Last thread hit bump limit the play continues
Other urls found in this thread:
Is the game truly saved?
Bachelor's a fag.
Also how do I know you’re really Mandalore and not simply a clay woman
>kains bow to the statmatins
>in contact with the rat prophet
>rumored to possess sand-castle building abilities
>control town-on-gorkhon with an iron fist
>own cathedral, polyhedron, and stairways to heaven all over the town
>direct descendants of the immortal simon kain
>will bankroll the first immortality-granting physics-defying towers
>in the process of terraforming the steppe into a trainyard
>own basically every interesting piece of architecture around the town
>first immortal babies with be statmatin babies
>both brothers said to have 400+ IQ
>ancient kin scripture tells of two bulls who will ascend from the Earth and bring an era of enlightenment and unprecedented technological progress with them
>These are the Statmatin twins
>They own the haruspex's lairs around the town
>You likely have Statmatin plague inside you right now
>Every child has the mark of Stat implanted in them at birth
>The Statmatins are in regular communication with Grace and the spirits of the Dead, forwarding the word of God to the Changeling
>Discovered the abbatoir
>They learned fluent latin in under 12 days
>Vlad Olgimsky allows them full access to the evidence of fair working conditions within the Termitary
>The Powers That Be entrust their blood with the twin. There's no Capital Blood Bank, only Statmatin Blood Bank.
>The twins are 67 years old from the space-time reference of an inquisitor in the cathedral
>In reality, they are timeless beings existing in all points of time and space from the first performance to the end of the theater.
>They have been able to access the Lines since birth, and have spoken about what they saw while they were newborns
>The Statmatins will guide humanity into a new age of wisdom, peace, and lines.
take what you can get actor, part of the fun is not knowing.
Post kino screenshots
take it back "oynon"
who's willing to bet Eva has been there?
The only place Eva is going is concrete
shut up dandy everybody knows that you want that polyhedron dick up your ass.
Take it up your ass.
please excuse the IU intrusion
>mankind's magnum opus, a creation of limitless possibilities that defies the very laws of physics
>looks like someone couldn't make up their mind whether they wanted a beehive or a buttplug
what did Peter mean by this
I'm splayed out like a sacrifice but I'm glad to see so many people actually giving the game a chance now. Could be the meds warping my mind though it's all been a blur.
What does the torture throne looks like Mandy?
Please don't hurt yourself to take a pic though, it isn't worth it
Go easy on the twyrine, Grace
Are you in direct contact with Dybovsky?
EVERYWHERE I GO ITS "ye haw we dont want your kind here city slicker" OR "oyy just learn the lines emshen oh haha you cant you're not a menkhu." YOU RETARDS REALIZE THAT I'M THE ONLY FUCKING ONE HERE WHO ACTUALLY HAS AN ACTUAL EDUCATION IN HOW THIS SHIT WORKS?
Hi Sseth
Did alphy offer to fuck yet
thanks for helping one of my favorite games dad
ahahaha seeth more manlet, buy higher platform boots you incel fuck.
It's mostly collapsed and in the closet now. I had a rack with a harness on it that suspended me up more while I used mountains of pillows as props so I wasn't putting max pressure on the area where the disc is popped. Luckily the mic arm I got swings pretty far so I can finish the rest of the lines though I'm sure there are some groans I didn't properly cut out at the end of sentences.
I also don't own a cane so I was also using the shotgun against the desk as one on occasion if I needed to get up to piss.
>his favourite game is weeb erotic dating sim called True LoveforPC-98
you have to be meming
>using a shotgun as a cane
absolutely based
>he thinks his precious laws of physics and medicine apply in a town populated by puppets living on top of a giant bull
look at this fucking dandy, couldn't find the lines if he rolled up all his useless city money and snorted them off a Worm's ballsack
>I also don't own a cane so I was also using the shotgun against the desk as one on occasion if I needed to get up to piss.
Only you could’ve done this game justice for the normies.
best mom comming through
>shitty indie horror
>I also don't own a cane so I was also using the shotgun against the desk as one on occasion if I needed to get up to piss.
- wanted to add DIFFICULTY options to the fucking SCRIPT for Pathologic 2
oh no oh fuck I really want this now, what have you done
Shoo shoo leddit
Thanks for the answer!
Hope you get better soon!
>so I was also using the shotgun against the desk as one
Yeah I got that from the livestream, I hope we get the "thank you gamers" backstory in the next PST.
Should I buy it? Sell me on this game
For all doomposters:
So you really think the man who:
- started his company with the manifesto
- gathered funds for his first game through underground poker sessions
- has already written half of the script for Pathologic 1 when programmers were debating whether game's going to be 2D or 3D
- the marketing for his second game consisted of nude model, canvas and some paint
- developed entire game because he liked main programmer's meme
- wanted to add DIFFICULTY option to the fucking SCRIPT for Pathologic 2 (literally "stupid" and "intelligent" versions, the final script is something in between) because some plebs on the internet were saying Classic HD was "incomprehensible" for them
- his favourite games are weeb erotic dating sim called True Love for PC-98 and Thief
WON'T finish his game?
Sorry, I fucked up the formatting first time
Are you allowed to tell us what contact with the developers were like?
>even the porn is high art
rent free
this game is literally 2 hours long if you take it autistically slow. why are you defending it
This game inspired him to make The Void, it's true
>he thinks the Marble Nest demo is the game
It's probably true, I know the original game was supposed to be inspired by Divi-Dead. He seems like the kind of guy who would say a PC-98 dating sim was his favorite game just to fuck with people.
>this game is literally 2 hours long if you take it autistically slow. why are you defending it
damn.... he's right....
>I also don't own a cane so I was also using the shotgun against the desk as one on occasion if I needed to get up to piss.
that was pretty weak actor, you should inspire to be more 'two-sided' like Mr. Gauharposter, if you want to 'bait' other actors. I hope you will do better next time.
That's like saying Outer Wilds is 30 minutes long or that Nier is 5 minutes long. You have to replay Pathologic multiple times to play through it.
Is this true?
Legit asking i'm interested in the game
to be fair, the old PC-98 dating sims were legit, the kind of shit you needed elaborate walkthroughs and careful planning of your time and stats to pull off.
No, he's just joking around.
I've heard playtime is from 20-25 hours, but mine was just over 30.
It's 20+ hours for a single playthrough with high replayability. Each in-game day lasts 2.5 hours with 12 days, and so I'm subtracting sleep time which passes several chunks out of each day.
fuck no, it's a 20-30hr game at least for one playthrough. he's either utterly retarded or is thinking of the demo, and therefore utterly retarded
I suppose if you slept in a bed the whole game it would be short, but if you play it legit it's around 25 hours
>that image
Holy fuck my sides
How many of those are real? I know the fuck one is at least.
Have the devs given ANY indication how the game sold or how they are doing financially? Someone said they had to lay some people off after the game released which I really hope is just rumour.
You’ve never played it. It takes around 20 for one playthrough
No idea, but I imagine at least half of those are communicated in some manner, as a lot of people bitch about things not being directly explained to them. The main community for the game is fairly positive however, as small as it may be.
>Mandalore made a video
Does he have enough people to make a real difference in the games sales? It broke my heart to see it do so badly.
I want this game to succeed so fucking hard so IPL can make something new already. What can we do? Give it to the fucking PewdiePie?
It’s appearing on sales charts and he’s in the thread right now
It’s on the top sellers page of steam right now so you tell me :^)
Recommending it to your friends is a good start. If you really like it, buy the artbook and soundtrack DLC on steam.
The game is on Steam's second page of top sellers right now, and it was on the third page earlier today, so hopefully people take notice and buy it.
>game relies on multiple playthroughs to be fun
>playing the same game over and over is enjoyable
is this autism?
>supporting devs
holy cucked
just pirate all that shit
They contacted me last December, within hours of the video on Pathologic 1 being up. This was pretty fucking shocking because even when I get spam mail about promoting trash mobile games they're typically on weekdays since marketing people are out for the weekend and this came on a Saturday. It turned out that the producer was subscribed to me and so he mailed right after finishing the video. He was nice, though he also said directly that they had no clue how to market the game in the west due to the nature of it and wanted feedback. They never actually made me sign NDAs, waivers, or anything for early builds of the complete game which everyone else has made me do when they want feedback on stuff. Funniest sentence was "Not sure how I should call you since I don't know your name. Anyways, here's all the game files RAR password is 3405aasfhbawR" etc.
To their credit they did fix up a lot from the earliest build I tried (I never played past day one) and even the build a month before release was astronomically horrible performance wise though they must've used some kind of magic to improve it to the level they did. Most of the feedback I gave was mainly technical stuff. You used to be able to recharge stamina at full speed by blocking anytime so you could sprint around town doing Naruto moves to recover so they changed that to be in combat only. It really was astounding just how much polish they gave it in that final month to release.
le nigerian meme man might review it which would be another big boost to sales. Really nothing you can do short of shilling for the game. Also if you have friends who you think would like it let them know. It's a game that most people really know nothing about.
do you have even the slightest idea what game you're talking about? serious question.
>he also said directly that they had no clue how to market the game in the west due to the nature of it and wanted feedback
Fucking Tinybuild
you don't deserve the (You) I'm about to give you but I'll give it to you anyway just to express my disgust at you baiting in what would otherwise be a good thread
Played through multiple times and never got the rifle
Mandy got one
It's not fair
You are in the wrong thread user.
>giving the entire game to a rando
Are they desperate or trusting
You have to kill some soldiers if you want a rifle
There's a camp in the north with one on Day 10.
>le nigerian meme man might review it
How do we know? Did he confirm it?
>They never actually made me sign NDAs, waivers, or anything for early builds of the complete game which everyone else has made me do when they want feedback on stuff
There's a blog article from a guy who was sorta-hired to do an English translation for another of their games, he mentioned the same thing. Apparently they don't seem to give a fuck about NDAs.
thanks for helping out IPL, hope your back gets better soon
Alpha build was already available to backers back then, which covered the first three days. It's the same version
No but it seems to be similar to the games he reviews. He does a lot of what could be considered Yea Forums favorites which Pathologic definitely is.
or have the bandits do it
soldiers dont loot so you just kill the bandit right after
No they gave a few high profile people Day 1-12 versions
They signed a contract with a localizer for Cargo drunk, with no NDAs and it ended with Nikolay crashing into the flat with a sleeping bag and mumbling "Drunken Sailor" in his sleep
based spongebob loving mutts go watch your baby cartoons and not good ones
Tell us is right and Sseth is planning something as well?
He never reviews the same games Mandy does.
here's your last (You), don't spend it all in one place
you seem to be thinking of the standalone demo released some years ago. there's a full, 20-30 hour game that came out this May.
now kindly fellate a shotgun until it sprays its hot load down the back of your throat.
Link with a whole story:
After getting rations and ammo I thought it was like 1 and I'd have to wait for bachelor
Time to use all that ammo I got
>what is s.t.a.l.k.e.r.
>the producer was subscribed to me
Was this Ivan? He's pretty based.
Calm your autism, I literally just said you could let bandits kill the soldiers for you.
Before I play this, is there any way to intentionally infect NPC's before shit goes down?
>based sadistic user
No to your question, by the way.
Nah, but leaving them alone without giving them any meds is a surefire way to have them die. Might take 2-3 days depending on how well Death rolls his dice.
Please can someone help the actor, he's having a seizure I think.
Have you gotten any response from them on your Pathologic 2 review? And if so, how was it?
Good luck with your back Oynon
see retard no argumsnt guess i won LMAO
What ever happened to that quest?
It's good that you're dedicated but try not to fucking die, dude.
Also, be wary of what you say while high on meds, really.
notice me senpai
Hunchback got removed (?) from the game, and so did all that other associated stuff. The arsonists are just nutters convinced that fire will purge the plague they're not wrong instead of Hunchback's friends.
Maybe he'll show up in Bachelor's route, but I'd say it's unlikely. I think he got turned into Vor, actually, the scarred dude who buys organs.
>I shake Nikolay, realising this is the first business meeting I've had where I end up sleeping with the CEO
fucking kek
Dear mandalore,
Are you black?
I've noticed it's the same in russia. I live in the US now (in my early 20s) but go back home occasionally to visit family members and friends.
When I was there this summer I was hanging out and drinking with some friends and cousins that were around my age, plus their girlfriends. Topic convo between guys switched to vidya, I asked what they were playing now, and it was all mostly dota, league, cs, tarkov. Asked them if they heard anything about pathologic 2 since it had just come out recently, about how much I enjoyed it, all of them say they've never heard of it to my surprise (usually slavs are really fucking proud of slav produced games). Then two of their girlfriend's pipe up and join the convo and say they've heard of it, and one of them was even in the middle of playing it, which surprised me even more.
How can young, qt slavic girls handle pathologic's difficulty but western male game journo's in their mid to late 20s can't?
Man, his sweater looks so comfy, I want it
More indifferent about it. They just told me not to leak the files.
If he does it'll be a long time away. He actually played a review copy they had before the embargo and we talked about it for a few hours. Ended up finding that all the files for each exterior/interior area were completely separated out in Unity to the point where we realized that might've been what was making the performance so abysmal. He didn't seem to care for it though he only played some of Day 1 where you get the most free time and probably reminds people of Pathologic 1 the most. Though he's a god at figuring out how to break games so he could definitely make something fun out of it even if he hates it.
Nah it wasn't him. Ivan did send me some well wishes for my recovery after the video and I think he was happy about the game getting a good amount of attention, and a few other staff did the same. I honestly thought not too many people would give it a go especially with how much I was saying "this game is going to be hard, unfair at times, and frustrating" but even now there is hope in man.
Don't worry I'm passing out after this post. Honestly I wouldn't have been working on anything for a few weeks off if I could help it but god DAMN IT I was fucking furious I didn't have the video up in late June/early July since it was a good chunk into editing and I just couldn't finish it.
Thank you actors. You're all wonderful.
Has the performance gotten any better since launch? That's the only reason why I stopped playing even though I got about 5 chapters in.
>Desktop 06.08
>footage was recorded all the way back in June
Damn man
rest now good prince, we will have jojo posts upon your awakening
Thank you gamer
wide sweeping generalizations ahoy
guys often play video games for adrenaline rush or the feeling of conquering/winning over something, a thing Pathologic will laugh at you for trying to do.
for girls, that stuff isn't really important or even wanted. other stuff like atmosphere or character interactions is often more valued.
>we talked about it for a few hours
Internally or externally?
Thank you, gamer
Sweet dreams
Take care lad, looking forward to the next video.
>posts in the Pathologic thread and not eceleb threads
>no trip
>shotgun cane
Godspeed with recovery
Can I just shoot them and harvest their organs to speed it up? Or can story npc's just not be killed by yourself.
There was a patch in June that helped, but no updates since then. In fact, nothing at all since then, we don't know what's going on at IPL.
>Ivan did send me some well wishes for my recovery after the video and I think he was happy about the game getting a good amount of attention
This is so wholesome. Fuck I’m so happy.
which protags were in the wrong?
Never tried it so I don't know, but I would imagine you can. Who's pissing you off this much? Or do you just want to watch everything burn?
Because I'm curious as to what happens if you cull the town before the plague can.
All of them
I knew I shoulda bought it when I had the coupon for owning the first game, but I was greedy and wanted to wait for a sale. Forgot it was made by like 20 slavs and needed all the help it could get
Oh shit, hope your back is doing alright Khatanger.
It doesn't sound like this game is for you if you are asking these questions
All of them simultaneously. They were all also right.
Considering you'd have exactly one day to murder about 15,000 people, I dunno if this is feasible. Post results if you try, though. I'm morbidly curious.
>You used to be able to recharge stamina at full speed by blocking anytime so you could sprint around town doing Naruto moves to recover so they changed that to be in combat only.
Heh, you can still cheese that shit to run away from muggers since stamina will recover faster when you're in a combat state with another NPC. At least you could when I played it. What are your thoughts on the game doing badly, think it can recover?
I think you would actually be the first person to try murdering the town, I don't think I've ever even heard of a player attacking a named NPC for no reason. Try it though and see what happens.
Based and gamerpilled Review Alpha Protocol or DA:O motherfucker
Next druids stream when
>the staff is actively at their posts and not let go
Finally a good sign
Best weapon in the game?
Why is it the lockpick?
the broken knife Lara gives you is everything you need the entire game
So is there r34 on the witches?
Escape and reload once you have to cross a burned out district and like six fucking Ivans come out from hiding and beeline it straight for your ass. I actually got instantly shanked from behind once before I could even pause and reload, it certainly added to the slavic hell experience.
Also pic related, pain in game form.
I'd say kill her for it but I don't think you can.
Kids weren't killable in classic either were they?
>killing kids in Pathologic
I tried
They aren't, you just get a big rep loss
Dogheads were at the very least, both Haruspex and Clara can kill one in a sidequest. I guess they're like 12-16 though, not so much kids.
It's only been a few months nigga.
>and here's Jeffrey Epstein's sex dungeon
Not anytime soon, if at all. With how well Haruspex turned out, I'm willing to wait.
I used fists the entire game because I was afraid of wasting durabilty on the knife and I didn't know the lockpicks could be used as a weapon. That part where you fight four worms at the same time was hell.
Got the free shotgun from Grief but I also never fired it because I didn't want to waste ammo.
Mandalore, you're a fucking saint.
I distinctly remember being able to kill the blonde haired kid with a leather jacket who tries to fight you if he catches you stealing in his house.
Stepperbros, should I play my 3rd run?
So can you actually rob stores and mug people? How do you do it?
I posted a bunch last thread so got nothing to post now. I have a few others but the fucking UI is in the shot.
I love you Mandy
Not to be a console pleb but isn't this releasing for PS4?
I'll buy it day one if so
the most kino screenshots have the best stats in the ui displayed in them.
observe, the most kino of all screenshots
Mugging people is easy, just punch them/stab them until they surrender, and you can pat down their pockets for loot. You lose rep, though, and too low reputation means no one will trade with you or sell to you in that area which can be a major problem. Super low rep means people will either flee on sight or attempt to punch your lights out, and 3-4 people gunning for your balls is not an easy fight to come out of alive.
Be smart if you're gonna be a criminal. Broaden your operating area, and cover up your crimes with a good deed or two.
>Not being a tripfag
>Forces himself to finish the vidya for slav kino to try and help sales
>Chad enough to use a shotgun as a cane
I completed all routes of the original and backed the Kickstarter but haven't touched the remake since my computer broke a week before release. Are there significant changes to story, or did they just flesh out the original Haruspex route with more content and better game mechanics?
I was able to play both the Bachelor and Haruspex pre-release demos, and they seemed pretty similar to the original. Daniil is still obsessed with defeating death, Artemy wants to fill his father's shoes, etc. During the Kickstarter campaign they made a big deal out of the fact that it wasn't going to be "just a remake," but from what I've seen that doesn't really seem to be the case, at least when you look at the big picture.
I'm not asking to be convinced or anything, I already own the game and am definitely going to play it, I'm just kind of curious as to how different the remake's story is from the original.
*blocks your path*
This post deserves more smiles.
*unblocks your path*
Why, yes, I would love to buy the bull.
>blocks your unblock
sleep is for the weak
If you say it talks then I BELIEVE YOU
*blocks your unblock*
>he came?
>activat the sand plague
>he sold?
>pump food prices
*blocks your block*
How the FUCK do you survive the worms in the abattoir?
*blocks your Block*
*unblocks our collective reblock*
one of the most surprising and coolest moments in the game for me.
Stealth and backstab. You got the knife, right? You can pretty much stunlock them from behind whether you have a knife or not. Block and then stab the one guy who you'll inevitably aggro from the front.
Get the menkhu's finger when you cut open the herb bride, and just spam it, even if it breaks. Attacking with a broken weapon will still deal damage and put enemies into a stagger animation.
For me? It's pic related.
that moment was indeed kino my brother
>the world is beautiful indeed
Apart from some basic story concept you talked about almost everything is different, for example Lara, Grief, Rubin and Haruspex are childhood friends now which is quite big part of the story. You won't get a feeling that you're playing the same game with new graphics.
we need sseth
the best would be pewdiepie if he was still an horror channel
if anyone says this didn't make you tear up or at the very least feel a lump at the back of your throat they're a liar
yeah, like that one with Capella and >thirst
>Why yes, I think a single odd structure is worth more than a whole town of inbred retards, how could you tell?
This game so many beautiful moments I can't even begin to name them
nothing in pathologic 1 or 2 made me tear up or a made me feel a lump in my throat
I hope they give you an Easter egg
>for example Lara, Grief, Rubin and Haruspex are childhood friends now
Wasn't that in the original as well? It definitely came across stronger in the Haruspex demo.
At any rate, I'll take your word that it doesn't feel like the same thing all over again. That's really all I was worried about.
Fucking write to him user. Noah Caldwell is a great reviewer and I wrote to him about Pathologic but I'm not sure if he'd be interested in weird russian games.
I didn't tear up but it was the first time a game instilled in me an actual sense of awe. Other games would just have a character go "woaaah" but instead you stumble upon it yourself and its much more rewarding as a result.
>tfw I fucking hated that useless creepy autist cunt Murky at the start
>keeps chasing me around sneaking into my chill house trying to seduce my homie Sticky-D with her dirty feet being a cunt to me
>tfw end up saving her
She grew up on me, besides I kept giving my nuts to that Schmowder girl almost every day and I hat plenty of abattoir bottles.
These thread is only reason for me to visit Yea Forums nowdays. Guess I should thank Mandalore...
Can someone give me the guide how to get this game fucking playable? Something about changing it from using one gb to 4?
Unless they fixed it in updates
This and the talk you have with Gregory about the town were top tier fucking moments. As well as the tutorial with tumbler toy.
>making the rounds day 10 and telling all of the kids that it's gonna be okay, they're going to make it
>murky's "I loved you from the moment I saw you"
Post good fanart. My folders are empty.
Asking Night Mind what he thinks about the game would be neat too.I know Nick mostly into web stuff, but he had a few horror game rewiews too, if I remember correctly.
There's some good fanart earlier in the thread, too. A good amount on tumblr as well.
I kept imagining her returning home, and when her parents asked her if she brought the schmowder for which they wasted almost all of their savings she said "I bought something better!!!" and showed them my nuts.
Then I find them on the houses covered in rags while I look for more nuts.
>Interested in the game
>Check the speedruns
>They are all in fucking russian and most of the time they just wait in a spot skipping days
anyone got the fanart from that japanese player?
>autistic wizard summons a train.jpg
Check wroniec on Twitter. Also every art in artbook is high res, you can easily rip jpgs from it.
Nahh, I'd rather avoid that place. Name some good fanartists user. I only know ViaEstelar.
There's a moment 90% of players likely won't get where, if you choose to leave with the Inquisitor, the military stops the train. You go outside to see what's going on and they just shoot her in front of you and tell you to head back to town, and
When they come at you two or more at a time, try getting them stuck on one of the kinsmen standing near the pit on the ground floor then try luring a single worm out and fight them one on one.
the moment 90% of the players didn't get is the one where they make the panacea during day 6 because they are retarded and don't test the medicine
Oh yeah, I got that. Absolute fucking kino. You look at the map and you're not even on it, it's like 3 am and you likely haven't slept all day, and it's a long, cold walk back.
>The Town is dead and empty. Let it all rot.
does running worth it?
Grace is my favourite, lovable little autist that she is
>Visit Grace when I learn Peter has her
>"See? I've got a second daughter now. The first one is over there, by the Gorkhon... and the second is here, by my side.
>Talk to Grace
>"Peter will teach me. It's warm here. I... I like this place."
>Khan stopping you from seeing the kids on the polyhedron
>"Don't. For whatever reason, they love you. Send you all the hellos in the world."
>"Tell them I love them, too. And I do know why."
>Get dialogue options of Artemy saying how once it's all over he'll take her in
>talk with Sticky when everyone gets infected
>"Time to say goodbye then, just in case?"
>"No. no goodbyes.. We've just met and now you want to say goodbye?"
>You just,,, you... help the others first, alright? I can bear it."
>Visit Notkin
>"Hey, how's Khan doing? Tell him I have no grudges... He's a decent guy."
Fuck this game for making me care so much.
>he repaired a water pump?
>send the plague
Why yes, I'm Artemy Burakh, how could you tell?
Tell me Burakh, what are your qualifications? Do you have a degree?
>has already written half of the script for Pathologic 1 when programmers were debating whether game's going to be 2D or 3D
That's not what happened. He raked through programmers' C.V.s and called them. When somebody asked whether the game should be 2D or 3D, he asked "what's that?", so naturally he was hung up on a lot. He didn't even know what 'sprite' is when he started out.
>developed entire game because he liked main programmer's meme
If you're talking about Cargo!, no, he didn't develop shit, he was down with depression for 2 years after the Void, so it's entirely their lead programmer Ayrat Zakirov's brain child.
>wanted to add DIFFICULTY option to the fucking SCRIPT for Pathologic 2 (literally "stupid" and "intelligent" versions, the final script is something in between) because some plebs on the internet were saying Classic HD was "incomprehensible" for them
System Shock 1 has these, too. That's pretty cool and unusual, actually. t played it in 2017.
>his favourite games are weeb erotic dating sim called True Love for PC-98 and Thief
Also Max Payne 1, Psychonauts and Grim Fandango.
>WON'T finish his game?
He did admit he was running on dumb luck all this time. Everybody's luck runs out sooner or later.
Devs are pretty based in general, it seems.
What's wrong with your faaace
What are games with such a surreal aesthetic?
>Pathologic 2
>The Void
>Planescape: Torment
>Sunless Sea/Sunless Skies
>Myst Series
Anything else?
what sort of game is this? it looks like a mix of walking simulator and STALKER. what is the gameplay like?
Now we know why he wears the mask.
Because those western males are utter faggots.
It's an Immersive Sim
Olon zuun jeley urda te'e hunde ubshen shulu'un de'egu'ur ebakha, you little Mara? I'll have you know I was made Menkhu of the Khantage™, and I've been involved in numerous quarantines in the Town-on-Ghorkon, and I have over 300 confirmed treatments. I am trained in the Lines and I'm the top Oynon in this entire place. You are nothing to me but just another body. I will empty you the fuck out with precision dissection the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit about me over the Districts? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of butchers across the Termitary and your location is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and all it will cost me is a fingernail. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of Bad Grief and I will use it to its full extent to hound your ass back to the Capital, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comments were about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn dandy. I will pour blood all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, Daniil.
I've been on the edge of buying this game. I want to wait for a sale, but at the same time I know the developer needs every ruble he can get if he's ever going to introduce the other two characters
like deus ex?
I'd argue that E.Ψ.Ǝ: Divine Cybermancy does that too.
But I dunno. It's more mixed with cyberpunk and WH40K.
Ivan's a reall nice guy in general.
Damn right I didn't get it, I'm not abandoning the kids.
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you stupid butcher? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in medical school, and I’ve been involved in numerous bar brawls and student protests in the capital, and I own over 300 microscopes. I am trained in the injection of antibiotics, and I’m the top practitioner in the entire Thanatica lab. You are nothing to me but just another test subject. You better run before I take out my scalpel, or you'll need a degree to understand what's happening to you, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit by sending me a letter at 10pm? Think again, cowfucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of drunks across the town and your hideout is being staked out right now so you better prepare for the storm, worm. The storm that makes the Sand Pest look like a light fever. You’re fucking dead, "oynon". I can get anywhere, slowly, and do whatever I want around here, since I'm the only one with a degree in this shithole of a town. I let the Plague infect over 700 people yesterday, just to study it, and the town rulers still gave me full authority and emergency powers. Not only am I extensively trained in the use of revolvers, but I have access to the entire arsenal of Griff's warehouses and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable backwater traditions off the face of the earth, you little primitive. If only you could have followed the lines to deduce what your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have stayed in the fucking abbatoir where you belong. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, and it's three times higher than yesterday. Medicum morbo adhibere. You’re fucking dead, emshen.
I'd add Oddworld Abe's Oddysee but I don't know if you meant something like this.
You're a surgeon returning to his hometown, you have to deal with the outbreak of a plague, save the town, and yourself. You have 12 days and most shit can only be done that day, otherwise it's gone for good.
Sseth should make a video when Bachelor's campaign comes out. That way we'll get another spike of interest, and they'll have enough money to make a decent Changeling.
talking to you, Mandy
Maybe games like American McGee's Alice, Yume Nikki and LSD: Dream Emulator too
Supposedly they may create the Changeling's route before the Bachelor's or do some sort of marble nest DLC instead. It's unsure because they've been silent to their backers.
Hey there good anons, I have a question. Do you want print-ready .jpgs (a3 or a2) for posters? I was too lazy to format them before before but I will if people want them (I'm asking because some anons wrote to me about that).
daily reminder that haru-specks-of-shit-in-his-panties is a FATTY FAT fat piece of shit holy fuck why do you need to eat so fucking much you fat tub of lard
this post was made by thanatica gang
Who are you talking to?
Really looking forward to this moment, or at least something like it in the new game.
>When somebody asked whether the game should be 2D or 3D, he asked "what's that?"
This is the only type of person who can truly make a game a work of art thats more than just a cinematic walking simulator.
>thinking we're mad
It put the game on the money making radar. Mandalore was in this very thread earlier.
Knock-knock, also made by IPL
Basically I'm not too attached on the "technological era", rather I always find games that have a certain oniric feel to them. When playing such games, I dream along with it.
Duco ergo sum, my brother
Thank you Anons. I forgot about the Alice games, and haven't played the others.
Oh fuck yes! The salt from bachelorfags would be immense.
Going from the deal ending where Mark mentions getting someone new to take the lead role and Bachelor practicing his latin it seems likely he'll be next. Plus given all the shit that goes on with changeling she makes more sense to be last.
If that's not a problem for you, sure. In fact, I wanted to print some Pathologic poster for my room soon.
Are you wroniec? I want them.
based Mandy
Survive you dumb cunt, or I'll summon your soul and bind it in my Niece's teddy bear she beats the shit out of with a Nerf bat
also stop letting SSeeth help you lift furniture
I just got this game and bought a bull, what the fuck is happening?
Now I'm going to leave before anyone actually explains to me what the fuck is happening
Paratopic, very short little game
>when we're nearing 3 successive threads with 500 replies
user, I...
I would love that but I can't guarantee I'll be in a position to make use of it in the near future. You the artist? Because god damn, amazing work.
I've always wondered. Do the worms have fingers, or do they have mitten-hands beneath the wrappings?
>You used to be able to recharge stamina at full speed by blocking anytime so you could sprint around town doing Naruto moves to recover so they changed that to be in combat only.
ngl I tried to see if that would work to game the system.
>he bought the bull
Oh no, hope you didn't want to romance Lara
Someone should screencap these posts honestly. Pretty good lore.
Reminds me of lost in vivo
Repostan' Dybovsky's blog post on Thief TDP, because it's a great piece of writing.
>There's no (and probably will never be) another game where life in all its aspects from the most sacred to the most mundane was presented in such stunning, clear, amazing simplicity. Where the sacred texts of the three rivalling churches are intertwined, where the protagonist's morning strarted with those horrible words: "Builds your roofs of dead woods. Builds your walls of dead stone. Builds your dreams of dead thoughts. Comes crying laughing singing of de Woodsie Lord..." Damn, it was fictional, wicked, disturbing church - but it's anthems sang of our world!
>And after that foreword, what do you think the protag did? - he simply went and stole things! That was his nature, that was his role. And the entire game spectacularly wasted away the greatness of that mission on the vanity of his task. And that final cutscene where show (the 'why can't we have that' kind, just like the one from Max Payne 1!) was falling, sticking all over the bronze statue frozen in doomed yearning upwards, where rats ate someone's stiff dead torso, where everything that happened turned out to be such a wonderful and trivial travesty. You won! - and yet, you're defeated, and it was not possible to feel what's going to happen in the end of your own life with more clarity...
>My friends, that game was incredible. Never forget it.
Thief TDP is the reason Dybowsky makes vidya at all.
IMAGINE needing a degree to save lifes
bought the supporter edition once I heard they had rough sales.
>Back to back bump limit Pathologic threads since yesterday
>game getting a lot of word on social media and good sales
>mandalore in the fucking thread telling IPL stories
>all this new OC and art
>hopes are rising for the other characters to actually make it in
I don't want it to end bros
why the fuck is this shit suddenly blowing up, god damn, the mandalore video made this game more popular than its own launch even did...
that being said cant wait for bachelor(not happening) and the marble nest remake.
>Die on day 9 for the second time
>Get to day 11
>Can't hug Lara
>game getting a lot of word on social media
Is it?
The review said it's not a tedious walkfest this time, so it got people interested
thief is one of the best games ever made, its a fucking shame what a disappointment thi4f ended up being, even deadly shadows for all its faults had great bits, but the 4th one is just irredeemable
Feels like the Rain World mk 2 threads again, interest died for ages after release and then came back again strong for a while. Enjoy it while it lasts.
Developers for DUSK and a few other developers/e-celebs are promoting the video and the game. Unsurprisingly indie developers were pissed to see small budget unique games get tossed out by journos.
>Try to hug her
>Haruspex freaking out that he can't raise him arms up
>Lara sadly telling him he doesn't have to hug her if he doesn't want to
Never heard of this but thanks for putting it on my radar. Makes sense that indie devs would start talking about it now that someone big enough (Mandalore) came out and gave the game a glowing recommendation.
All good things must come to an end user
Death itself isn't even an end if you're big brained enough like Aspity, and we even were blessed with a rare eCeleb poster who isn't cancer!
>she wants to smile but can't
>and artemy can't even give her a hug in what may be her final days.
>DUSK devs
Based, good game too.
Apparently Murky is actually a canon autist, if the artbook is considered canon.
>disappointment thi4f ended up being
Seriously, how naive you should be to expect something different? None of the people from LGS were involved!
oh, btw... They had a manifesto while making Thief, too, even if it's not as artsy as Dybovsky's
>Sitting around the table at a gaming "run" is a social activity and an exercise in imagination. Players express their imaginations through their social interactions and their creative approach to the problems of an adventure. The problem with the whole notion of the "computer role-playing game" is that this cannot happen the same way in a computer game. The social interaction which can be offered by a computer is pretty hollow, and most games don't provide a whole lot to replace it. The tedious mazes of pre-scripted menu options that some games (including our own!) have tried to pass off as "conversations" certainly don't cut it.
>The point is that great games don't happen by shoe-horning your design into a rigid category made up by some magazine.
I'm more heartbroken on how Underworld Ascendant turned out. It was supposed to be the big LGS comeback, dammit!
No problem at all. Grab Danko user. /t-8Wvzf9QzxT
I'll do rest of them later.
>You the artist?
I shitpost here from time to time. Happy to see comfy Patho threads are back.
Thief's painted cutscenes are still the best thing the gaming industry has to offer in terms of art direction. They're memerising.
>playing Pathologic 1 HD in native language
>because russian is my primary language
>still can't get most of the allegories
I think I'm not smart enough for this game, still I really love atmosphere of the game.
We're gonna make it. We're gonna get bachelor and all be back here again one day.
OFF is free and pretty short, go play it too
These are some of the best threads in this hellhole
how difficulty is russian to learn
>Psst, Burakh. Lara's getting her daily dose of Tan, the tasty drink that quenches both hunger and thirst. You wanna go sneak a peek?
it genuinely upsets me that bioshock is considered the pinnacle of story in games and when you get a game with an actually amazing stories journos slam it for being too hard
fuck the world, it isnt fair, i want bachelor..
compared to english, slavic languages are kinda hard
russian even more so, since they use a different alphabet
Thanks user
Russian is almost as hard as Japanese, I've heard.
mmm delicious tan
DESU, I dunno. I was raised in Russia, so I know the slang and can speak it w/o hesitation. Even after finishing high school I'm not good enough with writing. I'm serious.
BTW the most similar language to russian is greek.
i honestly though you were dead.
good this i was wrong
What is with this cuck shit?
To be fair, the original was a rushed mess and suffered from mistranslations and Pathologic 2 only came out a few months ago.
oh yeah, the original wasnt that great in terms of gameplay, but have you seen the reviews for 2? thankfully i think mandy has really helped i meant the game is back on top selling
>While PC games have been art since 2013 and BioShock Infinite
>entire wardrobe full of broken painkiller ampoules
Katerina...had a hard life.
The review now has more views after a day than any trailer for the game did
Thanks a lot, user
What is needed to get Oyun onto a wagon? Never saw this scene.
Why does she get so shit on bros
Daniil is a cute! Cute!
The alphabet is the easiest part, its like 30 letters at best, its the grammar that really fucks you up.
>most similar to greek is russian
Are you just saying that because of the funny letters or is Russian actually grammatically similar to Spanish like Greek is?
>professional drawfags here too now
Is this the best thread on Yea Forums in months?
You probably have to kill him like he asks you to.
I found this when I went to tumblr, it was qt. There are some shit ones though, I saw one with Grace, Peter and Andrey that could have been wholesome if not for the art.
Jesus christ I didn't even think to look in it.
In the original game she wasn't particularly likeable. Now she's more tragic and sympathetic. It's a nice character arc that can take place with the Saburovs, Grace and the Cathedral.
What up actors, it's ya boi
this is actually my husband even tho tumblr claimed him years ago
there's a reason why virtually everyone who gives a shit about ice-pick fucking hates tinybuild
they suck dick at selling anything that doesn't have "hello neighbor" in the title
oh no wait this is my husband. daniil is a midget and he shops at hot topic
Again, I dunno if it's really similar, but friend of mine who is studying as a doctor told me that greek is similar to russian. He even translated sentences in this video. I don't remember where but he told that there was a vulgar joke. Я нaдeюcь oн тaки зaкoнчит мeдицинcкий инcтитyт. Этo хepня тpeбyeт 10 лeт oбyчeния пoлyчeния для диплoмa.
>tumblr nose
I want to make her smile
grind up every pill you can find and eat it. It cures everything
kill him when you go into the abbatoir.
user that's not even that bad. It's still a decent drawing despite the nose.
>wanting to hold hands with an old and busted christmas cake whose ovaries are so dusty that she asks haruspex if they can adopt kids instead of asking him if they can make new ones
dumb user, why don't you join us chads in waiting for murky to grow up to be the perfect wife
smell snug smug
She's saying she isn't even 30 in that though.
>- his favourite games are weeb erotic dating sim called True Love for PC-98
holy shit based. That game isnt a weeb game zoomer boy. True love 98 was officially translated to english and was the shit back in the early internet days. Hell Iremember sharing tips with ym friends at school to fuck all the girls
She's getting close
Jesus christ how horrifying
I never realized it on my first playthrough, but apparently Vlad is more based than you might think. Not only can he help clear your name (assuming Lara or Bad Grief don't) but he appoints you as his personal physician which apparently is the reason you're given any authority in the town.
whatcha on about. true love 98 was pretty easy, only if you wanted to fuck every girl (except the mutually exclusive ones) in one playthrough then yes, it was hard, but other than that it was easy
Is Burakh also canonically autistic or is he just an oblivious blockhead?
Anyone got that picture of the actor running towards you in classic?
Bonus if its a video
Achieving likeness is not really that important user. Having a distinctive style and being able to work with colors, values and shapes is.
Is there anything saying what her actual age is?
Meant for
I tried my best actors
He's a blockhead, all his friends seem to realize that he's the least intelligent out of all of them, which is ironic considering that even though Bad Grief is a gang leader and Burakh is a literal surgeon, Grief is still more clever than him.
I think he's supposed to be the "well-meaning but stupid and prone-to-violence" sort of archetype.
If Mandalore is still in the thread he might have the actual video clip
> Is there anything saying what her actual age is?
I think she was 25 in Classic.
>- his favourite games are weeb erotic dating sim called True Love for PC-98 and Thief
I wasn't going to buy the game and was just lurking this thread, but now I will.
>He thinks the bull was for Lara
Someone should send this to him
I think that's about right, considering haruspex is 26 in classic, rubin is 23, haruspex has been gone for 6 years even in 2 and in 2 they all grew up within a similar enough age range where they could be childhood friends.
He left a while ago for some rest.
He'll probably see it, if the thread doesnt hit the bump limit before he returns.
Bayarlaa Khatanger
He said he was phoneposting so he could be lurking still, never know.
Fakologic 2 leeches off Everybody's Gone to Rapture.
That's the primary source of the majority of its artistry-related and tonal changes in comparison with the original.
Now to find the primary source on Pathologic 2 as a whole, that is, as a game.
I'll make remastered version os this. Just give me some time. It's too шaкaлиcтo for me.
bros...why are herb brides so hot?
how cant you hear of it. It was one of the bigger indie games. Its like quake or doom. But its horror is actually pretty real. One part youre in the dark, you hear the grunts of monsters coming for you, and you blast into the darkness. Shits pure adrenaline and nightmare fuel
Ample breasts contrasted with bony shoulders look fake, to be honest.
yeah I know actor, please do so.
Is it possible to actually satisfy this dweeb or will he always be pissy about your performance?
Why is russian literature always so anti authority and protagonists trying to be hyperindependent.
in the original game shes actually nice if youre playing the changeling. Although she still goes down the shitter over time as your reputation starts getting into trouble
Yeah. Don't die, ever.
>Why is russian literature always so anti authority
It's not, read more russian literature
I want to shoot my youthful seed into her rotten womb over and over until its rejuvenated
I like a challenge but being permanently hampered if you die felt like a slap in the face.
>russians have lived under corrupt, oppressive authoritarian regimes for the last hundred plus years
>gee I wonder why the intellectual, literary side of their culture that critiques what people dislike in their own societies so frequently comes down on authority figures
hot? they are mere animals.
just don't die, easy
i kind of wish this game wouldn't have NPCs randomly run up to you every so often
damn near gives me a heart attack every single time especially if it's happening while i'm dumpster diving or picking up some herbs
just let me load my game.
Is there unique dialogue at some point in the game if you never end up dying? What about if you finish the game without dying? Does the second actor still show up on the last day
that's no problem, I'm an animal too
Reminder any choice is right as long as it is willed
I'm thinking of replaying the game and turning down the difficulty sliders to see whether or not this happens.
>be in the middle of the steppe in the dark of night
>spot some fucker in the distance moving towards you at the speed of sound
Except taking the deal, if you willed that one you get what's coming to you.
lick my snakeskin coat you uneducated steppe swine, go collect flowers.
Are herb brides humans or are they implied to be female worms? I know worms are kin, but are still different from human kin.
But brides are treated like humans, like how Lara gets jealous over the one following Haruspex, and the one that you can advice to assimilate with the townsfolk.
*sighs* I'm at my ropes end...
herb brides are cocksleeves for the worms herding the cows
why the hell isnt there the moment where I have to gut the moneylender's daughter?
It ran afoul of russia's new antisemitism laws so they had to cut it
Nikolay talks about it in one of the podcasts
A shame. The combination of playing the bachelor and helping the guy out, and then finding her body at the place where the haruspex told you to find some fresh tissue was shocking.
And then going through the same as the haruspex when you have as objective hooking the bachelor up, seeing your position, and you realize the date.
u wot m8
Go away, Stakh, no one likes you.
I could have saved this game. I could have given Ice-Pick Lodge all the money they needed to finish the game and more, if only you foolish gamers had the good sense to trust me.
This is the future you chose gamers. This is what happens to games on the steam store.
fuck off stakh mate, go suck danill's tiny dick, as you usually do.
But based gamer Mandalore is helping the game now.
based eric
I keep seeing this game in my dreams. I think it has permanently lodged itself into my subconscious.
FUCK the Polyhedron and FUCK Daniil Dankovsky
>game releases
>was okay, some minor improvements
>let's see if there are any threads
>very few threads about it
>3 months later
>mandalore post video
>threads x infinity
i fucking hate you people
What do you guys think the new gameplay related mechanics for Bachelor and Changeling be this time around? It's extremely doubtful that it's going to be anything like Haruspex's healing mechanics considering how interwoven they are with steppe culture and teachings.
With Bachelor at least, I'm hoping they expand on blood examination and make it way more fleshed out, ie having to take frequent blood samples from various places and take them back to your "lab" to analyze them under a microscope in a way that's more interactive than it was in the first game. Maybe at some point you can get your hands on a portable microscope so that you can examine blood samples on the go. Diagnoses would be done by doing this interactive examination to glean as much as you can about the patient from their blood, and any treatment applied afterwards would stem from that. Maybe have the symptoms and descriptions a lot more fleshed out seeing as the bachelor is an educated doctor, and have more guesswork on the player side to determine what kind of medicine is to be given based off of the symptoms. Could be cool if they added in a handful of new additional painkillers/antibiotics/medicines to work with this, where illness isn't just a "they're sick or not" and you have to try to address specific symptoms with specific medicines to make them feel better, and maybe some medicines can remove certain symptoms but also introduce new ones that make you uncertain whether or not its a false positive side effect of the medication or the plague progressing in that patient
as a starsector oldfag I feel your pain. But just live with it. The AIDS will cure the leukemia
user there was plenty of threads at release, what are you on about? There's only been 3 threads.
As you said it's going to be shit about using the blood samples, using Eva's house or maybe Rubins warehouse to craft them.
don't be sad because it attracts shitposters who haven't played the game and never will
be happy because it attracts new players and keeps threads alive long enough for people who have already played it to discuss it in depth without them 404ing
we've been given another chance to talk about the game for longer than an hour or two every few weeks
>being mad that an e-celeb might save the devs and the rest of the game
fuck you too EYEfag
There were threads with 500+ replies for more than the week after the release.
We've been having Pathologic 2 threads since the Kickstarter was announced. Sure they died down every now and then but I wouldn't call them 'few'. Where have you been?
I love you Mandalore
Take your time healing
Love, user
I never understood this mindset, the kiddies who only played it because "le ebin e-celeb recommended it" will fuck off while those who actually were interested in the game will hang around.
>fuck you too EYEfag
>Mandy also made a video on EYE and attracted a lot of players to it
What did he meant by this?
>play the original
>play bachelor
>walk into house of a sick man
>hes dead
>his housemaid says hes dead and shes infected
>she has sisters that are also infected
>there was noone in the house
>end up being unable to do anything for her
>suddenly her two sisters spawn in and run at me like zombies
I was on like 5 different levels of NOPE
The first time you see the plague victims, wasn't it?
I think Bachelor will be involved in building barricades, marking houses with the sick, this kind of things. The Plague Scope™ will be back too. Changeling is mystery but IPL said they'll put a great effort in making every character playing different, they won't be simple reskin with a small gimmick like in P1.
Yeah. The whole setup fucks you up. You walk into a house. inside its dank and rotten. Theres like bloody rags on the wall and a single living woman inside. You talk to her, shes completely fucked up, but from whats shes saying its clear that shes messed up, and there are others you cannot see before but are also dangerous. So as soon as the dialogue ends and she turns into an enemy you turn around to get the fuck out of that place, only to stare into the eyes of her first sister. And in that split second you realize there most be another one somewhere.
Later when you invade a house at least you know shits is gonna be scary.
>The Plague Scope
Is it really necessary when it's so easy to see the plague clouds now?
You’re the fourth healer
If I remember correctly, in one of the Kickstarter updates they showed that it can help you detect which houses are "sick" but it was long ago and who knows what they're up to now.
I hope it's ok.
>True love
>Surround himself with hot bitches
Fucking based, holy shit.
>no option to elope from town with Lara
do you think the stripper he got for his art promotion is into pathologic. I mean, pathologic is pure women bait
childhood friends are never allowed to win
Why would she elope from her home?
if Artemy "chad" Burakh asks you to run away with him, you will run away
>pathologic is pure women bait
Not really.
>two chad mysterious stranger men to play
>doeeyed women thirsty for them
>women are secretly in power
Only if he brings the bull
>women like playing chad mysterious strangers
Going to need a source on that. Sure, one of them walks in town calling everyone incompetent savages and has life-or-death power over people, but the game really isn't what I'd call a fantasy.
>westacucks talking about a walking sim because some e-celeb shilled it
his knowledge of the lines of arousal leaves any woman shivering in lust.
men like playing sexy ladies. Women like playing male mysterious strangers. its not difficult. They probably imagine themselves being an autistic gravedigger or ravel being visited by artemy
>posts korean plastic
the Bachelor and the Haruspex are pure fujobait
it's WAY better than mine actor, well fucking done.
>They probably imagine themselves being an autistic gravedigger or ravel being visited by artemy
I'm getting a serious reality check right now
Sorry your cuck slavs can't make good games like Japan and resort to 2deep4u walking sims faggot.
>oh artemy-senpai, sweep me off my feet and take me away with your city knowledge. Youre part of an ancient respected bloodline, let me marry you and take your name and make a son to take on your mantle when youre old. Sure, the plague is terrible, but it brought us together, how cold, yet so romantic. Just hold me in your strong arms.
>can't make good games like Japan
Ah yes, generic anime protag #946, loved them.
>resort to 2deep4u
To be expected from a faggot posting some plastic gal
Thank you, actor.
I don't know why you fags seem to be sperging out about anything that isn't nipshit but could you not shit up these threads? They're the only good ones on this shithole.
Russian audio or English?
Russian is your native language? If so use Russian audio then.
Come on, don't die on me without reaching the 3rd bump limit. Here is a mod that replaces every texture in Pathologic Classic HD with Dybovsky's face.
Have we made it actors? This one is oh so tired after 5 years and must take a nap.
Because Dybovsky is a handsome, handsome man, that's why.
Mandy's video makes the muggings sounds very surreal
>stop right there*3
Another thing - Russian fans love to engage in munchkin walkthrough of Pathologic 1.
I think the Bachelor walkthrough that finishes the game with 2 MILLION monis takes the cake.
Daniil may have failed to find salvation for his laboratory in the town but he sure jewed the entire town so hard he can build 3 new ones instead. Too bad I can't find any screenshots.
Found it.
Daughterfu dating sim, but set in gopnikland.
>be russian
>cold and hungry
>spend your time min maxing plague simulator
What goes on in the mind of Russians?
Money only. As russian myself I can confirm that.
I started drawing this shit in 2015, and still can't do anything about it.
It's my new walllpaper. It's too good to be lost.
Shit son, that's great. Does it really need anything more?
Looks great
How about a COMPLETE FUCKING REDRAW with better composition and better distribution of tiny details than this mess?
>imcreases your game sales.
I don't draw much but I kinda get the urge to tinker until it's perfect (it never is) but that righthand one seems solid. A bit squished horizontally but maybe that's just the image itself. The town along the bottom looks fantastic.
the one major complaint I have is that your mother boddho is sorely lacking in mother-like attributes. where's the tiddies, is the question.
The rightmost is from when I opened the psd file a few months ago and saw that the composition is terrible so I tinkered with it with just a mouse for 20 minutes. I'll have to redraw the Polyhedron completely, figure out the what real world constellations to put there (or just take the patterns on the sky on the day 12 in the new game), balance out the details of the abattoir on the right and the city on the left and figure out what to draw on the sides of the BVLL so it didn't look like a wasteland compared to the rest of image.
Thank you gamer
first game looks really janky. Can I play this without having to do the first?
user, I...
>gets sean astin to appear in his lotr video
Pretty wild
with a fucked back no less.
>owl boy losing it in the background
Maybe just a sigil/brand or two on the sides? There's already a lot going on, it doesn't need to be too much busier.
note: I don't know what I'm talking about when it comes to drawing
>Sean Astin is asked who's the best gamer
>Goes on a monologue about Sean Bean dying
What was more painful, his fucked up back or playing this twice?
>in Pathologic I was dreading playing a new character
>in Pathologic 2 I was looking forward to playing the same
Your guess frend.
Yeah i skip that part because he just rambles on about other thing and not the story he was asked to tell.
Don't worry about that, I won't finish it any time soon because I mostly exist in vegetative state these days. Take this Ava instead.
The pain of existence is inescapable no matter how much currency you acquire, one can only blunt it. It's why all the old rich men are cannibal pedophile satanists that snort coke from the livers of children they carve up. And why Notch is still a miserable fat fuck. Might as well acknowledge the fact and seek solace in other places.
Mandy, you are a saint and deserve the world. Love ya, big guy.
Also, hearing you mention Harris Teeter in multiple videos was fucking surreal for me.
Fucking nice, good taste.
the void 2 when
Bump limit here we go
>Struggling to fund other routes
>Make the ultimate comeback and make the Void 2 as well
A man can dream
Damn I didn't expect a simulation of my life.
New thread since we're about to reach the bump limit.
Go to your next Bernie Sanders Campaign Event