what is the video equivalent of the office? i.e. a game everyone loves
What is the video equivalent of the office? i.e. a game everyone loves
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Mario Kart.
>Everyone goes nuts over it
>become more ingrained into culture than the original property it was based on
>everyone feels the need to include it in tinder bios
Came here to say this.
Any Final Fantasy trash.
why do white people love the office so much?
Hits close to home in a way that's almost uncomfortable, but not quite.
The humor that comes from people with deplorable social skills is universally relatable among white people.
it's an alright show that feels nothing like the other stupid sitcoms that aired on TV at the time.
As a white people, I genuinely don't know. I finished up to season 7, which is supposedly when it stops being good, and I didn't really care for any of it.
they all aspire to work a middling office job with their oneitis while they make snarky quips at an invisible audience
I’ve watched one episode.
Mario Bros 3
Nobody hates Saints Row 3.
Metal Gear Solid. The first one, not the sequels
Halo 3. It's fine but nothing special
You mean a game that annoying twats bring up to seem like they're a part of something instead of admitting it's a shit game for shit people with no personality? I have no idea.
don't forget to afford a template to the credible
shameful to criticize with no optimism
It's like a real life slice of life anime. The humor jives with me and I like the coworker's interactions with each other because they're cute. I got quite attached to them all over the seasons
Carell carried this show hard
being a contrarian is such a charming personality trait
>Rashida Jones
I'd fifty six her percent
It's literally reaction faces the show.
The first time I watched it I liked it. But then I turned it on a couple years later just for background noise and I absolutely hated it.
It's Zelda, the game every normie without a personality loves more than they really should.
I just don't care for the show, man. If people like it, good on them, but it's just not my cup of tea.
Why is it that americans link everything to race and try to force stereotypes on white people that dont exist?
Final Fantasy. Casual, anyone can pick it up, can be enjoyed out of sequence as each game is standalone, turns to shit after 6, mindless popcorn entertainment.
I don't care. It's the pinnacle of white culture. You either like it or you're out of the club.
No laugh track, unlike those nigger shows (Tyler Perry, etc)
i didn't know The Office was a white thing.
>why do white people love the office so much?
said the white person
Would Big Bang Theory been a better show without laugh tracks? Awkward silence seems to be the most fitting for a show about nerds.
Nah the laugh track is the soul of that show
play a record
The Office spent more time being bad than good, unfortunately
It's not white people. It's Americans.
How 'bout some ads?
Nomura shit
>as a white people
Sure thing, mohammad
Better question. What's the Parks and Rec vidya equivalent?
This is an american site, you're just posting on it.
No it didn’t. The first 5 seasons are great, 6 and 7 are ok until Michael Scott leaves, 8 and 9 are cancer. That’s 5 great. 2 ok. Seasons compared to 2 bad seasons
Unironically Dark Souls. The majority of the fanbase are normies who didn't have the patience for WRPGS or JRPGS. Dark Souls provides a responsive control scheme and action gameplay with heavy RPG influence, creating the illusion that it's deeper than it is, as you can just overlevel yourself and rip through the game; and because of Dark Souls reputation as a "hard game", casuals conquer the game so they can hang this completion of Dark Souls as their crowning acheivement.
this is bad right? looks like shit and that Aziz poo in loo guy is awful
>white culture
>can't travel 20 clicks in Europe without finding different language, value system, food, look, music and fuckever.
>white culture
are you perchance american or something?
you stupid american the office is boring crap, try watching real comedy like only fools and horses or allo allo
purin-chan's boxing gym for sure
Not a huge fan, but it is better than most shows. Of course it's ripped off a British concept
>No laugh track
>Was one of the first mainstream to use the camera style so many emulate now
>Fairly well designed characters
>some skilled actors
>best writers in the business
Even the great seasons had a lot of bad. Primarily that way too much time was spent on shitty "drama"(ie forced love triangles repeated 50 times)
I think they just love awkward situation comedy.
He is shit, but Ron and Andy are good.
Nah it's pretty good, bar the final season or two.
Yea Forums is actually one of the least American English-language sites out there. Reddit is something like 80% American, but Yea Forums is less than 50%.
I do not love The Office.
Why do they like US office over the original office then?
This, except the two you mentioned fucking suck.
Yeah, it's bad. It's got the classic American sitcom thing where every character is WACKY and ZANY and isn't remotely human, so the comedy falls flat.
I'm Irish
>IP count increased
>Why do they like US office over the original office then?
It's better.
you're right user, Irish people are not white
It's between 30-50% IIRC, that's still quite high
Fucking garbage show, nobody likes it or even the British version.
Based and redpilled
>basically stole the template of another show and took away its soul
>Has 1 or 2 good characters, rest are incredibly annoying
>Forces themes like "friendship crosses all boundaries!" down the viewers throat
Overwatch maybe?
Seinfeld > the office
I'm Asian.
It's pretty relatable doing office work. Michael is part of everyone's boss. He has good intentions but some of the ideas come off as stupid.
Thanks Sam for forcing us to switch from Windows workstations to Mac Workstations for no reason other than to flex. Bright idea there.
it has a few decent Ron quotes but that's about it.
Whether or not it's better (I don't like either of 'em), it undeniably does not focus on the awkward humour of the UK office.
It's like 47% lmao but that's still remarkably low. You have more of a chance of talking to a Brit, a Kraut, or some random ESL than of replying to a Burger, and that means people on this site don't just assume the users have American cultural knowledge, like other sites do. It's nice.
3>4>>>7>>>>1 is untiered because it's a different show
Not sure. Silicon Valley's better.
>burger office
I was gonna say Super Mario World but way more people play Kart instead.
SMW has characters named the way Michael Scott remembers peoples names.
>everyone feels the need to include it in tinder bios
It's not my fault it's the easiest way to get girls talking. Same with Harry Potter.
I wish Elaine really looked like that though
t. 29 year old boomer
Dark souls
It came during the period where technology was slowly creeping up to everyone's lives
Oh God this studio is really good at making girls I wanna FUCK
As a Brit learning Chink you would not believe how often Harry Potter comes up
>except the two you mentioned fucking suck
how the fuck can you say that only fools and horses suck, you are the first person i've ever seen uttering such blasphemous words
>actually liking network tv
What's it like having a sub 90 IQ?
It sucks, man, it's just desperately unfunny. There's not a damn good joke in it. Fucking Porridge is better.
Father Ted's the only sitcom I like, thinking about it. I used to like Blackadder, but that was a long time ago.
What's the Emmerdale equivalent?
>brit office
Fifa, I suppose. CoD is Eastenders. God only knows what the fuck the Archers would be. Tetris?
The office went to shit after the third season.
>sequel/remake of a slightly niche entry
>dumb as shit but highly likable all the same
>went on way too long with no real direction
>relies on cheap jokes to keep your interest
>each character is basically a meme instead of actually interesting and fleshed out
mass effect 2
>As a Brit learning Chink you would not believe how often Harry Potter comes up
As an American living in New England, I can tell you that the only way I couldn't believe how often Harry Potter comes up is if it didn't come up at all. It is literally what people made Twilight out to be (something chicks absolutely adore that guys just pretend to like to get laid) except much more universal.
>game everyone loves but totally shits the bed towards the ending
>As a Brit learning Chink you would not believe how often Harry Potter comes up
kinda ridiculous really, I dated a japanese girl in college and all she watched was Harry Potter, she read all the books, and she wanted to go see Fantastic Beasts the day it came out.
Seasons 1 - 6 are good with some mediocre episodes in between. The rest are whatever.
It's not even a "getting laid" thing. Ever since I told a Nip girl I hated Sherlock and watched the excitement drain from her eyes as she whispered "oh, I thought you looked like him" I've learned not to reflexively shit on people's interests.
Everyone with taste hates it because of what a shit follow up it was to 2
It's almost as if he was making a joke because 3 was incredibly polarizing.
you should've bolted the second she said she likes Sherlock. Also I personally would say that looking like Benedict is an insult.
Jersey Shore is the best comedy show ever made.
Because it's not uncomfortably awkward.
What kind of turbowagie watches this shit?
>spends all day in the office
>goes home
>watches a show about an office on the electric jew
it's slice of life comedy, is relatable
She was a patrician aside from that. Really, a lot of interesting people can still have tastes I disagree with. It's dumb to dunk on people for liking Skyrim or Sherlock when they can also like Mishima and PS:T.
>Also I personally would say that looking like Benedict is an insult.
A bit harsh on the guy, he's got a unique look and it's worked out for him. In my case it was 100% because I'm English and I was wearing a big black coat.
They really aren't no matter how much you repeat this. The central plot was resolved at the end of season 3 and everything else was just treading water with increasingly retarded plotlines and absurd characters. There is nothing good after season 3.
It's obnoxiously lighthearted but you could do worse.
Just be German instead
>spends all day at the office
>goes home
>plays a video game about driving a tractor or truck
There are retarded people out there who genuinely think 3 is some beloved masterpiece. It disgusts me but they exist.
>electric jew
Also isn't the lead actor a jew? Americans really are just marionettes.
You have your opinion and I have mine. Aren't opinions wonderful?
le 56% creatura
>I'm Irish
m8 you are most likely paler and more white then the average american.
Parks and Rec > Office
fite me irl
His opinion is backed up with reasoning.
The show should've been about the hijinx of the week carried mostly by scott. But instead they just focused on awful drama which they couldn't write for shit, and throwing in more characters, all of whom sucked except andy.
I don't need reasons that I enjoy things and I'm definitely not worried about swaying people on Yea Forums about a tv show.
Oh lol sorry I can see how you'd be confused. I am American, I'm just Irish.
user, nobody enjoys things for no reason. You do have your reasons, no matter what you say.
aubrey is really cute in it, the main reason i watch it
Everyone loves TF2
>grew up on shows like Chappelle's Show and Wonder Showzen
Fuck me, I was watching Yea Forums before I even began browsing Yea Forums; no wonder I've found all these boring, 'safe' sitcoms so dull.
>you'll never see shows you like ever again
>I'm american
>I'm just irish
So you are a caucasian american, glad we got that figured out.
You're as much irish as I am because 500 generations back my ancestors where celtic lmao.
I dislike this show. Not for the "plot" or how it is an America copy of the BBC show of the same name. I dislike it due to Steve Carell. I cannot stand that unfunny fuck of an actor.
A vidya equivalent of the Office? I would go with Mario 64, Ocarina of Time, or any game that normies use as nostalgic bait on dating sites or in-general.
Oh yeah, fuck my grandparents who came over here because the Brits were shitting on their country, I guess. I think I know whether I'm Irish or not.
I'd say more like LoL, since it was made by the same people that worked on the first template.
>The humor that comes from people with deplorable social skills is universally relatable among people with deplorable social skills.
Team Fortress 2
as an american with a bong i can say that brits are ok
i played some call of duty modern warfare 2 last couple days and it gave me the same feeling of being personality-less as watching the office so probably that
What is the Curb of vidya?
Hard mode: Not Zero Time Dilemma
requires an 85 IQ to understand
>Have you ever set food in ireland for anything longer then just a muh ancestry trip of +- a week to a month
>Do you speak gaelic
Hey geuss I'm fucking frisian, french, german, celtic and anglo-saxon. Because of my grandparents, great grandparents and ancestors.
>Of course it's ripped off a British concept
Is it really a rip-off if it's just the original writers adapting it for a new audience?
> Of course it's ripped off a British concept
It is entirely based off of the british original series, not just a concept.
Kirby Air Ride :City Trial
I'm going to Ireland this Christmas you fuck, it's not my fault you're some bland blend of Anglo and Germanicfag. And yes I have been to Ireland before.
>all of whom sucked except andy.
At least until they made him manager. Holy shit I've never seen a character raped so hard.
This. OP is a faggoty teenager
Do they get butthurt over ordering a lighter ale/lager layered on top of a stout?
Teenagers weren't even alive when the office started airing.
Only if you're an American or a Brit.
It’s always sunny is far better and funnier
>I'm going to Ireland this Christmas
Aha looks like I hit a nerv so only the token muh heritage visits, bet you don't even have a permament adress or actual relatives living there. Geuss I'm nip now because I've visited the country 6 times, wait I'm more nip then you because I actualy have relatives living there lmao.
And nah unlike you I don't claim to be anything but what I and my parents where actualy born into. I don't have to pretend to be anything to feel less shit.
It's never funny in Philadelphia
>a fucking weeb
Yeah, no, thanks for your advice but I don't think I'm going to listen to it. C'mon, I always say I'm Irish when people ask where I'm from. Everyone says it. We just are. You don't need an Irish passport to be Irish.
Most overrated show of the last decade.
I actually asked an Irish tourist that before and he was not a fan of calling that drink a black and tan. Compared it to a 9/11 shot, which I wouldn't care about either. We have drinks named after Pearl Harbor so fuck it. Forgot to ask about Irish car bombs but I'd bet he'd cry about that one too.
I think the first 7 seasons are among the funniest comedy tv ever, but I've never seen a show go to shit so abruptly. Season 8 and beyond are unwatchable except like 2 episodes at most.
Depends on the person, honestly. It IS sorta like a 9/11 drink, in that some people would find it funny, some people would hate you for it, and some just want to drink alcohol.
I thought the one with ponderosa in court was hilarious. That was from season 11
>I'm a weeb for visiting relatives that live aboard
>Celtaboo here claiming he's actualy irish
>Can't speak gaelic
>Wasn't born in ireland
>Hasn't grow up in ireland
>Doesn't have relatives in ireland
>Doesn't even have a fucking irish passport
Hey I get it having zero culture beyond pop culture must suck but claiming to be something you're not isn't helping anybody.
>>become more ingrained into culture than the original property it was based on
It's crazy how this is the case despite regular Mario games still selling substantially better
Mario Kart is the definitive video game to normalfags
all the black and asian people at my job love the office though.
Can confirm the Asian thing. We had a guy who'd never left India before as a flat mate so we introduced him to the Office and he loved it. I hate it.
>I'm more Irish than you
No one fucking cares about heritage except try hards who have nothing else going for them. "I'm this," "I'm that," you're a pretentious cunt is what you are.
The Office is about the only sitcom I can tolerate. Crazy how much having actual funny moments that don't need accentuated by laugh tracks can improve a show.
its about having jobs and penis envy
you guys wont get it
There isn't a single damn funny moment in the Office (US or UK) and you know it.
>in college
>roommate watched the office on a fucking loop, all seasons multiple times.
I just do not understand how someone can be that invested. Yeah, there were some good scenes in it, but in reality they were so far and few between. It's not a show worth rewatching, let alone rewatching several times, unless you get off on awkward social tension of seeing Steve Carell make a complete ass of himself yet again.
on the off-chance you're not trolling, what's a funny sitcom for reference then?
Honestly I hate most of 'em. I like Father Ted though.
It's funny
Judging from the way most people type on here, none of you monkeys can fucking speak English.
God that show is so fucking bad literal snoozefest
It’s funny, and a metric shit ton of people like the show, even though you don’t. Your shit taste doesn’t speak for everyone.
>Says this when the Office exists
>being born without a brain
my condolences
>a game every degenerate who uses reddit loves
In that case, Minecraft.