Where have all the good dinosaur games gone?
Where have all the good dinosaur games gone?
Other urls found in this thread:
>no dinosaur interest
I guess these threads are extinct
>game has a predictable ending
Badgers are cooler.
Reminder that Carnotaurus is the best dinosaur
Hopefully red dead dlc will make for a good dino game
Dinosaurs got lame when they turned into giant chickens.
all is not yet lost
>featherfags pushing their agenda on to scalies
no thanks
Only furries that want to fuck dinosaurs care about dinosaur games.
I thought it was ayy lmaos? I was hoping for more spooky weird west vampire shit, but oh well.
>science discerns that bipedal dinosaurs developed feathers
>for 95% of the species these feathers were no more complex or long than the hairs on the average person's forearm
>everyone starts reimagining every dinosaur as a fucking bird of paradise
Oh boy i really hate this.
>For now Bhullar has no plans, or ethical approval, to hatch the snouted chickens. But he believes they would have been able to survive "just fine".
>"These weren't drastic modifications," says Bhullar. "They are far less weird than many breeds of chicken developed by chicken hobbyists and breeders."
>"The rest of the animal looked OK, but one needs to think about this carefully from an ethical point of view."
such a tease
Just because you gen z human refuse weren't around for the one good Jurassic Park movie and subsequent dinosaur craze that inspired a million kids to dream about the future of genetics doesn't mean the rest of us share your unfortunate chronological impairment.
Based carno bro
>developed feathers
they were covered in feathers like pic related
basically birds, chickens if you will
All Jurassic Park films that aren't the original and the first 3/4ths of The Lost World are garbage.
Oh hey, what a cute creature lol
heres ur dinosaur bro
Humanity is pussies, its a fucking chicken just fucking do it for the science.
The sooner humanity has complete control of nature the better.
too much feather bullshit
Some were some weren't it certainly wasn't consistent or that widespread.
fantasy cope
I hope you live long enough to regret every shitty giant lizard you imagined and saw in media
It's the truth.
behold a giant chicken
Zombies took over when Jurassic Park 2 fail hard.
>from gigantic meat eating predator to tiny feather ball that is so weak he can't even crush a bug
where did evolution go so wrong?
>tfw no modern Nanosaur game
Who gives a fuck about that
I don't care that every Dromaeosaurs probably had feathers or that certain specific Tyrannosaurs had feathers like Yutyrannus, but by spreading the info that Dinosaurs are just big chickens you grossly oversimplify them and give people the wrong impressions of how Dinosaurs were and how they evolved. It's just as bad as the early 1900's when everyone thought they were quadruped swamp monsters
say that to my face motherfucker not online and see what happens
t. featherless chicken
I-is he tricking it in to wasting its venom so it can't sting him as he eats it?
Fucking feather wyvern
should have posted this one
> feathers
It's snapping the stinger off. You can see its soft naked butt at the end.
It didn't really go like that.
Most of the ancestors of modern day birds had already split off from Dinosaurs by the Late Jurassic period so they had already become birds by the K-P Extinction event and just happened to survive it.
Birds and Dinosaurs had millions of years of evolution alongside each other before the Dinosaurs died out.
Smaller animals are more energy efficient.
i thought woodpeckers eat bugs :(
not necessarily true otherwise the biggest land predator on this planet right now wouldn't be the polar bear
how can something be so cute and badass/scary at the same time
>Parkasaurus hasn't updated in a while despite before there being regular monthly updates
>the last thing was mod support
>nobody actually makes mods, not even retextured dinos even tho there's an example mod by the devs
Is it dead?
Did I fucking fall for the Early Access meme?
I just wanted another Dino park game...
isn't the polar bear dying from starvation lol
That shouldn't be this hot
It is true because of conditions, during the K-P extinction smaller animals were able to whether the growing change in environment due to not needing as much resources while large animals couldn't, when the environment stabilized large animals appeared again to fill the niches left by the Dinosaurs, if a similar event happened today yes polar bears would die.
Do you retards really believe this feather bullshit.
You don't even know where you learned that "fact" from.
you both are weird
>Smaller animals are more energy efficient.
mouses and the likes of small animals eat many times their weight in food daily, because they actually go out of their way to waste energy so that they don't die frozen
bigger animals each less relatively to their size
>libtards think they had feathers
"Scientists" are just making up whatever shit they like about Dinosaurs. Soon I'd wager they'll claim dinosaurs were actually poc, lgbtq and muslim.
Anyone here ever played carnivores?
But we are discussing how being small effects survivability not how it compares relatively.
Mice for example eat like 15% of their body weight or something but that only equates to a couple of grams while a Tyrannosaurus would need 600+ lbs of food a day to maintain its weight.
Anyone have that clip of the woodpecker pecking open the smaller bird's skull open and eating its brains?
Based. Fuck the mods that don’t let you edit the red files
Who would be the dominant species now if the asteroid didn't come to fuck everyone's shit?
Can science hurry up and make komodo dragons grow giant ass wings and turn them into real dragons?
Still humans.
Humans wouldnt even get the chance.
Nope. Saltopus.
big meteor
It's only cute until it starts pecking at your flesh
There are a hell of a fucking lot more birds than there are bears.
looks like a hairy legendary godzilla
chunk ass fucker
And there's a lot more insects than birds.
>JUSTosaurus Rex
>Dr. Jack Horner
Wasn't he fucking a 19 year old chick? Didn't he marry a 19 year old chick a few years ago?
Dinosaurs are stupid, I'm glad they died
.Best version of a feathered T-Rex ive seen, all the others don't have such intimidation.
>Jack Horner
Damn, if only monster turkeys like that really existed
Imagine having an alien race use our decomposed corpses as fuel.
They would need not only an extra set of wins but also an extra set of shoulder like bones. Unless you want Komodo Wyverns in which case you would still face some problems. Like people wanting to stop you because those fuckers are already bad enough on land to have them also dwelling the air.
Oil is not dinosaur corpses but marine shit corpses, mostly algae.
>genetically creating fake new dinosaurs
Of all the possibilities I never expected we were in the dino crisis 3 timeline
Thats not a dinosaur mate, thats an oversized chicken
>people wanting to stop you because those fuckers are already bad enough on land to have them also dwelling the air
>Not wanting to die by the rotten saliva from an accidental bite of a friendly Komodo dragon
I bet you're planning to go by suicide, faggot.
>thats an oversized chicken
So an oversized dinosaur?
That's fucking nothing if they can keep up a rate of a hunt a day. Hell they get more meat than that from any medium/large herbivore.
Dinos can't do much about a nuke.
Their saliva is not rotten, they have a toxic bite as researchers found out some years ago that they had venom glands (making them and Gila monsters the only two venomous lizards). The so believed infections where seen in buffaloes because they like to dwell in shit and mud even with deep open wounds.
>Hell they get more meat than that from any medium/large herbivore.
And when all the medium to large herbivores have died out?
I just didn't want to use the word "toxic", user. It has lost all meaning by this point.
Hey guys, gonna fuck up that t-rex!
he chomnk
People who deny birds are dinosaurs are the same that would deny humans are simians.
what did you just call me you commie bastard
>Mad Thunder
That's one big baby
They're all extinct.
Birds aren’t dinosaurs, they are descendants of dinosaurs.
Probably the coolest trex I've seen
Yea Forums wouldn't have you believe it, but Jurassic World Evolution is a good dinosaur game
damn it carlos
If the management was actually challenging I'd agree.
Carno is great but Allosaurus is best
I said it was a good game not a great game. The management features are frequently very shallow, and either pitifully easy or autistically hard due to poor implementation. But if you wanted a mostly casual park builder with dinosaurs, you can't really go wrong with it.
JPOG wank is purely nostalgia goggles, JWE is an objectively better game
JWE has far less features compared to JPOG though plus JPOG has at least some challenge to it. The only things JWE has over JPOG are graphics and the amount of dinos.
>Jack Horner, among many other nutjobs, want pic related to exist
Real talk though, I'd play a game where you could abuse atavism to create wicked monsters. Imagine reversing evolution on say a toucan or swan, and getting a raptor with beautiful colors.
That's literally the problem when the temperature dropped a ton of plant life died out thus the large herbivores lost their food source and began to die out as they die out the carnivores loose their food source and then entire food chain collapses this is like 5th grade science dude.
It's more like if Humans (Dinosaurs) went extinct but Monkeys (Birds) survived and branched out.
We're related to monkeys but we didn't come from them or vice versa.
Reminds me when I had this as a kid. It was badass.
Good for him.
Jurassic Park and Jurassic World have had a boner for hybrid dinosaurs since Indominus Rex became popular. It's a fucking sin that the terrible things from their Chaos Effect toy line don't get implemented in their games, but they've come close with Pachygalosaurus. Let's assume they keep this trend, which is probably a safe bet; what two dinosaurs do you want to see given the hybrid treatment?
We're overdue for one. I wish we could get a good Turok game. Shame we very likely never will.
Even if we did, it would probably be riddled with current-day shit like battle royal mode, micro transactions, DLC, and a cringe fucking plot written by some rad-leftist hambeast pushing some political agenda.
Here's your dinosaur game bro
get that mobile shit out of here
its either eating them or taking them away and stealing the nest
could be both, really, less competition and all that
ya bro thats why the smallest mouse needs to eat every 4 hours or it drops dead from starvation
Since this is the best thread for this right now, I'd like to ask CSI Yea Forums:
Why the fuck do so many bootleg dinosaur games/coloring books/toy boxes use the Turok Evolution box cover dinosaur?
name one good dinosaur game thats not some shitty theme park management
That's a really cool Dilo rendition.
She's gonna die in the next one isn't she?
King Kong
Bro holy shit???
Play Horizon Zerodawn the robots have very dino feel to me
More like CHADasaurus
I wish ark had better AI, it could such a cool game
>He missed the alternate ending where Troodons constructed a missile to destroy the meteor
Faggot botched the job, there are reptilians around still.
I'm getting Cavafly flashbacks
This is so weird and so based at the same time wtf
Damn it
Because despite what people say about the game itself that is one kino cover
Not everyone constantly thinks with their dick, like you. Not everything is about fapping. Quit masturbating all the time and start being human again.
>The sooner humanity has complete control of nature the better.
How has noone mentioned ARK yet? It may look a little outdated but nothing beats stalking a Spinosaur with tranq darts, only to get ambushed by troodons.
>tfw had an awesome Dino Crisis/Resident Evil crossover dream a week ago
Lost World is complete garbage. There should never have been sequels.
Jews are spreading the myth they have feathers and thats mega lame so no one cares anymore.
Why the fuck is that Duck breathing fire?
Jokes on them, I think it makes them look cooler.
I remember there being a movie where a dude got caught in a bear trap like this. Like, he was on a conveyor belt, and the trap just chomped his whole pelvis. Gave me nightmares as a kid.
It's like a child throwing a rock at a bully; it's expected to deter the predator.
that game has no right to be as good as it is. The T-Rex vs Jack parts where ripped straight from my nightmares
For once I want the end current to just be a fully evolved civilization of dinos
That's creepy as shit but she's cute so good for him I guess?
>Thought this impressive diorama of a Dliophosaurus was furshit at first because I thought the fish in his hands was some giant grey dino cock.
I've been here too long.
Mmmm fish
*Detaches spine and slides past Rex before sheathing it, causing Rex to explode into blood*
Nothin personel
Dolphins? Octo/Squids? Elephants?
I remember owning most of the books these are from.
Fucking based. Spent so much time on that shit as a kid even with the short length.
why do reptiles do that weird thing of running a bit, stopping abruptly for a moment and continuing to run afterwards?
Can anybody help me remember a flash game I used to play? It was really similar to Pokemon, but it was with dinosaurs that evolved and stuff. Can't think of it for the life of me.
their vision is shit.
is this the bird thread?
I believe it was a bluff charge.
silly user, you cant spread trans and gay rights on a dinosaur´s game.
oh so they stop to see around? that's kinda cute
It's a fucking raptor
>random osteoderms for no reason
>crocodile skin
>three fingered hands
>wrists pointed downward instead of toward eachother
there is so much wrong with this
the book is ok, though I often thought while reading it 'why would any of these people want to go to this island?' At least there is no raptor kick retard shit.
I get that maybe Spielberg thought Lost World's novel was a bit of a retread, but... the movie was a retread too. And 3 finally got us the stupid shit we crave(?).
I hope the world fixes itself before 2030.
How did Zoids avoid the uncanny valley when so many CG shows after it could not?
if this thing hunted fish, would it still kill me and eat me if it saw me?
Swans attack people so yes.
Did they fuck?
>transrightsosaur! xe is the best dinosaur bigger and stronger than Trex and spinosaurus combined!
you know it will happen. just like that fucking minecraft shit
You're such a fag even I'd kill and eat you on sight and I don't even like fish.
I would not be very surprised if this shit blows over in a couple years and everyone forgets about it. It's a fad, and like all things, it doesn't last forever.
are oil rig jobs difficult?
Because they're territorial, animals don't generally try to eat Everything that they see.
So, probably not.
w-what? :(
There was a reason why Owen had a trailer all by itself away from the park.
I'm glad to see people posting my OC reaction image I made a while ago. Thanks user.
Why are there no cool backflipping pigeons where I live? The ones I get here just shit on things I love or die near my workplace and I have to clean up the corpses.
Probably because CG works better with machines. From what I've seen, the CG anime don't have a large enough budget to animate humans properly.
Chickens are just miniature dinosaurs.
With good reason.
I remember when everything was about 2012...
The worlds been slow for this decade.
That was some retarded interpretation of Mayan calendar
If you're rich you'll be fine. Everyone else will have to climb over each other for scraps.
What video games have handsome dinosaurs
Dino Crisis 1&2
Turok 1-3 (Evolution if you're desperate)
Jurassic Park Operation Genesis
The Lost World PS1
Jurassic Park Rampage Edition
Carnivores 1&2
Jurassic The Hunted
Lego Jurassic World
A T-Rex would fucking die of heat exhaustion if it had feathers. I could believe the smaller ones having them, but not the big as fuck ones
Monster Hunter
Why is everyone acting like it still wouldn't be terrifying as fucking having this thing chase you down?
Know what else is fuzzy? Fucking bears. And if your reaction to seeing one in the woods isn't to immediately shit your pants and plan your next moves very carefully, then you're a fucking idiot.
>A T-Rex would fucking die of heat exhaustion if it had feathers
What stops ostriches from dying?
>shit talking simon stalenhag art
fuck you
What are you, a middle school literature teacher?
Do you grasp how pointless your life is?
shit I remember this game
it's the one with a gigantic sauropod with fortress on its back invading a city right?
being a fourth of the size and living in a climate much cooler than the hot as fuck weather that dinosaurs dealt with
JurassicPark: Survival
Never ever
Lionhead's B.C
Home port of obscure dinosaur game Savage Quest
what's the one in your pic? never seen it
unless it's an scene from JP arcade? fuck i miss JP arcade
Funnily enough, the feathers.
People are nostalgic for an era of paleontological aesthetics they weren't even alive for. Teenage attention whores, honestly.
I'm just sayin', even elephants have hair. It's not a lot, but the still grow it.
If the common ancestor between birds and T rex had feathers, then Trex probably had at least a very light layer.
man i really hate geese
Speaking of sexy dinosaur games, what's your opinion on Fossil Fighters?
Cancelled game from around JP3 time called Jurassic Park: Survival.
Trying to hunt raptors would be pretty sweet. Cougars already scare the fuck out of me
That's because the world ended in 2012.
Everyone's soul jumped ship to an alternate reality that we're currently a part of and the universe has not fully processed the change.
pfft. Gay.
It's from a cancelled game called Jurassic Park Survival. It was a survival horror game that was meant to be a tie in for JP3. Forgot to add JP Arcade 1-3 to my list as well, I'll make it an addendum.
>he thinks birds are dinosaurs
Facts don't care about your feelings. Postmodernism will die, and you with it
That's a human with a tail
>Facts don't care about your feelings.
Feelings has nothing to do with it. It's all about monophyletics. Postmodernism is complete garbage and has nothing to do with this.
Sure thing bud
>responding to an obvious attention whore
user stop
Think about what yo're doing.
Simply put. Your facts are wrong. And you're out of your league.
Sorry, user. I've just been in a real mood to shit on spastics today.
Not weighing 7 tons helps
I liked it more than pokemon and always chose dino waifu when replaying the final boss to grind.
Doesn't do anyone else in the thread any good by engaging him, user.
Stop. Breathe. Think.
>We wuz dinosaurs n sheeit
>can't survive having a rock thrown at it
What is it with you fucking faggots and not being able to tell the difference between loose and lose
Lose is when you don’t win something
Loose is your moms pussy or a nigger who breaks out of jail
oi m8 ill fukin claw ur fleshy faggot stomach open and steal what was your breakfast
then after i devour ur faggot body imma give ur girl my Dino D and knock her up so hard she gonna forget about u ever existing
u fuckin fuckt up kiddo.
>dinosaur evolved gratitude
Honestly, my only problem I have with the book lost world is that malcolm doesn't act like malcolm from the first book. He acts like grant. It feels like the author wrote it with grant in mind, but just swapped it to malcolm for some reason.
There is no way the malcolm from the first book would ever want to go back to a dinosaur island for any reason. Ya know, especially since he died in the first book and all.
Well, it's implied, but not explicitly said, iirc.
Not really comparable to a Tyrannosarus size wise
It was also marginally hotter since C02 levels were crazy
The argument between feathers vs scales on T-Rex is either, he had them because a hand full of creatures related to Tyrannosarus had them or he didn't have them because he didn't need them for regulation and there are no skin impressions of them.
Both are valid I suppose since yeah Tyrannosaurs had no need for feathers but relatives did have feathers and nature does occasionally keep useless features though as people mentioned its entirely possible it didn't have them due to the Cretaceous heat since feathers would be a detriment at that point.
This just reminds me of the cute baby Raptor in the first book, and what happens to it.
They want it to have a longer tail as well.
Ants. They're already extremely successful despite us.
Vision and their brains are pretty slow too.
Basically they need to recalibrate every 10 seconds or so
legit looks better than modern movies
They're just ancient history at this point.
It looks like they dodge a bullet with that one. It looks horrible.
Because it's impossible to find a server with at least the following qualities.
>Has an active playerbase.
>Is not boosted to ridiculous levels.
>Is not filled with randomly placed building parts for the sole purpose of preventing new players from playing.
It was a retcon, dunno why they didn't use a different character that actually survived
You don't?
>pronated hands
Thats fake news.
Small animals need a larger percentage of their body mass in sustenance but they also need a less food overall, and less food is objectively easier to get and more sustainable than more food.
It's really hard for the ecosystem to get so fucked up that a few grams of food is difficult to find. It's very easy for the ecosystem to get so fucked up that metric tons of food per day is hard to get your hands on.
Sometimes you gotta wonder what that bird thinks about this whole thing.
The adult raptors are fucking psychopaths since they were raised with no proper discipline. The baby didn't stand a chance. The JP3 raptors were the only ones that were civilized and actually cared about their offspring.
Too bad we didn't see more baby raptors in the films though.
I imagine it thinks its weird but otherwise enjoys getting scratched below its feathers.
Is this NTR?
Blue is a good girl.
Crazy how they killed their own like that.
The good thing is that for a half a year someone else has the job of fucking your wife.
really hard work with a really good pay to compensate that there's a good chance of a horrible death.
>tfw all the girls are 10/10 cuties.
>tfw literally all of them are absolutely fucking thirsty for this cat.
they overheat
fun as fuck and duna is cute
Is that a real dinosaur
What the fuck?
What is this
It just hit some kind of strange spot in my memory
Literally living the dream.
sweet i can post my shitty edits again
Is he supposed to like it?
don't worry 90s dinobro, it's proven only a small amount of them actually had feathers
>waaaa i dont liek change waaaa
good ole nostalgia feels
fossil records show tyrannidae actually unevolved feathers
>scientific accuracy is an "agenda"
based thot destroyer
That looks intimidating as fuck.
birds are kino and feathered dinos are kino by extension
>random meteor killed the dinsoaurs
yeah, sure "random"
games where the dev team plays cruel tricks on its playerbase?
Dinosaurs aren't reptiles.
>When Gustave goes for a walk
man thats cool as fuck
Whats that supposed to be? a carnotaur? Probably the only dinosaur where i can see the little nubs on the back.
Or is it just some fantasy dinosaur?
>Small animals being more efficient isn't true because the biggest pred-animal is the biggest.
How fucking dumb are you
They can already make dinosaurs in labs
The World sequels are better than TLW. But of course the first movie is on a whole different level
>my parents let my buy turok
>they made me play with the blood turned to green
>somehow this was "less violent"
dinosaurs and dinosaur games died in the 90s. now if you mention dinosaurs in public somebody will yell about how they had feathers and JP is bullshit. science literally ruined dinos
You guys should play the isle on steam, and actually play as the dinosaurs you like and eat other players. It's a good time.
In reality the argument is more so specifically if certain members of Tyrannosauridae had feathers or not because unlike a lot of other Dinosaur there is evidence to both extremes in the family unlike say Dromaeosauridae which almost universally had feathers or things like the Carnosaurs pretty much universally not having feathers.
What's the name of this majestic dinosaur?
i didnt, it just got colder so the dinos had to shrink while warm blooded mammals thrived.
That's the worst theropod I've ever seen, from the random crocodile armor to the lack of neck.
>He still thinks Dinosaurs were cold blooded in 2019
Stupid fuck, gimme his adress
I remember seeing this on my local news. Florida is pretty wild
Birds have been recorded in gay and other relationships.
did they fuck?
i... am turok
Bearded vulture
Boring dinosaur.
Thank god, I thought I was the only one who saw the same thing in the thumbnail.
Apparently the bird's species is endangered so when the crane displayed courtship to her keeper, he artificially inseminated her to make eggs.
So kinda yes
Dinosaurs didn't become reptiles, they became birds. Crocodiles and turtles lived alongside the dinos, but birds didn't exist yet.
T-pose to assert dominance
>featherfags are scientifically accurate
Yeah buddy, keep drawing a Tyrannosaurus as a Giant chicken.
Afterall, you read the word "feathers" somewhere, so its totaly YEAH SCIENCE BITCH
why did dinosaurs have to have feathers bros? Now if you look closely they're all literally just oversized chickens except the four-legged ones. Once you see, you can't unsee. I no longer see them as lizard reptiles.
>what is yutyrannus
>what is fossilized feathers on dinos
cope harder scalecuck
Man, sometimes it feels that neither conservatives nor liberals give a shit about scientific facts anymore. It's either 100 genders or naked dinosaurs, no in-between, no knowledge whatsoever.
i fucking hate bird fags.
Its like going to a Wolf thread and posting dogs.
Yeah youre not TECHNICALLY wrong, but you still miss the point.
It shouldve been "Mesozoic Dinosaur" thread.
The size of the motherfucker. Its legs are the length of my legs.
To be fair, would ancient dinosaurs even survive our modern landscape? Like, even big guys like Allosaurs and Brontosaurs, could they even survive in the world that we currently live in? Would they roam free, or would they be in farms and zoos? Could they roam free, or would they be constantly attacked by numerous lions, tigers, bears and wolves?
no fucking way they need way more heat, moisture and gigantic ass ferns than we have in our time
>what is yutyrannus
not a Tyrannosaurus Rex you dumb idiot.
And also probably not a giant chicken.
In the same way a mammoth is not an elephant.
>b-but the wooly mammoth had thick fur
The Yutyrannus lived in colder climate than the T-rex, thus it had feathers, feathers that, most likeley, looked like fur.
And yet, retarded featherfags thing this means the Tyrannosaurus Rex had blumage and flight feathers like some kind of modern bird.
thats why i fucking despise you people.
With your retarded BAZINGA science attitude
That dino's packing...
I've never seen such a happy croc, looks cute!
yeah I never said reality exactly matches your strawman. stay mad about your imaginary chicken rex and "featherfags", though.
doesn't change the fact that a feathered tyrannosauroid existed.
Are you saying that 2012 is the reason for Berentstein not being a thing anymore?
I already liked Jack but now I respect him more. Totally based.
To be fair, there's a lot of gay animals out there. It's surprising how many strays cats and dogs like to fuck the same sex. Probably out of desperation, but I dunno what the fuck goes on in the mind of an animal.
Not as much Oxygen in the atmosphere because plants are starving carbon death.
tell me why you're convinced there aren't feathers on dinos
>mfw finally something that other cunts say they got a dick wiggle from doesn't attract me
i fuckin knew it was just learned attraction
you furry cunts nearly had me convinced i was one of you with those fucking bunny photos but here it is i dont find that dino attractive
i blame that other shit on lola bunny
I bet the sex is amazing. Good on him.
that one looks sick.
Fossil Fighters.
keep bitching about the imaginary people complaining that yutyrannus exist, when the entire point is that yutyrannus specifically isnt a trex
>No triple-A dinosaur games outside of jurassic park games
>The most developed indie dinosaur game is literally just DayZ: dinosaur edition
>The other most developed one is another park builder
>Every other indie dinosaur game is either a clone of the former, or shitty unpolished competition for the latter
Why did saurian have to be shit, I just want a decent dinosaur survival simulator.
cloning dino chickens and banging young hotties.
Whoever you are, unless you are this guy, you arent realy living the dream
There is no market for dinosaur games at the moment so all we're left with are shitty shovelware like Saurian, developers have no reason to try and innovate when they can either make some shitty gachashit with moeblobs or a battle royale and make a bajillion monies either way
Unless you're Monster Hunter, but it's not really a dinosaur game
>The Isle
>Beasts of Bermuda
Either of these worth it? From what I read the Isle has gone downhill, while BoB is getting better but still kinda trailing it.
>tfw no huge argentinosaurus gf to cuddle
>Dino Crisis will never get a sequel
>Turok will will never get a sequel
>neither will ever get re released or remastered
Haven't followed BoB but as someone who semi-actively plays the isle, it's okay, but it's a time sink. It takes over 8-hours real-world time to grow a t-rex, bur it's also ridiculously overpowered compared to everything else in the game. Hit-detection's kind of fuck's sometimes, so occasionally it'll feel like you're getting fucked over by bites that didn't hit you.
It has a huge problem with roaming herbivore groups who just want to kill all the carnivore players, and it hasn't updated in a few months so the community's a bit stagnant and restless right now. But they did claim just before the update drought that there wouldn't be one for while because they would be working on a major overhaul of the code, I believe it was.
I still think it's fun for what it is, but the community is comparable to DayZ's during peak popularity community. So you can trust no one, but you also have a lot of trouble reaching adulthood without a group, so you basically have to die until you find a group that doesn't kill you on sight.
I fucking hate woodpeckers. Nigger-tier bird, they're such trash. When I lived up in the mountains like a hermit I use to sit around in the morning with my SKS on the porch and shoot them off the trees, after a week of doing it I could finally sleep without the fucking niggers waking me up.
Groovy as fuck music.
Thanks user, I'll check it out.
Where's the dinosaur user
You don't seem to have posted any kind of dinosaurs
Nah, just a shit eating grin.
Geese are a meme, Canadian geese are all over here and they're massive pussies when you don't back down to them. Literally grab it by the neck and twirl, and you've got a dead goose.
With most "gay" animals it's just a holes a hole. They probably don't even know they're fucking a non-female. Dogs and sheep will fuck about anything.
Animals aren't straight or gay, they just hump whatever they find
Chimpanzees mouthrape frogs
in 8 million years oxygen might be lower, due to low oxygen from plants dying due to lowering of carbon. erroneous theory though, all kinds of shit emits the kind of carbon plants consume. either way they mean "soon" as in at least a million years.
Which is dumb, an asteroid could wipe us out tomorrow or something. or a random gamma ray burst in 10 seconds from now would also do us in
This was like five years ago, and they have two kids now.
Yikes. Creep. Gross golddigger too.
tiny predator dinos probably glided down from trees that's why they had these feathers. then they evolved into archaeopteryx like forms before going full bird.
We know that many paraves, including the dromaeosaurids, the group that include raptors, have quill knobs on their arms, so they definitely had large feathers on their arms. Likely not to the same comparative size as flight feathers in modern birds, but still large enough to superficially look like small wings.
Condors are extremely intelligent birds nearly on the level of crows.
So it feels happy it's getting a hug from it's friend.
>I can't read and everything I say is pulled out of my ass
>therefore everyone else must be the same
Them digging up evidence and making an educated guess based on previous evidence is not the same as you shitposting about pizza parlors and muh traaaaaaannnnniiies. Why are you even talking about poc and whatever right now, retard?
I wonder how the world be like if other species developed intelligence the same way humans did.
Like, what if we had actual varying sentient species living together instead of just humans.
We'd wage wars on each other and go extinct
Unless they had the chance to develop relatively isolated from each other, both as species, and as societies, I doubt that they would both manage to survive into a modern society like ours, since we'd try to kill each other for being horrible abominations.
Just look at how much humans have managed to treat each other like less than human over the years, and we have barely any physical differences.
>By contrast, the ornithischian lineage — which contained animals such as Triceratops, Stegosaurus and Ankylosaurus — and the huge, long-necked dinosaurs in the sauropod lineage were considered to be scaly, similar to modern reptiles. Indeed, all evidence pointed in this direction until the discovery, beginning in 2002, of a few ornithischians with filament-like structures in their skin. This led to speculation that feather-like structures were an ancestral trait for all dinosaur groups.
Us humans would have a common enemy and disregard our own races differences and whole world would be mulatto.
Is that what you want?
All racial tension would end as we would finally have a common enemy of the entire human species to despise
Go to bed dondi
BoB is just a personal revenge game made by butthurt devs who bailed from the isle, so up to you if you want to bother with sloppy seconds from a game that's been a dead stick in early access for three years with a dev lead who can't even be assed to fix his pos garbage fire with a long since tanked community tacked on
Man, opposable thumbs got nothing on thumbknives.
why is the penis off center?
>Not shitposting about how bad his game is and then fighting people anyone who defends it
wasn't that also the story behind Arkotekt project or whatever it was called?
I love paleoart memes like this.
>Where have all the good dinosaur games gone?
Dinosaurs got boring once the feather meme got popular. Dinosaurs covered in feathers looks fucking retarded.
I remember having to disable my disc drive to bypass StarForce on this game.
>the smoke from the nostrils
>they actually tried to humanize these things and make them sympathetic
Jesus christ, I forgot about that.
good work, honest work.
just for gods sake dont look into the ocean on certain moons.
We have more decent dinosaur games than ever before, it's just the larger companies don't want to take the time and money to get modelers,animators, and programmers to do stuff out of their comfort zone. It's why most games just have humanoid enemies, they're just easier and less costly since it's just more of the same shit.
Duna is cute! CUTE!
Also Champions was the last good game before Frontier fucked it all up and ruined any chances of another game.
>that guy with the clothe
what the fuck was he thinking
they were not the villains of the story
really only chomper and his immediate family, all the others in all the movies are still pretty much vicious violent murder monsters. Also in-canon apparently the one from the original movie is literally a psychopathic dinosaur serial killer, because land before time lore exists, apparently.
>Like, what if we had actual varying sentient species living together
Given how rapid the ascension to civilization was, it's difficult to imagine that two would have the chance to arise at the same time to begin with.
For all intents and purposes, we COULD be one of those world were varied intelligence evolves, it's just that we're so early in the game that we haven't noticed it. But if you're able to recognize why it would be difficult for it to happen now, you should realize why it's difficult for it to happen on other planets.
we would probably kill eachother
>tfw you won't live to see a galactic civilization at its apex and the harmony of many species
>tfw you're just a beta playtester for the solar system
unless we grew up together for generations like MANS BEST FRIEND probably would hate each other.
but if it was a fantasy world there was like 30+ sentient species then it would be a different story. Having a war of humanity vs the 20 different beast hordes would be retarded loss on all sides that we would probably try to avoid. We would most likely end up in a TeS/Shadowrun/Outworld type situation.
retards, it's been proven that every dinosaur had some sort of proto-feather covering. Just like we know that the mammals will have some form of hair covering even if we find just their skeletons.
>bringing up /pol/ out of nowhere
Absolutely seething
Go home, Hufflepuff.
>been proven
Ossifrage: The Bone Breaker.
doesn't it hurt your jaw to suck that much dick?
Don't we know for a fact that Carnotaurus had no feathers, and if it did, the only place it possibly could have that could make sense functionally would be those stumpy receding arms maybe?
thyreophorans were unlikely to have any sort of filamentous covering.
does that mean with sick increase of temperature related to climate change we're eventually going to see fucking Dinosaurs again?
I bet you say that to all the girls.
Piscivores OP. Please nerf. All they do is eat fish why do they need to be so fuck huge.
I'm about to have a fucking aneurysm.
There was this SHITTY point-and-click adventure game that I played in the early 2000s featuring dinosaurs.
I bought it in the UK and it was published by some shitty shovelware label, I don't think it was Sold Out though, I remember it had a yellow box.
I remember it being called "Dinosaur Island" or something similar. You played as an adventurer (that you couldn't see, since it was in first-person) and the Dinosaurs were all enemies.
I don't remember anything about it because I was like 10 years old and constantly baffled by the entire game (this was before I could use the internet to look up a walkthrough).
I do remember one screen that looked like a jail cell, with a loose cable hanging behind it that was spitting sparks, and a dinosaur stomping around behind the bars.
It wasn't Lost Eden, which is what I've found from Googling.
Does anyone know what I'm talking about?
I can imagine those easily plucking my eyes out and I hate it.
I always found this weird. Aren't modern birds distinguished enough from their ancestors that they should be considered their own group? How far away do birds have to evolve until they're just birds?
That the one where you have to find the Dinosaur eggs in order to defeat to T-rex?
Based retard. The "proto-feathers" you are referencing are also the precursors to hair AND lizard scales. What you're saying is about as accurate as saying that all mammals are lizards sauropsids and synapsids have common ancestry.
Christ, it might be. Admittedly I didn't get very far into it because at that age I didn't understand a single thing about point and clicks.
I found a thread where someone is looking for what I'm certain is the same game here:
Considering all the CG aspects and the bit about raptor in a cage that you have to kill, I think this is it, but the person who answered them posted a video that has since been removed and nobody bothered to say the fucking name of the game. GOD I'M SO MAD
Outshone by ARK more or less.
Oh fuck Dinosaur Adventure 3d. That had some pretty really box art despite being an educational game for little kids
Nah he was thinking about this game
that pic
There certainly is a pure instinctual part of it like mentions that we humans also engage in. Animals that pairbond with somebody of the same sex however most likely suffer from the same defect as human homosexuals do.
and? she's 19 or what you find it creepy because is close to 18? are we gonna have to raise the aoc to 21 so you fuckers can stop crying?
>Was looking for this game for years
>Could never find it
>Remembered it being something about dinosaur adventure and 3D
>Find 3D Dinosaur Adventure, but that's not right, I played that game too, I must have the name wrong or something
>I just had it backwards for all those years
That game was fucking awesome as a kid. I also remember the Eye-Witness dinosaur game where you navigated the museum and had that mini-game where you could assemble the skeleton and race the dinosaurs on different types of terrain
We banged the neanderthals into extinction. Probably would at least attempt the same with any other race we encountered.
Feathers have ruined the Dinosaur image forever. Fuck you Science.
>land before time sequels were a big mistake
Wait until we run out of natural resources like tantalum or oil, people will have other worries than what gender they want to be
not until pedohpilia is legal then we jump to zoophilia being legal
>ayo what you lookin at mammalboi
Partial cell shading, and rarely appearing onscreen alongside the 2D stuff.
I fuckin' love friendly magpies. Every one of them has their own personality.
There's this place I've been doing yard maintenance at that has a little group that hangs around there, and a couple of the younger ones will wander around right up close sometimes when shifting through leaf covered gardens or whatever. Last week I was cutting a heap of suckers of this big old tree, and the youngest one came up to scratch around the base for worms, so I just sat there and chilled for a bit while he did that. That apparently almost made a currawong brave enough get up closer for some food.
It was actually interesting watching when one of the older magpies came up and was immediately able to spot all the hidden beetles that the younger one just couldn't see, as well as observing how the older one was foraging with its beak and not quite feeling 100% sure if he was doing it right.
And where are all the gods?
Where's the streetwise Hercules to fight the rising odds?
Isn't there a white knight upon a fiery steed?
Late at night I toss and I turn
And I dream of what I need
I need a hero
Yeah, got a bunch of them at my dad's place.
They literally come knocking on windows for treats every morning.
Makes for a great wake up alarm in the summer when I go there.
NEVER MIND, FOUND IT. It's called "Area D", but I knew it as "Danger Island".
God it's awful. I got a lot further in it than I thought, too.
If you want a taste of some incredible CG and classic point-and-click gameplay, here's the longplay.
Watching the footage, I specifically remember being absolutely mortified at the prospect of unleashing the velociraptor in the cage. Like genuinely terrified, my body refused to click mouse, and I never got past that point.
>human face
What is even the point?
God geese are such niggers
straight out of the fucking sunken cidatel jesus christ
Yes, I am John Hammond.
We did in the last Jurassic World movie. Baby raptor squad was precious.
If ARK didn't have such a horrendous playerbase throughout every server it would be king
Based old fucker
It's okay he makes it back up the cliff
fucking based
Dude this show was so fucking awesome
first person jiggle physics
plus dinosaurs
Just play it single player
in case you don't know, the blue things are primitive eyes.
eyes in its mouth
>tfw just realized that the existence of life pre-humanity directly contradicts the Bible
Dino Crisis 2
that's kinda an old debate, zoomer.
Is zoomer even the right term anymore? You must be a baby. Or american
First they need to make a game or something that really changes the public perception of dinosaurs as giant roaring lizards.
When they are more like birds, colorful, and have feathers. Also probably made bird/chicken sounds and generally more chill than it looks like in Jurassic Park.
more like a merger, at least in Europe
consider it a corporate takeover, but with horrifying caveman sex
Is the game worth it for single player only?
What does this have to do with dinosaurs in vidya?
It's a bit like Minecraft so I think it's comfy. Just make sure to edit things like taming speed if you want to make it less grindy.
That same bird has harassed HW Bush, Clinton, Dubya Bush, and got cranky with Obama.
It can be a really fun game single player but if you can get like 2 or 3 more people to play with you its a blast. I recommend maxing taming speed and increasing harvest by like 1.5x at the very least as later recipes require an absurd amount of material and base game tames can take up to 6 real life hours to complete. Also sarco best boy dont even try to debate me
This thread needs more cassowary.
How did reptilian creatures grow feathers? Fuck you scientists explain that
Really tempted now since it's on sale on PSN. How's the DLC?
I only tried scorched earth for an hour and it wasn't very fun.
>Cage of Eden like Game never
My god. It's... it's... perfect. A definitive GOTY edition of the year. Such game has not been seen since Call of Warfare 1944