Why I turned down exclusivity deal from the Epic Store (developer of “DARQ”)

Did he do the right thing Yea Forums

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The right thing would be to take the money and keep a low profile, it's a pretty big wasted opportunity

Expecting Steam drones to buy a $20 2D walking sim because it "owned the epic store" is expecting too much from those retards

No, he assumed that people mad at epic will suport him. As it turns out, no one cares.

Steam drones have no conviction, which is why I truly believe Epic Store will win out.

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Is there such a thing as "wishlist bait"? Because I have like dozens of those and DARQ is one of them.

I'm sure he's crying himself to sleep.

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he did the dumb thing, he could be rich right now and all it would have cost him is maybe a few people getting mad at him on twitter for a week or so

He did the right thing by sticking with his morals, but in the end, it cost him. You can sometimes do nothing wrong, and still not win.

Why? because they don't want to buy a shit game?

What morals?


>Reviews are all about something epic something not about the game

It's like steamdrones are trying their best to prove that user reviews are a mistake

I pirated it, and it's boring as hell. If I knew I made a game that mediocre you're damn right I'd take Epic's deal. Dude fucked up hard.

kek I posted this then started reading this article

Attached: top 50 most wishlisted darq.png (687x125, 14K)

Yea thats a yikes. Why not just make a game with the intention of making it Epic exclusive? Clearly it doesnt have to be any good, it just has to be good enough to make Epic want to pay you for exclusivity. Once you're able to deliver on that, well that's it. You are guaranteed some money, move on.

Yup. Looks like pretty good sales for a niche game.

his morality is that of an open marketplace in opposition to exclusive buyouts.

Except it's proving the exact opposite. Stay seething. ;)

Looks pretty good yeh. OP blown the fuck out lmao.

because figuring out how to market your garbage is an extremely rare skill

>Epic shills trying to make it out as though Steam users care about Epic
Your shit platform is a non-entity. I use other clients besides Steam and yet I'll never use Epic.

But sales isnt a problem with Epic as a platform, youre guaranteed some money

It's really just one retard. His way of writing is exactly the same too.

He did the ballsy thing that'll keep his reputation. If he actually wants to make games and has a passion for it instead of a quick payday yeah.

But he lost an opportunity for a lot of money

i meant to whoever decides as to what gets on epic
i'm pretty sure tim sweeney wants his marketplace to be more exclusive, considering he doesn't like steam greenlight which is a bit silly in my opinion

>>Epic shills trying to make it out as though Steam users care about Epic

They do care - take a look at the forums

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Well depends on what your goal is. Obviously everyone wants to make money, but some people also want to make video games. Most people I imagine just see it as a way to gain financial security rather than risk it on gambling on your own ability.

It's also 20$ for about two hours, which is pretty standard for this type of Limbo/Inside/Little Nightmares sort of game. I'm sure they'll get a lot of sales when it goes cheaper or in a bundle.

Fuck guys, after i posted nevan ford twitter here he deleted it.

Another steamdrones bites the dust, i know you are reading this nevan. Stay mad you lil bitch

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this game might not sell but the next one might

instead of cashing in now he choose to build reputation and stay in good terms with the people that buy games

It's kind of sad but at least there's a lesson to be learned

I don't even think it's a lot. Epic most likely pays based on projected popularity. A non-name indie will never receive the same amount as an Ubisoft game, for instance.

However, if the article is correct it basically proves Epic has been data crawling Steam users for wishlisted games and poaches them based on the results.

At this point it is too far gone to get the exclusives on steam, from a consumer standpoint, do whatever the fuck you like, from a dev standpoint, grab the money that you are SURE to grab, the devs get money for signing up with epic right? Why would someone NOT choose a guaranteed paycheck in order to "stick it to the man"?

as a player, I dislike Epic Store trying to inconvenience me to download an inferior DRM software in order to buy and play the games I'd like to play
as an indie dev, I'd take Epic's exclusivity deal in a heartbeat, because it's a much more garanteed profit and general exposure compared to Steam which is a sea of a million shit games being released per day
hell, if I release my game on the Epic Store, I'm okay if people decide to pirate it, at that point Tim would have already handed me a check, and even still I'd probably still sell more than on Steam considering people would actually be able to find my game

Yes well i wanna make video games but i also wanna make some money. It's a nice easy way to get some more cash while learning more and more as you go.

how long do you think this goodwill will stay in people's heads?
this game was the only chance for him to profit off of it, unless he releases a new game in a week or so

Should have taken the money, he'll regret this missed opportunity the rest of his life.

*sources pending

>it basically proves Epic has been data crawling Steam users

It's a fucking public info, i swear to god. Why steamdrones are so fucking stupid?

Does this count as doxxing or just flamewar? What do you guys think?

Remember, Epic money is not enough to make you rich enough to not work anymore after 1 game.
So they made the right decision if they wanted to success in the long run.
People will remember their decision now.
And will only have good impression of them down the road.

Reddit upvotes won't pay your bills, he will learn it the hard way.

>92% positive reviews
>some reviews saying they only bought the game because they didn't sign an exclusivity deal

Yeah, I'd say he did

The only Indie Devs that bitch about not having their game selling on steam are the ones who know they made a pile of shit in the first place.
They are the same Indie Devs that Epic wouldn't give the exclusivity deal in the first place.

Not necessarily.


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he worked for 4 years on the game. and what does he have to show for it? "support" of people keeping it on their wishlist til it goes 75% off? hah, what support


this is immensely naive user
people remember the product more than the deed, it's why the borderlands series is so immensely profitable even though randy is terrible in every aspect

>NOOOO stop posting my public twitter account

I'd like to support him but his game is a 2 hour walking sim/light puzzler and is a bit overpriced at $20. I'd buy it at 10 though so I'll put it on my wishlist and grab it during a sale someday.

indie game development is like that
if you fail try and try again

how many games did notch make before minecraft?
how many games did edmund make before biding of isaac?

the answer is a shit ton

I really think you're overestimating how much/how many people give a shit.
Why would the next game sell more if the first flopped? People already knew about the Epic shit before DARQ released.
Just because people post something on a forum somewhere and maybe put the game in their wishlist, that doesn't mean they'll actually buy it at the end of the day. Games aren't sold on good will alone.


just make a game, take the epic money and shame, and then just adopted a new studio name or something. people will definitely not remember who this guy was

>The dev is thanking someone for not buying his game


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>defending the shitposter

>thread filled with one-line pro Epic posts all written in the same style
I still believe this is a genius smearing attempt by an anti-Epic guy. I'm mostly a console user these days so I don't have a horse in this race, but it's so sloppy and transparent, it has to be intentional. There's no way the guy isn't self-aware.

Hell you don't even need to change the studio name, people will forget anyways.
If Epic's exclusivity strategy fails then the devs can just sneak back onto Steam, if it succeeds they can just make more deals.

No, people with axes to grind never actually hold to their promises. Just like that "CoD2 boycott group" where everyone just ended up playing CoD2 anyway. In this case, nobody complaining about exclusives was actually going to buy this game just because it was on Steam.

He should have taken the deal. At least he'd be getting paid. He'd probably have more players too, it's not like the epic store is crowded with other indie walking sims at this point like steam is.

>I will be buying gift copies for a few of my friends
user do you need glasses?

>steam is bad because it has a bunch of games I don't like
>only "I" get to decide if a game should be sold

The average shill, everyone. Not even limited to Epic or steam. But just shills in general.

How the fuck is that any reasonable? Why even make GAMES in the first place and not something easier that pays better if you don't care if people play it, just the money you'd get?
Why do so many people think it's okay to release their games for Epic to brag about instead of releasing for people to buy and play?

Lmao, that guy didn't even buy the game

It wasn't back when the Epic launcher "accidentally" sniffed out Steam data. Also,
>Epic shills confirmed for ESL retards

You're retarded. Competition is of the essence to an open market place. Epic getting exclusivity rights is how they're stopping Steam's near monopoly on digital games.

There's absolutely nothing wrong with being a platform exclusive. You spent thousands of hours making the game, it's entirely your decision what to do with your intellectual property. Fuck 'gamers' thinking they have any kind of ownership over developers

I know you guys are just shitposting but he probably thought with that many people wishlisting it, that he had a good market. Unfortunately, he didn't know that third world apes wishlist everything in case they get something for free from steam.

>tfw pirate master race

Whoever loses, I win.

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Why are Steam drones so cringe?

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>I will be buying gift copies for a few of my friends because you can't check if I'm lying or not
>I won't by myself a copy because you can tell if I'm lying or not

>He'd probably have more players too
maybe if it was given away during free weekly game thing, but not many people use epic as their main pc game marketplace

Is this like when a game goes woke to pander to the left but the left doesn't buy the game anyways?

>Fortnite in decline
>nobody buying from EGS
I'd be surprised if EGS makes it into 2020.

Good for you, nobody cares

Ok is the game even good

Whether or not you believe him, he says he did it because he "Has a passion for games and doesn't want to ruin his reputation for short term gain"

This is going to be the real test of that.

>I may look into this game just cause of that, if i ever get the money
>I may

Haha, moral support is shit when you are risking your own money making a game.

Nope. Steam is filled with poorfags and penny pinchers. They will never buy a game for full price, let alone a Indy game unless its popular on Twitch. Should've gone with Epic since they actually believed in the game.

>implying epic offered more than a couple thousand sales worth of payment up front

Are you fucking retarded?
The dev literally asked Epic if they would put his game on their store non-exclusively, and they turned him down

>i let epic do the thing
Try not to click accept without reading so often
And get some new material

What retard
He could be rich but decided to do the wrong thing
Steamtards dont care about games but Epic Game Store cares about games and developers
This will be lesson for others to learn to not ally with Steam

If we want Epic Games to metaphorically bleed then we need to get zoomers playing something else besides Fortnite. Maybe we need to support Minecraft since that's apparently popular again.

Well, I spent hours earning my money, so it's my decision what to do with it. ;)

So my only question is did epic intentionally give him the offer right after be announced the release date on steam or was it a coincidence? I can see it working out either way, but there was no way for him to take the money without looking like a cunt at that point

>nobody buying from EGS

>Metro Exodus has sold two and a half times more copies on the Epic Games Store than Metro Last Light sold in the same amount of time on Steam.

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No need to, Fortnite is heavily dropping in popularity.

>He could be rich
how much money do you think epic was ofering user?


I'm an indie dev (don't ask me about my games, I'm gonna be user here) and while I think the idea of moneyhatting games is pretty crap for consumers, the harsh reality of making games is that most of them sell very little. If I'm offered the chance to make games without risking my savings I'll probably take it and just try to be honest when explaining why I did it.

there are a whole lot of interesting indies on Steam that you'll never know exists, it's impossible to market your game there
the only way to get buyers for your indie game is to pay youtubers to play it, or to generate some sort of controversy surrounding your game
maybe I wasn't clear with my argument, but besides money, putting your game on the Epic Store instead of Steam means that a lot more people will actually know your game exists, which translates into more people playing your game

>bite the hand that feeds you
>autistically scream loyalty to a shitty platform that steals 30% of your sales

Why would they even waste their time for a game that will have a hard time selling one thousand copies with steamdrones support on steam is beyond me

>They will never buy a game for full price
Why should I ever buy a game at full price when I have a massive backlog?

Someone post the Metro Last Light numbers. Not Redux, by the way. ;)

>Game is more hyped and more established than it's niche predecessor
>We don't know Last Light's sales
yeah, nice

the real question is why would epic offer to buy something like this?

If their platform had something to offer the devs, other than money, then it might be a different conversation. They just want to create their own monopoly. And besides, I'm not sure you can say there's a monopoly. There's Origin, Uplay, Bnet, Steam, Gog, itchio, and more platforms out there. Steam is used often because of the number of tools it offers devs, not because of a paycheck. Look up Steamworks, it's why a lot of devs gravitate toward steam.

It's usually around 80 sales per review, so that is around 1600 sales.
That's decent for 3 days.

Except for the fact that doesn't count total sales.

Absolutely stupid not to accept it. His game is the kind of game that just won't sell that much, Epic could have got him set and by the time the game needs a sequel everyone will have forgotten.

>No need to, Fortnite is heavily dropping in popularity.

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He should have taken the epic money.

>bite the hand that feeds
>by making a common and absolutely reasonable request
Ironic or not, you're mentally ill.

>Epic offers to give him money for exclusivity
>he says no to the exclusivety deal, but says he is fine putting the game on their store non-exclusively
>Epic says no
In what universe does Epic look like the good guy here?


Maybe. But not because Steam hides them. I do. I set my tags to very specific things. If I'm missing out on good indies than it's my fault.

>pcbros this far in denial
How does it feel that Sweeney is winning?

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Because it had a fairly strong media presence for a while. Looked like it was going to be another indie dev who "made it" so to speak, but obviously it's failed.

>3.5 years for 30k
thats less than minimum wage, nice

That's what happens when you're a penny pincher. You keep buying games that are on "sale" until you get overwhelmed. Stick with quality titles and have a good time finishing them.

>>bite the hand that feeds you
you thinking the pokemon plant game user
that took epic money and shat on the hand that feeds him

this is retarded user
I'm pretty sure epic just gives a safety net if the game undersells, and considering this game undersold, i imagine the dev should've taken the safety net

Again the issue is he was give the offer literally after he said, " game out on steam 8/11" or whatever.

If he hadn't gone that far then fuck yeah take the money.

The problem is that steamdrones are retarded and dont actually buy games unless they are 70% off or more.
Steam got wise to this and stopped us from using their sales as intended. The fact that steam killed their own sales should have been the first sign that its in trouble.
You dont simply disable the reason your store was so attractive to begin with unless you are in it for the money.
So we have steam whos just as in it for the money as epic but also refusing to help any sort of smaller devs unless you already made it huge like A hat in time. Their algorithms dont help either and the fact they are rolling back "no curated content" is pretty damn telling.
Its pretty fucking easy to see why most are taking the deal from the devil as soon as it arrives.

You can't wojak away the facts.

Keep in mind this is an article from 2018, so the numbers are even lower now.

Yeah, and that's why they had to delay their roadmap

Telling half truths ain't winning son.

I see that as fair. I'm working on a couple things myself and I'd likely do the same, haven't thought about it much since I doubt it'll get any traction.

Behold, the paid EGS chink shill

quick lets all wishlist shit

and that's from a chink spy sellout

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EGS is exclusively worked on in North Carolina you fucking moron

Kep in mind that concurrent viewership makes a very very small portion of the player base.
At this point most are in creative modes.

>You can't wojak away the facts.

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lol, if it gets succesful i really hope he demands a lot of cash to move it to egs when they eventually want it.

And where is it being shilled from? ;)

You really think the majority share holder, Tencent, has nothing to do with what Epic and EGS does?

and outsources their shilling to China

Well I'm sure not everyone gets the same deal, but the PP devs said even if everyone refunded their kickstarters, the game would still be in the black

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Tencent owns nothing
Tim is the one and only owner of Epic

How can one person be this stupid

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Its not just a net user.
Its a payment upfront for the deal followed by a guaranteed minimum if it doesnt meet sales.

Basically it ensures your next game is able to happen

Gee, if only Epic had a way to track user numbers. It's almost like they don't want me to see them.

tencent has a large ownership, but they aren't the majority shareholder

>if it gets succesful
It's already a failure

You are so mad right now lol

The man who runs the damn site works for Epic.
You think any of that shit is accurate?

>You are so mad right now lol

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Tencent is barely even a chinese company, it's listed on the Hong Kong stock exchange, and their largest shareholder is South African

But who is behind tencent?
You guessed it, niggers and private stock owners

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>The man who runs the damn site works for Epic.
steam spy has been around since 2012 bro

their headquarters is literally in Shenzhen
kill yourself

are you retarded?

Yeah your right, thats why valve also doesnt allow that shit

Yeah. And how does that denounce that the owner of the site works for Epic?
Are you?

daily reminder that a shitposting brazilian outed himself as an egs shill by accident complaining about minecraft and accidentally using "valve" instead of "mojang"


>man has job at company i must oppose
Maybe stop getting hung up on a logo so much friend

Imagine wasting precious braincells remembering something so trivial

No game not made by valve is exclusive to steam by valve's orders

are you sure he wasn't just a contrarian shitposter, considering minecraft's recent popularity resurgence?

the point is I think you've got your tinfoil hat on a little tight if you think they're using it to make him look bad. You can even get similar numbers on steam itself, as it draws from steam's own numbers.

>Man has job at company that wishes to undermine other company.
>Owns a site that that claims to have statistics from opposing company.
Sounds to me like he could easily fudge statistics to do his job at Epic. God known's he ain't doing his real job there.

Dev seems to be Polack or something, so far he has earned like $32000

>south americans are behind all the terrible posts (who'd have guessed after /vint/)
>wow seething lmao imagine

>unironically using the term steamdrone
>when steam doesn't have exclusive games with the exception of valve games
Are epicshills mentally retarded?

Except for the part where Steam lets me track player numbers IN REALTIME. OH NO NO NO NO

You shills don't even do your homework anymore.

In Slavland that will probably go a long way


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it's good that you go the extra mile, but the average Steam user just sees what's on the front page, which is exclusively big AAA games or the popular indies of the week
I don't deny that Valve tries to allow users to find stuff based on their preferences, but it's still not very well implemented and it'll never be able to filter through the literal thousands of games that are released every day
it's a situation that unfortunately can only be solved by limiting the amount of games you have in your store, which is what Epic does

I bet he's also behind the fact that around 30 people play this game, 2 days after release.

you need to account for regional pricing, but I suppose that's almost impossible to do
maybe it's still a lot to him, I wouldn't know

>Basically it ensures your next game is able to happen
Not for some random indie game. He was probably offered like 50 grand

Why does so many here want him to fail? He is not attacking Epic he just wanted to keep his promises.

retarded shill kill yourself. if you don't even know that it was mw2 boycott you obviously are some chink epic faggot

Nah. Games just shit and it's only pull is "rebel against Epic"

You do realize we were talking about sales not concurrent users right?
That the fucking OP has an image from steamcharts right?
Unless you are the kind of person that like t pretend superiority for knowing the base minimum of knowledge required to participate.

can you source where that info is from?

Nah undoubtedly more. 50 grand is borderline nothing in gamedev

This. I've purchased products from even uPlay and Origin because compared to Epic they actually seem to care about their consumers to a degree. Enough of a care to give users proper features. Origin Access is honestly a pretty good deal and they both offer enough community client features to feel worthwhile.

idk, his name is Wlad.

Slavs like artsy depressing shit.

>thanks for giving the middle finger to epic for me at cost to yourself random gamedev
>here are thoughts an prayers to help you on your way
That hurts

50 grand is like at least 10x more than what they made by selling on Steam

>You do realize we were talking about sales not concurrent users right?
I don't know what you schizo were assuming we were talking about, but I can ensure you it wasn't sales. It was about playernumbers from the start, you mentally deranged faggot.

but how do you know how much he made?

I'm actually amazed there are at least half a million bugmen that installed Steam and are willing to buy games like this.

I'm more out of touch with the industry than I realized, but I will continue sticking to old emulators , old RTS games and only buy modern games from Japan

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Because not only did he refuse epic's generous offer that 'helps support devs and drives competition to fight the evil steam monopoly!', he also blew their retarded narrative apart by revealing that EGS has no interest in directly competing with steam, and that they would much rather control the source to crush competition.
Aka shit a monopoly would do
Yeah, all his critics are seething chinks pissed that their money couldnt win. Just read the thread

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Yeah looks like you are right, my bad.
Have fun sperging out I suppose

Valve still goes out of their way to hide sales is what I was getting at which if anything is far more important than concurrent players considering that most of the thread os discussion the devs choice on the matter.

Whether some stupid shooter game mode stops being popular might matter to you but really doesnt to me so I mistook you earlier comment.
Sorry my guy

The guy said he is gifting it to friends that want to show support.
As in he doesnt want to support it himself just virtue signal

>Game has been out for literally a couple of days
>See it didnt sell and that's all steam's fault
BTW, what are the current sales numbers on satisfactory since that big announcement? What about wwz? Exodus?


>He's buying multiple copies with his own money to gift to his friends
>waaah he still wont support them like epic!
You fucking idiot

There are no sales numbers on steam or epic user
What platforms even show that shit?
I remember anons using nintendo software sales at one point, not sure they show that shit anymore since the switch

It is steam fault, most pc gamers are already on epic. Don't blame epic for getting every new game, it's just a better store

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>and it'll never be able to filter through the literal thousands of games that are released every day
That's what they try to resolve with that machine learning recommender in Steam Labs .

It's a really short game by a nobody dev, there's no fucking way Epic offered more than that for it

>it's a situation that unfortunately can only be solved by limiting the amount of games you have in your store, which is what Epic does
>what is Amazon?

most sales are based on the first couple of days, especially considering the positive marketing that came from denying epic exclusivity

>most pc gamers are already on epic
Really now? How many games does EGS have in total?
Not really, its just that indies like DARQ on steam have replaced what flash games on newgrounds were to us 15 years ago

You are missing the point.
He is avoiding buying it for himself because that would be easily checked from his profile unless its all hidden and I guarantee other steam users would call him out for it.
Saying hes "going to buy it later for others" is just false promises and lets him get away with saying "ill buy it i swear" with zero accountability.

The key is how he worded it.
Hes buy them the game because they want to show support.
Would he buy the game because he wants to show support?
Does he never once buy a game outside his comfort zone to support devs despite steam letting you hide games easily?

This is how much tinfoil a typical steamtard wears

the thing is that Epic pays you up-front, while paying you more per sale than Steam does, and also making it easier for users to find your game because it's not hidden under a never-ending pile of shit
Steam is great for users but terrible for small developers, while Epic is terrible for users but amazing for small developers

It's even less because steam takes 30%

How do you stay low profile after taking the deal fucking days after announcing a steam release date. That shit would have stuck with him for years

>How many games does EGS have in total?
Not that much as of right now. But since they are winning every new game will be on epic now, just wait till tommorow. You will understand

Sounds like the switch all over again
Which seems to get a shit load of exclusives I want dammit
At least Epic only gets stuff I dont care about

that's true. I remember some dev at GDC talking about how he made 15 failed games and then one good one that made him a ton of money.

then he did the right thing
most great game devs don't hit it out of the park on their first game

Most of them never bother again with another game, because they can't fucking afford it.

>He buys them the game because they want to show support, but he wont buy for himself and that means he wont show his own support that thats why he should be on epic!
Just how butthurt can you be that some no-name indie refused to bow down to chink money?
Im not denying the fact that he may never buy the game, for himself or friends and that post could be entirely virtue signalling, but you have literally no reason to be this mad

>click does not accept
>still does the thing because "it does not redestribute it"
laws 101 :
when somebody make them, it's easy for him to not follow them

this game would have more day one sales on EGS considering how their exclusivity deals work but it'll probably make more money in the long run (even considering the higher cut steam takes) just by being on multiple platforms and even if it doesn't this good PR will follow the dev to his next project and he'll have a steady career compared to how other indies taking the EGS check are doomed to either never make another game due to backlash or will bomb hard when Epic doesn't feel like paying for exclusivity again.

>hurr muh epic
Fuck off, I just cant stand virtue signalling fuckwits even if their "in my own camp"

this makes me mad, but im not a man baby. ill need to learn to accept it and maybe grow from it

then they should factor in not spending all their resources on one game by realizing what I said in my preceding post

I dont think you understand what goes along with installing software.
You already accepting their terms. Just because you cant handle that doesnt magically make it less your fault.

All you have to do is not fucking install epic

Game development is competitive as hell, and needs to be that way.
Hollow knight is a great example of that. A massive indie hit on multiple platforms with 3 dlcs and a sequel on the way, started out as some shitty flash project on newgrounds that didnt even get 5 stars
This is why Epic is bad. While it may seem nice that they pay new devs, they are actually coddling mediocrity. You dont deserve financial success, just because you made a game, it has to be good

And he has to pay taxes on top of that. So he gets less than 50%?

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>and he'll have a steady career
Thats not how it works.
A lot of indeas that are just one ore two people dont do it fulltime because they literally cant afford it.

making a game is better than working a min wage job

This is what I dont get.
Steamtards love to complain at every turn and then also abuse every single system they are given.
>dont use reviews for actual reviews just use it to virtue signal like the fucking snowflakes you are
I'm going back to 96

You think they could continue after being funded by epic shekels?

So Epic is basically gamedev welfare?

They get paid upfront and a guaranteed minimum on top of that if the sales dont hit it like expected.
If they hit it big they only get the upfront bonus from what I have heard. If they hit it big they also get a larger share especially if it was an unreal game.

Kek, took you long enough to realize it

Thats what they have always said.
Glad you caught up

>We want your game
>I already promised to put it on Steam so I'm not making it exclusive to your store, but if you want I can release it there too
>Actually our store right now can't handle your game's launch, we are still small, please understand
Managing to make Epic inadvertently admit they are not actually interested in competition like they claimed for so long to be was great, yeah. Whether Darq is a good video game that's worth buying or not is an entirely different matter.

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Make it less obvious next time.

Let's assume 30 000$
First VAT(Note i assume valve cut take places after VAT. But i am not sure about it), around 20% on average.
24 000$ then valve cut 30%
We now have 16 800, then income tax which should be around 15% and we have 14280$

3 years for 14280$, and i was generous with my assumptions. Fucking rekt

>muh Yea Forums is one person meme
Try again.

Reminder that 500,000 of those were just the EGS buyout deal and the remainder are the actual sold copies.

>i dont understand marketing 101
They arent accepting it without the exclusivity deal because that is them giving out store space for no good reason.
By having more and more exclusives it drives more users to that particular store. The more users that end up there the higher chances of having 1 or 2 that stick around.

Having a game thats not exclusive doesnt force users looking for that type of product to their platform in the same way. Epic wont waste bandwidth on a no name dev without a deal in place. Thats it

can someone edit a deal or no deal gif where there are only two cases left. The player is the darq dev and banker is sweeny who offers him $500k. He declines the offer and gets $14k from the last case he picks.

middle easter woolie


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But I thought EGS wanted to help game devs and indie devs? Isnt that the popular narrative-to finance and help those poor no-name indie games that get buried under other hopeless shovelware on steam and never see the light of day? So why turn them down then?

I don't know if it was the right thing or not but he exposed Tim Sweeney as a hypocrite bitch (yet again).

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Remember user, its a lie if it doesnt help the narrative

>store space
it’s just ones and zeros

Swiney also said this. What's your point?

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Because they wouldnt turn steam down.
Epic knows exactly what its doing because its how it works in damn near every business.
How do you think microsoft became the dominant force, by playing nice?

This website's data has been a crapshot ever since Steam store got updated to comply with GDPR.

That push other ones and zeros further down in the list. Which is steams major issue, no curation so everything is buried as soon as its released. Most users wont scroll through an infinite pile of ones and zeros forever, hell most dont even go to page 2 of lists

That's all fine and good, except Tim Sweeney's response is clearly in the category of being dishonest about their intentions. I wouldn't give a fuck if he just explicitly stated that he's not willing to take offers that don't take their exclusivity deal, but the way he words his refusal makes it sound as if he has no choice in the matter. "...where we can only accommodate a small number of releases" is bullshit. Just say you don't want what Darq's dev offered if it doesn't take the exclusivity, it is that damn simple. Sweeney is too far into his pathological lying to stop himself even his faking is so bad no one buys his crap anymore.

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see what I said here since I dont want to type more
If its not exclusive its not worth the chance of pushing exclusives down the store list

>no curation so everything is buried as soon as its released
This literally isn't true tho, you dumb mother fucker.
Good job parroting the retarded rhetoric brought forth by faildevs trying to sell visual poetry to an audience that doesn't exist.

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>I wouldn't give a fuck if he just explicitly stated that he's not willing to take offers that don't take their exclusivity deal,
But that's not right, he does for a games that are wothy of space on egs.

>Tim Sweeney
>Not lying about anything he can whenever he needs to to suit his narrative
Pick one.

>Its how it works
In game development, yes. EA is a stunning example of this-buying out gamedev teams to produce cash cows, wringing them dry, then canning them. This is also what MS did.
But Steam and EGS are storefronts. Outside of grants and other publicity shit, they dont influence game development in any way. So the comparisons dont work

Having over a 1000 releases per month is the definition of being buried under shit.
They failed updating algorithms more than once and it didnt help their case with scared indies.
If you arent going to make sure that small devs are comfortable on your store what worth is the store at that point aside from large releases?

The fact that steam is walking back on "no curation" is proof enough they know their experiment failed because if it didnt fail they wouldnt be changing things

I was talking about business as a whole user.
Not just game dev and sales

>Make the morally correct choice by not giving into a greedy and strong-arming company that literally gives zero fucks about the consumer base.
>Said consumer base doesn't care and you get double fucked over. Shit sales and zero franchise longevity, effectively strangling your career in the crib.

Steam drones WILL defend this. The only reason you don't like the epic store is because your too fucking lazy and stupid to make another account.

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You're completely ignoring my point. You're not telling me anything new, I understand their business model. What I'm arguing is why not be upfront about it. Why does Sweeney feel the need to keep hiding that intent behind layers of bullshit like "we are the good guys" and "we can't accommodate it" instead of they simply not WANTING to. Just say you don't want to.

So what do you suggest-randomly pick out selective bits of shit and upgrade them to golden shit? Because that's what egs has been doing
Games like Darq, ooblets and Shenmue 3 would've released with thousands of other summer projects. Thus, they wouldve needed something to set them apart from the rabble, to make them unique and different, to make them worth purchasing and playing. Aka competition

He promised his backers steam keys.

It's almost like games are supposed to be good for one to want to buy them, huh?

>What I'm arguing is why not be upfront about it
What I said is they are.
Tim said they have a curated selection of "good" games.
Then we find out he means that they will have a curated selection of "good" games
Why are you not able to figure this out?

Agreed. Doesnt change the fact that Swiney is a lying faggoty piece of shit who cant even keep his PR straight.
Its not foul if you get caught. He did, multiple times, and yet each time, he chose to double down like a fucking retard

EGS really isn't doing anything to help those devs either because releasing on their storefront just isn't an option unless you can prove that you already have a following for your game and they clearly don't want your game if you plan on selling it on a market as wide as possible.
Also it is just a matter of time until epic store becomes over saturated as well, the early gold rush days never last.

>expecting too much from those retards
fucking this. these retards don't even know how to properly suck corporate cock

>the early gold rush days never last
Thats kind of the point of striking while the irons hot

they came to him and wanted to give him money

Following interest in games and deciding to poach devs based on social interaction is hardly "randomly picking shit"
Other than that yeah pretty much

>Game gets offered exclusivity deal
Which means they've already cleared all those curation filters, you inbred.
They qualified to be on EGS. They got turned down because they also wanted to be on steam. How the fuck can you defend that?

>Products need to be in one store to compete with each other

how do you function with that iq?

So how much longer till Gabens dorito fueled conga line falls apart and valve has to start trying again?

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Steam drones don't actually exist lmao

You dont understand what curation means.
Its epics criteria they have to meet, not the other way around.
One of those is exclusivity unless your a AAA that can meet tim on his own ground

> epic bad
> steam good
> 1.7 hrs
> 0.2 hrs
> 0.3 hrs

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>>Products need to be in one store to compete with each other
That's the EGS narrative, fuckwit. They refused to take a game that they felt was worth buying out(aka good) because the dev wanted to release it on steam as well as them, ie not exclusively
Did you understand that with your room temperature iq?

Steam collectors that don't even play games are the most furious about epic, no suprise there

I fucking WISH steam would change the review system.
Fuck if your reading heres my plan for it.

No buy no review.
If you buy you can leave a star rating after launching the game for at least half an hour.
If you play for several hours you can leave a full text review.

Fucking done

Probably once he dies

So then you admit that whole bullshit Sweeney keeps repeating about letting go of their exclusivity deals once Steam starts giving devs a larger percentage cut is crap, and he is in fact lying one way or another.

There's also the fact that the process went like this: You offer a dev money so he puts his game on your store. Dev turns it down if it involves the exclusivity you asked for. You then excuse yourself by saying games on your store are curated. It is quite obvious Darq already passed the curation process if it got offered the money in the first place, so suddenly bringing in curation as the reason not to take it no longer applies.

Keep coping.

You really dont know what curated means user

>Tim Sweeney suddenly decided the grapes are actually sour

damn, my guess is this games all time sales will be around 2000 including the game being on sale, a number pulled out of my ass, take around 15-20k dollars wich would be a high estimate.

If epics offer was 50k or above i would have sold out hard.

Nope. Steamlets don't buy games. They refund them.

its curation, but not a curation of good games

So, curation isnt meant to assure quality? Does that mean the store is literally full of wishlist trash that sold out to epic?
Which is exactly what EGS is. Makes sense, you're right

oh so you’re the genius who bought the game? Game just looks like Limbo to me

>He did the right thing by sticking with his morals, but in the end, it cost him. You can sometimes do nothing wrong, and still not win.

I don't fault devs for taking the Epic deals. It isn't bad business. I'm not playing any Epic store games though because I don't want to have to create another account for another store.

I am coping by stating a well known fact? Okay

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Oof... look at this dude
But props to him for taking the path least travelled.

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The dev seems like an okay guy, why not just ask him how many copies he sold so far?

I made an account just to grab the free games on offer every week. I have no intention of giving them any money and all the info I used to sign up with is fake.

They said they would only allow "good" games to enter the curation process, not that being good was the process.
Theres a pretty big difference between the two.

Thats what I've been trying to say but the other user is going crazy.
Why would they aloow something thats not exclusive to push an exclusive down on the store list?
Thats what they mean by curation of their store.
They mean managing it in a way that maximizes profit, now just let anyone toss something up there because its "good"
This really is business basics

>he didn't know that third world apes wishlist everything
If that's the case then being in the top 50 still has value. If every game is wishlisted in a given user's account, then it pretty much zeroes out completely. A game rises or falls from a top number when users wishlist some games and not others. You aren't very bright, are you?

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Hey Yea Forums you have to tell your Chinese to fuck off.

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What's right is up to your own interpretation, for the developer it was declining an exclusivity deal presumably so players can enjoy his games on other websites, at a large financial loss for declining the offer.

If I'm remembering correctly there was a patreon funded game that pissed off its own patrons by becoming Epic exclusive just recently. Props to him I guess for trying to convenience gamers and trying to maintain a positive rep.

judging by OP image, neither does him

Ok, fine. You are right. It most likely means the game needs to meet Epic's criteria. If that's the case, it still further proves my point that games on the EGS being exclusive purely to make the big bad Steam give larger cuts was crap. You are still acknowledging Tim being a liar about what their intention is.

>as a player, I dislike Epic Store trying to inconvenience me to download an inferior DRM software in order to buy and play the games I'd like to play
Glad you also have a problem with Steam then. Oh wait no you don't because you've acquired a taste of gaben dick that you can't live without.

Yea Forums is not real world.

for me it is the only world i have

>early days
epic is on the market for 5+ months now


What's your fucking point?

Didn't have much value for this guy, now did it?

So what?
There were 3 years between the first big indie release on Steam (Braid) and Greenlight.

>there are a whole lot of interesting indies on Steam that you'll never know exists, it's impossible to market your game there
I regularly open steam store, open up the search bar, filter out games I already own and sort the games by positive reviews descending.
If I see something interesting I buy it. All you need to do for me to see your game is make it not shit so it has good user reviews.

>no one cares
that's what you want it to be, stay mad

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I don't deny that, just mentioning that there is in fact some logic in assuming that a good wishlist position indicates good chances of selling a fair amount. Whether it actually happens or not is likely down to other variables.

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I bought it, beat it and refunded the game.
I thought Epic said they only take in quality games, so why did they want this sub 2 hour walking simulator?

>get offered free money
>say no and virtue signal to try a reverse ooblets
>trending on steam but not best selling
>probably never get offered free money again
>darq probably sells less than ooblets with a worse revenue split on top

He had a winning lottery ticket and threw it away.

>1-15 of 60 active topics
looks like every other person who bought this did it just to make a thread about hating epic

It's almost like ooblets had more devs, more budget and a bigger following than this game before any of this.
They were at fucking E3, my dude.

Yep, lottery ticket right here alright.

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>It's almost like ooblets had more devs
Yeah, two is bigger than one

he didn't virtue signal, he acted on his virtue you brainlet

Not a single guy from these thread bought this game

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>F-fuck epic am I rights gaiz
>pls buy game
>no one buys game

notice how steamshills cower from the face of facts and logic

Never based your decision on what this shithole said. B2B deal is far more stable for no name indie dev.
Gamers are forgetful, retarded, and have no standard. Just ask sony and nintendo.

>believing this shit
lamo, how gullible can you be?

What virtue? The virtue of not receiving free money?
What a moron

I don't care, learn what the thing you write means or shut up fucking moron.

Translation: They didn't offer him very much

>Never based your decision on what this shithole said
There are a lot of people here saying he should have taken the deal, so you're saying he should not have taken it? Like he decided?

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>he's lying he's lying
>meanwhile let me make these fake tweets of sweeney saying he supports Hong Kong police
steam cucks are truly pathetic

>acting on it and signalling it afterward are somehow mutually exclusive

You dummy.

Yeah, those digital shelves are just so packed.

When you've got fucking Nathan Grayson and Jason Shillreier on your side you just know you're wrong.
Seriously, how the fuck can Epicfags ever deal with being on their side?

I respect it immensely and think the guy's based as fuck, a lot of people like to believe they'd pick integrity and not actively shitting on their own reputation over money but actually being at that point is a different story.

Nah, I always complain EGS giving freeshits to indie dev. I'm the real Yea Forums. Those guys are phonies.

It's you who needs to learn dumbass. Look up what virtue signalling means

You're... you're not the hacker known as Yea Forums, are you?

It just means this guy was probably already rich or well-off so the money was not that important

If I was a developer I would just take the money and fuck everyone else off, looking at the current numbers as of now and how the game is doing, is just sad. All that time and effort trying to make your game and all you get are some guys on the internet with nothing better to do with their lives complaining about another launcher getting installed on their computers acting as if it's the end of the world, saying how I have "integrity" and how i'm fighting the good fight, when in the grand scheme of things, all that shit doesn't really matter because getting praised on the internet isn't going to pay for the bills and eventually you find yourself in debt regretting why just didn't take the money in the first place.

Lmao pretty much

Virtue signalling is the popular modern habit of indicating that one has virtue merely by expressing disgust or favour for certain political ideas or cultural happenings.

Turning down million dollars to honor your promise is not virtue signalling, even if you plaster the whole town boasting about what you did. Kill yourself you humonuous faggot.

Are you in for the money or do you want people to actually play your game?

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PRC NPC simulator when?

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That was... a long time ago. Now I'm reformed man. You can call me, 4Channel.

I want people to play my game. The more recognition the better chance I can get a job at a AAA team.

Exclusivity has no place in the PC market unless its a first party game staying on its developer/publisher platform.

Rebel Galaxy Outlaw and Mechwarrior 5 looked neat but the fucking jews sold out to EGS

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Oh yea it is retard. He literally even said it himself. Try again steam cuck lord

but that's free DLC when you buy anything from the epic store, user

Too bad no one cares what you think has a place or not.
Get shit on

You're not supposed to deep throat the whole boot like that, subhuman.

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>No one cares what you dumb customers think
>W-wait please by my game I can't afford rent
What the customer thinks is the ONLY thing that matters

>even if you plaster the whole town boasting about what you did.

And still wrong that you had to make up your definition instead of just copying and pasting. Maybe practice what you preach about looking up what it means.

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I have to admit that's pretty based. Like, he's a little faggot, but that particular post is based.

>Stick to your morals and be broke vs selling out and having some money in your pocket

I hope morals get his fulfillment at his cashier job

I don't know any of these people, I'm assuming my life is richer for it.

Answer our lord and savior you filthy drone

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>You literally cannot be successful unless you sell out to EGS

So how much are they paying you to post here?

looks awfully lot like those "progressive" virtue-signalling stuff. they cry very loud but nobody's buying.

I look up at normal websites, not some nigger google blurb. That definition literally applies to saying anything.

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The answer is nothing prohibits them. They can either deal with Steam's tax or they can sell out to EGS for their little Faustian check and be reviled by their consumers for the rest of time. Just hope they negotiate a big check cause they aint gonna see much more than that

You can sure, but you would be more successful with epic. Welcome to the future, steam is a no go for new games now

It's what he wanted to do with a thing that he made.
Only Tim "Red Dawn" Sweeney would argue that's wrong.

It's really hard to be a successful indie game. Who gives a fuck about your morals if you are just gonna waste 3.5 years of your life for 2500 sales versus getting guaranteed safety net.

Also imagine being such a cuck you bat for your company team whether its epic or steam. Yikes

do you know who is behind tencent? the chinese communist party. you are NOT doing business in china without the government having full access to 100% of your data


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you do realize 40% pretty much means you have total control over the company right
not only do you have councilors on the board of directors, you also have the power to completely ruin the company by selling your shares.
your naive view of "less than 50% means they have zero input" is incredibly shortsighted

>meanwhile Risk of Rain 2 outsold everything on Epic other than the big dicks like Cyberpunk and Borderlands within a week


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> you are NOT doing business in china without the government having full access to 100% of your data

Well, then valve is also providing your data to chinese government as well. No one gives a fuck, what is your point exactly?

go figure 90% of the people defending epic are uneducated brainlet and literal shills
the other 10% are shitposters

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>then valve is also providing your data to chinese government as well. No one gives a fuck, what is your point exactly?

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>is escaping the 30% steam tax a privilege reserved only for games made by powerful corporations
apparently so because you can't even get into the egs without exclusivity deals as an indie

Its not if you just make a good game. FTL, Shovel Knight, Lisa, SMB, Undertail. All indies who were plenty successful because they put out a quality title.

Only in your insane, jew, grifter imagination is EGS some ticket to success. It literally alienates a huge chunk of your potential buyers just by going to that platform

First risk of rain sold a million copies. Kinda easy to be successful after that.

>game good enough to accomodate as long as it's an exclusive
>no longer good enough when it's not
Sweeney is such a scumbag.

You fucking retard, Valve doesnt operate in China. You think every country or business that DOES business with China has to hand over all of their data? How fucking stupid are you?

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So they very top 1 percent of games? Live in reality for a minute. Not every game is going to be Hollow knight, FTL and undertale. Look at steam and look at all the failed indie games. When you're potential buyers are 0 you are still going to make 0 dollars

>I'd like to support him but his game is a 2 hour walking sim/light puzzler and is a bit overpriced at $20
he should have taken epic cash baka

There are 3 indie games currently sitting in the top 10 top selling list.

Dicey Dungeons
Oxygen Not Included

Tim sweeney is the controlling shareholder of epic which means he is the on making decisions. Board is here only to advise him.
Selling shares won't ruin anything, do you even fucking understand how selling shares of a private company works? Because i know you don't.

i get where he's coming from, but DARQ does not excite me. I've seen it before, in fact, the guy crying about making video games still gets threads on here because no one bought his game. Looks just like this. When the first indie dev pulled it off, yeah it sold like hotcakes and everyone loved it. But when you see the same themes over and over again, it loses its magic.

I wish him the best, but he should have gambled with Epic. Maybe his game is great and word of mouth will bring in fresh eyes, but right now, all I'm seeing is a yikes.

>So they very top 1 percent of games?

Yes, welcome to a free market oversaturated with a product to the point where only the best games will get exposure or sales. It has literally always been like this, it was worse in the 90s zoomer.

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Then make a good game, its not that hard. Literally you have free advertisement. Youtube has thousands of people streaming literal who indie games every day trying to find a hook. The absolute worst Steam does to stop Indies is have their games potentially buried under a sea of other titles.

Meanwhile EGS alienates a large swath of your buyer base and just justifies people who engage in piracy while getting far less free press because most folks dont want to appear to be supporting the EGS fucks ruining the pc market.

Most people are not capable of making a good game, only a dumbass would be so full of himself that he would believe his shit cobbled in spare time will be the next FTL.

I'm just applying steamdrones logic into this. Not my fault that it turn out to be retarded

Watched the trailer because he drummed up news like this. Looks like a one trick boring puzzle game. Very pretty though. But I think he made a mistake. He speaks as if he's protecting his 'legacy' but I think he vastly overestimates the amount of money he'll make from this.

no you arent applying any logic at all but nice cute attempt at recovering from your major yikes retard

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>EGS fucks ruining the pc market
Saving it, not ruining it.

ONI is Klei, very reputable dev
Dicey Dungeons is from creator of VVVVV and Super Hexagon, good track record
Rimworld is mega hit 1 in trillion

you are retarded and have zero idea of what youre talking about

DARQ is literally nothing special and its incredibly niche on top of that, if he was expecting gangbuster sales, he should have made something else, or sell out to Epic but still sell next to no copies cause its a game everyones already seen before. LIMBO

They're probably faking sales by counting the money EPIC invested as copies sold. Kinda like Jay Z and Beyoncé faked numbers for their shitty album.

if the EGS was so good, why do devs have to be paid to use it?

>EGS alienates a large swath of your buyer base and just justifies people who engage in piracy while getting far less free press because most folks dont want to appear to be supporting the EGS fucks ruining the pc market
imagine believing this. guess what all those "gaming sites" are reporting on.

What a worthless conversation you have corporation dick so far up your ass you are diluting any of sort of discussion. Like I said before imagine batting for steam, egs or any corporation for that matter yikes

that's exactly what i was thinking of.

plus, i just read the only negative review on steam and the game is roughly about 2 hours long. $20 for DARQ with 2 hours (hell let's just triple that to be safe and say 6 hours) or $20 for Yakuza 0 which i have almost 400 hours in?

please enlighten me, i want to have a good laugh

>outsold everything on Epic other than the big dicks like Cyberpunk and Borderlands within a week
Nigga, if any game on EGS broke a million sales they would have been screaming about it for days.

>ONI is Klei, very reputable dev

and indie

>Dicey Dungeons is from creator of VVVVV and Super Hexagon, good track record

Still indie

>Rimworld is mega hit 1 in trillion

annnnnnddd its Indie

Having previous exposure doesnt suddenly make you non indie dipshit

>Coddles mediocrity
>Financial success to garbage games
>Lowes the lowest common denominator because any fuckwit with a cobbled shitty code that has a wishlist presence can try for an epic payout
>Saving it
Yeah no, fuck off. Boring mediocre garbage should be treated as thus

You are fucking retarded jesus christ

>Neither Borderlands or Cyberpunk broke 1 million sales yet, or in a decent enough amount of time worth bragging over

No wonder the shills are in full damage control, daddy sweeny is probably whipping them

>$20 for DARQ
this is what I think the dev dropped the ball on. they should've made it much cheaper and hope the "metoo"ers spend their spare cash just because "it's the right thing to do".

>gets btfo
>"hurr you're retarded"

absolutely pathetic

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So? Risk of Rain is also indie, did I ever state otherwise? Past success makes future success significantly easier, giving examples of games from established devs as examples of how easy it is to make money on Steam as a first time dev is not so smart. That was my point, you following or do I need to draw a comic?

And you're trying to downplay this as one corporation vs another, its not. Its corporate greed vs consumer rights. Exclusivity is anti consumer as it comes and it was something relegated to console games before EGS started throwing its money around. If it wanted to be competitive it could have made a store front that compete with Steam by being a better value prospect. It could have taken the supposed benefit to the devs and return that value to the consumer with cheaper price tags. But it didnt. EGS is trying to buy out the market and quite literally standardize the notion taking games from people.


I mean yes I'm pretty sure Darq is shit but can you zoom your open world ass somewhere else?

He says they are using their past successes you fucking smooth brain

90% of people who buy indie games dont fucking know who the devs are or will even remember them, people only pay attention to the ones they really like or the popular ones everyone talks about

Did he use Unreal Engine 4? If so there's an additional 5% gone, and that's from gross revenue

Actually it's profit for developer profits vs zoomers outrage culture.

past successes dont mean shit for small indie devs, when they are entirely forgettable in the ocean of games and devs, same reason why this "people will remember that" when cucks sell out to Epic wont work unless they are already known, lie low, let the heat die down, and get back to it cause no one will even remember the name of your company let alone your game.

>And you're trying to downplay this as one corporation vs another

I need to leave this thread before I have a aneurysm. Exclusivity is anti consumer when its a 400 fucking dollar investment and not a 50mb download. I don't know how people can unironically cry about EGS when steam has been anti consumer since its existence

I'd like to see the numbers on that, cause as far as we know EGS is handing on checks that are more than the Devs expect in actual game sales. Is a non sustainable business strategy and all Steam has to do is exist to counter it.

$20 bucks for a 2 hour experience is a ripoff compared to what other games for the same price or similar will offer, fuck off retard

Even if 90% don't care, the 10% is enough. They will shill and post about your game everywhere, The game journos are 70 times more likely to cover your shit. Also "from creator of X" is a lot more enticing than "from a total nobody, just like 60 other games releasing today".

>Make shitty vaporware game
>Sell it to EGS
>they buy it like dumbfucks and pay me to keep it there.

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>when steam has been anti consumer since its existence
How are they being anti consumer now?

>one has all the features people have been used to for almost a decade now
>the other doesnt even have a shopping cart

Thats why its anti consumer.

>want to play this game? you HAVE to use this completely inferior platform that has less features than launch day Steam

You are a cuck or a shill

his account probably just got closed by the government for posting a profile pic with a cigarette

>Its just a download bro

No its just introducing console exclusivity to a market that doesn't want it then crying victim when it naturally retaliates. Steam has its problems, sure and healthy competition is great. But this isn't healthy competition its abuse of capitalism.

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b-but based Tim said no bad games on EGS

Cope faggot

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meant for

i wasn't try to speak to the quality of the games, but the quantity for the price. So yeah, it's fucking relevant. 2 hours is less time than some movies. I think he should have sold the game for 10 bucks and call it good. I guarantee you that price point is what's keeping people from pulling the trigger.

Assuming the Mordhau side is accurate it's still not enforced by Valve

gamersgate still exists?

Of course he did, he still has a potential for a career and to make more games. Those that took egs deals don't have that potential naturally, they have to do something fucking exceptional to earn it cause they're fucked otherwise from now on

>m-muh key resellers

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>Even if 90% don't care, the 10% is enough

Unless that 10% is a popular streamer then all that means is that at best it will have a cult following, and not sell anything. This leads to again, just flat out making a great game, people will buy it, this is proven time and time again with rare sad exceptions (Titanfall 2)

You mean MHW which is only playable from steam and you can only buy a steam key which forces you into the steam ecosystem

ok buddy, user was right this shit is zoomer outrage nobody over 17 can be this dumb

>Missed out on Bitcoin
>Missed out on sell shovelware to EGS
Damn, I will never catch a get rich quick train.

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Nobody cares if you're an Epic Exclusive, especially as a new IP.
If the game is good enough, people will be it regardless of how shit a store is.
The reason people Shenmue 3 and Ooblets got shit on because they lied to their backers.

>one of them pays and forces the game to their platform
>the other is where the devs WILLINGLY chose to release their game to one platform

hmmmm these dont seem quite the same...

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>Steals 30% of your money
You can generate and sell the keys on your own website. 100% will be yours. You dumb chink. I bet you can't do that with epic

So let me ask this; why the fuck should I care about the game devs themselves?

>Most of them are SJWs
>They love monetizing the shit out of full priced games.
>Notoriously engage in shitting on their customers at the first sign of criticism
>Cry about 'crunch' because they feel like they should be the one industry on the planet where workers get treated right despite the fact that literally all they do is press buttons all day

I pirate, and when I dont pirate; I buy from G2A just to spite these left wing cucks.

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his game is a huge success. its at $20 dollars and sold at least over 5k copies, probably closer to 10k. you guys just dont follow how indie games progress over time and you cant tell whats a successful game from an unsuccessful one in the first few days. most really successful games (i.e. celeste) have around 100-200 on day 1 at $15, this guys games has 200+ reviews on day 3 at $20, so its really good. itll likely go to make unironically over a million dollars over time

You would have to somehow convince everybody to buy from your website and not on steam. Good luck with that.

>people will pirate it regardless of how shit a store is


Should mention many will just wait for the exclusive deal to time out. EGS is genuinely failing.

>Remembering that old retsupurae video of them joking about Bitcoin and thought it was just another business fad
>Turns out some dude turned $7 into 200k while i'm stuck as a wagecuck 10 years later
I-Is it too late to jump on the investment train?

>yet another "dark" indie platform game that looks like it's art style is ripped right out of Limbo and Tim Burton

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Every time I see this image, I still find it hilarious that every woman here is 40+ years old.

big brain on this guy, unironically
it will probably earn him more or less what epic would offer, without reputation hit

source: am pixelshit developer

It's fascinating to me that yellow fever retards cannot even fathom that not everyone digs a downie looking face like they do.

>They are too inept to make a working store front despite multiple existing as a model of how its done
>Literally buys out games and steals them from people who dont want Tencent Adware on their machine

Why are they so determined to have bad press? If they wanted to be the good guys they should make a rule that no game on their platform can have loot boxes (Which almost no one uses anymore anyway) or partner with the devs selling out to them to be like "Hey EGS gave us all this money and thats why were able to add X, Y and Z features to the game"

It really feels like EGS has no grasp of the industry they are attempting to muscle into. Like its a board room full of suits who cant understand why people are angry and chop it up to internet trolls

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im an indie dev too. from what i heard epic offers small indies like him around 200k so he made the right choice

No one cares about this game. It's just another excuse to demonize Epic and China

>It's just another valid reason to demonize Epic and China


China deserves to be demonized you insectoid

I don't understand how these threads can always be so consistently boring and pointless.

for mordhau to be sold on other stores the dev first needs to generate some steam keys to be sold
he doesn't want to do that, so only steam remains

You can't be buried under shit if you are also shit.
Most indie devs claiming they can't succeed on steam are the same pieces of shit that couldn't even get past Steam's piss poor curation of Steam Greenlight.

If nobody wanted your shit in the first place why would you think you deserve front page when they stopped Curating the store?

>hurr durr me no like how company does business
Then don't use it retard
It's a video game company dumbass. Take your /pol/ shit back to /pol/ you white trash

any under the radar game turning down these deals is crazy and naive. That said, the sales of AAA games and sleeper megahits(like minecraft and pubg) will make or break epic store, nobody cares about indie-shit that would be lucky to break 100k sales on either store.

You brought up china yourself Wang

>Then don't use it retard

I dont lmao

>inb4 hurr durr dont bitch then

You are cucked as fuuuuck take your L zoomer

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Epic isn't striking while the iron is hot.
They are striking while the iron was already molded into a object and ready for branding.
They strike when the work is over.

Absolute retards

1 social credit score has been added to your account

We haven't had a good Epic yoink in a while.

Wait for Gamescom. If Bannerlords gets announced for the EGS then these threads are going to go absolute platinum.

Have a game nobody wants? Accept the deal
Have a game that everybody wants? Don't accept the deal.

It's that simple.

assuming 80 sales per review thats 16320 sales, $228,480 after a 30% cut. Thats pretty good for 3.5 years of work. Not to mention having a game like this on your portfolio could land you a really good position working on a bigger game, not like any of you retards would consider that though

nice meme, steam cuck. Not like the 100th time it's been done or anything

no man we gotta fight the EGS menace for justice

Epic does not prevent selling games either. Generally indie devs simply don't bother selling their games elsewhere simply because it's not easy, nor much more profitable. Which is why comparing fucking ashen to monster hunter world was just an attempt to create narrative. And you sheep's just follow.

Yeah. But the 10% who do know the devs decide whether they are worth looking out for. Because they are the one's running the store front. They are the ones doing their jobs.

What if you have a game that some people want?

But doesn't steam has currated lists?

It does, though it's rotated/ran out/lost stuff they used to sell there.
Considering it's one letter away from oh fuck me status, it's surprising they didn't fold or rename though, yeah.

Or if that 10% are people who run the store.

Those games don't exist. Everyone always jumps on the bandwagon.

Then how did the David cage movies get on there?

>Epic does not prevent selling games either
yes it does. epic doesn't have game key functionality at all.

Pretty much. But it's smart business on the part of Epic because they probably can't afford to buy out a big game like Death Stranding but with multiple indies they can build a decent library of unique games

what do you mean "run the store"? valve employees cant mess around with the store and give out favors to developers they like

Most people bought this game to leave "epic bad review" so that rule does not apply there, as of now I don't think he even sold 3k of copies. 30 000$ lifetime gross revenue ism assumption, which leaves him with 15000 after taxes and steam cut. 15000$ after 3 years of work

atleast you admit you are used to seeing it shill

pasta or actually retarded?

Did he even put it on any other platform?

What am I saying, of course you're retarded.

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>make a good game, its not that hard.
People really believe this shit.

They can if they sell. and when the games sell they can contact steam to advertise their games. They do this for "Publisher"/"developer" Sale banners on the front page and your News box on steam.

So how developers sell their games from epic on fanatical,humble,gmg, razor shop and others? By the power steamdrones butthurt?

Just sell your game DRM free retard

i see nothing wrong with that, you wouldnt advertise things that dont have or show potential

Lol. Cope, steam faggot

yea but thats if the game sells. your game wont sell more because in your last game 3 years ago you were nice to your customers. indie games are very meritocratic and people dont really remember developers that much at all. tons of indie devs who release successful games go on to release games that fail pretty hard next if those games arent good

Stop projecting, retard

>hes still replying

You already lost chang, take a seat bucko. Better luck next thread kek

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What a fuck up. lol. I hope the CEO gets fired for rejecting Epic's offer. Pack up and move to the ghetto.

Because they have a deal made with them. They don't sell you keys, they just direct you to the epic page once you made a payment.
For this reason epic exclsuive games will never see discounts like with steam. They will always be the exact same price as the store.
you dummy

Its one dude

You should suck on this chang

>Say you'll release game on X platform(s)
>Get offered by company for exclusivity deal
>Turn them down and release games on platform(s) you said they'd be on

I fail to see the problem here. If the developer didn't want the money from epic then what's wrong with that?

What the fuck are you taking about you moron. You can get epic keys on G2A. Steamdrones are mentally ill, but that's nothing new.

Nothing wrong, this is just your every day steam cuck meltdown thread
Epic bad

Incels trying to get a laugh thinking the dev burned millon dollars, when in reality everything points to him making the right call.

do you get off on this shitposting

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Nothing. There's absolutely nothing wrong with homelessness. He did a good thing.

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What? if anything Epic shills have been enraged since the news that they feel the need to damage control.

Yea right. There's not a single soul on this website who gives a shit about this game
Go suck on gabe's nipples

Did he take a mortgage out on his house or something to fund the development of the game? These one man games are usually made in their free time so living expenses probably aren't a problem since I imagine he's probably got a day job.

Your conceptions of indie game development are absolutely retarded.

Wasn't there an insie dev who took a mortgage on his house?
But yes. In fact the actual reason why this gauy didn't take money is probably because he's already well-off so the money is not as appealing

You clearly do since you're still seething about it

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This thread isn't even about this game
Go back to sucking gabe tities

Please grow up.

>muh hidden gems argument
This is such a fucking copout argument. There will ALWAYS be games that a person would enjoy but never see. That's fucking life. It's hilarious and utterly sad to obsessed over 'could haves' rather than what's in front of you. Such a entitled, spoiled behaviour. If you haven't cleared out your library/backlog at the very least, you've got no business in talking about hidden gems.

Since 2016. 30% steam tax. The game was $20.

That's the way it is on epic as well anyway.
People don't go there to browse for shit, and the storefront doesn't even seem to want you to. They go there to get something they already heard about elsewhere like borderlands.
The actual difference between the two is that maybe, maybe you'll get seen on steam due to a random rec or getting popped into discovery queue.
On epic, you'll simply sit there with your one time payment in renminbi and never get noticed again. And only that if Sweeney thinks your game will bring great glory him and to the party.

If the game wasn't worth a shit in the first place people wouldn't buy it to start with.
Indies bitching about being stuck under shit were the same people who couldn't get their game passed the Peer reviewed Greenlight program.
Those games were trash from the start and didn't sell because of it. Blaming Steam for no curation now wouldn't have let those games on steam then when it did have curation.

If your game is bad it will remain bad no matter how many people get to see it.

not sure why you replied to me but i agree with you

EGS would be perfectly fine alternative if it didn’t associate itself so strongly with the filthy fucking chinksects.

Honestly, even if they weren't 40% owned by Tencent. The practices they pull with the exclusives and terrible unsecured storefront already make me hate Epic. Doesn't help that Tim can only Parrot "12/88" all day as some sort of auto defense against any criticism the storefront gets.

>game constantly crashes after a few minutes
>genius user makes it so you either seem like a bot giving a one star with 0.5 hours played or make you play past the refund window just to tell everyone it's broken

it's not nice to lie to random people on the internet, user.

I'd like to say that doesn't actually happen, but I've had several indies that wouldn't play right no matter what the fuck I tried.
All I'd want is a mandatory character count to cut down on the shitty buttmuncher/10 "humor" reviews. If you're gonna post bullshit instead of a real review, at least copy/paste some nice ASCII art for me.