Anything you'd want to see upgraded or changed in future fallout games?
Changes/evolutions you'd like to see in future fallout games?
Recruit the original devs to make it, That's it. Free money.
More deathclaw porn
actual factions and have the player be able to affect the world by contributing to a certain faction
I want them to add RPG mechanics.
This and competent writing to go with them.
Nice try Todd
I wanna see more time pass in the fallout world
>Deathclaws now have the intellect of Super mutants
>Supermutants are as smart as orcs are in RPGs
>interspecies hybrids are a thing
>non feral ghouls mutate and are possibly superior to smooth skins now
>the vault experiments data was used to advance the human race
I know it goes against canon, but I'd really like if they followed up on the "Power armor as a mech instead of a set of clothes" type feel from Fallout 4.
have a pilot Skill that dictates how good you are in powered armor, and the parts that you install into your armor have a pilot skill requirement dictating how difficult/complicated the part is to work when piloting.
Have the armor have its own HP, strength, whatnot independent of the pilot, so that a person specializing in powered armor is basically like someone specializing in guns or another type of playstyle, and are essentially gimped outside of it.
Have the Powered armor have the option to put in built in weapons into the armor for more complicated parts, like you can put in a gun arm that replaces your normal arm part, and removes the ability to equip a regular weapon if so (and the weapon would be dictated by your pilot skill instead of small guns skill for example).
Missile parts you could install to your chest that get used with grenade button press, ect.
Balance this out by the armor being destructable, essentially making you have a drastic drop in power and have to retreat if your armor gets beaten up.
Holy shit I never thought of that, thats cool as fuck user
I was thinking about this the other day with FNV. It would be cool if you could influence the story in even more significant ways. Like in FNV, being able to influence House or Caesar if you had a 100 speech for example; telling them to stop fighting altogether or some shit.
A lot of people seem to disagree, but cooperative. Just up to four players or so. A map the size of fallout 76 with four others in a time period much closer to the great war. Mutation is far more prevalent, and there are few bastions of sane and reasonable humans. Your ultimate goal is to establish a settlement big enough to allow a safe haven for the surrounding countryside. Set it in Montana or SD/ND with mutant bisons and horses, giant mountain lions and crayfish. Large emphasis on high caliber civilian style weapons, with the coveted energy weapons being very rare and extremely powerful.
Bring back the older Deathclaw design.
>interspecies hybrids in same post as intelligent deathclaws
>Obvious attempt to justify deathclaw beastiality/waifus
You're aren't you?
More fuckable deathclaws
No more voiced protags
More Legion or Apocalypse stuff
Have the player character not be "the chosen one" to change the political landscape of the area but just a really skilled person trying to survive in the harsh world.
I know what I want but what Ill get is less than what I already settled for.
That could be problematic in that if the story doesn't take place near the time of the other Fallout games, Bethesda would have to explain away why the world wasn't radically changed by the events of the other games.
Make a hybrid of a deathclaw and cazador and always have a swarm of them on the map.
Great idea.
Unironically hire Kojima or the Gears guys to do the combat. If the franchise is already shit might as well make the gameplay fun.
keep in mind only part of the world has been "civilized" by the other fallout games. there's still plenty of "wilderness" areas to explore.
for example, you could always write off canada as having been mostly depopulated of humans and is just a giant mutant animal jungle/tundra now and you're one of the few humans entering and exploring it.
I want the option to play as a ghoul.
go on...
I also would like them to add in some System shock style Psionic skills and a "psi" stat (independent of intelligence, you don't have to be smart to be psychic).
Give the option to have Psionic "spells" that you can learn that function kind of like mass effect skills, but only if you invest in the psi stat and psionic skills, and have the psi stat be set at 1 at the character creation for what the "baseline" is expected (though the player could raise it up) to kind of tell the player that RP wise they're supposed to be an outlier if they have psychic powers.
You guys can have your deathclaw porn characters, but only if its just the character having Horns and fingernail claws and a genetic hybrid explanation.
Some kind of evolution of the world. Not just "same shit different place".
What have vault-tec been doing? Surely the people who made the vaults made some of them to oversee the collective experiments.
What's going on in the rest of the world?
Why can wastelanders not emulate technology they literally have in abundance? i.e why do the inhabitants of the commonwealth primarily use pipe weapons when there are hundreds of pre war guns available from a guy 5 feet away to learn from.
I think I really just want a world actually recovering from a nuclear war, not one that is still basically in the stone age after hundreds of years. I know it's america and they're busy being fat and obnoxious but you can't expect me to believe they've not even rediscovered steam power yet and all tech is magical relics that barely work and nobody has any idea how to maintain.
>Not wanting a partner who can crush your pelvis
vault tec execs all headed to the enclave's oil rig from 2 and died alongside it. They were part of the enclave.
>shitty "anime girl with horns is a monster hybrid" trope
>Recruit the original devs to make it,
just like how they made Fallout BoS right?
More action. It’s so fucking cool trashing raiders in a fucking power armor.
Bring back hairy death claws.
that's literally 2 and New vegas though.
The New california republic is literally a sci fi rural setting now with energy forcefields and whatnot at their capital, and they purged radiation from the new california land with a plant designed to absorb radiation.
The only reason why they got kneecapped and held up on advancing eastward is because the brotherhood of steel got into a spergout over the New california republic having technology and went to war with them (and lost) and then running into Caesar's legion.
Back home its 100% almost completely rebuilt.
Sure you can make them giants and give them some muscle, but don't just have them be either a bipedal deathclaw or furry shit.
more roleplaying and rpg mechanics
better writing and choices
fallout 1 ambience, theme and aesthetic
NPCs that look at you or whomever they are talking to you consistently rather than at a wall, the opposite direction, ect. Is it really that hard?
more survival elements
>better writing and choices
Sadly I don't think bethseda can do that.
You know what?
Fuck 4's plot and its BS robot rights plot being forced down your throat.
I want the next game to be about evil robot supremacists who want to kill off humanity and enslave any synths that think otherwise while hammering home how the people who wanted to kill all synths and sentient robots on sight could be right.
Or they can make another NV, 50/50
4 was your first game, I can tell.
it's not a mech you moron, it's just an armored exoskeleton
Sounds like a repeat of FO2 really.
>play old ass fallout 2
>interesting and beat it
>play fallout 4
>get bored and never play it
Yep, it's boomer time.
>brainlet time
Fixed for you. Isometric FOs are totally different, in every aspect, from the modern ones.
but that means they fucka da deathclaw
Can we have better weapon balancing? Like heavy weapons in 4 is absolutely fucked, especially if you’re playing on survival(7 fucking pounds per shot, what the fuck)
Trim down on the settlements, for one. Namely the ones that are just tiny little outposts.
Focus on having only a few, like maybe four or five that are in key areas of the world map. Said settlements can have an upgrade tree of sorts, which are unlocked when you liberate something like a factory, foundry, farm or powerplant in it's relative vicinity.
Base defense isn't particularly fun, it is especially unfun when you have to do it for 20+ bases.
Something that actually prevents Synth takeovers once you figure out that's a thing, although they'll probably do away with that in the next game so nevermind.
Don't waste Charisma-based perks just for settlement unlocks, really not worth it.
How about multiple world maps?
Please at least attempt to match the level of ammunition and weapon variety in New Vegas, at the very minimum.
Thank you.
good writing, it would be a first for the series
>Base defense isn't particularly fun, it is especially unfun when you have to do it for 20+ bases.
You can get to a point though where even your smallest settlements are inhabited by people with plasma rifles and full suits of power armor, if you go that far into it
that becomes kinda fun
you just fast travel there and watch them take care of it, and pick up better guns of the bodies of the dumbass Gunners who thought they could win
I think one town/home space is enough, They focused too much on settlements.
Nah, you need a big central hub but you also need a few other places that feel civilized too
A new fucking engine
Another settlement needs our help
a map half as good as the GOAT. and no brotherhood of steel
No no, not like that
I'm just saying how empty would Fallout 4 feel if there was ONLY Sanctuary and Diamond City?
>Capital Wasteland
I'm not saying that, I'm saying trim down on the settlements you have to build and then defend.
The actual towns are fine.
Oh OK, we're in agreement then
Writing and roleplaying on par with fallout 1 and 2.
more atomic beauty
>They focused too much on settlements.
That's what they wanted us to think but in reality the settlements were very lazily implemented and an obvious example of them just planning on leaving it all to modders. The building system is unusable without mods or on consoles, exploiting glitches. You can't make anything interesting otherwise because the actual system works against you, meaning you're not limited by your imagination but the game. There are so many bad decisions that are almost insulting, like how every location will have house ruins that can NOT be removed without mods. For what damn reason?? All locations are shit except sanctuary basically.
There's also no functionality to anything and it doesn't feel like an actual settlement. Settlements are just glorified doll houses. The only thing "settlers" can do is work as farmers, otherwise they can't do anything, they don't even have dialogue, and they just stand stupidly staring into the sky after "working" hours. Not even the DLC's allowed for settlers to be factory workers. You can't have them craft things nor go on raids.
pete hines gets dipped in FEV irl
Y’know I’m kinda shocked that Bethesda, who always go on about “make the player feel like a badass”, have never let us play as a psyker. That shit’s been canon since Fallout 1.
Bethesda probably is not aware they even exist.
Funny how the ''bad'' Fallout games made more money than NV
implying he already isn't a mutant
>hurr, it's good because its popular
>america being fat and obnoxious
The irony
They have psykers in their own games! Professor Calvert, Bloomseer Poplar, The AntAgonizer, Mama Murphy, Lorenzo Cabot (who has straight up telekinesis), and Harold (apparently he counts according to the wiki). According to Bethesda themselves, psychic powers are totally possible in Fallout, so why won’t they let us use some? Yeah, letting the player turn into an X-Man might fuck with the tone of the story a bit but when has Bethesda ever given a fuck about that?
>actually looking forward to future fallout games
Listen you fucking jew, No one but the company cares about profits, We care about the games, Mongo
To be honest... after Fallout 76... I can’t fucking wait for next one. 76 was such a clusterfuck that even mainstream media did articles on it. It’s the game that killed all the goodwill Bethesda’s been riding on since Oblivion. The next Fallout is going to be designed as a direct reaction 76’s terrible reception. That means they’re either hunker down and make an actual RPG like the fans have been begging for and it’ll be amazing... OR they’re going to try their hardest to please everyone and STILL fail. Either way it’s going to be amazing.
>Funny how all the shit casual fallouts made more money than the based obsidian fallouts
Yeah, just like how it's funny call of duty outsells games like insurgency. Just because it's popular doesn't mean it's good you fucking retard.
They're still fun games even if they're not the RPG's as 1 and 2 were.
They already added dragons, it doesn't need literal magic too, fuck off back to Skyrim.
Except they're in pretty much every fallout, I know fallout 4 was babies first fallout for you and you went to a midnight launch for skyrim, but maybe read the thread before replying you dumb cunt
That's how its portrayed in 1-new vegas. However, fallout 4's one is basically a mini-mech. You enter it like a mech, it operates more like a vehicle than an exo-skeleton, ect.
And you know what? It felt kind of cool that way, which is why I'm saying keep going down that direction.
Try 2 nimrod.
And 4's plot was utter bullshit, as it didn't try and portray the situation in an even handed manner (Look at new vegas and house and the NCR), but rammed down your throat "THOSE WHO HATE SYNTHS ARE IGNORANT BIGOTS!"
it was to the point that it basically made you hate synths due to how ungodly preachy the game was.
There's absolutely no premise or gameplay mechanic that they wouldn't fuck up. Fallout 76 was actually a great idea, a game that's immediately post war but in bumfuck nowhere so that it wasn't nuked all to hell, so the game is more about surviving on your own in an emptied world than dealing with post war civilizations. Perfectly acceptable premise, could have been comfy and fun. But they fucked it all up, because they decided that the game set in the fucking appalachia should be the one that they include shitty multiplayer and base building and a an in game economy. THE REAL FUCKING WEST VIRGINIA DOESN'T HAVE AN ECONOMY.
here's a shitty idea
>Deathclaws weren't the only government experiments
>There were two others, one made for skies, one for seas
>The seafaring one is literally a shark with fucking legs
>The air-based one is a fuckhueg Thunderbird thing
Id like them to actually move on from all the nostalgia and progress the actual state of the wasteland, get rid of super mutants spare maybe one or two that were leftover and see society begin to evolve again
I made the mistake of putting nothing but rocket turrets around my settlements, thinking "Yeah, fuck anyone attacking them!"
Then I realized that it didn't matter if you had fucking liberty prime himself at a base, they'd STILL get attacked and need your help.
And hey, those rocket turrets have friendly fire splash, meaning when you fast traveled there you'd suddenly find yourself with about 3 raiders in leather around you with pool sticks that deal no damage, and like 20 rocket launchers all pointed directly at you since the raiders are running at you.
Fun times.
Actually, the Security level of a settlement determines its percentage chance of getting attacked randomly
So if you have 100 security, you will never a notification like "Tenpines Bluff is under attack!"
You can still get a radiant quest to defend it if you're listening to Radio Freedom, but it is possible to make a settlement so secure that it will never be randomly attacked otherwise
Radiant quests are cancer and should be removed from the game
If it had a vehicle or a mount system and no bugs I would be happy
you should always send Preston to The Castle because he will stand right next to the Radio Freedom tower, and thus any radiant "another settlement needs our help" quests overlap with eachother
then turn the radio tower off and just don't go near preston ever again
The worst part about raids is that lazy ass devs with no respect for the players didn't give us an option to remove corpses.
The issue was they didn't go in with the premise of "lets make the best game possible, and profit will naturally follow if its good".
They went in with the premise of "Lets make the most money possible, and the game's quality is an afterthought"
This is a recurring issue in today's more corporate video game industry, compared to 10 or 20 years ago. Compare D2 to D3 for example-- D3's core issues all stem from the game revolving around monetization and the RMAH, making the game's design philosophy designed to revolve around it (permanent characters compared to impermanent leagues, and a focus on "Max level" compared to "almost never reach 100" in D2 in order to encourage RMAH sales).
As such, 76 has huge design flaws in the game because they want to microtransaction you and multiplayer games are the easiest to microtransaction. (See EA saying that non-multiplayer games are viable anymore... seems bethseda went full retard after a short lived refutation of that)
How about we make the older games playable first? Disable that god fucking Games for Windows Live feature that makes Fallout 3 more or less unplayable without heavy modification.
>armor being destructable
Sure, but if the individual HP for the pieces is low, then don't let the their destruction remove the graphic. If the pieces have relatively high HP/durability then fully destructible is definitely cool.
Once again, see fallout 2. That's exactly what that game was.
The area west of the mojave is basically back on its feet.
>get rid of super mutants
I'd actually kind of like to see "Correct" super mutants--
Like have some mad scientists that have been working on the FEV since then so they have some super mutant soldiers that look more like 7 foot tall amazon she hulks and Jolly green giant men instead of mutant monsters.
Have more grey area show up by having mad scientist eugenists who actually MIGHT have a beneficial end result for humanity if they win, compared to the obviously bad "Toxic avengers" race super mutants the master was making.
Kemonomimi is the worst branch of anthropomorphic lust. Even "monster girl" trash is superior.
There's no reason to play base FO3 anymore when the TTW mod for NV exists
the GOAT was a test, not a map
But the brotherhood of steel are probably one of the most iconic factions in the series. Hell, they've been in literally every single game.
Fallout 4 automatically has the best map by virtue of its verticality and the Glowing Sea, but fails to capitalize on the potential of that map by leaving it mostly sparse and only populated by shooting galleries that the player can hardly interact with
The locations also relied waaay too much on "le quirky computer log entries". They got repetitive real fast and were obviously written by the same one guy.
I prefer the vanilla game
Right, that's what I mean by interesting places you can hardly interact with really
they trick you like that over and over
Find a race-track where 20s Gangster LARPers are racing robots against eachother - all you can do is shoot the place up and read a computer log
repeat for every potentially interesting location you come across except the Robot Sailboat and the hidden Chinese Submarine off the coast
here's a fun idea
don't give me an immediate and emergency goal like saving my son if you also want me to take my time and explore around
that is dissonant and somebody should have realized it
No you don't. If you do, you don't exist.
The ability to play skyrim in the pipboy
c'mon, why would a person lie on Yea Forums? that's just absurd
>not assaultron porn
Wrong. The minimum chance to get attacked is capped.
Even the most well-defended settlements will inevitably be attacked.
Race selection.
Ghouls which play mostly like humans but with high resistance to radiation while suffering from social penalties. Super mutants are innately badass but have terrible social skills, can't use power armor, and aren't allowed into some towns and such at all. Robots are treated as modular (or with some ability to input yourself into multiple types of robot) so you can switch between Mr. Handys and Protectrons and even those big sentry bots as needed. And then humans which are the same as ever.
Would bring a lot of replay value to the game, because each race would play completely differently and have access to different content unavailable to the others.
Peak Todd.
Add fatclaws that will vore you
that would be cool
too bad it'll never happen
If they arent going to make settlements worth a fuck, then get rid of them in the next game honestly.
I want proper NPCs with real commands and happiness ratings and everything. If they get pissed off because mys ettlement is shitty, I want to see them leave or revolt. Maybe they let raiders take it over because they have a better off than me?
Make trading between towns a thing. if Im growing enough fucking food to supply the entire wasteland, I should see towns around me improve in quality because theres plenty of food and supplies going around. Literally a dynamic landscape where other places in the game can change based on how Im handling my settlement. If I go full raider and start stealing shit and making guns, the game turns into a warzone everywhere I go. Or If I go peaceful farmer and trader everything improves and prospers. That kind of shit.
Maybe have buildable settlements in the game, but make it only 1 or 2 locations in the game tops. None of that shit where every 100 meters I find another settlement that needs to be built.
If they arent going to put effort into it, id rather just see no settlements at all and make it like Fallout 3/NV where I just get an apartment/buy a house to store my shit.
Don't count on it. The devs are shameless and lazy and know that they can get away with half-baked drawing board ideas that modders will develop later. Settlements are a pathetic joke.
I'm legitimately terrified of TESVI having a ton of the shit from Fallout 4 that just ruined the game, like YYYN dialogue options, settlements, lack of RPG elements, etc.
- Make settlements actually matter.
- Make companions matter
- Quit the 24/7 quip shit and bring back extremely dark humor
- Make unique weapons like Obsidion did
- Compress the map
- Hire a team of GOOD wtiters to whip up GOOD quests with GOOD dialogue
- Make builds great again
- Option to make a Super Mutant Behemoth character
- Super Human Behemoth companion
- Enclave
- No saving my family shit
- Dissolve Bethesda and put todd howard in the gas chamber
Artillery was really fucking cool, though. (Though that could still be implemented without a settlement system.)
This, dollar to the dime that assaultrons and ghouls use the same animation skeletons as humans. And they already have super mutant skeletons to iterate upon, its not like super mutants don't already have most of what they need to be playable anyways.
They essentially had trading between towns considering you could access all of your crafting scrap by abusing supply lines. Hell, designating a settler to be a supply bitch would have him actually traverse the map.
I want my settlements to play something like civ if its going to be a big part of the game.
If I invest one area into making food, that should allow me to turn the other town over into a manufacturing/industrial zone because the other town's supplying the food.
Make each settlement feel like its an addition to an empire.
This is a problem though, in order to literally "Play" the game like its intended, you have to have a perk which requires a decent amount of charisma.
without connecting the towns with local leader (which isn't an insignificant cha requirement at 6) the entire system falls apart.
>make it better
great suggestion, dickwad
So something like the race system in Tactics but with real roleplaying elements
Fight me faggit.
you can give her a tail and make her look like tock for all I care, just not a an actual animal.
were talking deathclaws a bad idea?
basic bitch
Sure, criticize others while contributing absolutely nothing.
You're worthless.
Why can't Bethesda make a Fallout game where it feels like the universe is lived in?
Fallout 3 and 4 seem like everyone was just dropped in and aren't trying to survive.
They lack the grit of the first two and the character of New Vegas.
I'd like alternate origin stories.
FO3/4 have a huge issue of over defining the protagonists backstory and having a bunch of origin stories would be great.
Yes and no, from one side its the example of FO2 team trying to do crazy shit, from the other since we only know about Gorris surviving the Enclave purge so things aint that fucked lorewise
Imagine being this guy.
Less silly "humour" and more atmosphere and immersion. Pipboy stuff in original fallout was just ironic interlude between girmdark post apocalypse.
That's gay as fuck it takes the best parts of deathclaws away
I want to fuck a giant ripped bipedal lizard that's got tons of teeth in it's dragon-like head.
why not both?
Was it ever explained why the designs of everything changed between F3/NV and F4?
I want them to finally fucking clean the place up. Nowhere does a place stay filthy 10 years later, much less 200
>non retarded story
>no useless settlement building shit
>actually fucking decent animations
>an actual new engine
>animators and modelers who know what they're fucking doing
That's because they were made by bethseda and not fallouts real daddy.
i mean
it would be fine if you could play with your friends like halo co-op or something
you forgot
>more John Denver
>it would be fine if you could play with your friends
no fuck off with that, play f076 if you want coop. tacked on/forced online,multi and coop have fucked over single player games for far too long
Let it die along with bethesda
end the thread
it has been found
Remove settlement building, just have customizable homes and bases. There should be a few towns like diamond city scattered around
I'd rather have like 2-3 actually huge cities rather than "cities" with 10-15 people in them
I want a complete overhaul of the game to make it something completely different. I'm tired of seeing one of my favorite settings dragged through the mud over and over again as it's slapped over an ancient Oblivion engine and stripped of everything that made FO FO.