I barely use this. The novelty wore off after a month. Anything new out there I should try?

I barely use this. The novelty wore off after a month. Anything new out there I should try?

Attached: rift.jpg (1200x850, 66K)

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VRchat is the only game I would be playing with mine. That's a good one if you find the cool people.

Blade and Sorcery and To The Top are both fun

unironically mobile games are more enjoyable, the hardware is so good but damn is it boring

i cant find people who aren't incredibly cringey furries or retarded and underage.

Blade and Sorcery looks fun but it also looks like a $20 tech demo. This is sadly the case for most VR games. Fun for an hour but you never touch it again, and they cost as much as full "regular" games.

you are not looking hard enough
public pugs is the worst place to look

Are there any arcade racing games worth trying? I've played the redout demo but it was meh.

No Man's Sky VR is pretty good despite the bugs which are slowly getting fixed, but if base building and resource grinding isn't your thing I'd avoid it.

>Needing to join a community outside VRChat before you can play VRChat because public VRChat is a shithole

This is why I can't recommend that 'game' to anyone, it's only good if you already know people.

I'm not spending any money on VR until I can get a full suit for control and feeling as well as some device to put on my dick so I can have sex with vidya characters

No Man's Sky and Elite Dangerous are vr kino.

you dont need to join any bullshit group
just go other places than the pug and find people around same age

What said. The Great Pug is a waste of time. How about Japan Shrine? The english speaking people in there are usually pretty good. Hwanban Night (I think its called) is probably another good one.

has a valid point. The best time to join was Jan 2018 when there was a huge influx of users. That's when I got in, not knowing anybody.

There are dedicated groups of people who play but regardless of where you look you do have to be willing to accept that there will be cringy furries and anime women with male voices who actually see themselves as female. It just comes with the territory. If you're welcoming of them and focus on what you have in common though great things can happen. You only need one good friend to be connected to lots of other good ones.

Mean while you miss out

japan shrine is one of the best places if you can find someone you can speak with
notorious for weebs, japs and koreans but a fun or tranquil place depending on the time

I've tried VR on several occations, my best friend has one and we frequently play it when we're drinking or just hanging out at his place. It's fun but I can't see myself spending hundreds of dollars on it

its minecraft in space but you have access to trade networks so you can literally coddle down and become a farmer

See? Trusted Users know.

Oh, I'd stay away from game maps in general until you've made some decent friends. Murder 2 is best played with people you know/getting to know.

Take 300mg of DXM and 300mg of Benadryl and you'll forget you have a headset on

How is the porn though? I remember people buying VR goggles just for porn.

Best headset for porn only? I'm guessing the big names are overkill for that?

dirt rally 2,0 as well is insanely fun

IL-2 Battle of Stalingrad/ DCS / Elite Dangerous. Pretty much cockpit games.

Elite Dangerous
Autistic Tabletop Games in Tabletop Simulator

Those are my top 5

hell he should join alcoholicHQ for drinking buddies

Ah, I've never even heard of this place. Is it any good? My friends create worlds for us to goof around in so I don't world hop often. I imagine it gets busy from like 9pm-2am EST

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Just pirate everything. I've had good fun with a few games, the only one I've put significant time into was beat saber. I just use it for porn now. Sacred Siren was a cool "experience" that recently had a demo.


classic VRC