How did they fuck up so badly?
Metal Wolf Chaos XD
Fuck off
that is literally the name retard
woah, what the hell
fuck off reddit
Damn, this is pretty bad.
Right looks better. Too many games from that era look like shit because of gratuitous amounts of bloom applied to everything.
fuck right off
Left is Dark Souls, Right is Dark Souls 2
Quite a lot of people not liking the remaster, I see.
xD > XD
When will Reddmblr leave
Simpli eric :)
All remakes are shit, play originals
It's part of the remake name, idiot.
>being tired of a joke that wasn't funny the first time makes you a newfag
a fitting subtitle for a randumb game
Why can't devs make good looking games anymore without being hardware intensive?
Fuck off back to R*ddit if you don't like our board cultüre.
stay mad XD
it's a port, not a remake
Not even remotely funny.
It still makes me kek a little, not gonna lie
>I have no sense of humor guys, look at me!
it's missing color correction, even the sky that isn't near a source of bloom should be orange
What in the actual fuck did they do to the audio too?
Yeah man the same exact joke with zero variance for a decade is hilarious. The cake is a lie!
They are working on fixing the audio.
Still embarassing.
holy fuck this is one of the most clear cut SOUL to SOULLESS transitions ever
Idk the ICO and Shadow of the Colossus PS3 port was pretty great.
how is the port this shoddy when they spent so long on it? did devolver rush it out after people complained it wasn't dated during E3?
Has there ever been a good remaster? Even passable ones like Metal Gear Solid 2/3 are vastly inferior to the original release.
>XD Fuck off posters and nothing else
Good job everyone, all we were missing was a Wojack to really kill the thread.
A remaster. Not a remake.
besides missing DLC, is there a way peace walker HD is inferior?
Nope. All remasters are just shitty cashgrabs for normies that can't into emulators.
because xbox games are really hard to do literally anything with
any chance of mods fixing it?
The ZoE2 PS3 remaster is the best version of the game, as far as I know. Don't know about the recent one, though. Also, what's inferior about the MGS2 and 3 ports?
Ico and Shadow of the Colossus on PS3. Muramasa rebirth on vita, Persona 4 Golden on vita, Resident Evil 1 remake HD, Kingdom Hearts 1.5+2.5, Wind Waker HD and Twilight Princess HD on WiiU (arguably for wind waker but TPHD is undeniably an improvement)
Banjo Kazooie and Tooie on 360 are great, as is Perfect Dark
this is a good place to start
>30 fps in an action game
absolutely irredeemable, what were they thinking, thought they learned from souls and sekiro
Shadow of the Collosus ruined the physics.
REmake HD is fucking garbage. Half the background effects are missing and the lighting doesnt interact with the character model (e.g. no warm glow under a lamp).
What Xbox emulators?
incorrect graphical effects that weren't fixed for higher resolutions - some work again in the vita version because it renders at nearly the PS2 resolution
mediocre performance, occasionally worse than on PS2
missing minigames
pause before loading codec calls for some reason
The super-secret one that's at Area 51 sitting next to Half-Life 3 and Megaman Legends 3, obviously.
Oddworld Munch's Oddysee and Stranger's Wrath HD.
Ironically I only bought this version for the extra modes. The graphics are absolutely superior on the xbox version though. Xbox also displays in HD (better than 360) so it was a clear pick on which to play for eyecandy
The Xbox version is 480p only.
La Mulana remake is great
Should i even give it a try? even though it's a botched port
Yeah it really is, the freeware version pales in comparison.
if you're in no hurry to play it it may get patches to suck less if you come back in weeks or months
Almost every remaster is better unless it's Silent Hill or you're an autist
Modern devs dont know how to recreate simple lighting effects?
Are you implying people are supposed to play the game in that state?
no. i wanted to show that xbox emulators don't literally not exist, but they don't run the game playably yet.
shit nigga i'm a complete zoomer and can't jump on the clouds
any tips?
Why does this keep happening? Hell, just look at Dark Souls and so many more games. 'Remaster' in gaming seems to be synonymous with SOULESS and WORSE. Jesus...
Because there's usually no reason to remaster a game, I'd guess.
It's a lighting effect issue, the game runs better and controls better. Gameplay > graphics. Graphics can be more easily patched.
fuck off
Wait WTF is that shit? is this for real?
Of course there is.
>rubs hands
But I guess when you can seemingly half arse it and retards still buy it, well...
I think you're underestimating the importance of passion. I can't imagine there's much passion in a remaster for a game you're not really remastering for any reason other than because your boss wants to make some money.
Ducktales Remaster
Perhaps. But would you really want to potentially sully your name by doing something like that? But maybe that's just me...
lol, what name? Developers get zero recognition anyway.
The new version unironically looks much better, but why the fuck is 90% of the sound just GONE
There's no big developers who get recognition? Besides, if you're planning on trying to be a big name developer, you gotta start out small like every other industry.
Okay, Carmack is famous, but don't pretend you know anyone more niche than Shu Takumi.
An ENB filter doesn't fix this?
Sound is currently being worked on, there's been at least one patch so far. My xbone version has normal audio but not the lighting.
I don't. Who cares about that anyway? You seem to be talking more about fame and celebrity shit. What I'm saying can happen on a smaller scale as well. If you're a useless developer, others might not want to work with you for example.
>make a console game to run on fixed hardware at a fixed resolution, framerate and aspect ratio
>you or more likely a third world mobile developer are asked to make ports of it years after it was finished
>his palms are sweaty, graphics weak, framerate heavy
>there's vomit on his repo already, code's spaghetti
>mfw I have a modded OG Xbox and I can play the original kino
>Persona 4 Golden on vita
He said good user
Xbox emulator fucking WHEN?
>there are people on this board that still don't have one
That is atrocious.
What the fuck Devolver?
>make a console game to run on fixed hardware at a fixed resolution, framerate and aspect ratio, while being a japanese dev
>end result is an absolute hackjob that only by sheer luck even works at all
>wonder why are other people having trouble taking that pile of feces and making it run on variable hardware
>mfw people can't handle the glorious Duke controller
emulators exist, they just don't play it yet. download the game, download the emulator, check github issues for games and update it occasionally
How is it that remasters just keep coming out to be worse looking than the originals, and why the shit are they almost always missing the lighting? Fuck the industry Jews, this is why emulation is important.
I only played to the end of that second mission in XD and I could feel that something was off just going by my memory of youtube videos.
see A mixture of hardware issues, incompetence, and greed.
fuck off
Holy shit. It's like GTASA all over again.
Kingdom Hearts remasters on PS4 boost the FPS to 60 even on a standard PS4, have faster load times, and have native wide-screen support
>cult classic's fanbase is now infested with mainstream meme normalfags.
>remaster lacks all of the original soul, making the tradeoff worthless.
Every fucking time.
>Pokemon XD
Fuck off
Looks like they ripped all the models and assets just fine, but not any of the post-processing effects.
Which is a pretty common theme with remasters - the Silent Hill HD Collection lacked fog, Dark Souls remastered had weird shader decisions, Deus Ex Human Revolution's Director's Cut had complaints with how grey the non-processed textures were. GTA San Andreas' PC version lacked all of the console-specific shaders, so on and so forth.
The question is whether or not it's such a gigantic pain in the ass to either replicate or rip the post-processing that they're just opting not to, or they genuinely do not think it matters/don't give a shit.
Didn't that one actually broke one of the fights in Kingdom Hearts 2 by making the boss' "Berserk" bar fill up way too fast making the fight impossible to beat? Because game logic was tied to the framerate or something.
You and I both know Silent Hill is a special case of fuck-uppery
It was an extra special case of fuckuppery, all fuckups listed are not equally fucked up. Just the first examples that came to mind. And it's hard to forget the Silent Hill HD Collection.
It's one of those games where if you force it to run at 60fps everything is 2x faster.
IIRC the original xbox game has frame drops too.
Fr*ck off you little st*nker!
They fixed it along with the data bar in the Vexen fight in a later update.
porting post-proc shaders from that era is hell, especially from PS2 games.
I know MWC is a Xbox exclusive, just making a point. remember the San Andreas port? or the DMC collection? yeah.
Thats good enough for me considering the texture quality. It doesn't look bad on my tv because it scales properly.
Still dumb as hell because the xbox has an nvidia chipset in it and they could have just converted this shit considering they did that with sudeki.
>considering they did that with sudeki
Imagine putting less effort into anything than fucking Sudeki. The game that doesn't even have an ending.
How embarrassing.
most remasters are fine for anyone who isn't autistic.
Don't forget that the pc version of sudeki also fixed the ai so they can block in combat and made the controls not suck ass in comparison to the console scheme.