Esports ads thread

Esports ads thread

Attached: i8fk4kw9mbmz.jpg (1024x515, 88K)

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Why the fuck isnt there porn of the Asian Girl?

is actually a male


Thats even better

Attached: cokeesports.jpg (1200x603, 498K)

lol funny

I want to fuck his ass.

>I THINK I'm at the objective do you not know?

>fuccboi who plays support
He's literally perfect. Where are people like him in real life?

Post porn edit

Attached: 1555188565169.png (1200x603, 872K)

This one always cracks me up. It's not over the top (not that that is always bad).

Attached: 1564953004797.jpg (1024x515, 99K)

Yes indeed it is. Ice cold with a snack is the best way of enjoying various luxury beverages.

Attached: 1564952744832.png (850x427, 415K)

Pepsi > Coca-Cola

Coca-Cola hired death squads to murder bottling plant employees in Guatemala when they attempted to unionize.

Fuck you, the trap getting blacked is better than this shitty edit.

Attached: 1564271559759.png (325x300, 87K)

I read that as urinate.

He's playing FFXI.


Hello everyone. Pepsiman here to remind you that Coca-Cola fucking sucks. Drink Pepsi

Attached: pepsiman.jpg (345x562, 23K)

gross, kys

Attached: fagofthemonth.jpg (1024x515, 215K)

so you just censored it instead of removing the dicks?
0/10 edit

based, FUCK coke

I work at a giant telecom company in their marketing department and I convinced them to go to e3 and shill cellphone plans and to send me for work.

Suck it losers.

nice, how was it?

I’m going in 2020

>the Yea Forumsan in a nutshell

Where's the one where middle guy is getting the succ from the far right person?

Attached: uwN4kQ7.jpg (1200x603, 130K)

Attached: 4chin.png (1199x603, 970K)

Attached: BHFhQSVVfIduwFHNX8hgkXNUzdb76yDaC3Ff8FKtFmA.jpg (1200x603, 228K)

Dont cuck Carlos, he deserves better

So is the right guy a male or a female


We love you, Pepsiman.


we duknow

the only people who drink pepsi live in trailer parks

The last panel in this one gets me every time

Attached: C4AhQjCWEAAH5o2.jpg (1200x603, 129K)

>he'll never grip my dick like he grips that coke bottle
why live

Attached: 1558708089629.png (581x511, 253K)

Never saw this one. Are they still making these?

go suck black dick then fag

Wait hold on, I can't tell anymore. Is this a real ad campaign or just some meme edits?

Attached: 1559129281297.gif (500x281, 431K)

Is the joke that he's lying?


You are disgusting and pathetic


>this thread
*sips pepsi*

I want to mating press this smug bastard

>Play Mercy.
>Revive my team.
>Get play of the game.
>Do this multiple times.
>Get play of the game multiple times.

Doubt it, but I think they still made quite a few that aren't as widely known

Attached: CwSHbJZWcAARVZe.jpg (1000x500, 103K)

Seek salvation

Attached: IMG_0268.jpg (540x4347, 715K)

Why isn't the Austrian man upside down?


I wish Coke tasted good. There are some Coke ads where I finish watching it and I'm salivating, but I know they taste like fucking ass. How can a soda have so much goddamn sugar in it but taste like battery acid?

It's not just Coke either. Pepsi sucks. Mr. Pibb sucks. All cola tastes disgusting. Why is this drink so fucking popular?

Attached: 1482971512599.jpg (960x1200, 71K)

Attached: coke-esports-cokeesports-when-generations-of-gamers-collide-hilarity-ensues-30355750.png (500x746, 144K)

>Asian Girl?
>Asian Girl

the biggest mistake of all

>Why the fuck isnt there porn

at least summer ends in just two more weeks.

Holy shit I didn't notice the race change until now
Which proves race is meaningless

I forgot there were multiple comics that weren't just

Attached: milf.png (800x1178, 284K)

I never noticed the black guy's face dripped off, I thought it just melted or something. Good stuff.

Seek this you kike-lover
*grabs dick*
Wew laddy


Attached: Religion.png (800x598, 91K)

Attached: BASED BTFO.png (1024x515, 582K)

You will never turn God against you. He forgave you before you ever sinned. Before you were even conceived.


I need more

>Shaming random anons on a Mongolian basketweaving forum
Fucking Evangelicals, every single time. Poisoning the well of christianity wasn’t enough for you?

Attached: 90A4C321-CA11-4E01-B65D-6EFFCBC48BC6.jpg (640x480, 33K)

and I need a pear shaped gf
they're hard to find though, and search engines are full of fatties.

>People understanding what the Russian said

>random race change
what the fuck is even the point of posting it

a classic

God is not real.

God is still punishing you for a sin committed before you we conceived.
Man abandoned God right at the start, and so did God abandon man, sending him to till the earth from whence he was taken.

I can just imagine the artist wondering how the fuck to fit the coke bottle into this.

Well, Yea Forums?

Attached: 1528274532469.jpg (1000x500, 168K)

This honestly made me buy a dildo just to get that experience, no homo though. I don't use it anymore.


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I prefer ’s

Gods do exist, they're just on vacation.

Attached: jackie chan.png (680x640, 839K)

cp_steel is a really convoluted map

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Seems legit
Creepy, but legit

Christianity is a fucking joke leeching off of past accomplishments.
This propoganda being sold to kids is fucking disgusting. We should keep our kids out of these retarded groups until they can make their own decisions

>hands not even on the mouse

Surprisingly cute.

Try soda that isn't a big name. Something without fake sugars.

Guys what the fuck are you talking about, God might be a crazy woman but you're speaking absolute gibberish. She didn't do any of that.

Probably because human beings find different things tasty/enjoyable, fucking autist

The caption implies the mom is a gamer, but the comic implies otherwise. What is this contradictory bullshit.

dream team right there

he is drinking cock

No shit, but cola is a huge industry and I've never met another person that entirely hates the taste. What is wrong with all your subhuman tongues?

You must be great at parties.

anri is so fucking hot

Attached: pepsiwoman.png (1061x1280, 811K)

You probably just have a hormonal imbalance or something.

Attached: 1565057867488.png (800x800, 369K)

based Coke. Commies deserve death.

>durrr gay sex with a nigger is better
fucking KILL yourself

Attached: 1564729905000.jpg (400x341, 28K)

The missed opportunity here... IT HURTS

Attached: DOTA coke.png (1199x603, 578K)

>black people
>owning a cat

Attached: 1560775475450.jpg (379x363, 22K)

Cuckold faggot

Make it vidya

Attached: vidya template.png (701x598, 75K)

It was nice of him to turn the logo towards the camera in the second shot

I accidentally a bottle of coke.

The perfect party

not sure why everyone hates this
pretty good

>Tfw black
>Owned 2 cats
Fuck, what does it mean?

Normal people dont drink coke outside of parties

I've legitimately never met any black people with pets and I live in Mississippi

i noticed it immediately which proves that race does in fact have meaning

Attached: boil your pepsi.jpg (831x922, 79K)

I want the pepsi account to say "nigger".
I'd go out and buy some pebibs right that moment.

Well I live in New Hampshire so I guess it makes sense.

Lots of blacks own nigbulls

Reposting this one.

Attached: 1564614692190.png (701x598, 86K)

I want some coke woman porn.

Attached: unstoppable.jpg (1200x603, 445K)

I like the edit where the asian catboy is under the spic's desk, and the spic is saying "I-I'm coming"

> “big guy for u” on the cans
How the fuck have I never noticed that?

Attached: 1566176066335.png (701x598, 88K)

>he THINKS he's at the objective

Attached: 1525363538366.jpg (500x370, 39K)

Try some Siox City Birch Rootbeer. Or any birch rootbeer at all. Its not quite a cola but its fucking amazing.

They're offended faggots

Most Coke has High Fructose Corn Syrup instead of sugar.

Unless you get the imports from Mexico in glass bottles since those use cane sugar since they're not subject to US corn kickbacks.

Mexican Coke unironically taste better.

Coke is fucking garbage liquid and is killing you slowly
It's literally brown because of the copious amounts of sugar in the stuff
Don't fall for these focus test approved 'how do you do fellow kids' propaganda comics
Dont fall for the liquid death

Attached: 1488056562682.jpg (1080x720, 50K)

Most people in the US are addicted to sugar

Shit, now I want some cute black /ss/ porn.
That's pretty much non-existent.

Look at the way hes hunched over and his fingers are curling. He's being sucked under the desk even in the unedited version.

hey fuck you assholes the snow fucked up my connection

Attached: dortios.png (192x216, 39K)

>only the blue hoodie guy is actually touching his keyboard
>his keyboard is FUCKING UPSIDE DOWN

>It's literally brown because of the copious amounts of sugar in the stuff
you're a fucking retard

Is there a version without the raceswap?

Attached: 1564958723434.png (1200x603, 484K)

who cares i want to kill myself anyway

The punchline is she's from an era of video games before online existed which is why being unable to pause a game is a foreign concept to her but there's nothing in this image to indicate she was a gamer.

Attached: Untitled.jpg (1814x602, 221K)

How very dogmatic of you

>single person carrying the entire team

Yup that's videogames

It hits too close to home


gotchu senpai

Attached: fixed.jpg (980x515, 253K)

I'm not gay but I'd love to go for a ride on his BMW.

This really doesn't make straight people look good either. His uncle would've been supposedly "straight" and his straight parents neglected the fuck out of him along with his schoolmates who bullied him.

How can the asian girl(male) possibly be flaccid with a cock stimilating her girlprostate?


can you add a "uma delicia" in the brazilian?

>the aussie is speaking russian now too

yo wtf

Every living person is from an era in which some form of video games exist, that doesn’t make them gamers. The caption says “GAMERS.”

>counseller is bill cosby

That's an act of total submission. Getting an erection means you wish to challenge the real man in the room, so the weakling faggot has to have his prostate popped before he truly understands his place.

His man tits are pretty big.

>white guy is standing in profile
>pants are three quarters view

No add "br? huehue" instead

Sorry user but "Coke can" Anne has a big futa cock

you think about gay sex a lot, don't you?

Attached: 408.jpg (952x717, 118K)

Estradiol (what trannies take to feminize their body) kills your ability to get hard once you've been on it long enough.

both seem fine to me


Attached: 1534969156349.gif (300x250, 1.4M)

Well I am gay, so yes.

I want to fuck both of these niggers.
Why is that?

She sure is :)

Attached: 1559948221841.jpg (607x1080, 116K)

See the picture

STOP not posting it. and making me want to draw coke can anne gamer content

Imma need source on that plz


Attached: GOOD FUCKING LORD.png (500x514, 131K)

If cocaine was ever completely legalized again, would coke work on bringing back the OG coke?

Do it boyo, here's the closest I found for some sugary inspiration

Attached: file.png (1200x675, 2M)

His left leg is bent. Its not full profile.

>Imma need source on that plz
it's Anri Okita, doofus

I hope so. if only so brainlets and dopamene mooks kill themselves against it.

Attached: url.jpg (420x365, 17K)

One leg is forward you ding dong

God I wish I had some New Coke right now.

It's from Anri Okita's Instagram

Attached: anri.png (370x599, 511K)

Sugar is legal and yet Coke still uses High Fructose Corn Syrup.