Anyone have a legit reason for why this was so evil? Just don't buy it if you think it's overpriced

Anyone have a legit reason for why this was so evil? Just don't buy it if you think it's overpriced.

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When that DLC came out people still had standards.
It'd be perfectly acceptable nowadays.

if you put it on that fastest horse, it stops being immortal
pure evil

>Bro I'll just close my eyes while you fuck my gf
Because it sets the standard you dumb faggot.

word of mouth convinces more silly billies not to fall for it

MtX irreparably changes game design on a fundamental level. It doesn't matter whether you personally buy it or not

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If only we knew, at the time, what evils it would spawn.

Does it change it for the worse though?

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The fact that you even had to ask is baffling.
>game has mtx
>devs make game more grindy to push people towards mtx to avoid the grind
If your design philosophy revolves around trying to make players want to pay money to play your game LESS, you fucked up somewhere along the way.

It was 2006 DLC was brand new, no one had been charged for such a small insignificant thing before and was rightly seen as outrageous.

Also, it didn't actually provide armor to the horse the same way armor provided armor to NPCs or players. All it did was increase the horse's health.

I wanna go back

>game has mtx
>don't play that game
>don't have to deal with mtx
What's the issue here?

Ok, but what does that have to do with the horse armor in the OP? Buying it didn't reduce any grind. It barely effected the gameplay.

The issue is that someone else is going to play it, pay for it, and incentivize the practice. Then suddenly every game does it, and three out of every four Yea Forums thread is about how shitty video games are because there aren't any worth playing anymore.

you had to walk all the way to the imperial stables

>go back in time
>kill hordolf armitler
Do you save vidya future or damn it further?

Do mtx somehow erase all the thousands of games that already exist without it? Why don't you play them?

Wouldn't affect anything. This kind of business model is a natural evolution considering Habbo Hotel and friends were doing years before it landed in video games. It'd only be a matter of time before someone else connects the dots and end up in the same damn place we're in right now.

It was just a litmus test for everything that followed

I want to go back in time and stop Todd Howard

Because it was a stupid thing to charge money for and anyone with a brain could see where this trend was going. And now look, the whole industry is being run on dressing up waifus and weebshit

You seem to be under the impression that because someone protests unfair consumer practice, they are somehow incapable of enjoying games without them. I'm sorry that my will isn't as weak as yours user, and that I care enough about where my dollar goes to not let it jew me because I compromised on the clothes/food/games/anything I buy.

I'd love to see you try, user.

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It wasn't by modern standards but this is probably the first moment dlc was a public conversation that many people pointed out serious issues with. It was of course ignored, Bethesda has legions of fanboys who defended and outright encouraged it, naysayers were largely criticized or ignored and most professional opinions were this was the beginning of such practices for most people.

All of which was correct of course, now its standard behavior but there was a time paid content was the base game then full expansion packs often as big or bigger than the original game.

This shit was inevitable. It wasn't one person's idea, it was something publishers had been trying to work into business models since forever. There wasn't one phone game that doomed the media to pay to win shit either, dozens if not hundreds of different dev teams figured this shit out at the same time.

not related to consoles but you're conveniently forgetting how it can get every developer to adopt it meaning you'll have virtually zero games without it.
I mean mobile games which is based on this very practice killed the flash game genre because people realized they could make even shittier versions of their old free games but milk the rubes for all they're worth so no one bothers making flash games now, while a mobile game not infected with this shit is rarer than a unicorn

Why the fuck should any content like this be locked behind a credit card and not simply be something you find ingame?

I was more baffled than anything else. In all seriousness, with Bethesda I just wait for all the GOTY edition anyway and for it to go on sale so its not like I paid $60+ for the whole thing.
That being said the fact that an entire DLC was devoted to a mount's armor was weird when the rest of the DLC was expansions and new quests.

Y'all motherfuckers joking or are you just this retarded? Because the horse armor happened it set the course for every numnuts developer to cut content only to sell it back to you via mtx. Or add some useless overpriced cosmetic. And because faggots said, "well if you don't like it don't buy ;^)" it spread like a fucking virus and now it's harming game development.

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thin edge of the wedge

It was just a prank bro. So many people weren't supposed to fall for it.

If you weren't twelve, and could remember the land before MtX, you wouldn't need to ask.

Yeah, things are a LOT worse since this was normalized.

>just don't buy it

Horse armor is why we have $1500 of DLC in DOA5

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