>Our data shows that most people that are fine with paying 10 bucks are also fine with paying 20 bucks, most of our players are freeloaders and that's fine, these are just optional cosmetics that don't affect gameplay
>Big Yikes
>Oh, sweetie, you're gonna pay for that
>Better give us some free hats for that one, or we won't forgive you
You have to be an actual retard at this point if you're a game developer and you engage with redditors. Ignore those faggots.
Other urls found in this thread:
Reddit is so garbage, it took me 15 minutes to figure out how to read the posts made by developers that blew this whole gasket in the first place and I basically had to go google a website someone made for that express purpose. How can reddit and twitter and youtube continue to get worse at their interface? Yea Forums is heaven by comparison, even before you get into the anonimity shit. Here's the site, by the way, so you can see for yourself: devtrackers.gg
Anyways, the developers said nothing wrong, they're a business trying to make money because that's capitalism. Meanwhile, the redditors are trying to go in for their sick burns for those sweet upvotes and golds and whatever else. Fucking pussies bitching about not getting their cosmetics cheap enough. Bunch of fucking sissies. Give me a god damn break. I don't even play this game, I've never touched it (largely because it has no wall running) but you have to be an actual faggot to look at that circle-jerk and not cringe. Fuck reddit.
Fuck Reddit, I agree with everything you said
Accurate as fuck. Reddit is embarrassing.
ITT: Respawn devs blowing off some steam after being BTFO
t. redditor
memes aside reddit really is riddled with pussies
Just wait until they realize whales don't care about p2w transactions either, and in fact support them because they directly benefit from them.
Who do you think they aim to please more, some freeloader or the whale?
>iphone filenames
>replying to yourself
that's gonna be a yikes from me, sweetie
You tried
i love le wojack feelsguy faces. ahh i love stale, stagnant memes lasting for years and years. mmm i love recognizing memes. i love seeing something and knowing what it is! 4channel.org
The first post in this thread made the same point as that guy except without the wojaks and you just ignored him. Guess you don't have the IQ to do anything other than get triggered by memes.
Literally three threads up about this same topic.
That thread is full of redditors and utter cringe. This OP is much better.
OP is paraphrasing, but he's honestly in the ballpark of what happened. Redditors lost their shit over this comment.
Stop samefagging trannyshill you know if a dev made fun of whitoids you'd be pissing your pants.
What? I thought trannies wanted white people to die. Keep your boogeyman straights.
ughnn iu love to see the epic wojack faces and all the epic redits that 4chanel.org anons make to them. io ljust love to see the wojack face so much and all its shapes and sizes ooo mmm ahhh wojack hehe memes ftw
Yeah, again, you don't have an argument about the topic, you just wanted to cry because you got triggered by a meme face. The wojak poster unironically added more to this thread than you. You're worthless.
Apex actually believe that children would keep their free to play game alive forever.
They're insufferable.
My question is basically can you get an average-good set up without paying anything? If so the game passes the f2pOK test. If you want the highest end gear in a f2p, but don't want to pay, isn't that kind of weird?
Apparently, it's all cosmetic and the gear has literally 0 gameplay implications, so as far as I'm concerned, they pass the f2p test based on that alone. I can't believe people would raise a stink about this. Where were these crybabies when Overwatch did this shit except you had to pay 60 bucks for that game first?
There’s no gear, everything you can buy is cosmetic. It’s literally riddit man children posting this shit
I remember this game was quite popular some months ago but barely hear about it these days. Are they sperging out because game doesn't bring any money anymore or something?
Because paying 170 dollars for a weapon skin is absurd
>battle royale
>free to play
>flavor of the month past its prime
Jesus Christ we all know Yea Forums died a long time ago but for fuck sake can we at least try to hide that Yea Forums is normal fag shit now? We can't even do the bare minimum and hide that fact? Jesus
then don't buy it?
Then don’t buy it? Paying thousands of dollars for a bottle of wine is absurd, so don’t buy it. What the fuck is wrong with your brain?
But now you're getting upset that the players don't want to buy it, shill.
So you don't buy it. Bitching makes no sense because there's no gameplay benefit for anyone that bought it. I understand MOCKING someone who buys it. That's one thing. Laughing at someone wasting 170 bucks for pixels. But crying that developers are selling it for that price?
Hoes mad
Ok, I think this sounds stupid, but where are these picture with all-caps filename come from?
Sorry I don't think your circle-jerking is cool, redditor. You already got enough upvotes for a day.
>OP gets jilted on a reddit echo chamber comes here to spam his shit and cry about it
Why would I buy it, is't ridiculous? And it also proves the suspicion in my mind that the developers aren't particularly smart. Therefor I have decided to leave the game and not play it. I will also mock people who play it as they aren't making good decisions. Do you understand now?
OP sounds based. Fuck reddit.
science proves that it's good for you to be priced out of these microtransactions. now be a good pleb, and feel envious of your betters. science shows that the belief that using cosmetics that others cannot afford increases satisfaction and future purchase of cosmetic items.
>And it also proves the suspicion in my mind that the developers aren't particularly smart
Except whales will indeed pay 170 bucks for a hat. And there's enough whales out there that it will give them profit. Sounds pretty smart to me. What's embarrassing is the redditors crying about this.
I miss the days of dedicated servers and custom skins.
>Being a big enough brainlet that you feel inferior to someone because they have pixels
Why am I supposed to feel bad for neanderthals again? Why am I supposed to be angry that someone is taking advantage of stupid whales? This whole "controversy" is an absolute nothing burger.
>make your game free-to-play
>"waaah freeloaders!!!"
>over this comment
it was more the comments of that dev calling random people asshats and dicks but ok
your iq only has two digits. you don't really have any place calling others brainlets.
Don't like it, don't buy it.
>>"waaah freeloaders!!!"
If that's what you took from , then you're retarded, my man
i would rather every game be $60 and just be free of all MTX garbage for the rest of time
DLC is fine as long as it's actual full content that only began development after release
Don’t play don’t care industry die
no, we absolutely *love* that you are a peasant. our research shows that the perceived rarity of status obtained from cosmetics drives their sale. we will also typically provide basic features for sale in f2p games to broaden our monetization base, but please don't think too hard about that. just remember, our real clients have trust funds and oil reserves.
What do you mean crying? "Leaving and laughing at the people who stay" is the opposite of crying. Why are you crying? Is it because you spend your time acting like a redditor and accusing others of being a redditor on Yea Forums?
I don't give a shit about Apex Legends in specific, but that's the mentality behind every F2P game ever. I enjoy Magic: Arena, for example. I realize that it only exists because of the whales, but why does it matter? Why would I be offended that someone paid 90 bucks for avatars and sleeves and other cosmetic shit? I get to play a game for free.
You're trying to paint them as nasty evil men for providing people with free gameplay (that I assume they're enjoying if they keep spending their time on it). It's nonsensical.
Why the fuck do you care about skins you mongoloid redditor
Just because you can't shill your game on reddit anymore doesn't mean you can shill it here, retard, fuck off to ign or gamefags or something.
Because they're charging 170 dollars for a single shitty skin and then getting butthurt when people call that too expensive.
Kids didn't get half as upset over Mr. Galaxy in Fortnite. What's up? I thought AL had the "grown up" players
Apex is trash LMAO. So glad TF3 died for this
>smug mask wojak
They could charge 1k for a golden dildo but that doesn't change the fact it's all cosmetic garbage that literally doesn't effect anything other than your shitty ego for not having that cock rammed up your ass
People still care about this game? Last I checked, it had declined.
This. The only thing I hate even more than microtransactions and lootboxes is fucking reddit millenial sóyboys and trannyera.
Fuck them and their feefees.
He's honest, at least.
He's basically saying that the whales don't care about inflated prices. Most players aren't whales. But the whales, the whales, they don't care, we can put a cosmetic for $50 and those morons just buy it.
If you read between the lines, it's far more insulting for the whales than for the rest of the players.
along with addiction, they are in fact exploiting social inequality to generate revenue. pointing this out makes you insecure, because you feel the status quo favors you in manner. if others determine that this is evil and opt out of participating in their system, then i think that is just tough nuggies for you, lad.
This is what happens when you're game is made by faggots for faggots.
What is it with OP his uncontrollable autism? Both sides act fucking stupid.
And yet you're the one asspained that people are complaining about the price, obvious shill
imagine being so contrarian that you defend micro transactions
Yea Forums will defend gachas
>they are in fact exploiting social inequality to generate revenue
The fuck? Did I get warped into TrannyEra by accident? Get some testosterone, dude.
they called them greedy, scammers, cancer of industy and usual bullshit
not "too expensive"
I mean technically you could get the phone, redeem the skin, and bring the phone back so not exactly the same but yeah I don't know why people are bitching about this. Just don't but the skins and don't play battle royale. There's no sense of progression. It's a pointless genre that has yet to be done to its fullest potential.
aww, did the shill get his feefees hurt?
sounds more like the dev was poking fun in a friendly manner at the free to play people and nobody can take a joke
Gachas are shit games with no gameplay.
Apex Legends is a shit game too.
But I will absolutely defend Magic: Arena, for example. It's a game that lives on micro-transactions. I get to play Magic for free by virtue of whales spending hundreds of dollars on shiny cards. I am very happy about that, and yes, I will defend it.
As an extension of that, I also defend the right for gacha garbage to exist.
good luck with "be a man and opt into exploitative business models, unless you want to be a tranny" for prog corporations like wotc and ea, my dude. that is going to go places.
You have to have extremely thin skin or be a redditor to lose your shit over this comment.
What an embarrassment reddit is.
Yea Forums only cares about the controversy. Apex was never that big. EA has paid streamers millions to keep the game "relevant".
>if others determine that this is evil and opt out of participating in their system, then i think that is just tough nuggies for you, lad.
I honestly don't think you have the power to do that. Whales matter more than you do.
>he doesn't use one of the countless free sites where you can use all of magic's cards
loads of loving at your life choices
You can't do proper drafts in those websites. I tried. It's a pain in the ass to organize and then you have 8 players and 6 of them immediately opt out because their deck wasn't good enough so it's me playing my decent deck against the guy that pulled open 5 mythics.
Magic Arena is a million times better, I assure you.
network effects drive f2p games. there are no whales if there is no mass of players. it's the entire reason that f2p models exist in the first place.
Does anyone else find it cringey how when something stupid like this happens the first thing some neckbeard does is go through his presumably huge wojak edit folder to find the perfect image to pair with some text he also had to expend time and effort to crop?
Then he makes these images that "btfo" the reddit crowd as if such effort was even needed in the first place?
Just take a screenshot.
freeloaders (and we love that!) has to be the most passive aggressive Reddit level insult ever.
Not sure why but people are fine with DLC in Fortnite because they think its "good hearted" but Apex does it and its "EA is just greedy"
Anyway they should just get off social media like everyone else and just do their thing and people can do theirs. This whole needing to justify your capitalism Millennials touchy feely bullshit customer relations namby pamby is just getting retarded. Like with the Call of Duty can't be political or Cyberpunk can't have trannies. Get over yourselves.
Not gonna lie, I'm having troubles figuring out who's trolling who at this point.
ah, i'm not good enough at drafting so i usually don't play them
why yes I do love defending overpriced mtx, how can you tell?
we love the poor. some of our best psychological weapons are the poor.
>This is too expensive for me, so it shouldn't exist
Fucking hell, I thought you /pol/niggers hated commies. Be consistent.
>muh /pol/
rent free
>It's another Yea Forums sucks Dev dick because it's anti rebbit episode
Imagine not being able to form your own opinion.
help my favorite terrible game is ensconced in a finely-tuned psychological torture device, and if you criticize it, then it will all go away. I NEED MY SHITTY CARD GAME.
I'm just saying, it's frustrating that the one time /pol/tards would have the right take on a subject, they're not around to offer their opinions. They only show up when it's time to complain about niggers.
>a finely-tuned psychological torture device
You sound like a pussy lol
I mean yeah that guy is an autist but some people on here live for stupid shit like that. Some anons have literally admitted to thinking about shitposting all day at work and they just let loose when they get home. This site and the people who visit it are fucked
You get what you give
holy fucking reddit seethe
>Posting a picture of a reddit post you upvoted
You have to go back, redditor.
they think we believe them
Which people are doing. They are also telling the Devs why they are not buying. That apparently is a trigger for the Devs (and Yea Forums) to start sperging
there hasn't been a single neoliberal in human history that hasn't had the martial prowess of peewee herman. your are the very embodiment of the weakness of hedonism. too fragile to even weather critique, let alone conflict.
Samefagging faggot
League of legends is the same way
Aww what's wrong, can't take the bantz?
Why is Yea Forums so thin skinned?
This. I'd sooner make myself bed fellows with EA than side with some mutt from reddit. Let's not forget who the real enemy of Anonymous is, who actually propped companies like EA to where they are today. They will be made to pay
>refusing to pay $200 for cosmetics
>this means you have commie tendencies
What are you on?
>They are also telling the Devs why they are not buying
Sure, I just wish the devs ignored the reddit faggots instead of fueling their flames. The guy went out of his way to explain why what they're doing is the smart business decision because he's a dumbass. Reddit doesn't care about what grants you money, they just want those pixels you're providing and they want them now.
because you're retarded
No one is saying you have to pay the 200 bucks for the hat, you dumbass. You play the game for free because of the retards that pay the 200 bucks. The whales. Not you. Get it yet?
what do you mean you don't support $200 cosmetics? the devs have to eat something you monster
Paying for useless things is the capitalist way
> "Leaving and laughing at the people who stay"
>laughing at people who were enjoying the game for free and keep playing the game for free.
Man you are so badass!!!
we always get /tg/ cross-boarders when anything to do with microtransactions or loot boxes comes up, because they are insecure about the business model for collectible card games.
Not even going to read this shitposting filled thread. Just dropped in to say that if you're actually defending EA and their shitty BR game that you should kill yourself.
if it doesn't affect gameplay they can charge whatever they want, if they make something reasonably priced that I want and I enjoy the game, I might buy it.
I'm more concerned about lootboxes and gacha that actually affect gameplay.
fuck op, fuck reddit, and fuck you faggot
I mean let's be honest they're treating their playerbase like fucking bitches but then again that's what they are. A bunch of pathetic cattle wasting their precious time on video games, anyone who plays video games deserves to be treated like this. Imagine paying for cosmetics, and imagine not pirating every game. If you buy cosmetics you're a faggot, but if you actually buy more than one video game a year you're an even bigger faggot.
Nigga other people want to buy those cosmetics too thats how capitalism works you dumb fuck this is all negotiation where the fuck did you even come up with commies you brain dead fuck?
better than not being able to purchase anything like a commie
fucking why, this has nothing to do with them
Anyone who defends EA should kill themselves ASAP.
But they are not getting money user.
How is this smart?
it's not even respawn's fault, EA is the one imposing these shitty lootboxes on everyone
>Let's not forget who the real enemy of Anonymous is
>I mean let's be honest they're treating their playerbase like fucking bitches
HOW!? I seriously do not understand your mentality.
If you have 900 bucks and you want to waste them on garbage pixels, you do so, congratulations on being rich, here's your hat.
If you don't have 900 bucks, you don't waste your money on this shit and you let the whales subsidize the game for you. You get to play the game for free as a result.
Why would you bitch about this?
>But they are not getting money user.
Dude how delusional are you?
who knew that working for and selling your studio to electronic arts was actually a requirement?
>Hey those cosmetics are pretty cool, but I don't want to pay that much for them. You should lower the price so I don't feel as dumb for buying something so stupid
No, because enough people are buying them now that we don't need to
You're kind of acting like an asshat
I could see the anti-dev sentiment when that shitty looking indie game sold out to Epic Store and started acting like cunts. But this is just retarded.
>reddit dislikes thing so I must love it
Some people will gouge out their eyes to spite their face
How does the corporate boot taste my friend?
I lost my shit over "ya'll" too
Yeah, bro, I hate playing games for free off of rich whales subsidizing the experience for me with worthless pixels. Really spiting myself here.
>people will spend hundreds on both big and small anime tiddy .pngs
>but they won't spend 20 bucks on western costumes curated, created, and approved by woman devs, the superior sex hired by AAA publishers
They do, though. Redditors are impotently crying precisely because whales buy the dumb hats.
>200$ for a skin? What?! Just wait till my gamer friends hear about this, someone's losing job over this insult.
Well, they're right. If you're going to spend more than 99 cents on a skin in an F2P game, you're obviously so fucking braindead that they may as well charge $20 so that your money is with someone more deserving.
And they can insult their audience as much as they like. You're an F2P player.
>predatory monetary practices are okay
>only whales pay for that stuff
This is how horse armor leads to the current state of gaming
Based apex putting the redditors on their place.
science shows that $1,000 is the profit-maximizing price for this decorative hat. if you can't afford it, then at least learn to be a little more thankful for being reminded of that while playing our game against your betters.
>defending EA
nu-Yea Forums is a joke
>F2P games are literally the socialist Commie utopia lefties fucking bash old ladies over the head with bike locks for
>Reddit lefties lose their shit because the funding for a F2P game comes off the coattails of a few people willing to buck the cost for everyone else to play the same game for no mechanical benefits on either side, but with a different colored thing.
Really gets the noggin joggin.
t.respawn dev
dilate you fucking losers
>predatory monetary practices are okay
Rich people waste their money on stupid shit and I get to play a game for free because of them. Yes, I'd say this is okay.
>thinking posters that unironically expect /pol/tards to defend laissez-faire for them are from this website at all.
>It's EA so they're automatically wrong
>But reddit is cool
EA > Reddit
Reminds me one time some guy called me for tech assistance and I told him we would have to do a workaround, he screeched and wouldn't listen to me at all so I suggested he was being a little stubborn. He got so pissed at this and I just let him bitch for a manager while i told him no and told him to call someone else. Fuck entitled people.
>Yea Forums is so paranoid of reddit they’ll defend microtranctions
you definitely get all of your jobs as a diversity hire, dirty sanchez.
Why would I not defend a game being free for me to play off of someone else paying? I'd have to be retarded to not defend that.
Gamers are the most opressed race
soýmales/respawn trannies out
Then take your pick from literal thousands of other games that offer that very thing. Titanfall 2 is a full game and can cost as little as $5, so why are you even bitching about a game you need to go out of your way to be bothered by?
>having no sense of principle and ethics
What's unethical about rich people paying money for pixels and me getting to play a game for free because of that?
>Yea Forums turned into the corporate shill while reddit stopped actually complaining
End this shitty website.
Protip: You can buy the superior game Titanfall 2 right now for the price of half a cosmetic in any other game.
holy shit the shills itt defending the devs
unironically based dev
Why are you crying?
Cosmetics are in-game content and locking them behind a paywall is unethical.
you can just stop buying ea games entirely
Okay shill
they are. its the vocal minority the ones that are complaining.
>i'm rubber and you're glue
>a hat that doesn't do anything is content
whale detected
No one's defending microtransactions. People are saying there is literally nothing forcing you to buy them, and even as microtransactions go, this is J-walking tier shit.
But as a result of those paywalls, I get to play a game for free. The whales are subsidizing me. They get pixels and I get a free game. It's a really good deal for me.
And doesn't your complaint apply to any DLC ever? And why not expansions, while we're at it? It's worthless cosmetic shit, why do you care?
that would matter if you payed money for the game, which you didn't.
Ok but why is it unethical?
>Actively sucking corporate cock
>Supporting leftist devs at all
>Our data shows that most people that are fine with paying 10 bucks are also fine with paying 20 bucks
And most people who are fine with paying 20 bucks are fine with paying 30 bucks.
>this entire thread
Holy shit
if they get paid for making hats then they will just focus on making hats
microtransactions like this are one of the reasons modern games are all shit
epic burn
I remember when these were the guys who launched TF2 as a complete package, and didn’t nickel and dime us to shit, at least not until they released the fairly negligible Titan skin packs later into the game’s life cycle. That was at least forgivable to ensure that we got free maps and dlc.
This was inevitable after the EA buyout, but it’s a massive shame. I don’t think we are ever going to get anything close to the quality of Titanfall 2 ever again from these guys
Well, when robots take phone calls I guess these people will be happy. Fuck the customer is always right you learn in kindgergarten though. We teach kids that they are always supposed to tend to the whims of the customer from the lemonade stands.
That is why everyone treats you like you aren't a human being and free to insult you on tech support, because the provider is total garbage and rat bastards and the consumer is the saintly protagonist that everyone needs to cheer for as they are heroes. They all come in taught from a little kid.
Because I’m entitled to free shit
Wow, so this is the power of brainlets
>Hey, buddy, here's your free house, this guy paid it for you by furnishing his own house with gold
>Woah, thanks, mate
I'm not gonna go against my self-interests because "muh leftism"
Fucking boomers
You are actually a tranny if you don't support this rainbow capitalism corporate entity. Be a man and buy a hat.
At least it’s not a food analogy
>demanding money for content is unethical
okay commie
They're both bad mongol
Shill detected.
I would much rather pay the $60 for a game and get the content in the fucking game. Anyone who defends F2P is an absolute fucking mongoloid contributing to the slow death of vidya.
>playing EA games.
its your own fault.
iphone changes the filenames of saved pics to that
>I would much rather pay the $60 for a game and get the content in the fucking game
In other words, if there was a free version of the game that had no hats and a version of the exact same game except it had hats and it cost 60 bucks, you'd pay for the later one.
Good for you, dude, I don't agree.
Do you not understand that if the prices were more reasonable, more people would buy them?
Would it have been better if he had called them casuals instead?
>everyone on the team will be replaced by people making cosmetic models
This shit takes no effort to make, why would the entire team need to focus on it?
Yes, I absolutely would.
F2P with MTX will never, ever be a better option than being able to just pay for the fucking game.
but this doesn't optimize profit, so reproducing social inequality in our video game to manipulate people into paying higher prices for virtual armbands is just
The whales buy regardless, so it's better to make a 300 dollar product that the three whales always buy than a 10 dollar product that the three whales plus the 20 non whales buy. This is simple mathematics here.
The reality of things is that the industry at large is going to be kept in a perpetual state of life support for the foreseeable future. This is thanks to whales who drop small fortunes on micro-transactions, and 'casuals' who buy one or two games a year from franchises they recognize that are effectively the same game over and over.
>Literally everyone saying they don't give a fuck keep saying they don't give Apex any money anyways, or flat out don't play the game so doesn't effect them
>Somehow they're the ones defending EA because they don't finacially support them
Excuse me?
>J-just cosmetic!
Funny how Camo is not a thing anymore. If I buy a dessert coloured skin, I know have an advantage
Well it is a F2p game what else did you think was gonna happen?
The fact that you even need to ask this shows you've been brainwashed by the constant normalization of Horse Armor-tier jewing in this industry.
You just made up those number though? What's not to say there is a perfect optimal point that haven't been reached yet?
Horse Armor was a paid product, though. In this instance, we're getting Oblivion for free because of the people that buy Horse Armor. It's a different beast. This benefits me.
whales only exist where there are masses of players, because they are drawn to popular things to signal social status. if you stop being sheep there won't be whales.
>there are people on Yea Forums unironically defending games as a service now
I want to kill myself.
They did some event where you are forced to payout the ass to get the items. You cannot earn them through gameplay. Rainbow 6 siege did this type of event twice and nobody said shit.
you didn't answer
Not that guy, but I would also, because I hate ugly MTX (and they always get ugly) and MTX fueled development always leads to devs thinking about the new best way to fuck retards out of money instead of working on the game. Basically, look at Valve games.
No shit I made up those numbers. The people in charge of the F2P game are the ones trying to maximize their own profit. If they're competent, then they're making the calculations to get the maximum revenue. Either ways, it doesn't affect me, because it's just cosmetics.
Its not about need, its about profits. If you make money selling hats, you will focus on making hats. If all you need to do is make hats to make money, you will skimp on everything else to save production costs.
This is why you never communicate with a Reddit community. Either give free shit and discounts or GTFO. Reddit is not your friend and never will be. Communities like Reddit focus only on forming a paradise.
but apex is good
And rainbow 6 is a paid game too so at least in Apex's case it's excusable. R6 is cancer by comparison.
What if those cosmetics help you blend into your surroundings?
But this is straight up obviously not true. The cosmetics always look like low effort shit in 99% of the F2P games and it's obvious that much more time and effort it spent dedicated on the actual gameplay.
You'd have to be a retard to believe otherwise. Go look at the dumb gear they're asking 500 bucks for. That took them like 3 hours to make at most.
look at path of exile
How do you want to deploy online only f2p game other than as a service?
It's blatantly anti-white
I shouldn't fucking have to. The reasoning for wanting to be able to pay for a product instead of being strung along by MTX jew shit should be fucking obvious to anybody with half a functioning brain.
if you don't have a game, will people buy the hats though? if you don't have free players, who will hatfags feel superior to?
Actually you want enough conversions since odds are if they spend once, they'll spend again. It's to find a happy medium. You add garbage chase items or more FOMO inducing shit for whales, but cheap shit for your average joe to feel like they have a chance to get lucky.
so you can't explain?
Dev seems like your average twitter cunt, but I really don't get the issue, it's too fucking late to cry about paid cosmetics in F2P games.
I don't want F2P games, period, unless they're just small indie projects that the creator didn't feel the need to sell. Online-only is also only acceptable if the game includes functionality for the community to run its own servers instead of relying on matchmaking by the publisher.
unironically i dont see anything wrong with apex skin prices
if ur dumb enough to buy it, its on you
fucking retards
>20 bucks for a legendary
>the same in lol or any other ftp garbage
>muh fucking skins
>are too expensive
who the fuck cares fucking retards holy shit
it's never too late to destroy something you hate
>new event comes out
>adds new area, weapon balances, and the long requested Solo game mode for 2 weeks
>character skins are released as well, with most being some of the best looking skins in the entire game since they aren't near-reskins like most other legendary skins
>to get those skins you must open event-locked lootboxes
>said lootboxes are 7 dollars each
>have to spend $200 to guarantee you have everything as each box has 1/24 items with no duplicates and there is filler shit like music and gun skins
>only get 2 boxes for free
>everyone loses their shit obviously so Respawn says they'll put all the skins on the store periodically starting in a few days
>for 18 dollars each
If they made the lootboxes 2 dollars instead of 7 and lowered store skins to 5-10 dollars then this whole thing wouldn't even happen
Yes, path of exile is great and they somehow staved off the greed spiral with their supporter pack model. Sure, it's not always, but most developers aren't that graceful unfortunately.
Then don't play f2p games, cunt, as a matter of fact, why the fuck are you acting so snobby over a fucking Fortnite copy.
its exactly the same they even have paid lootboxes
game is shit and the mtx is shit too wow who could have predicted that?
>Just passive aggressive jabs
This is why I dislike reddit right here.
You can't even go all out with your anger, call them pieces of shit or faggots or something, passive aggressive jabs are for pussified bitches
you are again comparing a game that was developed with microtransactions in mind with itself minus the microtransactions.
You need to understand games were better before this because they had to make money on the gameplay. Modern games only need to be good enough to get people looking for new experiences to feel like the mechanics are not frustrating them somehow, this is why people move from game to game so frequently these days, the games are mostly shit once you understand their mechanics.
>Brain is so tiny he can't comprehend not needing every single cosmetic
I'm lmaoing at you.
path of exile is a shit game and they churn out nothing but microtransactions and rehashed game mechanics
>if you don't have a game, will people buy the hats though?
Look at star citizen, they have perfected this model. They aren't even selling cosmetics within a game, they are selling pictures of an imaginary game.
Yeah. I usually deal with in house employees so usually it isn't an issue but sometimes it happens.
Nah dude, look at dota2, there are in your face ads for cosmetics all over game client, not to mention shit like dota plus, compendium only content, etc. PoE is baby steps at most, and I don't have to look at fugly MTX unless I'm trading.
>You need to understand games were better before this
Ah, right, I don't suffer from nostalgiafaggotry, sorry.
>stop being sheep there won't be whales.
That's not how it works.
There will always be dumb fuckers willing to drop an inordinate amount of cash on something. Be it for social posturing or outright fanaticism. Like it or not, gaming will only continue to become more mainstream as time goes on and more and more generations grow up exposed to it. This only further opens the door to the careless casual consumer who doesn't know or think about the products they drop their money on.
Tell me one (1) free to play game where they don't have a skin shop or loot crates.
it's the same, come the fuck on mate. there is no functional difference.
*pays for stash tabs*
*stores much more valuable goods*
*sells much more valuable goods*
*buys better equipment*
a-a-tleast it isn't p2w tho
>it took me 15 minutes to figure out how to read the posts
Won't somebody please think of the poor corporations!
F2P games are designed to be a fish net. You can easily join into the system since it's free and if you stick to it, you end up spending much more time and money on it compared to a single purchase game. F2P games are also sold as a service so many game genres cannot be done as F2P since they are one and done games, so making the experience grindy and repetitive to push you to spend money would never work for a single player narrative driven game. They usually will tack on a multiplayer mode and do it there if anything.
>another WAAAHHHposter defending ass dickin
You know he is right but the freeloader part was a crazy given how many snowflakes roam the internet so this is basically that poster fault.
>hating reddit so much that 4channers defend EA and its shitty game
This place is fucking rent free and is a laughing stock
Reddit's interface is garbage. Sorry I don't spend my life on that shit website to try to learn its intricacies.
>Hello, yes, I'd like to see this post in specific
>Oh, you mean this thread?
>No, I mean the post that had this word in it
>Ah, it's hidden somewhere around here, just click "View further replies" approximately five million times.
>No, you don't understand, I have the exact link of the exact post I'm talking about, I know the name of the user that made the post, I went to his profile, I went to see his previous posts, I clicked on the previous post in specific that I wanted, that's the post I want to see, I want to see what he was replying to and the replies to that post. That's all I want
>Oh, ok, here's the 9000000 post thread where that post was, enjoy
Fuck reddit
*force people into towns so you have to look at 20gb of back attachments and pets*
now this is diablo 3
>more games from 20 years ago with strong playerbases than games from 10 years ago with strong playerbases
Modern games get played then dropped because they all lack content and depth
Right, right, enjoy your pathetic whimpering as you try to relieve your childhood when you weren't a miserable prick. I don't have the patience to entertain your bullshit.
It's a free fucking game retard.
I don't get what your gripe is, that everything isn't free? Years ago Yea Forums was under the consensus that a free game is allowed to have MTX because companies run on this shit called "Money" doesn't mean YOU have to pay them but you're not entitled to everything my friend, suck it the fuck up
not really? I mean I have 4000 hours of Dota 2 for no cost. You can just not buy anything.
>reddit unironically supports EA now
Man corporations did a great job making liberals the biggest corporate dick suckers in existence
Were onto you phone posting samefag
Fucking brainlets
You have to be an actual retard at this point if you're playing any F2P game.
Fuck, you're a retard if you're playing any modern AAA game with an upfront price tag on it because they have even worse nickel&diming shit that makes gacha games shit themselves.
I provided a fact that proves my position and you have done nothing but insist your imagination is more correct than reality.
I hope you are a modern developer so when gamers rise up you get whats coming :^)
reddit despises EA, user
only contrarian Yea Forumsermin like EA
>he plays games from EA
>he plays games from EA that are literal Fornite copies
>he plays games from EA and cares about the price of skins
Cope more, your kind was never welcome here. And take the fucking Twitch threads with you too.
just add a rainbow somewhere and you're good
Even with supporting data, I can't help but feel like their model is too far off in the expensive range, even with the so-called "anchoring" tactic of "set a high price to begin with, so an intended price point later on looks like a good deal".
Their model for this event has an aim of getting a potential $170 out of a few players.
Wouldn't it work much, much better if they aimed to get say, up to $25 out of many more players?
Most free to play models are effective because the micro-transactions have a very low price-point on each transaction, which add up to a lot over a long period of time with an engaged player.
It's just usual EA bullshit of trying to push the highest profits possible without looking at sustainable funds.
Like, take Pokémon Go for example. They run periodic events, and alongside them run event boxes worth around $15 worth of poké coins with items suited to those events. The contents of which will allow an average player to take good advantage of the event, and dedicated players will need to spend less if they've earned their daily 50 coins (roughly $0.50 worth)
Not every event is tailored to drawing money out of their players, but others are by encouraging them to take part in luck-based mechanics (rare or shiny Pokémon rewards).
Point is their system respects that players have limited disposable income on a month to month basis and doesn't bleed them dry, it's sustainable for both the player and the developers.
Yeah, you have to be a real retard to play a game for free off of someone else buying pixels. Imagine the idiot getting free entertainment. Fucking dumbass lol
that's why Dota Allstars and CS 1.6 is still dominating? Oh wait...
Online only f2p games are cancer, why would I want them around?
what fact was that i must've missed it
>That post.
Everybody knows the vast majority of players do not spend or spend just a few bucks on this f2p games this games are designed to grab whales and milk them to death . If that dude doesnt want freeloaders they could had not make the game f2p in the first place .
Who the fuck even plays Apex.
Without a playerbase to show off to there is no "whales" user.
They have to carrot and stick the shit out appropriately to keep a playerbase and keep whales buying
>If that dude doesnt want freeloaders
Good thing that's not what he said. You blind, per chance?
>Make games that encourage aggression and hostility (MOBAs, Shooters)
>Become your product
he explicitly writes he "loves" freeloaders mate
And how is a 200 dollar skin not greedy or a scam?
I mean, they kinda are
>Raise the price by double
>Only lose 30% of buyers
Wow, turns out they still made a profit and they're legally bound to try and make a profit if they have shareholders.
It's a virtual skin, get your shit together you thin skinned faggots
no they're fucking not. both of those titles have at least 200k players online 24/7
Why does this board suck so much corporate cock these days. I'm convinced its just contrarians being contrarian to other contrarians.
People who type the word “y’all” need to have their heads bashed in.
When corporations give me games for free off of other people paying money for pixels, I am enticed to support them in their endeavor, since it benefits me.
corporations pay for damage control
soon it'll just be a swarm of bots doing it
>"This free game is charging for skins"
>"Well they gotta make money somehow right? It's a free game"
>"Why are you sucking corporate dick"
I'm almost convinced this is the new non argument to virtue signal to other retards.
It is a free fucking game dude, they don't run on pixie dust, they run on money
90% of the shop only or battle pass only skins are overdesigned ugly shit anyways
I just checked, 1.6 has 4 times as many people playing it than source. GO of course has the most because its newest, but when something even newer than GO comes out, 1.6 will have more players than GO
This all proves my position. A lot of people will play what ever is newest just because it is newest. You ignore those people then by filtering out the newest things and comparing things which are already old. You will see of these things, when nobody playing any of it is one of the 'newest crowd', that more recent old things are less popular than older old things.
So many great reasons to shit on respawn but reddit always defended them. But now when some ugly hats that you shouldn't want to purchase cost "too much" they suddenly riot. Not to sound braver than I am but seriously fuck reddit.
The Oblivion horse armor was nothing but paid cosmetics as well.
Is everything that is expensive greedy and scam or only game skins?
Imagine being a corporate bootlicker.
>They literally called people who play their game but dont spend hundereds of dollars on cosmetics "Free loaders"
What a fucking joke of an industry
Imagine being a huge enough faggot to spend real money for cosmetics in a video game.
Get a thicker skin, you're embarrassing yourself.
but we *love* you parasites. your existence motivates drug lords to buy our horse armor.
You mean at most? My point is that Dota2 and CS:GO are those games direct continuations. If your example of modern game is dota and CS, then you're proving that guy's point.
Good goyim, suck that corporate dick. Ignore their questionable business practices because don't want to hurt their feelings.
>Getting mad at being called a free loader
Who gives a shit? I'm playing free games, is this why other pirates go into a pants shitting rage when they're called out, do you ACTUALLY believe you're entitled to this shit and it's not just free stuff?
>be game developer
>Fill your game with left wing politics
>Monetize it to hell
>Sell out to epic games
>Then have the audacity to turn around and shit on your player base
Imagine what it must be like for the next generation of players coming of age who have never known a games industry that doesn't hate its consumer base.
ughhuu ahh wojack ahh i love memes. i love editing memes to be about everything! i understand memes, i dont not understand not using them. ahh i love wojack memes and i love them being endlessly used on repeat forever! mm! stagnation ftw!
>I no longer support this stance because reddit also agrees with it
What level of contrarianism are we dealing with here boys?
Why are game devs so entitled?
>questionable business practices
Like fucking what? Me getting to play the game for free because retards pay?
Granted I don't play Apex legends but you're fucking fooling yourself if you think everything should be free retard
>Imagine what it must be like for the next generation of players coming of age who have never known a games industry that doesn't hate its consumer base.
there are already some of them posting in this thread it seems, totally oblivious as to why this upsets anyone
How are they not? He's literally just being honest about the state of F2P and how it works. You, and most people, play more or less for free at the cost of the existence of gaudy hats that some retards buy at exorbitant prices.
t. unapologetic, and not offended apex freeloader
>subsidized the majority of the game
>starts defending the corporation after calling the leechers free-loaders
I wonder if they will see the irony
they've been handed everything to them their entire lives
You hate redditors you dumbfuck, the devs hate them for the same reason the you do, they’re completely insufferable and annoying as fuck
>Good goyim, get that house for free, enjoy your free apartment, appreciate the illustrious housing you paid no money for, lie in that bed with no rent, see what happens, I dare you, I fucking dare you
>Need to get good RNG to unlock pieces of heirloom
>$200+ dollars
>If you get lucky enough you get the PRIVILIEGE to buy the final piece for $35
>Its just cosmetic bro :)
Kill yourself you retarded faggot. This goes beyond the "its just cosmetics" its pure kikery.
>This goes beyond the "its just cosmetics"
It actually doesn't, because it's still just cosmetics lol
>to unlock pieces of heirloom
You mind explaining what this shit is to someone who doesn't play Apex?
If it's beyond cosmetics and affects gameplay I'll agree with you, but if it's an armor set you're a fucking retard
>those fucking game developers should get a tougher skin, I paid money I get right to complain, don't care about muh fee fees
>get called a freeloader for not buying anything
>WHAAAT?!! How dare you fucking assholes! *writes angry reddit rant*
didn't he even say "and we love that" as if to say that they appreciate that consumers aren't all a bunch of whales?
Like encouraging kids to gamble you fucking retard. And no, I don't think everything should be free like a damn commie. But don't give me this fake altruism that the company is doing only good by giving out a free product.
>Like encouraging kids to gamble you fucking retard
Moralfaggot detected, fuck off.
we absolutely adore you termites
I mean, Im happy for her, but I don't understand what she's trying to say here. "My product's out for free"?
Hit it right on the nose honestly.
>wanting people to not become a slave to a jew is being a moralfaggot
gee i wonder who is behind these posts
>Be shitty parent
>Don't talk to your child or engage in anything they're doing
>They turn out shit due to your shit parenting
>"This r the coproporporation's fault"
Your pretending to be retarded because I never said it affected gameplay. You're a naive faggit if you dont think this is is nickle and diming 101 but with no lube. I've played F2P games. I've spent reasonable money on F2P games. $200 isn't fucking reasonable and its not unreasonable for some one to say "excuse what the fuck?"
I'm not pointing at individual instances but at the larger population. The overall cost and time to acquire every item is increased exponentially vs a single purchase game. The reason is to keep you playing it for long periods of time and while you may have gone through 4000 hours of Dota 2 unscathed, you know many others haven't.
>dev shills not even trying to up their damage control game
lol get fucked
>"If it affects gameplay I'll concede you're right"
>Gets extremely fucking mad
>gamer entitlement isn't a real thi-
imagine what your parents must have done to produce a retard like you
>be a scam artist
>tell your victim its not your fault you scammed them, that its their own parents fault for not teaching them how to avoid scams
Probably not anything as bad as your parents
>Have child in your care
>"WTF I was supposed to pay attention to this thing?"
>cry about when EA or gives a blanket responds and bullshit
>cry about when someone actually is honest
Are the people complaining about this underage? Have they never played any F2P game before?
The new skins are also balls to the wall retarded Overwatch shit completely disregarding any sort of cohesion of the game's artsyle and character's personalities.
>Fucking gladiator skins and other shit like that
>they play the game
>they have whatever opinion
>devs get mad they have opinions
How daft are you? How do you think this would realistically go in your perfect world? That's pretty average and expected response from players but for professional devs to try to argue with a bunch of children and phrase it like every single one of their players is the problem is stupid.
>all the corporate cocksucking ITT
At least tell me that EA paying all of you or something.
your father left and you were raised by a single mom in a hickville
Close, my dad ended up winning custody later on.
>Why would you defend a corporation giving you a game for free off of other people paying for pixels? It makes no sense. You're supposed to cry about this and make the pixels easier for me to buy!!!
your mom must have been a real crackwhore to lose custody to your hayseed father
Well your first mistake is playing a shitty game like Apex Legends to begin with.
Won't somebody PLEASE think of the children! I have literally no evidence to support kids are the ones behind outside of my own mental gymnastics and fringe scenarios where parents were retarded and gave their kids credit card numbers, but I assure you, corporations are getting kids hooked on gambling!
True dat I guess, sold pills and backstabbed everyone she ever met.
Which is why I can see a selfish snake for one when I meet them, like right now
What an insane timeline, you will take any position no matter how assinine to stand opposed to Reddit. Did you know that some redditors actually breath air? Better start holding your breath
I-i-its f2p so y-you dont get to complain about jews jewing people !!!!-!
Freeloaders aren't "Customers"
When did the badass gamers of Yea Forums get replaced by soccer moms?
>Hey, dude, you get a free game out of other people paying for pixels, here you go
Wow, I feel real shat on right now.
it's why you are mentally damaged
I feel like his response only cements the fact that low IQ, low test whales are the only people that matter in modern game dev and that voting with your wallet doesn't mean jack shit when a whale can easily pay for you, and ten other people. I don't blame them either, they need to focus on where the money is.
The only way that I can actually see have an effect on dev opinion is player count. Whales won't spend money on a dead game.
no they are the product being sold to whales
I dunno bro, the moment you went off onto a tangent and believed everything I told you because it supported your off the rails argument when I slammed you on the point shows me and everyone else here what they need to see.
See what I did there?
Probably not, you thought you were being clever but you really got owned
>doesn't buy anything
uuhh sweetie...
they dont actually care about the children but they are some kind of liberal or another and so need a justification to condemn the industry. By calling on some sacred principal or another that has been violated they are then free to condemn. It leaves behind a terrible web of pretext and precedent. Though mind you, if i could use 'muh gambling' to shut down all gatcha games entirely i would. Those fucks are like half of the generals in /vg/ now.
>remember that time when i confessed that my parents were shit
>heh heh i bet you didn't see that coming
trash begets trash
>praise full priced f76 and their shit micros because they're bethesda
>shit on apex because its free and they're trying to make a buck out of virgins who pay 20 dollars fora skin
fucking reddit
>Latching onto stories a stranger told you because you are terrified of arguing the point.
Yeah dude, doing really bad for myself, with internet access and a functioning brain, while you only have half of those things
I'm trying to make sense of all this, so please help me out.
Apex Legends already has a free mode to obtain skins and such, correct? Similar to Fortnite? And like Fortnite there is a paid pass that also unlocks additional content as you level/progress, right?
The issue right now is that they've released even more skins for even more $$ than your typical priced skins and some people showed concerns that the cost was too high, but the Dev's responses were "deal with it nerds"?
Cringe post my dude. Why are you so angry about some unknown people on the internet discussing a shitty game you don't even care about. Have sex.
the people complaining are the paying customers.
Those who had no intention of ever buying anything aren't going to get upset over things being overpriced.
>Those who had no intention of ever buying anything aren't going to get upset over things being overpriced.
Yet here we are
>i was just pretending to have a terrible family online
sure you were user.
>defending any whale milking game
Letting free games do it is what lead to paid games doing it. All Electronic Sharts employee GTFO my board.
See Being called a freeloader in a joking manner is mean in 2019.
I'm just going to test if I'm unbanned.
>literally siding with EA
This is some next level contrationing.
>Letting free games do it is what lead to paid games doing it
Good thing I don't buy games that try to milk me. Free games I'm fine with, though.
>muh slippery slope
>Haha gotcha! ;^)
Pretending to be retarded is still being retarded.
Don't worry user, one day you won't get so shitter slammed online you have to rely on stories, we will see eachother in other threads, and I'll slam you there too, what will you do then? You won't know it's me, you probably will, because I'll ruthlessly shit on you, but claiming you know me will make you look like a boogeyman poster and you'll insta lose your point, again
he definitely didn't mean you were a freeloader. it was just a joke. a farce. a spoof.
So we're going to defend $20 skins now just so we can say we didn't agree with Reddit on something?
Even if you don't like Apex Legends you should be able to see how this sets a bad precedent for the industry if mobile gaming prices come over to PC/consoles. Would you really rather watch the industry burn than agree with Reddit on something? It just seems amazingly petty.
>it's another Yea Forums taking the opposite position for no reason other to stir up shit thread #25716
There is a reason why this board is considered fucking shit.
It's a free game and it's a cosmetic that doesn't affect gameplay. It could cost 900000 billion dollars and I wouldn't give a damn. Fuck off, redditor.
>Set goal post
>user doesn't make it
>Tries to move my goal posts
New tactic, I like your spirit champ, doesn't change the fact you're a retarded paypig bitching about pixels
I'm willing to bet that people complaining the loudest don't even play the game.
>You committed the ultimate cardinal sin, you got personal. You, as a team of professionals trying to make money, got personal. You got personal and decided to insult your playbase, calling us "ass-hats" and "freeloaders". Not a wise move.
>We won't forget this. You've set a new tone for the kind of interaction we'll be having with you. It's a cold one. One where there aren't any illusions about the reality of the situation. Previous notions of "family" are dead. We are mere consumers to you, and that is obvious.
>You have chosen to bring in a new era of hostility and bitterness. Well done. Great PR move.
these people need to fucking chill
just reinstalled apex, re-subbed to my cheat provider and bought 20 loot boxes
these devs are based af
That's my point, here we are, three threads at once, arguing about this shit, because people in 2019 can't take a joke.
>Company doesn't do anything wrong
>We still should blame them because they did wrong in the past
Sure, the prices are retarded high, but it's only cosmetics so who gives a fuck, it's not the only game that does this
>my dude
This is a calling card, only redditors say this. Go back.
>le ea is le devil!
wake up grandpa, it's current year
>Hey guys, we're not price gouging you. We are just poor humble indie developers
>releases $100 weapons
you write like such a massive yokel
i don't care that your family is garbage user, i'm just telling you that it explains you very well.
>It's real
You mean like my sloppy grammar, terse responses, and deflecting the point when I'm getting my ass whooped?
Oh wait
The existence of a deluxe sports car I'm not willing to buy doesn't mean the end for the auto industry you fucking sperg. Calm the fuck down and breath.
>It has a million upvotes too
lmfao redditors are so fucking gay its unreal
he isn't joking. he thinks the framing is amusing, but he is being completely truthful
reddit is a mirror of society.
I get his point but what is about redditors dragging out simple points into paragraphs?
Just say, "good job destroying any last bit of consumer goodwill you had left. I won't be buying your products ever again."
no like your yokel diction
why do you continue to pretend that you have at any point in this thread made a point? all you've done is tell me about your terrible family. somehow you having bad parents is an EPIC TAKEDOWN. do you watch ben shapiro by any chance?
my mouth opened up a little and I lost some hair just by reading this
No what they are trying to do is to anchor the cosmetic prices by trying to get a feel on how much they can get out of the community without upsetting them.
They start with far too high prices like that and then will they come by and say that it now costs significantly less which makes the purchase more desirable for the hooked consumer which in term brings them profit by selling them even more digital bullcrap that they actually do not need.
>The article in question does not go for either side of the conflict
> the story is about the new event and it's very pricey skins which upset the redditors especially after a rather weak apology letter that was posted on the subreddit which upset 2 respawn devs enough to let them post some very unprofessional comments most where made by dko5 and one was made by the community manager Jayfresh
>This unprofessional behaviour pretty much resulted in the subreddit to distance themself from Respawn
Well I might not be an expert in community management but even I can see that Respawn where the ones who dropped the ball by engaging with the redditors in that way, yeah they act like a bunch of monkeys right now but these two should have known better to not join them in that circus.
I've displayed a wider mastery of the language in one post than you have the entire reply chain, sperg, the fact that you're latching onto stories about an /r9k/ wet dream shitty mom and dad that got custody just shows how few braincells you have.
Maybe this is why you feel the compelling need for those pixels?
Would you have bought it at 10$? Be honest
Do you ununironically have autism, by chance? People joke about shit like that all the time.
>See look! look! I totally owned you!
Your arguing with yourself and just because you set a goal post doesnt mean I need to play into it. Now go spend $200 free market remember?
Everything in these two posts is absolute truth.
I still think both the redditors and devs are asshats but for different reasons
>Corporation pissed off their reddit dicksuckers
>going on to Yea Forums to try and capitalize on contrarianism
It's too fucking obvious, especially when they post "memes" while unironically supporting EA
This place, this board and these people are mindfucked beyond any reason, what else do you expect?
>Now go spend $200 free market remember?
Weren't you just crying because you're in the hole for heirlooms or whatever?
no what you have prominently displayed is the register of a poorly educated bumpkin and described a life story that adequately explains it
you have become defensive ("sperged") when it is acknowledged that your behavior is adequately explained by your poor parenting. subsequently you have made allusions to points that you have never made, because you suffer from delusions of grandeur
Feel free to fuck off back to r*ddit where everyone will agree with you
Wow this kid is mad as fuck
are you the kind of person that thinks telling people that blacks are stupid is a joke?
>Yea Forums is defending microtransaction, an overpriced microtransaction
>complaining about expensive prices, not asking it for free, but a more reasonable price is communism now
>Yea Forums is okay with EA now
I know you guys the most retarded board on this site.
But please get a hold of yourself.
Don't lose your pride simply to win over some internet brownie points.
How triggered are you that you have to constantly project onto this guy for 5 posts?
Real talk, at least they're having a conversation. Think if they talked to Yea Forums, it'd just be endless shitposting
> >paying for loot boxes, lmao
>dilate/other tranny comments regardless of relevancy
>check this 5
Not everything needs to be defended or attacked. Just learn to not give a fuck.
You dont see people bitching about a $300 Faceless Void mace in DOTA
I get that there are shills but I just find it hilarious the idea that EA pays peope to post on Yea Forums of all places to defend the company. Seriously, Yea Forums and Yea Forums in general are largely irrelevant or influential to gaming that it just seems like a waste for a corporation to shill here.
cosmetics on a free to play game. But I guess you were dropped on your head as a toddler.
how upset are you that your poor parenting explains your online behavior?
Given the context, yes. Are you the kind of person that thinks calling his buddy a nigger can only be used as an insult, and not in a joking manner?
Nice shill technique, pretend that it's not pleasurable that astro-turfing doesn't exist cause Yea Forums is just a niche community
>STILL projecting
Not even that guy, my parents were rich billionaires, your dad most likely had my dad's dick in his mouth as some point, might explain your behavior now
>I dont play apex
why the fuck are you here if you care about neither ?
the context is that the developer of a game has explained to people that do not pay for the game are freeloaders. would you care to construct an analogous situation in which you are telling blacks that they are stupid in extremely hilarious fashion?
t. zoomers
At least the others still have the pride to say no to all microtransaction, cosmetic or not.
At least the others will be smart enough to realize that it's a bad-willed scam to cheat money from the players.
So basically people are upset because the new skins are really good but too expensive and they cant afford them.
Sorry but tough shit. You wouldnt go into a Mercedes dealership and demand that they make their prices more accessible because you really like their new model.
I'm okay with whales subsidizing a game for me, yes. I'm not retarded.
your father was a low class service worker and so are you.
Nah billionaire
feel free to prove me wrong though mutt
this is what happens with free to pay games, it attracts nothing but 3rd world poorfags who get furious even at $5 cosmetics
>He thinks spending $0 on a game is somehow worse than spending $60 on a game
The only thing people are defending are other's taking responsibility for their own poor spending habits. A free game with optional skins with noechanical benefit still costs nothing for those that don't give a fuck about playing Barbie in their first person shooter games.
low class service worker and that's what you'll remain forever
It's fine on free to play.
It's not fine on a full price game especially if the cosmetic gives an advantage.
It's like paying for a movie then halfway through it pauses and switches to IMAX 3D and the theater employee informs the audience that they'll need to upgrade their ticket and buy 3D glasses, but you can totally still watch the movie without them, you'll just be seeing double and slightly blurry, but that's just cosmetic :)
What if I told you even if the priced were reduced people would still not buy it because they understand its a F2P and it needs to make SOME money but think the idea of spending hundreds of dollars on 1 piece is outrageous?
Are you upset?
Actually a NEETboi
no wagie worky for me, mutt
>I get a game for free because dumb manchildren pay for overpriced cosmetics
How is this a bad precedent? It's not like it's pay to win.
I can HEAR the heavy angry breathing from this guy
What a retarded analogy. The people that pay 0 dollars play the game just as well as the people who pay 500 dollars. Nothing is blurry, faggot.
So it's just about the principle of the thing even though it makes no practical difference? What a brainlet thought process.
low class service worker, produced by other low class service workers. just like children that buy loot boxes are poorly parented.
>What's wrong with having my butt fucked if i'm having orgasm too?
I'm so done with you shilling idiots here.
Deep breaths
>a gamer clicks on MTX shop in his favourite F2P game
desu 18bux is a LOT for a skin
They are here astroturfing here but I just find the idea of a of a kike manager spending money on and going "oy vey, they are insulting EA, defend us, goys" pretty funny.
EA can suck my dick for all I care, I haven't bought any of their garbage games in over a decade. But Yea Forums really is an irrelevant shithole.
Only Yea Forums would defend microtransaction jewery of this caliber
I sure am getting my butt fucked when I play a game for free off of other people paying for pixels. Great analogy.
why pay for skins if you can't even see your character in battle
It seems so
t. freeloader
>secondhand market is the same as direct from the distributor
To you. 50,000 dollars for a car is a lot, to you. Price and value are subjective.
>defending EA's right to jew people
>on Yea Forums
Kill me now
How is my butt being fucked? I don't buy cosmetics. Spoiled children and retards are just giving me a free game.
You have to be a retard to keep thinking games as services aren’t a bubble that when popped will create a huge crash in the industry
You can get some full games for that price, but some people hate their money
they always say it wont affect gameplay but then they make all the normal armor look like total garbage with minimal customization and make all the cash shop cosmetics look extremely good in comparison so you will buy them. so sure, its not p2w, but it still affects gameplay most of the time.
Other people can see it. That's the point.
user i need these hilarious nigger jokes
the ones where you accurately describe a situation, but you think it's funny, so it's actually a joke and not just, you know, reality
I play only one free to play game called Gwent and they sell cosmetics too that give zero advantage to the players. I've yet to see someone bitch about their prices. They've had 2 major free expansions since releasing the game. Buying a skin is to be seen as a symbolic thank you to the devs to put shit for you for free.
A) They are being called freeloaders because they are, and it's hilarious to point that out.
B) Calling black people stupid or calling someone a nigger is such an absurd claim by those who unironically believe it, that mocking the action is hilarious. A dying horse is not funny, but the scene in Me, Myself & Irene takes the concept and drags it out to an absurd degree, where there is humor in the tragedy.
This is basically humor 101. 90% of the humor in Airplane is making fun of the fact that the main character is an idiot.
Imagine getting this fucking worked up because some people you'll never meet said something mean about you.
Imagine trying to take a moralistic stance on company greed.
Imagine sperging out and projecting on people telling you companies just want money.
Imagine giving a shit, especially since I know for a fact most of you don't even play this shitty game but think EA will give out free shit if you REEEE hard enough.
It's just attention whoring really
>Defending EA's right to give me a game for free
Unbelievable. Why am I not crying about this? I just don't understand.
>The armor looks like shit and I want a good looking armor, so that's affecting gameplay
Every single poster un this thread is retarded
Once A Stray
One Ping Only
The Grandfather
Eternal Senia
Sunrider Mask of Arcadius
You actually think that money funds the game?
Surely you can't be serious
So other people can see you and hopefully be impressed by the money you just spent, and think "that guy looks cool, I want that."
I'm serious, people actually have that mentality. That they can impress with money.
They wouldn't do it if it didn't make money you incompetent retard, it doesn't matter where the fucking money that it makes goes
>Yea Forums defends microtransactions
I remember when this place was outraged at Horse Armor. Where my board gone
are you from fucking 2009?
If horse armor made Oblivion a free game for me, I'd love it.
>microtransactions in a full priced game
>microtransactions in a f2p game
gee, I wonder what is different
>the joke is telling blacks they are niggers
>this is humor 101, taught to me by the zucker brothers
actually the humor of their works stems from the casual juxtaposition of absurdity
If the stats are the same, I don't see the problem if people pay for something that looks a bit nicer but performs the same way. The problem is if that "cosmetic" item has better stats and gives people an unfair advantage.
They always justified it in F2P games if it was just cosmetics, don't pretend you're an oldfag because you clearly aren't
>Black friend asks to borrow a game for the weekend
>Call him a greedy fucking nigger, both laugh about it, and let him borrow said game
You sound like an absolute bore to be around if you think a passing like this isn't just general banter to chuckle at.
I actually would rather watch the industry burn at this point- a purge is the only thing that can save it, so the faster the better
Here he goes again with his kike technique of agreeing with the poster, but then shitting on others and trying to get others to agree with them.
Good news: It doesn't
Redditors are crying about something 100% cosmetic
>antagonize and demonize developer on reddit for weeks
>they respond and tell you that you are being stupid and back up their decisions with data and facts
>spiral into a frenzy of incoherent rage
never change reddit
Oh I'm not gonna point out what you said has nothing to do with my point. But just know that anything EA does is not for your benefit.
you sound like you get banned online a lot and that people don't actually like being around you
Iv'e never played the game. Have the Apex devs added anything of substance to the game since launch? And no, cosmetics != something of substance. I mean new characters, guns, maps, etc.
Mtx are completely optional, though, so peons and plebians can dodge them and still play the game. CCGs are a money market where everyone knows they are pay to enter, pay to win, etc, and every member is a consumer.
The issue is that these mtx companies pander to the shitters that dont buy in, and shit like that is how you get a guillotine on your front lawn when you go 3 days without baking fresh bread for the grabby scumsacks every morning.
>The evil corporation giving you a game for free is secretly hurting you
Uh-uh, reddit.
What does that have to do with anything? I am getting it for free, as is everybody with more than two brain cells.
why the fuck are you retards making threads about a game nobody play? Who actually cares about Apex Legends anymore?
2 new characters, 2 new guns and the map has been updated for the second season
Yes it does. The game is not free out of appealing to consumers it is free because competition demands it. Just like how being a corporate apologist doesn't pay and being apathetic just lets things grow into worse things later.
The idea behind cosmetics is that they are functionally worthless. It's basically the same idea as donating 15$ on the sitepage and getting a gold border around your name, except this time its a hat.
Why not? I call my wife a bitch when she pulls a prank on me, but we both know I'm just saying it for laughs. I call my black friends niggers in a joking manner all the time, and they respond in kind. It's really not a big deal so long as you aren't calling it to people who don't know you well enough to understand it's in jest.
>The game is not free out of appealing to consumers it is free because competition demands it
You mean like how the same company released BFV and how CoD BR was successful?
Strange, it's almost like you're retarded and wrong
2 new characters
2 new guns
several new attachments
a couple of new locations on the map
People have been spoiled by Fortnite's absolutely staggering amount of monthly content.
you sound like a fucking friendless shitbag
>Yea Forums CONSTANTLY shits on any developer that insults their playerbase.
>Now that Reddit is finally doing the same, Yea Forums has to turn right around and defense the devs.
Why are you people like this?
>people going full autism over cosmetics
I would understand if it was something that gave people advantages but cosmetics? Really faggots?
>giving money to fucking EA
That's a no from me.
Well they keep coming back over, so clearly that isn't the case.
Instead of just deflecting and calling me a shill, can you prove to me what influence this board has had in recent years? Can you answer that?
I want these companies to go bankrupt from their greedy ways and jewish-marxist propaganda and the industry to crash just as anyone else, but I'm being realistic here and saying that we're all just a bunch of angry spergs that don't affect the status quo.
>If the game is free it'd be fine
>If the game is free it doesn't matter if the skins are 15 dollars
>If the game is free it doesn't matter if the skin costs 170 dollars
Enjoy playing a "Free" game that's designed around the microtransactions.
tell me more about your imaginary black friends that you call nigger and the definitely not autistic posts you write bout how actually blacks find it hilarious when you call them nigger and the ess jay dubyas are the ones that don't have friends
>Based around
It has been explained thoroughly in this thread why it's justifiable. I'm sorry you're a brainlet that needs everything to be 100% uniform to not make your head hurt, but if you had the capability of reading and understanding arguments, you'd understand why t his time it's different.
I do it all the time with my black friends. There isn't a problem. Try making friends.
>people going full autism over cosmetics
Redditors aren't people.
Not gonna lie but i would totally penetrate that monster.
CoD BR was successful because everyone was buying CoD anyway because it's CoD. BFV fucking sucked and died and underperformed. Trying to sell Titanfall in the same manner would never have worked.
>functionally worthless
>design bunch of ugly as fucking sin gear that you want to wear because of vertical progression
>design good looking costumes that hide said gear and sell it for mtx
BDO says hi.
It could cost 9000000 billion dollars. A cosmetic item in a free to play game that doesn't affect gameplay is fine.
Valve has 1000$ knife
Reddit: sleeps
Ea adds 200 knife
Reddit: WTF
You don't play mobile games do you?
There is zero excuse for developers to insult their playerbase, jokingly or not.
Because the dev is right in this case. You know you don't have to follow the same pattern your whole life, right?
>Guys its FREE TO PLAY!
>1 item cost 2.5x more then a full packaged $60 game
What a steal
If you've never even attempted to get under your friends skin by saying shit to them you would never say to anyone else in normal conversations, you cannot honestly tell me you are good friends with that person.
>some of my best twitter sock accounts are black people
literal autism.
And they starting developing everything around selling cosmetics and you'll still scream the same tune.
Are you talking about "free loaders"? Is that the insult that is offending you? God, you're a pussy.
People sell a knife skin for 1000$ not valve dont be disingenuous .
Noooo, but you see, it's the other player selling you a knife, that changes everything!! Valve just takes the cut because they're a good guy!
>Being a freeloader and being called a freeloader is an insult worth anything more than a passing chuckle
Get a fucking therapy dog, Jesus Christ.
If it isn't fun I'll just play something else.
valve takes a percentage of transactions the value of being influenced through their control of the supply of goods
I just don't understand their remarks about how players used to not be asshats to devs. They ever see the crazy shit people like Tigole or Furor said?
Market economy set it to 1000$
EA setting the price at 200$ is not from a market economy but whale exploitation
it's still the players putting those crazy prices not valve.
>What? Reddit did/said something
>whale exploitation
Why should any of us care about that?
Being complicit in the secondary market is arguably worse, you fucking drone.
it's an attempt to influence behavior by pretending that these actions represent changes that have disrupted a more idyllic past
people do this on Yea Forums all of the time when they pretend stalking a teen girl and harassing her family was a golden age, before the bad ones came
Because it ruins (You)r video games.
>I only play weeb shit
Japan has been taking notes from the west.
>Reddit are being over dramatic crybabies, per usual
>Somehow it counts this time because it's EA causing the butthurt
In yet telling people to not buy their shit is "shilling for EA" because whales exist, or something.
lmao, lapping up worse exploitation because it's more cleverly devised
why are people so fucking stupid
>Cosmetics are ruining video games
How does it feel like living in 2012?
How does it ruin it? By definition cosmetics do not affect gameplay. I guess you could argue that free to play means there are more chinks and BRs but other than that I don't see how this affects me at all.
>What? EA is giving me a game for free and only whales or whale-wannabes are even remotely negatively affected by it?
>Season Passes
>Half baked games
>On disc locked content
>Cutting content to resell later
>Playing the game is pointless because to look cool it requires money not skill thus cutting playtime across the board and cheapening the experienc
>FPS like CoD are becoming glorified MMOs with FPS gameplay with retarded season pass shit that demands time from you daily if you want to earn
>Companies moving to subscription models
>Next gen could all be digital
>Devs realizing these days they get away with more and more every day they push the envelop
Yea the future of video games are bright you stupid fucks.
let's forget about the fact that the guy selling the knife gets to keep the vast majority of the money that only cost him a few bucks.
None of these apply to Apex Legends. You're a retard, my man. Devs aren't some unified monolith. You can buy some things and not buy others.
>OY VEY it's merely F2P cosmetics so I could make them cost $1000000000 dollars if I wanted! I feel attacked by the goyim!
I can feel the noses ITT, the people actually giving money to EA are more respectable than faggots defending this shit.
>It's better to pay them money for cosmetics, just please don't play their game for free
And we're the jews lol
>The devs themselves state they've done market research, and the same number of people buy skins regardless of how much or little they cost
>People bitching about this, more likely than not along with the vast majority of the world, don't actually buy skins
>Somehow this is a consumer problem in a f2p product
It legitimately feels like people want to find any reason they can to be mad at this.
>t.zoomer who wasnt around for the oblivion horse armor dlc
Now look were we are today because you cum slurping autist want to pretend they are anything but smooth brains who cant see the direction the industry is headed if things are allower to continue like this.
Yeah, money he can only spend in Valve store or risk extrating through some totally legit moldovian website. Thank you lord gaben for giving your funbux to winners of your jew scam raffles.
Pcbros still as pathetic as ever I see,
Correct. Wait for the faggots to cry
>But it's """freee"""
No it isn’t, it’s a video game. Respawn isn’t exactly taking your child for ransom here.
I take "shit reddit doesn't understand" for 800
>This model assumes that only 20% of Apex playerbase will generate 80% of income.
What is pareto distribution?
I support what benefits me and don't support what doesn't. I didn't buy horse armor. I play this game for free. Keep seething.
>defending micro transactions even in a free game
holy shit its a video game you niggers, take the corporate cock out of your mouths.