Am i the only one who thinks PS2 era graphics were perfect. They were good enough so people would actually have faces and everything looked what they were supposed to be, but they weren't overly detailed and flashy. For example i played PS4 Ratchet and Clank and i find the visuals irritating after a while because there is just too much shit happening and just wanted to go play the original Ratchet and Clank. There is something really comfy about games like Devil May Cry, Metal Gear Solid 2, Ico, Resident Evil GC, Halo 1 etc.
Am i the only one who thinks PS2 era graphics were perfect...
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Yes, current gen has shit that was never possible, however PS2 to PS3 graphics are perfect for handhelds(PSP, 3DS, Vita, WiiU, Switch)
I've never been irritated at a modern game's gramphix
please get checked out
Yes because, pc graphics fags weren't around.
>there were no PC games before the ps2 era
Yeah, I personally love the low poly aesthetic of PS1/N64 games but I can see how they might be considered “ugly” to someone who didn’t grow up with them. It was also the industry’s first stab at 3D graphics. The next generation smoothed enough of the edges to look good but without going overboard with a dedication to muddy brown realism that plagued the next generation. Also it was the sweet spot before an inordinate amount of time and resources had to be spent on graphic design. Like I’m not sure people understand how many millions of man hours goes into making current AAA gaming graphics in a game like RDR2. The PS2 era was definitely more focused on gameplay
Some pc games were beautiful back then like Half Life 2, however i remember pc gamers playing on consoles too back then and praising PS2 for it's exclusives
I'd say gamecube hit the sweet spot, but you're right. Graphix-fags have made game development overly expensive and thus unsustainable
They weren't bogged down in post processing effects, movie-like filters and oversaturation of details. There's still games that understand how to make stuff pop and avoid using too many filters, but they've become more scarce.
I like them not necessarily because thye look better, but because they were more accessible to developers, nowadays making a game that any company will actually publish or market requires throwing a massive amount of money and development time into making the high end visuals, which generally means larger teams, and in order to make a profit after the larger costs, you end up with everything being made for the widest possible audience. You dont get as much crazy cool nerd shit as you used to, this are overall a bit more generic.
We got 5 GTA games on 6th generation, we haven't got any on current gen expect if you consider GTA 5 remaster one
GTAO is a current gen game, R* treats it as the conjoined twin they didn't euthanize, they just released a big update.
Also imagine if we still had PS2 era graphics, but on modern hardware.
>PS3 would've been 1080p60, PS4 4k120
>8x MSAA would be standard
>asset creation would be much faster, meaning bigger worlds packed with more things
>draw distances could be miles long
Yeah i guess, GTA Online sucks
Old EQ type graphics is the most aesthetic graphics. I love 3D games of that era like ultama underworld daggerfall, and Heros of might and magic
What makes these sorts of graphics look "crisper" even with jaggies?
Texture Filtering
Also no shaders or post processing
The problem is now there is too much focus on effects and not on the overall look plus there is now a lack of the more odd styles
They weren't just more accessible to developers but also modders. Games back then had a ton of maps, models and mods made for them because the graphics hadn't yet reached a point where asset creation became so expensive that it was no longer viable for amatuers.
*Ruins videogame graphics forever*
Killing Floor runs on this and it looked pretty rad, it's lazy developers with no souls that are killing vg.
You're not alone. I don't think graphics ever needed to move beyond that point.
>asset creation would be much faster, meaning bigger worlds packed with more things
It would be immensely cheaper, too, meaning mid-level dev teams could continue to exist and could take more creative chances because they wouldn't have to worry about making the game appeal to everyone.
They went for visual design over raw graphical power. They used what they had to make something look interesting instead of trying to make everything as close to photorealistic as possible.
Especially late-PS2 graphics desu. Shit like FFXII or Rogue Galaxy looked perfect imo.
I'll bite, craft a plausible scenario where a game like the original Max Payne could be made today. I won't be holding my breath.
The fact is that graphix faggotry has skyrocketed the cost of game dev to such ridiculius highs games can sell millions of copies and not even break even.
They can just not make a AAA game like Nintendo, they just recently set the bar higher by releasing a game with bad" graphics.
There's charm to it like there's charm to lo fi music but it's not good for every type of game.
The problem is, publishers are run by boomer retards who don't know jack shit about actually devoloping games, and demand MOAR GRAPHIX.
Phantom Pain sucks compared to MGS3 though, also the level of detail in MGS3 still haven't been topped in a video game
The only time of game it wouldn't suit is walking sims or proper sims
A lot of modern games are ruined visually by excessive post-processing. Shit like Horizon Zero Dawn which would look incredible if not for the disgusting color grading.
>example i played PS4 Ratchet and Clank and i find the visuals irritating after a while because there is just too much shit happening
RaC has always had tons moving parts. Literally what the hell are you talking about?
>Am i the only one who thinks PS2 era graphics were perfect.
I wouldn't call them perfect, but they were good enough to give all the details and information you really need while not being so complex that they required millions of dollars just for skin textures. Anything past PS2-era is just increasing the fidelity without really providing much to the overall product. It's unnecessary extras, and I'm most disappointed that the entire medium for some reason decided that they were the most important thing about video games for over a decade.
I blame all those movie/tv rejects that ended up working on video games desu.
Ps2 is still a bit limited but we could have stopped at ps3 forever making innovation in gameplay storyline and interactivity instead we get short generic expensive crap. BUT IT SURE LOOKS GOOD
A lot of games would suck with PS2 graphics.
It might be nostalgia but I agree.
In any case I think a lot of PS3 games have aged poorly visually.
You're a fucken idiot
Kill yourself
Your statement implies that such games are only good because of their high graphical fidelity
just like standing on top of a mountain and looking at the view is only good because of the view, and wouldn't look nearly as good if you had bad vision. something wrong with that?
games hit a point in about 2015 where they pretty much all look fantastic. I mean technically at least. This is likely due to new tools/engines being available. Unfortunately the side effect is homogenization of the video game visuals, which Yea Forums is extremely sensitive to and is why they shit on everything that comes out, even if it looks undeniably fantastic.
don't have a grand point to make, those are just my thoughts. RDR2 is an unbelievably beautiful game btw, the best looking game I've ever played.
>For example i played PS4 Ratchet and Clank and i find the visuals irritating after a while because there is just too much shit happening and just wanted to go play the original Ratchet and Clank.
The PS4 Ratchet is insanely tryhard when it comes to its graphics.
>Too many fucking screen border effects like grind rail speed lines or explosions
>30 fps
>way too much fucking motion blur
But this is the real kicker for me.
>Inferior art style.
Take a look at planet Aridia for example
The graphics in the original are straightforward and simple with a nice clean contrast between the elements at play. All of them use mainly solid colours, making the background stand out from the foreground and the foreground stand out from the enemies in it. The borders of the playing field and the obstacles within it are clearly delimited.
Then look at the remake. There's a garish purple lighting over near every wall which looks terrible in its own right but also doesn't provide much contrast with the rest of the environment. Every single frame is packed with irrelevant bits of geometry, none of which. It's so overdesigned, nothing in the new Aridia is nearly as imposing as seeing the fortress overlook landing site because nothing about the scene has any depth or dimension to it. Yet the PS2 game has no shortage of detail, the scaffolding of the outpost has plenty of visual complexity. It's simply not as noisy.
tl;dr FUCK the remake and FUCK its shitty overwrought graphics
What the hell kind of backwards logic is that?
not an argument. try again?
I see where you're coming from. Graphics definitely don't make a game, and most of the time the level of detail is unnecessary for how much resources it takes from developing the actual gameplay.
Gameplay can always carry bad graphics, but even 1:1 realism can never carry bad gameplay.
I like the music from PS2 R&C too more than this stupid Hollywood movie music
Way to out yourself as a dirty graphics whore. If a game is truly good you wouldn't be bothered by the graphics. Maybe the resolution of your own display, maybe the framerate, but never the graphics.
>Picking fights on 4channel
big yikes
who's picking fights?
>What the hell kind of backwards logic is that?
seems like this guy is trying to pick a fight ^
I can't remember anything from Witcher map though, yet i can immediatly recognize PS2 open world's areas.
That's probably because of the much lower detail, it's easier to recognize patterns. I can look at a screencap of literally any SNES RPG and instantly recognize it because sprites are static images with less detail than filtered, rendered 3D environments.
nothing wrong with a focus on an artistic experience. of course these games aren't worth spending more than a few hours on them. gameplay is the only thing that can bring players to play for literal thousands of hours. nobody's going to stare at a pretty view for that long.
A PS2 game from 2001 has what are still some of the best water effects in games.
So much soul.
This. Couldn't have said it better myself.
I had the exact same thought recently.
This I don't even remember PC fanboys back in the day. I remember ever played consoles and PC, what happened?
>Every single frame is packed with irrelevant bits of geometry
Uh, excuse me, user, I think you meant to say that every single frame is so dense and has so many great things going on.
>Gameplay can always carry bad graphics, but even 1:1 realism can never carry bad gameplay.
1:1 realism isn't even desirable in the first place.
The problem with the PS1/N64 era is that the framerate struggles to even reach 30. Low poly is fine.
Early PS2 games were oozing with soul, for some reason they became less soulful starting 2004
There isn't really reason to play on both anymore because there are so few exclusives and PC is clearly the most powerful system
>original Metropolis is a overgrown shithole of urban decay
>R&C remake metropolis is a shiny and clean city of the future
man the R&C artstyle really got lost in translation when the PS3 games came out
Also you could't usually see very far in games during that era, a lot of pop ups and mist/shadows to cover it
Why in the FUCK did Insomniac think 30 FPS was acceptable when the original was 60? That alone makes the remake a huge downgrade.
R&C became this weird scifi thing during PS3 era, originally it was more about bolts n shit
nice water
It's a hell of a lot better than Nexus, which was 30fps with severe dips. I didn't actually notice any performance hitches in the remake.
where did all the PC fanboys come from, if the platform is better. Isn't being a fanboy a insecurity?
Also, miss the old day's, when the console and PC version where different. Like ghost recon AW, battlefield 2, wargames defcon, army men games, call of duty, and more.
Video games never should have tried to go for a realistic look. Even if we could get 100 percent photo realistic games I wouldn't play them. I feel like it should be a medium like a cartoon or a comic book is. I wouldn't want a cartoon to look photo realistic. The biggest problem I have is that In new games, everything looks nice, sure. But once there is an out of place texture or you look too closely at something most of the time it looks like shit and is noticeable almost instantly along with things like mouth syncing. I can forgive a "cartoony" game for not having the mouth synced perfectly but when something is trying to be realistic it is very jarring and it's a lot harder for me to get invested in it and the characters. Lower poly games also had more of a cohesive and blended world where everything looked like it belonged and in the cases where there was an obviously less detailed object it just felt more fine and didn't stick out like a sore thumb.
They are pretty much perfect with proper resolution.
I think it's mainly ex-console gamers who want to feel superior. I don't think veteran pc gamers give a crap
I actually agree with you. A lot new steam gamers are ex console gamers.
They were a bit constrained by the TV resolution, but with the hd remasters for ps3 and/or emulators you get great graphics.
Yes, but back in CRT TV days we weren't spoiled by HD yet. I think 720p looks kinda crappy today and in 5 years i will probably think 1080p looks ugly
>the static across the TV screen
I really wish tube tvs never went away and the technology would have just been improved to become less fucking heavy. I've tried emulating ps2 games and a lot of them look fucking weird without scan lines. Idk if that's just nostalgia or not though. One thing is for sure, pixel art games looked better hands down on them
I like my games stylized like Bayonetta