Have PS4 5.05 fw

>Have PS4 5.05 fw
>Still no hack for later hacks

>Hack as fuck, you can play latest games

The most autistic and shitty PS4 scene ever.

Attached: PS4-Hacked.png (800x450, 338K)

we gonna put hack in your hacks

>Muh private hack

PS4 scene is shit

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>The most paid-off and shitty PS4 scene ever.
Multiple groups have both stated they have exploits, and showed them to Sony behind closed doors at security conferences. Sony is paying out mad dosh to keep them from releasing stuff.

Nah, groups are only faggots because some anons say bad things about them in Twitter.

I'm not picking up GR2 until they can get their shit together

Dunno the last one released was useless. I doubt that the so called groups go behind the closed doors at some conference to showcase some shit.
It's more the "white hat" inviduals who go for the bounty money. and I can almost guarantee that they don't fly to some conference to get money.

>buy me a "coffee"bux < twitter feefees
Not how the scene works. If under-the-table fan donations is less than corporate hush money, the exploits go "private".
Unless you believe hackers like living in some east bloc slav shithole to avoid litigation just to release exploits of generosity.
The existing private stuff has been out so long there's no way someone else wouldn't have discovered at least one and released it public. Sony is playing whack-a-mole with money.

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Nah, switch hackers are bros for free. PS4 is just a bunch of faggots who don't show any proof about muh private hack.

Switch is just a tegra tablet with previous known exploits. Has nothing to do with the scene being "bros"

not really how the scene used to work at least. No idea if there are any old school scene groups even alive or do they have the same principles anymore.
You try to break something and be the first to do it. More about having fun and trying your limits than financial gain. At least that's how I've always understood it.

That's how it was until a literal yakuza was breathing down your neck for it.

Thats why ps1,PS2, PSP, Vita don't have hacks... wait.

The only reason is the group of faggots don't release the hack because nobody gonna pay for that. Also they are public knowed (Face, name, where they live) so law gonna Chase them.

>ps1,PS2, PSP, Vita
big companiest don't give a shit about scenes when they're niche
PS3 was a fucking disaster once the normie term "jailbreak" started getting used, and the bean counters checked the bottom line impact.
They made sure the PS4 can't suffer the same fate. Obviously it's working.
Private hacks don't stay private long once other groups know something is possible. Look at the history of announced exploits. They go to conferences, and suddenly make excuses why they can't release shit. I'd let anyone call me a fag on Twitter if Sony is paying me fat sums.

Watch how fast PS4 exploits appear 2 years from PS5's launch.

out of curiosity. where's list of announced exploits? sounds like twitter people attention whoring.

But these groups are gods? Nobody in the entire world can hack like them?

Is amazing how still nobody release a hack.

ps4 is just a ryzen with previously explored hax methods with a FUCKING SATA HARD DRIVE

And yet there's no hacks. Makes you think.
Unless you also believe Epstein killed himself?

PS4 has no exclusive games worth playing.
Switch is a handheld so there will always be appeal to loading emulators on a handheld device and carrying that shit with you.

Might as well update it.

>ps4 is just a ryzen

except it is not

Snoy is a bunch of sjw faggots, they can't kill, only censor.

I'm sure part of the reason was that they made a lot of money producing those usb tier sticks.

It did before they all got ported, only one remains now

>>Hack as fuck, you can play latest games
More like
>Simple as fuck, you can emulate latest games

No, they're probably being threatened with lawsuits if they do release it.

Only good exclusive is Bloodborne.
The rest of them are shitty SJW games.

Nah, you can do with the device that bought whatever you want. I think there were lawsuits about it maybe 10 years ago the last time.

Based ESL

The state of PS4 scene

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