What can we do to save Ecco the dolphin?

What can we do to save Ecco the dolphin?
The ocean is full of plastic.

Attached: Ecco.jpg (1100x619, 657K)

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Stop throwing plastic into oceans and rivers. Then ecco will be fine.

Get redpilled you stupid nigger

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I just said that stop doing it and ecco will live. Don't have to be so mean nigger.

By now, Ecco's stomach is probably filled with condoms.

Just stopping it is not enough anymore.
Extensive ocean cleaning operations need to be done.
Plastic has been found even in the deepest parts of the ocean. This shit doesn't just go away.

Thank the slant eyes, thank niggers, and thank capitalists.

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As eye opening it it, it doesn't show that many countries export their trash to these countries.

I'm sure that's true. I'm fine with going cleaning oceans if you can get the financial support for it. Count me in then. After all it's the ecco's life that we are talking about.

Well considering you're posting the pre-DC version, you'd have to get Sega to pull the stick out of their ass.
As of now, Ecco is still lost among the tides of time, never to return. The concerns of pollution do not affect him. Also remember that humans were most likely extinct in Ecco's world, leaving behind only ruins such as Atlantis.

Attached: Eccotimemachine.jpg (480x360, 52K)

genocide the chinese mainland

Source on that 90% figure? It sounds like it comes from that widely misinterpreted 2017 study about plastic that enters the ocean from rivers, which was ONLY about plastic that enters the ocean from rivers, not about all plastic.

With that said it does seem to be true that most plastic in the oceans comes from poorer countries without the infrastructure to properly process waste. But the OP wasn't implying anything about whose fault it was, he basically just said "2much plastic in da ocean" in response to which you started immediately sperging out.

Ecco the dolphin from the CD/Genesis games doesn't have to worry about pollution because humanity was mostly exterminated by the Vortex, and the remnants fled far into a different time using the time machine, never to return to the ruins of their destroyed society. Regardless of if they fled into the past (there's no effect noticeable on the present or they went into a different timeline) or the future (it'd be so far that they'd outrun the Vortex future, meaning a ridiculous amount of time), he's completely unaffected.
Ecco doesn't care about the plastic. Humans only left behind stone and metal.

I believe it's mostly like you said there's no proper waste processing. Or if there is, then it's not worth the extra money. Plus like some another user said some countries used to ship their trash to those countries. Probably still happens, but not that often because there's many ways to make money with trash nowadays.

>exporting plastic trash
isn't that a massive waste of shipping money? Why not just use a landfill, or dump it in the ocean themselves if that's all China does with it anyway?

>abuse 3rd world countries for easy profit and just dump all of the garbage in places that can't deal with it
capitalists really are intent on destroying the whole world aren't they

Yeah because every single thing you own was made there, retaed.

I want Ecco to be my friend.

liberals have no concept of personal accountability

Because then their bubble will be bigger on the map.

>Plus like some another user said some countries used to ship their trash to those countries
We still do. There was a huge shock to our recycling systems in 2018 because China stopped accepting plastic waste imports. Then other SEA countries tried picking up the slack and quickly found they couldn't, and banned plastic imports too.

A major reason they did so being that the average person is too fucking retarded to recycle properly and our "recycling" was always filled with diapers and electronics and shit.

Don't worry user Ecco would probably be your friend if you fed him a fish

I'm not hippie naturefag, but it's still sort of annoying when taking out the trash that there's something that doesn't belong when there's the bin for it literally meter away. Just super lazy.

He's literally right. The US doesn't even recycle, and now that China has told us to fuck off and is no longer going to buy or recyclables, where it gonna go bro? My moms ass is where

doesn't usa still use landfills? i think it's forbidden in a lot of countries.

damn how big is your mom's ass?

Just nuke China and India because they're responsible for 3/4 of trash in oceans and rivers


>Hey the water's getting pretty fucked up, you'd better stop dumping all that shit in it
>Yo bro for reals it's a toxic fuckin' ocean out there, stop it
>Imma fucking hazard motherfucker, motherfucker

>The US doesn't even recycle,