What went wrong with this game?
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Fucking every thing except for the Floran.
It's kind of like no man's sky.
So nothing, absolutely nothing was fixed since 2015?
everything except the fat mod, which is pure kino
It's gotten worse
But No Man's Sky got better and better with each update.
>fat mod
the devs are fucking retarded
good concept, formerly good lore, good sprites
bad planning, bad plot, bad updates, bad progression
with mods the game becomes good, but without its such a fucking disappointment
>since 2015?
they've REMOVED shit since 2015. A lot of it, actually. reducing survival aspects like enviro-hazards and temperature into linear EPP "you cant go here yet!" upgrades is the first that I can think of. Moons are also stupid with the fuckin faggot ghost
little rude
too bad they fucked that up with their latest update.
Only one thing that didn't go wrong.
same fish oc ya fag here
Maybe. Just meant that both were kind of barebones at launch and no point playing. Just go around on planets digging shit.Some may like it, but not for me.
>killed the dog they had around the office
>removed a shit ton if content after 1.0
>still no word on improvements on another story mode campaign or improvements to the original one
>enemy types like kaiju bosses removed
>modding community is slow as fuck
>almost all of the good mods are outright unusable or don’t exist anymore because of some bullshit like how the creator either gave up, committed suicide, forgot to pay rent and got kicked out, or their dad forced them to delete it because they didn’t make money off of it
I should have never bought this fucking piece of shit.
that fish just ain't right
It completely missed the point of what made Terraria good. Duh
Imagine having Terraria for 5 years, and instead of literally copy-and-pasting and changing the theme to space, you literally turn it into No Man's Sky with a Mass Effect: Andromeda storyline layered on top.
Starbound is one of the most soulless games I have ever played, the only things that weren't absolute shit was some of the music, and some of the planet theme ideas (toxic planet, etc).
Everything else about the game - story, progression, building, questing, etc - is fucking horrific.
>removed a shit ton if content after 1.0
I hate chucklefucks as much as the next guy but I've still haven't seen any proofs regarding that.
Didn't meant to quote that, it was about the dog
invisible walls, butchered/removed mechanics and they just generally made the game worse instead of making it better.
Fatfags is degenerate.
>Absolutely no reason to build a cool house because you have a spaceship
>Bosses are completely meaningless and give no valuable rewards
They tried to make a game about exploring and building and then made absolutely nothing worth exploring for and no reason to build anything.
this x10, the building is pointless, why build anything at all, to store items? no you have a spaceship
They should have condensed it all like what Outer Wilds did keeping it in one Star System that's hyperlane is cut off by a space anomaly like a wandering star or something.
>Find a comfy little planet with gentle rains and nice music
>Seems cool, I'll build here
>Construct a little fort
>Realize that the only thing to do on the entire planet is literally watch plants grow
>Search for a high-tier planet to build on
>Your ONLY options are fucked to death piles of burning shit with permanent midnight or gigantic meteors that will destroy anything you build anyway
Just stop asking, it's all Tiy's fault, lots of promises and no deliveries. I don't wanna type that list out again, user.
Just let it die.
I think Floran, especially the females are kinda cute.
But I paid money for it user, money that I'll never get back. Could have bought a nice Mcdonalds meal with that 20 dollars but instead I spent it on this shit.
I'd fuck a Floran
I'll just post this here.
I feel you, but it's been long enough that the effort has lost me. I just stopped caring and I used to have a folder of all the OOF's they pulled during the dev time. It's sad because really they didn't deserve to continue, but got lucky with someone else's game and went the route of publisher dollers.
Now I gotta wait longer to do an advanced wars clone cuz they fucked up.
The movement in general just feels fucked. Like going down a hill it's like your character is slipping on ice or something
>that harmless overwatch mod that just added cosmetics
>it was removed because Blizzards legal team was threatening to absolutely rape his asshole if he didn’t
You mind posting some of those big OOFS they've done?
What the fuck? Is Blizzcuck the Nintendo of games where they scour absolutely everything for traces of their IP?
Who wouldn't?
My biggest issue, was how the enemies were not only all the same, but how the AI was pure ass
All mobs do is run straight towards you after an annoying scream and attempt to live inside of your characters hit box. The starbound team needs to play Terraria. Even fighting slimes at the very beginning is way more fun than any encounter I had in starbound
Long since deleted since I didn't see the point anymore. Had stuff like:
- "I don't answer stupid obnoxious questions"
- the 9gag hidden forum
- office dog posting after bragging about sales
- the mental gymnastic of Tiy who couldn't explain how he and the team are totally working on the game 100%, but publishing is ez so it doesn't matter that it doesn't take up much time. But then what are you doing to publish the game- THREAD LOCKED
- Devs acting like they added content but it was just a new weather effect
- The 3(4?) branches of the game to play because they couldn't make a decision on how to do patches themselves.
- various hilarious instances of people posting on the hugbox forums complaining about Yea Forums
And other stuff that escapes me
Oh wait my favorite! When the 'many guns mod'(The name escapes me) modder was contacted by the team to see if they could put the mod in the game as actual content. So you know, they wouldn't have to do the work. IIRC they mentioned they *might* put him in the credit but there'd be no financial support, and he'd need to keep making updates because of the contract they wanted him to sign. Also it would no longer be his intellectual property, but Chucklefucks.
I wish I didn't delete that folder :l
It did well at release because people were starved for a Terraria-ish game, then after playing it for a short time it was evident that it was just a barebones shell of empty promises. By the time they actually added some of the content they said the game would have everyone was bored of the mediocre gameplay and dropped it.
Damn those are some big oof's indeed. When is Chucklefuck getting their comeuppance? How are they surviving this long leeching off other games?
So new Terraria update when? This year?
>t. Dobson
Hopefully eventually, but they're actually pretty good at finding niche games and slapping their label on them. They got on that harvest moon clone, so that train isn't ending anytime soon.
>don't know if girl
How's that a con?
That's pretty gay user.
So is Jarosław Kaczyński, doesn't stop him from fucking us all in the ass
Pretty much, they're particulary protective over Overwatch as well.
Polish politician being gay? Where the fuck are you getting this from?
Florans and Lilligant together turned me into a chlorophile
What didnt go wrong?
Any suggestions for what mods to use?
Haven't touched it since they introduced all this protectorate or whatever it's called garbage.
Isn't like half of their team diversity hires and "PR"? That's what happens when you skimp on paying people that actually make the game
I think we can conclude this faster if you ask what didn't go wrong.
Lack of content. As simple as that. I wasn't playing Terraria since the start but wasn't that game also pretty barren before the hardmode update? 1.2.4 I think it was. If Starbound had a huge update like that it would be great
Nope. At least it wasn't during SB. It was mostly nepotism from some forum where Tiy was initially posting the idea for the game, PR girl whose name I can't remember was cute tho, wonder if anyone still has her bra/panties twitter post.
That said lol@ one of the hires fucking off before they weren't even partly done to go make his own voxel game. Did it in complete silence and the fanbase REEE'd real hard, which resulted in some blog post about how it's NBD and he wasn't super important anyway (He was 1/3 of the coding team. Totally not important in a team where only 3 people know what the fuck they were doing.)
I feel the games and their developments are pretty apples to oranges. Terreria postured itself a lot differently, and most of the fun came from finding out what was pushed in the friday updates here on Yea Forums. The lack of real content was absolutely the big nail in the game's coffin, no questions there.
why do we get this exact thread so often? I'll give the same answer I always give: they knew they couldn't rival Terraria's raw fun, so they leaned toward "exploration" and customization. As a result Starbound has a lot more environment variety (who cares lol its fucking 2D) and much more furniture/building materials (not my cup of tea but some people like it).
I'm just here for the Floran porn
fuck i forgot that too. Starbound has appeal for waifufags
>70 years
>never had wife
>never had girlfriend
>never had anything resembling a female partner what so ever
>hates gays
you can't really be any more obviously in the closet that this nigga
You are based, user, don't let the normies and N/pol/Cs tell you otherwise.
I want a game simliair to Terraria or Starbound with a greater focus on explosives, water irrigation and terraforming.
I mean maybe he's an incel that's terrible at picking up women. Doesn't automatically mean he's a fag.
I'm also partially here for that.
Because of the shittiness of Starbound and Edge of Space it's almost impossible to make a Terrariaclone because nobody has faith anymore.
Terraria had less content than current Starbound does at release. But even then Terraria's content, as barren as it was, had the one fucking thing that Starbound doesn't. It had fucking purpose. You can do a million things in Starbound right now, but none of them matter or give you any meaningful results, you do them because what the fuck else is there to do? That's the main difference between the games.
it was a game made by artists and not programmers
Literally everything. I thought we were going to get a sick story in a semi dark universe but no, we got shit.
I think we can all agree that the one thing the game got right was the races and their waifuability.
Yes the only thing they got right.
God that's the same shit that killed any interest Destiny's """"""""""story""""""""""" had. The removal of all grim/dark entries and making the world pussified. It was cool seeing Florans as a space plague. It was interesting that the Green finger and Apex govs conspiring against humanity, the glitch were fucking creepy as shit even when not malfunctioning, Kluex cults basically ended up as suicide pacts. I'm not saying go full 40k but the dark tones were fucking great, why get rid of them for avengers funtime?
Addendum: Same reason why overwatch's story is shit. It's all happy fun times 24/7 and it's BORING. A world without meaningful conflict fucking sucks.
Fucking robots was fun.
Too bad the community went to shit too. Now it's filled with attention whores, furries, faggots, and assholes. Doesn't help that FU's Dev is a grade A cunt. I swear back in 2014-15 there were some good servers, even decent rp people, but it's all garbage now.
I'm gonna try to give this game one last shot, filled with mods. There's one that is designed to make combat not shit. Any other mods or is it all just a waste of time?
Why is this a thing?
Why wouldn't it be a thing?
Sexbound is unironically one of the few reasons to play the game. Doesn't mean it's good though.
Who wouldn't fap to any of the races you can sex up?
Sexbound is one of the few reasons to play the game. It's janky but hey, dick don't care.
>one that is designed to make combat not shit
And that is?
"Dynamic Combat" Haven't tried it because I'm hunting down more mods, seems promising just for the fact that it claims to reduce slipperiness and movement is faster, which is a huge bonus.
I've thought about revisiting it with mods as well.
I have high hopes for this one but no idea if it's actually good
But this shitty mod is equivalent to Roblox porn. It's really sad and bottom of the barrel tier, especially when fanart is so mich better.
better than nothing
It's better than nothing.
counterpoint: Most artfags have left this game for other things, and this is pretty much all we have. It's not great but... it's something at least.
>returns game features back to 1.0
Shit maybe I should stop trying to grab FU and I should instead setup for this. Last time I tried FU it was a bloated mess anyways...
Funny that they go after a harmless visual mod for a smalltime game rather than trying to take down the Overwatch porn that actually makes money for the creators using Blizzard assets.
I've slaughtered many, many Floran.
It was a lazy-ass game that tried to leave everything to procedural content.
>Barely any dungeons
>Shit loot all throughout the game
>NPCs scattered about, supposedly living or camping there but they can't even defend themselves from surrounding fauna
>Chucklefuck didn't even bother to make NPC villages make sense, you can find wooden towns in planets where it rains fucking fire
It's just lazy sandbox after lazy sandbox.
understandable, but also horrific
>wooden buildings on fire planet start burning up
>villagers blame you for this
That's actually some Futurama-tier shit
FU is actually really shit.
I can't god damn fucking wait.
Are there any other comparable mods in terms of actually adding shit to do?
Not that I know of because the game has been irrelevant for a while now. Why's it so hard to make a Terraria but in space?
>It's not great but... it's something at least.
I feel like it it would have added some cheap thrills to an already decent game (like Rimjobworld does) but under the circumstances it's just sad.
Never forget Rosie. She's playing in the great dog park in the Sky.
Starbound is only good for the degenerate mods it has.