What's the closest thing to a Bethesda/Elder Scrolls/modern Fallout game except made by competent developers?

What's the closest thing to a Bethesda/Elder Scrolls/modern Fallout game except made by competent developers?

So basically
>Blank slate custom character
>High interaction with the physical world, able to pick up tons of shit and mess around with items

But without
>Shit writing
>Shit combat
>A million bugs

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Damn, nothing at all eh?

Nothing, unfortunately.

Bethesda is shit, but they scratch an itch no one else does

One day lad... one day...

Literally nothing. Why do you think Bethesda games sell? It's because they are literally the only player in the space.

kingdom come deliverance for something similar but no really

check out mount and blade bannerlord

Bethesda has a monopoly on highly moddable open world sandbox rpgs. That's how they get away with all their Bethesda jank bullshit. The sooner someone makes something similar along with some software for modders like the creation kit, the better.

Not much competition. Pretty much all other open world games are so-called "ubi-worlds" with actual shitty writing, TES is not bad relatively speaking.

>but without a million bugs

I beat this recently, got oblivion vibes the whole time.

Are your parents related by blood?
If you enjoy cheesing the shittiest AI ever implemented in gaming history more power to you.
M&B has no redeeming value of any kind.

Fallout New Vegas, except for the bugs.

And shit combat.

Seconding KCD, OP.

However, unless you like historical realism and have an appreciation for European ambience, your enjoyment will be probably be quite limited.

Attached: Kingdom Come_ Deliverance-03.jpg (1920x1080, 1.68M)

And the railroaded narrative path they force on you.

Boiling Point and Xenus 2. You play as a premade character but otherwise the game is very open. It's made by slavs so it has some jank but nothing worse than your average bethesda game.

>Lacks a custom character
So close yet so far.

this. no matter how fucking dogshit bethesdas games are they're still somehow the only ones making that type of game

Imagine the fucking money another developer would make by just apeing what Bethesda did.

>kingdom come deliverance
>Blank slate custom character

kingdoms of amalur tried but it was only a few months after skyrim released and it fucking bombed

I think that was more to do with bad release timing, and also the shit tier MMO loot grindfest. Developers need to stop thinking RNG loot drops with "infinite possibilities" are good.

"infinite possibilities" CAN be done well but you have to design the entire game around it and not just tack it on at the end like every single fucking developer does

Nah, I personally prefer a predetermined set of items. Gives you something to aim for at the end of a quest or dungeon.

It's so bizarre that given how the industry loves to chase trends, no one will imitate and iterate upon Bethesda's design. As another user said, Kingdom: Come Deliverance is the closest you'll get, though you play a set character.

Other than that, your best bet is just to play immersive sims.

that's why i said the game has to be built around it. minecraft does infinite possibilities well because that's the point, but skyrim doesn't because skyrim only applies it to loot and nameless one shot npcs for repeatable quests with no reward

trying to get the perfect bethesda game is like trying to get the perfect hit of crack

nobody copying bethesda is just as bizarre as the lack of porn for square enix properties. the final fantasy franchise as a whole only barely has more than fucking renamon despite every game having 10/10 cum dumps

The closest hit I've ever gotten is Divinity Original Sin 2. The writing is okay, passable. The combat is pretty good even with the bizarre armor system. Undead for skelly nerds, lizards for degenerates, elves and dwarves for normies. World interaction isn't as extensive but better than most. It's like that intermediary alternative that just scratches the itch but you know it needs more.

This thread made me realize how weird it is that Bethesda games are so popular yet there are no non Bethesda games like them

>tfw you realize the billions that the elder scrolls has raked in was probably spent on making sure nobody copied them since literally fucking anyone else could do better
i'm surprised they've allowed mods to exist for this long because it proves that someone with literally no money or experience can improve the property tenfold by themselves

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I was really hoping that Cyberpunk 2077 would be third person because another good part of Bethesda games is the endless character customization. Feels like it was a wasted choice to go first person because it neuters dress up. The only thing you see outside of the inventory is your mechanical arms which we know you can heavily customise thanks to the trailers.

stardew valley

How do you think they're gonna implement the tranny customization?

If we talk about "modern" things, the best we can hope for will come from Obsidian and CD Projekt Red in the future.

And no, I'm not talking about The Outer Worlds necessarily; I'm talking about the game they created with Microsoft's money. Give Obsidian 3 or 4 years to work and the result could be spectacular and incredible. But only if they have a good budget and time.

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m&b's redeeming value is that it's unique, but you're right about the combat ai

At what level do fights against a single bandit not become 10 minutes of strafe and poke

Obsidian has this coming out soon
They straight up said it's a Bethesda style game

Attached: 4L_fi3OGoI9.jpg (1200x675, 144K)

>EGS exclusive
And every human being with a PC stopped caring.

I don't hate M&B but I don't like it either.
It was like a proof of concept demo that should have been the starting point not what they released.
You can see the pieces of a good game in there but nothing came together.
Mildly hopeful for Bannerlord.

it looks god awful. probably gonna make people realize that making a beth game isn't that easy.

In some ways i think baulders gate II and pillars of eternity allow for some of this feeling

Kenshi, it's like Morrowind on steroids.

There's also gothic and arx fatalis

If I could play as a hot girl in a full set of plate this game would have been perfect.