Meow, woof?

meow, woof?

Attached: Cara9-1.png (540x624, 87K)

Other urls found in this thread:

shut the fuck up gin
your days are numbers

you bet they are numbers, more then q'taro's

Hopes for chapter three?

Attached: 1565887565557.png (816x624, 178K)

gin dying


Attached: nao2.jpg (600x495, 57K)

a very pretty girl!

Attached: ilovehersomuch.png (680x486, 321K)

I want to take off his mask and kiss him on the lips,
then tell him that's how you show affection to someone!

Nao without the t shirt, but still wearing the overalls.

Whoa user. Wait for him to start puberty, and maybe give him the talk before doing that. Actually, just don’t kiss him period.

how about on the cheek

So what's their relationship?

Attached: EBrZPG1UEAAGzkV.jpg (1728x1508, 236K)

Incestuous siblings?

They're clearly brothers

Kanna pissing in her bucket!

Who's the older brother then?

I see these threads are already quickly running downhill.


we just need content, i'll start tumblr posting then

Attached: tumblr_rgrufd7r2K4ytsGyfo1_750.gif (409x366, 240K)



Attached: purest.png (420x1356, 1.1M)

What are you talking about?
The bucket is where she keeps the condoms.

Is this...actual content?

Attached: nya wan wan.png (1014x716, 384K)

I want to kill this kid so much

top and bottom

yes, if you refuse his tokens on his third trade if im not mistaken

post the bucket girl

Kanna should have died instead of her sister in that first trial
Her sister looks way cooler

Attached: 1540446182614.jpg (800x1000, 152K)

Why not?
I have never played the game, nor have any idea who they are.

Post more responses to names. Shit is funny.

>wanting all non candidate garbage to pass the first trial

>tfw Kugie starts wearing the bucket because it’s all she has left of Kanna

fucking dick
how did you know there was incest porn of them already?

Attached: A9602A06-04BE-4C5E-9281.gif (409x366, 115K)

>implying Kugie wouldn't celebrate instead

A good conflict of interest between the surviving characters and the First Trial Loser Dolls. I want to palpably feel the tension.

All the new art of them together makes sense now that we know about they share a personal history together.

>First Trial Loser Dolls
Atleast they were candidates unlike Nao.

would be interesting tbqh though love to see how they'd get around their collars from killing them since they can't be too far away from surviving partner

Easy there, Gashu. I'm just telling it how it is.

Because siblings and perverts existing?

Attached: Dk44pIoVsAAapZn.jpg (1854x2048, 338K)

Don't fucking tell me anything. Imagine actually thinking a non candidate has any place in this game.


Oh no

Oh fuck

Oh yeah

don't talk about kanna like that

Attached: Cara3-19.png (230x624, 46K)

No really, take a good long look at that Kanna art.

When you see it...

>Sou is fine with being called Mishima
what does it mean

Attached: cara12-3.png (580x624, 89K)

she has skeleton legs?

whens chapter 3?

No, it’s fanart fusion of her and Safalin.

Which doll will turn out to have been alive the entire time?

Attached: 1566010787671.png (819x629, 417K)

Mishima is actually cool.

>we are missing cara10 which would be between cara9 (Gin) and cara11 (Alice), probably femAlice
>we are missing cara13 too, between cara12 (Mishima) and cara14 (Miley)
What does it mean?

Attached: cara0-4.png (240x624, 53K)

If I was the doll being paired up with Shin I'd just accept my eventual death

We don't see poodleboy explicitly dying unlike the rest, do we?

Attached: giseisya5.png (816x624, 206K)

What do you think she wears underneath?

a very thin painty (single)

If you could choose your partner, who would you pick? I'm satisfied with our actual partner

Attached: cara91-10.png (400x624, 54K)

I don’t mind this design.
I actually kinda like it.

>Comparing characters to animals
We’re all Gins, now!

How did Gin know about the secret passage to the first floor?
Who even made it? The Floormasters didn't seem to know about it, and the computer in the Room of Rubble doesn't seem to serve any apparent purpose.

Attached: 1536290680119.png (235x400, 125K)

shut the fuck up you faggot, i'll never be like that innocent elementary school student

And the bandages complicates mattered

Furthermore, if he was actually bleeding out but didn't die, he could have recovered in the IV room in the first floor.
Shit, it's starting to shape up

Obviously Sou.

That's actually pretty damn true. We see him bleeding out but we don't really see much else. I feel there will be a reason why he's partnered up with super important Sara.

There may be more sprites left to uncover?

I really think Mishima will have a big connection to Sou. Like he was Sou's teacher or something.

Who said the floormasters didn't know about the secret passageway?

We don't even know what his first trial was as well

I would have picked the punished loli so she could join the Sara and Keiji punished gang

Attached: cara93-1.png (450x624, 77K)

i thought it was just some dumb hat that looked like a bucket but it was really a bucket... huh...

Attached: bucket.png (1104x716, 80K)

am i seeing things or does kanna have breasts?

In terms of what may have been the most interesting outcome, I'd probably have prefered the Salaryman due to his supposed connection with Sara, regardless of whether or not his memory got 'erased' or not. He's not the worst pick of the lot on that front, though, seeing as he clearly isn't happy about the situation he's been put in.
As for who I think would be the safest bet to be partnered with for maximising survival chance? I think it probably is a toss up between him and Anzu.

It's not just the missing sprites, but the way they are arranged. cara0 - cara12 are all main characters, going from Sara who is 0 to Mishima who is 12. Floormasters being at 14 with miley and go all the way to 19 with Sou (It's important to note Saradad is 17 as well).
It's reasonable to assume cara10 is a participant of some sort. No idea about cara12 though.

Attached: cara3-16.png (230x624, 47K)

yes, she is 13/14

>that's Kanna's bucket
Absolute autism

CLEARLY you are seeing things

I mean...a bit? You could tell this just by playing the game.

She looks so fucking done with everything.

She is a teenaged girl user.

I'd fuck him

The only doll I would fuck is this one

Attached: cara94-1.png (320x624, 72K)

So Sara's dad is before Sou huh? Interesting. But atleast this confirms that Sara's dad will indeed be a floormaster if that wasn't obvious before.

So cara10 is a participant huh? Wonder who else it would be at this point. Unless.....Ryoko is one of them? Either cara10 or cara13.

You would be too if you were in this death game.

>, I'd probably have prefered the Salaryman due to his supposed connection with Sara, regardless of whether or not his memory got 'erased' or not
I think that's the reason why they didn't pair up Shunsuke with Sara because he would end up saying shit about her.

I wonder how he got involved with the organization.

cara10 is pic related.
cara13 is Kugie.

Attached: cara10-1.png (370x624, 70K)

She was already done with everything even before she got thrown into the death game. Hell she even thanks Ranger for giving her the chance to die.

So Sou and Sara's dad are members of the Asunaro huh?

What about Megumi? Was she not on those files?

Cara20, after Sou.

Attached: cara20-1.png (320x624, 67K)

seeing as they're floormasters.... yeah. really want to know how and why they joined the organization especially sara's papa

who's cara18 then? if papa chidouin is 17 and sou is 19 then who would be 18?

wait i thought that he was cara12

Attached: cara12-1.gif (800x600, 169K)

18 is Rio.


Huh. Wonder why she's not grouped with the participants but Kugie is since she's cara13.

Unless the other participants are after Sou.

Then Safalin and Gashu are 15 and 16 respectively I assume?

Miley is 14.
Safaling is 15.
Gashu is 16.
Papa being in the middle is really suspicious.

Attached: cara18-2.png (500x624, 59K)

Sou probably just wants to watch the world burn or because he's bored while Sara's dad is probably doing this for Sara's sake.

It's weird how Ranger is in between Sara's dad and Sou. But I do agree it's very suspicious for Sara's dad to be in the middle of two floormasters.

I wonder what are the reasons for Keiji's appearance change
>i shoot someone
>that person was important to me
>i want to be punished but my hot superior saved my ass
>now ill retire, bleach my hair and get buff

Attached: keijis.png (640x516, 427K)

>Miley, Ranger, Safalin, Gashu, Sou and Papa Chidouin
The 6 Floormasters. Maybe we'll get one more to complete some 7 Deadly Sins trope.

I honestly want to know who Keiji's pal was. There's clearly more going on with what happened between Keiji and Megumi.

Which sins would the current ones represent?

So what the fuck is female Alice?
I'm wrapping my head around it and what pops to my head is Alice going insane thinking he's "Reko" and uses a weird machine he finds in chapter 3 to transition.

Safalin is pure, unadulterated lust for sure, but what about the rest?

Attached: 70398045_p14.png (464x526, 163K)

>a machine that turns you into a girl
god I fucking hope you are right

What a magine that kills the original self and replaces it with a doll of the opposite sex ?

>Miley = Wrath
>Ranger = Envy
>Safalin = Lust
>Gashu = Pride
>Sou = Sloth
>Sara's dad = Gluttony

I just fucking noticed one of the fanart i saved had woman alice(in the same screen as sara's dad)
did nips already know about this alice?

Attached: 73806570_p0.jpg (1479x1109, 1.87M)

I dunno but these sprites were NOT in the files for chapter 2. Brace yourselves for impact.

Attached: cara10-2.png (370x624, 70K)

I'm thinking that something in chapter 3 will probably end up messing with Alice somehow. That or more doll shenanigans.

>uses a weird machine he finds in chapter 3 to transition.
Isn't the prison uniform Female Alice is wearing way too form-fitting for that to be the case? I also see no real reason why the uniform would get torn considering he'd be getting a smaller frame.

>sara giving gin the /ss/ look


That track that plays every now and then that sounds like people breathing always gives me the goosebumps

This What the fuck? And this was back last year when this art was made. Damn female Alice may have been a thing all this time and they did know about it but we westerners were late.

we aren't missing either anymore

Attached: Untitled-1.png (944x701, 374K)

what the actual fuck is this, why is that even there?

Attached: WHAT.png (500x624, 205K)

In the japanese website you can play the original, there are animated, small gifs as a preview for the games. FemAlice was always there, since chapter one. You only get to see her for a fraction of a second though.

Attached: hmmmmm.png (500x400, 177K)

user this art was made last year and it clearly has that weird female Alice in it. This sort of implies that nips somehow knew about her for atleast a year.


Wonder why her sprites are only in the chapter 3 files not the previous chapter files. Doesn't make sense.

If you crack chapter 2-2 open yourself, you will see that cara10 is missing. FemAlice sprites were added for the demo.

I don't know if it's from chapter 1 or 2 but female Alice was in the animations folder, probably for the discussion interface.

Attached: 1.png (960x1152, 206K)

hear me out, could this be a red herring in the files that really means nothing?

Everyone's freaking about FemAlice but let's not forget to notice
>1th anniversary

Huh. Either for whatever reason they just dumped unused sprites onto the chapter 3 demo files which isn't uncommon or female Alice will be a thing for chapter 3. But seeing this makes me question the whole thing.

and here's the version from the new demo

Attached: 1.png (960x1152, 1.11M)

Okay I'll bite,whats the game name

It could be that tbqh. Wouldn't be the first time they had unused models or content on the files.

your turn to die/kimi ga shine

What the hell? What is even the meaning of this?

What else is unused?

>new character added in the files for demo
>means nothing

Hinako a qt

idk if it's just me but it feels so good seeing the other participants with the ones we know already.

The remaining participants are numbered as Cara9x.

Hinako is mine I already claimed her.

>What else is unused?
I'm not sure. I was just saying overall that it's not the first time a game had unused content left in the game's files.

You can have her
in pieces

so this is 19 in all

we are missing real sou though, and that's everyone right?

>The remaining participants are numbered as Cara9x.
Weird. Wonder what if means.

Yes, but real sou turned out to be a floor master

then its just keiji's boss then

If we're talking about participants then we're missing Kugie and Megumi. Real Sou was a candidate but he's joined the floormasters side.

So who did you choo-choo-choose at the end of 2-2?

We're missing Megumi and Kugie, FemAlice aside, those would be the 20 players.

I kicked the bucket

And Kanna's sister

what the fuck theres even porn of woman alice

Attached: wat.png (352x420, 49K)

Why didn't they just make him a participant if he was already a candidate?

Woah dude, goddamn

Attached: 4776.gif (409x366, 147K)

This won't work anymore

Because the organization felt Sou causes more damage as a floormaster so they promoted him.

>femAlice lewds

man and here we thought we made a discovery about the fem alice thing kek. nips have known for like 2 years

>in my search for FemAlice fanart, all I found man Alice getting fucked in the ass & Alice and Reko stuff
This isn't very epic

Attached: 1565784891102.png (500x624, 66K)

Is he a doll or is he actually alive?
How is he related to Shin?
What are his motives?

Attached: 1554914393154.png (300x624, 105K)

>be close to a babe like miley and torment people as a floormaster
>have to work with the guy who killed him as a participant
gee which one sounds more enticing

What's the matter hackerboy? Can't deal with a few .smut files?

Attached: cara0-2.png (240x624, 52K)

We have this user so it's a start. There may be more.

He claims he's a doll but he's a trickster he could be lying like he could be about being a floormaster. Sou is a mystery.

As for Shin, it's hard to say but with the way they talked, seems like they have a personal connection. Sara says they look somewhat alike so they could even be relatives.

And his motives are as clear as him.

What scene is this from?

Go into the demo with Alice/Kanna

He's sleeping.

Attached: 1566145035250.png (464x602, 421K)

For anons who wanted man's bath scene, here's a short story about who shall peep

See? I told you he was a good boy.

Attached: low quality shit.png (500x517, 265K)

He kinda does look like "Sou" tbqh. Like a slightly older version of him but with green hair.



Attached: 1565816022118.jpg (1080x1080, 99K)

Real talk about chapter 3
Is Gin going to die or is he going to be revealed as the meowstermind

>tfw you check his coffin again and find him smiling at you when his theme is coming
What a based way to make an entrance

I'd bet money on him actually being alive and just telling you he's a doll for giggles.

Naomichi will punch the shit out of him until he's a gooey red mess.

God I love Safalin so much.

Attached: 75178035_p11.png (750x500, 241K)


shut the fuck up

Attached: 1566162364354.png (306x268, 140K)

Sorry, I tried to take his scarf and he woke up

Attached: midori2.png (464x602, 421K)

It was Sou you fag. That's why the others know him

>Alice disappears after he gets caught peeping
Is he alright, bros?


Why is he so fucking cute?

I can see where Shin got his bad habits from.

This is Sou's hand, will you hold it?

Attached: midori3.png (358x397, 34K)

Wasn't he waiting like 5 hours? He probably got genuinely tired and fell asleep. Cute.

Well his big bro was all he had growing up since their father was an alcoholic while their mother was insane to where she had Shin answer her maiden name while Sou answered their father's name.

Attached: EB3T_MXVUAA9XsE.jpg (1471x1156, 194K)

What a nutcase.

>FemAlice in early fanart
>drawn as a seperate entity from Alice, and grouped with Sara's dad
>the masked man who handles the intro for chapter 3 is already featured as well
Man we know fucking nothing, do we

Yeah. He waited 5 hours and fell asleep during the time. This guy is too much

>Kai wishing he was at home working on his Sara altar
>Alice wishing he was at prison doing nothing

We really don't. Nips pretty much knew who these characters were for more than a year. We were late on the train.

>Kai wishing he was at home working on his Sara altar
my sides

>Naomichi holding Hinako upside down

Attached: 1470523163844.jpg (666x632, 61K)

I thought Nao didn't have an AI?

Attached: !$31.png (432x384, 7K)

Fucking explain this, Gashu.

I'm very excited to see how Naomichi acts. He radiates power

The absolute madlad


Same. Especially since he's paired with Kanna or Shin. Should be interesting to see how he gets along with them. But so far, he's not about making friends.

Nobody will be able to remotely control him

Attached: 1471812646039.png (329x370, 150K)

just now I'm noticing the AI's had a second expression

Attached: !$54.png (432x384, 7K)

>my waifu died for nothing

Naomichiboys rise up.

Attached: Naomichi.png (904x640, 169K)

>Sou tries to screw him over by fleeing from him
>Naomichi outruns him and knocks his ass out with one punch while he carries him around to complete the challenge

Poor Nao. Now her death is even more meaningless. Did Gashu know about this?

Really cute bucket.

I wish I had an AI of myself.

Keiji's AI mouth looks so dumb in the first sprite

If he did, then his actions doesn't make sense so it would be likely he didn't know. Only way he knows and still did what he did is to get a rise out of Miley and Sou

>Hinako refuses to reveal the big info
>The dolls die if you go too far from them
Just have Keiji threaten to go away from her

how old is he?

Hinako is a suicidal girl though. I'm not sure how useful that threat would be.

Hinako literally wouldn't give a fuck. She wants to die.

Why do we hate Gin again? He’s more useful than the likes of Kanna and Reko.

What's in the dark room behind the vent room where you get the security disk? There's clearly an IV bag hanging down, and there's people inside.

Rate the new lads.

For me its
Hinako > Kurumada > Anzu > Mai > Poodle > Hayasaka

Attached: 76327992_p0.png (3064x2048, 1.25M)

with all these new characters coming in(well not really new but still) i'm beginning to forget about kai, joe and nao.

I don't hate Gin

Attached: pet your catdog.png (196x235, 4K)

The real Sara

Naomichi >>>>>>> Mai >> Anzu >>>>>>>>Ranmaru >>>>>>>> Hinako >>>>>>> Shunsuke

Gin should have died in 2-1 instead of Reko or Alice.


Attached: 1565037521376.jpg (680x546, 51K)

>Ranmaru will join Sara's harem and replace Joe
>Hinako will become a /ll/ candidate
>Sara will make the salaryman her beta orbiter just like Kai
>The jester girl with the same age will replace Nao as the next yuri ship
>Sara will show to Naomichi the power of friendship
>Baker girl will become the group's MILF
>Sara will mindbreak both Sou and Shin in the end
the CHADouin genes are too strong

Attached: cara0-10.png (240x624, 52K)

wait who the fuck is anzu? she never showed herself onscreen in her victim video.

I'd still pick him, he's pretty cute.
Mai or Naomichi would be alright too.

Attached: 1566163225135.png (375x375, 121K)

Mai > Naomichi > Anzu > Hinako > Ranmaru > Shunsuke


Attached: giseisya2.png (816x624, 204K)

Sara was a mistake.

Anzu is the jester. Hinako was the unseen girl.


well atleast i remember i wanna fuck Anzu.

all she had to do was squat lmaooo

I hope Sou rapes that bitch

I hope Kanna trips and kills him instantly

So who was Miley talking to in 2-2 on the first floor?

What are the chances that the big end twist is just time looping bullshit, or some other completely out of left field sci-fi shit?

Is it still wrong to ship a 12-year-old animal enthusiast with a possibly 18-year-old jester?

He says he's an adult plus he looks around the same age as Shin if not slightly older.

Speaking of which, I feel Miley and Sou are working together.

Attached: Miley.png (356x624, 86K)

Retard moe, huh? I'm in.

Attached: 1478711102222.png (293x270, 41K)

I never saw all the victim videos. Is there somewhere to watch them all?

The real Sara.

She was frightened ok? No bully.

It's going to be Megumi. Calling it now.

Pretty high. We already have AIs and dolls making clones.

Well we have clone dolls, AI that mimics a real person, and simulation runs that predicted how the game ends. Literally anything can happen now.

Why would you even ship them in the first place? Especially when they aren't even partners?

he's the mastermind and the cause of everyone's suffering.

when does this game hit its stride
just made it to first main trial and shit is running at 2 fps suddenly and killing my phone

>Sara will show to Naomichi the power of friendship
and naomichi will show sara the power of his hands

>calls Miley beautiful but her personality is scary
Sou has some good taste.

Imagine waking up and some bitch dressed as a melon soda float tells you that you died horribly a week ago and now you're a perfect android recreation forced to continue playing the same game

play on pc dude

Hey atleast they get a second chance at life even if it's not the originals.

>playing it on mobile
Oh boy you ain't gonna like chapter 2.

nips pair them up too

Attached: SouMiley.jpg (1280x919, 136K)

Similar quirky character design. Also my misconception that they looked about the same age, but that was when we only had that party illustration to go off of—the actual VN portraits actually make her kind of stacked, while in the illustration her chest was obscured by other characters.
Also, for what it’s worth, the name Anzu is the Japanese name for Teá Gardner from Yugioh.

Ah, I must be in heaven.

Attached: 75287877_p4.png (1300x1425, 2.84M)

ask to sex

Attached: Soou.png (464x606, 394K)

im too deep in this rabbit hole

“We live in a society.”

Dude just wanted a high-five, Sara is such a cunt.

he looks like such a good boy. what is alice's problem?

you know you can select by chapter so if you finish ch1, you can just move to pc, right?

Attached: Soou2.gif (816x624, 1.48M)

you can skip ahead to the chapter and part you need, so you can switch when you finish the part you're on

>Similar quirky character design. Also my misconception that they looked about the same age, but that was when we only had that party illustration to go off of—the actual VN portraits actually make her kind of stacked, while in the illustration her chest was obscured by other characters.
Fair enough. I thought she was a middle schooler at first but the boobs and remembering her status on the papers threw that misconception out the window.

>Also, for what it’s worth, the name Anzu is the Japanese name for Teá Gardner from Yugioh.
What does that mean?

Attached: Party.jpg (1632x1248, 797K)

He's so cute

Attached: EB7-tQfUEAA8A7V.jpg (1060x1200, 120K)

Nani?! We have mobile ports?

Attached: 2829FFDF-1258-417E-82C4-C577B4572E25.jpg (474x348, 22K)

Miley better get it before it's too late.

Attached: Mileyy.png (356x624, 86K)

Attached: 70503205_p0.png (907x1240, 710K)

can't wait to hunt him down and kill him


Attached: Sou-zetubou.png (816x624, 319K)

Why would you want to harm such a good boy?

will jumpscare joe reappear in Shin route?

Attached: 1565718403582.jpg (1091x823, 399K)

Safalinfags need to be put in a chamber.

Attached: Sou.png (330x624, 76K)

Do dolls have working genitals?
this is important

>What does that mean?
The original yugioh manga (before it focused so heavily on the card game) portrayed Yugi as much more childish, and since his crush was named Anzu, an alternate reality death game partnering Gin with Anzu would’ve been the catalyst for references and/or scene parodies.

(note that I’m only talking about the cancer that my own mind has concocted—I’m not implying that I know how Nankidai would approach that kind of acquaintanceship.)

Attached: 8B8A1212-B950-4ED3-91DC-DBBC26A5D52E.png (540x624, 88K)

Yeah, with her.

Attached: 70398045_p16.png (850x1144, 388K)

No. Sara's done with the hallucinations. So goodbye for good, Joe.

Took the words out of my mouth.

Dumb Ginposter.

Attached: Smugboy.png (237x206, 37K)

Are there going to be 3 final branches to the story?
>gin dead
>kanna dead
>sou dead

They are as real as humans minus the blood(apparently) so yes they have a dick or a pussy.

That's the extra feature Safalin was trying to tell Sara about

>Sara describes them as "disturbingly detailed"
Oh no

Attached: 1464587863297.jpg (234x216, 17K)

>I have an offer you can't refuse

So what does Q-Taro having this sprite mean? Only Nao, Kanna and Shin have one of their own like this.

Attached: cara4-k.png (500x624, 14K)

Gin never dies in chapter 2

Probably. I'm thinking one of the 6 survivors will die at the end of 3-1 along with a doll or two or maybe two of the 6 survivors die. So Q-taro or Gin might bite the dust this time.

“Do with as you wish”

Attached: 83D52F8E-639A-48F5-9B86-8EC32698AE48.jpg (631x677, 55K)

>gin crushed to death
>gin burned to death
>gin fucked to death

it means you have to touch his heart minigame.

which i could've sworn he already had a minigame like that.

Means you've gotta poke his heart

You can fail to save him by being a retard or pussying out and not shoving the robot off the platform.

Ah, fuck, was that it? I can't believe I didn't recognize that.

Meiser was based. His use of the word "yo" sticked with me much more than it should. Hope he returns.

Does he actually die? I figured he had to stick around because he has a pretty big role in part 2.

Attached: Sooou.png (464x602, 395K)

Heart touching minigame as you desperately beg Q-Taro to not win the entire fucking game again

No. He doesn’t die, Q-taro presses the switch at the last second ‘cuz Gin ends up calling for his mom.

Imagine an extremely confused, naked Kanna doll waking up in the revolver room.

Attached: Ohno.png (1000x730, 299K)

I hope not

Agreed. Meiser was pretty cool.

god damn it, i'm still posting him though

Attached: ginvirgin.png (816x624, 464K)


he looks so comfy

Oh god. I never realized that doll might have an AI installed. I hope it did

Same. Gin can get fucked and die for all I care but Q-taro needs to survive and go help those kids from his orphanage.

>people posting about the demo
reee idk how you people can willingly spoil yourself the true experience with a watered down beta version

this nigga will be comedy gold in chapter 3

Attached: 1509314435980.jpg (336x336, 17K)

It's 10 minutes.

it's like 10 minutes dude

Guess who

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>inb4 it's pic related's

Attached: Winner.png (816x432, 12K)


Why would you willingly miss out on the speculation just because a single thing in the demo had a placeholder image?

I don't get the relation.


Kanna doll with Mishima AI?
Explain, maybe?


It's too late, FemAlice is basically canon at this point.

Brainlet here
Please explain

Attached: bucket.jpg (2976x2387, 767K)

Interesting. So you say that the one in the portrait is Mishima. Now how in the world did you come to that conclusion, user? What do you think you know about Mishima? Why do you think that's Mishima?

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I'm talking about the monster, it's reused from chapter 2

This can't be real....

You see, there was a certain person who won a previous death game. That person's name was M

guy who wrote the journal in the hackerroom is gin's stepdad

Also because he's based as fuck and knows how to play the game for his own survival while working with others

referring to the talking portrait, not Kanna. It looks like the same guy.

the very fact that mishima is the one known name that sou will take besides shin tells you that much. mishima is going to be very important for a guy who early on. that guy will end up being the one behind that portrait.

Well Gin is evil so wouldn't be surprised that his stepdad is evil too.

Gashu don't do it, just delay the main game.

Ignore Gashu

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Too bad she died before she became legal.

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>"painless death"
>it's clearly excruciating

why's it gotta be like this bros

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i still can't believe he said that about her. made it look like he wanted to bang her

>Someone using my shit meme
I am both amused and flattered/relieved.

It wasn't that excruciating. Well for Shin it was since he lost his waifu.

It is weird that Mishima was the first to die. I'm hoping there's a revelation about him that does't make him Junko 2.0.

Mukuro Ikusaba, the 16th student. Hidden somewhere in this school. The one they call the "ultimate despair." Watch out for her.

>have the lowest chance of survival
>lose your autistic girlfriend
>dead brother comes back to torment you
being shin is suffering

Attached: Shin.png (500x624, 66K)

Nah, he was mad he didn’t get to show off getting the collar off with his hax skills.

sou is kinda filling that role already but with mishima, he does seem like he will be more involved than we thought

>Either you die by getting shot and bleeding out
>Or your JC gf dies by getting her insides replaced with vines
>Or you both die alongside everyone else excluding two lesbians
>These are the only outcomes
Being Shin sucks ass.

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Attached: choose_this_topic.png (820x627, 323K)

It's more likely that there are multiple hidden rooms and passages meant for the staff to use.

Of course

>Or you both die alongside everyone else excluding two lesbians
Atleast Kanna and Shin would be together in the afterlife and I get my Nao pussy.

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This. I mean do we know EVERYTHING about this facility?

Well maybe he shouldn't have pretended to be his brother and stop acting like a smartass.

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Who is this character? I remember all the candidates' names but then all of a sudden this girl shows up and I have no clue where she came from

There's multiple ways you could explain it. If you wanna get REALLY meta, maybe they intentionally altered a participant's gender and altered the memories of the other participants to recognize them as the other gender. Since there's the whole testing emotions shit going on, maybe they wanted to see if the subject would interact with others differently due to gender.

Not saying that's why, just saying there's lots of room for shit like this.



Shin got pretty mad at Sou for mocking Kanna and her death though. Kanna also gets mad at Sou for kinda mocking Shin and saying how he wanted to kill him with his own hands if he was going to die anyways.

Is the green haired Sou supposed to be a different guy or are they the same guy?

That's her name?

Attention, gentlemen.



Attached: Gashu.png (370x624, 75K)

Is the Sou with a scarf supposed to be a different guy or are they the same guy?

Fuck yes. May this become our default reply to suicideposters.

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Being Sara is suffering

Attached: cara0-5.png (300x624, 56K)

immensely based

what the fuck you stole my question

They're the same guy you brainlet.

Attached: TheSous.png (716x600, 444K)

What if this is all an experiment to get someone's mind and personalities on a different body?
Gashu's last hint about memories of upbringing was interesting.

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Hinako's suffering is worse.

how are they the same guy if one has different hair, unless the death game robots gave him hair dye

I thought that hint was that they all came from the same place or something.


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Remember when Qtaro said the name of that organization on Kai's laptop was the name of his orphanage? Their upbringings may have all been connected, that plus Kai being an assassin and tasked with protecting Sara, who said she had a house assistant since she was in grade school

Sara literally said they looked alike.

>pulling an FF8
I doubt it. Probably more like false memories.

I'm on chapter 1, why did sou say sara and joe were accomplicaes with the kidnappers.
The emails make it seem like they were forced into the game.

Sara, what are you doing?
Stop, get your face out of Gin's crotch.

G-Gin, what are you doing?!

>why did sou say
he's a fucking rat don't believe a single word he says

That's even less likely especially when they all recognize Sou.

Because it means there's a connecrion between them and the kidnappers. Also continue reading and don't come back until you're finished unless you want spoilers.

Doesn't Gin have supersmell?

That's probably what might happen. Kanna said she was adopted after all.

reko gf
think about it

Attached: Fluffy_reko_nao.jpg (2048x1442, 241K)

Since a bath is presented as a special thing in chapter 2, does that mean Sara and the others have been walking around in the same smelly, sweaty, sticky clothes for like a week?

I prefer a Nao gf


They all probably played the game before, which is why they recognize him, but were all made to forget after the game restarted.

it's supposed to be cute, user

But everybody started doubting sara and joe and even voted for them. The emails made it seem like sara and joe were roped into this against their will.

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Play the fucking game instead of asking here


Keep it up with the quality bait.

I hope this means we get to see a male Reko.

i'm not fucking baiting, its freaking borderline body horror.

What do you think i'm doing.
I'm playing and asking when something doesn't make sense.

user can't take it easy.

Attached: Take it Easy.jpg (600x334, 79K)

I think they atleast let them have their own showers.

At this point, I don’t even care if it’s bait anymore. Your reactions are gold either way.

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So play the game because you will understand what's going on and why Sou said that, why the fuck would you enter a spoiler filled thread and ask stupid questions

Makes them sound like AIs instead of humans.

Not him but all I can gather was that they still just felt they both had some hand in this. They were being led by Sou's lies

what did nankidai mean by this

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So why was it bad that crab-stache tried to kill a non-candidate?

Mystery of Female Alice runs deeper...

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Why did he have to die?

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He was the sage, bros...

other then the fact he has the name ALICE which I was super confused that no one questioned, this makes it a little more confusing

Did you guys pick Sou or Kanna?

kanna cause sou is cool

Kanna so I get max tensions with both Alice and Sou alive

I remember Keiji finding it hard to believe that Reko's brother was named "Alice"

kanna. i wanna make that green nigger suffer some more

If Alice is a trans, then that fact was well hidden by the fact that this game has no voice acting

>he has the name ALICE
Yes but he's unmistakably a guy. What also intrigues me is the handcuffs Male Alice has, he could have been handcuffed to Female Alice since she's in a jail outfit but lacks restraints, who knows.

Attached: alices.png (800x630, 551K)

It really is looking like that there may be more to Alice than we first thought.

Not really bad more like Gashu needed his perfect game

I don't think he's trans, I think Alice somehow has a female AI planted in his head or some shit, it's not even far fetched because the game has seemingly perfect AIs. Also how do we even know the real Alice died since that happened inside the Lie Room?

Yeah but what if you're in the Reko dying route instead?

Attached: iaintclickignthatshit.png (2048x1386, 614K)

>Also how do we even know the real Alice died since that happened inside the Lie Room?
You think Nankidai will remember that twist?

Shit there's a different route there? I assumed you get a game over if you don't kill doll Reko/choose the wrong one.

Is Kanna wearing the same bucket?

Attached: kannna-kaiso1.png (816x624, 417K)

then reko stays dead

Because she's a sister-killer.

Looks like it?

Kanna did nothing wrong..

No special responses for any of the other first trial failures, he accepts all their names. Did I forget anyone?

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I'm not some action hero, so I would probably froze in fear like kanna.

She pissed herself

Reko dies in the most bullshit way imaginable and Alice lives instead. Either way they both turn into background characters or so it seems at the moment so unless something changes there's no big difference in which one you pick.

Man this guy is such a fucking asshole

I'm always surprised by how many people don't know about the route where Reko dies instead of Alice


Any little girl would do the same

>unless something changes
Maybe that something is the whole Female Alice situaiton.

based sou

>"there was a survivor named Joe Tazuna"


Call me when Alice or Reko actually survive long enough for her to make an appearance.

why didn't q-taro beat up and kill miley

what about the floormasters?

Man Sou really is nice huh

>Q-taro is a name for gorillas

Attached: 1509657981240.jpg (474x473, 10K)

>can't cook
>doesn't have a bucket
What the fuck is this green bitch useful for anyway other than entertainment?

Did you forget how to read?

I think he means survivor of the first trial

>I gave Sou to Shin, he's already Sou by now you see.

jesus fuck

because sou loves his waifu

q-taro is stupid
can't kill miley
can't shoot salafin
can't do anything without big bro keiji and sou doing all the thinking for him
can't tank a stun gun despite being so huge
can't win the game

>Egokoro is Nao's surname. Please repent and rethink it
Lol also this surname is the one unique response he gives

>Gin's survival is less than 2%
And just when I was starting to like him.

He's the only one with an ending where he wins due to his own wits.

Like it or not, Q-taro is based and knows how to play the game

>can't win the game

Because it looks like she can turn their chokers on herself. That might not be true but there's nothing to disprove it.

And talking shit about everyone

>Ahaha, no way. As I see it, Satou's the same surname Gashu has
what does he have against gashu

Gashu sucks, he wanted to topple the Death Game but instead of letting everyone have another discussion time he took the pussy route and offed himself.

Wait, clear this up for me. I know Kai says his father belongs to Asunaru and that he trained him to be an assassin. But did the laptop mention it was his father who survived the first death game?

Manga looks like porn half the time

Attached: G27.png (1115x1600, 934K)

I'd read that ether way

trash adaptation

so sou dislikes gashu because not only he broke the rules and tried to mess with the game but he also got nao killed

not complaining

Attached: d.png (1023x386, 531K)

No? Kai never mentioned anything about his father being part of a previous death game iirc.

Pretty much. Nao is the one few participants that Sou talks positively about. It's no wonder he'd despise Gashu as much as I do for what he did to her.

Attached: Naosmile.png (490x624, 269K)

So Gashu was just another member of the organization?
Sorry, I always get confused after a first playthrough. I usually have to replay a game knowing the big picture to take in all the details well.

>So Gashu was just another member of the organization?
That's pretty much it.

>Sorry, I always get confused after a first playthrough. I usually have to replay a game knowing the big picture to take in all the details well.
There's quite a bit to take in so it's understandable to miss some things.

so who do we know are members of asunaro?

Basically all the floormasters. Miley, Ranger, Safalin, Gashu, Sou and apparently Sara's dad.

Kai was also a member before betraying them. Shunsuke may have been a member before he tried to leave them.

Also it's the name of Qtaro's orphanage

so who was talking to miley in 2-2 and who was in miley's room behind the glass?

Yeah. I doubt it's a coincidence too.

it could be the white haired boy from the victim video who was in the room behind the glass

Hard to say. Could be one of the participants we thought was dead

>12 years old playing with doll

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Why would he be saved and in Miley's room? Ranmaru doesn't seem all that important outside of being a candidate.

Reko is Ibuki done right. Also Gin awakened my lust for shotas. Fight me.

we didn't see him actually die

Reko is just less energetic and more serious. And my wife.

Attached: cara6-23.png (500x624, 67K)

why do people hate on furries?
Dont you love your dog knot?
Dont you feel amazed when your bitch goes in heat

>why would he be in miley's room?
ranmaru became miley's sex toy. lucky bastard

Does anyone have the CG of Reko and Alice as kids? I want to check if he could've been a girl back then.

Don't have the script on me now but didn't Reko refer to him as a brother in this scene?

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-08-16 at 1.19.09 AM.png (805x584, 465K)

>ranmaru became miley's sex toy. lucky bastard
She already has Sou.

Sara basically said he looked like he went to sleep implying he died. But who knows. Maybe he didn't really die but still don't know why they'd save him.

Why did he have to die, bros? ;_;

Attached: cara1-19.png (490x624, 83K)

In the JP dialogue she called him "sibling" instead of "brother". They're more vague there.

You have 30 seconds to explain FemAlice in a way that makes sense. Clock's ticking, user.

Its a female cosplayer cosplaying as Alice

It's another doll.

Stop posting that irrelevant non candidate here. Can't you see we're discussing about the actual candidate here?

Alice has a fangirl who is obsessed with him because he's a murderer

it's tsumugi shirogane from danganronpa and she's the mastermind again

There's two Alices.

They wanted to bring Alice back with an AI but ran out of male doll bodies

Ding ding ding. You've got the right answer. Now tell me. Who do you think is the fake Alice here?

Male Alice. There was also minimal blood and guts being strewn about if he got blown up. Sara's description of the stench of Mishima's collar burning his flesh, and Sara not having much to say on the condition of Alice's body when examining it made me think something is up with his body.

I see.... interesting answer. Now. Final answer. Why do you think Alice killed Sou?

Is that a Chapter 3 thing? I didn't play the demo. Probably something to do with the simulation results.

It was necessary for Alice to be a murderer so mad lad Sou went and used himself as the victim.

sou used the wrong pronoun on alice. trannies go apeshit if you do that

Sou is suicidal

Are those really your answers?

Looks like we're teammates, sara

Attached: soma-cruz-castlevania-dawn-of-sorrow-18.3.jpg (210x240, 18K)

>"Nao Egokoro...? I like making shapes more than pictures."
the hell does this mean?

Now this is a first I've heard out of the 100 japanese fans I've asked. Interesting answer.

No idea. Maybe has something to do with his hobby or job?

sou is a brainlet who likes playing with baby toys like building blocks

Nankidai stop questioning anons and get back to writing.

Can I change my answer? Alice is an AI doll who falsely remembers killing Sou because the floor masters have shown that they can tamper with AIs

I'll leave with this. You answered 2 out of 3 of the questions correct. You'll have to wait and see which of the last two you got right and wrong.

Clearly somehow Sou threatened Reko's safety. The only time you ever see him get violent enough to kill someone is when Reko appears to be in mortal danger.

Now you're way off the mark.

wtf is it really you? explain why gin is so cute

That would be the reasonable answer wouldn't it...? Gotta go for now. Thanks for the inquiries.

someone make a new thread

Of course it isn't.

Make it yourself if you want one so bad. Though it's better to let topics rest for a bit.

reko has a strong distrust in men. maybe sou helped cause it. they could have even been dating even

Alright user. Not sure why you're LARPing as someone who has inside knowledge of the plot of this niche Japanese VN made in RPG maker who can miraculously speak perfect English.

Reko and Sou dating is likely enough reason for Alice to be involved.

fair enough, let's not turn into danganshitters and have 20 threads up at a time

Epstein was murdered and Nankidai can speak English.

vgperson herself said otherwise, nice LARP faggot.

This thread ends nao

Attached: nao.png (490x624, 74K)


Sou wanted her to be an adult

>he doesn't know

Not so fast.

Attached: cara16-16.png (550x624, 82K)

what the fuck was his problem? was it autism?


Whatever his agenda was, he was really fucking dedicated to seeing it come to fruition.

No non candidate trash will stay in his game a second longer.


It's too bad that would go to waste if you vote for Nao and leave the game with her.

We have the Sou brothers now.

To be fair it would be difficult for him to predict that the group would be retarded enough to put themselves in such a position that such an outcome was even possible.

Fuck those highlighter colored twats

whose turn is it to die?

He's a good boy.

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