Dog companion in game

>dog companion in game
>its always a german shepard or some random mixed mutt

Attached: Fallout-4-Dogmeat.jpg (1920x1080, 387K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Because German Shepherds are the best breed of dog

monitoring this thread for sfm

Fucking false. They are a nigger breed of dog not much better than pits.

What, you want a poodle following you around the wasteland or some shit?

best breed

Attached: Fallout 4 Screenshot 2019.02.07 - (2560x1440, 1.51M)

>dog companion
>it's a l*brador

Attached: 4Chan_Meme_Pepe_Cringe01 - RENAME BEFORE POSTING.jpg (596x415, 39K)

you just know why

>the only dogs are german shepards and poodles
Okay user. Also
>implying poodles would actually even be a bad choice to begin with

Labs and Retrievers are the basic bitches of dogs. Hate it.

Weird way to spell border collie

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Right, that's why they're the #1 choice for law enforcement dogs.

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>dog companion
>it's a bulldog
>it attacks people randomly for no reason
I wish it was actually a thing, would delete a bunch of useless sidequests.

Im more of a husky man myself

Attached: Siberian-Husky.jpg (600x600, 61K)

good taste

>dog companion
>it's clearly a wolf

Attached: fellout 4.webm (1280x720, 2.44M)

They're the smartest but not the best


>read this as I'm a mere husky of a man myself

We need more collies in vidya

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>animal companion
>acts like a dog

What dog would you prefer?

Attached: He's smiling.webm (720x1280, 1.7M)

>game has dog companion
>game does not have impregnation mechanic
shit game

Attached: dogew.webm (960x540, 2.82M)

>Fallout universe has tons of mutated creatures with unique abilities and looks
>go with a fucking dog

>implying mutts aren't the best
Are you a homogay, user?

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I'm always tempted to reinstall Fallout 4 but then I remember how disappointed the modding scene for that game is compared to 3/NV.

Do you have the one where he walks off a ledge in Dunwich Borers and stays in the air for a second like Wile E Coyote?

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Law enforcement is full of niggers do yes that’s correct

hate German shepherds, golden retrievers are superior

That is some grade a bullshit.

>because cops use them that means they are the best
Kek imagine unironically thinking this. The reason cops use them is because they are pretty smart, but also fucking aggressive

I wasn't talking to you, tripfag

Piper is best anyway.

>Law enforcement

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I'm pretty sure I've seen a really similar LiveLeak video.

Attached: Fallout 4 Super Mutant Suicide VS Dogmeat.webm (960x540, 2.99M)

Yeah they're great for five minutes before they die of cancer

I want stronger dogs in game.

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>Good dog! I can't believe all those children were in the drug business.

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>almost 200 fucking years have gone by
>most creatures have been heavily affected by the radiation and massive change in environment
>perfectly healthy and clean German Shepard, absolutely no marks or signs of hair loss or fucking anything

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Explain pleb. Literally smart, faithful, friendly, but also can be protective if need be. Not to mention they are one of the prettier breeds

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they are smart af but high maintenance from what I've heard

They are pretty, but they are kind of shitty dogs.

Blue Merle Border Collies look great.

The fact that they just reused dogmeat is the most underrated hackery in F4.

good boi

>dog companion
>he can knot you

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This. Border Collie, Anatolian shepherds, or Sulimovs are the best breeds.

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>tfw no pet centaur

Poodles or any fluffy/lapdog breed would stick out like a sore thumb in those settings. To be fair most dogs would get curbstomped by a deathclaw regardless, but a small breed like that wouldn't last in the wasteland

>Game lets you take companions
>If you choose to take no companions, you get some sort of benefit in another way
One of the only things Fallout 4 did right. Actually, they screwed it up because you could still take dogmeat and get the Lone Wanderer perk benefit. So I take back what I've said, Fallout 4 is shit.

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what a good fucking dog

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I know whatcha mean

Attached: Fallout 4 Screenshot 2019.02.08 - (2560x1440, 546K)

you should see what they did to """fix""" this. Instead of reworking the fetch mechanic to not be able to pull objects behind locked boxes, they just made it so you couldn't bring the dog inside the entire cave/dungeon/whatever.

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the dog from kingdom come

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Radiation from the fallout should be much less of a problem after 200 years.
Now all those cars that run on fisson for some reason may be a problem.
Although I agree that the newer Fallouts have a problem with creature variety in general.
I even feel like there was a missed oppurtunity in 1 not having the San Diego Wild Animall Park as a landmark

poodles are a retriever breed

Gta V - Rottweiler

would you know how to get this glitch to fuck off?

>Animal companion can be permanently killed

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Most actual breeds would die off either because they are too weak to survive without human intervention or because they would breed with random dogs.

Not as bad as people meme it out to be. They will want about 1 hour of excercise a day, which is the same as dogs like labs or goldens


Seriously? All it took would be like one fucking boolean to check if an item is behind a locked door. Jesus that's not laziness that's outright incompetence.

That's why armies and cops use them. Right?

I love dogs, but they're an annoyance in most video games. They just end up getting in the way of your attacks, especially in bethesda games or shooters.


I mean, instead of just shoving most of the decent weapons or items into a single pack like Fallout 3 did, you have to download 40 different mods, scripts, individual models, and other shit just to get /fog/'s recommended list of weapons into your game.
The modding scene for this game is an embarrassment unless you're into titty models.

Actual poodles really arent that small. And they can be pretty fucking mean

>fighting end game enemies at low level to get good karma bonuses

Underage retard detected.

>Law enforcement
>full of niggers
then why do they shoot them so often?

I already responded to this dumb ass

the game sucked dig but i was amazed how good they did make the dog look

I can't count the amount of time that fucking dog got me killed by standing in a doorway while I tried to escape a landmine or a grenade.
How fucking hard is it to make NPCs not stand near doorways for fuck sake?

>newer Fallouts have a problem with creature variety in general.
>all those enemies in 76
>we’ll probably never see them again because Bethesda is more incompetent than lazy
>we’re gonna be stuck with the same fucking rehashed mirelurks and Super mutants though because fuck you
It hurts bros...

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German Shepherd, not counting the inbred slouching ones, is pretty much the perfect general working dog. They're also among the top tier to have as a companion and friend, unless you're completely unable to care for them, but in that case you shouldn't have a pet to begin with. And while obviously very subjective, they're also very beautiful unless they're the kind that drags their ass on the ground.

Though I'd say that pretty much any working dog is a good one, such as Rottweilers, Collies, Labradors, Husky and so on. Dogs that are bred to purely be companions are generally low-tier, while fighting dogs are obviously bottom-tier.

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Too bad he's annoying, gets in the way of gunfire, goes after enemies when you're trying to stealth, etc.


Isn't every companion in the game like that?

What are some good games with bear companions

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>surprised about nigger on nigger violence

Oh how quickly you forget my smoothbrained friend


Doberman is the best dog

I like the idea of the regional monsters from 76 such as the Flatwoods monster and Mothman, but that is one of the few good new features they implemented

I fucking hate dogs

mixed breeds are great, fuck you op

Yes, but you can forgive them because in tight space you can squeeze through, that dog is a fucking brick wall, it blocks your path, you can't push and you can't jump over it.

why do any real work when modders can do it for free?

Attached: everything will be fire.webm (854x480, 2.99M)

We know you do shitskin

>Everybody in the post War United States calls mutant Bears by a Chinese name
>All bears are mutated in the exact same way
This bothers me, North America is massive and it would be nice to see some variety

Black on black violence idiot

Doesn't Far Cry 5 have one?

One of the most trainable breeds there are

White German Shepherds are even better.

We'll it's a dog, that kind of behavior is at least more fitting for it than for all the other companions in the game.

They're based, but have had some real breeding problems. And the mutilation of the ears and tail is just sad. Just create a new breed if you want that look for fuck's sake.


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>savage dogs

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Forgot pic.

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Hey it's that dog

Pits are justified, they're just very concerned about the NAP

>he fought as hard as he could
RIP george, he was a very good boy

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Don’t worry user, if they can somehow justify Anglers in West Virginia then I’m pretty sure they’ll have no problem incorporating shit like Radtoads, Wendigos, Sloths, etc into future games

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Weird way to spell Giant Schnauzer

Attached: Giant-Schnauzer-History-06.jpg (500x500, 41K)

I loved Brown.

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Can't wait for the next Fallout to be a barren framework put together with tapes and have the entire game made of scraps by modders.


I worked at a vet for 2 years and you have no idea how triggered this post made me. German Shepard’s are without a doubt the shittiest dog breed in the world.

you just know

See there is your problem

>owning a border collie when you don't have a huge amount of land
animal cruelty

Tell your kids to not violate the NAP


You can have a bear bro in Far Cry 5. I think his name is Cheeseburgers or something.

poo in loo

We know you do, but we are currently talking about dogs.

Poodles are one of the smartest dog breeds in the world, user. Perhaps the smartest.
Smart dogs are a gift that keeps on giving.

The modding community got off to a real bad start with the whole console mods thing causing a lot of tension in the community as console kiddies spammed forums and left bad review for popular mods without console ports.
I'm pretty sure the Creation Kit for the game also took longer than normal to come out.
And then there was the whole paid mods scandal.

Nothing was in Fallout 4's favor in terms of modding. Bethesda fucked it up for all of us.

Despite only being less than 13% of the population pitbulls commit more than 50% of the crimes.

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They fucking stink

>tfw no small dog pug bro in game

Attached: pugbro.jpg (500x375, 49K)

Fuck Pitbulls but I genuinely fucking despise women

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Well someone has to have the brains and it sure as hell isn't the LEOs with them.

because those are objectively superior dog breeds

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And they can be rough without even meaning to be just because of their size. I've got a 110 lb King German Shepard and his claws can injure easily without much effort. I'm fully confident that if someone tried to break into the house he'd fucking kill them

Have you ever had a dog die because of an illness? I have a Rott that's on her death bed, gonna her euthanize soon, she inherited genetical problems from the father.

pug and bulldog breeding should be abolished for animal abuse

superior taste mein Neger

He's in a better place now. Most likely pitbull shit.

Ninjas love huskies.

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>this post triggering all the german shepard cucks yet none of them disproving it

Dogmeat is barely a companion, 20 carry weight, 0 armor, better to go alone and not have him stand behind you, blocking a doorway when you are trying to escape a suicide super mutant.

virtual dogs don't have feelings user

eyes like a great white, terrifying

Amerimutts are Germaboos

Yeah, if you love it you need to be in the room when she gets put down or you'll regret it for the entirety of your living days literally as long as you live you'll regret it. Itll also poison every memory you have of it since you'll always be reminded for your failure as a friend and companion to be there for it when it was always there for you.

Man, I could not imagine being chased down by these three fuckers. That is some military-assault-grade levels of muscle and bite strength

>border collies need huge tracts of land
Why do people seriously buy into this shit? A normal sized yard is enough for a BC to play and get enough excercise. Plus its not like dog parks dont exist or you cany jog around the neighborhood

Best boy coming through

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The one thing that gets me is people in southern states where the average temperature is over 90 degrees every single day for 9 months of the year buying a cold weather dog like a husky. The dog always looks miserable. Just buy a dog appropriate for your climate.

The dog was the best companion.

Who cared if I took the medicine for the villagers?
Who cared if I stole the scared treasure of the gods?

The dog didnt, he knew where his loyalties lied.

>3 pitbulls
>9 year old
>brutally killed
I mean, is there any other way it could go down?

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My parents bred their two dalmations when I was a kid and we kept one of the puppies from the litter.
The dad and the puppy we kept all died around 7-8 years old because of their shitty inbred dalmation genes, and the mom died thanks to hip dysplasia a couple years after the son did.
They were good doggos, and I still miss them

>I mean, is there any other way it could go down?
Gently raped

I was an animal control officer for 3 years. We had an incident where a small woman like 5'0 even was attacked by 3 pits. They ripped her to shreds and the only reason she's alive is her girlfriend was this giant woman who heard her screams from 3 blocks away and smashed the dogs heads in with a baseball bat after finally getting to her.

Aren't yao guai's just ghoulified bears?
They don't appear to have mutated like brahmin, and mirelurks have.

Jack russels are unironically one of the best dogs

>you spin me right round baby right round

Redpill me on shibas.

Not to mention their houses being absolutely covered in fur fucking everywhere
My sister owns a husky and a 130 pound japanese akita, vacuums her house AT LEAST once a week and it's still furry as shit everytime I go over there

I breed dogs. All the purebreds are plagued with problems. People are retarded.

Belgian Sheepdogs outclass the German Shepherd in every category except unpredictability.

Here's the issue: most people are not equipped to deal with a high-energy, high-drive dog. And most people also cannot deal with a dog that has a tendency to desocialize itself with people and other animals. The German Shepherd has all three of these qualities. It is not a dog for a person who refuses to train their dog.

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Owner centric, loyal, bit untrusting of strangers/visitors/anyone who doesn't live with them, clownish personalities, trainable but stubborn er, stubborn but trainable

another word for inbred

I always wished that Origins had handled the dog more like DA2.

I was never able to bring myself to waste a companion slot for him.

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They're naturally aggressive and dont like to learn. A shit meme dog. Just get a pekignese if you want a small dog, they're unbelievably loving and affectionate and are great at learning tricks.

*stops walking after 5 years*

>130 pound japanese akita
Tell her
her dog is fucking fat

>It is not a dog for a person who refuses to train their dog
Someone who refuses to train their dog should not own one

Why bethesdashit always run almost perfect for me? Can't even have a good laugh while playing these boring ass games

fpbp Shepards are very trainable, loyal and can sic a mother fucker very well.

No shit but they bring in the dough


I think that dog is smiling

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They should have it customizable like your main character. I want my lil dude in video games. Pic related.

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I just brought him because he's cute boy. Never cared about companion usefulness, companions suck in every game

He's really not though
Fucker is just huge

Not all dogs are trainable
It is a meme like cats liking humans


Why would you want a rat for a companion?

>white girls fuck dogs

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Akita's are like a little over 2 feet
ffs they are as big as Giant Schnauzers which aren't giant.

>Uneducated faggot calls labrador retriever a mutt
i hate niggers

I mean, little dogs are still cute and all, but why do you even want this rat in a fucking wasteland?

And yet, 90% of dog owners teach their dogs nothing beyond "give a paw if you want a treat." Their dogs constantly stressed, due to poor socialization, shit and piss all over their house, and generally have no idea what their owners want. I'm someone who doesn't believe that dogs fit in with modern society anymore.

Unless you have some sort of purpose for your dog, you should not get anything other than a Golden Retriever.

those are the dogs that need to be gassed, see how this works?

Cause not every dog needs to be used for attacking shit. He is smart, loyal, and extremely trainable. Most likely serve me best in some form of survival game.



There's different Akita breeds, he's not my dog so I just assumed he was a japanese type, but considering I'm in the south, and she didn't pay a literal fuck ton to ship him over, then it's hard to say what specific breed he is, but 130 isn't far off
>Mature American type males measure typically 26–28 inches (66–71 cm) at the withers and weigh between 100–130 lb (45–59 kg)

ratdogs are more alert generally

>being this stupid
If the dog is happy what does it matter if it has health "problems"? Btw the average lifespan of a pug is 12-15 years, so it sounds like its issues are pretty overblown.

Little dogs can chase rodents and other small shit like that

that thing is ugly and will piss itself at the sight of any danger

>comparing loyal German Sherpards to chimped out pit niggers

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that's a funny way to say "barks at the wind slightly blowing"

Exactly this. People on 4channel are fucking stupid. They will deride pitbulls yet they have the same logic as the niggers who buy pitbulls

>and will piss itself at the sight of any danger
confirmed for never actually being around small dogs

>and will piss itself at the sight of any danger
I don't own a dog but I know more about them and animals in general than you do
Small territorial animals are incredibly aggressive and nasty in general because they are the bitch of larger animals and it's the only way for them to even survive.

been around more dogs than I can fucking count. Little dogs are annoying yippy little shits that bark at everything and run away with their tails between their legs when a big dog is tired of getting annoyed by the ankle biter

that wind slightly blowing could be something trying to pounce you and I'll trust the senses of an overly agressive dog more than my lazy ass

Terriers and other small breeds were bred to kill vermin yes.

>they are the bitch of larger animals
Why bother posting if you're going to make my point for me?


>admits that he can't even count

He doesn't do any of that all and as others have stated he can actually be pretty aggressive. I can't let strangers pet him or pick him up at all. I am basically the only person that can handle him or pet him longer than 20 seconds. He doesn't randomly attack people but he doesn't trust them.

Ever heard of "the boy who cried wolf"?

>i'm the only person my dog will let near it
So you admit that you have a rat for a pet and that it only survives because it's so small and unthreatening. Imagine if you had a big dog with that kind of temperament, it'd have been euthanized years ago



All on all I will take my small dog as a companion over a woman any day of the week. We are talking video games... The same games where you can play as a 115 pound woman and bring down hundreds of fit trained men.

Except the comparison is somewhag valid. Its an over aggressive breed. The difference between it and a pit is that shepards are smarter


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god i want her to tell me off

Yes, son?

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shepards have empathy for their pack

user, mine was born with a bad leg and she lived for 15 years until she died of breast cancer.

she couldn't reproduce because of her leg problem

Because people see German Shepherds as the "combat breed". They're the breed that the police and military use.

Dont worry user. Small dogs can be based. Ignore all the try hard faggots on this board who try to pretend like the only dogs worth a fuck are the big "threatening" dogs. Its literally nigger tier logic. That or they are degenerate fags who want to be knotted

>Its an over aggressive breed
I'm sorry fucking what? German Shepards only attack on command. They don't chimp out, they're completely controllable with even a modicum of training from birth. What retard mom's forum have you been on?

>immortal companion tanks dangerous enemy while you kite from safety
any worse game design mistake?

Wrong retard!
They are easy to train
Have less birth defects
Are a decent size and protect their owner

That's a lot of cope for someone who owns a glorified cat

>an ugly rat mop for a dog

>Random high level boss can one-shot you

Attached: See you later alligator.png (491x608, 575K)

>Have less birth defects
They have an effective lifespan of ten years thanks to pure breeding causing their back and hips to atrophy severely to the point where they have to be put down because of the pain.

If you mean over aggressive is attacking by command or to protect it's owner, then yes. Much like Rottweilers, most attacks are not indiscriminate like pitt bulls.

Don't neglect your dog's dental hygiene bros. It never occurred to me until it was too late for my lad.

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>Xenoblade Chronicles X in a nutshell

Aggressive + stupid = bad
Aggressive + smart = good

It's may sound stupid, but it's generally the truth. I obviously don't mean aggressive in the sense that it needlessly attacks people and other dogs, but any proper dog should be prepared to defend its home and pack. But at the same time it should be controlled by its leader , the owner, when its not in an actual life threatening situation.

German Shepherds are naturally dangerous dogs, but they must also possess a large degree of self controller and handler trust, which is the huge divide between them and a stupid aggressive dog like a Pit-bull.

This is kind of true to be honest, people generally tolerate bad behavior from small dogs because the can hardly even hurt a cat.

Just like with people mixed mutts are the best.

Chihuahuas would be OP for the game.

All that shaking animation and people would think the game was made by Bethesda.

Rottweilers are good doggos, Sadly in places like brazil, the jiu jitsu and organized football crewfags trains them and primarly pits to be fucking assassins on roids.

they even cut their ears and tails

based alligator

Why haven't devs put in Caucasian Shepherd companions on their games?

Attached: Caucasian Shepherd.jpg (720x960, 144K)

I wish there was a dog I could keep inside an apartment forever and that still looks pretty
All apartment dogs look like shit
That's why I'm a cat person

Since 99% of dogs are used as companions these days how are big dogs any better at this?


daaamn looks like a fucking bear. I would get scared if I saw that thing walking in the forest

I can't tell who mounts who on this picture

>just like with people
Fuck off jew

>gator eats pitbull

Unfathomably based gator gives pitbull taste of own medicine

I will NOT be pressing F for pitbull

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Yeah, the dog show variant is inbred and degenerate, but not the working kind. The same divide exists among Labradors as well where one is fat and passive while the other is its opposite.

Many of the super common breeds have different breeding line, many of which aren't good unfortunately.

Cats in apartment are really small and often suffer health problem from a lack of activity.
Houses with an enclosed garden are usually better for cats. One day I will have a house and I will bring my cat back to me before he dies of old age, he'll sleep on my bed again.

Fila is the most dangerous breed

My family has one, he seems content being led to the park three times a day and playing fetch, plus regular patting.

Cope harder niggers. GS dogs are always one of the top dogs in attacks after pitbulls. But they dont have the broad definition that pitbulls have. They are an overly aggresive breed just like pitbulls. The difference is since they are trainable its a little bit easier to train them to the point where they might not randomly chimp out. But they are still far more prone to it than other breeds (like pitbulls). Walk past any yard where a GS is present and I gurantee it freaks the fuck out.

Are you retarded? Every game is like that at first, nobody packs anything together until one day someone finally says 'fuck this I'll do the work because nobody has yet'. You want fucking weapon packs then make them asshole. Nobody is getting paid to make modding easier for you.

Fable had several different dog choices.

Compared to other medium-big sized dogs problems that is a non issue. Most big breeds don't live past 13-15 either way.

Which is why it would be a perfect companion in vidya.

>guard dog is defensive of its home
>it is comparable to a pit who goes out looking for human babies to eat
You are a retarded faggot

>Somebody thought "Yeah, Fallout 3 is worth doing that."
>Nobody thought "Yeah, Fallout 4 is worth doing that."
Really makes you think.

>Cats in apartment are really small and often suffer health problem from a lack of activity.
user I did extensive research on that and I have never read that before, are you sure? Cats can get exercise in apartments so long as you have places to climb and play with them.

>play new vegas
>no chupacabra enemy
Such a misses opportunity.

Did you actually read what you linked?

Why don't more games have airedales as companions

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>GS dogs are always one of the top dogs in attacks after pitbulls
Is this adjusted after popularity? Otherwise even Golden Retrievers are among the most common biters due to the sheer amount of them in society.

>They are an overly aggresive breed just like pitbulls. The difference is since they are trainable its a little bit easier to train them to the point where they might not randomly chimp out
Does this not sound like a key difference to you? It's like saying that a white person is only marginally better than a nigger because he can actually function in society. A dog is a dog, without training and socializiing any kind of dog can be "aggressive" by your definition.

>Walk past any yard where a GS is present and I gurantee it freaks the fuck out
They usually bark and very rarely go out and attack. Besides, what happens around their yard is their business, it's what I'd expect from my dog. If you actually approach it in a proper way and introduce yourself, I can guarantee that it will calm down.

Care to elaborate or are you just going to shitpost?

what is the doggo doing there?

I get what you mean. I'd settle for a dog that is around 1 meter tall standing up if I could leave it alone all day and not feel guilty about it.

I guess I need to work 15 years and establish my own company to be allowed to bring a dog to my office.

Because they're ugly.

mutts live longer as purebreds are inbred without exception

How so?

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>this is your brain on burgers and Wallmart

>Besides, what happens around their yard is their business, it's what I'd expect from my dog. If you actually approach it in a proper way and introduce yourself, I can guarantee that it will calm down.
Ghetto trash detected. People walking down the fucking street shouldn't be barked at because you're scared someone will steal your meth
>Just introduce yourself bro
Do you live in a fucking cartoon ?

I don't think they're shitty, but they require a lot from the owner and rarely get to work as much as they'd like to, making them seem crazy in a lot of cases.

>I get what you mean. I'd settle for a dog that is around 1 meter tall standing up if I could leave it alone all day and not feel guilty about it.
Yes exactly. My dream was always to get a Husky, or really just any giant dog, but I'm not enough of a piece of shit to attempt to fulfill that dream while living in a small apartment and knowing that even 2 or 3 hours of dog walking per day would not be enough for the big fucker
Also I'm pretty sure that anyone who works enough to own such dog would not have enough time to spend with it. Fuck I am far from being able to do it and I already work too much to care about pets.

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All dogs are equally shit

>just another dogfag who can't handle the truth
Always vote for those who want to increase the dog licence fees until the cancer is removed from our society.

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I don't trust people who don't like dogs. I wouldn't hire one or befriend one most likely.

Haunting Ground (PS2 survival horror game) has a pretty cool doggo companion

It is impossible for any owner to make these dogs work enough. Because people's idea of working out dogs is just walking them on a leash, and that'll never be enough for a big dog. They were meant to hunt, or at least to herd sheep while walking freely. Their brain needs to be stimulated with the thrill of a hunt, with unidentified elements that they need quickly to analyze and give a proper response. This will never happen if they are attached to a leash because when walking with their owner they are in obedient pack mode.

Yeah, it's true that they need a lot of activity and attention. But they're also one of the nicest, friendliest dog breeds.

Well I don't trust dogs. Predictability is my friend, not glorified wolves.

I'm currently living in an apartment and my German Shepherd has never let out more than a single bark at a time to let me know that there's someone coming. I'm not saying that they should bark, but they're justified in doing so in their enclosed space, especially considering that they're probably feeling bored while alone at home. Why should you even care, are you so afraid of loud sounds?

>Do you live in a fucking cartoon ?
I don't know why you're trying to contribute to the thread if you know nothing of dogs. Judging by your comments I'd say that your issue is that you're afraid and insecure around large breeds, which in turn makes them respect you less.

>Cousin owns a big husky
>She lives in a small duplex
>Those most she does is go for walks with her, but that's not enough to cool her down
>Whenever she has to leave her at my house, she always wants to go in the backyard I have
To be fair, her mom died literally a day or two after they bought her and she had to move out of the house they were currently in and now she's living on her own.

This. I'd also never debate dog breeds on Yea Forums because as evidenced by this thread they know fucking nothing about them.
>hurrr durrr pitbulls are niggers
Great, I'll go tell the people I know who've had them from birth till' death without issue. They're about as unpredictable as a human child without proper rearing.

>dog licence fees
The what? Does your country have fees for dog ownership?

He's probably a nigger or a Muslim, especially the latter has serious issues with dogs.

Chupacabra is a fucking puerko rico, mexican shit son.

>muh training
>muh pwecious pibble would NEVER harm a fly!
>muh pwecious pibble never did anything like this before he chimped out!


Thankfully yes.
The shit on the streets have decreased dramatically after it was raised.

He isn't wrong.

No I'm not. Also, how is not liking literal retarded animals akin to me being a literal retarded animal?

why the fuck would you choose to buy a breed that was meant for cage fighting, if there are thousands of others breeds? You are right, maybe pits aren't the problem, but mentally ill owners that are likely city faggots are.

yes right pitbulls are not niggers, sure

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because they're agile and smart. What the fuck do you want for an action video game? A chihuahua? Yea Forums is really running out of petty things to complain about

Yeah because dogs that freak out just walking past a house are completely fine

Ill admit its not adjusted for popularity. I cant find info on this if you have it thatd be great. But id still be willing to bet GS would be in the top 5 at least. They are KNOWN to be aggressive.

Sure. But tons of dogs are trainable. But they dont act like aggressive niggers. Hell there were anons posting Border Collies itt which are far more trainable than a GS and not nearly as aggressive.

I actually doubt it. Again GS dogs are notoriously aggressive and territorial for a reason.

>pits actually hunt for babies to maul
Come on user... pits are just aggressive and dumb. Which is obviously a bad combo

Forgot the chart in my last post.

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What I don't understand is how people can think it's enough for a dog to just walk around. I have to take mine out for some kind of run every day, either for a slow jog with me, a trip to the dog park or just let her chase a ball for a while somewhere. There's so much you can do to at least give them some basic kind of exercise that will make everyone's lives so much easier .

based ted

the only based choice of dog

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Ted's an absolute unit.

A white man should at the very least respect dogs, they have been a great help in building civilization from the start.

>actually thinking this is cute
Pits should be extincted.

Yeah, you could also get a cougar called Peaches

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It's nowhere even close. GS was raised to protect, work, help families, do virtually every dog job out there and pits are just retarded dogs that attack everyone

Attached: fatal-dog-bites-by-breed.png (560x275, 6K)

>because when walking with their owner they are in obedient pack mode.

You clearly know nothing about dogs, so you should probably stop posting. Walking on a leash can offer a dog plenty of mental stimulation when paired with proper physical stimulation. An hour of fetch with a German Shepherd and then an hour of walking around the block is fine for a daily routine, depending on age and activity level. "Pack mode" has nothing to do with it and is garbage pseudoscience.

20 attacks in how many years?
Yeah nigga suck a dick

Why are you making this a racial thing? Are you that insecure about your retarded animal "friends" that you'd get political over it?

>your post makes me question the way I have been treating my dog, please stop posting
No user it is for your dog's sake. You should at least let it roam free in a dog park so it can interact freely with other dogs. Stop thinking that dragging it left and right without giving it any sort of freedom is enough exercise for a dog that was born to hunt.

You're not trustworthy just accept it.

Poodles aren't a small dog, retard

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Not him but do you eat dogs

poodles are incredibly intelligent and deadly
they just look retarded with their poofy tails so they get an auto Eye roll from retards

Just look at this:

and compare the popularity for a simple but clear way to determine their aggressiveness. It's hardly surprising that the most common large breeds will be among the top biters. I'd make the same case for every breed on there but the Pitbull which is extremely over-represented.

I know that a lot of breeds and mutts get grouped in the the Pitbull category, but even moving a large part of the Pitbulls to the mixed breed category, they'd still be over-represented.

To figure which side of this dog you're facing, stick a finger in his mouth, if he turns around to bite you, you were on the wrong side.

Huh? Is this how brainwashed dog owners are?
No, why would I? I'm a picky eater after all.

And you're a picky eater. The character flaws are just piling up. I knew my instinct was right.

Because animal domestication and race has a strong very strong correlation?

Let me guess
cat owner?

ACAB. So... therefore AGSAB.

so this is what ausitm looks like

It was not born to hunt. It was born to herd. It's not a wolf, it's a dog. And again, with conditioning, which is what dog training is, any dog can enjoy any number of activity. Also, I made no mention of "dragging" a dog. A true walk is to allow your dog to take in whatever environment you're in through smells, not just walking them so they poop.

This. People shouldn't disrespect large Poodles, they are top tier dogs. It's just that they look silly, but it's a fair trade off for essentially not shedding.

>no game with a dachshund companion

No, I've owned fish, a hamster, and a tortoise. No large pets.

>always goes either too fast or too slow
>doesn't eat what you give it but random consumables, even valuables like quantums disappear from inventory at a fixed interval
>barks randomly, blowing many stealth encounters
>intense sass

>is shiba


Some of those animals were domesticated in the Middle East though, just saying.

I would have preferred a German shepherd. I'm not a big fan of rottweilers.

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Who are you calling stupid looking?

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Are coyote's just bitches or is that dog just really hard?

A few reasons
>they arent loyal
>high prey drive (meaning they cant be trusted around smaller animals)
>stubborn (they are relatively smart, but due to stubborness they arent great at learning tricks)
>escape artists
>along with being escape artists they like to run away
Just a few reasons. other than that just typical shit like their coats are pretty high maintenance. But thats usually not too big of a deal

I don't mind dogs. Used to have one myself but why does every white girl in existence seem to obsess over them? It's ridiculous. Dogs are cool and all but I wouldn't consider them to be my entire life. I've met plenty of white girls who are married and talk about their "kids" only to find out those "kids" are a bunch of dogs. I've also met white girls who refuse to date anyone who doesn't like dogs as much as them. What the fuck?

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They get diarrhea all the time

why are poodles so aggressive?

Poodle has velcro tendency like a Doberman. So, they can be wary of strange people if not socialized properly during adolescence.

t. Poodle guy

they're bred to protect livestock, so yeah they're super aggressive against yotes

I just want to go on an adventure with a big bro st. bernard...

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>as pretty as a husky
>smarter and as loyal as a GS
>as good with a family as a Lab or Golden
Still waiting on someone to post a more based dog...

shitposting aside why arent Border Collies more popular in America? Most popularity rankings ive seen have them at like #30.

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it's pretty simple, it's a replacement for their maternal instinct

>the Pitbull is a good dog that just needs proper training
This is a common argument and a true one at that, but they've also largely been breed for aggressiveness and intimidating looks, not because they're good workers or for any actually useful purpose.

I've met many of them and personally I've essentially only had good experiences. They usually seem pretty stupid, but also cuddly and friendly.

They aren't monsters, but there isn't a particularly good reason to own or breed them either. There's usually a certain type that wants these dogs and they want them for the exact wrong reasons; because they're known to be dangerous.

The Pitbull's notoriety is both the reason that people hate them and like them, ironically.

that's why mario odyssey is based. shiba dog companion best dog companion

Ah, so you are a serial killer. Got it.

but that's just a downgraded version of a dutch shepherd

I can confirm this, but it's probably more because they want to try almost anything that their owners eat.


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>the look the dog on the left is giving
Uhhh help

Because girls are maternal. Even if you married the best girl ever, once the kids pop out you will always be second to her children. In this case you will always be second to her dog. Unless you a good manipulator and can change her, but only psychopaths can do this effectively.

They are cool and all, but the drool is fucking disgusting, especially when it starts shaking its head.

This. It's just a relatively innocent, but common, sign of a degenerate society. Dogs are amazing, but people who treat them as humans or even as surrogate children shouldn't own them.

Any breed just needs training and to be treated well, why own a pitbull when you can have any other breed of dog that isn't also so likely to snap and murder you?

>I work for Nintendo, believe me guys

Why have putbulls not all been rounded up and exterminated yet?

Meme breed for total faggots

>nigger breed
>not pit bulls

What did he mean by this?

Fuck off, Huey

I'm guessing he's gonna talk about their inbred garbage genetics and all the diseases they develop and how they fall apart and die young.


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>purebred dogs have the shortest lifespan
>a purebred breed is the dog that has the longest lifespan
Its chihuahuas btw

Every time I see a young person with a Shiba I know to stay away because they're insufferable meme spouting faggots 100% of the time

Here's your dog, bro

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No, you posted a good boy. I was talking about cucked boy.

For me it's the Greater Swiss

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Multiple dog breeds can be nigger breeds
Rottweilers for instance are a pretty nigger breed

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the fuck its all retarded and shit

GSDs are the iconic work dogs. Most games have you killing people or the dog out fetching large/heavier things which GSDs do instinctually. Do you really expect a border collie or lab to do that very well?

If humans disappeared GSDs would likely be one of the ones to still survive. They have just enough wolf in them to possibly get by. The massive majority of other breeds rely physically and socially on humans.

Why do dogs love humans so much?

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and while an ar-15 does nothing without the owner those dogs will target you and "fire" completely on their own without the owner being able to stop them oncce they are at it.

dogs are even more dangerous than weapons. let that sink in for a minute.

we gave them food

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You must be a shitty ass vet man
Get outta here jealous chimp

Penis is the right size

Sure but not the literal iconic "white" breed that always manages to make cucks rage when people own them.

look at this dog

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White people with multiple or hyphenated last names are near universally trash

Thousands of years of selective breeding

so niggers and niggers use nigger dogs? what a shocker

They look like a German Shepherd's Jewish cousins.

This must be the rationalization large pet owners have when they realize they have to live with their stupid fucking animals for a decade+. Anyone not experiencing the same pain they do is evil, apparently.

>Can't let you do that, Star Fox!

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Are you retarded? GSDs arent even close to the best working breeds. Hell you even mentioned better breeds in your post. Border Collies are a better working breed. And labs are better at fetching things shit for brains. The only reason i can think is GSDs are probably better at combat. Which in action games is a desired trait.

Pits are the niggers of the dog world. Wtf you on about?

im looking at it

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>as console kiddies spammed forums and left bad review for popular mods without console ports
Fucking lol, what? It was a lot more of modders not wanting to port them to consoles for one reason or another, mostly PC elitism bs, so people started ripping the mods and porting them to the creation club themselves, with full crediting most of the time, but many of the big name modders chimped out and started locking their pages down. Never underestimate the autism of modders.

For the last time boss, it's a wolf, not a dog, it's a goddamn wild animal, it's not gonna follow your order or even be remotely friendly, put that thing back where you found it or put it down but do something, half our staff have contracted rabies already! And the other half is black! BOSS!

>they arent loyal
Well, they love everyone, so I guess that's technically true, in a way. They aren't the kind of dog that sticks close to you and no one else.

the dog acts as a child surrogate. its literally the baby they dont have.

Dogs are the niggers of the dog world. Pitbulls are akin to niggers with the extreme warrior gene.

Why cant I have a rad scorpion for a pet? Why do I gotta settle for a dog and not a mutant scorpion named Mr Pinch?

You forgot the stupid updates for their shitty shop breaking mods and the Script Extender devs being fucking faggots about it.

>Walk past any yard where a GS is present and I gurantee it freaks the fuck out.
That has little to do with actual aggression and is a result of breeding towards that goal in many dog races. You obviously have no idea what you're talking about.

They are waiting for you on the raft, sweetie.

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Can Wolf die? I dreadfully fear taking him out on missions with me for that reason.

I don't think that's an unfair question. I'd like some alternative pets too.

Are you denying that console babies were leaving negative reviews en masse on mods that weren't ported to consoles?

Because like most animals who live their lives by instinct, once they learn that X human give them food they become your friend. Why kill or attack a source of free food? And thus you have the evolution of cats for example. Cats only meow and humans, not at other cats. Because for thousands of years cats have learned that a cute meow = food, attention. They hiss and growl at other cats but never meow. You can try feeding birds, cats, hedgehogs and many more to make animal companionship. Crows will remember you forever as they tell their families of the great user who provides food and you literally become a legend in that crow's family for generations to come. The children of the children of the crow you befriended will all recognize you and be friendly with you. Crows, like ravens, are very smart and easiest to befriend. But I'm sure you can befriend a pigeon or seagull too with enough time and patience if flying rats are your ideal animal companion. Go out there and feed some animals, user.

its still aggression though so your post makes no sense.

They can't die, if they get too damaged they get pulled out for that mission.

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It's true that the German Shepherd has an inbreeding problem, which is clearly seen in the show lines. But this is also true about most very common breeds and if you look at the German Shepherd from that perspective it really doesn't have that many health problems and its life span is pretty good for a large dog.

If you want to see what German Shepherds would've been like without the degenerate show lines and strange breeding trends, just look at the White German Shepherd which completely shares ancestry with normal colored ones right up to the first German Shepherd until they were disqualified from the breed standard in the 1930s, which ironically saved them from most of the improper breeding. You can obviously also just look at pictures from before the 1950s and easily see how much they've changed.

But ultimately it's about finding a good breeder like for any race really. If you're just aware that the GSD can be clearly divided between show dogs and working dogs you're pretty much set. Then there's also a whole bunch of other divisions depending on geography and such, which is less important here.

At worst you wrap a rope and balloon on him to heal up at mother base. No companion can die permanently. Stealth suit wolf with knife is best doggo. Nothing like coordinating stealth takedowns with your doggo who has a knife in it's mouth.

Ever heard of domesticated foxes? Foxes were bred over generations to be more and more docile and now they act quite a lot like dogs. It's purely a genetic thing.

sad thing is I know a couple of those cuckers are from

Imagine being literally cucked to death, by your own son no less.

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Yes, and I even visited the fox island when i visited japan a few years ago. Of course breeding over generations to make X animal more docile helps. But technically any animal can be tamed with enough time, attention and food. I never said taming or becoming friends with an animal is easy. Just like it's not easy to become friends with humans.

We didn't let those who didn't like us have sex.

There's a reason why Florida has signs like these.

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Why do you think you're entitled to modders porting their work over to your shitty and obsolete system?

INT >>>> STR

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>But technically any animal can be tamed with enough time, attention and food
You can try all you want you will never tame a wild adult animal, it's still a wild animal and it will still willingly hurt you even if you feed it. You can only tame babies away from their parents.


No it literally isn't, you retard.
It can be, but giving alarm is often more excitement based. Dogs also bark at things that confuse them.
And to repeat, barking when somebody closes in on their home was selectively bred for, often without the part that attacks the intruder.

>Want a Collie
>But live in Florida
>Also heard that they tend to easily get diseases

>collie means coal
>wanting to be a coal burner

>hana hook kid

Fuck you

Based as fuck, i have a pic related which is basically the same dog, smart and loyal, calm and patient, but they don't fuck around whem it comes to buisness.
In our Italian mountains they're used to fend off bears

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Commmit sudoky asap Ahmed

Do you not have air conditioning or something? As long as you aren't one of those faggots who just chains their dog in the backyard all day they will be perfectly fine. If you don't have a nice dirt trail to walk them on then you will have to do it when the sun is down, but that is something that applies to all dog breeds.

>if it was a pitbull it would have not only killed the coyote, but then kill all the livestock and owner's entire extended family as well

>have border collie
>trained it to get me beers
Name a more based breed. i am waiting

how many beers should a dog drink?

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For what other reasons would you want a dog you literal cunt?


I think that fat fuck has had enough.

Fucking this. Why would I need a dog to be great at fighting? If some nigger dog squares up to my collie its getting a fucking bat to the dome (if its lucky)


Are you seriously asking why youd want any dog that isnt aggressive? Kill yourself (literal) nigger

for me it’s great pyrenees

Keep your dog chained up and I wont have to kill it when it chimps out

My dog has hip dysplasia and she's 4-5 years old... I really hope she's going to be okay. I'm going to get her those wheeled harnesses if she can't walk well. She's a rescue dog.

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They're supposed to protect your home from invaders while you're working, Muhammed. If you want a submissive bottom because your wife isn't giving you any that's none of my business however.

ive never seen this breed, looks like a bernese but cleaner with the short hair. Very cute 10/10

generally wild animals are more risk averse than domestic counterparts since for them just getting wounded could mean death through infection.
I would guess the coyote tried to sneak by and wasn't able to run away fast enough, I doubt there was any kind of fight.

Whats a good looking dog for warmer climates?
They tend to be hideous imo
I live in the south and that is the only reason I don't own a Samoyed, fuck I love spitz

Absolute nigger logic. Most dogs are there for companionship or MAYBE some working purporse. Dogs arent a big deterrent from home robbery these days brainlet. It doesnt take much for a human to get past ANY dog

What about surgery?

>Dogs arent a big deterrent from home robbery these days brainlet.
They are just for the barking. For a robber to be organized enough to be neutralize a dog he would have to be more that a random nigger or romanian, but an organized professional that knows what he's looking for.
If you're rich enough to be the target of better criminals you should use other systems as well, but dogs are a great deterrent.
Just google it

t. Has never been in a fight before

While I agree about the nigger logic; a dog is primarily a companion and not a tool.

But I'd say that a larger dog is a serious deterrent for any kind of criminal because it would take a much larger effort and risk, if nothing else.

>t. Poodleowner

The intimidation factor is more than enough of a deterrent, Ahkmed. Have fun with your glorified toy while I can sleep soundly knowing my boy has my back.

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If we exterminate ugly creatures you'd be the first to go

>But technically any animal can be tamed
False. Wild animals are still wild animals. Even if you have them born and raised in captivity they will never be 100% tame and safe. I know someone who's cousin had cared for and raised a wolf pup it's entire life and one day as adult it just turned on him and bit his finger clean off. Siegfried and Roy worked with that one tiger for ten years and one day it just attacked and nearly killed one of them like a click of the fingers. Scottish wild cats are completely untameable, when they're kittens they're like house cats but once they reach adulthood they become hostile towards any humans.

The pets we have now are the result of thousands of years of breeding. People are far too ignorant about how dangerous wild animals truly are.

If someone is so desperate they are breaking into and robbing yout fucking house its a safe assumption they have a weapon to handle any dog.

My vet told me it wasn't worth it, she's just taking meds right now and doesn't have any visible symptoms, maybe because she's so young, or maybe because the treatment is going well.

Not that user but you arent helping your case. Poodles are fairly large and pretty fucking mean retard.

Attached: Endgame Boss Roams Low Level Areas.webm (640x360, 901K)

>pits are evil, we must ban them
>video games are also evil, ban that too
>and especially anime, ban, ban, ban!
Leftists really do hate freedom

What are you trying to say? That you cant cave some dogs head in with a bat or put a bullet between its eyes?

You're overestimating the average burglar, most of them have at most a knife.
In civilized countries they don't even bring any weapons, if you're getting caught empty handed you get a couple of months, if you have a blade it turns easily into years.
Also, if you were a thief, would you pick a house with the big dgerman shepard looking at you from the window, or the one two blocks down that's completely empty?
Seriosuly, look up statistics

This, if it's not a snowflake breed with 100+ health issues then miss me with that boring shit

Conservative leftists? That's new.

Shitbulls are evil and deserve to be eradicated.

dont forget they need a lot of exercise, I've seen way to many obese Huskies

Absolutely wrong, most thieves are not well armed and even if they are they will just run when a dog starts barking.

Swinging a bat takes time and space if you want to do it effectively, a dog that actually attacks you will five you neither.
You can swing at it while it rips your other arm apart, but any hit from that position will lack strength and will most likely be a glancing hit while the owner is free to do whatever he wants, including just grabbing your other arm.
You have never been in a fight and no experience with any real fighting discipline if you think a bat is a good weapon in grappling range.

Damn, you can smell the soi in this lad

There's a huge difference between working class dogs like GSDs, Great Pyrenees, Huskies, or even Neo Mastiffs - and shit vanity toy dogs like labradoodles and chihuahuas that were never domesticated to serve a purpose other than companionship. Try owning one of each and you'll understand. It's like the difference between a man and a woman.

>he doesn’t have an Akita

We literally bred them to be somewhat retarded and the dog equivalent of "man children"
The other answers as well

This, i went from a bastard to a sheepdog, the difference is day and night, even if i loved the good old pupper.
They're smart and easy to train. Hell you don't even need to train them, "yes" and "no" will be enough to let them understand how shit works.
My dog pissed just once in the house the first day we brought her in as a puppy, i got a friend that has a toydog that has been constantly shitting her floor for the past 5 years

I wish I didn't get a full time job I had to give my malamute to my family and now she's obese. I'm so mad but I can't do much as a wagey.

That's not going to happen anytime soon if you look at what is going on this thread and the outside world. Everyone wants to get into a dick measuring contest with their dog breed. That's why pugs went from >pic related to the abomination that we see today.

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If you feel like you absolutely need a dog to protect your house you need to move to a better neighborhood

only one of those is statistically proven to have violent consequences

Pic related aside, good neighbourhoods are the primary target of thieves.
You wouldn't steal much from somebody that doesn't own shit in the first place bro

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why don't they limit its diet?

This has to be a falseflagging pit mommy, desperate to compare any other breed of dog to pitbulls, despite them committing exponentially more attacks than even the second most vicious dog, rottweilers.

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They need LOTS of excercize and stimulation. If the family is a bunch of lardasses, the dog will terrorize the house out of boredom and excess energy. Most you see with Huskies have no business owning them.

You have to get the dog that matches your lifestyle. I have a Neapolitan Mastiff because they're good in small quarters (despite their size) and lazy as fuck so they don't mind not getting run around the block 3x a day. Plus low maintenance in general, grooming-wise. I have no intention for going on jogs with my dog, so I'm not going to get one that requires it.

rip george

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Not that user but pitbulls are a shitty breed because they are dumb and aggressive. German Shepards are absolutely an aggressive breed, luckily they are intelligent

>pit puppy is about to get mauled
I guess they just love the taste of young flesh regardless of species.

They are the only breed that all kennels, breeders, and humane/breed societies recommend owning a break stick for, regardless of current temperament or training. By fucking default. Every other breed is case-by-case, usually only for retired LEO/military trained animals.

Attached: Dog-Break-Stick-K9-Dog-Training-Product-No-Slip-Training-Toy-Supplier-for-Medium-Large-Dogs.jpg (1000x1000, 279K)

They got her a play mate who was a puppy I had to keep getting on their case but the damage is done because arctic breeds don't need much.

Can confirm both, shame my grandpas give our dog almost everything

Attached: dog.webm (1280x720, 2.91M)

cute pupper

more like fallout of the lift lmao


>despite them committing exponentially more attacks than even the second most vicious dog, rottweilers.

Oh, fuck off this this shit. Rotts and Pits don't even break the top-10 list of attacks-per-capita. Chow-Chows are the most aggressive dog breed, statistically. For every 7 Chow-Chows owned, there is 1 reported attack. English Staffordshire Terriers (one of the pit breeds), for comparison is 1 attack per 43 registered dogs. The only problem with these stats is they can only count reported attacks and compare them against rabies vaccination registrations so shitty toy dogs with bad attitudes don't get listed since they can't do any real damage. And before you "b-b-but niggers don't register", 99.2% of domestically owned canines are up to date on their shots (just checked, that's from 2017)

I think that is the malinois, shepherds are too big.

Post source showing dog attacks with popularity accounted for

I don't need one, that wasn't the point of the discussion.
The question was whether dogs are a good way to keep out thieves.
They are, obviously and statistically so.
And thieves tend to look for houses in rich neighbourhoods you stupid motherfucker.

I have a GS born out of a GS female and a mutt,she would never hurt my two small siblings that are toddlers right not. Even when they where just babies you could trust her that she was just chilling or even licking them.
However I would not only not put my hand in the fire expecting the same behaviour from a shitbull and not just consider them a toy to shred,I'd just throw that abomination in said fire as well.

We are about to get into a circular argument, but if you live in a nice neighborhood chances are you can afford better home robbery deterrents than a dog.

Australian Cattle Dogs. Had 6 of them growing up and they were never beaten by Texas summer.

Attached: Australian-Cattle-Dog-1-AP-645km081611.jpg (645x380, 45K)

Im not the original user who started this debate. But i agree with him in that if you are choosing a dog based on its aggression to "protect your house" that is a nigger mindset and you might as well get a pit

>ywn have a guardian pupper Kaprosuchus
feels bad

except the owner is almost always the first and the onyl victim of a pittie
Pick a dog that knows his shit but is at least loyal. Thus, shepards, sheepdogs and so on

How do they fair in sub 30 f? Its rare itll get that cold here, but it can
t Tennessee

Wrong and uninformed.
A certain amount if aggression is necessary for a dog if you want him to be able to defend anything.
That doesn't mean it has to be a pitbull, as aggressive as one or as dumb as one.
Seriously user, what made you comment on a topic you're clearly entirely ignorant about?

Ghost Trick, AA aswell

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They do well in the cold too.

This is flat out false you realize that right?

Except it isnt you dumb nigger. Most dogs have at least enough innate "aggression" or "territorial" nature to freak out if some random thug breaks into your house. So the level of aggression in dogs like pits or GSDs is unwarranted. So again, if you are choosing a dog based on its level of aggression you are literally using a niggers mindset. Dogs should be chosen primarily based on if they match up with your lifestyle and if its a breed you personally enjoy.

If your goal is to have a thing that makes loud noises when somebody enters your home set up some chimes you absolute faggot.

To be fair, most video games use dogs as weapons.
A violent border collie is a silly concept that would look silly in execution.

Absolute meme unless the person really is just a dumb fatass.
>t. raising two

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these dogs kind of look like smaller versions of tornjak dogs

Used to have one, GS mix, actually.
Wonderful dog, but also an absolute pussy.

Good job ignoring literally every other post you absolute fucking retard. Lets try this again. There.are.far. if you get a dog based solely on how well it can fuck a person up this is nigger logic

Hey retard, I know you love repeating that but nobody has ever claimed it.
People have pointed it out as a necessary part of a good dog that isn't just there to cuddle, just because you keep on ignoring that and write the same shit again and again doesn't mean that's what people are writing or what they mean
>if you get a dog based solely on how well it can fuck a person up this is nigger logic
You're the only one who says this, you say it again and again, after trying to admonish somebody else for ignoring the content of the posts of others.
Fucking kill yourself, you retarded sack of shit.

>based solely on how well it can fuck a person up
Only you have been trying to push this with your
>just get a pitbull instead lol
Are you always this retarded or only on Sundays, user?

any games with a chad JRT companion?

I love this video, a creature from the most horrid nightmares manifested in reality.Cute little pibbles.

Not nearly SLAMMED enough

Where the hell are you finding dogs this small? Are these puppies or something?

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>Dogs arent a big deterrent from home robbery these days
Why would a burglar risk injury or death when he hears a barking dog when he could just pick a different house?
Unless you're a drug dealer, the burglar probably isn't picking your house out specifically

Pit genocide when?

I love pugs.

Take a deep breath and fuck off schizo. You're arguing with the voices in your head