Is it any good, Yea Forums?

Is it any good, Yea Forums?

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I wouldn't even buy this prententious shit for free

>literal movie game
what do you think?

It's pretty cool

You listen to clips and need to find more by searching with keywords

It's ok. The twist is fun if a bit nonsensical. It has a bad case of sometimes requiring very specific inputs though so even when you know what to do, you might not be able to figure out how.

go back to resetera you fucking trannies.

>Her Penis

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No, play Contradiction instead

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I wood play that

>couple years down the line, at the psychiatrist
>So user, how did you become obsessed with these "trannies"?
>T-talking about videogames, doc...

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You can still talk about games even if they’re shit user

this dude is the greatest

No, it's yet another "story game" during the Age of Story Games.

Believe Women

I love Viva!

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The game is legitimately not that different if you just watch a video of it. There's little to speak of in the way of gameplay and you'll save yourself a pound.

>he thinks literal movie games are inherently bad

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She's a shitty actress

I enjoyed it. Despite being a literal movie game, it actually is a story that could've only been told through the video game medium and is about as inoffensive as most traditional adventure games. I give it a lot more merit than I give a lot of cinematic action titles, since those actually could've just been handed over to a movie studio.

The successor comes out in less than a week though and you'd probably be better off waiting for that.

It's just an FMV game that splits everything up into clips and you need to piece together a mystery with them. There's obviously a twist, and at the very least it's one that would only work in the format they chose.

There's probably people that don't realize that Dragon's Lair invented the QTE and was literally nothing but them in rapid succession, and it worked because it still tested your reflexes/memorization while having beautiful animation to back it all up.

It's an interesting concept with a mediocre execution.
The gameplay is basically just watching videos, and typing in words that were said in those videos, until you've watched all of them. It's a semi-novel form of storytelling but the ending is rather abrupt. You're just done when you're done and the game ends.
If you can get it for dirt cheap, it's an okay waste of a few hours.


I liked it for what it was, which wasn't that much to be honest.

I thought it was a clever and engaging story-game with a novel way of interacting with it. I really like that you can essentially figure out what happened in a million keywords or in one, depending on how smart you are.

But of course, it's to be expected Yea Forums doesn't appreciate shit like that, they just want jizzskull anime fighter bullshit.

Finely crafted, you could hook a few yet

I've always been real good at baiting. It's real easy: You just say the truth.

Not him but the actual part is rather than saying you like it and it's good you have to take a fat dump on something else unrelated in the same post to attract people who are mad about that.

Go buy the walking dead telltale game, its a far better movie game.

GOD she made my penis hard

Anyone else getting the follow up?

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I really liked it but I don't think I'd consider it a game. I did think it was an interesting way of telling a story though. I also bought it for a similar price years ago and I don't regret it.


If I wanted a crazy chick lying to me I'd just go to my ex

I wonder, would resetera even shill a game where the woman is the bad guy?

It's not a video game.

>implying RetardEra users play the games they shill

You might already have this game if you have Twitch Prime and redeemed it when it was available. Just a heads up!

>story game
Agreed, I'd rather have my story strung out over 100 hours with a bunch of filler inbetween
>one fucking pound
Once again OP is a massive faggot

it really isn't, and I don't understand the praise it gets. I get why retards like Gone Home, Firewatch etc., but I just don't understand why anyone would like this game. I play a lot of bad games but they almost always do at least SOMETHING for me. this game did nothing for me at all

>Evil twin sister lmao

Why would I know? Why would I pirate, let alone buy, a game that looks like a zero budget public access television documentary?

>looks like a zero budget public access television documentary
That's its best quality though.
Public access television is full of soul.

I don't think the content is any good and really just carried by the actress's talent, but the concept is really nice. It's not a walking simulator, it's more involved than a visual novel, it makes a strong argument for video games as art because it'd have been impossible to capture in any other medium, and I'm definitely part of the camp that thinks video games have no business being art.

It was a fun experience the once just to see it in action. I'm mostly just hoping the new game is actually decent, and not only a novelty.

Gone Home and Firewatch were boring as fuck and I couldn't finish either of them
Her Story was interesting all the way through. It's true that you're just watching FMVs, but the way the FMVs reveal themselves are based on your intuition and detective prowess. That's actually novel and clever.