Is this the most pathetic roster in a fighting game ever?
Is this the most pathetic roster in a fighting game ever?
original SFV launch was pretty gash
out of context MvCi isn't that bad - but as a team game, comparing the other MvC rosters, considering the vast roster of available picks (even ignoring X-men), and just how ugly it was, made it feel much worse.
Not so pathetic because of the number but the unabashed rehash of the previous game's roster and somehow fucking them up and making them look like heroin addicts and stiffer than wooden boards. Even the voice talent couldn't be assed to put in the effort except Jedah and Sigma, actual newcomers
you got Capcom and then Marvel. Both Companies sitting on a shit ton of characters worth a mountain of gold yet for MVC3 and then for Infinitite they somehow managed to pick the most boring roster there is twice in a row. And is even worse for Infinite since like half the roster is just recycled from MVC3 with the same animations and everything.
You mean like they done it with MvC: Origins and MvC2? And still MvC2 was and is still very good
The roster with all the DLC is more embarrassing
How could anyone look at that Dante model and think “yes, this looks great”?
If we're considering launch rosters, KI launched with 6 characters
It's mainly the Marvel side that's pretty bad.
>original SFV launch was pretty gash
all SF rosters start off small
or are you arguing it's shit variety?
Cause i think it was pretty okay
Half of it is returning staples
4 characters who haven't been seen in a long time returning
and 4 newcomers
could be worse
Marvel side is just the funniest to me since it suffers purely for MCU wanking
Mostly because their models were JUSTed
What would the ideal roster be assuming you had to stick to 33 characters?
Fucking look at this
>the completely phoned in lines
>the one two punch kick launch look away from explosion with dumb one liner
>the complete lack of hype
>the utterly dry sound effects and particle effects
PlayStation All-Stars
Its not even MCU wanking done right
No Ant-Man, no Loki, no Star-Lord, no Vision, etc
What the fuck, (U)MvC3's roster is incredible. Not perfect, but still stellar. What are your problems with it?
personally I just like when they do interesting characters. I dont' really care for street fighter characters because if I wanted to play as them I'd just play street fighter.
characters like Phoenix Wright and Amaterasu are fun to me. Also how can you have a mahvel game without Tron bonne again
I wish it was MCU wank, but its just laughably small
And a lot of it is resused framework so whats really the excuse
Is this the most Soulful roster?
And it was still better than MvCI
>No Ant-Man, no Loki, no Star-Lord, no Vision, etc
They were probably planned further down the line. Remember that Infinite was marketed as a "platform" that would continuously get updated. Which would've happened whether they said so or not to be honest but it was probably a PR mistake to push this strategy so openly and aggressively
How can one fighter have so much SPIRIT
Not him but here are a few of my minor grievings:
>Super Skrull because no fantastic 4 allowed
>Grrrl wolverine
>Phoenix is a stupid bitch
>No Megaman
>Crimson whogivesafuck Viper
From both a Capcom and a Tatsunoko standpoint the roster is fucking weird honestly
I still laugh at how awkward the art for Volnutt actually makes him look
>that ultimate
>>Super Skrull because no fantastic 4 allowed
I heard somewhere that its because Johnny's animations would break the game
and there's an unspoken rule that you need all the Fantastic Four to be in or none
Without a doubt. "Infinite" my ass. No X-Men, no Fantastic Four, no Venom, no original Mega Man, no Guy, no Cody, only 2 SF reps, Rocket and Gamora without fucking Star Lord? I have no clue how they dropped the ball this hard.
And thats a good thing
Normal you end up like infinite
wasn't he dlc
even without X-Men and Fantastic Four you still have a lot of fucking options to put in from the deeper Marvel Universe
Not even 1 Defender there
Venom was DLC, this picture I guess doesn't have that. the DLC was Venom, Winter Soldier, Black Panther, useless widow slut, Sigma and Monster Hunter. Antman was datamined but the game died, so
Remember what Traveler Tales did when hit by the Perlmutter embargo for Lego Avengers?
They added Gwenpool, Devil Dinosaur, Cloud 9, etc
>Not even 1 Defender there
It literally has two of the three original members.
You're otherwise correct, though.
Funny that Dormammu ended up being an iconic character for MvC because everyone used and loved him so much
Marvel vs Capcom has that habit, MVC2 had characters like Spiral or Marrow that people nowadays really don't know and if they do it's only because of MVC2.
because they did not consult the dmc team
Yeah because Rose Garden/3 creation spells
probably to busy having to deal with Marvel's bs
Is that costume actually in the game or a mod?
>use DMC3(ish) Dante for Marvel
>Make him look like he's on drugs
>Even your Donte model costume actually looks better
>be told you have to use Donte even though you actually wanted to use Dante
the rule for the game was only one character per version of a series
>but we have three yatterman characters
each one was included because they had the original series, the live action movie, and the reboot
>but three street fighter characters
each one represents a different game
if future versus games do the same thing it would be pretty cool
As someone who isn't too into comics for me that was Blackheart and fucking THANOS. Crazy what he's up to these days.
King of Fighters XII was much much worse, but it was for budget reasons. They at least tried.
SFV had a joke of a roster too, I think capcom was struggling with making gen 8 games with large rosters (and also making games that don't look like shit too). I'm excited for people laughing at granblue versus for having 11 characters at launch though.
you also forgot
>could not even get early access to the final version of DmC they only had the demo and trailers to base his moveset off of, thats why his DT in psa is missing certain details
>the film rights to various characters may have been owned by Fox, but the video game rights never went away
>all of the Marvel games before 2013, for example, including MvC3
>Ike throws a tantrum because of Fox's film rights
>demands removal of X-Men and FF from everything to try to somehow tank sales of the Fox made films
>it doesn't tank anything except their own sales from removing beloved characters from the games that no copyright problems whatsoever
>alienate fans who want to see their favorite characters
That's what really gets me about the X-Men embargo; it had no reason to exist, was entirely self-inflicted, only hurt the people enforcing it, and blows my mind at stupid the whole thing was.
>Make an interesting new Symbiote named Toxin
>has a childish personality and sometimes refuses to work with his host if he said something mean to him
>Oh uh we want Eddy Brock venom again but Agent Venom is pretty popular what do
>let's have Blackheart kill Toxin's host off-panel so we can just give him to Eddy and have RED VENOM even though that's not what Toxin looks like at all
they also did not ask any other team approval to use monster hunter or Chris redfield the MH team do not approve of a hunter rep and actually said there would be no hunter in that new card game
There's nothing tragically embarrassing like Abigail, Poison or Birdie in it.
change the blonde guy to samanosuke
thats literaly the only way
SF5's roster was straight up made up of characters people complained about not being in SF4 (Karin, R.Mika, Birdie, Alex, etc). I hope the backlash teaches Capcom to just deliver the roster they want and do a good job with that instead of bending over backwards to satisfy random people on the internet.
>PlayStation All-Stars
>bad roster
I don’t want to be rude but you have shit taste
also it got worse because now he looks like this and it's awful
Issues with using that design due to it being based on the likeness of a real person
although they could use Dawn of Dreams Samonosuke as a workaround technically
Birdie doesn't belong on that list, his horrificness was on purpose
People who think they're ever going to get a MvC2 Roster ever again need to realise that the game was so rushed that it's a miracle it came out as well as it did.
It's all just reused sprites which is why the roster was so massive but then none of it was balanced to a small portion of it is viable.
I think they just need to have at least 20 good looking characters in their next game or people are going to make fun of them again
no, that power rangers game is even worse, like half of the cast is based on the shitty comics and one monster in the base roster
Playstation All-Stars: nothing else comes close. All of the multi-plat characters and characters who haven't and still haven't seen a game in decades was just sad.
But at least you could pick between Cole and EVIL COLE.
FighterZ is worse. They reuse so many character templates it's honestly pathetic.
Actual unironic shit taste
I was expecting that game to be filled with loads of villains and shit. At least they're still updating the roster I guess, it's a budget game sold at a budget price to begin with so it's hard for me to be too harsh on it.
>Donte to promote DmC
>MGR Raiden to promote Revengeance
>Big Daddy even though Bioshock was originally an Xbox exclusive
>Fat fucking Princess
>Kratos is the best character
Prove to me that Crimson Viper is in any way a good character. She only existed as a SF4 rep which Juri does better now.
I never did understand why Karas was white/silver when both forms of his armor in the series are gunmetal/black.
UMvC3 had a great roster. I liked it more than 2's.
Dude it had Doctor Strange and Hulk, how many more do you want, Hellcat and Night Hawk?
I'm kind of angry because Grandblue will have a shit roster but people will not complain because "muh animu durh durh"
I'm a Jurifag and would have loved her in 3 but Viper still was pretty fun with her moveset in a hyper fighter.
Explain why Juri is a good character besides
>She's crazy and makes my peepee hard
I don't even like Viper either before you go there but she had an actual interesting gimmick in MVC3 of actually having Meter Burn combos
Wouldn't it be one of those"literally who" fighters that you can't help but scream about how "no one cares about" any of their characters whenever they get brought up?
i meant the Netflix guys
i'm not a casual, i just wanted to make sure people knew who i was talking about
I guess i could just say the Heroes for Hire
but that still includes the hulk
Actually Toxin (as in the symbiote) is gone by the end of that run. Brock is Venom again and Thompson was "Agent Anti-Venom" for all of five minutes before dying.
I remember a fat character. Or I am wrong?
>good character
why does that matter
she's popular and recognisable, meanwhile no one remembers C.Viper, that's all that matters
Even then it would kinda suck since you can't have all of them in a team anyway
>Says explain why C Viper is a good character
>Get asked to explain why Juri is
>"Why does it matter?"
Because they or you, I don't really know at this point made it about "good characters" which is a dumb claim because all it means is personal bias.
And as previously stated Viper was a good character in MVC3 that stood out from the rest of the cast.
People are already complaining. I was interested but 11 characters for such a simple game?
>UMVC3 roster is now bad
Literally introduces some of the greatest characters of all times and give to them awesome movesets with a lot of variety to them.
>Phoenix W.
>Frank West
>Ghost n Goblins characters
>Clover Characters
>Mike Haggar
>Dark Phoenix
>Dormamu and Strange
Look, its a shame that you cannot play with the cast of the memorable roster of 2 like Roll, Servbot, or Dan Hibiki, but UMVC3 did everything rigth for his own
Nigga Eddie is back as Venom
That Toxin image is really old
I wish Frank West didn't get a bastardization in this game
I didn't want Megaman, I wanted Megaman.exe in
Iron Fist was so damn fun. I wish Luke made it too even though making a playstyle for him would be kinda rough.
hakushon daimao, he was in the japanese version but was cut in the overseas release
So that was the version I played with my friends. I fucking miss this game.
Is it wrong that I'm still mad this game basically got sent to die on the Wii?
>Fightsticks had to be plugged into Wii Motes
It deserved better.
>There will never be a brand new Switch version of UMVC3 with new characters and stages
UMVC3 plays so goddamn fine, its probably the most intuitive, fluid, dinamic, hype and charismatic figthing game i have ever played, and i can believe that capcom will never be able to replicate this, never.
The style, the greatest characters inclusion and execution, music, arcade, gameplay, they did everything here and still having potential for more
This roster is so baffling.
Why keep Firebrand, of all characters?
If you have to keep Spencer, why did they go with that instead of his Rearmed design?
Why is the roster the same as 3, but with half the characters gone and only two new ones?
I love mine but no
I was fine with SF5’s launch roster, it a lot of characters I was interested in
Only people who don’t play fighting games care about having a fuck huge roster
There are characters that i genuinely don't know how they can implement without clone/replicate other characters playstyle. Luke Cage, Human Torch, Miles morales and The Thing are some examples
Please no, the internet was bad enough
>No X-Men, no Fantastic Four,
And this is all because Marvel was being pissy because they didn't have the movie rights.
DBFZ is a perfect example of less is more, especially when you are just copypasting 10 different versions of the exact same character in a game where all characters play pretty much the same to begin with.
>b-b-b-b-b-but muh one different 2H hitbox!
REAL MEGA BUSTER is brilliant though
>Why did they keep firebrand?
They rushed the game and chooses everything randomly (aparently). Like they forced MCU elements in the direction, and Nova somehow, survived to the roster cut
But anyway, Firebrand is great , he just plays like shit in retrospective like everyone else from Ultimate 3 in Infinite
>If you have to keep Spencer, why did they go with that instead of his Rearmed design?
Because this game has no artstyle and will look awfully bad like X and Zero models
>Why is the roster the same as 3, but with half the characters gone and only two new ones?
Disney?, probably?
>brand new Switch version of UMVC3 with new characters and stages
Why Switch exclusive? I love mine but I'm not buying a Switch fightstick just for it.
Iirc it's Disney's fault because they wanted to promote their shitty movies instead of letting the devs make a their game and use characters like doom
Sorry, but no best girl, no buy
You aren’t wrong, Hakushon Daimaō was only on Tatsunoko vs Capcom 1 (across Generation of Heroes).
For TvsC2 (Ultimate All Stars) we got a ton more extra characters, but Hakoshon got axed for the greater good.
>Imagine still pathetically having MvCI rent free in your fucking head.
>Imagine still fucking thinking there will be another MvC after your fucking massive shitposting campaign and shilling the weakest Arc System works game in spite
Are you Capkucks this fucking mentally retarded? Oh wait you can't answer that since you fucks pretty much are.
How does it fucking feel you fucktards are the bigger culprit of your precious shitty series now as a rotting corpse? At least you Krappa chimp soibois got your precious X-Men back in a shitty hack n' slash and also now making Guilty Gear run into fucking ground due to you Mahvelfags shilling the fucking out of Goku vs Goku.
>Is this the most pathetic roster in a fighting game ever?
This game never took me for a ride. MvC 1 and 2 were perfect. 3 was just decent and this was shit.
Wow, these ones look totally dull. They fucked up hard
Sorry, wrong pic. Here's the actual best girl.
>Leon will never be playable
>Gene will never be playable
>Miles Edgeworth will never be playable
>Agent Venom will never be playable
>The Punisher will never be playable
>Spiderman Noir will never be playable
>Daredevil will never be playable
>Cyclops and Gambit will never comeback
>Phoenix W will never comeback
>Captain commando will never comeback
>Joe will never comeback
>Nova will be cut
>Frank West will be cut
>Chris will be cut
>Ghost rider will be cut
>Firebrand will be cut
>X probably will be gone too and they never will fix his moveset
Horrible timeline for one of the series with some of the best titles in the genre. Fucking sucks
It just needed Speed Racer and Phoenix Wright for both sides.
Guess you fucktards should've thought twice after that shitposting campaign. Karma's a bitch isn't it?
>tfw Frank made it but not Doc Ock
He was so close
The only real crime that MVC ever committed was never making Asura a playable character
Marvel ruined this versus series enough already. We need a new one. So which one will be the best?
>Jump vs Capcom
>Nintendo vs Capcom
>Sega vs Capcom
>Konami vs Capcom
>Capcom all Stars
>cut Felicia
>cut Vergil
>cut Akuma
>no Nero
>no Lady
>no Jon Talbain
>no Loki
>no Starlord
mvci was a mistake
>spider-man Noir
Lmao you just want some shoto clones fag
>No Megaman
Zero worked out a lot better than MM ever could.
Capcom All Stars
Post characters that will be gone in the next game
Capcom vs. Arcsys
Honestly, Capcom All Stars sounds the most appealing out of everything you listed. Also in a crossover they'd never be able to appease both sides unless there's a metric assload of DLC that gets released quickly.
Had to stop at Ghost Rider. Just watching him lazily swing his chain as a fucking super is pathetic.
Probably Taskmaster and MODOK. Still love those fuckers though.
Capcom-only if we're not just talking about Yea Forums rosterfagging every day and then ignoring the game upon release
Miles Edgeworth can be just like Akuma. Just do variations in the PW movesets. Like using a logic system instead of evidence, and use projectiles when descarting logic facts with more powerfull attack but slower speed and things like that. Use gumshoe instead of maya, use the secret gumshoe weapons instead of magic and samurai smelt, use Courtney for his base special, and use AAI interface for his Ace Attorney level 3
Is not that hard
Can't be gone from the next game if you aren't in the current one.
You will never see the Bonanza Bros duke it out with Zangief from street fighter
You should have bought Darkstalkers Resurrection.
Infinite doesn't exist. Leave me alone.
i was 12 at the time and not interested in fighting games yet
Honestly, even as a movie promotion this roster is shit. You could have had Scarlet Witch, Vision, Valkyrie, Vulture, any of the Black Order, Quicksilver, Loki, Starlord, any of these fuckers could have been in and probably would have been fun. And none of this excuses the shit Capcom side of the roster anyway. Fucking Spencer, Arthur, and Firebrand? RE5 Chris and DMC3 Dante again? It's like everyone involved decided to put in as little effort possible.
>Jon Talbain
Good, learn your fucking place furfag
Let the true war between the franchises take place
God, Nemesis was so fucking fun and I normally don't play big bodies.
Also, Leon can use inventory system from RE 4 in his moveset, ice grenades, food, trowh shit like eggs , the Chicago Typewriter for his special, level 3 with Mr X just like Jill using the Tyrant in 2 but with other way to strike the opponent, and etc
It was doing fine
The problem is they announced MvC3 like right after it came out and MAHVEL overpowered any chance
>we will never get Gene in a fighting game
it hurts bros
>Japanese power rangers with pumpkin-sized helmets
I did buy Darkstalkers resuection. They made a mistake porting 2 games. I could hardly ever find matches in that thing. They should have just ported a version of Darkstalkers 3 with all the missing characters like Donovon and Pyron.
>shitting on classic fighting game characters that were tearing up the arcades before you were even born
>Fuckin Viewtiful Joe.
How the fuck was Capcom so hot and cold back then with shit like this and UMvC3 but then ships trash like DmC.
Best heavy weigth in the game, and is so simple moveset-wise. Still, its satisfactory AF
>It's like everyone involved decided to put in as little effort possible
Considering the fact that apparently the game's budget was less then SFV's DLC budget, that's probably the case.
Disney wanted some cross promotion and strangled the game so Capcom just half assed it as a result
But he was in UMvC3 :^)
>the only VS. games that have PC ports are SFxT 2013 and UMvC3
>the MAHVEL 3 port is jank as fuck
>CvS2, MvC2, and TvC will never be put on current gen systems because CAPCOM could give a shit less about renegotiating rights when SFV is somehow dragging tons of money in
>but they have no problem putting out new, awful Super Turbo iterations
It's like they want the niche communities to die off.
It was a beta for MvC3 to begin with.
>Shadow The Hedgehog vs Albert Wesker
Would be kino
You requested Jon Talbain of all characters so it's pretty clear you don't play VSav, he's boring.
They play nothing alike
And Barouque > X factor
Capcom was far more cold then hot at that time, Don't let those 2 fool you. SFxT managed to take one of the most anticipated crossovers in history and make it an absolute disaster
that's silly considering Anti-venom was the best thing to happen to Eddie but oh well
>Oh we need the anti-venom symbiote to cure spider island
>and I mean all of it so we can write it out of existing
That Dante hurts me every time I see it.
This guy sucked because he had some bug that made the entire cast have otg infinites against him even on standing normals. It was hilarious because you literally just smacked his nuts to death and he couldn't do anything about it.
That hast to be the most souless game ever created.
Look at Captain America's eyes. Jesus Christ.
>Unironically would have saved the roster at least
didn't they also have like two different games, SFxT (tekken in street fighter) and TxSF (street fighter in tekken) and the latter never actually happened
For a vs Capcom game I'd want the beta version of Donovan with all of his over the top screen-filling shit that didn't make it into the final version of Vampire Hunter
Never happening, he's to Capcom what Isaac is to Nintendo/Smash Bros
Regina would just play like how Chris does in that game wouldn't she?
Did anyone post Icons already
Basically yes and it was because SFxT went down THAT badly.
It kinda lives on though with Akuma in Tekken 7 especially considering Harada stated that 7's success made it unlikely it would be released.
GodHand has a niche fanbase on Yea Forums at least
No one actually cares about Golden Sun, outside of Smash that series gets no discussion, it's mostly just those guys who love arguing over rosters but don't play games finding something to be upset about
Before I saw the video thumbnail, I thought you meant Def Jam Icon
>Def Jam Icon
Another terrible sequel. FFNY is the best.
SEGA would be the better choice.. Maybe.
>Ryo Hazuki
>Kazuma Kiryu
>Segata Sanshiro
>Joe Musashi
>Axel Stone
>Akira Yuki
>Hatsune Miku
>Michael Jackson
>Afro Thunder
>Takayuki Yagami
Could be kino, on second thought.
That would be cool.
At that point maybe just make Project X Zone as a fighting game?
umvc not only had roster problems, its whole system was a problem as well, fuck infinity stones, i hated marvel super heroes for the stones and they do the same gimmiky in this game, i rather have a third character than a bunch of useless stones were only 1 or 2 are usefull because they're stupidily broken, the change of assist was interesting but they just broke the game, who can forget the infinite block string rocket raccoon and jeda could make? dante was so broken even when he got nerfed in every aspect, everybody was using him.
Yes, i blame marvel for the shitty roster but capcom didn't help, they wanted to do the same shit they did with sf5 but tihs time people didn't fell for it. marvel is one of my favorite fighting games ever but i rather see it dead that having another shitty game, i don't know if the series is ever gonna come back but if marvel is gonna keep having so much control over the roster i rather never see another marvel game.
Isaac has no fanbase beyond the 3 people who post threads here.
I think you mean Infinite, bro
oh yeah i meant mvci lol.
So who would you want as new comers for a new Capcom crossover fighter?
Are my picks.
Same but switch Megaman for Arisen
Motherfucking Miles Edgeworth
I agree that Donte and Raiden are shit but the rest are fine. Snake, Cloud and Joker are playstation character and yet they’re in smash, so big daddy case isn’t that bad. And I don’t have any problem with two coles. Only legit complain is no spyro or crash
Roll is a memorable choice but for other reasons
I have a feeling that Frank West is going to be the new morrigan. Death franchise but character is living in the crossovers
Her cute personality?
>X but not shit, start over. Charge shot is a must, also somehow give him a wall sliding/kicking mechanic based on the games, I don't care if it's broken as shit.
The thing is Darkstalkers players have long been divided into separate camps for those two games. A somewhat analogous situation would be the rivalry between Alpha 2 and Alpha 3. Darkstalkers Combination Cup, which as the largest Darkstalkers-devoted event for for 8 or so years, always had separate divisions for both games.
>first game in the series is Xmen vs Street Fighter
>no x-men
>Akira from Rival Schools
>anyone from Power Stone
A Palico would be neat. If they ever went back to doing giant characters again gimme fuckin Rath or Nergie
God I wish more games existed where I could play Casshern or Tekkaman Blade.
I'm going to say Godzilla Unleashed for the PS2 has the most underwhelming roster in comparison to its predecessor bar none, at least as far as I know. The roster is literally just Godzilla Save the Earth with two extra clones, Battra and Obsidious. It's literally a copy paste and a straight downgrade as far as gameplay goes. I know this is because the Wii version of the game was prioritized and made by an entirely different team, but it still doesn't justify that the ONLY """""""new""""""" characters in the PS2 version were clones, ESPECIALLY considering we now know that Biollante was almost near-fucking-complete in at least the Xbox version of Save the Earth.
Kill yourself. Nobody picks Megaman in games where Zero is present. He's doomed to remain shit tier and unused in EVERY game he's been in besides MAYBE Onimusha Blade Warriors, and ironically Zero is actually better than him even in that game. Time and time again MVC and SSB proved that people will beg for Megaman and then never use him.
>Grrrl wolverine
Everything else is you wanting shit characters instead of ones you don't recognize. Juri is irrelevant garbage, and without the newgrounds animations and all the porn nobody would know who she is.
Sega vs Capcom and Capcom All Stars sound like the best possible outcomes for me. These two companies have enough comparable games to make some pretty cool machtups.
>Soinc vs Megaman
>DMC vs Bayonetta
>Virtua Fighter vs Street Fighter
>God Hand vs Anarchy Reigns
>Yakuza vs Phoenix Wright
>Shinobi vs Strider
>Final Fight vs Revenge of Shinobi
>Shining Force vs Breath of Fire
>Sakura Wars vs Cyberbots
>Power Stone vs Fighting Vipers
And maybe even more that I can't think of right now.
Take MvC3's roster, gut it, and throw in X, Devilotte, Cable, and Moonknight.
Superskrull was the best new character on the Marvel side. Great moveset and the best quotes in the game.
>Superskrull was the best new character on the Marvel side
*blocks your path*
Even the returning characters in V felt new.
MVCI felt like a literal recycle of 3.
the jedah laugh is absolutely perfect
That DMC1 outfit looks like absolute trash, what happened?
it's a mod
The entire game looks like trash.
>Lady and Nero
>Ibuki, Makoto, or Alex. Any SF3 character really.
>Someone from Dragon's Dogma, maybe Mercedes.
>the she-goat over Julien
For shame.
I'm down for that too honestly.
>Final Fight vs Revenge of Shinobi
What about Final Fight vs Streets of Rage?
but he was the villain
Ashikaga Yoshiteru from Sengoku Basara would be perfect for this sort of fighting game.
Capcom All-Stars FTW. Except Capcom can't even be trusted with their own characters anymore because "MUH eSPORTS" so gimme Jump Vs Capcom.
nigga dormammu is a classic strange foe
Doctor WHO?
it's made up by his great move set. even straight ripping the dodge roll and knee drop(and other moved) out of DR
it's supposed to be black but the shine makes it look weird
>has the best Roll in crossover
how did they do it lads
I'll give them one point for remembering that the outer coat in 1 is pinkish.
jumpfags are probably the most creatively-bankrupt when it comes to suggesting crossovers
>Toxin and Patrick will never team up with Spider-Man in a game
>chances of being in a fighting game is never
>Patrick gets killed offscreen for more Brock mastrubation
I'm just as pissed at the fact we'll more than likely never get a true Spider-Man 2099 game or representation in a fighting game.
>Akira from Rival Schools
>Ryu, Nina & Fou-Lu from Breath of Fire
>Bass, Protoman or Bass.EXE from Mega Man
>Jon Talbain, Donovon, Dimitri from Darkstalkers
>Tessa & Scion from Warzard
>Von Karma from Ace Attorney
>Linn Kurosasa from AvP
>Nero from DMC.
>Regina from Dino Crisis
Thats a mod, they used the DMC3 Dante in the actual game
Scorpion/Astro from Slam Masters.
For me, its Nova
>"Blue blazes, IM AWESOME"
We all know El Fuerte is the real best SF4 rep.
extremely redpilled posts
Do the characters even shit talk each in Infinite through victory lines or quotes? Or are they not allowed to in order to paint a more heroic picture for the Marvel side?
That would be just telekinesis, right? cant remember what else he could do. His body made out of scraps from the submarine would be a cool skin.
Also, I wouldnt like to play him knowing im not actually playing as the protagonist
>FINALLY get a Mahvel game where X is playable, as well as Sigma, a MonHun rep, and Jedah
>it has to be the objectively worst Mahvel ever made
Why must being X be suffering?
>Captain Commando vs. Burning Rangers
It's kinda insane how you can nearly 1 to 1 Sega & Capcom properties/characters. I would want it just to have Sega's composers doing Capcom tracks.
>"In Lavteria we have no lawyers. Only corpses"
Oh look ma! It's that game that flopped so hard because it's on Wii and people only recognize Ryu and Megaman!
>Monster Hunter vs Phantasy Star
>Resident Evil vs Aliens
>Jojo Bizzaro vs Persona
I would buy if it's happening.
So Latveria is just Khura'in?
I fucked up there, meant Streets of Rage. Noticed it just now.
>UMvC3 has a bad roster
You're a complete retard if you believe this. Compare that roster to the one from MvC2 which was literally 80% all fucking Street Fighter. In UMvC3 you have pretty much all important characters represented plus some interesting idditions. The only ones who I see are wasting space in UMvC3 are Firebrand, Nemesis, and Vergil. Everyone else is spot on. Even Spencer.
>any of those
>wasting space
You play as Lynne and her moves are all Sissel protecting her while she acts like a total clueless klutz like always
You could’ve at least posted the full roster
The only true waste of space is Sentinel who's only in because of memes.
>not liking cool transforming robots
Linn Kurosawa
Rouge(Power Stone)
Franziska Von Karma
blocks your path
Post a Roster you motherfuckers.
there's a lot cooler x-men villains who they could have been in
they had the choice between Juggernaut and Sentitle
they really should have put in Juggernaut
>Gunstar Heroes vs. Forgotten Worlds
>Guardian Heroes vs. King of Dragons
>Wonder Boy vs. Ghosts & Goblins
>Golden Axe vs. Battle Circuit
>Alex Kidd vs. SonSon
>NiGHTS vs. Quiz Nanairo Dreams?
>11 characters
>5 DLC
Who was responsible for this?
Chinese Gatcha Company with infinte $$$. I already expect GranBlue to be the headline game at EVO next year because the publisher will just swamp Mr. Wizard in cash.
the starting roster for GGxrd was pretty lackluster, but i guess they have an excuse for the transition to sprites to 3d models. im hoping the GGxth roster wont be as shitty as GBFVs.
muh esports longevity
Thanks, man. I try.
No. This was the apex of SOUL in fighting games.
>roster is fucking incomplete
This game was such an abomination and stain
That's the full roster nigger, they left those mismatching boxes at the bottom
Ah yes, Morrigan and her extremely outdated sprite that never got touched up ever since her debut, almost as bad as Shadaloo Cammy
>Black widow
>Window solider
No one in that roster is bad
>That 90s Capcom Aesthetic.
Was there anything like it?
Spider-Clones, y/n?
Still better than Sagat and his three frame punches.
>no Vergil
They could have touch up her sprite a bit.
Only the early 00s had something similar to it.
Scarlet Spider was already a costume, probably not happening.
r8 and h8
Raimi Spiderman stuff aside, I like it.
Yatagarastu is disappointing, they have some cool characters but a bunch of closes and the system is really deviated to the point where it gets cumbersome
Why do I have a button for parries, and why is one a high and alow?
Pretty good
I’m still fucking pissed about the Green Goblin tease in Infinite that never delivered because the game died so fast.
Nintendo vs Jump made by ArcSys. It's used as Nintendo's answer to being unable to top Super Smash Ultimate without having to reboot the series; create a new crossover staple that will generate hype.
SF5 and SF4 launch rosters.
Bruh how did X-23 get in over the fucking leader of the X-Men, Cyclops, in MVC3?
they wanted a sexy female wolverine over clops
>No X-Men
>No fantastic four
>No Lizard, Black Cat
In the trash it goes.
Tried going for deep cuts and keeping fan-favorites.
>Howard the Duck
>The Unknown Soldiers
>Beta-Ray Bill
>Lord Raptor
>Lynn Kurosawa
UMvC3 is based for a lot of reasons, but giving Gene his first official art since God Hand released is near the top. Still kind of shitty that he was planned to be in Vanilla 3 opposite Thor but they went with Ammy instead, but Ammy is still pretty fantastic.
Regina would be like MvC2 Jill and have dinos run across the screen.
How would deviljho work as a character? He's like twenty feet tall and sixty feet long.
Those portraits look so soulless
You can use the Seneschaal's first-playthrough design (the one on the OG boxart) and call it "Arisen" with pawns as strikers.
I'll be honest, I don't play MH much but I feel like one of the monsters would be good since I was including Giants and all I knew was Rathalos is more long than tall and is just as iconic as an armorset so I kept the Hunter and just put them in it.
Rajang is a biped, right? He could work.
Rajang's technically a quadruped, but he's an ape so he'll go bipedal to attack. But yeah, he could work.
based and redpilled
cringe and bluepilled
Alright, I guess I'll edit him in, he's pretty cool from what I know. I guess I'll replace Trish with Lady or maybe a non-DMC too; originally my hope would be that she would be reworked to be like her 4SE self but I feel like Lady would be more interesting in terms of a fighting game. Maybe I'll rep a different series though. Maybe Red Earth or Slam Masters.
>the Green Goblin tease in Infinite
Spidey got a Level 3 in Infinite where Goblin throws his pumpkin bombs at him from off-screen and Spidey uses web to intercept and throw them at the opponent.
It's pretty clear MvCi was planned to have a couple more sets of DLC characters. Based on things they changed from 3 it was pretty clear that Green Goblin, Lady, & Ant-Man were planned.
X's fighting style is also shit in MvCI to boot.
The original Tekken 7 roster was fucking godawful
>11 characters
>15+ planned DLC characters
>it's okay when not-Capcom does it
Ike Perlmutter's pettiness knows no bounds
And not a single one of them is a Draph (Female (Woman (Girl (Vagina-Owner))))
Marvel was still sidelining him in favor of Wolvie at that point in time.
At this point fighting games that come out in only JP arcades with console/PC releases in the pipeline are basically being beta tested.
Remember that the SFIV Vanilla Arcade roster was just the World Warriors, 4 Kings, and Rufus/Fuerte/Viper/Abel with Seth/Gouken/Akuma as only bosses.
I don't think it is.
Yea Forums shit on that announcement pretty much immediately. GBFVS is pretty much going to be one of those games I'll play if it's in front of me and maybe watch Top 8s for but won't buy. Bit of a shame, Ladiva seemed fun.
Arkikesys never learns
I read that Niitsuma specifically wanted a young female Marvel character (probably to give Tron a rival) and settled with X-23.
Niitsuma also had to ban any female characters from being added to Ultimate because the team had a literal Waifu War and couldn't agree on anybody. Nina from BoF was the closest to getting unanimous support.
I like character specific intros more than the turn around/walk up and quip
I just got into fighting games, rotating between SFV and Guilty Gear xrd. Seeing old MvC footage is so fun, how long do we have to wait until the next installment? Do you guys think they will learn from their errors?
it will either be extremely soon, like beginning of next-gen, or extremely long, like 5, 6, 7 years out
its dead jim
even though it was a visually spectacular game, KOF13 had a pretty garbage roster
even worse that in order to even play competitively your team had to at least include either iori or mr karate, often both.
KOF98 probably has the greatest roster in history tho, so it balances it out for the series
I mean n64 smash had 8 characters total
People took SF4 for granted, and now we're stuck in rushdown hell. The only reason most people moved on is because CAPCOM's always offering a massive pot bonus and because nobody wants to deal with those rare 1f links.
I love this game but come on
If pot bonuses drive popularity then I am very happy that SNK saw fit to throw in $30k towards SamSho this year (SFV has $50k, MK11 $15k, and the other six games at EVO had no pot bonus). SNK is forcing their way back into a top spot among fighting game developers and I love it.
what, dont you like "mascot character that never left japan" or "two versions of the shame character" or "mook from a rival exculsive" or "inferior version of a classic character" or....
Duh no shit, so they can release DLC obviously you num nut chuckle fucks on Yea Forums.
Jump Force exists
what do you expect from a man who loves Trump Trump? :')
and how did that work out for them?
donte,isaac,big daddy and heihachi are my problem
I don't mind everything else
I just wish the game had more good characters
I agree with you on the roster, but I also actually think KOF XIII is pretty shitty visually as well. Even though the animation is really good, it is let down by generally awful character redesigns. Like, only King, Joe, Athena, and Kim look good off the top of my head. The entire Ikari Warriors team looks fucking awful. Some of the stages look ugly as fuck as well despite having a lot of work put into them.
The game just looks really weird and gross to me, overall despite its technical impressiveness.
I liked Hwa Jai though, I would like to see him back in KOF15
what are your issues with isaac and heihachi in particular
>the most pathetic roster
Here you go. When only the guest characters look good you know things are fucked.
>Like, only King, Joe, Athena, and Kim look good off the top of my head.
I think Takuma being peak manlet performance is pretty great. I also kinda like that they made Ralf & Clark jacked to fuck but I get that it was a change made out of nowhere.
If that one picture of a guy at SNK working on a Raiden model with cel-shading is for XV I think we've got nothing to worry about.
Jump vs Capcom
but all the supers would be cutscene shit if the other games involving the Jump characters are anything to go off, so instead of Jotaro/DIO having extended combo potential with timestop, it'd be a long winded 5-9 second cutscene of a stand rush/road roller beatdown
Waldstein & Merkava are cool though.
Wald is the shittiest looking grappler in history. Mark is ok I guess but both jewpuncher and Sion are just better.
MvCI was a budget game with reused assets and like 3 new characters marvel wanted to push for movie shit.
The worst part is the tag system which was a great idea but now will forever be associated with that trainwreck of a game.
gordeau carries the game
>that awful, pathetic penance stare
Jesus christ it still makes me mad.
Compare it to the MvC3 one, look how gutted and effortless Infinite's is in comparison
at least jedah was based
Worst roster in the sense that I've never played this and I have no absolute clue who these literal who's are and what they play like, yes.
Like seriously
>karate man chops and kicks
>ninja girl jumps high and throws shurikens
>literally anyone in that picture: ???
>Domrammu and Super Skrull were AWFUL picks, literally who?
>Yeah man Spiral and Blackheart, what iconic characters!
Come the fuck on, dude.
The new Power Rangers game has its own take on Active Tag while also having traditional assists AND a separate selectable striker (although you only get access to it when you're down one of your characters).
Also Active Tag in MvCi needed a rebalance. Free tags during blocked supers railroaded the meta too hard and yet they charged 2 full bars to simply bring in your other character while your point was getting comboed without actually breaking up the combo and putting you at risk to get Happy Birthday'd.
>zero female marvel characters
>no morrigan
>Grrrl wolverine
Did you forget MVC2 had Boneclaw Wolverine, a literal clone character.
i dont like playing him in DMC, but i would main the shit out of him in a Vs game
W-when's Mahvel
Yeah its a shit roster and it looks like utter dogshit graphically but to capcoms credit the characters can do a lot more individually than they could in Mvc3
>No Female Marvel Characters
>No Morrigan
>No Ryu
Fuck, this actually looks like the kind of roster Marvel would push to have in a Vs. game.
>Carnage over Venom
>Sandman over Goblin or Otto
>Reed over K'lrt
>Mr. X over Nemesis
>Guile over Ryu or Akuma
>V over Vergil
Bold but confusing decisions, but I can't fault a man that has Taskmaster, Nero, Sigma & Gene on his roster.
>wanting another Marvel vs Capcom after Infinite and SFV
>wanting another fighting game at all from modern Capcom's fighting division
I hope it folds.
They put Tsujimoto (the Monter Hunter guy) in charge of the fighting game division last year; Ono isn't calling the shots anymore. Given that Marvel Infinite was their first 100% in-house fighting game since 2004 and the gameplay was by far the best thing about it, I'm willing to give them one more chance (not Marvel, no way that will work again this soon) before saying they should shut it down.
Does Eighting still exist? Does Niitsuma still work at Capcom? Those fuckers made TvC & UMvC3 together, might as well reunite the dream team.
I'd be fine with a little more Rival Schools characters. Put Batsu in there, also Kyusoke, Hyo and maybe Tiffany for fanservice.
>unnecessary outfit redesign
>censored to hell and back
Sorry to tell you but this is what happens to everything that becomes too popular. And I don't mean Disney buys it, thought that doesn't help, I mean that people the studios suddenly care about what they bought and if they aren't making money from it they won't let others do it either. Just be glad Sony didn't fight them over spider man.
Big Poppa Pump/Meme Man/Edgy Ryu(cuz they nerfed the dogger)
Now that was a real team.
>Ryu and Cyclops are bros
>Ryu and Wolverine can only look at each other with anger
The voice director needs to be fucking shot.
>Sketch Turner/Frank West/Phoenix Wright
>Altered Beast/Toejam and Earl/Vyse
>Ristar/Viewtiful Joe/The Ooze
>motherfucking Vectorman
If this did happen it'd be 90% sonicshit but a man can dream
I'd rather Kyosuke was there as a striker/helper for Batsu to help him feel a little more like his home game (although the Level 3 with his actual teammate that changes depending on who it is from TvC should stay). I'd personally pick Kyoko to represent the staff since she has a fun pseudo-grappler thing (and is also hot as fuck), and then somebody like Hyo or Tiffany or whoever else.
The thing about RS is that Akira is easily the most popular character from it outside of maybe Batsu but she'd be kind of boring in a Vs game.
>If this did happen it'd be 90% sonicshit but a man can dream
I'd imagine it would be similar to the Sonic All-Stars Racing Transformed roster but with Kiryu, Majima, & Bayonetta.
>Konami vs Capcom
It will never happen. But i'll take if if they include
>pic related
But it's very unlikely.
Lmao, is that the guy from Darkvoid? Glad to see he isn't forgotten
Ryu & Logan became bros in the final cinematic trailer for Vanilla 3; there's a callback to the beginning of the reveal trailer where Ryu reaches out to nothing on his back where this time it's Wolverine's arm pulling him up as all the heroes get together to take on Dormammu/Wesker/MODOK/K'lrt/Galactus/DOOM. I rewatched the lot of them recently and they're way better than I remember. Even without a bit of dialogue they convey more character and better action than anything in Marvel Infinite's story mode.
I figured a dude with a jetpack would make for a cool fighting game character and needed one last obscure slot. Besides, I heard Dark Void Zero was actually a good game.
>only 1 new character on Capcom's side
ah man I'm gonna make all of you fucking furious
>far more street fighter characters than usual because it's wildly underutilized in MVC games
>one street fighter rep per street fighter title (Ryu 1 Chun li 2 Nash Alpha Yun 3 El Fuerte 4 G 5)
>Zeku is also a sneaky strider rep
>dante/nero/vergil cause dmc5 fresh as fuck
>fuck chris, fuck nemesis, jill and mr x are your RE reps
>Gill is the capcom boss character and is also playable
>Monster Hunter cause she was sick as fuck in mvci
>the whole X cast, axl is dope as fuck
>your one pity darkstalkers rep is huitzil cause he's dope as fuck and fuck morrigan
>Maki is the final fight rep cause fuck haggar we already have hulk, idiot, and she's cute as fuck
>required Avengers trio: iron man, captain marvel, and captain america
>X-Men: Cyclops, Gambit, Sentinel, Rogue
>Moon Knight
>Star Lord
>Miles Morales Spiderman, Kingpin (replacing hulk), Sandman
>Iron Fist, Daredevil, Punisher: War Machine
>Ant-Man and Silver Surfer as the sorta zany picks
>Thanos as the Marvel Boss character
was tempted to add an extra row just to make people angry thati wasnt even following the rules
but this is a sincere take, this would be a kickass slappin roster
blame capcom for not making new characters or pushing C-Listers in the last 10 years
Orie is cute.
>Yun for a Vs game over Alex, Urien, or Hugo
>Mr.X over Nemesis for recency bias alone
>Axl over Sigma
>"fuck Haggar"
>"We already have Hulk" then replaces Hulk
Moon Knight, Zeku, Fuerte, Huitzil, Rogue, best Jill, and a pretty inspired choice of Kingpin save this, but you were right, I'm mad.
This helped my fighting game itch for the time I only owned a Wii. How does the control setup work with a classic controller anyways? I remember thinking it would be exactly like a traditional fighter but I could still do those Smash-like inputs.
They'll all look ugly as sin.
>no rerelease
How do most of the Marvel characters actually look alright but all the Capcom ones are awful?
I don't remember ever using shortcut inputs with the classic controler like with the wiimote with or without nunchuck.
His mouth uppercuts work like a rekka
It's insane how small and yet complete it is at the same time; specially for a tag fighter.
capcom vs snk pro was a good game right? I have so much nostalgia looking at this character selection screen
This is my only gripe with this game's visuals. So many Alpha sprites that look like dogshit next to everything else.
I think my favorite thing about TvC is that since it's a crossover with an anime studio the game's systems feel a lot more "anime". Universal airdash, ABC button layout with a 4th button that's more of a system thing than an actual move, bursts via Mega Crash, oddly complex canceling mechanic in Baroque, weird shit like Giants.
If not for the Capcom characters and influence it felt a lot like a 00s doujin fighter more than a Vs game at the time (especially since the last game in the series it would be compared to was MvC2 as Marvel 3 wasn't announced/out). UMvC3 is my personal favorite fighter, but I can't deny how inspired Eighting was when making TvC; in terms of its systems it's the smarter and better-designed than any Marvel game, even with Mega Crash being pretty fucking wonky at times.
kingpin is like a modern day juggernaut
who needs hulk when you cover half the screen just by standing
>alex, urien, or hugo over Yun, a fucking install character with upkicks, divekicks, and fuck kicks
>urien at all when Gill is in the game
>hugo at all when fucking kingpin
why do you marvel cucks like redundant fucking characters? are you retarded?
>axl over sigma
sigma is cool but axl is mega cool
>mr x over nemesis
honestly i was just getting sick of nemesis's ugly fucking face, but you know what? Replace X with Jack Baker.
Sandman is objectively my best pick on this list though, he's like an alpha chad dhalsim
>who needs hulk when you cover half the screen just by standing
Trust me, that sounds fantastic. As a big body main, Absolute Unit Kingpin as you describe would become an instant main. I'm just also simultaneously mad that you would cut Nemesis, Sigma, Hulk, & Haggar at the same time. The former 2 especially; the two of them were so fun that I played Infinite for a month longer than I would've otherwise.
CvS2 gets more fame, but the first one is a great game too, though the "pro" version is kinda butchered compared to the original arcade due to the ps1's limitations. The same happened with other capcom fighter ports like the VS games "EX" versions or the Jojo one.
Why must Ingrid suffer?
I really really liked the unique special bars to match their games.
retard post
umvc3's roster was genuinely perfect if not missing like 6 characters
All we needed was classic Megaman, Rathalos (counter to sentinel) Nina or Jim Satome, Venom, Thanos and Gambit or Cable.
Really? To me it added to the feel that they didn't even wanted to pretend it was anything more than a mugen.
2/10 bait
fuck it just do a X-Men vs Street Fighter instead
>Frank West
>Phoenix Wright
>Iron Fist
>pre-MCU Rocket Racoon
>pre-MCU Strange
>Tron Bonne
MvC3 had a pretty fantastic roster. Hell even though I think Chris himself is boring I love that they put a generic shootman into this ridiculous cast, even Winter Soldier in MvCI had some cyborg stuff with the arm.
finally an actual roster thread that isn't just smash autism
do kodansha vs capcom
Fucking gross.
>Watch the first minute with Thanos and Jedah
>"Okay well none of these are THAT awful honestly."
>Get to Ghost Rider and his Penance Stare
That has to be the worst portrayal of Penance Stare I've ever fucking seen. They couldn't get any lazier with it if they tried.
>X-men characters were removed because Disney was petty
>disney were petty about Fox having film rights and didn't want X-Men and Fantastic 4 characters in games and stuff
>not even 2 years later they just outright bought Fox
>the Avatar land at Disneyland opened in 2017 and was only built because they knew the Disney-Fox buyout would go through back then
what the fuck were they thinking
>that Ghostrider ultra
Could be worse
What I'm really confused about is why it's different to it's UMvC3 counterpart in a game filled with asset reusage? They decided not to be lazy and remade it, but it worse!
"How DARE characters not be generic Street Fighter archetypes!"
>Nigger Spidey over Peter
Go back to Yea Forumsmblr fucking fag
>retards on Yea Forums unironically and full heartedly shilled for SFV and marvel vs capcom infinite
>gay easter eggs
>goblino models
>SFV was fucking trash and they have literal ads in the game now
daily reminder never to listen to Yea Forums
you still had a good chunk of Yea Forums shitting on MvCI thanks to how Chun Li and Dante and Chris all looked
fuck you x-23 is cute
dormammu is a pretty major recurring dr. strange villain
but also you're right, who gives a fuck about c. viper
What's up with Capcom and cross-over fighting games with dumb, pointless mechanics? SfxT had the gem system and MvCi had the infinity stones.
reminder that pat's coming back
>muslim marvel
jump off a bridge you faggot