Smash brehs

5.0.0 info
>releases October 13 alongside Banjo & Kazooie
>Target Smash, everyone has their own target challenge just like in Melee
>Many target challenges draw inspiration from the characters' source game
>>Daisy's target challenge is based on levels from Super Mario Land
>>Richter's target challenge is based on setpieces and stages from Rondo of Blood and SotN
>>BK's target test is based on various worlds from the Banjo-Kazooie and Banjo-Tooie (i.e. Mad Monster Mansion, Click Clock Wood, Terrydactyland, etc.)
>Stage builder allows you to make your own target challenges

>Echo Stages are stages that are basically reskins of existing stages. A stage can have multiple echo stages.
>>Figure-8 Circuit's echo stage is Rainbow Road
>>Mushroomy Kingdom's echo stage is Sarasaland
>>Green Hill Zone's echo stages are Angel Island from Sonic 3&K and Emerald Coast from Sonic Adventure
>>Hyrule Temple's echo stage is Temple of the Ocean King from Phantom Hourglass
>>Unova Pokemon League's echo stage is Ever Grande City from Pokemon RSE/ORAS
>>Kalos Pokemon League's echo stage is Alola Pokemon League
>>Midgar's echo stages are Balamb Garden from FFVIII, Alexandria from FFIX, and Zanarkand from FFX
>>Final Destination and Battlefield have multiple echo stages based on their incarnations in past games

>Each of the fighter pass fighters will have their own echo fighters, each cost $2.49
>>Joker's echo fighter is Tatsuya Suou from Persona 2
>>Banjo-Kazooe's echo is Yooka-Laylee

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Really user? Fucking Innocent Sin and not-Banjoe were the games to choose for your fake leak?

>>>Joker's echo fighter is Tatsuya Suou from Persona 2
Why are P2 faggots so up their own ass about inferior person? They'd add Minato or Yu before that never ever shit. Fake and blue pilled

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rent free

So fake, have sex

How come you guys don’t just list your hopes for the next update but rather opt to make it a fake leak? Is it the attention? Do you really have that little going on in your life?

>>Target Smash, everyone has their own target challenge just like in Melee
Stopped reading right here. Thanks for wasting everyone’s time.

seethe and dilate

Have sex

based but would never happen

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i like how hes referring to us collectively as the smash bros, we need more positivity like this in this community

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End yourself zoomie

P3 or P4 protag could've been skins if they went with a regular moveset but for a echo they would probably do Yu also
>Yooka Laylee

OP, you do realize a different company entirely owns Yooka Laylee, right? And that they have completely different moves and actions? And that the only similarity Banjo and Yooka have is that they're a duo of characters in a 3d platformer?

>nusona waifufag in charge of having taste
zoom zoom

Half decent fake, it was mostly believable until this:
>>Midgar's echo stages are Balamb Garden from FFVIII, Alexandria from FFIX, and Zanarkand from FFX
This right here? Fucking retarded. SE wouldn’t let have FF more than 2 midis and now you’re saying they’re letting Nintendo add in 3 new stages? Come on son. I give it a 2/10, you started out strong and then screwed the pooch near the end,

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>No Hero echo but the other two DLC characters get one
>Joker's echo is Tatsuya and not Minato or Yu
>Stage echos
>Break the targets
ok i believe you

I can't believe you wasted so much time on your leak to end up with yooka fucking laylee...

>echo stages
cool idea but fake