If you've wanted to start Girls' Frontline, now is literally the best time

If you've wanted to start Girls' Frontline, now is literally the best time

Also who /smgforlyfe/ here

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Other urls found in this thread:


They turned my beloved C96 into a Loli and it's not even a good one

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>mobile shit
>skinner box online game
Get a better hobby

Why does this shitty flash game make my phone heat up so much? It gets nearly too hot to touch and I haven't played a single other game that does this to my phone

Post blonde girls and anyone that wears leotards or one pieces.
Then I might

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I still don't have a phone. is it true they made the player character a girl?

Good, the bot is here.
I'll be more specific, one piece swimsits, not school swimsuits

How so? Redpill me and convince ne with qt gunfus and I just might

get nox and try it yourself

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Well here's a one piece.

Though there's no officially blond girls in one I think.

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>shills game with no incentives
>just play it ureself bro lololol
Why must we play dumb...

Alright, not bad. How available is she
Post the best blondes you got then, preferably shapely/busty

>plz spoonfeed me

>playing gfl on a phone
The game feels so much better on an emulator on a PC.

>retard wants people to play the game juat like that
>is surprised when people ask reasons to play said game

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>he thinks I give a fuck whether some retard plays a game or not
Why are you so retarded to think I give a fuck about you?

>makes thread begging people to play
>i-i-i dont care that you p-play
Lol just lol @ braindead gachashitters

Not digging the artstyle, which is a shame because I would have liked it otherwise

Keep in mind the tripfag is showing you skins. Skins aren't very common to come by and is the only real gacha in the game.

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Unimpressive art on this one too
>Skins aren't very common to come by
>real gacha
Fucking skins are in the gacha too? That sounds like hell


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Alright, now we're getting somewhere

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Her non-skin is pretty boring, looks like

>Fucking skins are in the gacha too?
Skins only show up under their specific banners, like almost every other gacha game. They do sell skins in bundles too, but the "real" gacha refers to buying tokens(or getting them through dailies/weeklies) and spending them in the dorm.

The actual unit gacha is easier and more or less free since the game gives you tons of resources to get them, knowing the amount of resources to spend is what opens up the other types of guns. (spending 9999 on every resource doesn't give you anything different than spending 750 in crafting a gun)

I'd look on gfl.zzzzz.kr/dolls.php?lang=en to see the dolls in the game yourself.

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cute gun girls

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Looks like this is a gacha really made for /k/fags since I really can't find anyone I like just by design aside from
and that's only because she reminds me Strike Witches.
Guess I'm sticking with chink botes and their pretty assortment of blondes

Since nobody’s shilled the gameplay yet, here’s an example m.youtube.com/watch?v=48RzRinL7n4

They really do make all the best girls RFs which is a shame because I don't want to make an RF echelon.

I doubt it. You can't get Noel, Elphelt, or any of the crossover units anymore

Who wants Noel anyway, she's garbo after CS

>crossover units
you can still get dana/Dorothy/Alma easily at this point

I think OP refers to the VA11-HALL A collab since the majority of the reward dolls for the event are actually really good and most are easy to get.

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>now is literally the best time
>halfway through the event so newfags cant get the valhalla stuff
>no free shit being given out
>gameplay is still shit
>still censored
The fuck are you talking about, why would anyone touch this shit?

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>he dosen't know the voodoo recipe

>spending 9999 on every resource doesn't give you anything different than spending 750 in crafting a gun
So thats a lie since heavy prodcution exists

>Diet anything
But why

Well I dont see you posting the recipe or any other proof, so thats not an argument

Not that user, but did you ever try googling for the decensor recipe?

Not ever since I dropped the game and it was already established that even china removed it, granted that was a year ago

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Context, retard. A new player wouldn't even have HP unlocked yet.

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Whats your point? It doesnt even take long to unlock it iirc, you made the argument throwing more resources changes nothing, but the very existence of HP proves that to be a lie


They can’t

Isn't it censored to fucking shit?

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>If you've wanted to start Girls' Frontline
you lost me


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Just patch it bro. What's that? You're on iOS? Get fucked, kiddo.

>he dosent know anything

>uncensored recipe and restart
You’re welcome

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Convince me to play this game. I have an 9+ coming in on Tuesday. I either need to find a good couple of mobile games, or I'm just going to continue with GBC and GBA emulator with turn based RPGs.

Rifle echelons are great for bosses, though

>7 days in
>already have Type97, WA2000, CarcanoM1891 and MG5
How much of a luck bastard am I? Also, I think I'm in love with Ingram

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You'll get HOXY'd eventually. It took me a long fucking time to get the one doll I really wanted. It will happen to you. Plus don't use RFs and MG starting off, you'll become a resourcelet and get fucked hard.

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No, the Commander is officially and canonically a dude.

And canonically married to a toaster.

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>M16 is in the bunk
>the rest of the squad is outside, she just had to go back in to get something
>for some reason the recent doctrine was, that nobody got resupplied except 416 or FAL
>the other girls complained to her
>she told them to be strong
>"Shikkan has his reasons"
>she dosen't know what they are or why she has to block bullets for FAL or 416
>bullets hurt, even with armor
>even so, the other girls get stronger, so M16 bears with it
>they're her little sisters after all
>suddenly Commander enters
>he's holding a wrench, the kind for disassembling T-dolls
>M16 has a bad feeling about this but swallows it
>"Sorry about this M16, but i'll finally reach area 0!"
>he begins disassembling M16
>her safety protocols prevent her from harming a human even in self defense
>she has to watch as the man she trusted takes her apart, piece by piece
>"Why...commander...didn't...I make you.... happy?"
>the last thing that goes through M16's mind is "M...4..."
>the remains of M16 lies on the ground
>one of the girls comes on and screams as she sees bits of M16 everywhere as the Commander digs through them.
>the girl who screamed is shocked silent by the Commander's crazed face
>Commander pulls out his phone and consults it, then his face lights up
>"Yes, if I disassemble the rest of the AR Team too!"
>he runs out clutching his wrench, cackling like a loon

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Pick an echelon and stick with them until they're maxed out and you can farm 0-2 for cores. Don't end up in core hell.

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can you not shitpost best girl

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>200+ runs of the same map/enemy
>easy to get
besides, its way too late to get all the unique equips and units from the shop
Its almost the worst time to join because you'll see a bunch of shit you'll never get to have

its not censored

Ingram is trash and I hate her

Most of the depth is in finding ideal squad setups and optimizing them, then the turn-based stuff gets difficult in the end-game when you need to really watch your moves so you don't get eaten alive by tanks or night missions.
At that point you'll need to micro like the video in to avoid major damage.

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Started few weeks ago, still dont have WA. Im jelly

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It's just the mica shill doing his job.

Back to back to back drop. Nobody will ever be the luck chad I am

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>now is literally the best time

I didnt play in months
the valhalla shit?

>That map
Oh yes, just what I want to do, troll around a massive level for two hours on my fucking phone.

thats the endgame lol, you won't be seeing that kind of thing for a long time. Everything else in comparison is bite-sized, but the gameplay is still the same.
a week ago would've been the best time since you had the time to grind out everything, Jill and Dorothy are set up to be 2 of the best units in the game for what they do.

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You can get Dorothy in a couple of hours repeating the second map over and over again (around 3 min each)
how do you get Jill ?

clear the event

Is it an srpg? Arpg? What kind of action are we talking here? Do JP and NA versions vary wildly?

please tell me why nox is better than bluestacks

sugar is the devil

why doesnt m1891 call me back?

G36 looks so bad

that's why i'm a bote typ gacha fag


ok, just started to play
are shotguns worth as tanks on the front line?
or I should use SMGs with the shield skill

Use what works better for you. Nox just works better on my system.

>no handgun buffing everybody

nigga why

>girls frontline
I've heard that name a couple of times. What is it, sell me on it

you kill Anna youtube.com/watch?v=sb1zfgy3tIc
its a mobile strategy game with micro elements
like in the video in this post CN is the furthest ahead, En is catching up quick and is set to get the CN care package that involves literally thousands of EXP boosts, a few 4* units, and lots of resources.

I just got back into the game after taking a year off. What should I prioritize getting from the event?

Don't use SGs, MGs or RFs starting off. Make a team of 3 ARs and 2 SMG. SMGs are tanks/off tanks, and ARs are DPS.

Make your echelon formation

forgot to mention that JP is behind EN in content.

Get them all, they're all pretty easy to get and are all pretty good. Sei and Stella require farming for that limited drop.

Looks interesting enough for me to check out on Tuesday, thanks.
Does playing NA put me at a serious disadvantage? It's one of my biggest pet peeves when it comes to shit like this. Or, at the very least does NA follow a similar release schedule/get the same bonuses events as CN?

SGs are different kind of tanks that buff MG. They are not worth considering unless you have AR/SMG and HG/RF teams already. Use SMGs.

Every region is hanging on by a thread anyway.

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Everyone in NA is going to get the CN starter package, older players get it retroactively

Okay wait, are you trying to get me to play a game that is about to die/is on the decline?

Still havent check best squad compositions, just trusting my dick with the choices

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In terms of QoL changes the lag time is short but EN is 5 big events behind the main CN/KR/TW servers and will probably remain 2 events behind even when it slowly catches up. Strangely it's a head of JP.

its been dying for years

>He doesn't know the secret receipe

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Why would I want to play something that's dying..

post your main squaq!

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Not that user, but there hasn’t really been any sign of financial troubles besides making less than the other Gachas, since they just released a new CN event and some anime shorts

yeah, so?

Ignore the fuck. The game went through a currency reset a month before that. He's this dumb little faggot who posts this in threads in some vain attempt to do some damage.

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No, I stopped playing the bilibili version long ago and im not about to start over on english.

>and some anime shorts
That couldn't even afford to get the game CVs back.

Jp dubs are coming later

Play my daughter’s game!

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I know there’s other gacha shills in this thread, tell me why I should play your’s instead of this one

But it already is?

Isn't Arknights putting the final nail in the coffin for this game?

Doing cute things!

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thats just the narrator dub im guessing, no character lines recorded yet.
even its general is dead


prioritize Dorothy since she's the second best and after that either Stella or Alma
Jill is technically busted but she's utterly free, equips included. Just clear the event

VG is where video game threads go to die.

I want to like this but I hate tower defense games

Azur Lane is far better game

Explain for me please

Post the livestream.

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No thanks OP


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What makes now the best time to start playing this

I played this autistically for a few months and even spent over 100 dollars on it, but gacha is just so exhausting after a while, feels good to be free from it


tribalism is fun

He still has time to get Dorothy since it's only 3 days of the daily 60 armor shards.


Gfl is turn-based. Az is a shmup. So it's a matter of preference really.

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because bluestacks performance is trash


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And both Gachas are pretty generous with the their rates and rolls

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>can easily save resourcers and get sr's in azur lane
>four different resources in gfl and in """rate ups""" you still might fail to get anything
>want to buy a new costume for your waifu in al? there you go, its yours
>waste hundreds of dollars to get even one costume from gfl furniture gacha and it might end up be for someone you don't even care about

wtf where are the grenade launchers on global

Girls frontline is pretty good all things considered. It isnt a terrible gacha

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>playing SJW censored trash

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>can easily save resourcers and get sr's in azur lane
Same for both, AL commissions and GFL’s logistics. Rates are surprisingly high for being Gachas either way
>four different resources in gfl and in """rate ups""" you still might fail to get anything
Resources become irrelevant when you’re given so much through Logs and the first achievements. You want to know how many times I’ve tried to roll for Essex and she still hasn’t come home?
>want to buy a new costume for your waifu in al? there you go, its yours
Costume gacha is bad, AL is better in that end.

Why THE FUCK are gfl, al and fgo threads allowed but gbf not?????


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Agreed. Censored Frontline is trash

did you play the game before shitting on it?

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post the comic

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AL and Gfl (and occasionally drag lost) are the most generous Gachas so they get a pass. FGO, despite being horrendous gets a pass due to its anime popularity and brand recognition

>he doesn’t know anything

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>he doesn't know

Any protips for a new player?

Literally posted earlier in the thread:

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How does this anime girl game compare to the one where they are battleships and stuff instead?

do you like guns?

Sure do.

So what's the story behind that anyways? Is it a "bug" that they keep in so they can claim they're still following decency laws?

Uninstall game

whats the source on this?

M16 is best girl

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Tried it last night. Does the tactical aspect ramp up in difficulty slowly or is there some kind of difficulty spike to get you to buy stuff?

>Can be pulled at any moment
Not an argument.

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Start out on AR/smg teams, those will push you through the story. And add a bunch of rando friends so they can carry you to better logistics

Nah, think of it like the Blood Code Mortal Kombat on the Genesis had. It's very much intentional as it leads to a download of the uncensored CGs when you restart the game.


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Looks like something google play customer service would love to know. Hiding stuff like that when game is marketed as censored.

I already have all VA-11 HALL-A girls fuck off

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dont waste cores

Each stage becomes harder incrementally, by a few hundred points per stage. There is a point where you can grind, but really just friend echelons to clear the stages to where you get the AR team, since they're solid.

Fate has multiple actual games, GFL has Bakery Girls
Just wait till that Granglue fighting game comes out

>turn based

Translation in GFL is possibly the worst one I've seen in gacha. So many events have incorrectly translated lines.

Don't need to
You play one gachashit game you've basically played them all
The only thing that varies is the """Gameplay""" which rarely tries to be different and unique from other gachashit

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Yeah, hence why I put the quotes around bug. Is it just something the devs have for plausible deniability?

What are you talking about user, it just seems like a strange glitch. Just report it to the devs, I'm sure they'll oblige you ;3

>.t Yostar shill
enjoy your trannylations

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I probably already have.
I just barely finished 5-3. It sucks only having 1 decent Echelon and the rest being like half power or 3/4th. Can't even do the next VA11 Hall-A mission either.

Man you're dumb

So how long do I have to wait until the Ump40 event comes back? She's the last member of 404 I need.

then why are you here?

>want to install AL and GFL but can only focus on 1 rn since already playing 3 other gachas
>just realize Im not a white school shooter and dont know anything about guns
>see playstore that AL has 4.6 stars and GFL has 4.1
Boats it is, I've always wanted to be a pirate anyways

I don't play your shit game but my wife is QBZ-95.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>playing AL

gfl sure has tiny fanbase in west. their en twitter has barely over 40k followers. azur lane has already over 100k and it was released later. even more than fgo en too

its just there so when some retard that would get worked up downloads the game he sees thecensored version and has nothing to get worked up about and anyone that cares about anime titties can get them too

I wanted her costume but I got shafted with almas costume.

Why does everything have to be a competition with you people?

I just started playing yesterday, the second mission in the event wiped me out and killed all my girls.
I sneaked past those two big guys and tried to fight the normal looking guys behind and got wiped.
Is there even enough time now, to get enough armour shards to buy the Va11ha11a girls? I got dana of course.

Boat girls are more popular than gun girls for whatever reason.

No idea to be honest, may not even be a thing with Google Play's regulations but something concerning Global's depending on where it's already available.
That way they only need the Chinese(?) version, the Japanese version and the Global version.


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gun names too difficult to remember, please understand

I just started playing a week ago but wanna snatch the Valhalla girls before the event is done. Tips to level up and dummy link my squad? What are the optimal combos of weapons?

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>tfw pulled her

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AL has more tasteless otaku dick baiting designs, and guns are scaaaary

I think it's because of how Kancolle built the idea up, so it's easier for people to transition to that.

I think the event ends next week, so that's about 5 days worth of armor shard farming (you get 60 a day).

I was just suggested gflcorner.com/newbie-guide-to-girls-frontline/

congrats on your perfect handgun.

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Boy do I have the boat for you assuming you own a time machine.

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You get 60 fragments a day and the 26th is the final day of the event.
There's Dorothy and Alma in the shop for 150, everyone but Jill has a unique equip for 70 and there's 3 Alma fairies for 80 each in terms of the important stuff.
You should be fine if you focus on the units and equips and make sure to get your cap every day, when you reach Stage 3 you should be fine because it's a map where you have two NPC units that carry you for the two turns it takes to win, so just run that 10 times a day and you're golden. Only things you may not be able to do starting out at this point is beat the event (to get Jill) or grind for Stella and Sei as they're on the final stage (Stage 8) and Stage 5 respectively as specific enemy drops

Sorry, typed faster than I was thinking.
Anna's a fairy unit in this which while you won't have to worry about for a while, this may be your only chance to get her specifically.

Does GFL ever bring back events?

Well right now i am only strong enough to beat stage 1, and when i beat it i got 0 shards.
Do i get shards from that mission? Am i supposed to try and sneak through mission 2? because those guys wiped me hard.

Whats good about having 3 Anna fairies?

>grizzly, calico, intervention, both the good umps, and cm-s by day 5 f2p
I can't wait to use them in a month

Fuck this game. Girls' Fortnite is where it's at.

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So were Anna and Dorothy step sisters?

Weakness disgusts me

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I dont think collabs return.

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Yeah, you're supposed to dodge the big 200k power gundam. Use another echelon to bait them to keep them away from your main dudes.

That's actually a glitch because of the 80 fragments you get in the mail.
You'll get six fragments for most of the stages and ten for the latter 3.
If you can at least beat Stage 2 ( explains it) then you should be good for at least getting daily fragments.

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If that is the case than that really sucks.

alright, thanks. ill re-do mission 1 a couple of times to lv up and try again

Dupe fairies enhance for more than normal fairies and fairies are a Heavy Production equipment so they eat a lot of resources to make.
Having 2 extra Annas means you can get more development on Anna sooner.

Events, yes? (Operation Cube came back last month with extra stuff), but collabs are a one time deal. Sometimes they're good (Jill, Dorothy, Elphelt), others acceptable (the other Valhalla girls), with Noel being garbage.

60 a day? By doing what?

Am I supposed to have anti armor shit for the later stages?

Collabs have liscensing issues, other events come back but collabs aren't common, hell they took the chance to rerun the GG collab when it was time for it the first time on global

Pls say shes available and not a limited event...

yep I cant get elphelt or noels costume from the blaz blue collab.

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Just beating stages, Stage 3 is the easiest to do this with because you just push End Turn twice and let the NPC echelons do the fighting. Just run Stage 3 10 times and you have your daily cap of fragments.

Just finishing any event map will give shards, farm whatever map is easiest for you

Sorry bro

Sell me on it besides "muh cute waifus"
Need something besides Archerio and FFVII to kill time on my phone

I wish i had your free time bro.. whats the game below dragalia lost, and is dragalia lost good btw? Kinda wanna try it

Can I just auto-play it? I'm not into gacha that require an actual time investment.

Yeah. But don't fuss too much about it right now.

You missed her event, should get a rerun sometime next year. Every event bote gets added to the permanent pool or the replay event thingy anyways, except for collab ships.
I recommend to play in JP.

Because Yostar and mica (companies) hate each other and that resentment dripped into their fans

It's a gacha dude. "Cute waifus" is the draw

what kind of disorder breeds this behavior?

Starts out simple but as you get closer to endgame stuff the maps get larger and you have to learn mechanics that aren't explained to you much like kiting in battle. It's more strategy than reactions so it's different to Azur Lane on account of unit formation and power spreadout being far more important.

Noels is a special kind of fuckery, its great but it makes her skill lose its sekrit power it also lets you canon molest her

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If you're not here for the waifus, there's really not much else to sell you on. GFL does have a somewhat enjoyable story to it, but I wouldn't recommend picking up a gacha game for it. If you like guns, cute girls with a dose of suffering, and can tolerate gacha, then yeah play GFL.

Im gonna cry...should i still install AL anyways?
Really? I dont think ill be playing for a year desu but if it does come back its cool.
I dont understand Jap btw so idk i have to stick to EN...

Welp, guess this might be a good time as any to post this
1) imgur.com/a/CS8P1DD
2) imgur.com/a/ke6LdCh
3) imgur.com/a/RZe2QY6
4) imgur.com/a/pbckXNj
5) imgur.com/a/M3uC2Zj

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Good enough for me. DL'ing now

God, waterkuma's stuff is so delicious
>dat gluteal fold

You can just do infinite logistics and mine rolls off them

I don't know what this means

god I wish she were real.

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I started playing after that same event and am missing out on pic related. Limited shit is cancer

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set up teams to get you free rolls

Don't forget to do the patch here if you want to decensor stuff. Just put the recipe in, start production, restart the game, and you should get a message saying a patch needs to be installed when you log back in.

Right? Its the best, only dick buy I've ever done and I don't regret it

You do know they have literally added everything permanently after a year or so? Skins and ships. They even announce it, "this ship will be available permanently after some time" or something like that.

>Download Destiny Child for the BB collab
>Noel looks like shit and the Mu-12 skin doesn't even change her special's animation
I wish the GFL collab for BB/GG wasn't shit and didn't ask for cash up front for the costumes instead of gems.

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>playing gachashit for a year



logistics nets you resources that you can use to roll for new dolls.

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Fuck it, I'll play it. Any advice for a beginner?

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I love VA-11 HALL-A, so I genuinely whaled on it. It's the only time I'm going to do it on this game, and I'm holding myself to it.

Your first team should be assault rifles and submachine guns. Don't use too many high rarity dolls at the beginning or you will fall into the pit that is known as core hell

W-what's core hell?

Same here, I got every costume but Sei's trying to get Dana's but I also ended up with 100 exchange tickets and bought Dana's outright.

stick with 2 star dolls so you dont end up in core hell. add people and use their echelons to help you beat the story. collect batteries daily. upgrade your data room. OATH ST AR ASAP

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You use "cores" to dummy-link dolls. Dummy-linking dolls makes them stronger. The higher the rarity of a doll, the more cores you use for them. If you end up spending more cores than you are able to sustain, you will hit a wall where it will be difficult to progress

Read the OP in the general, actually has a lot of useful information

Where you have a bunch of 4 and 5 star dolls, and you don't have enough cores to dummy link them ASAP.

Every T-Doll has a rarity based cost of Dummy Linking called Dummy Cores.
You get Dummy Cores dripfed to you in missions but also get them from scrapping 3*, 4* or 5* T-Dolls for 1, 3 or 5 cores respectively. Dummy Linking is a vital aspect to T-Doll growth and for every one you do it costs more, say 5 becomes 10 becomes 15, etc.
5* and Extra T-Dolls start at 15 for the first two links, then 30, then finally 45. So if you only use high rarity T-Dolls you'll wind up constantly in a drought of cores known as core hell

read some basic info on how to not throw away all your starting money
aka don't core your lucky 5* gun day 1

Sadly have to agree. I prefer guns by far, but the grind in GFL is far more soul sucking somehow and the gameplay I see in late game just seems obnoxious.

you use cores to link your dolls. the more links and the more stars means more cores youll end up stuck with no cores and a bunch of dolls you cant link.

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a place you never want to be...

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Yeah, my goal was Dana's, but I didn't get her until I had 99 exchange tickets, by which point I'd ended up getting Jill's, Alma's and Stella's costumes. So I went fuck it, and bought another batch of gems so I could buy one more resupply to get get last few tickets to buy Sei's outright to complete. It also got me a good amount of the barroom dorm set to make it comfy. So overall I'm happy with the event and I've completed all my goals, so all I got left is the daily armor shard grind.

>big stock of cores
>letting bokoboko get to 95 before 5x

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can you use the same account on your phone and emulated on PC? stuck in a shit spot right now

You can uncensor on iOS

im hoping for at least one dupe to lower the cost cause I have a lot of other dolls that need linking.

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Also, as an extra note. Extra 3* or higher dolls you get, don't use them for enhance fodder. Retire them to get more cores. 3* is 1 core, 4* is 3 cores, and 5* is 5.

The game by default should never have dolls you only have one of appear on your scrapping lists.

I started playing two days ago. How difficult will it be for me to get anything good out of the VA11-HALL missions?

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Yeah you can, but you'll need to re-install the decensor patch on your emulator.

do combat sims to powerlevel those girls.

You got 7 days left of the event, so thats 420 armor shards you can farm. That's enough to get you Dorothy, Alma, and Anna.

>M14 instead of the superior M1

The exp combat sim is open for a while right now, get it done for that RF squad asap and you'll probably be able to get farming for sei and stella:

It's only the best time to start if you like wasting your time due to the inevitable closure of the EN server later this year. The game's popularity never took off in the west, and it's tanked immensely back in China. The Japanese version is struggling and is nearly equal with EN when it comes to revenue, to the point that they've started accelerating the pace of content just so they can release costumes faster for JP.
The only version doing well is Korea, and even it has dropped off significantly in recent months due to other mobage coming out and taking attention away from it. Singularity's release will make or break this game for EN, and considering VA-11 Hall-A isn't making a serious dent in revenue for it, it's not looking good at all.
Gunniggers have been spreading like cockroaches from their containment thread on /vg/ in order to rally people to trying to play their shitty game that's barely surviving. Don't take the bait and play something else instead.

I don't have many rifles

I've been doing capsule runs to boost their stats, should I just focus on trying to get them leveled up instead?

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Capsule runs are a waste of time because you can always farm dolls for fodder. EXP is always better.

>I've been doing capsule runs to boost their stats, should I just focus on trying to get them leveled up instead?
capsules are 100% a waste of sim energy, use it for xp, data and defense runs(later)
Also try and complete 60 unique missions as fast as you can, you get a free fairy(command) that has a pretty good aura

M14 is the Wargod, you’re fine

Yes do the EXP one, you'll get plenty of gun dupes to feed your WARGOD for stats

M1 isn't hard to get, she's a common

dont do that. pills are pretty much a skip youll get fodder from doing missions to enhance dolls.

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Every game I don’t like is dying give me (yous)

Why is this game always being shilled? Why can't these autists fuck off to /vg/ for christs sake?

What gacha games have legit died?

can't argue with that logic. here you go fren.

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A place where M16 is brutally bullied for all eternity.

You don't want to bully M16, do you? She's had a hard life before all this...

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Oh no

Do I need a really good team to do the event? I have like a 3k~ strength team.

Best part of the collab

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I hit dummy hell cause lolm2. Should I just start over? It's really difficult to move forward.

>the greatest implement of warfare is only 3 stars
>AKM, the most produced weapon in history is also 3 stars
>While guns with notorious reliability issues like RFB and MDR are 5 stars.

Fuck this game. It's clear that none of them actually use guns.

Every gacha owned by Nexon

So what makes now such a great time to start?

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M1 Garand not being 5* is criminal.

a manually operated bicycle pump outclasses 1911

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Brit chads win again

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You have decent taste, at least

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>Gunpla gacha
Please tell me it's trash; I don't know if I can resist.

>doom posting
There aren't many high quality gacha out there in EN. GFL, AL, Fate, and what else?

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>can't beat the fourth mission for the event

Kite one of them to the gate and then slam their dick in the car door until they're too weak to beat your echelon

what you think about oaths?
they are just another way to boost stats or a gift for that special t-doll?

git gud

You get the stat boost at level 90 right before hitting the cap to oath , so it ends up being a gift

do I
(a) have to give my credit card info to play this garbage
(b) have to put money down to avoid really annoying shit?

because if B then I will not play. if no A then I will probably play.

Play Dragalia lost

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are the girls cute?

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Yes but they all revolve around the worst protagonist in video game history


Couldn't be worse than the Destiny Child protag and I play that.

A bad personality is still better than negative personality.

More like Dragalia Last.

I just dropped one of my gacha tho so I'm looking for anything that isn't a hateful timesink. From what I've heard GB and FGO are cruel as fuck. I just want a chill game with cute girls I can auto.

based. never liked dragalia

>implying you can get out of core hell

Why is it whenever posts this, it’s always with some sad face?

Should I just restart then? I just got to night missions so I feel like I'm not really that far into the game.

What 5* drop did you get? Some have a pretty low drop rate

No user, what I mean is that you'll be always in core hell

a) - nope, its 100% free
b) - nope, you can use teams built by people on your friendlist to play the game, otherwise its just time to run missions and time to build equipment / dolls. I havent spent a penny and i have a pretty strong AR/SMG team

if you can make it to 4-3 emergency you can start grinding cores till you make it to 0-2.

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>Send Uzi out on logistics for the first time in weeks
>She's absolutely ecstatic that she's being useful
>When she comes back she notices shikikan on his computer and asks what he's doing
>She was overjoyed when he said he was just exploring the nice world she had built
>After making a snack she hops on and starts recording their adventures together for her Uzi plays series
>SKK feels a little tingle in his chest when he discovers she built him a house in case he ever wanted to play with her
>She lets out a happy squeal and a gasp when she finds the cake in her own house
>She forgot it was her birthday
>She spends the rest of the day sitting in SKK's lap pointing out things she built and discovered
>BONUS SCENE: the number of likes on her videos spikes when MDR gathers everyone to comment and wish her a happy birthday

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dumb and useless

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OTs-14 is a total babe but the game was too much of a grind for me. Fuck logistics, fuck instant repairs and fuck daily quests.

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Fuck off gacha fags, there's nothing more Snóy that a chinese phone game about collecting anime inanimate object girls

be a real nigga and buy an anime body pillow

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>biting a lollipop

thats her thing

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>be a real nigga and buy an anime body pillow
That doesn't even work these days when you have people ironically wearing ahegao hoodies.

I have two anime body pillow cases that I keep in a safe under my bed

>gives you a good restful sleep
>"Doesn't work" because some cringe creature wears a silly shirt
you're both, not videogames AND a retard
/me dabs

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:3 Behold, the great :3 snek, origin of humanity's first sin! :3 :3

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I play the game and you are so full of shit. The characters are Gacha you fucking knob.

You have to get lucky duplicate drops to dummy link without grinding dailies, dummy.

Games fun, this guy is trying too hard

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stay hydrated family

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