Monday Livestreams

Nintendo is running a press conference tomorrow focusing on Indie Games.

Xbox is running a press conference tomorrow talking mostly about shooters

Google is running a press conference tomorrow talking about 1-3 year old games you can play without a console.

Nintendo wins this round IMO and it's not even close.

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The games Xbox is focusing on.

Epic ... yawn

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According to VR plant we are getting Ori and the Blind Forest. Is that any fun? Someone else said we are also getting Hotline Miami and Superhot.

>Blair Witch


I remember the shitposting regarding the first Inside Xbox
The only highlights were the parrots

Ori is good.

Yeah, Ori is a a pretty interesting and atmospheric platformer, I'm glad that it's coming.

Sounds like it's going to be a good presentation.

Looked it up. Looks like a beautiful game. Maybe I’ll check it out.

Is Hotline Miami any fun?

>and not a single mention of MCCPC.

yeah, this is a perfect chance for a YIKES!

Is that the only highlight we're getting?
The last indie direct had Cuphead introduced upfront and had Cadence of Hyrule be the big reveal at the end

I’m not sure honestly. That’s just what “leakers” know about.

>Is Hotline Miami any fun?
Maybe I'm biased since the Hotline Miami series is literally my favorite series ever, but yes, very fun. Really hope it'll be announced tomorrow.


>last Nindies introduced Kanna to the world
I'm ready for the next FOTM

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New Silksong trailer, maybe?

What are they about? Why do you like it so much?

Don't count on it

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Big boobles

I can't wait for them to show a bunch of indie games that have been available on other platforms for years! Boy, I sure don't regret buying this port machine

>Indies indies! Me likey the bouncy pixel!

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>Nintendo wins this round IMO and it's not even close.
How do you "win" an advertisement?

Where the fuck is Kentucky Route Zero

I'm biased but Nintendo wins if the Switch gets FTL.

Shit I meant this reply for you

Ought to see something soon if it's coming this year

They're better than your Sony movies games.

That would be huge anyways. Before Cadence of Hyrule, most indie directs from Nintendo were absolutely average.

>if it's not bouncy bouncy then it has no gameplay!

>indie games
happy basedjak wearing a pink pussy hat.jpg

Fuck google and fuck trannies!

Ori and Superhot already got leaked prior to VR Plant
If VR Plant is confirming it though it's pretty much 100% guaranteed, glad to see Nintendo and Microsoft's collaborations are still going

Sony wins by dtaying out of it.

That could be said for any video game. The fuck are you on about?

Sony skipped PSX last year and E3.
Do they really have anything left with the PS4? They haven'y even given us a release date for TLOU2 despite filming reportedly being completed. Makes me think its a PS5 game, but that machine is undergoing delays.

Gameplay-wise, Hotline Miami is a top-down 2D shooter where you enter buildings, massacre everyone inside, and leave. You and all enemies die in one hit. Tons of random guns and melee weapons to choose from; different masks and characters have different controls and gimmicks they can use.
The plot is strange and surreal at times. The first game follows the protagonist, an everyman, as he begins receiving calls on his answering machine telling him to drive to certain locations inhabited by Russian mobsters and killing them all. What follows is a surreal story about his mindset through this and how it is affecting both him and the population at large.
The second game is both a sequel and a prequel, following a multitude of characters in the events leading up to Hotline Miami 1 and the events preceding it.
I personally love the games for their amazing gameplay, aesthetic, soundtrack, and story. The gameplay is quick, frenetic, and satisfying. The soundtrack, mostly synthwave and industrial shit, is very good. The story is very vague, out there, and oddly political. I really, really love them.

Some potential showcases I can see being in it
>Hollow Knight: Silksong
>Binding of Isaac: Repentance
>Terraria's final update
Anyone else got ideas for what could be in it?

Give me more Silk Song info you Aussie cunts

I just wanna see Touhou.

Sounds pretty badass. I wanna play it now

Here's to hoping Rare Replay gets onto Switch with Extra games.

Luna Nights is pretty impressive but I doubt it'd be mentioned

Sabi said that if Rare Replay on Switch is legit, it'll have the Xbox games replaced with the Nintendo IP Rare games

Is it just a Blind Forest port for Switch or is Will of the Wisps seriously getting on Switch too?

Its never coming. 343 so incompetent. Just let Halo die. Stop trying to revive it. An entire generation has only seen bad Halo games. Let it die.

Well, if you've got a Switch hopefully you can get them tomorrow. If not they're also pretty cheap on Steam. 1 is only $10.00 I think.

>rare replay but with the DKC games and DK64
fucking based

>no viva pinata
Fucking lame.

So what you guys hope to see tommorow ?

My picks are Monster Crown, Goose game, Silksong and Shantae.

I'm thinking they will show something.
UNTIES had a booth at Japan Expo with Switches with Luna Nights. It was fully localized too, so I don't see a reason why they wouldn't.

Couldn't they emulate Viva Pinata DS or something?

Silksong, Will of the Wisps, Axiom Verge 2

This, I'll accept a surprise release date too

>DKC1-3 and DK64
>but no Viva Pinata

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IGN said they're hoping to see Breath of the Wild 2 and Luigi's Mansion 3 talked about in the indie showcase.

No really.

At least they aren't begging for Smash reveal.

Literally doesn't even know what the fuck an indie game is obviously.