>last thread 404'd
what the fuck?
Other urls found in this thread:
The jannies have already begun to move
Quick, hide your lobsters
Fucking hate my current run, cant find shit. Just did a big load of domain era stuff, including mothership. Not even a beta core and "best" plans were the atlas mk 2.
I think I am also being too picky about what system to colonize, what should I look for for my first system?
I usually settle down for any
How do I take on multiple ships early on? Everytime I try I keep getting my shields hammered until i cant move while my ""fleet"" stands around not helping.
Honestly, I normally have mining, farming and a military base for my first colony. A stable source to export to less self-sufficient ones.
Maybe because its turned into a general?
When the battle starts just select every ship and have it escort your flagship, when you think its time to go on the offensive select them all and right click the enemy ship.
There's a mod that absolutely hates threads about video games on Yea Forums and tries to force all video game discussion onto /vg/, yet at the same time won't do a fucking thing about the 40 Smash threads every day.
Ahhh that makes more sense. I was trying to use eliminate orders to make my fleet engage on the first enemy that poked its head out. This usually ended up with them engaging from a really bad angle or just getting lost on the edge of the map.
For colonies, does stacking industries work? Like if I have an ultrarich ore/rare ore volcanic planet, can I just build 3 mines and mass produce ore?
I think you can only have 1 type of industry per planet.
Is there any point using beta cores? seems seems like a massive waste of a core slot
Untrue, you get more industries as population increases.
At what point should I start a colony? I've somehow stumbled into about 1.5 million and found a nice planet but my fleet's "powerhouses" are two Hammerheads and a Sunder. If this is too soon will selling the planet data cause the AI empire to colonise it before I'm ready to settle?
Yes, but only 1 of each.
So I can only have 1 mine digging up ore, even if I had 3 industry slots?
Yes, it reduce demand of whatever you slap it on by 1 while also reducing upkeep by 25%
It's only when you don't have enough alpha cores on hands.
Gamma cores are for easy buck and rep at whoever you turn them in.
God I fucking hate Lumen class ships, fuck you remnants for dragging out every battle to 20 min fuck fuck fuck
I put gamma cores on literally everything that doesn't get an alpha/beta core. If nothing else it reduces demand by 1 and over the course of a dozen different buildings, that's a lot.
Yes, ideally you have 1 industry mining the one, 1 refining it and 1 making it Heavy Industry.
how the fuck does the system of this ship works?
That's unfortunate. I wanted to just go full mustafar and plop 3 mines on this double ultrarich volcanic world.
Trust me, you'll have more than enough beta core and way too many gamma at some point.
One mining industry is not "one mine" it's mining everything the planet has to offer.
What are the best cruisers?
how do I play this without being a retard? I'm making colonies and just staying afk building them but I feel like I'm not exploiting the game's "fun"
Adamas-class from Interstellar Imperium
I want to use shittons of Wanzers/mechs. What factions have the best carriers to support them?
Help i cannot move gem brakon
1 class V, 2 class III or above
The game's fun really comes from just screwing around fighting whoever you want. Running whatever ships you want like carrier spam, low tech, gimmicky builds, just experiment.
I use the dassault carriers and the battlestar from the impreium myself. But then I slap a converted hangar on literally every combat ship in the fleet and shove a pair of wanzers in them.
You mean aside from diable itself? If you have the faction installed you can find the Wanzer Servicing Gantry as a hullmod drop, I'd imagine Astral would get pretty ludicrous with 6 wanzer wings
have you tried doing the thing user?
I piassed on mun an now it just went off
Don't do drugs, kids.
Fuck, it all feels so overwhelming.
If you could give me a list of 4-5 ships I should always buy as a "Baby's First Good Fleet" what would they be?
Also what's the best way to find weaker Pirate fleets to practice on? Is there like a pattern to their patrol paths?
keel over and die you faggot
Try to get a Hammerhead as soon as possible. Also Wolf class ships. Both can be acquired in the campaign tutorial. You shouldn't really struggle after that, the Hammerhead absolutely destroys pirate ships, and the Wolf is nigh unkillable due to its mobility.
Thas wourse tahn me lourd of tha rangs pankturus of thee raktion
How long is this going to take
Hope you have Hardened Subsystems on all your ships.
Does the game have some sort of fps cap? and if so how do I disable it.
they're all pretty balanced
if one sucks in combat it's either an utility ship, like salvage rig or apogee, or you outfitted it badly
still, the ones you'll have a easier time with are
wolf tempest
medusa enforcer
dominator doom eagle
paragon onslaught astral
Did I fuck up?
Is this the file that I need to change in Nex to slow down the all the relationship changes? If so, do I decrease the event frequency or does it work like expedition points and I actually have to increase it?
You dead boy
2 paragons 2 astrals easy
>just get endgame ships to fight endgame enemies
what the fuc
You done fucked up. Think of all the AI cores if you survive though!
Should I build a patrol HQ if I already have one on a different planet in the same system? Do I get double the fleets?
This is the last pirate planet, and they really hate me
Patrol HQs spawn two fast picket fleets. Each one on a planet does this, same goes for the bigger ones. An easy way to defend your shit is to have a bunch of overlapping military bases to turn your system into north korea.
every patrol HQ produces 2 or 3 light fleets
if you upgrade that shit you get way bigger fleets depending on the size of your colony, but it costs an industry slot
Redpill me on ships, please consider when answering that I'm still a small time core world's smuggler and my biggest ships are a falcon and a hammerhead
>what are your favorite and most used ships
>which ships or ship styles are better on the hands of an AI
>which ships are better as flagships
Also why doesn't the +2 burn level hull mod doesn't work on Tankers and Enforcers?
The real redpill to make cash is smuggling lobster.
Holy shit, you weren't kidding. What a beast.
I once saw an order for lobsters but it didn't offer me a "check markets" option, where do you get them?
Volturn is the only planet that produces the lobster, and the further out you go from there the higher the price. Making runs (with a little bit of drugs or organs on the way) will net you pretty good returns.
Volturnian Lobsters can be bought in Volturn in Askonia
What is the downside of selling blueprints/nanoforges to the pirates when you are a pirate?
>the derelict ship is located some distance away from the center of the system
Can you take over leadership of an established faction?
The pirate fleets who don't give a fuck about your standing with them will still gank you in uncharted space. With said ships.
Is it worth it to EVER pay the tariff for the +friendship points when trading? Also is it viable to become friends with the pirates?
"Some distance" is between 2 to 6 square s from the center. Doesn't help much, but narrows it down a little
When you don't care much about money anymore
Gotta make room for those macro threads. Can't have actual vidya threads taking room bookmarked for 'FOR ME IT'S X' or 'NOW THAT THE DUST HAS SETTLED'
>>what are your favorite and most used ships
I like to run things that I already know are reliable, stuff like Hammerheads, Sunders with Autopulsers, Eagles and Falcons, high tech in general, stuff like that
>>which ships or ship styles are better on the hands of an AI
I find sets with high range and very flux efficient work pretty well
>>which ships are better as flagships
I just pilot whatever is the biggest ship I have, since then I can pull more weight during battle
Where's that even from?
Is there a way to edit my gamesave like how in M&B I can just alter a txt file to give my character money and better stats?
>tfw sell capital ship bps to pather bases
what does the LP version of the castella do?
About twenty minutes. Maybe thirty. Had a fight like that today myself, got like 1600 supplies out of it, lost only one ship even though outnumbered three or four to one. Pirate fleets really are garbage.
>Also why doesn't the +2 burn level hull mod doesn't work on Tankers and Enforcers?
it only works on military hulls, so for it to work on civilian hulls, you first need to apply militarized subsystems and then slap the +2 burn on it
meant for
Sylphon ship
They are an interesting alternative to tri-tachyon.
Looks like it.
Use the console commands mod
nexerelin feels way too sparse in the systems category, is there a way to increase this?
Post the description of the system
a bunch of brainlets in this thread making it harder on themselves. Join a faction when you first begin so you have a positive income, then earn reputation and buy that factions capital ship, afterwards do a bunch of bounties and take their capital ship.once you have enough firepower steal the best colony in the galaxy by force then eventually take over the universe a solar system at a time
Such efficiency, much fun.
it has SO as an integred hullmod, and a few changed mounts, + only 2 fighter bays. it's a beast in short engagements, but ill advised modification makes it suffer alot when it gets alot of damage in
I just wish I had a better, short range choice for the large mount. just put an aggresive/reckless combat officer with missile spec on it and watch it solo pretty much anything.
What the fuck can you not take over other faction's planets/stations?
Can I solo this
>which ships or ship styles are better on the hands of an AI
longrange > carriers > midrange > missiles > speed >>>>>>>>> phase ships
How and why the fuck isn't there a mod adding in an unoccupied system around the core systems with 3+ habitable worlds?
I'm gettin real sick of trying to roll a duzahk or penelope with decent planets. Should I just mod one in? I'll be half assed and jank as fuck but it'll work.
Alright, Yea Forums. I just finished up the tutorial and sold everything. I'm now rolling with three Hound-class freighters with shielded cargo holds, increased top speed, and insulated engines for a lower profile. Where's a good part of the system for an aspiring smuggler to ply his trade?
The map is generated randomly with each start, you'll have to figure that out by yourself
It drains soft flux from all ships (allied AND enemies) with nullspace conduits in range.
This means that it becomes a great force multiplier with other sylphon ships
Go buy some lobster, sell it to the hedgehogs
Yes the fuck please.
Where to buy/get needlers?
>Insulated engine assembly and the other sensor-presence reducing hullmod on entire fleet.
>Fleet is mostly destroyers and frigates, but a LOT of them.
>Only a few big ships, most of them phased
>Sensor reducing level perks
>Sensor presence when going dark barely above triple digits.
>Essentially invisible if I want to be
>Can drift into hostile ports without emergency burn.
>Can pick every and any fight I want without any fear.
>Can sit in hostile space with the transponder off and watch corsair fleets rush and immediately shit themselves at realising what kind of fleet I actually have.
>Fleet is practically an urban legend
>Actual sighting of me is so rare the [redacted] don't believe I exist.
peak explorer fleet. Nothing here but us asteroids.
Why not use use console commands to edit some planets?
But I'm so... so god damn lazy...
How should it be built? Should I make it stupid OP?
Or a planet for each industry maybe? I dunno.
I need ideas.
It's of course going to have a full suite of domain era shit. sensor/nav/relay
But what about the planets? The star?
My creativity is autism tier. I need direction.
Help me build /our/system Yea Forums
Nice roleplaying.
Randomly generate the sector and ramp up sectors.
I dunno, just doesn't feel as nice as having a system already set up and ready to rock.
>that giant fleet
>literally like 2 hundred ships
>barely any d-mods to speak of
Is there a way to edit a planet so it actually looks like a different type? Like if I add the Terran condition to a planet it still looks arid/volcanic/etc.
>the orbital habitat is located some distance away from the center of the star system
Lol, what is that vague as fuck description supposed to tell me? I swear some of the design decisions in this game are shit
>find an orbital habitat in the system
>it's not the correct one
Noice. North Korea it is.
Hegemony's gonna FREAK
exactly, you can't change the graphics of it at all.
If it looks like a floating piece of shit it doesn't matter what you change it to. It still looks like ass.
Which is why I want to do
also alpha ai can increase fleet sizes when on patrol/military building
Don't forget the most common archetype which appeals to the main gamer demographic
>are you buying her game?
I managed to find a convoy carrying lobster and even after completing an order for them they didn't make all that much money, they were like average compared to drugs or harvested organs.
All right folks place bets. Which fleet has the cooler flagship name?
is there a way to remove beacons once you cleared a system of [REDACTED] ?
2 to 6 squares away from the center on the map
>What a Fool Believes
It's perfect since only fools go with a legion flagship
Increase your scanner range. Mod a ship with greater scanner range and put some points in a skill for it.
It can be pretty infuriating, you are right. I've ran out of time on some missions because the location was practically impossible to find.
may i ask where i can find that game?
is this a stand alone title without any launcher?
Is there anything an alpha can't do?
watch youtube.com
All the info you need. So glad he made this vid. Wouldn't have discovered it without him and the fact that it's written in Java means I can actually mod a game I enjoy for once.
So energy weapons basically suck donkey balls, correct?
thank you very much
Be removed from an administration role without consequences.
10/10, gave me shivers. Keep up the good work, user, if you even really exist at all.
What if you just want to relocate them to a more useful position?
Nigger, if they knew where it was, they wouldn't ask you to find it.
It knows better where its usefulness is maximized. Dumb fleshie couldn't begin to fathom the minute subtleties of the consequences put in motion by his haphazard fumbling.
.02 Gamma cores have been deposited into your account.
>tfw like playing the same way
My probable brother from another theoretical mother
is it stupid to sell alphas? 450k and rep sounds nice..
I wanna try this out myself, now. Any tips for space ghosting?
user, you have been handing over the AI cores to our greatest ally Tri-Tachyon.
Haven't you?
>Handing over Alphas
You disgust me
>is it stupid to sell alphas?
unless you want to live as a pirate, yes
Get the senor perks from the blue skill tree. Go dark and sit in asteroid belts. No one will ever find you.
That red alert 2 reference, raiders face when tho.
Level tech for the sensor profile mod reduction and improved "go dark"
Don't get fat ships. A couple of drams with hullmods to reduce sensor profile beat a mid-sized tanker, and a fat tanker is right out.
Wide not tall: Lots of smaller ships. 10 frigates with miniscule sensor profiles/no sensor profile are basically free sensor range estate compared to one big fucking battlecruiser.
Have maybe one big flagship, insulated engine assembly a must on it
Forget what your transponder is for, you no longer really need it.
That's about it, you can now essentially live in high-danger systems and cruise -past- two orbiting pather pickets onto a hostile station in go dark.
Downsides are deployment size issues and high ship mortality rate in a proper fight, but if you're having proper fights you're playing it wrong. You're the flying dutchman fleet.
I only hand them over to Tri-Tachyon.
no sir I give them to the Imperium yes sir I do
I only give them the gammas. I don't have any use for those.
Aw shit boys, here we go
only your 5 biggest ships contribute to sensor profile
i have a fleet of hedgmony buffalos with insulated engines and burn drives
best smuggling out there if you can get over the fact that you still have asteroid collisions even when dark
reminder if you change a false to a true in a config file you can just hold alt and hover your mouse over items to quickly move them in the transfer/trade window
The transponder faggotry is so annoying, even more when you are trying to ambush pirates and 3 THREE shitheads comes to complain, lowering your faction relationship 3 times.
Am I forever cucked out of a comm relay if there's no stable points in the system?
I want to take over the lobster market.
Install nexerelin and take over volturn for yourself.
Been smuggling shit for basically my entire playthrough so far, but I'm having trouble fighting other fleets, because I'm almost always out numbered. I know I need more ships but I have no clue about ship compositions and I barely know the differences between frigates and destroyers.
Is my fleet any good? If it is, should I just continue smuggling shit till I get enough to make my own colony? And if it isn't, is there a universal comp thats just good all the time? I just wanna confidently go into a fight and not lose 3-4 ships everytime cuz I was outnumbered 6 to 18.
The ships are from Blackrock Shipyards mod btw.
What is better, hazard or resources?
I found a Blueprint that sold to the Hegemony for like 600,000. Don't remember what it was though, I apparently already had one learned.
get both for all the resources
>Oh hey there's a cryosleeper in this system, I should probably coloni-
The classic naval connotation for frigates is escort vessels for freighters, destroyers are designed to "destroy" those freighters.
Blackrock ships are fairly gimmicky, and I don't mean "shit" more that most of their ships have specific special abilities rather than more generic ones. It would be good to look at their codex pages to understand their special skill and think how it could assist your general fleet composition.
No idea if this is a good idea but it worked pretty well for me: a general fleet composition ratio of 1 Battleship to 2 cruisers to 4 destroyers to 6 frigates/utility as needed, built in reverse over time as closely as I can.
So, start with a few frigates and utility ships (tankers for distance, freighters for cargo, troop transports for crew) and then pick up a couple of destroyers, then a few more frigates/destroyers, then eventually one cruiser, then two, then more frigates/destroyers, and begin colony building when I've picked up my first battleship class (as at this point you'll be getting a bit fat and slow to be living off of exploration contracts)
are there any problem with colonising neutron star systems if the planets arent bad?
If Lobsters sell more the farther they are from their planet of origin, is it a legitimate strategy to build a colony as far away as possible and just ferry lobsters back and forth?
Or, for a less insane method, sell them to a pirate/pather base that is farther away than any core world, but still decently close.
Patrols and merchants get fucking destroyed, but so do expeditions and pirates.
It might be funny to watch.
So, nobody has any ideas for a custom system?
C'mon guys, it'll be fun and I'm worthless without creativity to leech...
200% hazard level really isnt that much but both those planets are good. Cryo world will be more profitable from the get go since one mining industry will exploit all those resources but you'll need to wait until the population grows on the other planet to get everything.
Yellow star
One dead/volcantic world
One toxic world
One Terran world
One Arid/Desert world
Four gas giants
A tiny ice world
In that order, from the sun.
Trinary star system. One Jungle planet with a shit-ton of resource, but needlessly high Hazard rating.
Name it Chiron.
>what u did
I see it
Thank you user for the comprehensive response. Much appreciated. And thank you for the quick explanation between the two classes of ships.
I genuinely don't know anything about naval ships, so its actually so much help, thank you
When is a good point to stop grinding cash and finally start making a colony would you say?
Several blackholes with a concentrated cluster of planets in the safe area between them, there's only one safe path from the jump point outside the blackholes to the inside. Any other route gets you stuck in the blackholes.
You will never get attacks or trade.
>start new game
>jump myself to most center core system if I have to
>survey all
>check V and IV planets on intel screen
>look for decent system near enough to core that I don't have to trudge through 8 days of nebula to get to
fuck I still haven't generated anything good
>want to make a colony
>check planet list
>only one terran planet
>it's a terran eccentric with a 200% hazard rating
>decide to settle for arid or one of the snowy planets
>all are shit with at least 150% hazard rating
>haven't checked them all because most that are left are hidden in further star systems
I'm effectively just a really rich bounty hunter with colony equipment at this point. I have the resources to fund a large-scale endeavor but nowhere to plonk my industrial ass down. I might legitimately just squat in the farthest reaches of space and build an isolated and impossible-to-invade space dynasty next to a black hole.
fuck i'm retarded, how do i use my ship's ability? like the phase jump stuff or faster shooting.
default is F
My own experience says around 2 million + a fleet set up to supply that colony with all the shit it needs for a month or so.
Theres already a sol mod.
But why?
That sounds like a ton of fun lmao
But for real. The only thing I have to contribute on the design is its gotta have 2+ low haz planets and no retarded shit like pulsar/black holes since it's gotta be the place where we can all go to start an easyish one system nation.
>Theres already a sol mod.
Where nigger?
>If this is too soon will selling the planet data cause the AI empire to colonise
Planet surveys serve zero purpose but to be sold for credits, they have no other effects.
AI cant colonise in the base game.
>Also is it viable to become friends with the pirates?
Easily, get them to -50 or better and they cease being hostile on sight. Get them to neutral and you can visit their ports with your transponder on.
This looks like a good place to settle.
It's... decent. Just south of the core sector.
Not what I want in a system tho.
Do it
Sounds like a challenge to me.
What is the derelict sector start exactly?
Do Eet
Now gib mod
Is there a config file that I can edit that removes deployment caps entirely?
It's fucking retarded that Pirates can spam 50 capital ships and I'm forced to use only 2.
Ok, I'm about to start the game for the first time
Any mods which you consider essential for first playthrough?
its all in settings.ini
if you remove it entirely the lag will make the game unplayable
just jack it up to 500 in settings
the games confusing enough to begin with. its not super complicated but not intuitive. mods will screw you.
mod after you get a basic feel for the game
>if you remove it entirely the lag will make the game unplayable
You can set it to any number in the settings file, there is no reason for you to crash your game doing it.
play the base game for a little while
the only mods I'd suggest for a first play through would be cosmetic like portraits
Is the game suitable to play on iron mode?
Also, give a newbie an advice.
Go in balls deep
Probably should play vanilla on normal after your first playthrough on easy so you really know how everything feels.
whats rebalanced pilums do? are they super op?
Fuck no. The game still has bugs and glitches, or just imbalanced content, which could ruin your hours of game time for no justifiable reason.
It speeds them up, they still cant hit anything because they cant turn but now they can not hit anything faster.
How's this for a "spawn and go unsurveyed" haul?
pretty gud
for future though metal is only worth 30, its better to ditch it for more exploration loot that is actually worth something
taking on 3 cruisers as a capital is stretching it, but at best you can keep them at bay until the cavalry arrives
Im ditching it as I find better stuff, its just there to fill in.
is there a mod that replaces the base portraits instead of adding them? I don't like having the default faces mixed in with the girls frontline portraits
big ships = more guns
more guns = more damage
you can never have enough dakka
Well, Did it?
>Is the game suitable to play on iron mode?
No. There are times were the game will warn you that there are enemies camping a fringe point, so you can avoid confrontation. There are other times were it doesn't say shit, you drop into a system, and get gangraped by three capital fleets sitting their waiting for you.
I got it in this thread but Im guessing he deleted it. I'll upload my version soon then.
If you're fond of having your fleet wiped out because of one small mistake, Setting you back several hours, Sure it is.
Especially if you're using nex, which includes the ability for your faction to fuck up diplomatically, and turn an entire faction hostile while you're still in their system trading.
>be traveling alone looking ahead so I don't get attacked while truckin' along
>giant pirate armada zooms out of the nebula due to a storm and right over me insta-conflict
How the fuck do you make peace with a faction?
Raise their relations above -50.
If your playing with nex, Occasionally they will send you a message about a peace treaty or a cease fire, but the message is really easy to miss.
Shows up in the important section of the intel tab, so be sure to check often [once every 20 cycles or so].
Can you respec an officer that isn't your character with console commands?
respec [officer name] is what it says
thx bud
What's the learning curve like in this game? Is it a brick wall or relatively simple?
Making money is easy, ship combat is a bit harder but only if you don’t switch the controls up
What were they hoping to accomplish?
be capable of critical thinking and you'll do okay
there are at least a dozen retards in this very thread who failed the tutorial multiple times because they're incapable of intelligent thought, don't add to their number
To kill your merchant vessals and thus ruin your economy. Or something
Why is it that almost ever screenshot I see of a faction being bullied is of the Diktat? I'm bullying them in my own game.
Are the Diktat just that bullyable?
There's no "critical thinking" needed you donut. Just because the word sounds fancy doesn't mean it applies here.
>favorite ship
Get a Dominator and laugh in Hellbore as everything you look at dies in ten seconds top. It's dirt cheap for what it does and you'll find one easily enough.
>ships for AI
Carriers with carrier officers. Or something sturdy like Enforcers.
>good flagships
Depends. I just like to personally control the biggest ship.
Is Mayasuran Navy a balanced faction mod? Their ships look decent but I don't want to fuck things up by adding a shittily balanced faction.
Play the tutorials. They help you out a lot. The rest is just learning your ships, what they can do, what certain weapons do, and so on.
nevermind I'm retarded and the faction part of it hasn't even been added.
Mostly because they have a stranglehold on the fuel and lobster economy.
>fav ship
Astral. stacking 6 of the same kind of fighter is just very fun for me. Especially with diable wanzers. The fact that recall device acts as an instant repair & reload means any fighter with a strong hull is practically invincible if you pay attention.
Give them carriers with maxed out fighter skills. The only positioning that matters in a carrier is "not in front of all the enemy guns". Plus its easy to get them to focus fire as opposed to being in anything else since fighters go fast.
Anything really. I generally flagship as whatever i want to make sure doesnt die in a fight.
All factions are more or less balanced. Vanilla ships are the strongest still. Omen, Tempest, Paragon, there isn't a mod ship that can beat them in their respective roles.
I got it a couple of so threads ago but it looks like that link was dead, so I uploaded the version I had
>Crusing along crushing bounties
>Thinking 'bout hunting down AI cores to bribe Tri-Cück Into giving me a commission
>Drift back through hegemony space
>Yarr.exe in full swing. Pirate raids everywhere
>Spend the next few hours flying form system to system putting down star forts and amardas of low-tech refitted atluses and ventures
Starting your own colony might be fun for a bunch of folk but this? this shit's my jam. Space combat is great and the low-tech heavy armor slugger playstyle fits me like a glove
Not if they both decide to go in
>Pirate raid on colony
>Wait was that 30+ patrol of warships behind that derelict mudskipper the whole time?
Admiral Creed flies again.
M&B gets used as a comparison a little too freely but I can't help it this time: Both of these games can be rewarding for assholes who just want to have a good time and get in a lot of fights as a merc. The starsector equivalent of going to all the tournaments you can find from fat fuck kings feasting is all we need and it'd be perfect.
Yes, Increase it. Frequency here means the time between each event
>trusting self identifying Malaysians
Threadly Reminder to block Inbound & Outbound connections in your firewall to
Whereas Bitbucket limits what Repo maintainers can see from user traffic as per their ToS, 3rd party sites do not.
May the Blessings of Saint Terry be with you always.
Of course. Money over everything.
>being this paranoid about a hosting website
Jesus christ take off your tinfoil /pol/tard
I've been enjoying this game so much I have barely used Yea Forums in like a week.
This will be the first game I bought in years
I would like to know how to get in better with tri-tach without giving them AI cores
I trade with them on open market and get no bonus 1 reputation also they don't give quests
there's some sort of gladiator battle mod I haven't tried it yet though
shabbat shalom
>also they don't give quests
They do, install a comm sniffer in one of there systems and just wait for them.
Also AI cores are worthless so giving them to a faction is a good way to get the 10 points you need to get a commission.
yet you personally installed version checker knowing what the mod does.
Do quests and trade with them. That's about it really.
if you get high value prisoners, you can repatriate them for 5 reputation points each.
You are literally flat earth tier stupid
It should go without saying that your firewall should be set to block all connections by default, then selectively allow that which is necessary.
Just chill out near their systems and take exploration/bounty quests. A lot of people say this so I wonder if mods screw it up, but in vanilla it is stupendously easy to build rep this way with any faction: Hang out nearby and do their surveys.
Remove the version checker you imbecile.
I've captured a station, sold off everything I can but its size 5 so I can't abandon it. How do I get rid of it?
hang out in their system and do their randomly handed out survey quests, if they post up a bounty for killing pirates in a system you can potentially get quite a bit of rep with them assuming you can handle the pirate fleets
I almost said that too, that's just good practice, regardless of whatever the fuck that other guy is dribbling about.
Get a commission and give it to that faction
Why not remove Nexerelins VC .csv & .json file?
How do you fucking live in this system
Gonna need to update that graphic
Wouldn't that make me inherit all of their enemies?
is there a mod that has ships with spikes and shit so ramming does a lot of damage?
Alright Yea Forums what am I buying next/ Go 1 mil in the bank and my colonies running. Right now iv'e found another XIV Legion Eagle on the black market i'm thinking about.
There's something genuinely wrong with me when I can recognise most of those hardpoints. Lmao 3hypervelocity.
>was floundering for awhile with sources of income
>finally got a decent colony up that is bringing in constant income
>max out salvage talent and game is basically broken with how much stuff I get.
>doing comfy exploration missions and easy frigate bounties and making gorillions
>found several class 4 and 5 planets that are getting colonized soon, gunna set up ship production finally
I feel like I'm finally pulling on the "you win the game" thread and things are unraveling.
No spikes, but you might like this Neutrino Corps ship.
>can't put insulated engines and efficiency overhaul on an ox
I wish there was a way to invest tons of money into improving an individual ship, like spending 10,000 for 5 ordnance points
>Stealth Ox
I like your thinking user. Would go great with my ramming salvage rig and assault mudskipper.
it would be good to have that and being able to choose during restoration because maybe I don't want to pay 1.2mil right now but could throw 400k at it to fix 1 or 2 things
There's what I -think- is a mod that has a hullmod that gives you more points with a tradeoff of some sort.
>somebody told me to invert the shift control
>I am now a combat god
holy shit why isn't this default?
I'm thinking about replacing those with assault chain guns since the hammerheads chew through everything. Might use the 3 HAC/Phase lance build when I can find some.
looks like a cheap bic razor
why would that make any difference
I downloaded that sol system from earlier in the thread, but is there any way I can modify it to give it a random spawn location? Would be nice knowing it's out there waiting to be discovered without instantly knowing it's location.
>casually hurling hull points at the enemy ships until they die from shock
Pic related. I kinda want a more conventional ship that just mashes its face into everything else as a primary form of attack. The hammer boat, while funny, is a bit much.
Thinking about playing getting this but I don't like playing 'unfinished games generally. Are there any alien, supernatural, eldritch, or general spooky stuff in this game like the review implied?
There's a Neutrino ship whose hull is a focken knoife, and given how stupidly tanky Neutrino ships are, that is technically a viable strategy.
no, what kind of a retarded review did you watch?
>oi have you got a loicense for dat neutrino hull m8?
open with notepad++ or similar
the ox is on line 45, the value you want to edit is the 5 that appears between the 50 and the void.
change it to 6 and you'll have enough op for both mods
Ox,ox,Tug,Low Tech,flarelauncher,2,500,150,500,625,50,5,,100,200,150,45,90,150,NONE,,0,0,0,,,2,4,0,10,5,2,8,16000,10,40,240,0.25,5,5,CIVILIAN,base_bp,,0.25,2,2,212
Ox,ox,Tug,Low Tech,flarelauncher,2,500,150,500,625,50,6,,100,200,150,45,90,150,NONE,,0,0,0,,,2,4,0,10,5,2,8,16000,10,40,240,0.25,5,5,CIVILIAN,base_bp,,0.25,2,2,212
the 16000 is the base value, if you want to pay more for the extra op, rack it up by whatever you see as fit
Some guy with a speech impediment who claims to be an African warlord funded by the merchants guild.
That's because AAA publishers buy advertising space on the board from hiro
Mods aren't allowed to touch promoted threads.
>that's bullshit
You fucking know it's true
Hey hey people, Sseth here
Probably sseth's video when he mentions [REDACTED].
>reading/listening comprehension so low that this is what you take away from the video
impossibly smooth brain
probably smoother than an anime girl's ass
That doesn't mean it's a good idea.
In-faction imports get taxed when exported, and taxed again when imported. You tax in-faction imports twice, but out-of-faction imports only once.
Gamma cores don't care if you are importing from in-faction or out-faction, they reduce demand regardless. This means that if you put a gamma core on an industry importing from one of your own colonies, you actually LOSE MONEY.
Do not put gamma cores on everything. Only ever put a gamma core on an industry that is importing from outside your own faction.
So how the fuck does Tech Mining work? Do I also need to have a regular mining facility in the same colony? Because I've had this motherfucker installed for months and it hasn't produced jack shit.
Not really eldritch or ayy, but it is... unnerving when you first meet them at the very least.
But their motivations are easy to understand, and they're not that spooky once you figure it out. Does that make them easier to fight against? Not really, but you wont fear them, just understand them
Amazing. The Neutrino ships overall look kinda stylish if absurd. Still, before I add them I should really finish my first playthrough since I'm one of the filthy ssethfags.
Technically all their ships are just variations of this aside from some specific cases.
Go to the independent military colony. Buy yourself some conquest class
The modder has a good sense of humor with his mod at least. There's even a capital ship that can teleport, though I don't think there's any way to get it aside from console commands, especially when he calls it a "Joke-ship"
>when the mod faction has its own Hammerhead/Sunder
i fucking love that fighter.
He definitely loves a specific type of Sci-fi with the Ace Combat reference and Gundam names. I love using the Unsung with it's big fuck off canon.
Now that i've played Imperium none of the other ships seem worth playing at all. They're just too much god damn fun.
The default control isn't bad though especially for omnishield ships or broadside heavy setups. Can be really smooth when you get used to it.
Okay what the fuck
>playing on a pirated copy
Aiming with mouse all the time is actually kind of bad if you use autofire because then you're throwing off the automatic targeting which already compensates for movement.
Good luck chief
Remember to use boolet and boom-boom instead of pew-pew
Exactly. I found Forlorn Hope much easier to do on default control, for one.
You have some great luck.
You can with nexerelin
>Not even Radiant
You know nothing
Oh wait, I think that's the cache you find with the guaranteed quest.
It is
>"Oh, it looks like one of my colonies is being attacked, I should go over there and sort that out"
>Fleet of 20 capital ships, completely and totally unbeatable
Excuse me, what the fuck?
It's a fucking attack boy, the fuck did you think they were bringing?
all these memories
Maybe something a little less than 2 billion credits of ships. Maybe something that I could possibly have actually fought against because maybe some fucking game balance might've been appropriate.
Any mods with Cloaking?
phasing needs to be assigned via ship_data.csv on load with the proper .ship files
Depending on the faction sometimes it'll be shitty capitals that if you just go in with your own combined with the station you can wipe them all
I use iron mode and I'm having plenty of fun. Those other guys are casuals.
Bring out the Doom/Gryphon you pussy
There is no such thing as "balance" in life or in this game
Drones and pilots are the most fun weapons. What is the best ship or mods for more drone stuff?
It would be nice if Starsectors Ironman mode worked similarly to Mount & Blades, autosaving everytime you interact with a market or engage in a battle. It's poorly implemented & should be designed to punish for mid-combat alt+f4
>maybe some fucking game balance might've been appropriate.
lol are you the same idiot who ragequit after being cucked by a Remnant destroyer and lied about chasing it for 13 mins?
the fleet warning message literally TELLS YOU what kind of fleet strength to expect. did you glass a planet without even reading what it does or something?
did you partial copy from starsector.txt again user?
Diable Avonics hands down, the mechs are wild
>"While you were busy partying, I studied the blade"
>yeets through your shields and dabs on you
heh, nuthin personnel kid
Get some kind of carrier ASAP
literally how
are gaymers this smoothbrained nowadays?
You should've seen the early threads. People don't know how to read tooltips or the help pop ups.
>make a new game
>console command "survey all"
>check if the sector has any decent systems at all
>if no, exit, delete save
>if yes, load save before console command and play in that sector
Finally, some good fucking sectors.
Also, I always pick a fight with Luddite Church after I start my colonies to take Asher (their ship building colony) and then Gilead (50% hazard Terran eccentric world). And then I sneak to their colony one system over and trade in my Gamma Cores for rep gain and end the war.
>Finally, some good fucking sectors.
Either way you are going to make shitloads of money by the endgame.
>you can't actually assign 2 officers to the Imperium Battlestar despite it being built to accommodate 2
Imagine having this little self control
I want to do a Neutrino faction playthrough, what ships are good?
All of them
Can I add a faction and continue playing on my save, or do I have to start a new one
>Imperium Battlestar
Depends, do you want them to be in as a faction when you continue? Then no, they won't be there as a faction, blueprints tho.
Are you using Nex? Then hell no, they'll crash the game
How does Insulated Engine Assembly work? Do I just need to put it on my slowest ship and bam, it applies to everyone? Or do all my ships need it to get the maximum effect of lowering your Sensor Profile?
What's the best/most profitable thing to smuggle? Drugs?
Norn and Banshee are quite sexy, usually the only ones I grab besides the capital freighter
>here's your Onslut bro
I need 4 planet names.
>terran world with bountiful farmlands
>tundra world with all mineables including volatiles
>water world WITH LOBSTERS
>jungle world with vast ruins
Also, should be done with the basic no other asteroid belts/celestial bodies version of my system soon.
It does have domain era sensors/nav/relay/gate tho
you get more of a benefit from putting it on ships with massive signature or that you really don't want the engines to go out on, unfortunately it's a logistics hullmod so you likely can't put it on anything you'd really want to.
>>terran world with bountiful farmlands
Fertile Slut
>>tundra world with all mineables including volatiles
Tsundere Braaps
>>water world WITH LOBSTERS
Maine sans Snow
>>jungle world with vast ruins
El Dorado
Sea Life
It Aint Me
You can keep them
>It Aint Me
I'll take it
Thats a must without a doubt.
Rule of 5 for Sensor/Detection
It'll count the 5 ships with the shittiest Sensor Profile
It'll count the 5 ships with the best Sensor Strength
You'll always have to offset maluses, but there's no point in having more than 5 ships @ similar ratings for sensor strength.
>Neo Neo New England
>Greater Syria
Thanks anons
Any idea how the ai inspection mechanic works? What's the time frame to be able to remove your cores without penalty? Are they random or is there a threshold where they wont bother (say a single gamma core)?
On that note what's the time frame between installation and safe removal of an administrator alpha AI?
>first blueprint I get is the prototype asura from BRDY and some diable mechs
99% of my fleet is ground to shreds within seconds but these boys put in WORK
How about you declare on the Hegeniggers instead?
God knows the rest of the sector doesn't like them.
If you attempt removing an alpha core it will revolt and turn your own colony against you
The Sindrians are the only significant source of fuel in Star Sector, because their homeworld has a Synchrotron. They essentially have a monopoly.
If you start producing fuel in significant amounts, and especially if you go freeport, they will get butthurt as you destroy their economy.
I think they also produce volturnian lobsters, could be wrong though
Good thing theyre only limited to a single system, so just get like 3 systems worth of colonies to send in their fleets and grab all the DELICIOUS LOBSTERS for yourself.
What kind of Orbital Station I should build? High Mid Low?
The one you have weapon blueprints for
High tech stations are the strongest at tier 1 & 2
Midline stations are the strongest at tier 3
Lowtech are bad at all tiers
>current Nex run
>Dikgirls are completely purged out of Askonia by the Hegemoney
>some Path trash manage to destabilize Sindria and decivilize it
>repopulate Askonia myself and give it to Perseans just to see what'd happen
>exchange hands repeatedly until it's decivilized again
mo' fuel mo' problems
Any combat freighter with 10+ burn speed to carry supplies and salvaged goodies
Dram for fuel
optional: Shepherd for Nexerelin mining+baby's first strike craft+better salvaging
That's it. You won't really be able to fight anything, but you'll have your non-combat basics covered for salvaging ships and doing scanning missions. You'll be fast enough to get away from most enemies and your sensor profile will let you sneak around if you have to go into a system with hostiles present. Pick out a few combat vessels with 10 or higher burn speed if you want to fight the weakest Pather and Pirate raiding parties (or at least help NPC fleets with them, so you get a chance at post-battle salvage in addition to regular derelict salvages).
Yeah I know but it take a while before that's the case, at lease a few days, I know I tried. But I don't know exactly how long that is, could be a few days or several months.
>source: this occurred to me in a dream
Lowtech is the strongest station you absolute brainlet
>The one you have weapon blueprints for
Didn't they fix that bug in 0.9.1a?
Always buy Tempests whenever you see them. They are quite common and one of the best frigates, especially for killing other frigates & for killing fighters/missiles.
This is wrong. Midline is best tier3, hightech is best tier and tier2.
>I kinda want a more conventional ship that just mashes its face into everything else as a primary form of attack
The enforcer works pretty good this way if you pilot it like an absolute mad man.
Lmao midline station is worthless
>negligible amount of differences in simulated combat
>auto-resolve still treats them equally
thanks for contributing absolutely nothing to the discussion
The testing indicates otherwise. You're just wrong, sorry man.
>this microwave mug brownie recipe made my microwave explode
1) He asked which station is best. I gave the answer. Whether the differences are negligible or not is irrelevant.
2) Auto-resolve DOES NOT treat stations equally, I have no idea how you got this idea.
hey my guy, maybe if you played games instead of shitposting, you wouldn't come off like such a gamerlet :P
>Magnetic planet
>+3000 defense
>not making a colony in a pulsar system, putting the planetary shield on it, and putting solar shield on all of your ships
So it happened again. I took a break from playing to come post in the Starsector thread.
>test stations
>with no officers
Wow it's actually nothing
Midline is garbage becauce only half of it poses any threat, sure the half that shoots does it well but you want a constant threat to the enemy
High is very deadly and tanky but not good at suppressing with hard flux
Low jus slings led and missiles and fighters in all directions at all times completely indiscriminately making it borderline suicidal to even be within range of it, which makes it the best
How's your Bara-Gachi Portrait Pack coming along Anons?
>Midline is garbage becauce only half of it poses any threat, sure the half that shoots does it well but you want a constant threat to the enemy
This is precisely why it's so strong. It gets even stronger if it has a player helping it: he can protect it while its angry side is pointed away.
They're all shit. A few properly equipped paragons can destroy all of the star fortresses with ease.
Low tech is statistically proven to be the worst at all tiers. You need to grow up and learn to accept when you're wrong.
>just a few kitted out paragons, no big deal
The other stations support the entire field at all times, Mid just threatens what's in front of it, leaving most of the field exposed. From my personal testing in campaign, Low performs the best at T3.
Except the very "scientific" experiment posted clearly shows otherwise? So which is it?
Low Tech Orbital Station: 124 FP
Midline Orbital Station: 135 FP
High Tech Orbital Station: 161 FP
Midline Battlestation: 207 FP
High Tech Battlestation: 245 FP
Low Tech Battlestation: 253 FP
Low Tech Star Fortress: 346 FP
High Tech Star Fortress: 354 FP
Midline Star Fortress: 358 FP
Damaged Remnant Station: 173 FP
Remnant Station: 370 FP
You are literally delusional. Mentally ill. Take your medicine. This will be the last reply you get.
Top left ship. Has a bunch of weapon mounts + 6 fighter bays. It's nuts. But it's too costly to use and it's slow as shit so fuck making that thing my flagship. Supposed to have 2 officers helming it but Java can't handle that or whatever I guess.
all those ship design silhouettes look vaguely similar to the already existent ships in the game
nothing new under the sun I suppose
Sorry if this is common knowledge, I don't follow this game much, but has the dev ever talked about getting it on Steam, I kinda want it, but on Steam...
>top right
does that ship do what I think it does?
Just add it to Steam as a non-Steam game?
Seconding starting with mods.
I highly recommend Nexerelin with faction respawning enabled. Spacer start makes you really appreciate the early game; just take easy shipping contracts at bars until you can afford a Dram for distant scanning missions.
It's a possibility at 1.0 but the dev doesn't want to go onto a distributor platform until then because his update schedule is slow as shit
it is a giant missile, yes
So what's the threshold to trigger AI inspectstions?Will i be fine with just gammas in the industry?
ah, the matriarch. Yeah, i get it. Although its great for fighters due to the imperium mods.
and it gets better.
I think even those trigger it.
Centurion тpи пoлocки
make it like our solar system complete with moons with 10 remnant battle stations
gib portraits
yo wtf is that my olympus doesn't look like that
The closest thing I had to carrier was an enforcer with the carrier hull mod, can I get a quick rundown on carriers? How do you even control the fighters, what are some good fighters? Also if I'm going to give my carriers to an AI does the personality matter?
>Not going with Outcast ships
Maximum Comfy
Carriers are boring to play as but are invaluable in a fleet
they hang back safely and generate free missiles over time and free flux damage (with appropriate LPCs of course) to annoy and damage the shit out of your enemies
have you ever been harassed by enemy fighters? have you ever been sabot'd at a crucial moment because of fighters?
imagine that but your team does that to the enemy
Do colonies share resources with each other? If I have one planet producing and refining metals, will the other planet with heavy industry collect the metals to create everything heavy industry creates?
mah ngogger
Just use the Wayback Machine to get Oga's Portrait Pack.
Its a boss ship that is on the imperium mod, but you find it when the ships and weapons mod is activated, but you can get it trough console commands.
>sold the planetary shield generator assuming i'd do colony shit on another save
>"at least that planet's gonna be sick-ass glowy and shit"
>find perfect Terran world with 100% Hazard rating later
>get a colony going, feelsgoodman
>remember what i did with my shield generator
>the planet i sold it to didn't even use it
It's a pain unlike any other, and I have nobody to blame but myself.
>Oga's Portrait Pack
>tfw NGO never bugged out on me
>tfw Approlight bugged out every time
I am too forgiving with Approlight, I admit, but hey, at least the Phase Chimera is cool as heck
looks gay
you're gay
NGO doesn't need to be translated from chinese to english.
>playing with Diable Avonics mod
>get 4 Shear class Tug hulls
Oh boy, don't I know it
>looks like it has bat wings
>why the fuck does it need wings at all, it's in space
>two protrusions on the front of the hull, seemingly for no other reason other than to be a bigger target
>is blue and pink, fairly gay colours
>is high-tech, the gayest of the ship hulls
shut up, gay
I have yet to see another portrait mod that I had any real appreciation for, partially because I've only seen animu-shite and the Wojack pack floating around here.
Oga's conveniently added matching portraits for every faction I'm using except Imperium. Modder drama has no purpose other than entertainment; I don't give a rat's ass where the pictures came from if they're in a convenient, consistent package. If he gave credit to the original creators, no harm done. If he didn't, he's a prick, but I'm still using the portraits until I find a better pack— if switching doesn't affect my ongoing save.
the gay ass border is shit
How does it bug out? I'm trying it out and after that one bar mission fix it doesn't crash yet.
I know how congested and inflated the wojack content on Yea Forums is, but I can't help but love dumb images of wojack
gib wojack portraits
It happens with remnant ordos where I'm supposed to find codes for the lockbox, I think. It happens right after I click the "Pick through the wreckage" after the battle. Same with after fighting their Nexus
Subjective. I don't have a preference for or against it; please show me a better pack, preferably one that includes the factions shown in I enjoy Wojack and Pepe, but I prefer immersion over comedy in games that aren't supposed to be comedic, with small exceptions. Pic related.
If you're running vanilla, I've never seen the blueprints I sold to the AI ever disappear off the market. Just go back and buy it from them.
What's the biggest mod ship there is? I want to get hueg
4 U
All it does is salvage the ruins until the industry itself says it cant really find anything anymore. Sometimes you find good shit but after you exhaust that, usually after like 3 or 4 months of mining, it is safe to replace the industry
Dunno if it's the biggest, but the Cathedral from the Ship and Weapon Pack is described as a moving starbase.
There's also the Infernus from Underworld if you like giant angry bricks.
the state of my fucking fleet
had a red arrow but it got fucked after it tried to retreat and got blocked by the onslaught cock and fucking exploded
Also the Minster from Pulse Industry and the superfreighter from Neutrino
Is that... a giant cargo pod cock?
Hadn't heard of Pulse Industry; is it good?
I've avoided Neutrino because I keep reading that the ships are overpowered.
Appro-Light translator user here. I posted in the previous Yea Forums thread but that one got nuked for some reason. I'm still trying to work out exactly which file is generating those crashes but I did fix a large number of mis-matched %s things in the csv files.
Here's the current translation: mega.nz
I'm still combing through the JSON files and I'm also hoping the other user who offered to fix the file is still hanging around since I'm not well versed in Java.
Bless you user, you're doing God's work
Why is everything from that mod cock-shaped, some sort of a giant sword, or a stick?
Is ApproLight balanced?
>boss Capital ship makes 5 ethereal clones and destroys your fleet
No, balance is a meme, it is >fun though
>Don't talk to me or my wifes son ever again
Wait, what's that one on the left? Never saw it before.
mod? I want one on the left flanked by two cathedrals as escorts
>Simplified Characters
Fuck you chinks. Get off my board.
Get a better VPN
I've had the GMDA faction mod recommended to me before, but I've also seen people criticizing it too. Can I get some more opinions on whether or not it's good or bad, and why?
decide for yourself faggot. It takes like 2 minutes to download and browse the ships in-game
Thank you my friend.
There's more to the ships than just their designs, user.
I wish this game had "legendary"/rare ships that can't be purchased or built, only found. None of the ships feel really special in Star Sector.
Both are Cathedrals, the one on the left is the old model.
Oh, well the new design does look more "Luddic Church", old design would be perfect for Tri-Tach tho
Next update we will be able to make permanent hull mods.
How the fuck do you fight a remnant station
Can I somehow upgrade a makeshift comm realy to a regular comm relay?
Comm Relays are irreplaceable pieces of old technologies
No, the good comm relays are Domain era, in other words, every new comm relay is makeshift compared to theirs
I'm a little sad this mod died
Love me some bioships.
this is actually doable with one capital and relevant lesser ships
done it before, the new pirate fleets are much more annoying
Doom too stronk pls nerf
The droneship capital is so fucking strong. How to fight that?
Thoughts on antimatter blaster?
it blasts antimatter
you can sort by hazard rating
But Taiwan is the true China.
Where do you even find outcasts? I've got the sylphon mod but aside from the occasional sneaky BP I've no sign of em. Also, is there any cruiser with a sensor profile below the norm? (Besides phase ships.) I'm trying to up the game in my space wolfpack.
>his flagship isn't equipped with reapers
Explain yourself Yea Forums
it'll be a bit tight with one capital (two is best) but you just leave them for last, like all capitals they aren't very good at being swarmed, they aren't very good at burning through all your flux so a tank with hardened shields is a good option
just send frigates after it, it becomes too chicken shit and backs off constantly in cloak until it runs out of CR and drifts harmlessly in space and waits for death
>luddic low tech game
>8 planet system
>1 gas giant rest 175% hazard or less
>2 class V
>cryovolcanic with abundant rare ores and volatiles
>tundra with abundant farmland
>10 light years from core
The Church will make all the AI sinners repent
>Playing a literal luddite
You disgust me.
fuck fake chyna
long live real chyna (taiwan) and pearl of the orient (hong kong)
If AIs are so great, why did the collapse happen? Checkmate alpha cores
empower the man not the core!
Fake China is the same as Real China.
Still committing atrocities to its own citizens
Still destroying any part of history they dislike
Still acting like the biggest baddest motherfucker around despite suffering internal issues.
China will be China, and China has always been China.
Not only does it do what you expect, but the big guy can shoot three more different payloads depending on the imperium hullmod.
So you have
>big fuckoff explosion
>endless stream of anti fighter missiles
>stream of anti ship missiles
>big fuckoff explosion but it's EMP
So a Paragon?
I am getting too attached to some of my ships. Even if it costs a fortune to restore, I will.
>Optionally: A fix to prevent Pirate, Luddic Path, and Kadur raider bases from spawning once their parent faction is entirely destroyed
This feature from Vayra's Sector looks nice, but this guy has a bad rep for fucking with your game and adding infantile tooltips and in-game dialogue, how bad is this and Vayra's Ship Pack on that compared to the Kadur?
I'd love some bioships or some ayyleums. Cyborgs and AI are neat, but something less human would be nice.
I never felt like I noticed anything. You can just turn off most of the shit in the config file anyway. I was just in it for the faction.
Does anyone know what respawns?
Does taking a scan quest spawn derelicts/probes/dead stations/etc. for you to scan, or do these jobs just pick random ones that still exist?
I like sifting through goodies at the edge of the sector, but I'd rather not wipe Domain-era graveyards off the map, even if they're stuffed with solid gold.
>spend most of my time installing and changing mods
>barely play the game
help, how do i make the game fun again.
Borken are aliens, but no bioships. I was picking around and saw those guys and also some crystal aliens I (in my biased love of crystal aesthetics) thought were cool. Both dead as dirt though, RIP.
Once you have a colonial system established, just build fleets and go fuck with people and try different builds, even if you lose fucking everything your colonies will give you buttfucking tons of credits and ships to keep throwing away.
Pirates won't target systems with pirate-owned planets or bases. If you're running with Nex you can exploit this by colonizing a shithole of no worth and transferring it to the 'rats.
This does not hold true for Pathers as they apparently target individual planets.
Source: my ass. I turned Askonia into a multi faction faire and owned the lobster world for a long time, it never gets any Pirate activity.
Nachiteka also has a synchrotron. It's also much easier to disrupt than Syndria, if you want your own fuel to sell for more. You will be at war with hegeniggers anyway if you have a colony.
Aww. Crystal would be interesting, just to see if there would be good lore behind their motivations, habits, etc.
I've seen some complaints that Borken causes long load times and crashes, so I haven't bothered with it.
Give me Eldar in ships made of proper wraithbone, some Tyranids, and maybe some scattered Necrons (perhaps a Tomb World to awaken, accidentally or otherwise). I'm a fan of necromancy and skeletons, so I guess wraithbone would be the closest thing I could get to reanimating a star dragon or some other space leviathan. Giant animals would be another fun addition (like the ones in Stellaris); imagine hunting and/or capturing them as an occupation, selling their parts or whole for use as warbeasts, for science, or to put in fancy zoos owned by Sindrian admiralty or Tri-Tachyon bourgeoisie.
The forum is autistic about permissions. Honest to god, it feels like it's more the guy with the main portrait pack simply trying to keep out competition and being friends with most other people so he can get their support to me.
Not everyone lets AI ream their ass, profligate.
ships, derilicts and other small things like pirate and pather stations can keep respawning
new planets do not obviously
so feel free to raid the stars
>guy who made a music pack took it down because someone said he didnt have the rights to a song
>didnt even get told what song it was
the forum is seriously autistic
I saw a hint of that when I had to use the Wayback Machine to get Oga's pack.
I doubt a single one of the sycophants on that forum who spouts "permissions" really thinks that borrowing a few faces from copyrighted pictures is going to bring any cease and desists crashing down on this tiny game.
>religion of peace comes to civilly complain about my open ports
>bring 2 pimped out hub ships and some other assorted trash
>I have 3 patrol HQs and a military base in the system
>NONE of the patrols show up to defend the planet that's targeted
>it's the last one with a tier 1 orbital
>have to defend myself
>win, but not without losing my Paragon
>can just build a new one for 500k, but those 4 tachion lances are never coming back
Fug. Are lances sold on any markets, or do I have to grind remnants? I'm surrounded by 3 beacon systems.
It's time to kill another SMASH thread!
Forgot to say that those borrowed bits of trademarked art are being used in *mods*, meaning no one should give a single shit about it. No one's selling the portrait packs.
Derelict research and mining stations included? I'm talking about prespawned setpieces, like a salvage field and multiple ships floating around a gate in a system far away from any active conflict. Domain-era probes.
I'm guessing there's no way to get more Domain-era communication satellites.
Do Tachyon Lance blueprints exist?
set pieces that arent planets can all respawn for a part of missions
ive cleared the ships around a gate and then gotten a mission to get a ship by that same gate later
Yes, but I don't have them this game. Can't really go exploring too far away from home with 5 faction out to burn it down.
>Don't like being slow
>Want to actually have enough fire power to matter against anything bigger than a Destroyer
Thanks, user. I've got a bad habit of leaving behind non-respawning goodies in sandboxes and RPGs; it makes the world seem emptier and dull to me. Sentimentality.
Are there ever missions for doing anything involving stations, or is it just random caches and regular derelict ships that respawn for scans?
I want to say you might be better off just abandoning the colony to start over and rebuild faction relations, but you'll end up wanting to use open ports (and AI) again eventually.
Are free port haters and Hegemonkey penis inspections announced before they visit? You could take a deathball fleet out to meet them on your way to check Tachyon ports for lances or grind Remnants. You could just store your best bits and take only the fastest ships possible for a quick excursion.
Falcon is burn 9.
Pirate Faclon is burn 11.
Get navigaion skill, get tugs, install augmented drive field on your heavy hitter, etc. I have capital ships in my fleet and still cruise at 20.
>abandoning the colony to start ove
The system brings 600k/month, I would rather not. I can leave it alone, just not for too long. I guess with the way autoresolve works, being away might be MORE beneficial than protecting in person, because the defense fleets can't just miss the enemy?
I meant in-battle.
Eagle has propulsion jets, so it's very fast for a cruiser. There is a hull mod that gives speed in exchange for shorter weapon range. Medusa is a destroyer with good weapon slots and wolf-like blinking. Tempests are REALLY fucking quick and if you have a lot of them they can chew through anything, cruisers and capitals included. Carriers can be slow themselves but it doesn't matter because fighters are fast.
Are lobsters really good to smuggle in vanilla? I jumped back into this game balls deep in mods and I see you guys hyping up lobster smuggling but meanwhile my Volturn never has more than like 400 lobsters and they only give 120-170 profit at most. I say they're only worth it if you're passing by Askonia and are soon to go outside the core.
Wait a minute. Can you actually edit planets with console commands?
How the fuck do i store a ship in a planet that's not mine, there is always the sell button where the store button is, when i try in my owned planets.
>How the fuck do i store a ship in a planet that's not mine
You can't. Use one of the abandoned space stations for storage (like the one in Corvus).
There's always a guy on Volturn or Sindria shilling a freezer full of lobsters at you for a discount.
Just click storage
Only the conditions on them. But you could make a hazard 50 world with +3 ore and rare ore, and +2 food, organics, and volatiles.
>Only the conditions on them
That's what I meant. What commands? Or do I need to get like a extra command modules? I haven't noticed anything about planet modification when using Help
Hit storage and then hit F to open up fleet screen I think.
Or was it go to refit screen and hit storage?
list conditions
then either addcondition [condition] or removecondition [condition]
You also need to be in the planet's menu while doing this.