Game has different classes

>game has different classes
>impossible to tell which ones the best

Attached: 1314560507735.jpg (800x800, 133K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Yellow sword, red armor

>Green sword
>Yellow armor

Attached: 1185510037610.jpg (400x300, 41K)

Green sword, blue armor

Green sword and yellow armor. Fuck dodge, I'll just take less damage and shrug it off.

Red sword, Blue Armor

>Fuck dodge, I'll just take less damage and shrug it off.
*crits you with red sword*
heh nothing personell, kid


How much damage do crits do?
Also Green sword's ability is only useful vs yellow sword. Pretty weak desu.

>blue armor
>blue sword
blue all the way.

The green sword has the highest dps, though.

With damage numbers this big and armor values this low, the only good option is max dodge. Why would you ever pick an armor which does barely anything?

Attached: 1565899078116.jpg (1920x2560, 669K)

Red Sword, Yellow Armor

Yellow sword and green armor is best.

Is dodge chance-based or is there a dedicated dodge button?

>high speed equals high dps

Attached: 1526057967036.jpg (638x558, 64K)

Enjoy your 20 damage swings

Do the math, retarded wojak poster

Green sword, yellow armor.
You fucked up by making your mechanics too simple, OP. The meta has already been figured out.

Red Sword Green Armor

Red sword green armor I like to live dangerously and I ain’t no lucklet.

Green sword, green armor

Yellow sword and armor. Big numbers is good enough for my unga bunga brain. The fact that I style on you most of you faggots is a plus.

>Yellow Armor only outperforms Green Armor against a Green Sword user
>But you'd be a retard not to pick Green Sword so most of the playerbase will use it

What's the average base hp for players?

Yellow x2
The best against fast swords and heavy armor.
If it isn't a pure numbers game then a good player can go in for a singe hit and deliver lots of damage while a faster weapon must remain close to get the most out of their weapon.

Is damage dealt at the beginning, during or end of the attack animation?

based brainlet

And the Blue Sword's heal is a full heal

What's the crit damage?

both red
styling and the most well rounded

Instakill. Base crit chance is 0.000000001%.

blue sword red armor

green sword green armour obviously

yellow weapon
nude for 48% doge and +15 damage

Without knowing the statistical formula of speed and crit damage, its impossible to truly give a good answer.

Is speed "each 1 point of speed equals an additional 1% increase in total attack speed"? Is speed "100 is baseline speed, anything below is a percentile reduction and anything above is a percentile increase (Thus meaning the closer to zero you get the bigger the impact the lower speed has)"?

What is the crit multiplier? Does it ignore armor?

What is average player health? Are there any other sources of healing besides the blue sword?

Full green

That's impossible without a statistical explanation of how the Speed stat affects attack speed.
The speed stat is just a flat number, not like something concrete like "1.1 attacks per second"

read the fucking image

Green armour is clearly the best, it gives the highest dodge and has no damage reduction.

Holy shit read the bottom line

Red Sword Green Armor is for LCKchads only.

Yellow sword red armor.

this because dodge chance scales with personal luck and as a luck-chad it's really about 57% dodge chance

Blue Sword, Yellow Armor. Didn't take into account weapon special abilities because there's not enough information on what those mechanics do.

Attached: BlueSword_YellowArmor.png (913x135, 12K)

I like how all you fucking retards can't read the image and are asking already answered questions about how speed works when the REAL questions that need to be answered are "how much does blue heal for" and "what is the crit modifier to attack damage"

what kind of pvp is it? is it one on one or groups of people fighting eachother?

So this is the level of intelligence of wojak posters...

Yellow yellow
The day you see me dodge an attack has not yet come

Okay, now explain crit, because there's no Numbers for what the multipler or effects of it are.
Someone said "instant kill" in the thread, but I think that's someone bullshitting.

Additionally, does parry stack additively or multiplicatively with dodge (Useless if multiplicative, incredible if additive)

What is average player health.

last question: is there any special property to the parry or is it just a dodge, basically?

Always take the slowest weapon. If faggot dodges overpower him.

Parrying and dodging are two different things. You can only parry an attack that you didn't dodge.
Are you retarded?

Parry elicits an immediate counterattack at critical (read: instakill) damage.

They are two different things but that doesn't mean that they aren't additive in avoidance.

This is how WOW handled parry and dodge, remember? Or are you just too much of a newfag to remember old school theory crafting that used to go into this stuff?

Back in wow the attack table would stack Dodge, parry, block additively, which was super important for pushing crushing blows off the table.
they were TOTALLY DIFFERENT things in what happened if they occured, but they were STILL additive in how they were rolled for, not multiplicative.

hence this is a very legitimate question moron. I doubt you were ever on elitist jerks or other theory crafting sites to figure this shit out if you blow off a question about if they're additive/multiplicative with just "They're different effects".

>speed is attacks per minute
>Blue Sword: (100 x 80)/60 = 133 DPS
>Red Sword: (80 x 100)/60 = 133 DPS
>Yellow Sword: (150 x 50)/60 = 125 DPS
>Green Sword: (50x180)/60 = 150 DPS

on a purely statistical field, Green sword is better than all the others.

Depends on what armor it's hitting, see:

based autist

So essentially the same as the red weapon's ability?

That being the case Red weapon, Yellow armor are the best options unquestionably

Red sword has a hidden debuff that increases the opponent's parry chamce by 3%

Wrong. Yellow shield absolutely dumpsters it more than any other shield dumpters any other weapon and it has a terrible special ability. Literally the worst option.

Red sword is the undisputed best. Armor is debatable but the meta would suggest Yellow is the best.

It's very simple, you roll the attack against your dodge chance, and then against your parry chance. It's two separate sequential checks, dodge before parry because you can't parry something you already dodged.
If you're too retarded to figure out the very simple math for this situation I'm gonna have to diagnose you with stupid faggot disease

flat or multiplicatively added to the damage calc?

Thats why I liked FFXI. It had 20 job classes and they were all pretty well balanced, each having niche uses and specific roles. Unfortunately it's a relic left over from the days before MMORPGs got simplified into the Holy Trinity.

green sword is least vulnerable to the armor types
while blue armor is slightly the least vulnerable to swords

so probably green sword + blue armor

all the effects counter eachother, the green armor counters 2 effects but is the worse armor mathematically. The red sword could potentially be the strongest however. In that case I'd be red sword + green armor.

Green sword, I like speed memes.
> 24% chance to negate damage entirely
> in a game where the next best thing is taking 20 less damage from an attack
NO reason to pick anything but green armor.

If their parry chance used to be 3%, it's now 6%

Blue beats red sword against every armor and ties against green. Even if crits double damage, Blue still averages out to more damage (just barely) across all armors.

>green sword is least vulnerable to the armor types

Nigga you fold real hard to yellow armor players. Like "free kill" hard

that is what I was asking for clarification on, and that means they're multiplicative for total evasion. (Meaning +3 % parry chance is basically garbage since it has no synergy options.)

Saying "Two different effects" isn't an an answer to "Multiplicative or additive evasion" since (Like I gave an example of) different effects can occur on the same table.

Yellow sword green armor :v)

I'm working from this assumption

Yes and I told you it's the simplest shit to reason through you dunce.

Blue Sword and Yellow Armor would be my get go, even though the Green Sword would be probably better, depending how high the standard parry chance would be, but it would suck against yellow armor.


Attached: 1542402205760.gif (220x263, 2.41M)

Well then it depends on how much damage it takes to kill someone on whether or not a 3% instakill is worth it.

yes but assuming equal distribution thats not really a problem

Yellow sword, green armor. I have good luck with dodges.

This is worthless because there's no gauge on what speed entails with its numbers. Is 100 speed equal to one second? Is it half a second?

Let's assume 100 speed = 1 second and also that my lack of sleep isn't completely butchering my math skills. So 80 speed would be equal to 1.2 seconds, while 180 speed would be equal to 0.20 seconds. Why the fuck would you pick anything but the green sword in this instance? That's some retard damage numbers, that's 250 damage per second.

Speed is in attacks per minute, literally says in the image. Green sword is good against red and green armor, bad against blue armor, and crumples to yellow.

3% on hit. Meaning that the red sword on a full 1000hp player will need 12.5 hits on average to kill him, more because of armor damage reductions. Meaning thant upwards of 40% of your duels will be free wins on proc, while not really sacrificing much raw DPS at all, since it is only slightly worse than blue on average and doesn't have the glaring flaw of green which

Loses 1/4 of its' duels 100% of the time and another 1/4 at high rates to blue armor players which significantly nerf it too.

>Speed is in attacks per minute, literally says in the image
Either I'm actually going crazy or I don't see it.

Bottom line beneath the border

Oh shit now I do.

This is what happens when you get three hours of sleep over a twenty hour period.

Anyone who doesn't choose the crit sword is retarded.

How is blue/blue not the obvious choice exactly?

what is this some fucking cookie clicker game where you hit every swing and don't move or have abilities?

Based and Statisticpilled
Fuck OP for making this stupid cyoa chart with zero consideration

i'd spec into dual wielding and go green/blue + green armor or blue/blue + green armor depending on how bonus effect chance stacks with dual weapon attacks

blue sword
green armor

Red sword is better because big fat crits let you nuke down someone before they can heal/stun/run away. Consistent damage is bad because the enemy can predict and work around the damage.

Green sword Green armor is mathematically the best. Green chads win again

>green sword becomes meta cuz MUH DPS
>green armor now becomes meta to counter it
what now fag?


its not especially weak to blue, its slightly above average

what? Green armor is worst against green weapon. You mean yellow armor?

It's below average on raw dps. when taking into account it's the only weapon with no impactful special ability that makes it the worst in the match-up.

Blue Sword and Yellow Armor are the best because due to the statistics posted, its also in general very solid overall but the whole thing is literally oof due to not enough explaination : How much HP does a character have ? How much is the standard parry chance ? How much is the Crit Dmg of the Red Sword ? - So all in all the whole convo is pretty vague when some critical info is missing

Any sword with yellow armor would dumpster you.

Red sword green armor, could swap out for yellow sword for more consistent damage too. The Chad high risk high reward

it is impactful, it completely negates yellow which gives it 1.8~ + % win rate

this is what I got. This could be some dude just fucking around though

Do the math brainlet. It has the highest dps.

Then Blue sword is the best.

green sword is weak to yellow armor.

yelow sword is weak to green armor

you'd have to pick the more balanced weapons as they dont have any hard counters so

bllue sword, red armor

>"Speed" is in units of Attacks Per Minute

Why is there two greens?

Attached: zach rippy billy.png (788x537, 377K)

Green Sword Blue Armor

If would would go with then Blue Sword would be entirely op in any case except Red Sword user would be overly lucky that day

No it doesn't. Parry protection only nullify yellow swords' free wins, it doesn't give you anything. you still get outperformed by yellow sword if they are wearing yellow armor and by blue sword no matter what they are wearing most of the time.

The only reason it is not the worst is because if this is taken into account then the red sword is nerfed into unplayability.

based color blind bro

Anything but green armor is a trash.
20 DR from yellow armor is a joke. 24% dodge is solid and can easily proc 3 times in a row.

Optimal builds for optimal fun

>then Blue Sword would be entirely op in any case except Red Sword user would be overly lucky that day

Not really. Red sword is better and best on paper until you take into account, in which case it becomes absolute trash.

yellow yellow
because yellow looks coolest

Why is green worse?
The problem with dodge is that shit can still oneshot you if you don't dodge it, but since the green sword is low on burst and more about high dps over time, the dodge chance will average out at 24% damage reduction overall.
The golden armor is the best to counter straight out burst, but will negate less damage in total over time

Attached: d29.jpg (326x294, 18K)

Objectively green sword and armor are the best combination.

Sword has the highest dps (150), and if we assume the enemy attacks you with the yellow sword, you would only take 5700 damage in a minute, while the other three would deal 6150, 5975, and 6500 in that order.

Green armor vs green weapon is the worst matchup for the armor wearer possible. Every other weapon/armor combo takes less damage over time.

>You are playing a PvP MMO
And now I'm not. Well, that was easy.

Blue sword + Yellow armor is the most OP combo. Also, if you get a single heal proc it increases the armor value by 500% and puts you well above any other combinations.

It's amazing how people refuse to lurk the thread and opt to intentionally embarrass themselves when it could be easily preventable by just reading the first 50 posts

taking out yellows instant win if huge
having over 50% win rate is the name of this game and green sword can manage though

and blue sword giving full heal doesnt make sense

Do none of the greenswordfags take armor into account? Yeah on it's own yeah it has the highest dps. But against yellow armor in the time it takes for the yellow sword to do 260 damage the green sword is only doing 90. Even if it gets the next atrack off due to 180 attack speed it'll only do 120 damage. It doesn't even half the yellow swords damage. And its highest dps only matters in long fights, in pvp it won't matter because the fight will be over.

coding a simulation of this would be cool if the FUCKING op actually explained things like "crit"

>yellow sword
>green armor
if i kill them fast, i wont get killed


keep this shit alive

>no information on how much blue sword heals you for, or if they're effected by dodges, parries or blocked damage
>no information on how much damage crits do, or how/if they interact with dodges, parries or blocked damage
>no indicator of how parry even differs from dodge
>no indicator of how much health you have
>instead get a useless note about how speed is about attacks per minute as if it matters if it's per minute, per second, per hour, or literally any other time frame
shit game


Basicly those 5 points make the discussion pointless or only very vague and its only possible to talk about known factors. So yeah shit game indeed in the end

+200% damage on crit
100 hp on heal
100% reduction on parry

Attached: Stats.png (1157x689, 113K)

Red weapon yellow armor

The Green Sword has the best DPS, and Yellow armor has the best expected value (0*(Chance of dodging) + (damage reduction)*(Chance of not dodging))

So statistically, Green Sword+Yellow Armor is the best combo

>Green sword
More hits means higher chances of proccing on hit effects and on crit effects and you will have an easier time of getting more attacks in during debuff/condition windows. More hits also means it's more effective at peeling during high mobility fights where both users have lots of gap closers and escaper abilities. It's also better if you're fighting a CC heavy opponent.

>Yellow armor
Reliability and flexibility is king in PvP on most levels except at the very top. Even then reliability is highly valued under pressure heavy situations as opposed to riskier more specialized alternatives even by the best of the best. I would say this even goes for PvE unless you're going for WR speedclears.

The fact that Green Sword has the fastest speed with low damage means that it is the least affected by missing.

It can also fail to procc 50 times in a row. Don't fall for the gamblers fallacy freindo.

>The golden armor is the best to counter straight out burst, but will negate less damage in total over time
Green ATK is 50, Yellow armor is -20 reduction, that's an effective 40% damage reduction against the green sword

It says 20%.

So it's a 20% reduction.

Green would hit for 40 dmg on yellow.

The 20 DR from Yellow makes it statistically the best armor.

It doesn't say percentage, it says -20 damage, not -20% damage.

assumption: 1000 health
crit = double damage
heal = heal damage dealt
parry = damage reflect, bypasses armor/dodge, cant dodge and parry a hit

Attached: data.png (1276x1592, 213K)

Are you trolling?

Attached: 1554084934950.gif (430x408, 908K)

Lmao no, I play real PvP games.

Here are some statistics (From Blue, Red, Yellow, and Green)
General DPS
(100*80)/60 = 133.333~
(80*100)/60 = 133.333~
(150*50)/60 = 125
(50*180)/60 = 150
Expected damage probability per hit:
Blue Sword:
(100-12)*0.9 + 0*0.1 = 79.2
(100-8)*0.85 + 0*0.15 = 78.2
100-20 = 80
100*0.76 + 0*0.24 = 76
Red Sword:
(80-12)*0.9 = 68
(80-8)*0.85 = 61.2
80-20 = 60
80*0.76 = 60.8
Yellow Sword:
(150-12)*0.9 = 124.2
(150-8)*0.85 = 120.7
150-20 = 130
150*0.76 = 114
Green Sword:
(50-12)*0.9 = 34.2
(50-8)*0.85 = 35.7
50-20 = 30
50*0.76 = 38

Here, I thought this too. But the "-x damage" has to be for incoming damage. Not the wearer's output, I guess. It's incoming damage reduction.

If going for a reliable, green armor
For risk taking players, Yellow
Red and blue are just diet armors, for green and yellow.

Where does it say that with dodge you'll always dodge crits?


>any sword but yellow
>green armor
Wow that was hard

Green is retardedly OP for both choices

DPS after Armor
Blue Sword
(79.2*80)/60 = 105.6
(78.2*80/60 = 104.266~
(80^2)/60 = 106.66~
(80*76)/60 = 101.33~
Red Sword:
(100*68)/60 = 113.33~
(100*61.2)/60 = 102
(100*60)/60 = 100
(100*60.8)/60 = 101.33~
Yellow Sword:
(50*124.2)/60 = 103.5
(50*120.7)/60 = 100.5833~
(50*130)/60 = 108.33~
(50*114)/60 = 95
Green Sword:
(180*34.2)/60 = 102.6
(180*35.7)/60 = 107.1
(180*30)/60 = 90
(180*38)/60 = 114
Blue Sword second against ever armor
Red Sword best against blue armor
Yellow Sword is best against Yellow Armor
And Green Sword is the best against Green Armor and Red Armor, has the highest expected Damage at 114 against Green, and has the lowest expect damage at 90 against Yellow Armor

Only if everyone will use green sword. Which won't happen.

yellow sword is best, burst is stronger than dps because you can just hit and run

likewise yellow armor is best because its predictable and you can make decisions, also it wrecks green sword fags

Using RuneScape rules
Red Sword
Green armor

And also against Red Swords too After damage reduction and dodge chance, Yellow is the best against Red and Green swords, and the worst against Blue and Yellow swords (however, blue swords DPS for Yellow is only slightly higher than Red armor and Blue armor)

Blue Sword
yellow armor

You forget that Red Sword has a chance to crit Which makes it the best for DPS.


Attached: 1.png (1106x483, 94K)


Attached: 2.png (1109x485, 92K)


Attached: 3.png (1109x486, 92K)


1 minute simulation
100% parry reduction
heal amount is damage dealt
crits do 3x damage

Attached: 4.png (1106x487, 91K)

>not knowing force = mass x velocity^2
Obviously more speed means more damage you big old smelly colon

Attached: yuh.jpg (926x960, 79K)

How much do Crits do?
And while we are at it, we should calculate the chance to parry if the person has the Yellow Sword as it will negate all damage.

Idk I'm just going off the assumption it does double damage. We also don't know how much health we have or how much you get healed from blue sword.

Yellow sword, Green armor, just dodge and hit with high damage baybee

Yellow sword and green armor. Hilarious RNG ensues.

Wrong, it says it adds to parry chance, so they all parry

Green Sword, yellow armor

Blue weapon (assuming it heals you for full damage) and yellow armor

Had an error in this, damage reduction was damage vulnerability
Final version

Attached: Final.png (958x373, 98K)

I like this user's reasoning

Attached: 1565471468776.jpg (717x959, 92K)

red/yellow or blue/yellow

Why is Mr J posting on Yea Forums?

yellow sword, green armor. good ol' poke & run

Wrong, although the average numbers show a postive difference, if you look at the individual numbers, you'll see that these two combinations each barely lose out to most of the other combinations, except for completely annihilating green weapon combinations.

Always stack crit and dodge in pvp.

red sword green armor
fear my RNG

Hm, so red/anything for glass cannon
blue/red or blue/green for better rounded

Oh boy, another "please pick a weapon without any context or set game rules" thread.
1. What the fuck is a parry? Not literally "what does the word parry mean", but what benefit does it offer to the player character? Does it just negate damage, open your opponent to a counter attack, or what? Does each base sword have a base chance to parry? +3% to parry means a lot more if you have a 0(+3)% chance compared to if you have a 50(+3)% chance.
2. How much bonus damage does a crit do? 200% damage? 300%? 5000%? Furthermore, how much healing do you get from the blue sword?
3. The hell does -X damage mean? For example, does the blue armor it reduce all incoming damage by 12 or does it reduce incoming damage by 12%?
Oh wait never mind you don't actually care and only want (you)s. To answer your question, I'll choose the yellow sword and armor because I'm sure there's a hidden "Stylin" stat bonus :^)

Yellow and yellow, I’ll tank all of your faggoty asses, be as fast as you want.

Blue sword, red armor but color the red armor yellow to trick people into thinking I'm wearing yellow armor

Green sword. Armor depends how good dodging is

Damage Done over 1 minute

You are welcome

Attached: Damage.png (2196x754, 141K)

>game has a shit ton of RNG but is perfectly balanced

Attached: minotaur vs kobold.png (562x844, 22K)

I prefer games where stats dont matter a whole lot, and its more about how good of a player you are. Like fightan gaems, or cuhrazy games like Devil May Cry/Viewtiful Joe/Bayonetta/Godhand.

Attached: viewtiful.jpg (1450x1600, 496K)

based swashbuckler

blue sword, yellow armor. most reliable and predictable combo.

green armor + yellow sword. that way even though I suck if I get lucky enough I will be able to rob a win from some tryhard because I happened to dodge or parry their big attacks. a lot like how hero gets to rob wins if hes lucky in smash.