Why are most Playstation developers onions chugging sjw's with political agenda?

Why are most Playstation developers onions chugging sjw's with political agenda?

Attached: naughty.0.0.jpg (1200x800, 384K)

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>TLoU is söy infused movie game garbag-

Attached: God Tier TLoU2 Gameplay.webm (960x540, 3M)

Attached: WebeatGamergateSoynybros.jpg (506x495, 41K)

>falling for scripted E3 bullshit
uhhh... yikes

Bihourly Sony REEEEEEE thread. Go ahead and get it out of your system.

That doesn't even look like a game, if i wanted to watch a movie i would just watch a movie

This is official PS4, i bet it's only Sony America that does this

Attached: GayStation.jpg (782x604, 92K)

>being this afraid of SJWs
I thought Yea Forumspol/ was badass and didn't take any guff from any city-dwellin' libruls?

>being so much of a redditfag that you don't know how to post

>t. reddit

It doesnt work that way, s󠛡oybabby. I've already called you reddit first, you just look like a tryhard saying
>n-no u

How the fuck do you chug Onions? Onions are a solid? You'd probably need a big throat to accomplish that

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You mean all game developers.

Once SJWs or SJW friendly people start to get into positions of power, particularly HR, they start to filter out anyone that doesn't agree with them, eventually the company gets taken over by SJWs and/or people that don't try to challenge them

Attached: 1523752738560.jpg (480x268, 47K)

>Literal faggots are crying over Sony dominating this entire generation
Mama Mia! Shouldn't you be charging your Cheetos dust covered handheld?

Onions are God like

>city-dwellin' libruls?
You're a fucking idiot

We just keep winning, bros!

>Jak shunted to the back

Attached: 1512705869895.png (377x248, 108K)

because they're all based in either California, Oregon, or Washington. being hipster SJW douchebags is expected

>mfw I get to play another movie game

Attached: Snoyface.jpg (800x450, 45K)

>Movie games are shi-

Attached: Yakuza-0-box-art.jpg (401x500, 65K)



This. some games are directed proper like Yakuza 0 or Uncharted 2 and some games fuck it up like Persona 5 or Uncharted 3.

I'm curious to hear how P5 fucked it up when the entire point is that it's meant to be part visual novel


>a five hour youtube video
Have you got any of your own thoughts you'd like to share?

Half the cutscenes are useless retreads of shit you already know. I think I skipped half of them and didn't miss anything plot relevant.

Jak and Daxter do not deserve to be in that terrible image
Neither does Nathan Drake, he looks two steps away from JUST

Attached: image.jpg (240x240, 20K)

>needing a five hour video to explain that one point
Not really sure you should be criticising any game for being too bloated

Play Judgment if you liked Y0.

I'm the OP, some other user posted that video.