found in this thread:

>PS4 exclusive
Aaaand... it's fake.

>Remaster not a remake
this already exists

>upscaled MGS HD remake with only one game instead of 3, 5 if you count the MSX games
Why would anyone want this

user the pachinko machine already exists.

>4K HDR and 60 FPS
PS4 Pro can't even do 1440p and 30 fps

>no pressure sensitive buttons on the DS4
No thank you, I'll just stick with emulation and the PS3 version

The ZoE2 remaster is 4K60 dipshit

>>PlayStation 4 exclusive (Konami baka)
PS4 exclusive or PS4 CONSOLE exclusive? Because MGS 3 is already on Xbox One via BC, and already on Nvidia Shield, aka the Switch but not for retards. But it isn't on PC.

>Only on PS4
Sure, cuz Konami is popping off with MG Survive, PES, and ain't need to sell more games.

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>4Κ is a meme for such old games. diminishing returns.
the HD collection is as good as it gets. minus the frame drops when electricity man appears.

The HD collection has some significant graphical errors.

give me just 1(one) reason to believe that out of all the mgs rumors going around, this one is real.

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The rumour I heard was that Virtuous were making a PC/PS4/XBO remaster of MGS3 akin to their Dark Souls Remastered. It was supposed to be revealed at E3, but this didn't happen.

Reminder that the (almost) perfect version of MGS3 already exists.
>3rd and first person aiming
>Walking while aiming
>Crouch walking
>Side crawling
>Higher detail models
>MGS4 control scheme
It just needs a port to an actual console/pc

Attached: MGS3D-Promo-Material-1.jpg (500x688, 98K)

>Nvidia Shield, aka the Switch but not for retards
>Androidshit ever being better than dedicated gaming hardware

This sounds even faker then that Demon Edition crap.

Actually, rumours of a spit and polish MGS3 remaster for modern consoles have been circulating for a while. It's not without precedent. Konami and Nvidia ported MGS2, MGS3, and MG Rising to the Shield in 2017. There's clearly renewed interest in non-broken remasters on Konami's end.

All that shit is a terrible fit for MGS3 and breaks its difficulty even harder than the first person aiming does in Twin Snakes.
It's a neat curiosity but far from the definitive version. Not even the definitive portable version desu, the Vita port is great besides some awkward back touchpad stuff to make up for the lack of buttons.

Difficulty through bad controls is not good game design

Can you give me an invite to the insider Discord server?

One small problem with that, Virtuos was only responsible for the Switch port which was mostly a straight port from the PS360 original without the """enchancements""" from the PS4/XB1 version.

MGS3's controls are not bad unless you're a zoomer who can't handle the game not playing like a third person shooter. There's a difficulty curve, but once you master them they're a perfect match for 3's level and enemy design.

I honestly would just like Konami to give me Phantom Pain Pt.2

I don't care if they reuse assets and hire 12 year olds to write it - I just love the controls and the engine so much in that game.

Attached: 1465363731537.jpg (500x282, 35K)

If the controls are what create the difficulty, they're bad

>Forgetting that Sony already funded a remaster of a Konami game before (Castlevania Requiem)
It's just a PS2 game, ZoE2 MVRS already runs at 4k on PS4.

Fair point, but DSR was cited as a reference point for possible enhancements MGS3R might receive. Virtuous have become a little bit of a go-to team for lower budget ports and remasters of games. If Konami wanted a cheap and relatively decent remaster of MGS3, they'd probably go for them.

If it's anything like Castlevania Requiem it won't be worth buying

Why can't they just bring the hd collection to pc goddamnit.

I bet you're one of those retards who complains about tank controls in early Resident Evil or that you can't move and shoot at the same time in RE4.
Games like that and MGS are specifically and carefully built around a particular control style. Just changing them to something more generic to placate zoomers who don't want to adjust completely misses the point of their original inclusion. For a perfect example, look at what a joke the REmake remaster becomes with the "modern" controls.

Cry harder

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I just want a full MGS HD collection on Steam and Xbone. MGS4 should have gone multiplat a very long time ago.


>MGS4 should have gone multiplat a very long time ago.
the ps3's architecture probably cucked the possibility of it happening

>MGS4 should have gone multiplat a very long time ago.
RPCS3 is literally the only hope. On top of being spaghetti coded specifically for PS3 hardware, it's filled with licensed Sony and Apple products.

>it's filled with licensed Sony and Apple products.
Those can be easily replaced with generic crap. They removed sony specific files and voice lines from MGS2 and 3 on other platforms

can they really edit this shit?

Attached: mgs4_placement1.jpg (620x712, 43K)

Yes, though the Walkman actually stayed in the 360 version of Peace Walker.

Post-processing is wrong. Particle effects are wrong. Overall just sloppy.

Anything that someone who isn't frame-by-frame comparing to the original would ever notice?

Why Kojima add Apple shit if he is a Sonyfag? he is like the only person in the world who use a sony walkman, the walkman he have cost about $2000

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Hello this is Vamps

Attached: MGS4_Vamp_cell_phone.jpg (1920x1018, 125K)

Attached: 2685551-5141289907-MSiSf.png (852x648, 479K)

What is autoaim

So, all subtle shit that nobody would notice


>a handful of scenes have really subtle effects missing

yeah, this is nowhere near the level of fuckery as Silent Hill HD or whatever, it's fine

>So, all subtle shit that nobody would notice
You realise this argument could be used to defend the Silent Hill HD collection, and it would be a retarded argument there, too.

No, because silent hill hd has far more blatant issues that even people who havent played the originals would notice, and they permeate the entire game, not just a couple scenes

>This level of faggotry

details is what most people like MGS for, because fuck tons of TECHNOLOGY and details but i have to agree that compared to SH HD remake it's nothing

DMC4 remake was also fucked up, especially the sound

>No, because silent hill hd has far more blatant issues that even people who havent played the originals would notice
Actually I'm not so sure of that. I've never seen a single person who has never played SH2 notice the issues with SH2 HD.

Easier than aiming yourself, which according to ruins the game

>no MGS2
I call bullshit but is Bluepoint making it?

Nothing gamebreaking, but there are some missing effects in a few scenes and MGS3 has a weird thing where they updated Snake's face model except on the default splitter face camo for some reason. In general the HD Collection is fair bit sloppier than Bluepoint's typical work.
Despite the issues and that one autist who posts the same images every time it's brought up, as someone who's put literally hundreds of hours into every version the PS3 HD Collection is still easily the definitive version for 3 outside of emulation due to its far better performance and menu load times. 2 is a bit spottier, it's overall a good way to play the game but the original already runs great and has better load times for codec calls.

Being able to run around while popping headshots breaks the game far more than autoaim in 3, which is fairly useless unless you're going on a murder rampage.

If you can't run around and pop headshots with the original controls you're just shit at the game

And he is right retard

Right about autoaim ruining the game? The thing that was in to begin with you retard?

You literally cannot run around while aiming for the head with the original controls.

Never said you could dipshit. it takes 1 second to stop and aim

>If the controls are what create the difficulty, they're bad
>Post example that invalidated this
Ok retard

You didn't invalidate shit retard. Retard #1 said the new controls were too easy, retard #2 points out they were always easy with a literal autoaim button.

You're such a retard holy shit
Have you actually played MGS3? Autoaim is totally useless.

Then what are you even trying to argue? That's different from what I'm arguing against. That actually requires some skill, not playing it like a third person shooter.

Then why'd you bring it up in the first place dipshit?
You brought it up ins response to the controls being bad, and now you say it's useless? Not even you agree with yourself

>Move, stop, aim shoot
>Move, aim, shoot
Wow so different, it's sooooo much harder to stop for a second

>You brought it up ins response to the controls being bad
I didn't, you don't even know who you're arguing against lmao
I called you a stupid zoomer for needing it to play like a third person shooter

Oh in that case kill yourself stupid buzzwording retard

you guys are fucking faggots full stop