I want to thank all of the anons who recommended me this game. It was fun.
I want to thank all of the anons who recommended me this game. It was fun
ahh, Ricotta is such a good girl
Nun was best girl
wat game
What game is that, I could get into a new fishing game.
Not played one since legend of the river king.
I'm so glad you gave it a shot.
>I like anime girls
>I like fishing
What is this game?
Ys VIII, it's an action game with a story that will break your heart.
Oh, fuck that then.
Ys 8, it's an action RPG, fishing is just a minigame/sidequest.
i have been grossly misled by op
god I want to kiss Ricotta
I estimate that fucking fish weighs 1500+ pounds going by averages of fish that length.
She's holding it up with one finger
>game is named after Dana
>don't meet Dana until like 3/4ths the way in
That was the idea.
>game gives us a super happy looking THANK YOU FOR PLAYING screen
>feel like complete shit because of what just happened
im mad
You're welcome.
These outfits never came to PC did they?
Can I play as the little girl all the time?
Can anyone tell me what the requirements for the True ending are?
I only have 3 Approval stars unearned, 1 for Katthew, 1 for Ricotta and 1 for Shoebill. Is there anything I need other than approval?
Do I need to complete the past dungeon, or watch all the approval events or something?
Don't know, I played it on Switch and it came with the outfits.
>The Eternians were all erased from history.
I'm still fucking mad.
Unfortunately no. You meet her around the half way point, and there are a couple sections after that you can't play as her.
Pretty sure PC only had the recolors and Laxia's scholar outfit.
fuck this OP and his misleading screencaps
Get reputation to or close to 200.
I think you just need 250 rep, which you can check in the journal
as long as you're above that you'll get the true ending
I believe you need to 3 star everyone, and beat the boss of the extra dungeon. You get extra story bits for beating irc.
sarai is so fucking HOT AHHHHHHH
A shame the story was just two unfinished ones mixed together. Still a really fun game with awesome music. Best soundtrack in a video game in years.
How do I check reputation?
>game is called Dracula's Castle
>you only meet Dracula until the last zone
I'm glad you liked it. It is a nice relaxing JRPG.
Considering your spoilers, you should know the truth.
It's in the journal
>fish up something that's 20 levels above you
>do paltry damage but soldier on while flash moving
>learn a bunch of skills in the process
>it doesn't fucking die
I guess it wasn't a complete waste.
Great game, god awful on a second playthrough though.
I was missing the Katthew and Shoebill star but Ricotta was maxed and I got the true end
You should try to max Ricotta anyway for the final scene she gives you
>break your heart.
dana is fucking overrated desu
I was kind of pissed off after I beat it because it said something like "unlocked additional dungeon". Why the fuck would it get unlocked when you finish the game? I loved the game, but I'm not going to replay it any time soon. Why couldn't you unlock it during the first play through? Complete crap.
Dana is objectively the best heroine in video games
You know you can just load your last save and enter the dungeon right?
whats up with this loli
the dungeon is supposed to be ng+ prep I think since you can farm permanent stat boosting items. As the game has some fucking awful level scaling which makes the higher difficulties way more tedious then they need to be it kind of helps.
How is it on the switch?
I haven't played any Ys games since 1+2, Origin and Oath of Felghana
Will I like this one?
If you do enjoy both of those, make sure to try /ourguy/ Akio Watanabe's game.
pretty good but with the usual issues of not loking as nice but no glaring faults from what I can remember. Switch also gets the better costumes for dlc.
Why is the bandaid over the sock?
It adds to the cuteness factor.
>dana is fucking overrated
When are they bringing back the bump system?
My personal favorite, always gave the cave areas this chill, mysterious vibe that I loved.
It's decent, I did notice things got fuzzy every once in a while and far off enemies moving at a low frame rate. It's nothing major, but it is noticeable.
infectiously loveable genki loli
Her and Sahad's interactions were great.
how big is ricotta's futa lolicock?
That's besides the point. After I beat a game, I'm done with it for a long time. It would have been nice to unlock it during the game rather than after. It's not like a GTA or a Saint's Row where you play it countless times.
you just KNOW
Glad you enjoyed it OP. Now beat it on inferno.
Are the other Ys games worth playing, and do they have lolis?
Lol, you beat me to it.
why is she named after a cheese
this makes her less appealing
Is the game any different on inferno? I might actually do it theres something to other more damage/more health on bosses.
but ricotta is delicious and versatile
Is it like FF with every game being a diff story or is there some continuation or reoccurring characters anything of that sort?
>loveable genki
You mean lewd
Can you shut the fuck up kid?
Nah, unless a game is designed around it, I don't generally find super hard games fun.
This reminds me of old PS2 JRPGs. Looks nostalgic.
Ys was the last game I played that was too difficult for me. Got stuck in Oath on that side scrolling flying fire dragon boss fight, pretty early in the game.
how the fuck did they get away with this
You wanna fight faggot? get that gay shit away from my wife.
The main character is the same in all games. There's a chronology to it, but the games are all self-contained adventures. There's no real on-going plot.
Her stockings are actually part of her skin. She tore the stocking so has to put a bandaid over it so it heals.
Or Back of the knee maybe?
The protagonist is the same, think of it like an episodic tv show, but more fleshed out featuring his adventures.
There sort of is an ongoing plot with the Romuns and the fact that Dana will be saved in a future title when Adol beats up the Trinity of Dods and forces them to change the rules of the world so there doesn't have to be a deity in charge of evolution anymore
>that lean forward
Oh my
Enemies are faster, bottles are one time use and almost everything 1-2 shots you
It's actually really hard
PS4 or PC version for Ys 8? (PC version updated to the latest patch of course). I heard it crashes a lot on pc.
thats a big fish
>No Iclucian Dance
I’ve played it all the way through on PC. It did crash a lot during a few specific cutscenes, but for most of the game it was fairly seamless.
Best boss
>crashes a lot on pc
Mileage will vary. Some have reported little to no crashing. I've personally dealt with 7 crashes over 50 hours and it was almost always during a cutscene transition.
I'm calling dibs on her womb
why is it impossible to find a brand new copy of this game for ps4 that isn't hundreds of dollars?
Because NISA are incompetent fucking retards
Did they get Ys 9 as well?
Hopes for Ys IX?
Good to know. It doesn't seem that bad if it's just cutscene crashes. I'll proceed with the PC version.
Not OP but I just happen to beat the game yesterday with the true ending.
Great game.
Still better than xseed cucks
Hopefully the city has actual shit to do outside of those rifts, considering it's supposedly 70% of the map. Last couple trailers made it seem empty. I'll still hold benefit of the doubt cause VIII didn't look that great during pre-release either..
>strap slip
Best girl.
That NISA has nothing to do with it. Other than that, non, since falcom has yet to disappoint me with a ys title. Now if only i could say the same thing for the trails games
>Iclucian Dance
Based taste, user.
Best boss.
>Catching that fucker was harder than the final boss
It took me like 10-20 minutes to reel it in.
This is the true end boss theme
The fish sometimes glitches and is much harder to catch when you encounter it. If you leave the area and come back it will sometimes load in normally and be much easier.
Now in 4k resolution.
>The most intense experience in my run was a glitch
You really need to equip that +2 to fishing accessory to get that fucker to not be such a cheating bastard.
It's a glitch. I just retried and he was no different than the other rare fish.
Try playing it again on higher difficulty if you want some more intense experiences. Some bosses like cave spider and the true final boss took me hours.
>not playing all the ys games on vita
>post-Origin Ys
>overpriced piece of shit hardware with no games
>the plot is basically mass effect with dinosaurs
>but actually good
>played the game expecting Dana to be some sort of a donut steel mary sue
>she had a truly horrifying life where she lost all her friends, became a victim of a witch hunt, then was forced to look in terror as her entire kind just dies off from starvation and cold
>her greatest achievement is planting some trees for Adol and shooting herself in a head
>absolute garbage gameplay wise outside of the spirit forms that were just borrowed powers
the story could have been more interesting if Adol and Dana never met in the present. rather it should have been Dana only being in the past while continuing to help the party through communication/trees/other. growing an unbreakable bond while never meeting one another would have been more impactful
Gotta be over 18 to post on here.
>dem jagged edges
Is this a Switch?
This looks like a Switch
I've been on this site for too long. I saw the thumbnail and immediately thought the fish was a Bad Dragon product.
I heard the switch version performance was crap
Yes, it is.
The Switch is a straight port of the Vita version.
The PS4/PC are the ones with some enhancements.
Vita Western release didn't have the bonus content with Dana though.
But not as fun as it could be since Silvia and Griselda weren't playable.
And funny enough, the vita version was even worst. The game can't even keep 30fps on the switch, its a horrible port
just pirated and installed, thanks. Finished Chapter 1 and it feels like a fun little jrpg.
Enjoy user, it gets much better as it goes. Never give NISA money.
>implying Adol doesn't go to the north pole to ascend to being the god of adventure and fugging his harems of blue haired goddesses.
Too bad she got off screen murdered before she could make that baby
Can you stick your dick in any of these cuties?
Adol is adventuresexual, so no.
There's a few characters who show up between games but they're 99% standalone stories
>jap MC always allergic to women
No wonder these insectoids keep coming after my bwc
Ah, so you DO find the last boss fish there. It's what I suspected but I didn't bother trying.
Also didn't really want to look it up, either. Oh well. Still that one other single fish I missed to find on my own.
Kinda with you here, "post-game" is a stupid concept.
Yes. See pic related for an overview, but don't worry about any "optimal order" or anything.
If you're unsure where to start, pick Oath in Felghana. As for lolis, I think Napishtim is your best bet. Also Ys V but it's not a good game.