This whore keeps giving your daughter pastries at school and making her overweight, what do you do?
This whore keeps giving your daughter pastries at school and making her overweight, what do you do?
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ask her to stop
thank her profusely
Give both of them some of my own "pastries" to eat... if you know what I mean.
Shut up mom.
Not an option in the game
They sound like good friends.
You guys haven't lived until you've had pastries baked by Japanese schoolgirls.
Prepare a more physical training regiment for your daughter or make her eat less and slap your butler for not doing anything.
Start seeing her less and less each year.
My dauther rarely sees friends it's mostly just after class meetings
Murder her and bake her into pastries.
Stop fatshaming you bigot
Thank her and the engineer.
What engineer?
The one that says youre ugleh
This bitch won't stop
Do they fuck?
Play along when? We haven't had a good Princess Maker play along in a long while.
You can start it any time. Pm2 seems like it'd be better, pm5 is super long.
Is having daughters the ultimate cuckoldry?
I cannot think or comprehend of anything more cucked than having a daughter. Honestly, think about it rationally. You are feeding, clothing, raising and rearing a girl for at least 18 years solely so she can go and get ravaged by another man. All the hard work you put into your beautiful little girl - reading her stories at bedtime, making her go to sports practice, making sure she had a healthy diet, educating her, playing with her. All of it has one simple result: her body is more enjoyable for the men that will eventually fuck her in every hole.
Raised the perfect girl? Great. Who benefits? If you're lucky, a random man who had nothing to do with the way she grew up, who marries her. He gets to fuck her tight pussy every night. He gets the benefits of her kind and sweet personality that came from the way you raised her.
As a man who has a daughter, you are LITERALLY dedicating at least 20 years of your life simply to raise a girl for another man to enjoy. It is the ULTIMATE AND FINAL cuck. Think about it logically.
No that's gay
Fuck them both
>date a boy
>she gets triggered and slowly drains your relationship points with her
What the fuck is wrong with that bitch?
I did the Princess Maker 3 play along a couple years ago and it was more time consuming than I thought it would be. I just want to take it easy today.
Break her legs
She's lowkey yandere. Other characters will also mention she's overly clingy.
I'm sorry user, pm5 is just way too long for it and I don't rly fancy doing it anyways. It sounds like a pretty based idea though
Ask if her father is Pierce Brosnan.
I got this reference
Its because his wife is fat, right
Is her father even in the picture anymore? I remember her mother gives Piano lessons, but not her dad.
How did that go? Did Yea Forums raise a rotten child?
Get better friends.
It was really hard to escape the circus performer ending as that happened a couple of times but we got a scientist ending and a military general ending.
Why is emily so smug?
>3 broken
Jesus what the fuck is wrong with that run
I honestly don't remember.
I'm surprised it wasn't all prostitute endings. Or is that not a thing in 3?
Because she knows that she's the best girl.
you don't need friends when you're swole
It is but people were taking this raising thing surprisingly seriously in that thread.
*pushes your daughter into a pool*
Show her bust
I don't trust cube
Are there any yuri endings in this game?
Stop forcing your agenda into every single game
No. Learn Japanese and play 4 instead if you want gay shit.
there's best friends ending
Is this and the molesting thing the reason they didn't localize 4? Just put it on another platform or something, Steam is cancer anyway.
Lament that Princess Maker was acquired by a shitty Korean company that pushed out machine translations for the west and yet 4 still isn't translated in any form.
kick her directly in the lips
Why did they make the daughter in 5 so fucking ugly? Why would anyone want to raise this disgusting goblin?
3 is also kinda uggo tbqh
3 is cut but she got dat fivehead. 4 was the cutest though but translation never.
kiss her directly in the lips*
Why did noje of the weebs that translated pm5 switch over to 4 after the official translation?
Nah, Steam doesn't care unless the game has school girls. The game probably got fucked by licensing issues (game had a different developer than the rest of the series). Also has a shit ton of more text compared to the rest of the series, not counting 5.
The fan-translation of 5 was dead for a couple of years until some madman decided to finish it. I can't imagine anyone wanting to translate 4 for free, though there is an interface patch for the game.
I...Don't remember that from my playthrough
You know there is a touching mechanic, right? You can touch your daughter in her naughty bits and she'll say "what are you doing" or "daddy is a pervert" depending on how old she is.
Oh so you can machine translate it? Can't be that much worse than pm3
That's only in the DS version
Move the mouse cursor over her body and click.
>Play PM2 for the first time
>Save every 10 seconds
>Whenever I found information I would have liked to know I restart the game
>Load the saves everytime anything happens that I dont perceive as the best possible way
>Have like 15-20 hours in total, finished the game once
Please tell me this is how everyone plays, I have the small feeling that this is not how things should be done.
Oh wait, really? I though I remember doing that in the PC version but I guess I was wrong.
I wish you just played as the daughter. The parent role is just a needless layer of immersion breaking of my little girl childhood experience
Oh shit, it was nothing, that's disappointing.
what is this video game, and more importantly, can you shank your enemies in this video game?
Yeah sorry I was confusing the DS and PC versions. I can't believe the DS version got something borderline hentai and the PC version didn't.
I failed at everything and got the train-to-be-a-bride-some-day ending a bunch of times until I started to understand things
PM is kind of a fail and retry, so yea that's pretty normal.
You can beat a run in less than an afternoon. I played the game by just playing through it without save scumming or restarting and left satisfied when my daughter grew up to be a famous martial artist who retired as a teacher of those arts. You can play how ever you want but just playing to see the different ways you can raise your daughter is fun enough for me. My "pure" slut run was one of my favorites.
webm related
For me, I just played the game over and over until I memorized an optimal path to raising a good daughter. Art tournaments and adventures earn a lot of dosh to use for your daughter's education. You won't need to savescum after you know the game like the back of your hand.
I thought this was supposed to be "borderline hentai", where the fuck are the panties, not even a fucking moan
>Go on adventures a lot to explore, get cash and become famous
>"Your daughter was succesful in everything in life, but she has stained her hands with too much blood, which has left her traumatised for life"
Fuck off, gods, they were all monsters and she killed them in self defense, if she was feeling sad or anything she would have told me.
Pm2 has full nudity
in pm2 if you go to the beach in summer most of the daughter's images are of her naked(sunbathing, swimming around), but dont show her breasts or genitals. also, some female monsters and fairies are not censored
I'm pretty sure you can see her nipples under the silk armor.
which one was Horst? the viking with highest hp and attack, right?
>slut run
Not a big fan of the art here though. But I guess I'll check it
There is a secret cheat shop that unlocks full nudity as a costume iirc
Yeah. HP bloat, the enemy.
yeah, but you are the one who manages her activities, the money, who she makes connections with, and are completely unable to control her feelings, so she can rebel and not work, escape from the house, fall in love, and marry the demon king. The father is vital to the experience of raising a daughter
But I don't wanna raise a daughter I want to BE a daughter
*hits pipe ferociously*
carrying on genes is a biological preogative alone
stop worrying why other people do it when it's been decided for you not to have any
Didn't both the western releases censor this?
Only in the leaked demo version which had a debug menu. It was never meant to be in the retail version. Which sort of begs the question why there was a full nude cheat in the original Japanese debug menu in the first place.
sounds like a girly game, dude.
I bought pm2 from Steam and from what ive seen its not censored at all.
Take her on walks.
Play catch/keepaway with her at the park.
Tell her to watch how much she eats.
>I bought pm2 from Steam and from what ive seen its not censored at all.
It wasn't censored in localisation but the Steam version is Refine which removed the nudity present in the original version of the game. I don't remember what the SoftEgg version did.
Start slipping buxomize pills into her food
>Have to marry the prince in order to kill your daughter's family usurper
>can't fight and 1 hit kill him yourself just like some of the assassins
Fuck you too game, I just want to kill my daughter's enemies so she can have quiet life with her childhood friend in modern world.
>daughter don't marry the prince of Nigeria
>500 stress
Why? My daughter already have a boyfriend that she have been dated since 13 years old and and she stressed out because her father doesn't want her to jump on the prince's dick that she only recently met a few times? I don't raise her as a gold digger so why did it turned like this?
Her womb is magically designed to crave prince
Please telling me marrying your daughter is an ending.
Of course it is.
so Refined is partially censored, or is it like a less censored version? I remember checking a guide for some stats and saw screenshot of fairies with bras, and the daughter wearing a swimsuit which are not present in my version of the game
It is
Didn't the chinks make a gender bend version of this?
>or is it like a less censored version?
What? It's the same thing but they modified artwork to cover up nudity, what are you not getting?
Your daughter needs to have negative moral to do it. Also you need to make her sick then take care of her yourself, penalizing your monthly pay.
What im getting is that the Steam version is censored despite having nudity in several parts, which leads me to think theres a "full censored" version from which I have seen screenshots of, and a "no censor" version which doesnt have modified artwork at all.
>If you want her to marry Cube she needs to get lose fights in her adventuring and get sick.
Sacrifices have to be done, but it still sucks.
What do the gods say about that in the ending?
>despite having nudity in several parts
Refine has characters half-dressed, it doesn't show your daughter's bare nipples like the original does.
Again the original was a debug cheat from a leaked demo that was never meant to be released to the public.
The chinese seem like the last bastion of this type of simulation game
Except that debug code is for a portrait / costume, not the beach CGs.
Basically "I don't know what to say... At least you're not related by blood,..So uh... if you're truly in love, that's good..?"
It's the exact same CGs as the original Japanese Refine. Nothing was censored it's just that Refine didn't have nude beach CGs.
>It's the same except Refine didn't have it
There are no gods in PM5, but you do get your daughter telling you in a letter how well her life is after the game
I'm pretty sure Steam version didn't care about nipples on underage girl in PM1/PM2
Early 90's was different from early 00's, they decided that naked children in non-porn PC games was inappropriate. It would be censored if it was in the Refine version and not in the Steam version but that is not the case.
>It would be censored if it was in the Refine version and not in the Steam version but that is not the case.
Ok, so you were trying to say that the Steam version specifically isn't censored despite that this is what I said from the start and there was no point of contention on this. Why are you so retarded?
Refine is censored compared to the original regardless of what sort of mental gymnastics you want to apply to defend it.
He's saying that it isn't Steam censorship and he's right. PM isn't full-on eroge so they couldn't afford getting hit by CERO.
What I'm trying to say is that it's not censorship, Refine is a different game for a different generation and it's the same in both Japanese and English.
>He's saying that it isn't Steam censorship and he's right.
And he's latching onto this when no one was arguing that in the first place because he was wrong about Refine itself being censored.
Too bad it's in chinese on Steam, it's free at least. The second one is translated on some obscure site tho.
Why is every argument about censorship devolve into pedantism? I just want to know if content is different I don't care about the definition of words. Where's PM6! FUCK!
There's a lot of other, better looking games on steam too, all untranslated. Wuxia Tales is translated though, that's decent. But most is untranslated
Any second now, gainax will realize nge is worthless and the real money is in pm
This knowledge will now plague my existence.
This is your daughter tonight.
They already sold the IP to the gooks though.
>cant stop looking at her HUGE FOREHEAD
Seriously, look at that thing, you could make a mirror out of that.
>tfw multiplayer boardgame spinoff of princess maker will never get translated
Do not lewd, meant for cute not sex.
Then where is pm6???
On mobile, with cash shop outfits.
Please don't say something so plausible and horrific
>user thought it was a joke
It's already out man. The only reason I'm not playing is because fuck kakao.
Christ that looks awful
So, what's your thoughts on Ciel Fledge?
She don't even really age
This is epitome SOULLESS, along with Final Fantasy Tactics Advaince 3, fuck mobile.
No, definitely meant for sex.
you are a bad parent. She will run off and join the demon king.
I can deal with the art if there's a load of customizable shit.
Shame there doesn't seem to be body measurement tracking.
>So, what's your thoughts on Ciel Fledge?
It's ugly as sin and nothing else about it seems enticing either.
It's weird seeing these threads, all I ever known about princess maker was petite princess Yucie. That was before I knew this was a thing.
I intercept the pastries and eat them myself of course
There seems to be some Korean release of the Steam version with extra clothing added. This is causing confusion on top of the differences between Refine and the older versions
Posting best girl
My daughterwife is a hero and I am her proud husbandfather.
That's not a picture of me
user said girl, not guy
My point exactly user
I want to post more screenshots but almost all of it are gone when the archive is dead
mine has 114 cm bust.
>tfw my daughter (me) had his whole schedule and so stalked him everyhours of the day.
>tfw he wasn't worth it
What kind of stat do you need to make your daughter into naive idiot type?
>using daughter raising sim to stalk little boys
You legit have problems.
Hey, she needed an husbando, not my fault he was a shitty one! Alright maybe my fault for making my daughter pursue him.
Any way to increase relationship with daughter except for talking? She's being cold
Despite her personality Glenda was a cutie.
make her overweight by impregnating her
Ask her why I don't get to have any.
Her personality wasn't necessarily bad just a little tsun and a little RAIBARU, especially compared to how Beth acted early on.
Why he wasn't worth it? Don't you see he proposed to your daughter on the final year?
There's Long Live the Queen for a mediocre, but funny experience. There is an exceedingly little selection in terms of raising games so may as well give it a shot. The Yea Forums threads from years back were funny at least along with all the other bad sorts of VN games we played together.
what the fuck is wrong with nips and weebs.
mental illness ? gamers ?
kissable 5head
Let's sleep together
Did you notice her eyes are also too big?
that's because japs have an inferiority complex to white people,don't let weebs or happas tell you otherwise.
asian hate their slanty eyes,if they could do surgery to fix their eyes w/h looking like toads because of their shitty asian heads they would.
japaneses legit believe themselves to be white like in Snk or someshit.
Then play long live the queen