>Ex-successful game dies the same hear it was released
Ex-successful game dies the same hear it was released
I paid 10 dollars for the firs BP and have played over 400 hours. I am a free loaded.
Gamers are spineless, this won't hurt the game one little bit. Epic games and Overwatch showed us that.
What do they mean by "Freeloaders" though?
>Make a free to play game
>People play it for free
>Call them free loaders
Wow their dumb shits
People who don't buy enough stupid overpriced shit.
Is it really a dev or is it one of those community managers
>published by EA
>has no respect for playerbase
Perhaps if they did a better job on character design, people would buy more skin.
But it seems that some companies value political correctness more than money.
>make f2p game
>a monetization scheme that entirely depends on the playerbase goodwill
>proceed to insult them
what is their master plan?
project lead as well as community manager got involved
Remember when this was going to be the “Fortnite killer?”
Remember when Yea Forums said EA wouldn’t sink its claws into this game, unlike EVERY OTHER game they’ve ever touched?
Remember when Yea Forums said Respawn were based and one of the “good ones” left at EA?
Where are those people now?
Gamers are entitled pieces of shit.
How dare you bitch about the price of cosmetics in a free to play game.
those people were shills and they are still here but now their talking points are different
what actually happened is that devs called freeloaders freeloaders
a freeloader sperged out on them, and they called him an asshat, because he was one
>Make f2p game
>People play it for free
fucking kikes, mang
>release free game
>update it rarely
>other ftp battle royale that you compete with gets updated constantly
>people would rather buy stuff in the other game because theres new stuff to keep them coming back
The Ottomans tried the same thing castrating and forcibly converting Christian boys to become Janissary slave soldiers.
By the time the Empire collapsed the Jannies were running the place, having slowly taken over all the administrative positions that the Turks were too lazy to actually do
reminder Titanfall died for this
Why aren't we talking about the cosmetic that costs $200 to get?
As bad as Valve is at least they understand how F2P games work and don't go out of their way to directly insult their fanbase.
they're saying that most people don't buy anything, and by their own words "that's great"
they're just saying the majority of their cash comes from cash cows, not people waiting for a skin to go on sale
A Smash thread died for your awful spelling and English skills.
ummm actually sweatie it's only $30 and you get 30 other items for only $170 too, great value if you ask me
and nothing of value was lost
You mean sell a $60 game with skins for pretend knives and guns, while enabling underage gambling, then distancing themselves from it when the government came knocking?
Or do you mean the dead Artifact game they tried to shill and no one cared because Valve hasnt made a good game in over a decade.
>developer calls players what they are
>players get assmad because they know he's right
that's pretty much how all F2P games work
Some Yeshua guy, a rabbi, wanted to spread the faith to gentiles and ultimately free them from the claws of some known murderers.
And he was killed.
How convenient.
let's face it
in F2P games, there are only whales and freeloaders; whales keep the game afloat so freeloaders can keep playing
>make game free to play
>people play it for free
>get pissed people keep playing for free.
this game was shilled super hard on Yea Forums and reddit, it's crazy how people i know in real life were almost offended if you pointed out it was even a little fishy a game that came out of nowhere with literally 0 hype was being talked about all over the place overnight.
yea because we definitely need more smash threads
It's free and popular.
So obvious it's filled with children who will chat it up to market it.
to be fair its kind of fun when i play it with friends
>it's only $30
that's still bad.
Source to the original post that called players those?
not everyone that hypes up a game is a shill, my paranoid friend
Findomming their playerbase.
As expected, a bunch of retarded overly sensitive millenial redditor crybabies overreacting. What else is new?
>Oh no, the dev called me FREELOADER online on reddit! Mooommmmmyyyyyyyy!!!!! Call the pressesses, alert 911, mommmmmy save me somebody said something that could be remotely construed as hurtful for me feefeees moooommmmmmmmmmyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!111
Get a load of these losers.
Won't even get a 1 year anniversary lol.
No kidding. All these faggots pretending that they're outraged are the same people that are going to pony up for these stupid skins every single time.
>My face when I avoided yet another shitty free to play battle royale
>make a game free to play
>freak out when a bunch of third world subhumans don't buy anything
>been playing season 2 and enjoying it
>iron crown event comes out and suddenly the writing is on the wall with this game
>guy that balanced the guns and designed the hopups and made the gunplay feel great quits
>devs are now reeeeing over people calling our their awful MTX
its a fun game but I think it'll be dead within the year, feels bad man
>All these faggots pretending that they're outraged
You learned this just now? Moral outrage has almost always been a "barking dog" type situation that is easily ignored.
This. You can only spend zero dollars on something so much as it is. Reality is that this behavior excites the cash cows and whales into spending more, more money
>never played a MOBA in my life
>never played a battle royale in my life
Feels good.
shit, source? makes it sound like the game is going to stagnate even harder
>tfw played both
at least i pretty much always played them with friends so it was usually an enjoyable time
Anyone else wish that games were just $60 again?
scroll down to see his respawn related experience
It really depends on the game and the model but I've found myself content with $10-$40 indies lately
>Make unattractive shit looking character
>Somehow managed to make skins thats even uglier
>Be surprised nobody wants to gamble for your shit looking skins
If they want to save any kind of face from this PR Disaster, they should just release a "Legendary" version of the game.
$60-$80 dollars. It comes with all future/current locked Characters. Make it come with every future Battle Pass and throw in a good amount of Crafting Metals and Apex Coins so people can at least have freedom for SOME kind of customization at the beginning.
>$60 game
what game?
My point was more pay once and you get all the content for a reasonable price, not "free" where if you want all the content you have to pay hundreds and sometimes thousands of dollars
>Designed, co-wrote, & implemented SP "grunt chatter" system, focusing on tactical telegraphing and positive player reinforcement.
So he is responsible for "Look, a Pilot! Now the odds are in our favour!" ;_;
>$10 Apex Pack: 1,000 Coins
>$20 Apex Pack: 2,150 Coins
>most skins will purposefully cost 1,100-1,200 Coins each, meaning that the $10 Pack is worthless unless you are buying Lootboxes with it
>even if you spend $20 on the next sized pack, one purchase will leave you JUST short enough of a new purchase
my personal favorite was when items were on sale for 1,050, so you basically HAD to spend $20 minimum.
60$ games
or at least COMPLETE games
the thing is all of the skins up to now have either been shit or mediocre or just recolors of the base skins
they hyped up these new, nice looking skins for a few weeks leading up to this event so people were chomping at the bit to get them
then they release the event and the only way to get them is to gamble with $7 lootboxes
the reason people wouldn't buy shit is because everything that was on sale prior to now was trash
>have to log in
can you give me a screenshot or pastebin or something
Yeah but if it's a game that's going to rely on long-term support from the devs, it's somewhat understandable if there's some sort of pay model beyond the initial purchase. Be it from a subscription of some sort or optional micro-transactions
PUBG was fun when it was in beta. Then the devs went full retard.
I didn't have to log in but I'll still give you this
Honestly if long term support means new content that is lazy and extremely overpriced i'd rather not have it at all.
>designed the havoc + hopups
damn, i love railgunning people with that thing, shame this means there probably won't be any good new weapons coming out
Fair enough; in the case of Apex, it's fair to be shitting on the devs. But you have games like Warframe that couldn't be what they are today if all you did was buy a $60 copy at launch years ago
I remember I laughed out loud at how leveling and getting stuff just meant you had the privilege to pay to them to actually get it.
Leave it to a basement dweller to have shit taste. Please continue avatarfagging, please.
>millennial as insult
What are you, Gen X? And you still play video games?
I'm not that familiar with Warframes cash shop, what kind of pricing is there in that game?
I always have fun time looking at prices at things that only use shit like "Gems" as currency because they almost always make sure to keep costs and the amount you can "fill" uneven. so you always have a tiny bit left over or are tiny bit short.
You can also see this with some food brands in Grocery stores, 6-pack of burgers, but 8-pack of buns and the like for the record, it ain't the .99 tactic common but it is up there, so it ain't solely a Micro-Transaction thing, happens all the time in "Daily Life" too.
maybe people would want to buy skins if some of the characters werent niggers
well the company's idea is that they shouldn't price their cosmetic items for the majority (as statistics show that most people play for free), but rather the cash cows (as this makes the most money)
obviously the few people who are more conservative with their money but still buy cosmetics are upset that the cash cows are getting the focus
Someone's getting fired.
>zoomer as an insult
What are you, a boomer? And you still play video games?
that's just generic BR battlepass bullshit
it kinda works out in the end though because completing it buys your next battlepass for you
You are freeloaders and asshats. Can we get articles about actual news?
Every day it hurts.
Premium currency that can expedite item crafting, open up more inventory slots, buy certain things outright, exclusive cosmetics, or be traded to other players for whatever. It can be mostly ignored which is really nice but spending a few bucks on inventory slots makes things easier in the beginning but it's not something you'll be forced to do until a while after you've figured out if you like the game or not
I'm happy that all the zoomers that play western free to play shooty garbage are being treated as dirt
is new content free? or do they charge for the expacs like Destiny?
New content is free, yep. The "expansions" in Warframe that come out aren't anything to grand or special, but they're available to anyone playing the game and give you something to do every now and then to break up the general grinding and ERP'ing
>tfw i want to boycott something in the gaming industry because these practices outage me
>tfw the games I play never have a reason to be boycotted
It's an abstract kind of feel
Yep, i know my sister basically has that as her sole motivation to keep playing (and trying to make me play) Fortnite, she got one Battlepass once and has been rolling on that non-stop since, she has always been a F2P cheap-ass playing all sorts of garbage just because it is "free" though so im not exactly surprised. She is a 31 year old devout and married Christian SAHM, just for the record.
It is a effective method to keep F2Pers and "minnows" engaged.
>the games I play never have a reason to be boycotted
That is a boycott you idiot.
Unless you are buying from the same company.
>Using video games as an insult
What are you, a grandma? And you still think you're relevant?
im still mad
Respawn doesn't want to make F2P games
not buying something because it doesn't interest you isn't a boycott, retard. i'm not constantly boycotting platformers
to be fair I legitimately enjoy playing Apex and have put exactly $10 into it and never intend to pay another cent
I've gotten more time and enjoyment out of it than most other regular paid games
technically they're not wrong
>moderate buyers
pfff as if that matters, a couple of guys spending 10 bucks isn't gonna make a dent, it's the whales who spend thousands of dollars who make a dent