I'm starting to get hype Yea Forumsros. Post your characters and any classic thoughts

I'm starting to get hype Yea Forumsros. Post your characters and any classic thoughts.

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Other urls found in this thread:



classic is still going to shit all over retail get wrekt

That's some CoD xbox live late 2000's shit right there.



Sorry, friend, I'll be playing the superior FFXIV. Enjoy your fucking tranny streamer trash with your literal 5 polygon models and content that's been cleared for over a decade

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They didn't have my go to Cynic. It was the best I could do.

>Yea Forumsros
fuck off reddit

Shard 30, Layer 48 (Asmon's Layer), Herod... HOME.... MY SOULFUL EPIC HOME

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bros... druid or shaman?

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ITT: seething blizzdrones who cant stand to have their favourite dog turd criticized

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>healslut that will also be pestered to tank 5 mans or healslut

Imagine paying $15/monthly for something you can play right now (AS IN RIGHT FUCKING NOW, THIS VERY SECOND) for FREE!!

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Going Horde ofcourse, warrior main and a warlock for nostalgia. Not sure about the races, one is going to be an orc, because 25% stun resist is great in pvp.

No name reserves, not paying 7 euro for a name.

>imagine being a poorfag

Do you not know what fpbp is

Pservers are almost dead, plus they suck most of the time

stop playing classic for the 100th time and get out and have sex

fuck off jew

What if no one wants to have sex?

>paying for the same game
>not only twice
>for over a decade
holy shit, you're right. how was I so blind before

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>Shit post
>Get shitpost replies


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I hope, then all the money classic made will be funneled to the best expansion wow has ever seen


Reminder that if you play on a PVE realm you're missing out on the best part of the game.

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kek, it's funny how literal this image has become now.

Not taking your PvE bait.

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I’ll only play if I can mod the game to play as a big tiddy warlock corpse

OP here, I've played retail and private servers since vanilla. I just want to take easy for a bit on PVE

>Using dilate

Rookie mistake kid. COPE.

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>paying money to let another man control what activities you are allowed to do in game
PvP servers are for literal cucks, lmao

then theyre the reason the white race is gonna be extinct in one generation

what is Blizzard going to do when people realize that having it release with 1.12 (post-MC boss nerfs and all class buffs) will make the content in phase 1 (release of classic) entirely trivial?


Picking on lowbies is sociopathic behavior user. It's straight up incel school shooter-tier. Bet you stepped on ants and shot birds with slingshots too you weirdo

the jews want you to play classic so you wont have white children dumbass

you have to go back you candyass

did someone get ganked too hard?

I can't wait. Got a guild, got a plan, got complete freetime for months, got snacks and drinks to last me a week or two. Fuck yeah.

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What class is everyone playing?

tell me user
how did you get so much time off of work? surely you have a job and dont live with your parents?

>those names
you are quite possibly the most boring person i've encountered all month
also >three fucking elves

Are you working on your manifesto right now you incel loser?


UD male mage with a VURTNE derivative such as vurtnelol or vurtnechina

I wish I had the freetime I used to. Still going to grind out when I can. Good luck, user.

Nameless characters are the best. It's kinda cringy to sit around for hours with a fantasy name generator.

And yes, shadowmeld is the single most fun racial. I will abuse it everywhere.

I want to play Shaman but my friends now are Alliance fags.

Is Druid my next best choice? I want to buff/support people. In an active manner, not just a 30 minute buff spell.

>he fell for the pvp meme
rp-pvp is alright because at least it's RP, but pvp is ungabunga me kill red name tier brainlet shit

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wait, how do you get two different factions on one server

Imagine paying money to reserve such fucking shit names like this.
I wouldn't be able to sleep at night if I was so boring like you.

i'm sorry but you lose the right to call anything cringy when you unironically reserved the name "doomwalker"


ah ofcourse, thanks user

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If I was playing horde I would do UD mage too. Tirisfal Glade feels

Sure smells like jealousy, Lëgołąš!

I respect the idea that people want to RP without being griefed, but why don't they just find more secluded spots so they won't get caught out? Then they can partake in all the crazy RP-PvP guild war bullshit and still be able to get their pretend on. I'm intending to roll on Grobbulus for exactly that reason - I think it'll give me another year or so of fun gameplay before I burn out and quit.

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rogues, warriors, and druids will beg for might
every caster will proffer their asshole at the mere though of wisdom
salvation makes all dps love you
you can dps, heal, cleanse, freedom, etc in pvp and pve as you need
you will wear a dress

>ret is a shitty memespec, arguably weakest dps in the game, below healers and even pets
>buffbots, will be kicked if they haven't fully and properly buffed in time
>mediocre healers, only ok at singletarget tank healing
>worst tank by far
>top tier pvp utility tho

>imagine chasing the FRESH meme for years
>imagine constantly dealing with mafias because of the way the server just crams 5k people in one session
>imagine constantly bouncing servers because the admins keep becoming corrupt
>imagine having your favorite server closing anyways because Classic is launching.

Why even play the game? Get gear just to look at it? Literally no point if you can't go fight or gank people.
You just walk around killing pointless NPCs and fading into the background, never to be known.

post your oc donut steel names then if youre so cool

Paladin is shit, so is Shaman but at least they have chain heal and totems.

>Play pve
>See an alliance shitter taking a node or farming my spot
>Can't kill them so i'm forced to share
>Can't do world pvp once raids are on farm making you bored quicker

Pvp also makes you a better player in general, forcing you to learn to kite and things like that. It's just better

you paid for half a month to secure that name?

PvE isn't what the game is about. PvE is only a means to PvP harder.

never played wow, why am i hype?

Druid is fine for leveling. You will have to heal end game though so be prepared for that.

>using your free time off "work" to play video games
I know this is Yea Forums but like holy shit

yeah but i want to play with actual humans not the chinese

Because you're in the best position to enjoy the game the most

>PVE servers are great for making hordecucks seethe in impotent anger
I don't see how this is a bad thing

nigga their healing is insane. Sure its only single target flash of light. But they are insanely mana efficient. illumination is a hell of a drug

>mini game for retards
>best part of the game
Stay on retail mate.

Male dwarf priest


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Seethe less, rest more, wagie. It's back to the daily grind for you tomorrow and the boss man expects your best.


>he thinks i'm a wageslave
lmao go home redditor

>cant decide between a female human paladin or a female orc shaman
either way im going to be a heal bitch right?

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mfw this fag every single thread

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>immediately backpedals into the most obvious coping method
lmao dumb faggot nobody thinks your names are any good

Just like I remember bros! We're going home!

What makes you think I care what some manchildren think? Top kek Ärågõrñ get some taste of your own and stop being jealous that I snatched these 150+ people each very sought after names :)

Waiting until the game actually starts, my name isn't one that's going to be immediately taken away. Going Dwarf Priest.

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I'm having fun playing a shockadin in BFA, why would I play this trash?

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He's making an effort to show people what they're getting into. Trying to hide the effects layering has on the game is anti-consumer. You should be applauding his efforts. Unless you're one of those Blizzard shills...


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Shadowmeld + Mind Control, anyone?

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having a druid healer in your group for 5 mans is pure cancer since they can only res once every 30 minutes and it requires a mat

Alliance are literal children and trannys. But go human if you want.

Yes, literally THE most based priests.

Yeah, it should be pretty fun.

Worst case I'll get them to burn their trinket and shit on them after.

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Pali is the worst healer in the game.

10 minutes, and just don't stand in shit you shouldn't be standing it retard dps player


>enchanting 225 and beyond has you go back into Uldaman over and over to learn skills
Why did Blizz think this was a good idea?

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Are shockadins good now? I rolled Shaman on BFA launch (yeah I know big mistake) and haven't played it since I killed G'huun

I'm feeling it

I don't know who told you that, but they were very wrong.

They have the best buffs and best single target healing in the game.

Yep, just need 3 glimmer traits and holy does retarded healing and dps. It's fun as heck.

Real talk, Blizzard should retroactively ban anyone who admits to ever playing vanilla, because such thing is only possible if you were a law breaker playing on illegal servers. Those people should maybe even get persecuted to the full extent of the law.

I'm not a fascist, i don't believe they should be locked up or anything, but they should be subjected to at least 1000+ hours of community work in impoverished and marginalized areas, it's only fair after all they've stolen, they should give it back to people of color who deserve it the most.

I mean, i'm personally one of the most loyal Blizzard consumers of all times, i've spent over 24000$ on their cash shop, i've diligently spent over 60000 hours farming mounts and xmog, i have over 30000 achievement points and 52000 posts on the official forums and even bought a premium wowhead account, i don't mean to brag about it, but my opinion holds way more value than criminal server freeloaders.

Shadowmeld+Aimed shot doesn't work on classic apparently so I don't think MC would work either. Although I guess if you catch someone unaware they can't really do much even if your stealth breaks

>naming your druid "Shapeshifter"

Jesus Christ user... why don't you create a warrior named "Destroyer" while you're at it

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>What makes you think I care what some manchildren think?
because you posted your terrible list of names (which you meticulously edited to make it look super duper BADASS) and now you're quite clearly ass blasted that nobody is impressed with your garbage screennames and generic shitty character choices. nobody will see you in game and respect you, you'll be the retard people make fun of over voice comms in every dungeon and battleground you enter

why are we disliking these names?.theyre pretty much just cooler sounding synonyms of the classes

It's 30 minutes, zoomer.

Dwarf priest is best priest



Rebirth has a 30 minutes cooldown. "Don't stand in shit" is a modern wow mechanic. lmao at you retards pretending you ever played vanilla.

Well user, my banker is Goldstein and I don't see it holding him back in life.

Interested in warcraft, never played before, is classic worth it or should I just play current

cool, might check it out. Sounds more fun than spamming low rank flash heals for hours on end

>i would rather spent great a great amount of time on a server that has huge issues if i can avoid paying 15$/month

Why should I? My warrior is the Armsmaster. Jealous that you can't be the one huh?

LOL don't project user. OP wants us to post names so I posted my names. Stay mad I guess, my names are based.

> picking the shittiest dwarf beard
> using that shit eating grin face

think about what you are asking for a second


Try it out, it's really fun. You basically spread glimmers with your holy shock and dps the rest of the time. You almost never cast fol/hl. Also wings is on a 1.6 minute cd so you can go ham.

I really hope classic will guide retail towards a better path
Classic will be expanded on like OSRS (Runescape) while Retail remains the shitfest it currently is

I'm interested to see how classic will do, but I have zero interest in actually playing it.

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imagine being THIS underage

You can check retail for free up until lv20 just to see how hard cata raped the vanilla zones, half of zones are scaled to lv20
The only point of doing so is being thankful you aren't playing nu-wow, it might cause you to appreciate classic even more

>OP wants us to post names
This. So many shitposters and not enough character posting.


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I'm nearly 27 kek

Noone has posted better names so I'm gonna stay convinced that you're jealous ;)


playing vanilla is somehow illegal? doesnt even make sense.

step it up

>private servers
pick one, faggot


will be a ded game wasteland in 6 months

>Leveling is the fun part of vanilla!
>Max level not having content doesn't matter since leveling is so great
Also Classicfags
>Why would I play on a private server? They might get wiped.
>That would mean my max level character would be gone and all the time spent leveling would be wasted!
Which is it you fucks, is leveling fun or not? Why are you so opposed to doing it all over again?

said nobody ever

But user I've played since vanilla and I have the achievements to prove it, including the Argebt Dawn- and Opening of the Dark Portal tabards

Their buffs dont stack so you only need one in the group. If you have a tank or dps (hue hue hue) pali your buffs are pointless. Best single target heals? Don't kid yourself:
>Holy Light - Heals 1590 to 1770, 660 Mana
>Greater Heal - 1966 to 2194, 710 Mana

>Flash of Light - 348 to 389, 140 Mana
>Flash Heal - 828 to 975, 380 Mana

>still backpedaling with "ur jealous" spam
there's no way you're over 18, which would explain why you think dumb shit like "shapeshifter" is a cool name.

i'm already imagining your shitty warrior running away from some bear at low HP crying out for help and everyone looks at you and laughs at the fucking dumbass elf named "armsmaster" as he drops down dead in the middle of the road. they wipe their shoes off on your stupid fucking face as they carry on their way while your faggy little wisp fights back tears running back from the graveyard. you're a fucking joke, kid

Reminder that Corecraft is making a comeback. Once they datamine the current classic client for the correct armor, hp, etc. values, the new server will be up.
If you're a true #NoChanges player, you WILL NOT give money to activision blizzard and this garbage called classic.

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It may not keep you invisible through the whole cast, but it will still surprise people and catch them off guard.

Look, I know you think you know everything there is to know, but you should really just stop before you make yourself look even dumber. Just stop responding and pretend to be someone else, you aren't doing yourself any favors.

>game can't be fun unless it has infinite replay value

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once they have enough crit pallies can spam cast the entire fight and priests can't

>correct armor, hp, etc. values
They're not though lol

>my names are based.


based chadren poster

how big is the wow classic install ?


imagine caring about a game from 15 years ago
its not gonna be the same no matter how hard you try. give up

>literally paid money and spent probably thirty minutes to grab some 0/10 names so he could bait on Yea Forums

Christ this is some hot shitposting.

Hahaha, nah, cute imagination though.
You still haven't come up with better names so I'm still right.
And no, anything generically fantasy, fantasy name gen, anime/jap names, fursona names, epic twitch meme references, pop/Yea Forums culture etc what I assume you like aren't better than literally lore-friendly class synonyms. :)

With all this fume they generate? Hell yeah.

Yeah all old games automatically suck!!

>Sharding bad
>Layering bad
>Activision-Blizzard bad
>You're a shill!

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5 gigs. I had to buy a new harddrive for it.

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like 4-5GB I don't remember the exact size

shhh dont tell em

>$15 bucks to reserve a fucking name
the absolute STATE of retailfags

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>a group of like 10 trannies on Discord were literally able to introduce all these piece of shit buzzwords and make "dilate" some kind of retarded insult
I guess they won, in the end. If they had just been ignored they would have killed themselves soon enough.

So you are saying pali is a better healer than priest?

I wouldn't play on a buddhist mandala type of MMO, where everyone's progress is eventually wiped
But losing all your progress without warning because some russian orc thot stole all the donations to buy $1000 shoes and ran way? fuck that sort of thing

is this the only reason to subscribe early ? Can you play at all yet with a lvl cap or something ?

They are still the worst healers in the game. Name a worse healer.

>tfw someone is this mad
>tfw fireden is dead so you can't do a 5 second search for autistic shut in losers anymore

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No, although there was a stress test with lvl15 cap last weekend.

i borrowed a friend's account for my name, stupid anime slut

For single target and spot healing? Yes, they absolutely are.

Shaman has the best raid healing
Paladin has the best single target healing
Priest has a bit of everything
Druid has good HoTs and support abilities

>Yeah all old games automatically suck!!
all old games dont take 500+ hours to get through
literally grinding for the same shit all over again is ridiculous. it's not gonna be the same as when people went for the very same items back then

Back when vanilla was good (ie not the patch classic is on), hunters could shadowmeld for the entire duration of the aimed shot cast. That was fun as fuck, made NE hunters so much fun in pvp. But since Blizzard is on a mission to remove fun from all their games it had to go

theres our resident tranny
nope, people honestly paid 2 weeks worth of sub to get their preferred letters

didnt cost me a dime though. WoW Tokens my friend

Yup, unless you want to play retail. I was rich in WoW when I stopped playing although it's not worth much in modern WoW. I was able to buy 3 WoW tokens so I have 3 month sub for free just with what I had on retail when I stopped playing.

For what exactly? Druid is shit for 5 mans.


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Reminder gnome genocide starts in 8 days

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I am saying that past a certain gear gear level, they are the best healers in the game.

>inb4 "muh utility"
that's not healing

Yeah, all old games take too long and suck! Let's group for some Fortnite, shat's your Discord ID??

imagine playing a game where someone like Asmongold is the main influencer and face of your game
pretty embarrassing

then don't fucking play it? Go tell D2 and Lineage fags to stop playing their games while you're at it. You clearly are the Time Police, after all.


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Well considering they are the best healers at endgame, that would place all the other healers beneath them. That's kind of how numbered lists work.

*drops an Infernal on your alt in Barrens*

Nothing personnel kid

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>RPing anime tranny here every day every thread for 16+ hours a day
oh, someone is mad alright, but it's sure not me.

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Paladin is the best PVP class in the game and easy to play. Paladin is also Tier 1 at PVE healing.

- Infinite mana, super mana efficiency
- Self invuln bubble to get out of everything
- best burst heal ability in the game
- best buffs in the game
- good long-lasting stun

Holy Paladin is Overpowered and best class in the game. It's just if you want to play that role.

the face of a killer

you idiot. why would you do it all again? unless its your first time i cant see someone who already invested a fuck ton of time into vanilla do it all again
literally no idea what youre talking about. all im saying is grinding to get a level 40 fucking mount in 2019 is zero hype. who fucking cares

imagine letting Asmonbald decide what you do and don't play for you

unironically a better name than anything this dumbass posted

Lol you keep trying to dodge the question.
Rank These classes best to worst: Holy Priest, Restoration Druid, Restoration Shaman, Holy Paladin

Spoilers I already did it for you.

Rate these names individually
>Aa, Bb, Cc etc


>paid for burning crusade, can't play it
>paid for woltk, can't play it
there's a demand to play each phase of WoW because they keep removing the legal market to do so with every new content update.

what wow is now is not what i paid for

no one fucking cares about your blog or whatever where you lay out a 16 point syllabus to detail why you do not like a game

go try FF14 since it's pretty popular right now and fuck off

Because it's one of the most fun PvP MMORPGs in history and every expansion made it worse.

it's fine i'm sure this won't interfere with the game experience and also can't be abused to avoid pvp situations or farm uncontested resource nodes. based blizzard. hope it never gets turned off. glad based sodapoppin can just go to a new layer if richturpin starts camping him.

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People in this thread saying pali is the best healer in the game should really rethink playing Classic.


Ahh *cough* ... one last time *cough* .. to revive my past ... *cough* ... friends ... why can't I *cough* see you ... *cough* ... different layer? ... *cough* *cough* ....... not like ... this .... *dies*

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I'm a simple man. I see classic thread, I shitpost.

please. please kill yourself. im begging you, you're the most insufferable sperg alive

even if you're going from right to left you're still fucking wrong idiot zoomer

>$15 dollar bucks of US cash currency

List yours or your opinion is invalid.

Oh I thought you were serious for a split second but you really are just jealous. Better be quick next time!

I played Vanilla, but I'll wait for BC servers. WotLK servers will be wild changing from looking for dungeons, to dungeon finder in the middle of the expansion.

Might as well be the superior heal bitch.

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people who think paladin isn't once they have good crit on their gear come ZG probably need to go watch more accurate Youtube videos

lol the game has zero value now that we're past it. items mean less the game means less. you guys are livin in the past and im not sayin retail is good either.

getting an epic mount in 2005 was a big deal but now we've been spoiled (even tho its sort of a different game) it has way less value..

The soda layer ... honey, what is it? Please ... why can't I see my friends ... my head hurts ...

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By Nax, druid is by far the worst though. Why do zoomers pretend like they played vanilla? Their decurse, innervate, and bres are good, but priest and paladin completely outshine them on single target, and shaman destroy their raid healing.

This is eventually going to be my character. I haven't felt hype for a game since shogun 2 total war.

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>vanilla wow
biggest waste of time ever and boring af. would rather browse tinder matches in my freetime instead

You at least have to admire the dedication. No matter how you feel about Sataniafag, he doesn't give up. Might be more than one person, but it's still consistent, even it's really late in the threads.

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>lol the game has zero value now that we're past it
how much lead did your mom slam down while pregnant?

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Will they ever open an authentic vanilla server, or are we stuck with all these qol changes?

I was hyped for vanilla, but i'm so disappointed with how classic turned out to the point where i'm probably not even going to play it.

Overall: Priest > Shaman = Paladin > Druid
Tank Healing: Paladin > Priest > Shaman > Druid
Raid Healing: Shaman > Priest > Paladin > Druid

Not that Druid is bad, but you mostly take 2 or 3 of them for the utility rather than their HPS throughput.

Again, make a list or shut up.
Priest can do anything a pali can do and far better with more utility. Single target heal in a 20 or 40 man raid is kind of retarded.
Again, make a list or shut the fuck up.



dedication isn't the word I would use. I would probably pick "mania" or "obsession"

And how many paladins do you take? Oh yeah. One.

value? finish your statement.
value to those that play retail
who cares about what they value?

Every thread

>wow has the trannies
You’re delusional

Not really. Try walking for 40 levels across all the zones, and then tell me how you feel when you get your first mount. Epic mount at 60 is no different, it will feel like a huge change.

you're fucking retarded and have not played pvp enough.

Holy Paladin healing is 3x better than priest

>noone is posting their names
>off-topic bitching again

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>getting your shit shoved in by poopsock and his neet niggers is fun

In general,
5-6 Priests
5-6 Paladins or Shamans
2-3 Druids

They've played on private servers with made up numbers. Just ask them about feral druids and you'll get an autistic essay about how they're the best tanks and the best melee dps in the game. It's real to them because it's the "vanilla" that they experienced.

okay here goes:
1-The time I fucked your mom behind a 7-11
2-The time I fucked your mom on your race car 3-bed
4-The time I fucked your mom with your dad watching from the closet
5-The time your dad brought me a snack tray while I railed your mom on the porch
6-The time I fucked your sister while eating your mom's ass

Human Mage or Human Warlock? Which one is the most enjoyable?


>giving your bank alt a common name of the long nose tribe for good luck

ah, a fellow man of taste

Holy Priest = Restoration Druid = Restoration Shaman = Holy Paladin

Retards rate healers solely on muh hp/s raidlogs
Supreme gentlemen realize every healer class has their own utility, their own buffs and their own style of healing
Even disc/shadow priests count as situational healers, namely for content that's already on farm and could use some infusions to speed up dps, or weaving for the warlock squad

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Gnome is optimized
Mage is better early
Warlock scales harder with gear
Mage is the most quality of life
Warlock you'll have to grind more things
Warlock is more skilled to play

not that user, but he's not wrong. Literally every MMO is basically a tranny hell hole filled to the brim with faggots who just want to pretend they're cute "girls." WoW is no exception.

mage. They start off stronger and never get weaker. Lot of QoL vs lock as well
>t. warlock

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In PVP paladin are the best support class and healer in the game by a mile.
Priest is needed so you can offensive dispel but if they didn't have this Paladin would be all you wanted.

Wow had so many trannies they had to add BE as the tranny race (and now retail has the recolored BE for hipster trannies). It's the original tranny central. FFXIV has issues with wowfugees, guess what kind of people came over from wow and why we hate them.

Keep telling yourself that, Greennigger.

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WoW has RP servers to contain the majority of the faggotry. I think Ff14 does as well, but on FF14 everyone was an edgelord weeb with a japo name

Faggy female elf name, probably a druid or priest or something. Probably pretends to be a girl IRL to get attention from thirsty betas. Shit player.

Kinda generic, but potentially decent. If referring to character's skin tone (troll, elf) then chances of being a decent player drop significantly. Otherwise a solid name for a warrior, mage, or paladin.

Similar to Blue, except almost definitely a fucking gnome. Even more likely to be a female gnome with pigtails. Terrible player, and human being. Avoid at all costs.

Either an undead or old ass balding human. Possibly a priest, paladin, or rogue. Not a terribly thrilling name, but might be a decent player. Worth keeping an eye on.

Likely doesn't speak english and doesn't really care about their name. Most likely a warlock, hunter, or mage. Probably a decent guy, but they won't talk much.

>Aa, Bb, Cc etc
Either a non-english speaker, tryhard pvper, or possibly both. Two vowels are generally less skillful than double consonants. Either way, they probably know what they're doing, even if they are a bit of a dick. Female orc or troll.

Yea Forums or redditor who picked a hilarious vulgar name so they could make a thread about being censored by SJWs when they eventually get reported and forced to rename themselves. Very likely a shit player who will spam chat with awful memes and "u mad??" level banter.

Nice repost

just make sure not to piss off any leadership

Paladin - never run out of mana
Priest - run out of mana just buffing

kek, all these idiots thinking priest is a better healer. Priest is still totally useful and top tier but Paladin is just ridiculous.

>put your fuckin' windfury totem down and shut your god damn mouth

Tauren shaman named Geo

You seem reasonable enough so I'll give you a go.
Could you explain to me how these titlenames/class synonym names are at all bad?

Its more like XIV has an entire DC to contain RPers, with a majority on 1 server on said DC, but others trickle into the rest of them because that one server is stuffed, but generally on every other DC, in NA at least, you get a ton of meme names or names far from edgy or anime that you'd probably see in WoW or any other MMO.

>why would you do it all again?
Because it's fun, you idiot

Paladins don't get like that until far later though.

post one private server that doesnt suck massive dick

>it's fun
nice meme
there are other things that are fun too

>plays on pve
>seethes about other faction
don't even @ me

Yeah. Such as WoW Classic.

gotta do something while dialating

I plan on leveling with my warrior friend. Pretty excited to kill horde scum together and do dungeons together.

Attached: wowcharacter.png (698x1327, 1.62M)


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>doing it all again

Is the game starting off with the buffed dungeon loot or is it coming in a later phase? I checked the schedule but it says relics/drop rates and nothing about quality.

Is it possible to get into raid groups as a warrior tank? I've been playing tank exclusively since I started in wotlk and I want to do the same in Classic, but not sure whether it's actually possible to raid unless I know someone in a guild since only 2/40 players in a raid can be tanks.

I watched Jurassic Park for the 56th time yesterday. You mad?

are you embarrassed about your name choice?


Attached: tantrum wojak.gif (570x537, 58K)

No, all tanks will be private server Druidchads. Warriors have no place in classic

>he buys AAA games for $60, rushes the main story in 3 hours and never plays it again
>what is replay value
WoW is practically infinitely replayable.

They're all quite boring and devoid of personality. Like if a child was tasked with coming up with cool names for a super hero squad.

Based off nothing but a name, I'd rather join a party with a rogue named Dirt or Grippo or something which clearly has some deeper meaning to it than someone named Operative.

Uhhh arent the streamers all playing on PvE servers anyways? Like the huge pussies they are

Human mage

>all Alliance


How is Dirt deeper than Justicar?

So here's Linny. He was born during the First War in Redridge. His parents died in the invasion, but the newborn child was rescued by a platoon of dwarves, fleeing to Ironforge. He got raised by the dwarves, so he picked up their culture and slang. During his adolescence he and some dwarves moved to Stormwind. There he lived until he got conscripted to fight for the Alliance during the Third War, died and then got resurrected by lady Sylvanas.
This is going to be quite an interesting character to RP as.

Attached: 2019-08-19 01_30_01-World of Warcraft.png (1920x1080, 3.12M)

not according to this guy

and they say transsexuals aren't mentally ill

where can i subscribe to your blog

literally every streamer that anyone gives a fuck about is playing on Faerlina, which is PvP

>heh, my based streamer told me pvp servers are the most hard of core, i can't wait to pwn some noobs after watching all those nerds with my undead rogue after watching those world of roguecraft videos in my phone
>reach 1k needles
>*chink again*

You aren't going to be this guy, are you?

>Post your characters
What, can I not post my character in a thread about that?

Dirt sounds like a chill nickname someone would give themselves. It's quick and simple to say, to spell, its relatable. I know a shady guy who can pick any lock, people call him Dirt. Justicar is some tryhard shit with no soul. You might as well just name yourself Humanpaladin because that's pretty much what you did.

dark days, these are

Attached: assblaster.png (340x164, 127K)

no one here is to actually talk about OP, half the people here are tranny shitposters in between dialation sessions, the other half are people who at some point may have played wow

Galileo was called mentally ill for telling the world was not flat
Einstein was called mentally ill for saying space and time are the same thing
MLK was called mentally ill for saying black people deserve to use the same water fountains as white people

Your mentally ill label is meaningless and shows you're on the wrong side of history

OP here, if any of you are on Pagle and see me on feel free to hit me up for Hogger and dungeon runs.

sylvanas couldnt rez people until post wotlk

what are those sounds trying to convey user
gotta elaborate more on those ganks

>nickname someone would give themselves
so someone whos a faggot

>quite interesting
yeah man, i'm a dead guy, but, and this is REALLY important, i have a dwarven accent. yar hee hee i'm so fuckin clever

ascended retard

Oh wait, right, shit

yup, all those things are just like giving kids hormones and chopping your dick off.


Attached: 1563636683009.png (1080x1020, 475K)

Tryha- what. It's an in-lore title given to warheroes, one that dispenses justice on Horde trash.

Anyone rolling on grob interested in a duo? I'm a top priest looking for a warrior bottom to duo with.

Attached: 531458.jpg (228x300, 24K)

are you 10 years old or something?

That was during an event where people were trying to get into a raid group. That want the whole beta or even most of it. That was one or two isolated incidents but you shitposting retailcucks don't give a shit about the truth do you? Seethe more as Classic takes the remaining retail subs and your game dies. Faggot.

is he a dwarf?

Nearly 27, how is that relevant?

So which server everyone will be rolling in?


tranny cringe

>male human


Based Pagle bro. Welcome home and welcome to the Alliance.

It's as unfitting as naming yourself Commander or Warchief. It isn't a good name.


Herod unless they announce a new server and actually give people more than an hour heads up

Attached: asmongoloids btfo.png (600x327, 35K)

Then what is a good name? Not memeing, you actually got me reconsidering, but now it's way too late to get any actually good ones anyway.
Honestly I just picked these cos I always name my PoE characters after the builds I go with them and thought it looked rad here too.

>Getting your game time you pay for stolen by incels who poopsocked to 60 by way of ganking and getting corpse camped is fun.
Listen to how retarded you sound..... Not all of us are stupid enough to fall for the PvP Jew propaganda.

>Immigration charity

Attached: 1518408396476.gif (240x228, 905K)

Nah it's just my online handle i use for everything.

PS I actually do have over a decade of actual RP names I can use, I just thought THEY are too boring for Classic.

He the fuck out of here. /pol/ is to your right.

Is he correct? Did you need MC gear to do BWL or could you work it with ZG gear?

Attached: of.png (810x864, 598K)

Since they live in London, we will receive news of mudniggers raping evitel very soon since that place became a hellhole with shariah law being enforced everywhere

>not having your own gang to play with
>not shitting and stunlocking on 60s as a bunch of 40s

Never gonna make it to 60, you'll just get bored of barfilling all by yourself and quit at 4x at best

>rolls eyes
You expect anyone to read anything that starts with that shit?

Pagle bro

>trap priest

Attached: Capture.png (370x361, 196K)

Human Warlock. The based choice.

>40man raids
>implying everyone has to give 100%
They are designed that some could practically be AFK for the whole raid and still sucess. Aka no you don't need MC gear for BWL

You are an absolute moron. Please die.



You made it to the text at least, most people would ignore it after seeing it was from the official forums

Post your names lads

Attached: classic names.png (415x273, 137K)

Pagle gang

There are so many that did user. They will realize soon it was all a ploy to make sure all the incels have players to victimize and steal playtime from. It's somethi g that should be removed from WoW Classic altogether. PvP belongs in instanced battleground settings only.

Nearly all names posted ITT are worse

Attached: free-shrugs-4301553.png (500x736, 201K)

>Thinks the only point of WoW is to grief other players
>Being this retarded.

BGs ruined PvP. WPvP IS PvP.

>Playing PvP
>Playing Horde on top of that
Already too much yikes for one post. Seriously have sex.

Why do you hate k-pop. my man?

Attached: 8821512665.gif (360x360, 2.19M)

B R O T H E R!

Attached: Wow_ONKc3LOdnC[1].png (687x963, 1.02M)

let's play video games

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w-what about thee name "Kot" ?
looking for name judgers and you did a good job.
trying to decide on 3 letter druid names

Attached: sweatysnaek.gif (364x489, 526K)

>Thinks being an unemployed and uneducated leech is something to be proud of
How have you not offer yourself? Please hurry it along.

Everyone has different philosophies for naming, but personally I find value in short, simple names with a knack for permutation. Like something shorthand you could call a long term friend.

Random example: a character named Burkle. Doesn't really have much meaning to it, but if I were to run into them multiple times throughout a zone, I might just start calling them Burk. It feels organic. Even someone with a long, faggy elf name like Fecklewynn or some shit could still be called Feckle or Feck. If they were being a massive cunt, you now have an acceptable reason to call them Fucklewynn, which also strengthens the name.

Just go with something comfy sounding. Or a shitty pun.

Hush wagecuck.

>Admitting to playing Retail
Shame him.

Forsaken priest

That's why i'm going Horde on BLOODSAIL

Kot sounds like dumb tumblrspeak like birb or pupper, especially on a druid. If you're okay with that stigma, then go for it.

Want to know how I know you never played classic?

is this bait?

what song is he listening to

I unironically would love a name like Comfy for my main but that shit was taken in 4 seconds

dude i was 12, toward the tail end of vanilla, and jacked off to my female characters all the time. finding those slutty peaces of armor/clothing was a god damn mission of the highest importance.


oh no, maybe will have for change then.....
(it was an meme that originated on Yea Forums tho)

Attached: b02.jpg (500x364, 85K)

Nope they are the best names can't you tell?

> tfw the NE female next to you does that idle animation

Attached: 1390796543076.jpg (308x242, 22K)

Realm: Kirin Tor
Character Name: Nighar

A user of the above account has recently been involved in actions deemed inappropriate for the World of Warcraft by the In-Game Support staff of Blizzard Entertainment. This decision was made after a thorough investigation of the situation as a whole.

When a harassment report is made, all players involved in the incident are subject to review, which may result in account penalties. Though we are unable to discuss the outcomes of our investigations due to privacy concerns, rest assured that this incident has been looked into very thoroughly, and the appropriate actions have been taken on all involved accounts.

Any disputes or questions concerning the following account action can only be addressed by Account Administration. To learn more about how Account Administration is able to assist you, please visit us at blizzard.com/support/wowaa/.

Account Action: 48 Hour Suspension
Offenses: Harassment Policy Violation - Racial/Ethnic
This category includes both clear and masked language which:
* Promotes racial/ethnic hatred
* Is recognized as a racial/ethnic slur
* Alludes to symbols of racial/ethnic hatred

Details (Note - Times are listed in Greenwich Mean Time, GMT):
2009/06/26 02:17:36 (GMT) - Nighar says in General - Elwynn Forest "God damn I hate niggers"
2009/06/26 02:18:06 (GMT) - Nighar says in General - Elwynn Forest "NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGgER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER Yea Forums.org"
{1 times in30 seconds}


Good times.

>Character Name: Nighar

good one

>say word
>have money stolen

how is this allowed

I reswrved Nickgurr

retail cuck

Attached: 1565820088329.jpg (1024x833, 80K)

People keep saying that VW is garbage on classic and its better to just use imp all the way until succ

How mucb truth is there to this?

its shit like this that makes what user said on the other thread true.
Barrens chat had 5 nigger names per 10 or so minutes and the gms never gave 2 fucks about it.

now with streamers and thin skinned fags, you cant even make 5th grade jokes, mainly now with the automated buillshit from OW that they are porting to WoW.

whats the name of the website that shows you which streamers are playing where

won't be long now, bros

Attached: fucking knife ears.jpg (1920x1080, 222K)

VW does fine until succ, can also do fine after succ if you multi target

>wanted to have the name Nip
>realize its slightly racist a few days later

I'm hyped as fuck. I don't know if I can play on first day with long queues though.

Attached: RKbAps15L4twtCm3s2YxEBa26eAklr1FDZ6FuXAb42o=.png (1121x321, 344K)

That's what I assumed. I feel like the people going on about muh incorrect private servers are talking out their ass but no beta so I guess I dont really know



You do realize that's from 2009 right?

As someone who speaks ptbr, Warsong Horde chat back then would make Resetera seethe and lose their shit hard due the the large amounts of Nigger, faggot and more, that were spoken normally, and since the GM's didn't understood what they said they were scott free to make insults and more.

Mainly during Classic soccer matches between Flamengo and Vasco.

I mean. you say certain words you can get arrested (US here. Az) I was once in a court room where dude got arrested for saying "fuck" in front of a bartender. Disorderly Conduct was the charge. They gave him 11 days in jail.

For the tanks yeah

2009 was good times indeed.

Attached: 10391578_213396413880_785919_n.jpg (400x499, 83K)

part 2.

I broke like 10 rules that day.

Attached: ban 1 censor.jpg (400x499, 87K)

You can’t just base yourself you retarded nigger.
Return to reddit

Uuhhhh yeah chief I've been playing since '05. First on a friend's account then got my own in early 2006. Fuck yourself zoomercuck. Also I realize this is pasta but I don't care. Fuck you and I hope you die for posting this.

What? PvE is obviously the superior option. Streamer and incel ganker free.

A whole lot of alliance faggots in this thread.
Enjoy raiding with children.

Classic. You don't have to invest in the purchase required to play BfA and you will have a better experience in Classic. Maybe do the trial starter account to see why Classic is so much better after you hit about 30 on Classic.

Someone told me its opposite now. (That was certainly true back in teh day)

IF he's incorrect im going to rage.

you cant hit 30 on a trial account d00d.

>all these retards with your meme names

You'll give up by level 20 and reroll to something that doesn't sound autistic.

Attached: 1542886813309.jpg (720x405, 31K)

I would seriously think it was someone running a bot account with those names. How fucking underage and autistic are you?

I mean just put yourself in the shoes of a Zoomer. They will go right to human. Kids don't like ugly things.

They are gonna do expansions. I predict the first will be called The Burning Crusade and the next will be called Wrath of the Lich King. I am sure time will prove me right. Mark it here folks. Put the original autist in the screencap.

my man

Imagine never playing WoW before, you log in. What race do you choose? Human.

What about names like Swifty, Unbreakable, Pat, Drakedog?

kot sad ;_;

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only if you're actually that person

i made it to 60 on a paladin named narutoxgoku

how much does that bother you

He's 15. The math is when a kid is lying about their age on the internet they always add at least 12 years as they think approximately doubling their age will be impressive.

>would prefer to play on Herod/stalagg
>Irl friend has guild on faerlina, apparently associated with streamers loosely
>I and my other friends choose to play with him since we'd rather play with bros than randos

Not sure which will be worse bros. The hardcore anti-streamer guilds are turbo cringe, but the streamers have their dumbass drones following them everywhere. Then again, ganking streamers and their followers sounds hilarious, and you can even see their salt in real time.

At least we're horde so I can grief Asmongold and his fans. Hopefully the server isn't like pic related.

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... What about the names themselves?

WoW Classic is everything that's wrong with gaming.

In a word, this is conservatism, plain and simple, and in a competitive field like software development, conservatism costs money. Look, I'm sorry that your Millennial life went to shit after the Great Recession, and that you mistake this economic nostalgia for a better WoW, but the rest of us aren't going to pay more money for less content, because, well, that's cringe bruh. You're spitting in the face of 13 years of technological and artistic progress for a false sense of superiority against the filthy casual "normies" known as Retail WoW players, or as I've seen us called on the chans, Retairds. Someone like me, who never played "classic" WoW can't feel the nostalgia, so I'm never going to buy it. For this reason, Classic Wow is a self limiting product that has probably already reached its maximum number of players.

This world don't give us nothing, Classucker. It be our lot to suffer... and our duty to fight back. This Horde be our family! We don't always see eye-to-eye. We come to blows before. But when we work together - ah - there's nothing this Horde can't do.

Don't project.

Anyone have the pic where thousands of people are around him?
Good luck penetrating that wall of virgins.

>He isn't going to exploit the fuck out of stream drones
Any time a streamer wants something, you can manipulate the AH to make lodes of money

This is the most cope I've ever seen in one post

If this isn't pasta it is now.

Class Tier List - Alliance

S - Paladin
A - Priest, Warrior, Mage, Warlock
B - Rogue, Hunter, Warlock
C - Druid


I like it.

tl;dr cope

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I personally would look up the pros/cons of each upon seeing they had racials. But i get that most people are that bright.

You posted it upside-down, dummy.

imagine the handjobs bros

for me, it's BFAggots

I started in TBC and really loved being a shaman, how different are vanilla shaman to TBC Shaman? Having no down time from water shield was top notch.

Fuck Cata for turning totems into CDs instead of their own mechanic and fuck Legion for saddling Shamans with Magatha grimtotem

Attached: 1364750795892.png (900x448, 288K)

Race Tier List - Alliance
S- Dwarf, human (pve tank only)
A - Gnome
B - Night Elf, Human

Who gives a flying fuck about all your retarded and autistic internet arguments

Post wow waifus

Attached: 1549611221172.jpg (1650x2200, 1.79M)

>Don't give money to the actual company that made the game and went through hell to give us what we asked for. So it isn't a bit for bit accurate client. So they had to work it into the Legion client to get it to the Content Delivery Pipeline. So what? Does what engine it's running on make that big of a difference? The important part is it feels like real Vanilla WoW. It's got the soul of Vanilla and after playing it during the stress test I can say for myself that it's more than good enough. What Blizzard did with what they had to work with is actually amazing. So we have layering for a few months. So what? After the 'population drop' we will be glad we still have a pretty full server to play on. We always knew it wasn't going to be a perfect down to the pixel port to the modern framework but it's close enough. Just try it out and let yourself have some fun for fucks sake. It's the same thing I said about Freddy vs Jason back in '03, sure it could have been better but it was already better than what I expected and at least we actually got it.

grow some fucking facial hair user

Paladin is the best class in Classic 1.12

>being ganked
>best part of the game

Only way I'm going PvP is if I'm playing rogue

Attached: [Erai-raws] Dumbbell Nan Kilo Moteru - 07 [720p] 269.jpg (1280x720, 77K)

Uummm I am pretty sure Blizzard determined what the correct values are. It is their game after all....

I had a hunter named "Petaphile" (not pedophile) and a pet named "Chyldrens"

That shit got reported before I hit 46.

>all that loose decaying skin endlessly enveloping your dick with a hint of bone

Haha that's fuckin gross bro just imagine the smell haha

Attached: 1549617991922.jpg (1280x1811, 579K)

dwarf or human bros
I am leaning towards dwarf, even though i hate how half open helmets turn your beard into an ugly mush so you must hide the helmet all the time

Attached: war.jpg (922x599, 104K)

Wait, I thought corecraft was TBC though?

It will be like that in the first week or so, but I bet it will taper off after that. Zoomers will lose interest in playing and would probably rather watch instead.

Human is the most popular race in the game. Just statistically new players are going to flock to it.

Pretty tight. Like 5 gigs. I had to go get a new HDD and add more sticks of RAM but I think I can run it on at least low settings to be able to quest and do dungeons. Running on this e-machines Walmart tower and a 14" crt monitor Pentium 2. DOING IT JUST LIKE 2005 BOYS!

>not its own SSS tier

Attached: sap.png (331x661, 371K)

the weapon skill alone is worth it plus you can shit on stealth classes by using perception if you suspect they're around

Tell me more user. You mean by just listing mats for popular patterns and shit?

how much of a money sink is it to level engineering as you level? I remember never being able to do it but I was a retarded 16 y/o back then

>intentionally forgoing +weapon skill

Human - Required for Tanking
Dwarf - better for DPS and PVP

depends what you wanna do

holy fuck imagine thinking any of these look or sound cool

kys mongoloid

doesn't effect pvp

>Thinks nameless character avatar is superior
>Just trust to make class name sound shittier.
>Is so retarded must be posting from an institution wearing a helmet and shitting himself clapping while jumping up and down shouting 'I AM ARMSMASTER! I AM SHAPESHIFTER! I AM BOYWHOGETSASSRAPEDATNIGHT!'

You've been samefagging for 2 hours, isn't it time to stop seething with that jealousy?

>doesn't effect PVP
Well you aren't going to get Tier 3 via pvp

horde tier list:
S: Undead, Tauren, Orc,
D: Troll

Rolling a hunter and can't decide on a race bros help

>Night Elf Female
titty, shadowmeld memes in world pvp, better base agi, looks nice in some armor and with bows

>Dwarf Male
looks better in all armor, cozy as fuck, won't distract me with his ass, slightly less interesting racials, gun spec useless because all the BiS items are bows

you're fucking retarded holy shit

I can't. I'm not old enough.

>Thinking $15 matters
Yikes. Being impoverished must be rough.

Please do not come to the roleplay server, or at least stay alliance if you do

Attached: Aang glares at Katara.png (720x540, 500K)

I know racials are big but im going for aesthetics first, already got a human mage and paladin planed so just for variety's sake I think il go dwarf


Even if private servers wern't shitty, blizzard is gona crack the fuck down on any left after they release classic and has a reason too. They are doomed be shut down the moment they pop up

>Playing on a PvP server

I can't wait for Classic to die within a year because people realize that QoL changes are a good thing

I think people honestly just miss talent trees, and if Blizz brought them back to retail nobody would care about this

Feel free to refute the argument if you can. Or maybe you're just a BE tranny in denial, that wouldn't be too surprising considering how many of you there are

zandalar tribe bros where u at

Attached: 608ea34874.png (514x849, 881K)

Literally all they have to do is add talents, remove cross realm zones/grouping and catch up gear and retail would be at least 600% better

So being able to get the mail a little faster is a deal breaker for you? Grow up man.

You need to be competent and have a good gold reserve already, but if you've ever watched Asmong you'd know he's extremely lazy at prepping for shit. If you're someone who AFK AH trades you can just have his stream on and any time he asks for a flask or something, you buy it and reprice it higher.

how hard is the rank 10/11 grind?
I just want the mage set

This is how we know these fucks didn't play real World of Warcraft.

and fix every spec, fix overabundance of rng, fix/redo ilvl entirely, remove flying across the board, etc

Human Warlock is the based choice. I have mained a lock since actual vanilla.

the heart says nelf, the head says dwarf bro.


I wouldn't post my name on this shithole either.

>Human warlock

The lore for it makes no sense

No one should be mad about rewatching Jurrasic Park. Fuck man I haven't seen that shit in forever. Can I come over and watch it with you?

Not bad just play a lot

You aren't too bright are you son?

so when was the window for all the names to be taken?
1 day?
why would they do that. fkn blizz

45 minutes is more like it

You can still reserve names now

Not every spec has to be viable for the game to be good again (see vanilla) even though it would be nice, rng/ilvl would be fixed if they removed catch up mechanics and you would have to progress through an expansion gradually like it was in vanilla/tbc and early wotlk, it would also remove the empty world problem since you would have people doing old dungeons/quests/raids, the problem currently with gear is that every patch is like a mini expansion and you can replace endgame raid gear with dungeon green's (that have purple name) as soon as a new patch hits

Just don't use a meme name and you'll be fine. Activate your subscription a few hours before launch and you'll be doublefine.

But the world is flat user.... You aren't a
... round earther are you user?

theres no real skill do it, its a time sink
realistically to get GM gear before BWLs over you need 8+ hour daily grind

The game will be dead before the pvp system even launches on classic so it's going to be fairly easy

Wow panicked there are you? Lol. I'm not a zoomer. I'm pushing 40. And I just actually looked into the details of the video instead of just assuming it was a 24/7 thing. Moron.

I ended up locking in NE after playing one in a pserver. Shadowmeld has saved my life so many times and I love the utility it brings. Plus as much as I like dwarfs, I don't see myself playing one full-time.
That being said, I'm not set on male or female.

>Are the druids, not the hunters
>The Blood Elf Legolassxx of Vanilla
>I think their animations are alright
>Get to be a cool bro
>Cute petite titty
>That jumping idle animation
>I tend to group up female nelfs with those annoying avatarfags
>Yea Forums will call me a tranny

Just Shazam'd it.

>Are the druids, not the hunters
This lore has been changed by WoW. Don't worry about it.

I'm rolling with some IRL friends on a comfy pve server. Gonna enjoy leveling several alts to 60 and raiding. If I do want to PvP I can join battlegrounds (where that shit belongs) and not be a cancerous piece of shit to Horde players just trying to quest and play the game.

You are a fucking moron.

Go get your mojo elsewhere.

Did you buy it again??

Read the fucking tos nigger. Products can be altered. If you don’t like it stop paying for it. Or was the 300+ hours you spent in game during each expansion not worth the $60 you paid for an expansion?

Uh no it isn't. World PvP is cancer and you should be euthanized.

male NE in vanilla when I played were always the edgy teens that I wanted to be a demon hunter / illidan and on top of that there was the Mr T promotion that made them a total joke

I could never play a male NE and take it seriously

>resub for Classic
>spend rest of my alt's gold on time tokens from AH
>decide to fuck around and level my 110 Warlock to 120 while waiting for 27th
>enter dungeon
>pumping dots out the ass
>realize my mana doesn't even move despite me lobbing shadow bolts and refreshing dots like a motherfucker
>look at party bars
>no one else's mana is moving either aside from healer, who's mana barely dropped below 80% after the fight
>also realize that every class now has a homogenized "action point" meter to fuel spells

What's even the fucking point anymore? It's no wonder people are so eager to jump over to classic. Retail is a fucking irreparable shit-show.

No. Grow the fuck up and get a job you worthless subhuman piece of shit. You are a disappointment to everyone you know and your parents despise you.

i feel mildly interested but then i realize i don't have to the time for the vanilla grind and i don't have any friends who are playing like i did 15 years ago
and vanilla was VERY anti solo which was great for me back then, but not now

Attached: 1484461196855.png (1013x1072, 503K)

Is Moonstalker or Hordestalker an alright RP name for a male NE? I will go out of my way to kill Horde players so.

New pasta just in boys fresh off the butthurt

Good. I wish you had been banned permanently without refund. Racism is not to be tolerated user.

The VW is still best choice for leveling. Put points into imp VW.

Kinda borderline, that name violates policy for being two words added together moon + stalker

some day you might run into an autist rper who will report you

The grind isn't even that bad. When I was in high school in 2005, I started playing. I rolled an UD Warrior. It took me maybe 2 weeks of playing 3-4 hours a night before I hit 35, and this was me playing completely blind and spending hella time finding my way around. Another 4 weeks of me fumbling my way through the game with some guidance from friends and guildies (due to my family being broke as fuck and our internet going out for a week), I finally hit 60 while farming Argent Dawn tokens out in EPL for the Scholomance quest.

It's not that bad. Especially now that there are loads of detailed guides to help not only level to 60 ASAP, but also power-grind your professions.

Dang. I kinda really wanted Moonstalker, with a Moonstalker beast pet from Darkshore. My best friend in og vanilla was named Moonstalker, a druid.

>face of the game
>plays alliance
>in a game where horde outshines in both pve and pvp endgame so he's just part of the casual scrubs who don't want to min max for maximum efficiency
doesn't really mean shit when all he does is collect mounts and does transmog comps.

I wouldn't go Hordestalker, that's too on the nose. I think moonstalker is fine though.

Where are people getting this two words bad policy from?

My hope is that with Classic's launch, more people will move over to a version of the game that isn't simplified dribble, overly-driven by cinematic story and "YOU ARE THE SOLE HERO" bullshit, and that Blizzard will eventually do a Cata-tier revision of the game and revert it back to a some-what "Classic" state.

I know this will never happen though. Nu-Blizzard is all new talent, and they're likely more eager to shoe-horn their own selfish ideas into the game than actually repair it back to an enjoyable state.

>No Blood Elves
>Thralls Horde, Best horde
>Pre Cata Thrall when he was a based Chad orc instead of a green human.
>No blood elves
>Lore hasn't shit the bed yet.
>Forsaken aren't trying to pretend they are good guys. Fucking crazy bastards.
>naaru dont fucking exist.
>Trolls still have moss
>No blood elves

Can't wait to slide into an RP realm for that OG horde RP guilds (no forsaken allowed)

Attached: Random Encounters.gif (320x240, 1.37M)

>Vanilla is anti-solo

Vanilla was successful because it allowed you to solo to 60 as any class pretty easily compared to every other MMO in the genre. Even as the infamously bad at leveling classes. The only question was time spent.

>horde outshines in both pve and pvp endgame
Human and Dwarf racials are leagues better than anything horde has.

I think you're a moron. Some of my past WoW names: Kassien (warlock and my main since Vanilla) Makain (mage) Halloran (worgen rogue) Cassiday (Paladin since Vanilla) Dragosani (Dreani Shaman)

Humans are only good against rouges dumb shit. Horde is far better

thoughts on these ples

Attached: fc74529740.png (151x440, 56K)

I can't decided race/sex for my shaman. Male tauren, female orc, or female troll?

>Not putting Warlock as only S tier

Then how come all top pve guilds are horde? The human racial nerf also dropped alliance like a brick on the arena ladders. At this rate playing alliance is embarrassing as fuck.

>Anti solo

Actually its more solo friendly than retail WoW. Just in different ways. You don't have a magical match making machine doing everything for you and end up forming natural friendships with people who level in the same zones at the same pace as you.

In all likelyhood, we'll have a dungeon finder addon patched in within a week

I enjoy your vids mate. Pls make a low level paladin in Durotar when classic launches, thnx

Boring and a waste of reservation slots. Other than Moonstalker I doubt any of these would be taken.

what are u talking about?
I don't think anyone will take my name but I fkn want it cuz its mein

>Caring about PvP

is this true? Night elfs and gnomes have way higher dps caps than anyone

oh, well i was already subbed anyway, meh

retail very bad i did dungeon at level 10 and bars didnt move just like streamer said bfa bad classic good

That term catch up gear is retarded. Just shut the fuck up.

not even remotely, humans have sword skill which is probably the best weapon skill racial in terms of available good weapons, orcs and trolls have a third trinket with their racials

Genuinely asking, what WAS (assuming it had to be done in the first 5 minutes) names worth reserving?

I hadn't even paid any mind to Classic's announcement, but the closer it gets, the more eager I am to hop in.

>class quests
>content that follows multiple storylines, opposed to one big dramatic centric plot
>no "you're the chosen hero" bullshit, every player is just another denizen of the world
>classes will have their flavor shit back, like totems, poisons, relics, librams, quivers, soul shards
>no dungeon or raid finder bullshit - everything has to be organized within the server communities, further promoting long-lost social server aspects of the game
>have to travel and actually explore to find dungeons, no simply warping around the world
>raid attunements to filter out the shitters
>loot centered around stat balances again, none of that theme-park mmo look treadmill horseshit

Fuck, I'm hyped dudes.

It's all about the RP and class fantasy boyo.

How so? They have a hidden community in the Alliance.


But all of those would be force changed

So how can you have a job, or any form of ability to sustain yourself, without being a “wage cuck”. Explain


Stop entertaining retards with your replies.


Good for you

moonstalker is probably allowed because it sounds nightelfish

hordestalker is going to be a rename

3 character names, nouns, phrases.
Names like
and etc could probably be sold for real $ to some tryhard pvpfag

every sim I've seen puts gnomes at highest dps for int and NE for agility

>All would be force changed

Legolas is the hunter grail name, m8.

How even, most such names look more retarded than the guy itt everyone makes fun of, and they'd be force changed on any RP realm

Having 3 more int or agi doesn't translate to 250 AP orc racial, 25% haste troll racial, or 5 weapon skill human racial

The sims you're looking at must not use racials and only raw stats because it's pretty obvious which is better for damage

Your name on an RP server literally doesn't matter. Everyone uses TRP or MRP to set up character profiles with full names.

I didn't say RP realm and you underestimate the stupidity of korean wannabe pvpfags, look at BDO, Tera, and other games with an mmo pvp scene and you see those types of names everywhere

>he isn't naming himself XxDärkMästerxX to commemorate naming conventions of the period

>he isn't making a shaman windfury video with Disturbed audio recorded on an xbox mic.

>how come all top pve guilds are horde
because theyre a bunch of degenerate losers, its only natural they gravitate towards the degenerate faction