Respawn hate thread

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Cute boys with shoes thread

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Shut up wojak nigger

there are like 5 fucking threads about this can people start getting perma'd already


The speed in which respawn shit away it's good will from titanfall 2 was pretty funny atleast.

What's the point if you can't even see a dingdong just looks like a girl to me

getting banned does nothing lmao


nah post a frontal shot or else

Hey, we both have the same name.

Just for you

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based and redpilled


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You're a good dude ty my man


Keep posting, please

Someone edit this so you can see the smooth balls

Baste jannie getting rid of shadtrash and leaving based shota trap

What the FUCK. Why would you be undressed in the snow like that, good way to catch a cold if you ask me.

I deleted my own post actually

why do these discord idiots always try forcing something into a meme here. literally only time it's worked is the NPC meme

It's funny that they used the pareto principle as a sophisticated way to acknowledge the whales. That said, Reddit is a bunch of childrens crying for a skin, and they deserve all that shit for being duped by retarded streamers into liking this antiwhite dumpsterfire. Regardless though I'll take whatever whining to drag down EA and Respawn.

that's not snow that's all cum

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>Dad walks in

Attached: Soyboy Wojak (26).jpg (1487x800, 145K)

Itโ€™s their company they can do what they want. Bigots arenโ€™t exactly their main source of revenue so I doubt it will be much of a loss.

most of the planet has spent at least 10$ on fortnite, imagine being so fucing bad at game development that you are incapable of just copying epic and you invent some greedy convoluted bullshit instead lol

What's the shota equivalent of cute and funny?

it should be against the law for shota stuff to be tagged with dilf/bbm/father and any other variant it should only be shota on shota simple as

>What's the shota equivalent of cute and funny?

Attached: Soyboy Wojak (85).png (632x756, 15K)

There was a picture of small Cirno with a huge cock fucking Reimu



Saving a shill wojack thread, fucking based.
Not sure it's worth eating a ban over tbqh.

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who would let his son buy this, and go out like this?

Bold and noisy.


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Wild and silly

I would

>raise cute son
>doesn't want to share him with all the other dads of the world


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Why are weeb cvmbrains so gay? Lack of sex made them prison gay or something?

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what's a cvmbrain user

Why do guys make better girls then girls

>phoneposting wojakfag
When will they be banned

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Attached: Soyboy Wojak (208).png (830x963, 57K)

Shotas aren't for old disgusting men buddy

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Girls are gross, they have cooties


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Why is /pol/ so scared lately? I thought you guys were supposed to be badass.

Hold it right there gamerposter

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what the frick was his problem?

Fucking based

Attached: 7.png (454x520, 19K)

Based and ancient-Greek pilled.

wojakshits are not human beings, kys

he saw someone posting shota on bbm and had enough!

>Someone saved my edit
Yes yes YEEES

wait a minute, this ain't cunny

Stop being gay.

Pathetic รงumbrain faggot hahahaha

What is the function of a ball sling?

Don't worry bro I'm already posting it on Yea Forums as we speak

Attached: .jpg (665x613, 68K)

I made the original crying basedjak. Ask me anything.

Attached: crying soyboy.jpg (785x731, 101K)

>garbage shitposting all comes from Yea Forums
and no one is surprised

can ya ad an ear?

Why are you such a retsrded nigger

Prevents any inter-ball contact thereby maintaining straightness.

so they don't get cold/flop around when moving

Have you ever had sex?

fucking love this artist

>haha yes! gay anime porn! That'll show em

Attached: 1566061729386.png (644x800, 15K)

No, just that particular wojak variant comes from Yea Forums and sรฒy horror.

Attached: lmoa.jpg (1280x1500, 269K)


Draws a really cute Astolfo too



Is this some reverse psychology type shit?
>Make game full of faggots and give them pronouns
>OP pretends SJWs are the ones upset
This game was pozed since the start you faggot. If you actually play this garbage please join the 40% soon.

all wojakshit comes from Yea Forums also known as reddit

>guy crouching weirdly with pant leg up, freezes
>camera swings at an angle causing old lady to lose her balance and fall over


Attached: [644].png (1416x1080, 1.31M)

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Cute and playful

There is no point to this thread. There is no agenda being pushed. It's just one guy trying to make people angry. That's all. That's all it ever is.

Imagine being a faggot weeb lmfao
>yes I will spam gay anime hentai, I'm totally not a pathetic loser who'll suicide at 30

Attached: ๐Ÿ˜‚.gif (700x285, 3.38M)

who cares you fucking nigger, doesn't the wojak give it away that it's a shitposting thread? jesus you're such a brainless slime

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It will attract sexy snowmen to fuc u
What was it?

Attached: 1.gif (454x516, 15K)

shoot some kids at a garlic festival autistic incel

>mfw voted for Hillary to spite the Trumptards

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>emoji file name


>all wojakshit comes from Yea Forums also known as reddit

Attached: Soyboy Wojak (179).png (484x505, 96K)

Now this is the kind of quality content I come to 4channel for

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wait hold up one moment are you telling me cunny stands for cute and funny?

Except it's weebs that are usually prison gay incels. You people are so sad and pitiful
Yes I can change filenames on the fly. So?

Attached: wtf??? he has an emoji for a filename NooooOooooOOOOOO STOP HIM ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚.png (324x313, 235K)

>x hate thread
Am I on fucking Yea Forums?

Can you make a better version of /pol/jak

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sup buckyfag

>Ummm we're not low t basedboys. Post gay porn to prove the wojak posters wrong!!

Attached: Soyboy Wojak (30).jpg (378x378, 33K)

Gross, it's all 3d and shit.

>this thread
Always knew the spamming weeb incels were just nothing but dorky faggots lmfao

>no u
pathetic, stay on r/greentexts, that's more your speed

Scares the shit out of me every time. Is this the result of a fucked up GPU?


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i wanna hit it with a baseball bat


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I made that edit and purposely tried not to be recognizable as the creator.
Oh well.
Hows your day?

Commit suicide soon. I'd sooner take reddit over you prison gay faggots. You are pitiful.

they hold the balls in a more frictionless position and therefore gives you more power

I'm sure you do redditshit tourist

don't post 3d stuff please they look like pic related in reality

Attached: Uggo.gif (270x296, 40K)

It's gay porn you fucking retard.

Attached: leff.gif (326x183, 392K)

You're literally gay. You have no right to talk anything about anyone. Did you turn gay because of all the trap porn you watch, incel?

No quicker way to trigger newfag from /pol/ and Yea Forums than with some good ol' porn.
>there are users on Yea Forums that are now more easily triggered by porn than some boomer grandma would be
oh how far this place has fallen


Here's your new wojak

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wtf I just got fired
fuck you guys

Based mods. You pedos should fucking kill yourselves

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>using buzzwords like incel
found the redditfag

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Go to hell eurofag

>Based mods. You pedos should fucking kill yourselves

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A prison gay incel talking big LOOOOOL this is hot stuff

Th-thanks mods.

>boys are cring-

Attached: wew.webm (852x480, 687K)

Have sex incels

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>You're literally gay. You have no right to talk anything about anyone. Did you turn gay because of all the trap porn you watch, incel?

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t. pedo

Iโ€™ve seen pics of his face that arenโ€™t too bad. Itโ€™s all about angle and lighting.

>expecting quality on summer weekend Yea Forums

your awful messy iphone drawings stick out like a sore thumb, buy a computer you little faggot

>real women


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Mods won't delete the thread, too busy eating cookies and saving the images.

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How do I get a big dick gamer boy gf?

Attached: 521e5a2bf8b1f7ff2abbc3fcb92a704c74d7b6907fd09a3186f77a5dddce92b7.webm (1280x720, 1.27M)

>i will never know what it feels like to have a big dick

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