Whats your excuse for now playing Samurai Shodown RIGHT NOW?
Hard mode: Dont mention PC port
Whats your excuse for now playing Samurai Shodown RIGHT NOW?
Hard mode: Dont mention PC port
it's not on PC yet
is it even out in English yet?
I'm gonna play some right now.
It's out worldwide.
It looks like shit.
Samsho 3 was the last good one.
It's not for real fans like me, it's for underage niggers who pretend to be oldfags.
>this hasn't gotten a PC port
>having to wait for Guilty Gear
>want even more characters added to Soul Calibur already
What did I do to deserve none of the franchises I like being as big as others?
such is life for a fans of fighting games not named "street fighter" or "tekken"
or mortal kombat. or injustice.
No PC port and being very busy.
How are things for the Shikibros that are playing?
She got buffed out the ass last patch so thing are pretty good i'd imagine
It looks like shit and they made some of the characters gorillas in the last patch. Now people are j. Cing like it's SFV.
I'm not good at fighting games. I'm fucking bad at them in fact. Someone recommended this as a good beginner's game, but I'm not going to spend new game money on this if I'm just going to be bad at it.
I got really pissed at Shizuka while drunk playing Yoshi and I haven't touched it since.
My PS4 broke right as the patch that buffed Shiki came out. I haven't been able to play any fightan' with people, I've been so goddamned bored recently, it fuckin' sucks. Best I can do now is nab the Switch version in December, since a new PS4's going to rip through my bank account, and I need all that shit to pay my final tuition payment plan off.
Gook netcode
Yeah somebody sent me that long fucking list of buffs I have yet to read through, but was happy to see.
I'm playing last blade
get off wifi
>being this much of a contrarian faggot
unbased and retardpilled
>Go to first Evo to play Samsho
>Go 6-2, get out of pools, have a great time
>Get to play Rimururu before release
10/10, would EVO again
Nice disguise there Capkuck.
Please dont post my wife Sara without permission thank you
that's like telling KoF 2001 was the last good one
I'm waiting for the pc port
My excuse? I am waiting for Haoh in Soulcalibur 6
wifi ggpo > wired delayed based gook netcode
I wish she kept that idle animation, it's both sexy and lowkey creepy like a puppet.
Darli is so good now boys.
Latest patch made her more unga, everyone online doing j.C crossup into 60% combo
I will in a bit
hope I do better than 3-40 today
I want to impregnate Shiki and not take responsibility.
Switch port when?
t. Asura
I kinda want to get it user.
I'll admit I've never played one but I like that it isn't focused on lengthy combos.
Plus them giving out the first season pass for free was cool. Don't even have the game but I grabbed that anyways for whenever I eventually pick it up.
Try out V special on fightcade to see if you'll like the gameplay. Samsho is all about mindgames and heavy neutral.
Just play Genjuro lol. He's still unga as fuck, and his DP shits on j.C