Looks like the Imperium doesn't tolerate bullying.
Other urls found in this thread:
I need more planets.
Hey guys! If you ever come by one of those systems with a friendly beacon outside, please do come visit! We're very lonely!
fuck off soren
You have 10 seconds to explain why you still have DME installed.
I kinda wish the faction mods didn't have it so that the factions in question didn't have every single type of ship hull/role in them.
It ain't thematically necessary for there to be a BLACKROCK SPECIFIC FUEL FREIGHTER DONUT STEAL ain't there
Appro-Light translator user here.
I saw the bug post in the previous thread and wanted to post the latest translation here just in case it would fix anything: mega.nz
I fixed a few bugs related to crashes but I'm not versed well enough in java to pin-point exactly where the extra %s that the AL_Campaign_Manager is referencing in that bug report since it could be located in any number of the csv or json files.
why do the luddic path cells keep making new bases? i have destroyed like 5 already but they keep making more instantly
At least it's a regular-sized combat tanker and not a 10K capacity abomination like the Blue one.
Because they're a terrorist sect and will constantly crop up over and over again.
Vayra's Sector stops pirates and Path from respawning if they're wiped out.
The apogee neds more OP
All it needs is the back medium mounts to be able to hit in front of it, then it'd e good instead of just cute
The apogee is such a great ship. I don't know if it needs to be buffed. Its firepower isn't great, but it has ridiculously strong shields. If low deployment costs were actually strictly a good thing I'd even call it OP, the thing only costs 18 to deploy.
Is it worth taking the Diable capital ships at all? They're slow as fuck but I need my Wanzer spam to satisfy my inner /m/anlet
What's the best possible Nexerelin start?
Maelstrom is pretty decent if packing the right weapons, the two added wanzers are just the cherry on top
You can slap wanzers in normal carriers, they just lack the servicing suite.
That portrait is from Front Mission 3 is it a mod or devs are stealing art work?
Mod you baka
>Slavaboo commiewank overpowered trash
>out-of-place garbage ship art
hard pass
You guys are a part of the correct faction right?
Why yes, I did sign up with the Hegemony
Oh no no no no hahahahahahaha
Where are your mods user?
Any mod to unlock the officer level limit? I tried editing config file but they don't get any skill options when I try to level up
Officers have some skills locked.
I know they can't get all player skills, but even skills that are level 1 instead of 3 don't show up as an option to improve
>Faction has superior aesthetics to base game factions
>Is underpowered and not really worth running
I hate it
Finishing up my (mostly) vanilla campaign. Been about 30 hours and I got too much money/ colonies and no fleets can stop me.
What sort of mods should I get to increase replayability? Is nexerlin the goto or are there others? Which faction mods are good and which should I avoid?
>has superior aesthetics to base game factions
>and not really worth running
I had a lot of success with them last run
I found that the best way to build these ships is to run them as artillery, otherwise, they end up dead by everything else.
Really, where is this superior aesthetic? I'm afraid I dont see it on your post
>playing faction mods
I pop in these threads and always have no fucking clue what you guys are talking about. How is this game? Is the learning curve steep? What's to stop me from buying that new, casual Rogue Galaxy game?
Guys, look at these cool friends I made! was right!
its basically space mount and blade, pretty steep learning curve and theres tons of mods
Oopsie! I was busy having such a good time with my friends I forgot to attach an image!
>playing someone else's Donut Steele overpowered faction shit
Even the "weak" or "balanced" faction mods have more than a few components that are strictly superior to their vanilla counterparts.
Tried out Gypsy Moth. Holy fuck is it useless.
>it's okay if the Onslaught is powerful because it's not from a mod
So? Vanilla factions still have better ships than 90% of modded factions. With some exceptions like Neutrino and Imperium.
Vanilla has shit so overpowered no mod can ever top it and here you are complaining that some modded weapon has 50 more range for similar damage even though it's used on inferior hulls.
What you are describing is called advantages and disadvantages, and vanilla factions have those too you fucking freak.
you're right! the cores there are so friendly that they don't object being ripped out from their hulls and forced to work in my factories, making ship sized dildos for eternity!
brackrock driveyards
luddic enhancement
diable avionics
unknown skies
those are what i run
lol this smoothbrain
tell us about these "overpowered" vanilla shit. i'll wait.
>Neutrino and Imperium.
a normal fleet can dab on neutrino and imperium fleets without problem.
>Caring about "balance" over fun in a singleplayer game
Fuck off to Overwatch or League of Legends you sad, sad fucker
>Responding to correct statements even the devs acknowledged with reddit buzzwords
You're one dumb motherfucker.
>what is the paragon
>what is the onslaught
>What are both ships specced to never generate more flux than the one they can't dissipate.
They are gods.
what, moving the goalpost already?
>someone's haphazardly put together oc mod is less overpowered than vanilla stuff
care to provide proofs to this extraordinary claim?
>All the people disagreeing with me share the same opinion
Doom's mines
Drover's reserve deployment
Astral's recall
>Onslut needs to ditch half its hardpoints for it to stay at least flux neutral
>has one (1) forward firing large ballistic
>a glorified HVD slowEagle that can fit ~2 more HVD in the front for the cheap cheap deployment cost of 40
this nigga needs to go back to school
broken clock is right this time around
Should you just learn all the blueprints you come across?
anyone know where is value for a pay for exploration(scan derelict) missions? I mean for a reward
i want to lower it
The Alistair, pictured in is the strongest ship in its faction. It is slower, has worse flux and fewer hardpoints than the Paragon, a vanilla ship of the same class. The same holds true for the capitals of the Diable Avionics, NGO and Blackrock mods. Vanilla capital ships are hilariously broken, and you need actual gamebreaking godmode shit to top them with mod ships.
No, sell them all to the Luddic Path and pirates. They will properly dispose of them to ensure they don't fall into the wrong hands.
Because it's more content and there's nothing stopping you wiping them the fuck out?
>Vanilla capital ships are hilariously broken
Wrong. The only broken capital is the Paragon. Anyone who thinks Onslut, Conquest, and others are "hilariously broken" have no idea how to fit their ships and probably the same retards who harp on about how vanilla carriers are overpowered.
>Doom's mines
>Drover's reserve deployment
Powerful, but not OP. Wrong
>Astral's recall
Powerful, but not OP. Wrong
Strictly wrong
You sound dangerous to society.
Speaking of which, should I sell blueprints to its corresponding faction or would that still beef them up?
>Drover's reserve deployment
The Drover's ability doesnt boost bombers anymore user
Jigoku, huh.
>Onslut needs to ditch half its hardpoints for it to stay at least flux neutral
dude, an onslaught that doesn't have the need to vent flux, always has its shields raised and can continuously fire its weapons is more dangerous than one that has all its hardpoints filled with guns. Something like pic related can stomp all the vanilla ships on the game, and most of the modded ones as well.
>Onslaught needs to stay flux neutral
>an Onslut
Nigger do you even play this game.
How can you remove bad traits from the Starship Legends mod?
So what's the strongest vanilla faction?
Lore and number of markets wise its the hegemony
TriJews if you want OP ships
If it's not in the black market pirates can't get access to them
mothball them for some months
throw'em into storage
Hegecucks no doubt.
Should I go for freeport as soon as i make a colony? What are the downsides
the fact that it needs to ditch so many hardpoints to the point where the only functioning gun is the built in half assed thermal pulse is what makes it not overpowered. please keep up.
>that fit
LMFAO holy shit no wonder you retards think onslaught is OP. you don’t even have the brain cells to fit it around its built-in.
In the config file theres an ignore malus flag
Does this reset the fame rank completely?
are you one of those “muh onslut is an armor tank” retards?
why do people keep saying this thing is good, it has dogshit flux disipation, its weapons are crippled by a pair of hangers and the micro missiles are shit. Stop this shitty diable fucking meme, all of their ships suck dick compared to vanilla.
The Luddic Church and Hegemony will start sending expeditions your way.
Reduced stability and also some factions will start attacking you.
Don't bother with a freeport until your colony is better developed. Not only do you want more defenses to counteract the stability penalty and to protect against the attacks, but you won't see a big difference in income until your colony starts demanding a lot of drugs and organs anyways (Or if you have light industry).
I didnt say it was good, just decent now did I
It can definitely get the job done and its fun to pilot, what more do you need?
>are you one of those retards who uses a hammer to hit nails in? Haha, I use my flux neutral vagina.
the tachyon lance negates anything that is ever added into any mod, it is simply the most powerful weapon in the game including all the custom content.
i need it to not get boddied by a ludite space station because its shittier than cruisers.
ah, so you looked at its armor stat and assumes it’s an armor tank without a shred of knowledge on how armor works in this game?
it’s okay to be retarded, but at least some self-awareness would be nice.
Which is better: Paragon or Jean d' Arc?
What a shitty sprite
>the fact that it needs to ditch so many hardpoints to the point where the only functioning gun is the built in half assed thermal pulse is what makes it not overpowered.
Oh, but it is. most of the small hardpoints are OP traps that don't help the overall firepower of the ship and given that they are on the side, their only purpose is to be point defense guns, which is a job that the flak cannons can do way better. Now, i agree that the TPC can be a little bit underwhelming, but it becomes a complete monster when they basically don't ever stop firing. And if they ever stop firing, you can use the annihilator rockets to finish the job.
just try that build. A reckless officer literally go against three other onslaughts and come alive.
wrong. tach lance takes too long to go through armor for the flux it generates. it’s an anti shield weapon with a downside unlike the modded faction garbage where mixed damage types completely negate any semblance of weaknesses. they might as well be all non beam energy weapons.
How do I make playing as Blackrock fun. The only cruiser I have access too, the knight, seems awful.
are you nuts? it absolutely wrecks anything.
Let me tell you why you’re retarded in one sentence:
>thinking continuously fired TPC is any sort of a threat
Now I know you're trolling.
Listen you retard. If I can take an onslaught and face to face 1v1 a paragon without ever using my shield and kill it before I take hull damage, how is that not an armor tank you absolute dribbling cretin.
Get their capital ship and realize how fun a battlecruiser teleporting all over the fucking place is
don't mind if i colonize
The Knight is on the lower end of their ship catalog. It's slow, ridiculously OP starved, and doesn't adhere to the fast, bursty play that most of their ships go by.
Paragon. Those 4 medium energy hardpoints all overlap, throw the right stuff in there and its a shield melter.
>Is it worth taking the Diable capital ships at all?
diable avionic stuff has shit flux management, shit armor (unless you slap imperium mod on them), so they need mobility.
Maelstrom, pandemonium and daze don't have mobility at all, but they're damn good gun platforms as long as they don't get shot
Which LPCs are actually worth a dang?
Can you organize your fleet into wings already, so you dont have to designate the carrier escorts for every fight?
Why haven't more mods capitalized on being able to make mechs for fighter wings? I want my Gandums god damn it.
Cope and Stay Hydrated
Broadswords are always decent
Claws are nice for the mass EMP
I wish you could do more stuff with marines and that heavy armaments worked like heavy machinery for marines
>Be me
>Get attacked by terrorists
>Bomb the shit out of every terrorist home territory into a wasteland in retaliation
>WTF why do the terrorist still appearing?
>Pic unrelated
>Be "you know who"
>they're slow as fuck
*teleports behind you*
Let's settle this once and for all; Hegemony or Tri-Tachyon?
Remove TriJews
Hegemony for life
Which mods add new types of planets? Do they work with the default sector or does it have to be a random sector from Nex?
Is Conquest actually a meme like entire midline?
unknown skies?