Punishes you for being good so retarded 8 year olds in 7th place can move up to 6th

>punishes you for being good so retarded 8 year olds in 7th place can move up to 6th
blue shells should be fucking banned from online i hate them so fucking much

Attached: absolute bullshit.png (1722x1713, 1M)

You’re a fag a pussy a nigger and an actual faggot. Also a sore loser and a cry baby.

it's a party kart game

Kill yourself OP

Life's not fair user. It's fun like that :)

Get gud

party games can involve skill you know. only on Yea Forums do i see dumb posts like this saying that party games are only fun if everything is random. Its obvious that most of you have never been to parties where people play games. Most people dont like CUHRAZY random variance and nothing else. They like games like Goldeneye, Kart 64 or Melee where it still feels like some skill is being used

>taking the bing bing wahoo kart game seriously

Attached: 75076819.jpg (480x320, 73K)

Not a single game that Yea Forums complains about is CUHRAZY random variance.

blue shells are fine
LIGHTNING however....